ilruman Rei )orts By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Describing the Democratic con Iventlon ."wide open." former president Harry S. Truman Wt--needay -eeoffed at published re JxrU ha and Gov. Averell Harrt--mta were "plotting" to keep Ad 3ai Stevenson from getting the presidential nomination. -Atked - fey reporters about the J"plot" report during an early morning stroll m New York, Tru nan aaid: "That's the first I've tirard of K. Plots are outside my ien. The convention 1 wide ripen." " - C t la Washington. Sen. Est Ke Jauver of Tennessee said he is cunning a strong aecoad for the Jtemocratie nomination and reit--rated be will make no political Steals with ether candidates. - Kefauver, whose stock dropped 3vhea be was defeated by Steven son in the June California pri mary, aaid he believes he la build ing back Into a position to chal lenge Stevenson for the nomina 3 ion at the party'n convention In Chicage next month. . feasible Alternate " As to reports of ' possible al 3mpta to combine the Harriman 3e(auver convention strength In an effort to stop Stevenson, Ke fauver aaid he .would have ao part In any such move. i In Kentucky Tuesday. Gov. A. Jt. Chandler took firm control of 4 tie state vemocrauc pany or Sanitation during a convention which noisily acclaimed him a Kentucky's hope for the Demo rratic presidential nomination. As Javorite son, Chandler will go to fhe National Convention with Ken tucky's W votes pledged to him. Truman, who hu a breakfast Jate with Harriman Thursday, fiad a ready answer when asked whether be would like to deliver ,he convention'! keynote speech -"Hell, no." 3alsaedge Uaeerway ; la Georgia, Herman Talmadge aunched bis campaign for the V. S. Senate with a blast at the U. S. Supreme Court's deaegrega .ion decisions. Talmadge, seeking to replace he veteran Walter T. George, ho Is retiring from the Senate, aid that during the past two dec ides the high court "has clipped Salem Officer Nursemaid to lost Children i A Salem policeman turned nurse maid bere Wednesday afternoon. Patrolman Doivin Potter found f lost one-year-old girl at 12th and - enter street!. The child bad Just ittn claimed by Its mother when wandering three-year-old ap peared. , ; No claimant appeared for the lecond child, so Potter took nun a the Salem station. The boy, ho aaid his name was Danny jm carried an empty animal rackers carton, was picked up y his mother several hours later, fflcers did not take the name f the parent. riirce Hubcap rhefts Noted Three hubcap theft were re orted to the Marion County leriff's office Wednesdsy. Rodney Yoder, Barlow, said 4 ubcapa were taken from hia 1954 lodel car while the' vehicle was rked at Hollywood Bowl Wed esday eevning. Value was placed t MO. . I Marvin O. Mann, McMinnville. old deputies that four hubcaps (ere taken from his car Wednes- ay night, slso while the vehicle tas parked at Hollywood Bowl. ;jln Doran, 4372 Market St, eported the theft of three hub ips plus halt a tank of gasoline 'rorn his car while the vehicle ias parked near hi home be ween noon and 7 p.m. Wednes day. JGYFT. CZECHS IN PACT . CAIRO, Egypt uB An Egyp jaa spokesman aaid Wednesday rgypt and Chechoslovakia have agreed to exchange technical aid fissions.' ' RELEGATION INVITED' ' ; BONN. West Germany on The Soviet Union Wednesday night In Sited the West German Bundestag to send a delegation te Russia for in official visit. PERU ELECTS PRESIDENT LIMA, Para ui Msnuel Pra ia became president-elect ef Pent It'ednesday on the basis of almost 'omplete official election returns. Oates Open 6:45 Show At Dok! NOW I" LAYING iIicnsnioh.attvnii ! ' Ce-Ult THok-'YATEVAJl : eA'rcr-rreri 1 2-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., thurs., July 5, '58 Scoffs at Out s To Eliminate Adlai fUeadlly away at ' the reserved rights of the states " and "hu hurt the cause of harmonious race relations in the South." NEA Urges Federal Aid For Schools PORTLAND IB -The National Education Assn. called upon President Eisenhower Wednesdsy te send a special message to Congress, nrglng speedy enact ment of federal school building aid bill. The House Tuesday adopted an anti-segregation amendment which some backers of a pending bill fear will kill It. The vote on the amendment Is subject to re consideration' Thursday, Telegram Describes In a telegram