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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1956)
J -Statesman, Salem, Ore, Wfnesttay, July 4, 8 AILY CROSSWORD 41 Mimicked , l Krult DOWN . U. Bmalleat lAfa-rie et 3. Measure of Ute capacity . Untt4 I. Employ States 4. Ever labbr.) (poet) 1 tl China y I. bland " pra- off Italy ' facture 4. Awing IT. Thus T.Noliy IU 8 Pondering it. Pilfer i. Younf n. Part of turkey a pan 11. Saad dure JO. A shade (Eng.! ot brown St. Product ACCOM Hint. Not ruffl4- Showlnf tit- noaaaiioa Out loud Aquatic mammal Rest TSTSE. Irt i-H' ll. ,1 j t II vine In Utah Conjunction Clamor Rank of a lord Yaeterday's Neon farm.) IS. Unit of Thoron Ubbr.) Point Units of work Animal pelt Capuchin monkey Avoid Involuntary muaoilar eontraction Cubic labbr.) Toward Instructor! Old aaeasura flenftk btdetiuW . article part of a cheer Mine entrance Concealed, as water Aae aaakmant alonf a - reaasUMe- ' lEVee.) 11 Diamay 1. Ttle of respect 35. Artlat'a stand Si. Notched, like a leaf edra rrwek la JS. Not dead -r a glee 42. A little pef (Pottery) ' (golf I 31 Theater 43. friar a title attendant 44. Tear Part af aetalr tafe m 1 - w -m 1 "77 IO .11 w-zz 51 W 7T . . 3" ".1 - 111 W I I fej ocks Wipe it Loss on eel Strike JW YORK in A buoyant ; market Tuesday rebounded Monday's loa and steel i mora tnaa wiped oat the te reantUag from the initial inn t the strike, (ding tasue stepped ahead 1 to I points ta the eluMiih of trading that ass marksd t sessions. The imminence of ndependence Day holiday did ilow trading- exceptionally. ers Mid decision by top liiatioa officials that the steel y situation was not aerkwi et because of the steel strike d bolster confidence. hime totaled 1.S4SS08 shares tared with 1.SU.008 Monday. Associated Press iveraf e of cks rose 7 cenU to UM.PJ the industrial component up t the rail dowa H cents and utilities up M cents. 1.131 Issues traded the gains umbered losses by l to ta. a were a new highs for the ' and tt Btw lows. Flour Buying Boosts Wheat CHICAGO OH Wheat futures advanced as the Board of Trade Tuesday sa buying stimulated by heavy flour buying by bakers. Bakers were reported to have purchased about IS million sacks of floor, covering their needs for much as four months. This caused removal of hedges in the wheat futures pit and prices were up as much as three cents a bushel at times. Wheat cloned Hi to 1 higher. corn i lower to V higher, oats unchanged la S lower, rye 1 cent lower to V higher, soybean 3 cents lower to H higher, and lard IT to 21 cents a hundred pounds lower. The wheat harvest practically Is completed ia the big Southwest winter wheat states of Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas. Wheat receipts were fairly heavy at Chicago, totaling Id cars. New York Closing Stocks Reported b Merrill Lyric Pierc. Tenner sod Btana Admiral Corp ... Al Chwn it Dy. - A 1114 Sirs. A I Ha Cham Alcoa . .. ... Aluminum Lid . Am Airlines Am Can . ........ Am Cyan Am Motor - Am Stl Fdr. Am T T. Am Tobacco Am Viaeo Arise Copper Armre , Armour Atebecm Top Ave ... Flendfx Avia. Bt Fpd Beth Stl Boeing Air. Borden Barf Wsrjw. Burro. Adding ...... C Calif Park ,...... Campb Soup Can Pae Hy-. Cih J I .. Caterp Tree. Calarwaa Celotex Certatnteed Che O By. Chi M ft SI F . Chi WW Rv Chl H la Ry; '!:.. Chryaler . Cilw Sere Climax Moly Cluell Pa. Coca Cola Cnlgal .. com credit .... Com ediaon ..... Con Edlaoa Container . Cont Can ,., Cont Oil , Crane Cn Crown Wall Curtlaa Wr. D Oeere a Co , Ola Match .. Doug Air . Dnw Chem Da P da N sr raat Air LI raat Kodak CI Paso Caa Radio ...... .. Ex Cello r Falrchild ... JTa . in ... i ,. in .13'' .. 29' 44' .. W . " 4, ..lKMa . 7 .. SMe . It . M'i .. '., .. ni . 4', 151 ' .. 4 - - 4(1 't . Jl'a . It4 .. S4', - ISta .. 4.1 .. SI". .. . .. IS'a .. tt'4 - M. . S4', . ee -T, . 'i . 4S .117', . .. Kt . 41 .. 47'i .. .. 47 .114 .. 3'i .. S.1, . S31. 211 . M', . M . 5", 'a . tt . 11 Plintkoto Ford Motor O Gen Dynamics Gen Hoe Gn Pooda Gen Motora Gen Tire Geo Pae Ply Gillette Glldden ....... Goodrich ,.. Goodyear Grace WH ........ Grt No By Grt Weat Sug Grevhnund . Cul Oil . Homeatake M. ... I Int Harveat .. ..... tnt nickel- -.: Iht Paper - t lonha-Mana Jones at M Rtl . K Kaieer Alum .... Kennacott ........ Kern Land - Llhby McN,.. List Myera' ...... LOP Claaa Lockheed Air Loew'a Inc ..... Lone Bell A ..... Lorlllard ' ' M Maanavnx Mar.h Pirld MAM Wood ... Merck A Ca Mont Chem Mont Ward Motorola . N Natl Blacult ... Natl Caah Reg Natl Dairy . : Natl Dlatlll Natl Gypaum . Natl Load Natl Supply ...... NY Central No Am Avia '.. No Pac Ry ... NW Airiinea . O Olln Math OUl Elev . .. . P. - Pabco Pae G A El Pae TAT Pan Am Air . Penney J C .. Penn Ry Sea, . 1 . M, M'a . 45 . H"i 73". . IS . 14 . 31 34', . M"a 4.V. 41 ., SS". .. 1.1a - 41", - 2'a .. S3'. . W, - 14', . S7'i .. m . 41 . IS'.. . S3 - '. .. 17. lae'a . as Pepal Cola Phelpa-Dodsa Phlli-o Corp . , Phil Morrii ...... Phfl Petrol Plll.bury .... Prot A Gam . Puf Sd P L Pure Oil B Radio Corp Rayonier tne .... Hrpub Stl ... Reynolda Met . Reynolda Tob . Richfield O Royal Dutch ... S Safeway Btra. ... St Joe Lead Si L A Sr Ry St Reala Paper ,?-hrnlrr ln(U Scoll Paper .. Seara Roe Shell Oil Sinclair Oil ,. Skally Oil Socony-Mob .a... Sou Cal Edl Sou Pae Ry .... Sou Ry Snerry Rand .. . Std Branda Sid Oil Cal Std Oil Ind . Sid Oil NJ ...j... StudePark Sunray Oil Sunshine M .... SwKt A Co .. ..... Sylvanla El . T Teaaa Co Texaa Gulf ...:... Textron Tlde-Auo Tranaam Tran Wo Air ... Twan Cen Fox . V Union Carb Union Oil Union Pac Ry ... Uni Aircraft ... Unl Air Unei ... Unl Corp Unl Priut US Plywood ..... US Rubber US Steel . W Warner Pic Wah Water P ... Weat Air Br Weatern Air ..... Western Elee .. Weatern Union . Woolworth Z Zenith , tt'i ....... anj ... 11 ...... 44', .... 101 . 17'a 44', ...... 42' ...... S4', . 4.1"a IV. S4, 7". ... IDS', . .4' , 44 ' 27"( !', .'a:. . ll'a , an', I' , as', , 60" . M': I', 41', : 44i l"a l' .. 59", I7'l . 7". ... '. .. S', . 