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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1956)
WANT 4D irpt..- ., . . yt 1 ' jm IMIW.IIH " B "1 A 450 Merchandise 470 For Sole, Mite. TOR SALE used wood furnace with aawdujst burner and auto- .; mane control, rn a-voie euer p.m. Ur.W Bxll linoleum ruga. $53. Uird Mdsc. Mart, 970 8. Libr arty. Ph. 4-4371. No down pay ment (o.a.c.) Open Frl. nights til . TURN baby buggy, excellent condition 15. "211 N. Water, Sllverton. Ph. -H23. C'SED Beautyrest box and mat tress. 140.30. Uaed Mdae. Mart. 170 8. Liberty. Ph. 4-0371. No down payment (o.a.c.) Open Frl. night til 1. PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 2-4310 TOP SOIL Phone 1-1373, 2-SS01 BEV'S rummage, everyday. 47J N. Cottage. Ph. 4-7300. fvPtWRlTER addiDf ma chines,' cash register, dupll cstor anki, Chun, (ilea, sup plies Roen's, 43 Court 1-4773 fi rt. upriinT"freeieni, nVS up. Chest Freezers $388.83 up. Ph. 1-M.TO Idealerl. Top Soil Orchard Loan River Loin, Dial 1-174 Prompt Delivery Keuer Sand Gravel Co. 472 Wonted, Mite. LOGS WANTED: Top price, paid -ln. to 30-ln. diameters In -ft. or multiples of t-ft. We also buy stumpage. Burkland Lum ber Co.. Turner. Ore. Ph. Tur ' tier 1129. Evenings phon Tur ner 1501 or Salem 2-7820. JllSCf Items, turn., dishes, tool or what have you. Call Bark ers Furn. 4-0444. 3794 Silver ton Rd. W ANTED. Good clean furniture tt appliances. Will ray top cash price. Phon 4-37l. W ANTED aavaral thousand cords of wood, all specie. Ph. 1-7711 Night. 4-3031. 474 Mitcelloneout ADDING machine, caaa regit Clerv 197 Falrgrounda 1-5.175 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR l-UH. SERVICE Di MOST CASTS CP. HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Aooion eiog. state comi aia SALEM PR. 1-3311 476 Fuel 0REQ0N FUEL CO. Old fir lily pad SAWDUST ' 8A.H Green Stamps ; Ph. 3-3333 3017 Broadway XvDERSON'S s fa "b w To d. Ph. 2-7751 or 4-Z654. ""ORDER NOW FOR BATES Iswdust. wood for furnace. range or heater, ahavings It mulch. i West Salem Fuel Co 1.123 Edgewater Ph. 8-4031 WAITED aeveral thousand cords o. wood, all species Pa 1-7711 Nights. 4-56.13 HIGHWAY, FUEL CO SAWDUST A WOOD 3-6444 Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOB MULCHING Planer Ends Choir slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 1-7711 500 Bur. & Finance 510 Money to Loon 123 to $2300 Pacific Industrial. Loans 111 I. Liberty Ph. 4-UffJ LOANS (30 00 U) 11500 0 Buy What You Need Consolidate your bill. Ftnanr tnro'jgh WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY HI 8 Church St Ph 18457 PRIVATE money to loan. I interest. Ph. 3-0714. For Cash HOLLYWOOD FINANCE CO. ltan Fairgrounds Rd. (Hollywood District) HOME OWNED HOME OPERATED No Investigation Fee. Free Parking Lot. Call 1-70A! HE HAVE rash buyers for real estat contract and Ind mort gages. Ohmart a Cslabs, Realtor 477 Court St Phon 1-4115 FRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy rontractl nd mortgages. 341 Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-8641. Colonial investment co Real i fro party Loan Contract Purchaaad, M7 Court. 4-IlaJ. 602 Help Wonted CAPITAL . EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 154 N. Winter Ph. 1-0631 Your fu'ure Is our job. ARTHUR Murray's now Inter viewing applicants for teachers $.1 per hour, training free If accented. Ages 31 thru 30 Apply In person, Mr. Chap pel. I thru 3 p.m.. 433 Ferry. APPLICATION are new' being lakea for Statesman Bicycle route Several routes will be ' open. Applicant muat be ae rnmpanled by their parent ar have their written Dermis. Ion. Apply the Clrculatloa pepanraaai ee ma ax duna VECJPERS 600 Employment 602 Help Wonted PAGENSTEQHERS COMMERCIAL Placement Agency Since 1941 Specialists In i Office Placementa F-Bkkpr. calculator 1275 F-Sect'y recept 1190 F-Typlst. shthnd 1173 F-Steno.In . IUKI M-Stock Clerk 1M M-Cr. Coll. ynf single UM M-Bkkpr., off. mgr., out open Beit Way to the Beat Jobi 494 State St., 411 Oregon Bg, 4-J.1S1 WANTED, a family to pick cu cumbers lot S'.'t acrei. Ph. .. t-mi. .. . 604 Help Wonted, Men IBM SUPERVISOR ' Experience with 402. 314. 077, 551 requirea. win nave rardatype. Aew Installation. Excellent op. portunity. Write full qualifies, tions tn Box 165, Statesman. Journal. PUB. acct. needs young man with exp. In acctg. for asst off. mgr. Must be personable ana amnmous. box 107 statesman-Journal. WANTED: Log buyer. Box 164, statesman-Journal. WANTED: Casuality Insurance adjuster with exp. In either Liability or Material Damage or both. Salary open, rax. fur nished, territory either Hose. burg or Portland. Please state qualifications. Inq. will be , notuiea tor personal interview Box 163 Statesman-Journal. BOOKKEEPERVndffic-man aeer wanted. Must b able to take full charge of the office. " Please state age and qualifica tions, also marital atatus In fi nal letter. Whit Statesman- Journal, Box 161. WANT aeveral wood cutters. Apply Capital Fuel Co. MOO N Fiver Rd. WANTED draftsman, age 13 to 35, with mapping ability or ex perience (for Eugene firm I. Five day week. Salary open. Writ Box No. 161. Statesman Journal, for Interview. 