I12-Sc. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thuri., July 5, "50 Ike Observes Quiet 4th at Gettysburg "cCTTYSBirRG. Pa. tl - Presf dent Eisenhower celebrated Inde pendence Day at his eeuatrjr es tte Wedoea It about as Uim fastuoa ae possible lor a nan Hh couple tt lively grand- ttildrea wader foot. 6e far at could bt determined. evea with the te kids a band. there wasn't a Romaa candle, eky racket or firecracker oo In place, r. Nor were there, any official Visitors. - ... . . , ... , Tomorrow though, the recuper ating President will be back oa a limited work schedule hishlifhted bf an Important confereace in wbick the chief of sUff at the Air Furc. Ceo. Naihaa F. Twiaini. will report oa bis peraanal ebeer ' rations of Soviet air power. Twio ln. Just back from eight day ia Russia, will bold a aewa confer ence after aeeing Elaeahowe. It was a dull, muggy July 4 ia Gettysburg, with overcast skies threatening to spill rain. And on the Elsenhower farm Just outside of town, the grass, still was wet from overnight showers. - That didn't atop the President from turning out this morning for half botir of (hipping aad putting on the neatly carpeted golf greee behind the bouse. He waa using a Na. I iron from M yards out, with his heaae guest, MaJ. Gen Leonard D. Hcalon, looking oa aad occasionally taking a turn. J I f nfoy'coottr Jsys"wiifi frts 'trashing suggestions from IGAI Troats'for th ontirt family r 01 HJ s lit -V- rT71TU7 Aim A-IHTTCTPWI The"12-in.l"Mix lo) L2)U 40-oz. pkg. ewffi Assorted-Flo vors r V r Sen. Morse Spends 4th at Eugene Home - EUGENE f) Sea. Wayne Vorse, Oregon Democrat, arrived at his farm borne here Wednesday to spend a ajuiat holiday and meet with his election eampaiga staff. . The seaater Joined Mrs. Marat, who arrived about W days ago la spend the summer. . Morse la scheduled ta fly back te Washing ton Saturday.' ' He arrived in Portland by plane at 4 a.m., where ha was met by -his eamnaiga manager. Mrs. Jeaa Lewis. She accompanied the aen atnr oa tha automobile trip to Eugene, . Morse went horseback riding with Mr. Lewis t-year-ald dwugh to, Judy, Wednesday morning and later rode around tha farm In specting fences. Tha farm has been under lease to a tenant, but the lease has expired and ' Mrs. Morse has moved back for the summer. ,. The senator hat no speaking engagements scheduled during the vit. His administrative assistant, William Berg, returned to Oregon about a week ago, and will consult with Mrs. Lewis aad Morse oa fampaiga plant. , t Morse, who last was elected as I Republican but switched la tha Democratic Party, will be oopofed ia the November election by ex- Gov. Douglas McKay, former Ulterior secretary, who woa the Rrrmhllcaa nomination ia the May primary.. Prehistoric Indian Site Uncovered ' Berkeley. Csiir. iiua place where prehistoric Shoshone Indians manufactured large knife like blades which they probably traded to other tribes has been found in Inyo County by aa arc heological research team from the University of Calilornia. The blades wers made of obsid ian, a Jet-black glass like sub stance. They wers large and crude ly