44', I', .. .1 .. Sl'a , "a .. 42", . 22', 24'J 12S v SIS 170', .. 70 .. IS", ..' ', 49", .. 4 ... s'b . U .. 25". . 17" . Ma . 20 .. 52", XI .. 4", Chicago Grain ; GOOD OLD DAYI HON CITY, N. J. (I-A old man and 17-year-old an, with total of 3f chiktrea. dchildrea and great-grand- rea by previous marriages. married Sunday la St Groe- R. C. Church. letn Quotations (Aa of lata yesterday) tar at urn SI a aale ii. M - .11 -fBaytag) nteaala prices ranee from f I cents aver buying prioa) A . Ji m A .11 CHICAGO (AP Grains: WHEAT July 1.05'a-0S 1M',-'. September lOS'.m 2 07".-"( December 111', -II 2 11-11", March . lll'.-ll 1 13,-', May 1.1H,-". 1111.-", CORN July I4'a-4t 14I',-4S September I ',-. 1 ', Dacamber 1 3S',-M 1.J1', May i 1.41 1.41'a OATS July H'a-l 47'. -4S September S",.'a en, December 7S-7S', 73'4-'a March tHI'i 7t',-ll RYE July 122", 123', September 124', 1.2.1", December 1 2S1,-", 127'a-27 March 1J0',. lJS',-, SOYBEANS July i . 171-74", 2 74",-', September 2 57-51', 2 55-M", November 1 44', J, 1 47 ',-41 January 2S3' 150", March SJS 154', Chicago Onions Investment Trusts IT.IIka. Bmltber A Co. Inc. I Affiliated Pund ....... 1i' Canadian Funal Z 20 14 Century Shares Tnul ... 2J 14 Chemical Fund 17.71 Dataware Fuae! 1 1 IT Diver. InveaL Pund S 4S Dividend Share t S7 Eaton A N. Bal. Pund . S3 5S Gaa. Ind .14.2S Group Tobacco . 4 3S Incorp. Inveatora S II Key Cuat. Fundal B K-l S-S a-4 17 as l4 s 11 ST see 7 as IM Man. Bond Pund is. invaat. Truat Natl. aw. Serleat " Income gerlea S 20 Slock Rerin s as Pref. Stork S S 70 Natl. Die. Sarlaa 4 as Natl. Growth S 45 Pioneer Pund ... 13 a Tel.-Elee. Pund il 01 Value Line Inc. Pund ... S 04 Wellington Fund 11 SI TBT d Hen, ra Hens r4 Fryers d Roaaters (ooalera .. Stocks and Bonds traeaptled ry The Aiaaeiated Preaa) jstern Securities F.llka. Smltbee A Co. Ine. "a MdS and aek ejuotatloas re, t price, at which one or mora ra, ajtembera of the National Aa. Hon of Security Dealer's Inc., I trade with the general public e time the ountatlona wara gauw a pa. yaewaajr: Bid -Orr-a Power :', da Plywooa nl. Freight -, It's Fireman , 12" iea In aaa, , II 1 r A Frank , , , ll, teon-Knudasn 41". Port. Cement S4', P. L Com, 2H', A 2S', isnd Gaa A Coka ..... 24'S Gaa Elee. . 4 BANKS I af America ... tin I of California ......... 13", ManhatUB) ... National . M'( , Nat. City NY si's , National T Asked M ' . 11 I". S3", IS", e', ii i ii', M1, HI, tt: 7". It", 14' . SSS 1I1S ' 25 24 IS 15 II M . 10 34 2.11 24 IS II 4 4 70 10.72 li ta n 10 41 1.1 S3 1M S St lie sis 41 ISO I 13 7 0S 14 at II 10 an 15.02 Portland Produce CH1CAOO (API Onions: Opan High Low Cloae Nov (Oldl 1S5B Nov (New) 14 102 111 191 Jan 2 24 1 34 2 21 2 21 Feb III 240 2 45 2 41 July g BOND AVERAGES in is in in Bails Ind Vtll Far. Net Chang Vnrh Unrh Vnrh Vnrh Tuesday 5 0 051 14 5 14 0 Prev. Day OSS Ills (4.5 S4.0 Week A 5 I Ml 4 1 M4 Month Ago .... M S SO 0 04 I S3 I Year Ago. ISS Ml SI I SIS IMS riigh ail 17.7 aao IB 2 19M Low ... S4J SOS Ml S3 7 i.M High sea tei loai mi IMS LOW .. SSS' M4 Ml Ml STOCK AVEBAOES 1 20 IS II sa Ind Ratio Vtll gtcka Net Chanas Al I D.S A 3 A 7 Tuaa. MIS IH 1 731 IMS Prev. Day 240 2 IS) 73 1 . 