1". (Sec. Ill) Statesman, Salon, Ore, Fri, July 6, 5fl llhnk Steak praised in Ccncommo f.ivt th family treat by sen li t flank steak not stuffed and rv!fd ai usual but left (teak ityle a.s rooked to Juicy tenderness in a -vegetable sauce. The diagonally arjred steak that'a all meat and imi wast make beadson addt- tida te th family, dinner table, and beat of all. it's a thrifty meat . know ai a budget stretcher fat aa early summer sneea fea turing aavery flank steak, include fluffy whipped potatoes aa which to icrva tha rick gravy, and tea. 4-t tree peat with pearl onion, Add a salad at tomato and eriap cucumber slicet aa lettuce, aad lot deeeert, serve a simple March pudding with fresa rhubarb and strawberry sauc. Crusty wa- te rolls and coffee, tea or milk could campleta tha saeau. . flank sttak hi a leaa, faa- hoped muacle with aa bona. The meat rlibers rue lengthwiat, and therefore the meat is of tea scored before cooking, as that tha cooked . steak is fork-tender whea served. Ts "scert" flank steak, make lljht cuts acraai tha gram t faith apart.) - , 1 Braiauuj it tha recommended Cooking method for flank steak, whether tt is fluffed and rolled or conked steak style. In this re cipe for savory flank steak, car rots and consomme are added to tna flour-dredged meat after it has been well browned in int. SAVOR T FLANE STEAK I flank steak, 1" to J pounds' .1 teaspoon salt . . , . , kk leaapooa pepper ! ; Floor' -.tt ' ; .X tablexpoons fat , ' 1 can 1-H cups) eoasomme - .' ar 14 cups bouillon . cup grated carrot ' Rave steak scored into diamond shapes. Sprinkle inert with rait and pepper, thea dredge in flour. Brown on both sides In hot fat. tuing a large, heavy skillet. Add concomme ar bouillon aad carrot, rover pan, awl cook slowly oo top of tha range ar la a SO T. oven until meat is tender, about 1 hours. J? amove steak to warmed serving platter and thicken drippings, if necessary, with a flour and water paste. Pour gravy over steak and serve. Cut steak diagonally across lensth of meat to serve. 4 servings. Frosty Salad for Fcmily Msals Gelatine salads are still s fav orite with boaMBiakers, aad Fros ty Fruit Salsd will be ene you'U I want to add to your recipe file, lit a pretty combination of cot tage cheese, emhed avocado aad seasonings la a gelatine base. Served with tart ersage aad grapefruit sections, it's a perlect eating combination. Frosty Fre.lt Ralad ' 1 envelope (1 tablespoon) v praia gelatine .fii cup cold wster i Is cup hot wster 1 teajpooa salt 14 teaspooa grated onion I tablespoons leawa Juice Dash Tabasco sauce : avocado ) 1 cup cottage cheese Tart fresh fruit Eoftea gelatine is cold water and diasevle la hot water. Stir in salt, onion, lemon juice aad Ta basco sauce. Cool until partially thickened. Te prepare ' avocado, cut fruit into halves lengthwise. remove seed tnd skin, sad force through a sieve. Mash cottage J cheese through sieve. Add avo cado and cheese ta thickened gel atin mixture. Mis well end turn Into m-pint mold. Chill until firm. Sena with tart fresh' fruit, such as grapefruit and orange sections. Serves 6. Orcnrp Spanish Cream is Good Spanish Cream Is an old, but very much-liked dessert. Here is the orange flavored version of tits dish. Orange Spsnlsh Creans IVi tablespoon gelatine 1 cup milk M pint cream cup sugar .Vii teaspoon salt 4 egg yolks 1H cups orange Juice : Kind of one orange Directions: Soak gelatins In Vi cup of milk. Mix sugar mIL tut yolks, and milk, cook' slowly un til thick, Add soaked gelatine and ! dissolve. Add orang Juice and rind. Allow to cool. When mix tar begins" to thirken add the cream 'whipped etiff. Turn Into ntnld and chill. Serve garnished with whipped cream. TWOSOME I Tall glasses of Ice cold lemon ade and small