606 Help Wonted, Lady ACCOUNTANT, exp. with P. R and gen. ledger, perm. pne. If quai. writ box iw statesman' Journal.- BABY sitter my horn. 0 days wk. pn. 4-054 after p.m. WOMAN to stay with elderly woman, light housework. 222 Levens. Dallas, Ore. MA 3-3700 .WANTED by woman alone on farm, companion At light hse kpg., middle aged pref. 4-203. EXPERIENCED waitress eV com bination waitress ar car hop, over 1 yra. of age, 90c an hour. Mickey's Dnva-In, f5 Wallace Rd. Apply after 1 p.m. SECRETARIAL" position, short hand, typing, use of recorder & transcriber at gen'l office exp. required. Salary-- from 1250 to 3280 per no . depend ing on exp. Ph. 4-5MI1. FULL time baby sitter, my home for 3 mos. baby. Ph. 2-00:16 NEED very reliable lady, near Liberty gardens to are for 1 boys ages 3 and 5. Dav time. Ph. 2-5J23 after 3:30 p m. DEMONSTRATOR Exp. for new mod. Salem store. Distributing approvrd health & reducing equip. For app't. call 4-280. MIDDLE-AGE woman to do homework. 1 In family, all mod. conveniences, liv In. Ph. 4-6559. WAITRESS wanted at Colonial House. Apply afternoons or eves. COMBINATION dinner A fry cook to work 1 hours on sun dsv. Good wages, ref. required Writ P. O. Box 1111. Sslem. 608 Pickers Wonted U-P1CK Strawberries. 1 ml. East Kelrer school. A. Goldshy, 2211 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 4-3374. 610 Solos Help Wonted WANTED 1 salesmen. Salem area. A golden opportunity for a producer, liberal commis sions. Calll-MM; FARM Salesman to work out of on of Salem S finest Heal Fa tal offices, nawlfna Really, 6(13 Chemeketa. Ph. 4-0875. MAN to distribute A pick up ruller Brush catalog sine weekly romm to start 1-8.157 SALESMAN wanted. Flectrolux corp. 107 Brdwy Salem. PA'RfTTlME SALES WORK (to I, average $48 50 guaj. anirea romm. rrr FOR Immediate employment. 3400 mo. guaranteed com ap ply 323 E. Bush. I 30 to A.M. Only. . . 612 Work Wonted. Men YOUNG man w ants steady work by the hour. Ph. 4-rm7. WANTED: Part-llm work In A. M. near Salem until Aug. 1. Ph. 1-2071. Mow hayfleld or vacant lots. Ph. 4-0371 between p m. ex a.m. NEED AN ADDITION? Remodeling? Cabinet work. Free ext. r.xpert work, wora guar. Ref. Go anyplar. Cha. Ca lm. Ph. 1-7010 CUSTOM mowing. Iota A acre-. ages. I ft. mower. Dclbert Beach. Ph. 3-7731. PAINTING Free Estirnntes Reasonable. Ph. 1-9!SM eves. "T ROTO-TILLING Ph. 2-251ft ' f ALLG R A SS ria w ICcui ting An derson. 4-0443. m N. Capitol ROTOVATINOTworli eve, week ends. J Hathaway Ph. 1-Mi. ROTOVATINO PH. 2-4763 CARPENTER WORK, day ar contract, 1-141 ar (-14M, 600 Employment 412 Worh Wonted, Mm lOU't tree aarvlea Spray, top ping, piuna, ranting -ioe Horn Building tt Remodeling CALL JOHJMSON-Ph. 2-91 CEMENT work: guaranteed; prompt eervlce; free estimates. Irnesf Drake, Ph. 4-l. HOT coating, roof repair A pray painting. Guaranteed . workmanship. Also free esti mates. Ph. 4-4117. 614 Work Wonted, Lady CHILD care. In my homo close In. Ph. 4-8M. CERTIFIED teacher to tutor children morning. July, AU' gust. Ph. 1-0824. IRONING IN MY HOME PH. 4-4694 CHILD ear my home II da. 25c hr. 4-Corners, ph. 1-0571. WILlT'do-babyilttingTnrny horn. 004 N, Liberty. Ph. 4-0.H1. . CHILD car In my home, plsy equipment St Close supervision. 1051 Electric. 4-3701. WILL car for two girls In my country horn day or week. Ph. operator 01F13, Close In HOMEMADE frorrn fruit at chicken pies. Cookies baked to order 4-5333 or 1-1781, WILL bbyit. i year olds A p Ph. 4-0.-I49. MIMEOGRAPHING typing Mrs roe, tu n. loin. Fit. j-mti. 615 Situation Wanted LAWN ' MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR c & s equip, co; 80S Edgewater. W Salem. 4-1541 FRANK-HARRY'S POWER DITCHING Installation, sowers, septic tanks, drain fields, tiling 1-0108. EXPERT apray. brush painting, paper hanging, your paint or mine. Free est. Term. Ph. Nelson 3-8493, 3-8243. '.. yd shovel, crane. r,o. org itn. z.vton mobile cranes. us. vi eats, carry all clear Ing blade Rental contract or .unit prices. . SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 14Tb N Frnrft St Ph 1-2461 PAINTING, papering. Fre esU mates Don Luccro 3-5J22 P A I NTI NG . D i rt cheap-pr ices. 25 years In Salem. Ph. 3-7552. CA RPENTERworkr"nlnd rras 4240 Maeleay Rd. 4-8M1 SCHARrF BROTHERS Installation Repair Bewers, Septic Tanks, Drain Fields, . Power Ditching. Backfill. Fit. 2-5508 or 3-3071. MOWING St raklr.g. D. Mar--shall. 1-1343. SMALL carpenter lob, good wora. reasonable. Ph. 4-1424 LIGHT crawler doier. leveling grading. 1-7041 L Kurth INT. decorating. Chas. McLean, 41T .1. Madron. Ph. 1-3935. 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board SLEEPING rms. $1 day. $3 wk. Near Capitol. 