1H2 2 Weak Ag pa I 141 12 1 102 n Month Age SUl 144 721 179 5 Year A I 2421 137 S 73 t 175 0 IS5S High till 155 1 75 1 191 5 IBM Low 2441 129 111 lit 19ft High 207 1 142 4 75 7 11 5 IMS Low 101.1 1141 11 1 1491 Chicago Butter-Eggs CHICAGO (AP Butter ataady; wholesale sailing prices unchanged A A M arore M0O-5S23; A I! Man ia 21; B M M15-IJ 25; C m H.S0-M.M. Bgga ateady: wholeeale eelltng price. unchanged te l higher; extra large SS 00-31 o: extra medium JSOO-.isso; atandarda U 50-14 00: cberka M OO- JO oa. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO (API Hoc S.S00; steady tn 15 lower; bulk No. I to 1 mostly No. I and I Soft-til h. butchers la so 17 21; No. J and I 230-2M lb. IS IS IS 75; few lots 200-110 Iba. IS 71-1415; moat 10-120 lbs. I10O-1I75; aowa ll.MMl.M. Cattle 1.000; calve M0; steers snd halfera tteadv Is 2S higher: rowa closed fully M lower; bulla ateady to weak; vealers ateady to strong; stock era and feeder vtesdy; prima 1100- 1171 lb. steare 21.25-23 71; bulk ehoire and prime ateers 11 OS-tton: good to low choice ateers II 50-20 71; few standard itrera 13 50-17 75; choice and prim heifera 20 00-11 so; cow, m js 13 00; eanncrs snd cutters S 25-11 50; utility and commercial bulls 14 Mi ls 2.1; good snd choice veaiera it on 2100; cull to commercial loon-ism; good and choice ateer calve and light yearling atock steers II 00-19 SO. Sheen l.OftO: steady to 50 higher; good to prima spring lamha 22 50 215; cull to good lamb, IS 00-21 00; sriora ews 205-4.7. Portland Livestock Dow Jones Averages Um cf l!cw fcrds I M Fard Cestomllae T tr ior Sedan. RadioHeater Ferd O Welle, f. (WWi. WashertW6W Tlrea. One Owner II.MS Miles. REAL SHA1P! AUTO ACRES !6!i Pertlsad Rd. Virgil Psdo Bam Houser . K. Smith Pboata 4 MS mtw VORK I API-Dow Jones do. ina atock average : Opan f Inae S Indus, 4M 5 4M 47 Nlli '" Hill II lltll M IS 9 a M Btka. 171 M 111 SO Markets at Clance NEW YORK (API atorka Higher; itMls and ehsm lea la Improve. Bond, Mined: rorporates lower. Cotton Irregular; profit taking. CHICAGO Wheat Higher; big flour piirrhaire com Moatly lower; good crop prngrtaa Oats ailghily weak with corn. Boyhesns Moatly lower; good crop iwewrw. Hoae Generally ateadv:na II? Jl. Cattle Steera and heifers stesdy to earn msneri lop tu.ii. LOCKER BEEF - ONI WllK ONIY "A.'.'CY CsUI'l FD tltf . . . rcjr.a steli criF . . . . . ::iF ROASTS, bcker wrapped ;ll.i i..rAi iu. 21c lb. 31c lb. 25c lb. 1325 SO. SSlJt IT. PORTLAND If (t'SDAI-Caltle salable 150; market not fully tett er); demand (air on ore-holiday session; early sales about steady; truck Jot of good load lb fed steer 21.00; load avrrage-hiKh choice 104 lb steen Monday 22.73. new high (or season; heifers scarce: few utility grades 13.00; Rood- choice heifers Monday 19 00-21. SO; few canner-cutter rows Tuesday 