The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 05, 1956, Page 5, Image 5

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- One eaa-receviad minor damage
in a two-car collision' about 12:10
pm- Wednesday at East Wilsoa
and South Commercial streets, city
police reported. Damaged was i
car driven by Dean LeRoy Snod
grata, 152 Court St. The other
driver was listed by police at
Sidney Donaldson Shaw, Rosrburf.
Steven Hnlheway. I, or McCoy,
Ore., received a cut on hia right
loot, about 2:40 p.m. Wednesday
while attending the Willamette
Daya boat race at Wallace Park,
city first aidmen said.
Observer Week
Ceremonies Set
For July 8 to 14
Local plans lor Ground Observer
Corps Week, set by Gov. . Elmo
Smith (or July I through 14, are
apparently on the quiet side.
The celebration marking . the
fourth anniversary of ''Operation
Raspberries Said Facing Price Trouble
Farm Editor, Tke Statesmaa
Raspberries are heading for
price trouble, R. H. Grader, fed
eral fruit and vegetable marketing
specialist stationed at , Corvallis,
indicated Wednesday.
Grower prices for red rasp
berries have not been too firmly
Kkvivari-h" will he observed
IhrAimkMiit iM eiofa with Mn. 'established as yet. Grader Minted
Fur' slorsie at Laohclle's assures monies at GOC oasis and filler iout. but they "seem to be holding
your furs the quality care they centers, tha governor's proclam- high"' and that means many grow
need in refrigerated vaulU. 1348 ation said. ' era will get into production next
Are you contemplating re-styling Ferry. Ph. J-M14. (adv.)i Warden C. T. Gladden of the Ore- the year after and then
your furs? Consult Bea Wittner at ,,' ' . , Igon state penitentiary, where In- " ' reaction wiU start agala.
Lachelles, 1S Kerry. udvJ ; CTCLIST INJURED
t.- u., . ,L....,.i.k I ' Snmn nrjvfnr nra navinc 91
David Ut Scott. U N. 18th posi for tewcT$ yeai Mj) ed- cnU a pound while others are
DenUl platfl repaired while you St., received minor abrasions on i nestjjy that no "open houe" has
been mentioned for tha atate in
completioa. Although some oT the but these art said to be in the
higher elevation fields and some of minority.
the Northwest variety fields will be . ''Keeoine th ' grower nrire in
producing berries for the next 1 check wiU help to stimulate sales
days or twa weeks, the volume of
the berries is already lit the pack.
Reports from several processors
indicate that the site of the pack
is running considerably smaller
than expected earlier,
P Held. la Cheek
Grower prices have held at or
aear the IS cent level during the
current season. A few side deals
during the coming marketing year
Funeral for
Youii" Crash -Victim
Statesman, Salrm, Ore., Thurs., July 5, '56 (Sec. I)- .
Silvcrton Duo Pen Inmates
Hurt m Crash
SUtrtmaa N Strvlr
IDANHA A Silverton count
was injured, early Wednesday
Cavort During
Sports Day
About 50 inmates ran, boxail
wait at Painless Parker Dentist,
12S N. Liberty, Salem. (adv.)
For 1.0 Heet stainless steel cook
ware Ph. 2-SM2 Mornings, (adv.i
one hand when his motorcycle
skidded near Belmont and Broad
way streets about : p.m. Wed
nesday, Salem first aidmen aaid.
The dental office of Dr. William H.
Burrell, Jul Livesley Bldg. will be
closed from June 2 to July 7th. Dr.
will be attending a seminar at the
Colorado Dental FaundaUon. Col
orado Springs, Colorado, ladv.)
A cigarette caused a minor saw
dust fire near an outside ramp at
the Meier and Frank store about
p.m. Wednesday, city firemen
said. No damage was reported
Unsightly facial .hair removed
safely, permanently. Price's Beau
ty Salon. Ph. J-5851. tadr.i
Open house. The Chin-Up Club
Salem Police
Unit Changes
June Noted
Drivers apparently did a better
The five aew lieutenants in Sa
lem Police Department, filling the
positions created by the City Coun
cil last month, are Paul Nicholson,
Walter CKsplin, David J. Bain,
Robert D. Mason and Benjamin A.