411 N. Summer. VERY nice rm. for gentleman. pvt. ent. 53 N. Cottage. TV. Nicely furn.. clean Bleeping rm. $5 wk. 2-7020. board avail. FURN. It. houaekeeplng rm.. W. saiem, sjo mo. rn. 4-wu. lis Gerth. ROOM A hoard, men only, $63 per mo. Ph. 4-1742. NICELY furn. rm. also basm't rm. 539 N. winter. CLEAN, quiet, near State bldg.. shop Dist., kit. privet, 1-144 CLEAN. Comf. rms. t. V . close In 11$ S Winter 1-1712, WANTED Man to room snd board. 1M N. Capitol. 705 Apartment For Rent NEAR Capitol, furn. 3 rms. snd bath $52 50. 330 8. 14th. 4-714$. 3-RM. furn. apt., pvt. bath, A ent. ziw s. 22nd after . LynWOOD" COURT APTS. Under new management: face lilting. In progress thruout. For clean, pleasant living at rental, 1 and Z hdrm. apta furn. or unfurn. TV an tenna, laundry facilities. 925 S. 13th. ROOMY furn. 1 hdrm. apt. CloM to Sr. and Jr. High. Ph. 3-6434. ATTRAC lrm apt. with pvt. nam, iv antenna, iaunary priv. Close in. 461 N. Front. Evenings Ph. 4-9522. APT. for 2." partly furn. 1342 waller, call any time. 3-RM. nicely fur. apt , private oam, automatic iaunary, jv.9u. Ph.4-4020, 3-8841. FOR RENT 3 rm. apt. w. pvt. bath, kitchenette. I-aundry priv.. close In. Inq. 461 N. Front. Evenings Ph. 4-9522. FURN. Apts . $.13 and $43. Util ities Incl. Employed lady only. Ph. 4-1587. FURN. apt. Washington sen. dist. Bus. pvt. ent. 3250 Ham mel. 1 RM. apt. w. kitchenette, bath, utll. 450 S. Capitol NICE 3 rm. apt. 1st fir . hath, laundry, nic yard, rea. 695 S. 16th. ATTRACTIVE furn. 1 rm. apt.. .pvt. entrance, closa In B. Fh. 3-3303 or 2-3370. SPACIOUS UNFURNISHED 4 RM. ACACIA APARTMENT Call after P.M. J-7009 1140 S. 13TH, $50.00 4 RM. furn. flat, adults, refer ences, gar. Call A.M. Ill 1 fc after p m. 3-754J. MODERN 1 bdrm. court apt.. completePv furn . I5H a mnn. W. Sslem. Ph. 4-0875. Eve. 2-8743. NICE Ig. 3 rm. furn. 841 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-3446 or 3-31100. 1ST FLOOR, fu.-n. 3 rms., Ben- djx. 35$ N. Liberty Ph. 3-7124 CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt. down town, lady pref. 045 ferry. 15 room, ground floor, smsll yard. Desirable, 1 block from P.O. 1-6553. Hollywood Apts. Furn., unfurn., 4-4713 or 4-7179. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apti. S3 N. Rummer 2-920$ 1 RM. apt.. 2S N. 15th , Cham. . eketa A Ph 4-327 MODERN I ""bdrm.. Cou-t Apt Ilnfn.n a v ... , VI..,. ranmm Mr relrig W. Saiem. Ph. 4-6373. i.R741 COURT apts. F.xtra nice, clean, 3 rms. A hatii, iinfuin, recent stove, refrig T V.,, latin , park avail. Ifiq. 1.148 S. 121 h. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. ll6$Chemku St. Ph. $-$630 jrenlc view 1 batrm unfurn court A pL, range, fefrig. 1-tooS. MODF.RN 1 bdrq). court apt., unfurn. except alee, range 4 refrlg., $.vt a me., W. Salam. Ph. 4-4M7I. Evas. I-874J. '00 Rental 70S Aportmowti For Kent :; THE LEE APTS. SALEM'S Most Distinguished Address. Rachelor unit available now I'nfurn 383 mo In-pectlon ln viiea. mu n. winter. FURN.' I rm. apt. w. bath. In .Hollywood. Ph. 4-6200. NICEtY furn. cool, well venV lated apt. In brick hldg. for 1 or i artulta. near MAF store Ph. 1-8248 or 3-833.1- 1 RM. turn, kitchenette. 340. Washington. Ph. 4-1010. lAN 1 rm. furn. aotPvt. eni. at oatn, urn. turn. 41 e. 1 706 Ouploiei CLEAN, nicely furn. 1 bdrm. duplex. T V. snienna. -)lo 3 RM. duplex, burnt . frpl., ga rage, wo. rn. $3130. 1 bedrm., 1 blocks from Capitol Hidgs. Auto oil best Wired for elec. rang. Ph 4-1M3. 707 Houses For Rent FOR RENT 1 hdrm. house and garage, 1335 Cross St., 030. Ph. 2-ZiOl. 1 Bdrm., nice. 90S S. 14th, 50 ma. 1 Bdrm , really nice. 171 30 mo. inquire 105 Kenwood, Ave., Four Corners. NICE mod 1 bdrm. North, 78. rn. j-aija. LOVELY mod. 1 bdrm. home. flrepl., St. Vincent diet. Apply 1090 Donna Ave.' 1 BDRM. house. 4 yr. old, very ciean. jour Lornsr dist, pn. after 3 4-5757. FOR LEASE two bedroom house, large lot, fenced. Attached ga rage. 100 mo. Immediate pos session. Ph. 4-022. OR SF.LL completely remodeled Darin, use. Liberty At Lin coln. Ph. 3-8128 after S p in. CLEAN 1 bdrm. unfurn. hfte. no S. 21st. Gsr, fenced yard. $53. Call 2-5744. NEW 1 bdrm. house, att, garage. aoa. rn. z-.B. IN Mehama 340 mo. 4 bdrm. nnuae, garage, cnicxen pen. carport, berries' L. E Gould, Box 42 Canby, Ph. 2408. SMALL house,-ciose-lnr138 Gaines. FOR lease, nice 3 bdrm. modern house, no children. Ph 4-3181: TRAILER anace$10 ' per mo! No pels. PH. 1-Mij, 740 ox ford 2's BDRM house and garage with l't A. $70 mo. Ph. 4-2361 WELL located apacioua 1 bdrn? house, $100 per mo. Call 3-4234 after 8:30 p.m. 4 BDRM. house, full bsmt . w antenna, W. Salem, eloaa to achool, A bus. $75 no pets, Refernce required. Call 1-71:18. 1 BDRMS., rleanfarage.$30 monlh. 40$ River St. FOR'renT or aal7l bdrm hse. Ph. 4-5109. $63. 1 BDRM., attached garage, 4 blocks to High or Grade. 893J udton St. Ph. 2-00 11. 4 HDRM. house near Shopping Ctr. No pets. Ph. I-J94. FOR RENT: sub 3 bdrm., frpl., daylight bsmt.. close to achool A stores. 