7.W-S.50; one lot eutler-Inw utility beef cows S.S0; individual utilily rowi 10.OO-SO; few standard rows Monday up to IS. 00; scattered lots of hulls held from Monday still un sold under unevenly lower bids. Calves lalabje K: scattered sales about steady; market not fully tested; few good-low choice vealers 16 S0-19 00; choice to 20.00 sparingly Monday. Hogs salable 150; market about steady; mixed lots No. 1-3 grades 180-235 lb butchers l 75 - la 00; sorted No. 12 lots 19 25-50; sow 300-500 lbs 12 00-15 50 Sheep salable 300; market strong with Monday's 1 00-50 high er prices; one lot choice-prime M lb iprlng slaughter lambs 22.00: few good lambs 13.50: nil! good shorn slaughter ewes 2 00-4 so. Market will be closed July 4. PORTLAND ' 11 Butterfat Tentative, subject to immediate change Premium quality, deliv ered in Portland, 60-63 lb; first quality S7-M; second quality 52-55. Butter Wholesale, f o b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 92 score. 59" j ; A grade. 92 score, 5H; B grade 90 score 57; C grade 89 icore, 55. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles, 41-46 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf. 43V-50. EggsTo wholesalers Candled fob. Portland, A Urge, 44-45',; A medium, JMO's: A small, 27- 29'i. Eggs To retailersGrade AA. large. 49-50; A large, 46-47; AA medium, 43-44; A medium,' 41-47; A small, 29-31. Cartons, 2-3 cents additional. Eggs To consumers AA large, 55-60; A large, 51-5: AA medium. 49-54; A medium, 46-51; A small, 36-41. Live poultry No. 1 quality, f.o.b. Portland Fryeri, 2'i-4 1 b s. 23: at farm, 22-22' i: light hens, 16 at farm; heavy hens, 17-11 at farm; old roosters, 11-12. Turkeys To producers L I v e weight,, fryeri, 27-2H; young turkey hens, liveweight, 21; eviscerated young hens 38. Rabbits Average to growers Live' white. 34-4' lbs, 20-23; M lbs, 15-18; old colored pelts 4 cents less: old does, 10-12, few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 56- 51; cut up, 60-63. ' Wholesale Dreased Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice, 500-700 lbs, 36.00-38 00; good, 35.00- 37.00; standard. 31.00-35.00; com mercial cows, 25.00-27.00; utility. 22 0-26 0: canners aid cutten, 20.00-23.00. Beef cuts 'choice steen Hind quarters. 45.00-50.00; rounds 42.00-45 00; full loins, trimmed. 65.00 - 73 00: forquarteri. 17 00 30.00; chucks, 3000-32.00; ribs, 45.00-50 00. Pork culs Loins, choice. M lbs. 41 00-51.00; ihoulderi, 16 lhi. 31.00-34 00; iparerihs, 44.00-4600: fresh. hams, 10-16 lbs. 51.00-55.00. Veal and calves Good-choice, all weights, 30.00-36.00; commer cial. 25.00-32.00. , Spring lambs Choice and prime 43.00-47.00; good, 39 00-44 00. Wool Nominal, clean basis, V blood, 1.00-05; a blood. 1.03-08; H blood, 1.12-11; fine, 1.17-23. Country -drrserd Meata, f.e.b. Part land: Beef Cows, utilily, 23-25 lb; cutlers. 19-21. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 26-28; rough heavies, 18-25. , Hogs Best light blockers, 25-26; lean light sowi, 18-20. Lambs Top grade springers, 31-40; good yearlings. 