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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1956)
12-(Se& II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri, July 6, 'S6 Pcnand Rebel Punislment 5 By SEYMOUR TOPPING I BERLIN ID Pollah newapapers Hnd broadcasts stepped up Thurs- : , their demaada (or "severe ( IIHM1I" " w -hit worker rebellion . The Ignored American and otb- r Western appeals lor "Humana . truiment of worker Jailed after e bloody threeday upriaing Ust eek. -' Tha Polish Uaited Workeri :i Communist party announced it received flood of letters and 1 kgrtrtli trom ail over mm rvun- ry "expressing confidence in party and government I ADft. the East Germsa news jjency, quoted tha messages from orkers. farmsrs and youths a. -demanding severe pmusnment of kht ringleaders at the rcanaa prov- j Warsaw radio mads no mention 4f tha findings of special fovsrn fn eommission - which has life itih Dowers now in the v .y of Pomsfl Investigating the re Sott. Evidence collected by the nnjrntlv will be Z.t . rf.M treason trials of -those blamed for the uprising Inst hundreds dead and wounded. .'Tha' radio was silent also an se- fn.i. now e-oinf an at ,r r ruiiv -- - f secondary" vtolators among the ffhel workers. Tha daily Ufa af moot paopl In . Potnaa. a city ans.wv. pp iw u Mtitrninf ta normal. . Reached by telephone from Ber lin, tha American amoassaaor u srsaw. Joseph E. Jacobs, said: ."As far as I have heard, every :hing seems ta be quit normal In .fotnaa and elsewhere la Poland." poutli Africa Eyes Ban on iJJ.S. Magazine '' CAPETOWN. South Africa UV fustoms authorities In Capetown bav held up Import at the July I lsu el th U. S. weekly magazine Vewsweek, pending a decision by 'Ihe board censors en whether the issue Is ts b banned in SoutH Africa. v Th cover of the Issue carries a portrait at South African Premier Sohaimee Stritdom with n Negro Thud ta th background. The cap ijo reada "Prim Minister StriJ- stom at th Vntoa at Sooth Africa V-Whites Again Blacks ta loath 'I'Mca Inside there to a SVs-eage article titled "Africaa Showdowa: Th Boer Strijdora Puts White If astery U the Test- TaX Agents After Pinball Operators PORTLAND III The Internal Revenue Serve is out ta collect from Oregon pinball operators. Ralph C. Granqulst, Oregon di rector, said Thursday letters were sent ta the operators In Mar, warning that those whs have used the devices for gambling purposes are subject ta a fua federal tax stamp fee plua a JS per cent de linquent ' penalty. lie said there already have been several responses from aver the state. Jordan Army Moves Into Advance Posts; Israel Denies Massing Troops . ' JERUSALEM (A Israel assured the Big Four powers Thursday night tt la not concentrating troops on the Arab borders. Walter Eytan. director general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, summoned the envoys of Britain, the . United States, Russia and France and informed them any re ports of an impending Israeli at tack on Jordan are fictitious. This followed a day of heightened tension on the borders. One Jor danian was wounded in a minor skirmish on the northern sector, A-military source in the Arab- held old part of Jerusalem said the Jordan Army, with Orders to shoot back if attacked, silenced Isrsell patrol fire in a 10-minute clash. In the Israeli part of Jerusalem a military spokesman reported one Jordanian who crossed the border in Northern Ssmaria was wounded in an exchange of fire with a