3-6396. 707-41 Furnished Houses CLEAN I bdrm., uto. washer, AduMeII.18 Ruge. 1-3177. FOR LEASE, 1 bdruv furn. cot tage, gar. N. Ph. 3-320. 4 rm. furn. cottage near bus, tore. Adults. Ph. 4-5aS. 70S Forms For Rent FOR RENT or lease Grade A dairy, 150 acres level river loam, additional pastura land milking parlor, will support It or more dairy cattle, 80 acres under Irrigation. A w. Ver non. Rt. 1. Box 300. Independ ence. Ore. Ph. Salem 1-132. 710 Wanted to Rent Hies WANT to rent with option to buy. 1 or more bdrm. house with acreage or Ige, lot. Ph. 2-2769. STATE emplroyed engineer wishes to rent or lease, clean 4 bdrm. home by August 1. Ph. 4-230. WANT to rent: 3 bdrm. ha. N. dist. Widow A 2 young people. Ph. collect Detroit 491. RESPONSIBLE buslnesa couple w1 child needs clean t bdrm. house or duplex by August 1st Ph. 1-9951. 714 Business Rentals FOR RENT Cnmi bldg. 134 sq ft. with office locetlnn north on well traveled lret. Ph. 1-.T700 UOWN town office spsc. stor rm. A warehouse 1-4114. 718 Convalescent Home WILL cere for elderly people in my home, 23 yrs. exp. Clesn very comfortable home. Ph, 4-3741. ELDEREST Nursing Home Pri vate room svallsbls. 1630 N Church. 1-961. COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME, til N Cotttg 1-700 780 Moving t Storage Larmrr Storact Complete moving service. Also genu ror bekink Nation wide Mover Ph 1-3131 LOW COST storsge H Stiff urniiure ta i-n. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Qpportun. SMALL cafe for sale or trade, 1 can nanoie. pn. 4-720. j MODERN 7 unit Salem motel A home, sell or consider tiade for small apartment house, close In. Owner 1-7130. HEATING OIL DISTRIBUTOR'S territory avail able locally, some financial as sistance ennmdrrrd. Write W. Williams, 2135 N I. 39th Ave. Portland 1.1, Ore., or Ph. AT. 2-OKS5 eves. HIGHWAY 99 NO. OF SALEM Service station for leaae. lS.noo gal. a mo. Low rent, nn com petition, high nil sales, now in operation. 3 bdrm. mod. hse completely repainted J2.5O0 will handle. AV 8-1411 ortlod. or Mr. Phillips, 8a m 4-9119. FOR LEASE neat eompleTlon new drlve-ln restaurant with heavy traffic count Some equipment furn Bos 83. . statesman-Journal. MQTRL-71 units, good return. tnke Sslem Property In trsde TAVKIN-lsnd A all. Hot Spot $1 ( ill Ml Terms. 'GROCERY clesn stock, new 'ivturee. reasonable , SF.n ST A, Good location. $3.. 6im no , TUCKTM REM. rSTATI Ibanon, Oregon 806 Houses For Solo NO DOWN PAYMENT If you e pay torn extra per month for 1st 12 months, on my 3 bdrm. home pear Can dalaha Schl. Has iarg ga rage, fenced yd , neat and trim as pin. H$M. Ph. 4-5444. 800 Real Estate 106 Heme For Sale Roy Todd Realtor JULY 4TH SPARKLERS BARGAIN tN MANBHIN GAR DENS Exceptionally attrac tive horn only yrs. old in xclustv neighborhood. '3 ift.bdrm.. 10 ft. living room and dining room combined. F. A. oil furnace. Insulated and weather-stripped. Beau tiful corner lot. Low down riavment. good loan guaran eed, owner will carrv bal ance. Priced $8300. Call Mrs. Graham. 4 BDRMS. SOUTH t yrs old. 1 bdrma down, I up. Well built home with loflo sq. ft. of living spac - on 1st floor. . Arranged for family living and , comfort. Nic hlg lot. V city water, large living and dititng rooms and very attrac tive kitchen. Many nice- fea turea. $12,700. Call. Mr. Hick. , ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 2319 State St Ph. S-8581 Eve. Calls: Mrs. Graham 4-4746, Vandervort 4-7602, Hicks 4-4930 SALE OR TRADE I yr. old I Dorm, noma, ranch style, per fect condition. Lovely land acaplng. $11,750 or will trade $no equity In good 1-4 bdrm. with acreage, North sn ME. GRIMMETT.REALTY 1440 Broadway Tel, S-707 Trees $ More Trees 1 ACRES of them Just outside atty limits south, view proper ty fine subdivision or seclud ed home site, all for $7500. Priced low considering the lo cation. Terms, cash. Eve. esll BAY DAVIS 4-8917. days 1-080. ED LUKINBEaL. REALTOR. 433 14. HIGH 3 BEDROOM Full basement, I batha, close to Parnsh School. Priea 11.1.300 Consider trade for smaller home, call Carpenter, Eve 1-064$. TRIPLEX NORTH Very nice condition, 1 ecr of land. Trade for horn or lota Call Eve., Carpenter 1-64. L. E. KLUMPP. Rltr. 303$ Portland Rd. Ph. 17841. 4993 4-CORNER DISTRICT BY BUILDER, new 1 bdrm. house, 1'7 b.iths. flrepl.. dhle. garage. $11,500. Ph. 4-4073. EXCEPTIONAL l'i yr. old 3 norm. nome. an Hirrh wood work, lge. lot. lawn A drapes. 413S Hertel Dr. 4-7838. OWNER transferred, large 1 bdrm. ranch style horn with den A utility, 1 lota fenced, well landscsped, nice neigh borhood, near .grade A high schools. Priced at $17.(00. 130 Evergreen Ave. Ph. 3-3977. BUY my equity In Manbrln Gar den home,- I bdrms.. or 1 bdrm. nd den. F. A. heat, frpl. and patio $1,150 dn., $11. 