to the President, delegates to the NEA convention here said: - ' "In view of the national emer gency and the present status of legislation designed to alleviate It, the association respectfully and positively urges a special message from you to the Congress of the United State in behalf of speedy enactment of legislation that will assist the public schools In meeting this great need. Pereaael Prestige "The association believes that your personal prestige, plus the prestige of your great office, can and would gala for the schools of the nation the federal assistance they need." The telegram said the appeal te the President was approved unanimously by the 1,000 dele gales, representing more than 01.000 members. PORTLAND Wl The first an nual School Bell awards for "dis tinguished services in the inter pretation of education'' were pre sented nt the National Educatioa Assn. NEA convention bere Wednesday aight. s The awards, for the TOM. school year, were In the form of a metal school bell with an eoe- graved citation. They went to: The Associated Press, for a 11- page "Back to School supple ment distributed to AP member newspapers last fall: , CBS Award Columbia Broadcasting System, for the Edward R. Murrow-Fred W. Friendly television program "See It Now" dealing with a Jeff erson County, Colo., school bond ejection: , - ti Look Magatine. for an article, "What is a Teacher," in Febru ary: Westinghouse Broadcasting Co.. for its coverage and interpreta tion of the White House Confer ence on Education. Those bere to accept the award were Herman R. Allen, education writer, Washington. D. C, for The Associated Press: John W. Dailey. Los Angeles, West Coast manager for Look; Luke L. Rob erts. KOINTV. Portland, for Co lumbia .Broadcasting System; and Gordon Hawkins, New York, edu cational director, for Westing bouse. Death Claims Gty. Resident Anthony Kopecky, 44(7 Verda Lane, died at hia borne Wednes day. He was 17. Kopecky, formerly a meatcutter at Salem's Piggley-Wiggley store, 1140 N. Capitol St.. apparently died from a heart attack, his family ssid. Born In Czechoslovakia Dec. 21 18M, Kopecky had been a resident of Salem for the past nine years He was semi-retired st the time of his death. Survivors Include hi wife, Ag nes, Salem:' a son, Mllo, Seattle; and a daughter, Mrs. Lillian Wil lits. Seattle. Funeral services are in care of the Howell-Edwards funeral noma. HUBCAPS STOLEN Gary Shields, 320 Cummlngs Lane, told police Wednesday that four hubcaps valued at $40 were taken from his csr while the vehicle was parked in the 2300 block of Center Street between 9 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. Tuesday. FRIDAY AWttOMK trtCTACLK MUD tAVAotmr or daakist ArmtCAt VICTOR MATURE JANET LEIGH mm JOHN JUSTIN . ROLAND CULVER Jiv. CiimssswsaGcoF'L: bwTtcHNiccLo Salem Notes Safe, Sane 4th of July . (Stories also en Page 1 aad la Sports Sectioa.) Salem had a safe, sane and profitable Fourth of July Wednes day. Despite a traffic Jam of auto mobiles and pedestrians, hundreds of boats including two that flipped during races, and a $1,000 fire works display, the city's celebra tion ended without any serious mishaps. Two youngster, one from Salem and one from McCoy, suffered foot laceration, the only recorded in juries In crowded Paul Wallace Marin Park where, most of the Independence Day activities took place. Steven Hathaway. , Mc Coy, was treated by Salem first aidmen, and Tom Kelley, . 1930 Park; Ave., was patched up by Willamette Ambulance crewmen. Nearly Cataalty One speed boat racer came with in a few Inches of being a casualty after hi speeding outboard up ended during the first heat of the Class B hydroplane event. He was Dick Pharris, Albany, whose boat was damaged when the following racer of Jesse Scott of Kirkland, Wash., rode over Its bow, narrow. ly missing Pharris In the water. The mishap put both boats out of action for the day. Three other youngsters, on the small site, who misplaced parents, were reunited with them through the belp of Salem Boat Club mem bers. . flames Divided . - Tug boat captains Willard Tay lor and Bill Carter, divided honors for their powerful crafts.