30-32. Mutton Lightweight ewes and wethers. 10-12. Freak P red are Onions Calif. Yellows, med. SO lb sk. 4 00-75; Ige 1.50-4 00; whites 4 50-S.OO. few 1.50; Wish, yellows 1.75-4.50. Potatoes-Calif. !,ong - Whiles. No. 1-A. 10 02 min, 100 lbs, mostly 7.501.00: No. 2s, mostly i.7.75. Hay New crop No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, f.o.b. Portland, 34 .00-36" 00 Ion. Portland (.rain . ADVEBTtSBMSMT POB BIDS Sealed proposale for a "Belf Pro. polled Scraper" will be rereivetf hv iha Marlon County Court: Noom llii. Court Huuae, Salem, Oregon al 10 on a. m. on tne ism say ot July. ins, and then will be. publicly opened and read. paclflcatlnna may be obtained from the office of the County r.n- L Inner. Room 121. Court Mouait, Sa im. Oregon. Blda muat be accompanied by a certified check In the amount of 10'r of the bid price. The County reserve Ih right to reject any and all blda. or accept that kid In the beat Intere.l of Marlon County. MARION COUNTY COURT July A 4. and 1. ! PORTLAND i Coarse grains, j 15-duy shipment, bulk, coast deliv ' ery: Oats No. 1. 18 lb white 87 50. Barley No. 1, 45 lb B. W. 49 00. Corn No. 2, E. Y. shipment 70.50. Wheat (bid l to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White l u; Son. White es- cluding flex) 208; White Club 2.08. Hard red winter: Ordinary 2 08; 10 per cent 2.08; 11 per cent 2.15; 12 per cent 1 21. Car receipts: Wheat 3; barley 1; flour 3; corn 8; mill feed !. . NOTICE IS HER CRY GIVEN That Brown rriaiey. a waahington cor poration, ot Tacoma. Wathtngtnn, ha, filed III TANTIRBtlRV TALKS" trade-aaark for boxed chocolatea with Ih Secretary of (late, State of Ore gon. June 10, 2S, July A f T R- ! (6) 1 1 ME rare id . Classified Advertising gtateemaa-Jaomat '" Newspapers V N. Charek BL PHONtH-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia. I liaeal Waekaaes Saa par line I lima 31 .21 per line I times M - IS par line I time II IS SI 20 per Una I mo ' W M Unci Sun i Clauilied ada wlU ba run in join papera to give advartiaera in advantage ol th trmo- oombined circulations a Whan an ad ia ordered three sr six limee and a Sunday laaue ia included ifor example Friday. Saturday Bundayi th lower Sunday rates apply because only The Statesman publish Sun lays, .,;..-.., Claatrflatl ada wlU atart ta tha murnuig Oregon statesman, con clude In the evening Capital lournal bul ada will b ac ceplea for Bunday Saujaroao anly. . Th daadlln tor elsaaifted ada i I IXl p m tne uay-belore dud. iication cept for Sunday wha Jtadhne ia S.M p m rnday iinerieiicy ada and amaU Una ada received afier 1 .00 pm weekdays and until 12 nona Satudray fur Sunday may b olai cd in Ih "Tee Lata to Claa slfy' column. Ada for Monday papers must oa 10 by I p.m. Saturday. The Stateaman-Journai an papers reaerve th right to re lect queauonabl advertiatng; It (urthar reaerve the right to Slae all advertising under the oroper claaaiftcsuoe. The Staieaman-Joumal