watchman. Reports from Arab Jerusalem aaid the Jordan Army was being concentrated and reinforced all along the Jordan-Isrseli armistice line, scent of bloody connict in tne m Palestine) Wsr. - Young King Hussein accom panied Army units moving into ad vanced positions en th border Wednesdsy. With him went the chief of staff of th Jordanian Army, Ma J. Gen. All Abunowar. They returned to Amman early Thursday morning At noon Thursday, Hussein sum moned an urgent meeting of the Supreme Jordan Defense Council. The meeting was attended by Ab- unowsr. Premier Ibrahim Aahim, Foreign Minister Awnl Abdcl Hadi, and Defense and Interior Minister Omar Mattar. Informed sources reported Jor dan Thursday received assurances from Egypt. Syria, and Lebanon that their armies wer ready to help if Israsl attacks. Eytan emphatically denied re ports thst Israel was massing troops on the- borders. These reports esme from a number of Arab capitals Wednesday. The Isrsell spokesmsn charged "the tension la being created by the competing Interests of Egypt and Iraq to influence the outcome of elections in Jordan." He claimed Egypt and Iraq were trying "to gain a position from which they will b able decisively to mould the policy of the future Jordsnian government." The spokesmsn declared the Arab states had made "a concen trated war propaganda effort" in the past 24 hours "based on spuri ous allegations of Israeli troop concentrations." He accused the Arab states of using these tactics to cover their own preparations. The spokesman said thea Arab military moves had taken place recently: Egypt: Troops la th Sinai Pen insula were put on an alert July I. Iraq: One brigade was trans ferred to the Jordan border. Syria: Military forces were placed on an alert. Jordan: The old Arab Legion, now the Jordan National Army, was placed on an alert. mm Th Family Stor ,160 N. UWerty ft. HOT TURKEY SMI Giblet Gravy, Supreme Creamy Whipped Potatoes, Old Fashioned Cranberry Seuc - Private Army Cliargc Gcfs Indian Shrug NEW DELHI (ft The com plaint of a Hyderabad attorney that the fabulously wealthy Nizam of Hyderabad maintains a private army has been shrugged oft by aa Indian government spokesman. He said the Nlxam was allowed I guard of 1.000 mea for his pal aces when the Nizam agreed ta merge Hyderabad state with the India union. Slats officials had no power ta act en the attorney's gripe, he said. . Furthermore, th spokesman said, the guard force had only ana rifle for about every M men "and most of its members are as old they should be pensioned." IIARTMAU BROS. JEWELERS Cam- Stat and liberty I Urn, Oregen FASHION JEWELRY BractUtt Earrings Necklaces . . Brooches - Oitc--Yr Clearance. J2J0 v3iJ Lisalt I Pieces te a easterner Ml N. Ceauaerclal til - m i FARBERWARE tsllt It All Ope.Me.dsy JAULC rAll aad Friday Nlfata IttQt.Slz -SAVE 2W- This stainless creel sauce pan (Including cover) - with aluminum clad bottom in attrac pw l OO rive pattern. Rag. sells for .3.. IN O W W.77 "Tha Ar.:riccn PcspIVs Health" Statistics recently releas ed, thaw t peapl aut af vary 1000 era hospital had ) an average day. Yaw can avaid hespHsExs Nan and perhaps a ert avs peratias) fan Heme. r h I d s. Fistula, Fissure, Prolapse and other serievs rectal disorders. Far appointment esD- 1 Ms st leyaelds, N. D. K. B. Reynolds, N. D. 1144 Center U Salens, Oregon Sslem, Oregon SPECIAL FEATURE! ! ME.VS WHITE Dress Shirts Reduced! 