spicy rsisins cup cakes go hand in hand lor easy slimmer refreshments. Bak cake la fluted paper cups for case in serving and to keep the cakes moist and fresh. r Fnjov the Ffra (,oo new of the Northwent'S Very; Own ursne t MARGARINE Projfucid in Salem I I . I - II II a" a I f I J ll I S I'M r . : ft ' -v V N' - This rich and flavorful flank itaak added. AccorruMnimarrtt Include green peas with onions and Campfire Dinner, Sans Dishes Popular With Diners, Cooks Warm weather and lazy, out-of-door meals seem ta go hand in band. Made, to order are picnic dishes prepared with brown and serve sausage. These are so easy to fix you can do the cooking job over a campfire. The beauty of brows and serve sausages is that they are already fully cooked. You simply heat and browa them while setting up the rest of the meal from the The picnic-ltxer who realty wants te save himself work and bother win chooae a menu that calls lor e home cooking and Be dish wssh ing. For a really easual throw- away and have-tun meal, use large sized cans as casseroles or heating kettles. The one gallon or Number Tea cans used for fruit and vege table can be cut down, to make handy cooking pnjs for 4 or I servings. Cut off the upper por tion of the caa with tin snippers. leaving about 1 Inches of depth for your campfir cooker. For safety's sake, th rough edge ehould be smoothed with a file and One emery paper, or turned over with pliers. A delicious outdoor combination Is canned baked beans and brew and serve sausage. That' hearty far for husky appetites. Crispy i crunchers and tart pickles with buns round out a filling, flavor- pleasing menu. Browa and serve sausage Is a good suggestion, toe, for quick camp fire cooking, and you can the extras to suit your taste. Her are twe recipes that caa be put te good advantage so your next picnic outing. gAl'SACC AMD BEANS IN A CAN 1 package (I ounces) brewi and serve sausage I hamburger buns, not split 1 14-ounc csns baked beans S teaspoon prepared mustard t cup catsup Cut five of the sausages into one inch pieces. Hollow out 2-inch circles from the top of hamburger buns. Crumble these bread cir cles and mix wtih sausage pieces, beans, mustard and caUup. Stir to combine Ingredients thoroughly. Four into a No. 10 can which has been cut down to 1 to 4 inches. Top with remaining aausage. Heat over a fire until bubbly hot, about M minutes. To serve, fill the buns with generous spoonfuls of ssusage and beans. Makes 4 serving. To make the tin can "cas serole": With a pair of tin scissors, cut oft the upper portion of a No. 10 csn, lesving about i inches for ,.mv. amonth ih cut edea of the can witn ma ana line emery paper, or turn over with pliers. CAMPFIRE VEGETABLE SAUSAGE SKILLET. 1 package tl ounces brow A This Filling is . For Sandwiches - la the' good old summer tune, nothing tastes . better , than sand wiches and Iced tea for lunch. Keep, a really - good sandwich spread and a choice of breads on hand let people make their own. Olive-Shrimp Spread Is especislly fine en whole wheat bread and heartier than many because it has meaty ripe olives and curly pink shrimp, the base Is cottage cheese and mayonnaise lightly seasoned with onion and lemon juice so the good shrimp and olive 'flavors coma through. OHvaSluimp Spread M cup ripe olives , 1 r 1 cup (Sou or can) shrimp ; 2 cups U plntr country-style cottaxi chees - 1 tablespoon lemoa Julc H cup msyonnais 2 finely chopped green onions Salt to taste Cut olives in medium-size pieces: drsin and chop shrimp. Blend sll ingredients together until well mixed. Chill until resdy to serve with crisp crackers or melba toast. Make about I cups. ; . was braised in consomma to picnic basset. and srrv sausage S cups thinly sliced carrots 1 large sweet onion, sliced 1 tablespoon butter, or marga rine . 