- Carter's blue tug proved the most powerful la the tug-o-war event, while Tay lor's red racer showed its stern to Carter In the one-mile race. Appearance of big 253-2M cubic Inch Inboard on the Willamette River course gave Salem crowds a first look at boat of the Cold Cup class, and they liked It Im mensely. Four of the big craft raced four times around the mile long course, leaving a hundred yards, of rooster tails spraying out behind. Winner. H. D. Gill of Wena tehee, aped the distance In Just over four minutes for an aver age speed of 60 miles an hour, roaring to a 100-mlle-an-hour rate on the straight-of-ways. Con-Men at Work in Gty Area Again Two unsuccessful attempts .by con-men to pawn cheap watches for $30 to pay for "accident dam ages" were reported to city police Wednesdsy evening. Wednesday's reports brought to three the number of instances in volving the watching-p awning fraud in Salem within the past five days. A aimiliar attempt Sat urday night was successful at a Richfield station on Portland Road. Donald L. Smith. T20 Mill St., told officers Wednesday that he was approached about p.m. at Ivte's Richfield station. g7 S. Com mercial St., by a man who wished to borrow $30 on a watch. -The man showed a roll of money which Smith estimated at about $200 and said he needed additional funds In order to pay accident damage to prevent a report to police by the other party involved. Smith said he recalled a news paper story mentioning a similar incident and began to quit the man. When Smith went to the tele-H phone to contact police, the man ran to hia car. Smith pursued on foot to no avail. A second party who approached the car was also chased by Smith but was not caught. Police said that Gilbert Adams. 2232 Mapl3t., reported a similar incident about 1:20 p.m. at Gor man's Shell Service station. 1103 S. Commercial St. Attempts to pull the watch-cash switch have also been reported in Portland and Dallas. MAN INJURED Erwln A. Wshl. 1905 N. 20th St., was taken to Salem Memorial Hos pital about 10:30 a.m. Wednesday after he received a forehead lace ration in a one-car accident on WE about nine miles south of Salem, Willamette Ambulance Service at tendant) reported. FREE MAILING EXTENDED GETTYSBURG, Ps. Oft - Presi dent Eisenhower has signed into law a bill extending to next June 30 frr mailing privileges for member of the armed force on overseas duty. . ra ENDS TONITE! - "World Without End "Boitv Snatrhers CONTINUOUS SHOW FROM 1 P. M. 'A PIUS RAYMOND lURR "SICRIT OP TREASURE MOUNTAIN" Veterinarian i. ' i i in, L tm ;-,-v;x.t '-A ! . '.V.-'-.-vn y.v . ' i. Dr. A. G. Beagle, bead ef federal veterlaarlaaa la Oregon, has moved with his staff from Portland ef flees to ew ajaartera In the state agriceltere offices la Salem. Dr. Beagt Is shows above (seated) with Dr. K. J. Peterson, stale veterinarian. (Statesman Photo.) Police Post Applications Gose Today Deadline for filing applications for patrolman positions with the Salem police department is 5 p.m. today. Alfred Mundt. civil service commission secretary,, said Wed nesday that about 23 men have taken out applications for the po sitions but that only five or six completed forms nave been re turned. Application forms csn be ob tained from Mundt at the city re corder's office on the second floor of the City Hall. Civil service examinations will be held July 12 at the City Hall. Three vacancies currently ex ist in patrolman ranks. These will be filled by the three appli cants making highest grsdes in the coming exams. Other men passing the exams will be placed on a waiting list. Applicants need not be resi dents of Salem but must move in to the city after a reasonable length cf time. Starting salary is Qualificationa necessary in clude ability to pass a physicsl exsmination; age 24 to 33 years; at least 5 feet 8 inches toll and weight of at least 143 pounds with increasing minimums ac cording to height , Marriage Not Ended Easily For Husband OAKLAND. Cslif. I - The bresking point in marriage add ed up to a fractured elbow and other injuries for Edward Frel- tas, 43, of Oakland. The Alameda county sheriffs office laid Freita and hi wife. Dolores. 