301.18Manbrln Dr. Ph. 4-2453 FOR SALE or trade, equity In 4 bdrm. hse, $400 rash or what have you? Ph. 4-B8M. OWNErTTRANSFERRED NEW 1 bdrm. quality home, mako offer. Ph.j4-4811. JOB HUTCHINSON REALTOR Let us solve your ham need To Buy. Sell or Rent Call Ph. 4-8743 if 1211 Ph. 4-7174 p7IO t 1 BDRM. house on. Edgewater So. Comm'l . aonrox. 8 A . So. of Prlngle Dist 1 bdrm. house at 268 Draper. Pioneer Trust Co. 1-113. MR. OWNERt Gten Veodry will tay top prte for your fur aDDllances Ph 1-311 1 IMMACULATE homes. Ideal tlty location, "beautiful yards. 2 ndrm., 2nd 4 bdrm . equip ped for day nursery, ph 1-350$ 4 Three Bedroom Houses $7000 EACH buys these 4 three bdrm. homes, ech has living rm. with hdwd. floors dining rm., xitcnen wttn tue ors'n boards and bath, flreplc. full basmnt. and oil fur 4 garages, located on beautiful comer lot In Hollywood Dist. Alwava rented at $7$ each, why trv tn beat this one. Eve. csil RAY DAVIS 4-3917. dsvs 1-060. EO LUKINBEAL. REALTOR, 433 N. HIGH. 3 BDRM. nous with small sere age at 970 Ratcllff Dr. Make offer at Pioneer Truat Co., Sa lem. NEW View home, 1 bdrms., family rm.. 2 baths, etc. $23,000. Might consider trade. 4-7800. OWNER TRANSFERRED WILL sac. 3 bdrm. ranch stvle home. 1,300 sq. ft. 3335 Brenna. 1-V7M. BY OWNER-Nearly new 3- bdrm , din. rm., firepl., garage, inclosed yard, redecorated, En glewnod Dist., $13,000. Ph. 4-7304. FOR SALE by owner: 1 bdrm. home, fireplace, paved atreet, terms, 1380 Hadley St. Ph. 4-431. iorc DOWN MOVES YOU 174 TODAY OR BUILD TO SUIT ED FISCHER. PH. 4-M.13 $1,000 DOWN Nic 2 bedrm. home, kitch., dtn , Ing rm., tiled bath, good slsed kit, fireplace, attached garage. unfinished upstairs. Total price $8,300. 2118 Vaughn Ave. Ph. 4-8253. FOR SALE, nice 1 bdrm. home near school. N, E. Di't.. 17, Km. Will take late model car for my equity value fur :.5H0. Ph. 4-0310 or 31K5 Beacon. RANCH style home. J yVsnld". 3 bed rooms, one exira. large, lawn, shrubs, ggj-rien A straw berries. Price $15,730. 2510 Wnoddale Ave. - . CONVENIENT WALKING DISTANCE TO BUSINESS DISTRICT, ON A CORNER LOT. Fine family home with dining room plus eating area in kitchen. 1 large bedrooms and a den. Fireplace, attached garage. This place Is in excel lent condition Inside and out. Call Mrs. Oglesbee for apptmt. to see. Eves. 1-3573. Dsvs J-6K8II ED LUKINHKAL, RE- ALTOn, 433 N. HIGH. BY BUILDER r NEW spacious 1 hdrm. Fngle wood Dist. Top quality 2-1071. $500 buys our equity 2 bedrooms, tile bath, large' garare, An tenna Inc. Phone 2-6211. SELL or trade for car: equity In 1 hdrm. home. 1430 N Church. Ph. 4-368. 2 BDRM. $ yrs. old, din. rm.. Inside utility, att. garage, pa tin. 9T0 so, ft. 2 blexks to grade achool A bu. 79$ South 24th. Ph. 4-3400. OWNER leavlni slate New 1 bdrm. home. 2 blocks of school, fireplace, lawn A gar den in. 441 Menlo Drive. Ph. 3-54 By'owNER 1 hdrm modern, well built home. $7 500 I o- . rated at 1453 7th. Ph. 4-3413 eve. ' BY BUILDER NEW 1 hdrm num nasi a Salem schools A pnk 2-7071 EASTMOREl.AND.3 hdrmsTl'i baths, birt h kitchen with dish washer, dble. gar. Ph. 4-7.-1 -$.350 DOWN Thhr I bdrm. horns tvlth tile hath, rinse ta bus and store. Fh. 2-3684 Eve. and Holidays. L. E. KLUMPP. REALTOR Kii PORTLAND RD. 800 Real Estate " 106 Heuiet For Sale SflflK'S BEST BUyS 322 N. CHURCH ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES ' - PHONE 4-S3U OR 1-7820 NOW HEAR THIS! Fatrmnunt Hill Paved comer lot, 3 bdrms. on una floor, full bamrnt. t fireplace-. Oil heat. Near Khooli. Bui by door. A lot of living tn a fin dulrirt at m. Good termi ton. Call Mr. Crawford. .vt. Ph. 4-W20. DECLARE INDEPENDENCE From your landlord and own that home of your dreatni. Lovely 3 bdrm, home. On one floor Large II v. rm. Sep. dining I'm. Br k fat. na. Fire plan, l't bath. 1 tiled. Dble. garage. Larg lot. Brand nw A real value at 112110. Call Walt Jonei. ve. Ph. 4-7 MI. EXTRAS GALORE In thli wonderful 4 bdrm. horn. Spacloua roomi. I batha. Hdwd. fin. In excellent ron diUon. Bvautiful landicaping. Lota of yard. Dble. garage, New .aluminum roof. On acre. Prtrvd at lll.nno. Call N. G. -Dan" Iiaak. Ivt. Ph. 4-99A3. 3 HOUSES'" On U',xl6S lot. 1 bdrm. home. I bdrm. home, and 1 room house. 4 garages. Top renlsl location. Only a couple of . blks. from cltv renter. Full price $11000 Terms. Call Mr. Woodcock. Zva. Ph. 1-710. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS , Cvcnln. 4-8020, 4-7S.11. 1-8048. 4-85M It No Answer, Dial 4-224 10M HICKORY FINE t-bed room home lit St. Garage JOxll. Dandy lot. 3545 W1NOLA VIEW lot with abundance f ihruhhery. $8x130. City water. Turn vu'ii Mirm nrigoia Ave. 1180 SOUTH 15TH NEAT and clean 1-bedroom home. Fine for bom or rental. Bug hy door. Garag. Only 35.250. Easy terms, too. EAST EWALD OUT South 12th to first paved rosd acnooi. a--eoronm noma unaer construction ov Lhel Weber. Green shak. $12,300. Terms. Trade. Also J nic lot. 13x100. $1,80 each. RAMSEY. REALTOR 427 FERRY LIST WITH US OFFICE 4-1.K1 Holidays: Violet Bishop 1-2983: Marian Lehmann l-4t; Frank Vlaslc 4-1670; Jim Ramsey 4-1M7. Hi', ACRES located last, beau tiful view ot city, excellent berry ground. 