Sergeants appointed this week
to fill the vacancies created by
the promotions of Esplin, Bain and
Mason are William If. Bates, ilar-
ion j. siainrrs ana nmiam uc
Vall. The appointments of Bales
snd Mathers are permanent, as
they gained eligibility for the pro
motion in an examination given
last year. DeVall's appointment
is temporary, pending a new pro
motional examination July 12.
Esplin Is lieutenant for the day
shift under Capt. Glenn A. Bow
man. Mason is on the night shift
under Capt. Leland D
advancing 21 cents a pound. The
only thing that can keep red rasp
berries from getting into trouble
next year, according to Grodcr, is
the anticipated short crop this year
and tha fairly healthy position of
the cold storage holdings.
Blackcap Bring 24 cents
Black raspberry prices have
pretty well settled at 24 cents a
Harvesting Eing and Royal Ann
cherries for brining is pretty well
finished in the area. Prices have
held at 12 cents for Anns and 10
cents for the black varieties. Some
cherries are still being picked for
Harvesting of Oregon's 1956
strawberry crop is also nearing
Salem BLM
Sales in 1955
At $5 Million
Five million dollars was received
from the sale of U.S. Bureau of
Land Management timber on lands
administered by the Salrm Forest
District In the past year.
This represents an increase over
the previous fiscal year of more 8(orCf 3054 n. Capital, Sat., July
man zs per cem. accoroing 10 uis-7 ln ,.m. to pjn. free coffee
trict Forester OH C. F. Krurger J dom, served. tadv.l
It is the second successive year -for
such an increase, he said. J
Sales this year slightly exceededi c I .J ...
ts.OOO.OM: fe the year before they Lll Villi
were nearly $4,000,000; and for the , . ,
EEXZT" V lolations in
Approximately q a I v a 1 1 a t
volumes of timber were sold each
year, ranging from 132 million
twtarH tprt tn 137 million hoard feet
about one-fourth of the timber was! lob of obeying Oregon traffic laws 'And B'B 5"", Capt. Ersel ft. at Yakima Firing Center, Wash.
salvaged from previously logged in June. IMundingcr on the early morning Those promoted: Lt. Theodore
areas or timber that had been! For the first month this year the h-. . , ' . . 'Gump. Oregon City, to caotain;
killed by fire. wind, insects, or di- number of traffic violation convio-j aciioison i n lieutenant 01 oetec-, m. Sgt. Elmer C. Case. 508 Sunny
Iuim aVooord below II OOO. with llvr- Dtu" uuunicugiuK Ave., M warrant ouicer
and should prove beneficial to the Marie Hilemnn five.veaa.olrf Sa.
strawberry industry." Groder said, j lfm g)r Mlei jun, ,R , . highway
He explained that having prices accident in New Mexico. wiH be
exceedingly high ene year causes held Friday at 10 a.m. in the chapel nmm, when 1 he car went off i3T weatled 'heir wy through
a chain reaction. It encourages in- of the Virgil T. Golden funeral .jx.fooi embankment and struck ai,n nnu' Ju'y 4th sports day' '
creased acreages, greater produc- home. ' -stone wall about one mile east of 'J1 0r8nn P'tentiary Wed-
tion. larger packs, heavy carry- Deanna. daughter of Mr. .and Wanna ale p,,, f, nesday. , .
overs and a slow dowa in consump- Mrs. CUrence H.leman, was pom . ... . Several hundred other in-nrte,
t on r uw r inu4urrio Thi-Ju v li ia in b m Airs, naroia W. -IS, KOUIC 2. BOX . . .
have been made at higher prices, is caused not only by the higher . Suwivora include her parents; a fSLSi T." 'if., I.'0!!- athletic .vents which InVui. l
this happen, market, are lost and . Mrs. W.lbern Mctirana, S.e.m. '.l.E I Absent W k. Z Ll list of
results ia still greater carryovers and Mrs. Ernest llilemar. Brum-, "'m0.."! TVrV , track and field act ties; hilt)
Church to Ask
Right to Build
New Building
mat can only be moved by slash-! wick, wl: and great-grandparents, j . ' . .kairdles and pole vaulting.
i nr aiTiwm Dci'urrea aooui si ' '
inc nrieea hrlniv nrnrfiu-iinn vcl 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ren Gilmen. Silver
or at best , even with production j Lake. Wash.', Mr. and Mrs. Rex "-. police reported.