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspooa dry mustard 1 tablespoons catsup Browa sliced carrots and onions lichthr in butler ia a large skillet Over with water. Stir ia salt and mnsUrd. Cover. Boil Is minute or until carrots are tender and water Is almost absorbed. Stir in sausace that have been cut in thirds and catsup. Cover. Heat slowly about I minutes. Serves 4 to I. Cold Meats Go Into Rich Loaf This cold meat loaf takes pork and beef. Jellied BeW sad Park Loaf lo-ounce caa pork and beef loaf 1 envelope unfavored gelatin t cup cold wster 1 cup boiling water tt cup chopped pimient olive 1 cup drained, cooked peas 1 tablespoons lemon juice 1 teaspoon scraped onioa 1 tablespoon prepared mustard Cut loaf into thin slices, thea into very small strips or cnop line. Soften gelatine in cold water. Add boiling water and stir. Chill mix ture until slightly thickened. Com bine with meat and remaining In gredients. Pour into small loaf pan. rhill until firm llnmnM hv vltinff ' pan in hot water for a couple of minutes. Serve cold. Good accom paniment: chilled whipped cream horse radish sauce. Fruity Drops Are Cake-Like - Dst Drop . Vt cup shortening cup brown sugar, packed V cup milk '1W cups sifted flour 1 tesspoon baking powder 1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats 1 cup chopped nuts 1 cup chopped pitted dates Cresm shortening snd sugar. Add eggs snd milk snd combine well. Sift together dry ingredi ents snd add gradually. Add roll ed eats, nuts, snd dstes, Drop by tesspoonfuls onto cookie sheet. Bak in moderat oven (3S0 de grees) 13 to 20 minutes. Mskes S date. Oatmeal Drops A Crisp Cookie - A crisp oatmeal cookie has pea nut butter as s surprise ingredient. . PEANUT OATMEAL DK0P9 1 cup shortening ; 1 cup granulated sugar 1 cup brown sugsr, packed t teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs '' lto cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon soda r I cups rolled osts ' ' , Vi pound salted Spsnlsh peanuts Cresm shortening; add sugars gradually. Add vanilla and eggs and beat well. Sift flour with soda and add. Stir In rolled oats and peanuts and blend thoroughly. Form dough with hands into smalt1 halls. Plsre on a rook i sheet. 1 Bake in a hot oven (42S) about Tj minutes. N. II which a grated freh carrot was fluffy whipped potatoes. Joe's Special--'- New Meat Balls It can be called Umas with Spin ach Meat Balls, but it's more of a Joe's Special, for it is one of those dishes that has a variety of ingre dients and seasonings and more the merrier! It can be a whole meal. in iiseii, naving dxho meai ana vegetables. It also has large dry urns beans that ar so delicious cooked with csnned tomatoes and herbs. The meat balls are a won derful concoction of ground beef. spinach and Parmesan: the, whole thing goes together to make an ex citing dish. Joe's Special 1 cup large dry lima 1M cups boiling water 24 teaspoons salt teaspoon dried basil 1 cup canned tomatoes 1 pound ground lean beef 1 egg 1 cup chopped cooked spinach Crated Parmesan cheese teaspoon pepper Fine dry bread crumbs 1 tablespoon oil Rinse Umas. add water and boil a .Ill.lu.s. w i , v in. n v .hi,,u . hour. Add I .teaspoon salt, basil and tomatoes, Wat to boiling and cook slowly while preparing meat balls. Combine (beef, lightly beaten egg, spinach, ' cup cheese, pep per and remaining I'm teaspoons salt. Mix thoroughly and shape into balls. Roll ia crumbs. Brown in oil. Place on top of Umax and continue cooking until limas are tender and liquid Is almost com pletely absorbed. (Limas should boil 1 to l'j hours altogether). Top each serving with additional Par mesan cheese. Makea 4 to I serv ings. Ham $ith Egg, A