3 rm. houaa, livable, but not quite finished. Good well. This acreage Is really worth $4930. CALL RON HUDK1NS. BEAUTIFUL CLOSE-IN SITE for your home or - several home. Variety of trass and view. $5000. Another sit on West Salem Heights with wa ter and aewer. Only $1200. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY. NEAT AND TRIM 1 bdrms. hdwd. fir... extra Ige. Invilv fireplace. Ige. lot, beautifully landscaped. $11,000. CALL J. I- LAW. GRABENHORST 180 S. LIBERTY ST. Evenings and lunda'y Call Salesmen J. E Law 3-3111 H K. Laymon 1-813 Mrs. Richardson i-tntu Walt Socolofsky 1-88.15 Ralph Bruce S-6MI Ron Hudkin 1-8711 $.1,050 BUYS Neat X bdrm nome. Attached garage. Small lot. Call us for Dartlrulara. Evenings: Phone 3-7825, 4-47$, 3-B.VI, l-BUOB, 4-HB03.I Oregon Development Company (Realtors) 318 N. Church St. Ph. 3-9238 z BUILDER Ph. 1-7794 W take trade DAYLIGHT BSMT., 1-bdrm.. 1 flreplarea, 13x40 ft. plavroom. wooded lot. $14,100. 1620 Hlll td Lane. FAMILY ROOM, dining. I i bdrm., r. bath, dble. garage, dead-end street, wooded lot, mall back yard, easy to keep. Ready July 20, $14,200. 1S)M Tulare Av. FAMILY ROOM, large dlnljif 1 baths, dble. garage. oxll lot. mountain view. J14.000. 44.14 Kurth Av. WEST SALEM. 1 large bdrms.. dining room, nonx. lawn At shrubs, redecorated. $11,000, FHA or GI terms. 337 King wood Dr. NFF.D PLENTY of living space? inn nome has 2in q. it. i bdrms., lovely party room with fireplace. Living room 13 x 24. dining tint 10 x 10. nice kitchen, utility' plus nice sewing room. Dble. plumbing, dble. garage, corner lot. Bus by door, paved at. Priced at onlv $18.000 00. Immedials pos session. For appt. to see call Dale Rayburn, Eve, phone 1-2045. RAWLINS REALTY 603 Chemeketa Street Sttm. Oreion. Phone 4-ft7S BY OWNER: Small equity 3 hdrm. home. Sou In, 2-1 mo. NEW 1 FULL BATHS Family room with sliding glass doo. Modem birch kitchen. 1 bdrms. Raised hearth fire flare. Spacious I car garage Built with an eva to your comfort. Reasonably priced at $11830. Excellent terms Call DON BFLLINGFR. Home 4-0491, Offlc 4-134. HAVE A CIGAR This ,hahy lfl a hoaulvl 1 yra old Soarloua living room, over aire dinette. .1 btrrlrooma par tnllv paneled, cedar rlo-eti Llnn cloata In bain, ihow er ton. 1 bik. to but. Inaide cltv on paved t., i"rg lot with anple, manle and birch r$rv f iitnte wle t.l0 down (.1. tlVm down FHA Art now. It run be vour-' mOaltw Call GRANT BOWDm. Horn t 4-:tMMl. Office 4-3,'lM. mm rn li- - hi -ti J I Ph. 4 -UK Jv. 1-M 800 Real Estate 106 Houses for Solo YOU'LL BE AMAZED At thfi bud et buy. Basement with t good alted room i. Liv. rm. Brit. nit. F. A. pi! heat Rut at door. Value plu at tftyOO Call Mr. ftword. Ivt. Ph. J-W4I. INVESTORS NOTE! This Is red hot. Excellent pre mium location. Full basement. Economical sawdust heat. Sep. din. rm. Newly painted and redecorated FHA l300. For Immedlste action, only $8000, cash Call Walt Jones. v. Ph. 4-78M. BE FIRST To get ,ln on this auperb value. Very nice 1 bdrm. home. Liv. rm. Dining rm. Att. garata. Good location. l arret. Auto, wacher Included at the low of 97400. Call Mr, Richmond, LITTLE RANCH0 $ acres good soil, CloM In. NE Comfortable modern . home. Garage. Lge. workshop. Good well. Stov and refrlg. tnclud ' o at iiuon. u.wo win nandi. Call Mr. Crawford. Eve. Ph. 4-5030. business Bldg. 40x50 bldg. For lease only. $171 per mo. Parkin loses ta he provided. Will change front of oiag. to suit tenants, call Mr. Woodcock. Eve. Ph. 1-710. Vincent's area. Only 4 years old 950. FHA term. vu, ' east after passing Morningsld NORTH I bdrm. with unfin ished upstairs, full basement with party rm., $ fireplaces, dble. garag. Oil heating. 1250 aq. ft. 1st floor. Large lot 130 116. Garden spot with 1 fruit trees. You must see this on at $1JJ00. CALL RALPH BRUCE. I. APTS. 1 BLX. FROM MEIER a, frank These apts. ar all furnished but owner's apt. Each apt. pay own utilities. Income $1.10 per ma. CALL MM. RICHARDSON. ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Neat and attractive twa bdrm. horn. Convenient achool loca tion. Extra lot adjacent to nnuie included. Price 1 1,500. lAU. It. A. LA1MUH. BROS, REALTORS PH. 2-2471 Looking for farm that Is money maker Good location, beautiful homa any woman will like, nlca yard, barn, ma chine shed, everything neat as a pin. Owner grossed $1 000 . from Held crop In '38, wishes to retire. This 141 acre with 113 A. In cult. Is priced right, only lt dn., owner will car ry bal. an contract Call Ceo. kraua. CLOSE IN I acre east. 1 bdrm. home plu 1 unfinished brdm. up. Fireplace, hardwd. floors, oil heat, good bara, fruit and nut trees, garden, ahop, good well, rich soli, lovely (hade trees. Newly decorated. This Is unusually good, only $10,500 at $2,100 dn. or take late pick up as part. See today. Call Bill Fldler. eve. ph. 4-744. 