costs'. The result is a demoralized W'. Stewart, Jefferson, and J. E,
industry and many people lose liileman. Brunswick, Ga. . , ,
money. Once a market is lost, Ur Interment will be at Wfjlamette JManhattan tjtatle
ia difficult to win that market back. Memorial Park, Albany. -n... f- IiBirni!n
13 Promoted
In Engineer x
Battalion Here
TAIPEI. Formosa m Chinese
success story: Formosa used to.;
import all Ms plats glass. With y
American aid, a factory begaa an-
tv.. rk,irfi.- a.a ': nr thev h.v. M th. 17US S. Church St.. and r.reimrv. XEW YORK tifV-Historlc Castle eraUoa at Hunclci last ?e-.emr.
Alliance Church in Salem will an- Ipnees resulting from overproduc-; ho released from an Albu- Chnton. at Manhattan's southern1 auHily met all kxniie needs.
tion. . - lquerque fiospuai iucsday, re- up. we nailery, is 10 no reworeu wl" -
io ouin Korea. i
peal to the Salem Planning Com
mission July 17 for permission to
build a new church on its present
property at Sth and Gaines streets.
Special permit is necessary be
cause that property ia classified
as C-J business tone in which
churches are no longer permitted
under city coning law. The CMA
church now used on the property
was there before the toning re
striction. In the proposed construe-
ANDERSON To Mr. and Mr.
Glenn Anderson, Independence,
twins two bovs Wednesday.
hkm, the old church would be re- July 4. at Salem General Hospital.
querque hospital Tuesday.
turned to Salrm this week. , with a federal grant. It has lain
The children's father, Clarence idle and partially destroyed since
Hilrman. remains in an AlWquer-1 1M1 to make way for the Brooklya
que hospital recovering from in-! Battery tunnel. Since It as corn-
juries received in the June accident
whkk-took the lives -of the chil
dren's grandfather, Ernest J. Hile
man, Brunswick, Ga., and the driv
er of the other car involved.
plcted in Ull, Castle Clinton has
been successively a fort, a theater
where Jenny Lind made her Amer
ican debut, and from 1HM to 1941
was New York's aquarium.
Promotion of 1J members of the
255th Engineer Construction Bat
talion, a Salem Army reserve unit,
was announced Wednesday by Lt.
Col. Henry P. Medinger, command
ing officer.
The unit is Dreoarinf for sum-
Weaver. mer active duty July 22 to Aug. t
nvfeveH Ia mik mara fiw nif.
street parking .; MERRIAM - To Mr. and Mrs.
Another request for variance per- L'JC- "rrri?.m' Str,, M
mit dated for July 17 public hear- f"1)!"' July 4. at
ing at City Hall has come from ! Salem General Hospital.
Glrn L. Clark, seeking to build ail ! r ai 'ctrv . a- j xi
!!!l!l?li0.n l(i.h0"?. '!l!LWOul.l.rt George B. Causey. SSO Dr.!
quire a S-foot rear yard setback
instead of the 24-foot minimum
prescribed by law for an R 2 resi
dential tone.
For an Knlishman. an auto
shock absorber is a damper.
a daughter, Wednesday. July 4, at
Salem General Hospital.
BERKSHIRE To Mr. and Mrs.
Robert E. Berkshire, 4BS S. 12th
St., a daughter, Wednesday. July 4,
FANCY GRAIN-FED BEEF . . . . 21c lb.
YOUNG STEER BEEF ...... 31c lb.
BEEF ROASTS, locker wrapped . 25c lb.
SALEM MEAT CO. 1325 SO. 53 ST.
Cherry Room
. Thursday'! Completo
SPECIAL LUNCH Omelet with Hash
Brown Potatoes, Fresh Fruit
Srlad with Sherbet Dressitf.
Het Rolls, Drink
Dessert yox'
rat As
9 To Art
Receipt) from the sale of BLM
timber are distributed according
to lav- between the federal treasury
and the II western Oregon counties.
Tha Salem Forest District includes
all or portions of 11 counties la
northwestern Oregon.
Following a July 1, 1954, realign
ment, lands ia the Salem district
are managed for the continuous
production of forest resources in
9.374 reported to the State Depart
ment of Motor Vehicles.