29, were returning home when. Mrs. Freitas, at the wheel, announced that she wsnted a di vorce, that she was leaving him. "No," Freitas snapped, "I'm leaving you." And with that, he opened the door and stepped out. The car was going 33 miles an hour. Patterson Highway Proposal Supported PORTLAND 1 The Oregon Highway Users Conference has adopted a resolution urging that the new Portland-Salem Express-1 way be named the Paul Patterson Highway, in honor of Oregon's iate governor. In other action at the conference Monday, George Dewey, represent ing the Oregon Farm Bureau Federation, was elected chairman. FOUR MORE BIG DAYS! JCSw Hie Wonder Show of the World! af--jr" -mm anaw m9M - m jm - W anaT jyf Sff EXCITING Hn UNNIM an cms- uauexT Chief in Salem U.S. Veterinarian Chief of Oregon Locates in Salem Office of Dr. A. G. Beagle, head of the federal veterinarian in Oregon, have been moved from Portland to Salem where they are located with the State Department of Agriculture, it was announced Tuesday. The move.' which includes Beagle's staff, was designed to provide closer liaison with the state department's division of ani mal industry. Staff members making the move were Dr. 0. J. Halverson, assis tant to Dr. Beagle: Charles W. Kemper, administrative assistant; Mrs. Twyls Stanton, assistant to Kemper; Miss Alice Kaufmsn, head of th claims department: and Norman Ehrlich, head of vesicular exanthema and charts. Out-of-Control Cyprus Fire Turns Fatal NICOSIA, Cyprus W The worst Cyprus forest fire In mem ory flared out of control again Wednesday night and claimed its first victim. .. A Cyprlot firefighter perished j in the four-day-old blaze which , has already consumed 30 square miles of pine woodlands in west I Cyprus, SO miles southwest of Nicosia. British headquarters sent (00 troops to Join the fight and late in the day H was brought under 1 control. At nightfall it whipped again into a runaway blaze, leaping from ridge to ridge in the rugged mountain country. Cyprlot firefighters, exhausted and bitter from fighting 4S forest fires in the last two months. charged that the latest blaze and, some previous ones were set de- liberately by the British to flush1 out mountain gangs of the Eoka underground. The British denied this but they conceded some fires may have; been aet accidentally by troops 1 operating against Eoka. The blaze was not far from the place where 21 British sol-1 diers died in n similar fire In mid-June. I CLOSED FOR -REMODELING RE-OPEN TOMORROW! COLONIAL HOUSE HELD OVERI COLOK.DtlvM. CINimaScOPC Burt' Tony LANCASTER -CURTIS Gina L0LL0BRIGIDA CO HIT- . FOR RKVKNtjBI MMM mag mm I Fireworks Glo w in Air At Fairvicw An hour-long fireworks display capped off a day of Fourth of July festivities at Oregon Fairview Home Wednesday. Fireworks, which included " burn ing versions of the American flag and flowing fountains plus tradi tional rockets and noise-makers, drew over 3.000 spectators, state police estimated. , , The evening demonstration, which began about 1:43 p.m., fol lowed a morning float parade at the state institution which - saw Smith Cottage win the grand prize. Theme for th parade," in which 15 floats took part, was song titles. The winning entry depicted "Sweet hearts on Parade." Portland's Clan MacLeay Pipe Band participated In the parade and presented a brief program on the institution lawn following the float display. An outdoor dance was held for residents of the home prior to the evening fireworks. GM Faced by Trust Suit in Bus 'Monopoly' WASHINGTON t Ally. Gen. Brownell. at a "press conference" thst turned out to be a mixture of corn, cooking oil and high poli cy. Wednesdsy night announced an anti-trust action against Gen eral Motor. He said the government, play ing no favorites, would soon file a civil suit against Secretary of Defense Wilson's old firm, charg ing it with illegally corraling a monopolistic position" In the manufacture of buses He declared that this was no attempt to take the edge off Dem ocratic charge that the Republi can are the party of "big busi ness." There are no "political ov ertones" in the move, he said; the Justice Department treats ev erybody alike. The occasion of his announce ment was a kind of "first" in premier performance of a new TV program called "Press Con ference." refereed by Martha Rountree. SILVERTON Drive-In Theatre Wed. Thnrs. Frl SsL "MOGAMBO" ' Cable Gardner Kelly PLUS TATTll QUEEN OF MONTANA" B. Stanwyck R. Reagan Northwest League BASEBALL Tonight-8 P.M. Yakima Bears -Vs.