News- papera mum, no financial re- ipunaioiiiiy tor error wuco may appear In advertisement ouollshed in lla column, ana in caees where una paper ia at r,ult will reprint mat pan of an adverUaement In which the typographical muiak occurs. A "Blind" Ad-an ad eontaln- ne ktalMmanJourn,! Nea- papera box numper for an ad- th advertiaera and muat there- tore pe enawereo oy letter, int J. ln U.w.n.,M are not at liberty to divulge in formation aa to the Identity o! an advertiser usuu a "Blind' ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect it readers againat fraud deception, or injunea Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to gel S po aitioa advertised In th help wanted columns All nelp wanted ads MUSI SPECITt fHk NATURE Or THE ONK Sale nelp wanted ao mult atat if tn Day ia in the form ol salary commitaiona guarantee ur include firm name Bona fide of fen ol em Plntrmenl etth pay belong t th "Help Wanted' columns di m ether columns which re ouire investment in. atocka. umpiaa. equipment or eaan oond anculd ba thoroughly in- veatigaed before paying out any money. Advertiaera re quiring a caah tnveetment for umpire or merchandise, sslea aid, etc., tnuat aa specify la their ads. rtindly report sny emepUoa to mil nil to tn ciaaauieo aa vtrtlilng manager. Classified Index "'Eoi Vour Convenience 311 Meeting Notice ill Lull and f ound J14 TranaportatlOB 111 Ptreonal . US Stamps and Coina 100 AGRlCLTLTLrtE WU Uveitock toi Sale uti Live. luck V. anted HH Houllrv ana RaDOIta to? Fur Bearing Anim Mil Pet lira Sea rooaa 110 Seed! and Plants " 112 fruit and Farm Produce, an FcUilKcr 114 Farm Equipment 122 Auction Sale, tut Mr-HLHANUISE 151 Machinery and Tools 1.12 Wanted Macninery Toon 154 Sewing Machine Houte Coudi fur Saie ISO Wanteo House Goods iit Radio and Telvtioa til building Materials Ijv Do It Vourself Iro Muiiral Inatrumenta IS2 Sport, Equipment 4S4 Bicvcie tea Irad Miacelianeoue 4CI For Rent Mitcellaneoul te For Saie Miscellaneoui 172 Wanted Mt,cllancous 171 Miacellaneous 171 lual SOO EUSINI'.SS AND FINANCE MO Mono lu .tl2 Loana named ill Investments 0 EMPLOYMENT HI Help Wanted 04 Help Wanted, Man os Help wanted uaoy SOS Pi. ken Wanted 410 Sale Help 412 Work Wanird. Man 114 Work Wanted. Lady iS siluallona wanted IT Jolt Information II Education 420 Day or Contract 70S RENTALS 702 Sleeping Ftonma Board im V anted nooma rward 70S Apartment lor Rent 1 in uupiexr 707 Hour (or Rent 107-A Furmahrd 701 Fam.i lor Rent I0S Wanted lo H-nt 7tn Wanted lo Rent Honaes 712 Wanted tn Rent Apt. Tie Bnaineae fteniala 714 Reenrt Rantali 1 n Cnnveleevent Home .710 Moving and Storage OS REAL ESTATE S"l Buaineas Opportunltlel 02 Buiineea Property 03 Suburban ol Huu, for Sat ot Apia Conn, lor Sale OS Lou for Sale 111 Parma for Hal II Exchang Real Etat 111 Reaort Property 111 Wanted Real EaUta t-S murance SMI AUTOMOTIVE III New Cats '.12 l .ed Car tor Sale 13 Aulo Parte and Repair ' , T . . . L. . "T" - , I - C . I Wanted Cars Trurki A.lg Mutort clea fto Auto Miacellaneoua Sfii Houxe Trailers 144 Heavy Equipment 0 Aircraft ADS IN THIS COLUMN " RECEIVED Too Late to Classify FRYERS FOB SALE- -Ph. 2-7751 TWO young men want tranapor aation to Chicago or Cincin nati. Share ride, deliver car, truck, etc. Ph, 4-1MI. WILL aell cheap, bdrm. aet, table It 4 chairs, Wtatlnghoua dryer, Daveno. 