shaped, so that Individual pur chasers could chip them dowa to' the desired sue, said Francis A. Riddel, research archeologist. The site was found by Harry I Hiddell. brother of the archeologlst and employe of the Lot Aagrlei Pewer Company. It is at Rose Springs, about 40 miles south of Lone Pine. Few Implements other than the blades were found. This indicated, Francis Riddel stid, that the place was not a typical Indian village but a temporary or seasonal place for manufacturing. The presence of abalone shells at the site sug gested also that tha Shoshone carried on trade with Indians from the eoatal area of California. lofroih and i i i i i i aa at i - v i ip liuieij usj with REAL GOLD INSTANT OIANGI 6UL $00 IGA Royal Guest. ICED TEM Quick I Easy to make! v "T Completely satisfying! ftj I 31 14-lb.Dka.V LJC?afJ.. V stoic in Cool Off with ICED IGA DELUXE There's nothing more satisfying on a hot summer day I 2-lb. tin Drip or Reg. IklAUrik a Angel Food 3 fs ,GA Pincflpp,e EOT m PkQj. Only vW5 White Stor Chunk Style fin Ml 9 Reg. Size tin... 29c IGA Y.rvr.rced Peaches IGA Fruit Cocktail Durkee Mayonnaise 5 No. 13 Caaa SI M r Am xie I.WU EACH 21c 5 No. 30S Cans SI M F.ACH tie I "WW 24-ox. Jar 59c fAnrshtnallows Cracker Jacks Star polar m (raawf ar Catakv Pconut Butter Cheose VJjf ash ' - CC Mi Cmfars Itf. 33c 5m 4c lurte. 43 ijlfii. 69 Chopped Beef Irmaur 5la? Spaghetti Tamalcs HUT t&KI. CjxJ Clams 5new'j On Chovdcr UCI35w 1 I21 (am L4CI2U i U-ai. Cms 3rV Reg. 27c You Save 8c U.S. Good Grade Steer Beef (ul mm Pound Cm EACH 27 33 Fir Quicker IUIEI r p T Mil COST I fm ML o aS mfflm II0TIIII1G TO BUY . . . REGISTER AT SALEM IGA STORES One Given Away at Each Store Monday, July 16 T-ion Steab fammi led ,.,KOC 2 IRA Tafcle Rite First Grade ' Lb. Cello Pack From U.S. Good ID Steer Beef LBl fore, Fresh, aad Lesa 3-lB. PKG. c )mtkhv Co Mown kai nom Orrings Juice Dill Pickles 'i:1 3 UPTON Yellow Label BLACK TEA BLACK TEA BAGS ' 41 Baft UPTON ONION , UCH 21e 39c 59c SOUP MIXES TOMATO-VKCiKTABLE CHICICENNOODI.K 15c 3 for 39c 3 ,0, 39c Fresh. Solid, Ripe TOMATOES For Slicing or Salads 2 lbs. FRESH CELERY SWEET CORN SEEDLESS GRAPES Pound D 6 ears i, m IGA PEAS JKlId Taaty 16. ir.l TAU1TACC SoUdPsrk IVA IVI'IMIVU 6 s01 $1.00 .6 $1.00 Each 17c. shut icsJiui niuritrc uiv Auni jiriinA rAniAiu. hia 401. pk. B & M BAKED BEANS,,,. . 29c 3 ,or 85c Affo ricn EffKlht Thuri., M., iai $(., Juty $, 4 and 7. KA Horn lattrfi Itia RlgM hi 1111 QuMllfiit. Vigoro SO la. Ul Mb $2.69 Itgular 1,89 10' Toibt Tissue SHOP and SAVE at Those Independently-Owned IOA Stores TREND TODAY IS TO : r y urn JX OAVINOO YISTA IGA MARKET 1045 S. Commercial First la Soath Salrm '' STATE STREET IGA MARKET lUI SUte Street ORCun's IGA MARKET i20 N. River Rd. EMERY'S IGA FOOIiLINER Wallace Read J at fteveata, West Salesa CORNSTARCH & 15c NIAGARA Starch 'Sr. i9c LINIT Starch '?T 15c PARSON'S Sudsy Ammonia Quart Oft loftla XTt PEPS0DENT Tooth Pasta 2 Reg. 49c Tubal Only 73C Plus Tat M.CP Powdered ' Pectin 2 29c PARD DOG FOOD 2 29c I AVA COAP 11c Both Bar O'CEUO Sponga 'NoTJ-C'ft Each A7W Vi Price Wlldroor Cream HAIR TONIC 33c 39c Tuba riua Tu