- Salem Sonators Grandstand 7S Bleachers 50c PHONI 4-4713 20e Uvea :4J S0c New rlaying-Salem First Run Spencer Tracy Robert Young "Northwest Passage" Gregory Feck Jane Wyman "The Yearling" Two Great Shews Oa One Program! Because ef the Length ef These Shews Tbey Will Be Shewn Only Once Nightly. The Yearling at 7:00 N. W. Passage at 9:41 When the Appotite's WILLING But the Purse Is WEAK Remember You Can Have Jtt tfou dan lat (Including Choice of Entree and Dessert) F02 Dolly to I f.M. Downtown On . 5fof 5frtf Organ Music Ivory Ivo ning with till Hewitt and Zera J ice at the Ham mend Console. Linderman Top Cowboy At St. Paul IUMimi Naws Strrlca ST. PAUL. Ore. - BiU Linder man, Walla Walla. Wash., cowboy, won the "best all-around cowboy" title and a leg on the new Presi dent's Trophy Wednesday as a capacity crowd walked the St. Paul Rodeo end. Linderman scored SSO points to beat Phil Rawlins. Studio City, Calif.. who waa second with SOI points and Bill Hogoe, Holtville, Calif., third with 4fi9. The new trophy Linderman won a leg 'on was donated by Holly Jackson, Salem Jeweler, and re placed the Sid Stevens trophy tak en out of circulation last year by Buddy Groff, Bandera, Texas, who wore the title here three times. Final results: Brahma bull riding champion shipPete Crump, Post Falls, Id aho, 360 points. Calf roping championship Phil Rawlina, Studio City. Calif., til seconds for two calves. Bareback bronc riding cham pionshipEd Akridge, Hesperia, Calif., 372 points. Saddle bronc riding champion ship Les Johnson, Omak, Wash., 3X0 points. Wild cow milking championship Sherman Sullen, San D I e g o, Calif., 21.1 second. Bull dogging championship Bill Linderman. Walla Walla. Wash., 16: 1 seconds for two steers. Portland Plans Shopping Center PORTLAND OB - Plans" for, another large shopping center in Portland were announced Wednes-1 day. ' Portland Enterprises. Inc., said it has arranged a 11.250.000 pur chase of four blocks in the Holly wood district of East Portland. The shopping center will be in the nrea bounded by Halsey and; Broadway streets and N E. 41st snd 45th avenues. I targains Thousands of Pairs of Fine Shoes from Our Reg. Slock MUST BE SACRIFICED!! SELBY FOOT FLAIR JOYCE DEBS TOWN I COUNTRY WINTHROP FIORSHEIM AIR STEP LUCKY STRIDE TROYLINO and many others. A Wmmi'i shots, chJldrea' ssWKtt all slats, styUs or rsUrs, oat-iiBM, oaerowtiag artae. Many! First eeaat, first mrr4. , Group A' Women' A Dress & Casual Shoes J Vsluoe to 10 S i 1 NJ Group Women's l Dress r Casual Shoes Values to 14 S Wale atn .-' last NO IXCHAN6ES Ot RIFUNDSI SOWY-AU I All! PINAU Open Mon. & Fri. Kites Til 9 Theatre Time Table ILSINOnt . "TmAMK": t:0, 10 IS -THS KIUIR IS UXat"i t:14 . CAPITOL (Continuous from 1 p.m.) ' "WORLD WITHOUT END"! t:00, 4:11: VZI, 10:M "BODY SNATCHMS": lit, NORTH IALIM DRIVE Uf (Cataa opn :4S Show al Dusk) "THE LONE HANGER", Clayton Moorr. "THE PRIVATE WAR Or MA. JOR BENSON", Charlton Hatton. aoLLvwooo )On Showing NIsMly) "THE YEARLING", t:O0 "NORTHWEST TASSAGE", 1:4 Wallet Makes Round. A wallet lost in St. Paul was found by a man from Independence and returned to a woman In Sa lem, city police reported Wednes day. ; Officer said Beverly Sevey, 2711 Hulsey Ave., lost Xhe billfold In St,. Paul. She was unaware of the lots until contacted by police aft er the wallet had been discovered by O. T. Hering, Independence, and returned to Salem, officer re ported. 1 . Woodburn Drive-In Wed. Thurs. . Frl. . SaL la Cinemascope 1UIKJ Of lAMCHIPUr Lana Tamer Pins -mem wohar" Lloyd Bridges 'OrtN 7:15 Slrti tat DALLAS MOTOR-YU Gates Open 7:60 Show Desk . Giant 166 ft. Screen Dean Martla & Jerry Lewis la "ARTISTS AND MODELS" VittaVisioa Second Feature Gary Cooper, Bart Lancaster VIRA C1UZ" Cinemascope Galortl Top Valuotl i s IS Values to 12.95 YOUR CHOICE 1 Men's wovp i A Women's A MeWa 3 V Men's & t 4 AT 387 Court St. Salem Man Passes Away Albert Capshaw, 'ZStO Laurel Ave., died Wednesday at his home. He Is survived by two daugh ter, Mr. Alberta 'Sandlin, Salem, and Mr. Annn Mae Rowe, Green River, Utah; snd a brother, Dan iel, Watsonville, Calif. . . Funeral arrangement are in care of the Howell-Edwards funer al home. AL KADU 1956 JL JULY 6.7-1 MULTNOMAH STADIUM mm tut. (TVl 00 Pair but a terrific tsIb al this 7 'a i a MTI.C Era 70 ?,5 Dress & Casual Shoes Vslwos te 12.9S mf . What a!" Group 4 Children's Shoes 5 Valves to 7.tS to 7.tS $3 Wale ThtT las) dm al ftrvi AN Prrrleiisly' Niw Spring I Summer Shoes Now Being Added to Thlr Sal