The department's drivers license
division suspended 7M licenses, 4 IS
of them under provisions of the
state's financial responsibility law,
l.V. upon court recommendation
and 174 through discretionary ac
tion of the office.
Reasons for suspension included:
driving while Intoxicated, 32: reck-
each oft six forest management less driving, S3: violation of basic
V. . . i . i J t , . f:l,,M I
These units-are designated ai
Molalla. Columbia. Rickreall. Al
sea, Crahtree. and North Santiam.
Allowable timber cuts on O k C
lands are established as in the past
by the Secretary of (he Interior on
each of the four master units ia
tha district.
Mathers is sergeant on the day
desk. Bales on the Bight desk, and
DeVall on the "graveyard" shift.
Doll Day Set
In City Friday
Doll Day competition will be
rule. 34: hit and run, J4; failure to staged at 11 Salem playgrounds
report an accident, U; and 4ast Friday afternoon,
driving record. II. Children of the various neigh-
Each conviction as well as all borhoods will brirg their dills tor
accidents are recorded oa a driv-1 judging in many classes at 1:20
er'a personal file. Presence of too p.m. This is an annual event at the
many accidents or violation con-1 public playgrounds operated by Sa
victions ia a 12-month period caa.lem School District and the city
lead to Uceaac suspension. (government. I
James Fernstermacher, 4935 Bail
ey Rd., to master sergeant; Merle
J. Boedigheimer of AumsviUe, Rob
ert A. Fery of Stavton. Richard J.
Foltt, Donald G. Hatch. Harold J.
Raymond and Harry Pietrok, all
of AumsviUe, all promoted to spe
cialist Ird class; Louis J. Heuber
ger of Sublimity, Donald E. Kaiser
of AumsviUe and Donald W. Small
of Stayton, all promoted to private
first class. '
Miller fool Dtender Shoes
Imm. W S-kyclaM a
15 N. High Ph. 1 1551
"155 N. Ubarty
fene 34191
l0$0 here's the event
you know and wait for
2 for $S
2.69 each
Many copies of Words
M end 5.98 styitf
Ntw fresh cottons,
nssdi well Li odvencf '
Coma a-runnlng I Hart or. all brand
ntw, fabSion-froih draw in favorite
cotton. Wards had mam mode spatially
for this event, and yog get spatial
saving! by buying two, Choasa among
coat stylos, st.p-in and xip front '
typo. Omoso among floral, geooMhit
and paisley prints in sun-happy
colon. Drosses, with scoop, notched and
high necklines, many with full two
Inch hams,' All so bright and mw,.i
' Miu and women's half sites.
Select your blanket needs irtiwkSave as much as 35 in our
af- ,iMA,' ' W-t . " .JSV - y,,: A
f "for fasaO Jta7" Ftymrmu)
holds jour selection on
Grants Loy-Auty Plan!
Stle prices to July 11 only
. . . s
Grants own miracle washable blanket. Identical
to quality advertised nationally at 14,9$
Lockcd-fibcr weave gives more warmth with leu
weight. Practically shrinkproof; itayi toft,
fluffy after repeated washings. T Nylon tatin
binding, guaranteed to last life of bhtnket.
Blushing Rose, Jonquil, Capri Blue, Casino Red,
Spring Green, Camel, Turquoise, Tangerine.
1 S3 I ran i'hppi V
A new bUnkel or your money btckt Free plaslic storage hf with each purchise
... by a famous maktr
Tested, accepted by Under- .-qq
writer's Laboratory Single I I VO
control, 9 safety thermo- I J
iit. Automatically main- I j
rsins hest . AC current. --
72" s 14" for D.wbl. or Twin Itdl
" I kn 1 1 1 I Br .11 1 f " . I '
a r
5.98 Value! Warm, long-wearing
6.98 Value Miracle fiber hleni
Special blend of spun uyon and crimped
Nylon. 72"x84"j 6" seriate satin binding.
Weight 3 lbs. 6 lovely drcoiator colors.
Rayon for beauty, Nylon for ttrenph, Or
ion for warmth. 72'x90"; 7" scrtate satin
binding. Weighs 3 lbs. 7 soft plaids.
(W foltfu; Emit) &M VJm IT, (SCaladCJIT CO.
e atvti m lantMlt-oi 0t vomit