3 BDRM OLD HOME ON ELM STREET. West Salem-Needa work, but has possibilities, fine tree shaded Int. $.1,000 full price but take offer, estate must sell. Call Frank Graham, ve. 4-4748. $.100 DOWN-$4.8O0 full price. A 1 bdrm. older home, large liv. rm., large bdrms., fireplace, oil beet, nice fruit and shade trees on ..Falrvlew Ave. close to bus and schools. Call Gen Pedwell. BEAUTIFUL SUMMFR HOME IN THE MOUNTAINS This 7 A. Is located on the Abiqua, about 43 min. drive from Sa lem. Lots of natural wood paneling, fireplace, this Is lovely home in rustic setting In fir. timber, good water and rd Call Ron Kraus, Ive. 1-368. . REAL ESTATE SH N. Church St. -Ph. 4471 SUBURBAN Nearly i acre with 3 bedroom. LR with fireplace, kitchen, i dinette, large laundry room. f laved Mreet. food well, food awn IxU of room to gatdrn. Located Kant on Munkert Street. In very food neighbor hood Clo to achool and out. I11..00 with terms. $500 DOWN . Completely redecorated Inside and out, 2 bedroom, I.R and dining room, kitchen with lota of built-lnf. laundry room, over-aied garage with ahno apace. L-ocatfd North on Hifh-J my Ave, fti.vnrii, . Abrams & pinner 411 MASONIC BUILDING REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS OFFICE 1-2I7 EVES.: l-470nr 1.7.186 , CHOICE LOCATION You'll lev It on sight -If, ah. aoluielv spotless snd beauti fully decorated Ven. blinds, dishwasher, TV ant. stav. There art 1 nice bedrooms, rosy liv. rm., attsrhed gar. Only 19 500 Csll Mr. Ogle., bee, tves 1-8.171, Dsvs 2-aaMI. ED fuKINBlAU REALTOR, 41! til HIGH. 800 Rfal Estate 804 House For Solo CUTE AS A BUG 8 CAR Clran ai a hund'a tonlhf Ideal ror am all family. -lt blockt to Lelie Jr. Hi. Wall to wall carpet, glaaa heat, fireplace. 1 bdrme. and a wing room. SmalLeasy to keep lot. T yra, old. Built by contractor for hit own home. Lovable and livable. Re It tortav. IflAOO. Call CLIFF BOWDER, Home 1-NN, Of Ilea 4-3394. , . $750 DOWN ECONOMY RPEC I At 3 hdrma., hardwood floort. In aide utility, aeparat dining room, I car garage. Abaoluta ly ImrnacuUie throughout. Owner nas permanent uvome and will help finance. glttM. I7M dimn. Call IRA MANS- rirxu, Horn Office --klPe. 1 llS.i PhJ4-S34, Eve. 1-83 ""BY OWNER-BUILDER English type neerte new atop Kingwooo nts . pleasant quiet inc., lovely trees, Ige. level mi. an rms. spacinu. laoo so ft. space. Dlua dry finished bsmt.. 1 batha, 1 fireplaces. . dhl. gar., breereway. A home nu ll be proud to own. HI TS. $1,300 in., bal. like rent. Immed. poea. Ph. 3-7311. WILL trade eouityliil bdrnv horn for trailer houa. 8240 Sunnysid Rd. 1-0031. 808 Lett For Solo KINGWOOD DRIVE LOT Large ham tit only $313$ 1 ACRE. SOUTH $2500 . Close to Salem Hta. School JOHN J: DANN. REALTOR 40 N. High Phone 4-5481 LOT 10x101, 'lovely viewaet Water South. 1-I0OI. 810' Forms For Solo A. FARM between Oak crave as Bethel. Ft. i, box til Blchreall. Frank Steven. 88 ACRES near Roiedale Mike after t Pioneer Truat Co., Sa lem. BY OWNER: 4 A . N. Santtam. free water, good eummer or retirement horn. Ph 1-18$. $ BDRM. bom, barn, dble. gar.. chicken be. 1 A. , needs some repair $2.30. Inquire 14T Yew St. after pm - la A. $1060. see or Inquire at uo Fisner na. 812 IkcK. Real Estote TRADE new 1 bdrm. home, $11,- KW. 343 Edge wood. SELL or trade large home. North, ha. beam I apt. Income for small acreage, eloaa In. or S ar 1 bdrm. home In town. Owner In town lor abort time. 4-6217, SALE or trade by owner, unit Apt, house on bo. com i close In, S rm. 4 pvt. baths each Apt. What have you to trade? 4-161. . 850 Automotive 851 Uso4 Cora For Solo 1951 CM C. Ton ... WM 4 pd. trsns . large rear bumper, excellent condi tion. 1940 International i .114.5 Flatbed. 4 spd. trans., very gooa. , . 1941 Ford 4 Dr. $145 Goad transportation. lW Ford Ob. Cpe f 125 CLOSED FOR THE 4TH J95 Silvrrton Rd. st Lnctr Dr. FOR SALE: 180 Old.. "" Conv. blsrk. tight lop, radio r H , Hydra., premium ww tires, red leather upholatery. Take Jt50 or best offer. 1-7881, or 150 8. 11th evenings. . BY private party. IBM Flredotne Desoto 4 dr., all extras. Month old. Finance na problem see tt. drive it, you can't beat It. Ph. 4-0701. . 158 Bulck Special. Riviera $2450. Hardtop cpe., radio, heater, tu tors ftnlsh, dynaflnw,' whit aide walls, lesa than 10,000 miles. Car Just broken tnl Must sell. Csll M763. 1034 Pontlac Chieftain aedan. exc. cond. 1 pvt. owner, $983. Ph. 4-403. FOR SALE er what have you to trade, onod '41 Mere. aed. radio a heater Ph. 4-181. Chevrolet Cadillac NEW A USED Union Ai Commercial Ph. 1-1178 CASHfor 1950"4i "l3rrars."Mc Call's 1107 State. 1-8 111 r5BUiCK Century Riviera 4 donr, 1 ton, lot of extras. Nylon tires 4-124 jifter in. 19J.t'Naah Rambler St, wgn.. red it black, radio At heater, overdrive, reclining- seat, pram. tire.. Call 1-14411 Ortfoa's Oldest Desitr BEST BUY Used Car Commercial A Chemeketa P 4-7ll r8i Cadillac cp very shsrp, no trades. Ph. 2-4547. 