220-Count Body 2-Ply Collars and Cuffs Sizes 1 4 to 1 7 MAIN FLOOR . HOOD'S poison OAK HET.EDY A eeathlng lotlea for the re lief af tuhiag dna to snlld pelsea Ivr or oak ar ether nd- ar iniUtinns. Apply leesllv sf 4 timS a day by tapping with cetto j Da not rna. CO no and 51 wM So' w C.7J3 STO.IE VS N. Commerrlal C .- I ally 1:11 a.a. te S PJS. 'fcaadsys, a. am. ta S p as. ARBUCKLE'S 411 Stat St. MOVING OUT SALE Every Shoe in Our Entire Stock on Sale! Men's - Women's - Children's Shoes Handbags and Slippers Tool A Yeater TV & Appliance Co. "Jast Acres from Lipase's" 171 Caesnekela 8L Fa. iMU ' 20 CU.FT.WISTINGHOUSI UPRIGHT FREEZER dr?OIU.Cspaelty ' Refl.o3t.9S tt ree wsrrs.iy Flsn dr Vt U.T. Sealed Unit SAVE 240.001 $3 14 MONTHS TO FAT We Give aad Redeem Tradlag Stamp 7. v fifty Reg. $1.39 . Disciplined Cotton Prints 94c u ' Discontinued patterns of th best behaved cottons made. Fully washable. Crease resistant 36" wide. FrL and Sat only. Fashion Fabrics, 2nd Floor turn's BRAS 234 N. liberty idcloth I fm" Of fin white pirns broadcloth with circular stitched cups. COAST TO COAST STORES 231 North Commercial St. Fhone 3-7957 Open S AM. to 6 PM.-Fritjay, S A.M. to 9 TM. METAL POLISHING CLOTH The Polish is light In the Clorhl Polishes niclcel, chrome, brsss copper, snd other metals. Ideal to clean fishing tackle. 49 Value 12 for $1.00 Yeater TV & Appliance Co. "Jast Aereas tram Uaaua s" S7S Chtsseketa It Ph. 4-IUS New Famous Westinghoute Steam and Dry Irons KG. FCIDiY $(7?95 17.95 ONLY i We Clr aad lad earn Tradlag Stassps lit N. Lieerty Phone 1 1191 COnON DRESS SALE Many copies of Wards 4.00 and 3.98 styles. Fashion-fresh of coat styles, step-in front types; scoop, notch and high necklines. Miss and women's half sizes. 1.00 and am i cottons 1 00 For 2.69 Each Center Stat i Liberty Sir.' Annual Carnival of Values! Drastic Reductions on Summer Merchandise Buy Now and $avel TOTS-TO-TtENS 234 N. liberty GIRLS HATS! About 50 left, lovaly llttl shapes of straw. Values to 4.95. J) While they last 2,9 THE PIKE Ice CiMm and Sherbet 13S S. liborty-Aj tha Bus Stop-Ph. 36I2S Tu-Fer Ice (ream Sale One Round Half Gallon 5c la Reusable Cartoa 2,$1.69 if-AT fireew Stamps at Mherty St. Store Wt arr HtC Srsi Jlimpt wits il tarry Urn k emm, ihrbtl ind law III Irszss deuiri 177 N. USERTY FAMOUS NAMI MUSLIN SHEETS Fitted 1.88 Fitted 1.77 Cases. . T . 39c Fine count, perfect quality, white muslin sheets Roberts own "Slumher Maid" nnmetir Dnwnvtairs. fl PHILLIPS APPLIANCE CO. APPLIANCES 3SS Center St. TELEVISION USED RECONDITIONED TELEVISION SETS PRESHLY ROASTED SALTED PEANUTS la Factory Sealed Bss FABULOUS I fRIDAT J ONE POUND 59c VALUE 3' aa'tBaas m ar m If 7 F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. Liberty and Stat St. LADIES ACETATE BRIEF PANTIES Malsa Blue Coral Orchid Aqua Pink White SIZES S, C, f REG. 39c EA. 4 PAIR T 7Jht(ktiyi 241 N. liberty LUNCHEON SPECIAL SALMON CROQUETS With Creem Souc and Peas Whipped Potatoes, Burtrd Veateble, Tossed Salad, Hot Roll and Butter WATERMELON . . ISt SALEM HARDWARE 120 North Commercial Power Mower Close-Out! 64.50 now 74.50 ' Both equipped with 4-cycle engines 1 ONLY II" Reel Type Power Mower Regular 117.51 r NOW 1 ONLY 21" Reel Type ?ewer Mower Regular 12131 Tht Family Stot 260 N. Liberty St. ' NYLON BUY OF THE YEAR A Pair & a Spare t Per Slocking' Pkf. of I 6locklns 1st sjuslity SMS 7S y VEIS FIELD'S SOS N. Liberty St-SUm SAVE 50 OH E!? I OCULARS ' 6x30 & 16" 0x30 19" 7x35 &.22f0 NO MONST DOWN SO. WIIK piiiij,(il inoateuoi nn ' n n A . iswh mm . i