nJ DntniAAi WIWIWCS Mix i cup chopped cooked ham with 2 cups mashed pota toes; season. Add the yolk of 1 egg and fold in the stiffly beaten egg white. Line a greased bak ing dish with this mixture; bake 30 minutes at 350 degree (mod erate oven) until potatoes ar slightly browned. Fill the potato "nest" with hot creamed ham snd eggs: Vi cups white sauce, 4 hard-cooked eggs sliced. It cup chopped cooked ham. THY THIS Ever add sliced pimiento-stuffed olives to cor muffins' Good with chili con came. Featuring ... Eastern Oregon Feed Lot Hereford Beef I BEEF Lb.p)?) ROAST STEAKS From Lb. '5Ko: Ground BEEF BABY BEEF 1 Whale Half ready for Lacker. Avg. $43 fa $50 W Reserve the Right 1211 State St. r Scallops Bake in Special Sauce ' For a party dish that sounds elegsnt snd difficult to make, but really Is simple snd inexpensive ss party dishes go, try this on which Is bsked snd served in scallop shells always S sign ofa fetiv occasion. It's the famous French dish, Coquilles St. Jacques which to a Frenchman means sesllops baked In cheese snd wine." The true dub is bsked in the little coquilles, or shells, but you csn use other individusl bak ing dishes ss a substitute, or place the entire mixture in large casserole. Just be aura it's heated affroUgh and that the top is bubbly and brown. You csn u- sesllops frozen or fresh. COQUILLES ST. JACQUES 1 pound scallops 1 teaspoon onion, chopped . 1 tablespoon butter or margarine H cup white wine Mornay Sauce (recipe below) 1 teaspoon chopped parsley Parmesan cheese . Salt and peppper If scallops are frozen, let them thaw. If large scallops are used. cut in two or three pieces. Saute onion in butter until tender. Add scallops. Pour wine over them. Let scallops simmer 4 to 6 min utes until done. Add cup Mor nay sauce, parsley. Season to taste. Spoon into 4 to 8 baking shells. Coat the tops of the tilled shells with remsining Mornsy Sauce. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Brown under broiler. MORNAY SAUCE 2 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons flour H tesspoon sslt . Dssh of pepper 1 cup milk M tesspoon Worcestershire ssuce H cup grsted Psrmesan cheese Melt butter, stir in flour, sslt and pepper. When well blended, add milk slowly, stirring con stantly over low heat until mix ture thickens and boils. Add Wor cestershire ssuce snd cheese. Heat until cheese is melted. Salad Dressing For Vegetables A sour cream dressing is etxra. good with any vegetable salad1 especially cold slaw. Sour Cream Dressing 2 tablespoons sugar j 1 tesspoon salt 1 teaspoon mustard 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons vinegsr 1 cup sour cresm Mix first five ingredients. Place in covered dish in the refriger ator for 1 hour. Whip cresm until light (not stiff), sdd other in gredients snd mix. Serve on cab bage slaw sliced cucumbers or mixed vegetable salad. -A Maid for your dishwashing 7 V . v Use Less . . . Usi lbs. to Limit Quantities Fhena 1-44I9 THE HOLIDAY IS OVER BUT THE SAVINGS 1940 MISSION ST. Hunt's 300 Size Case of 48 Coirjgr30Hut Fisher's Blend o)fil mm Borden's SAVE on ram Use Pilkbury's Special 25c Coupon Refund Oder Angel AI3 Food Only SEE OUR 75-CASE Save 10c on 0 DA" Mb. Sack Pillsbury fLOU 18-oz. Planter's Best Foods Silk Brand Toiler Tissue IS ,.nsl YOU SAVE ALL YEAR AROUND 1 3 cans cans, $3.75 lin 10 lbs. Pillsbury Angel Food CAKE MIX Ke9. 49c DISPLAY FOR DETAILS 3-lb.tin W OC 2 -lb. Box n (9)2 (o)(mc 4 1. PHONE 2-7661 Fresh, Sweet Ripe, Firm . Golden Yellow Large, Crisp (8M All Our Meat Is Unconditionally Guaranteed Lean, Meaty Large Pan-ready Lean, Tender Val-Pak Sliced Tender, Tasty 111 Meal-Skinless Fresh, Pure as? hmm Is (ge mmaw BEEF-". ARENT AT ears lb. flffft lb. & lbs. W 2 ibs. If Each (OjJjib.