4Ol,lDS8:'.rT7rlginii owner. 4-l:8l N. Winter. Il "CHRYSLER Windsor, ood rond. Will accept older car In trade, too E .St. after 6 POST Auto Sales We Have the Finest Selection Of aiiinmobilr in SAI.I'.M, 40 premium cars to pic k from, all makes and models, from lM.'.'s fo 19.VI . OPEN EVES. TILL 8 P.M. POST AUTO SALES 110$ SO. 12TH PH. 4-oUl mm 1 Statesman,, Org.. Wednesday, July 4, '56-11 8."0 Automotive 8S2 Use Cers For Solo TU' FOR The Fourth "BKRGIE 1-6431 These ,SPARKIJr.RS, are hotter than nRECRACKER" o why don't you "ROCKET" away la one of th Safe k Sane Independence day bomb. . ,, .. 1955 - ROCKET "8t ' Holiday cpe. jut the car for the 4th of July. It even the right color, Red, $1395. -."""--.-r--; ;1954-r'--'-' ROCKET "W" 4 dr. dn. Real purty and real explosiv. No duds In this on. A River Day Special, $1745. . 1953 ROCKET "n" Holiday Cpe. a lovely car for a lovely eouplo. Nas full power- and foe like an atom bomb. SAVE! Ony $197. DON'T LET THE BRITISHERS fool you. This one Is a pip. 1951 Super "U" ROCKET. OLDS 1 dr. sdn Come in an4 steal this at $695. . ' ' ::- : - SURE1 ..:'...!! ' WE HAVE OTHERS. COME AND EES COME TO SALEM , TOR THE RIVER DAYS CELEBRATION ODERS 461 No. HiRh CLOSED FOR ' THE MOST OUT OF WDE EVERY MILE 1955 Buick Century 4 aoor. nivlera hardtop, - Oelactroal radl. heater, 1955 Buick Super Riviera -. . ....... .$2695 t door hardtop, radio, power brake, w aold 1955 Buick Century earn acruai mue. we bo id record for your inspection, 1954 Buick Special Riviera ......... .$1995 I door hardtop, 1 ton tltlan red h whit top, radl. heater, dyna.. Ill glaas, whltewall tin. 1954 MERCURY MONTEREY $1895 s aoor naroTop. 17,40 ariual mile, on local owner, radte heater, overdrive, power steering, 1 ten fray Rod. , 195$ BUICK SUPER RIVIERA .. 153 BUICK SUPER $149$ jtrrtAN tuos 1954 CHEVROLET BELe AIR $149$ 1953 BUICK SUPER J951 HUDSON SEDAN .k$39f SEDAN ... . . $139$ 1953 FORD CUSTQM- PONTIAC SEDAN . $29 LINE V4 .. $89$ 1947 BUICK SPECIAL .. .1109 ' OREGON'S OLDEST DEALER HIS IIS COMMERCIAL AT CHEMEKETA PHONE 4-5711 1030 Chev. t dr. dn. excel, eond. 1050 Glen Creek Rd. Ph. 1-1193. MP P a The response to Ed Sullivan's $425,000.00 Ha. cleaned out our stock ot Ssfe-Buy Used Cars I" f2 a We need dean cars, all makes Ji models to take In trade on new 195$ MERCURYS! We need used ears, ynu need a new MERCURY. We will moke you a , You may win $10,000.00 In cash, If you buy new COME IN TODAY! Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. 430 N. C0M L. 1EK1I! OUST! WW ws IT? 830 Automotive SS2 Used Core For Sole DAZZLERS I"' .i J CEIL 4-JM4 Ph. 2-7973 THE FOURTH EVERY DOLLAR ' ' ' 1 WITH A SMILE .........$2795 11.800 actual ml lee. w nld new. dyna. 134 H P. V-S engine. heeler. dynflow. -power steering, it aerviced sine naw. Riviera $2695 a, ervired sine new, Mrvtea radio, heater, dyna. 1951 DODGE SEDAN. ... l95J PLYMOUTH SDN. $eM 1 $6M $49S $491 $49$ 1950 BUICK SUPER ,.. 1969 BWCK SPECIAL WS0 PLYMOUTH 14S BLACK Mercury 4. dr. sports sedan, overdrive, white walla, low mileage. Ph. 4-78H. '8 FORD 4-dr. CustomllnC radio, heater. Very good cond. Make offer. S4S Vlnyard. Ph. 1-40 14. , 154 Trucks, Troil. for solo 83 CHEV. T. Pickup with , canopy, (.nod tires. Buret, rond , $1,000. Ph. 4-718. See at 30 Ban Vtste Pr. $56 Wanted, Cars, Truths WE'RE PAVI0 TOP CASH tot Clean Paid o Bob k Bill' Union ft Used Can r ar Nat Used Cart High St WANT bus for Write Edward 13, Silvertnn. cond., or Ph. Int old Hart, Rt. 1. Boa Stating price as 1-4440. tSt Motorcycles FOR SALE. '84 Harley-Pavldan Motorcycle. Model 18, Ilk naw. Ph. 4-172. i62 House Trailers JUST ARRIVED: Load of NEW IV Vacation Trailers ready te rnlt. At $1118. get them at JAY HAWK TRAILER SALIS, M40 Portland Pd. TRAILER'house. $223, 15M Che maw Rd. $-10. See anytlma. SHOP at Earl Malm Trailer Sales where all sices are shown 13 ft. thru 40 ft. Aloha: Ken skill: Cruiser: Mayflower At Rollawav. Corner of Lancaster AV Mlvrrtnn Rd. Ph. J-1I17. ONE of Salem'. Better Court Canter Street Treiler Court, 4153 CENTER 6T. TRAILER T0W1N(. JAYHAWK TRAILER SALES SS40 Portland Rd Ph 4-sjmI 04' TRAILER house, all Ugh! wood interior, like new eond reasonably priced, or will con alder trade for equity In homa. Come to end of Broadway, turn light on Shangrl La. first house on right. Ph. 3-4CM v AN0T1IERL0AD OFls SHASTA.. JUST ARRIVED Lena Lane. 1940 Lin Ave. i. 1940 Lin Ave. ;i c for ranCRea. i TRAiOr snac for rant Rea. 1!M7 I'ortlsno na 14 FTMetl 'trailer house, rea sonahle, 170 ".' Drowning, evening At weekends. FriRSA! r.OR TRADF: Take large trailer houe with hath on part or all my Equity. 1 hdrm.. modern on large lot with dwarf fruit, good ar , den. or sell aV take over O t, Loan at 4'. lire at 341 Win. ola Ave. ar Ph. 3-4H4.1. 64 Heavy iquipmenr ISO AMP Marejuette wdM omp. U3. Ph. 1-841. 4 . ' . . n it I'' ,4: v : . . ;t. .-.4 '-. I 1.'.'.'. ,r 4HT ; ; . -r." 8 4 S Ji 2 t 3 ' .