2 roll swsy bade, 2 rocking chairs St arm ehalr 2 atanda, 1 rnlfe ta,bl. 4tfM) Cherry Ave. Ph. 2-K54. WANTED; uaed wheel chair. Ph. 4-4I7S. . EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, of fice mgr. Boa ISS Slateaman- Journal. Et.'RM. apt., cloae in. 104 Oakl Ready July 19th. Call 2-M92. ROOMY reaa. baaement apt., clean private, T.V. connection. 192 S.24th. HOUSE avail. July ISth. 1030 Broadway. Ph. 2-1010, FAMILY dealrea 2 bdrm. home, South. Box 111 State, man-Journal. 23O0 WILL buy equity In nice 2 bdrm. houa. Ph. 4-9907 alter 9. TRADE 24 100 equity ' 12'i A. 2 bdrm. houa, Ui ge macnin shed, old barn near Clnverdal School, trade for email houae In town or aell for low down payment. Phevea. 2-379l 1194 TRIUMPH Terrier. Ph. .1-3271. 41' ELCAR. two B. R. mod. Bar gain. Lane Lane, 1140 Lena Ave.' BEAUTIFUL FLAMINGO. 21' mod. Terms. Lane Lane, 1140 Lena Ave. 3130 Personal 312 Lest and Found FOR Dever Telbol apeclal treat, ynu'U reach tha end on SUPER ST. 316 Personal ALCOHOLICS Anonvmou group No 1 2081 N Coin I 2-493. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous Ms S Commercial 2-210S 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sola GOOD frained tt.ert at 16'. c or 3V drrased. WpirIi around 700 lb. Phone J-7344. SALEM Meat Co., locker beef. Custom killing, ruttinc and wrapping, trailer loaned free. FOR SALE or trade tome good colored saddle horse V kid ponies. Good 1.300 lb. black mare, broke single to work, ride and pack. 3 Shetland nwes & several good saddles. XH6 Stiver-ton Rd. GOOD feeder pigs & sows, good brcedmjt. Ht. 4, Box 55 B YR. old gelding Quarter horse. also new saddle. Ph. PHorfcSSJONAL horseshoer Lee Hanson, 4-0724 or -ik3 CAL Save time -Save money For the Best Professional Services CT3 Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDINQ MACBINBB Buy a you rant All make, Ron-Typwrltra, 45S Court n. 2m trfLIAMII WESTINCHOUSt Voodrv rurnltur Co. 474 So Coi.-'l Ph 4-21U CAPITOl, Redding Mattren re novator Nr mattre 3-40SV BalteTVBLOCa MASOB BRICK and block Work guar anteed. Ph 4-4Je. CARP EN T E C ON TRAC TOH. NEW building or remodeling, eat. free, 4-4340, after ! 30 pleaae. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tion, retaining wail, cement or pumlc block. Free eitl ma tea. M mo. to py 2-mio CRAMS eVORS U-ton Lorain moto crana Sa lem Sand a Uravai Co 2-24SI BXCAVATINO VINCENT C. NEAL Fxcavatlnc Co Excavating - Grading Ph. 2-ltSS fXOOH COVISINGS NORRIS WALKER Paint Ca rioor-coverini. Oivtaion (Qual ity Installations Linoleum Aa phalt A Rubber Tile Wall tile Free Estlmatei 4-227S GRADING j DOZINO BULLDOZING hark (HI, 25.M per hour. Ph. 2-0S33. OOZING LEVELING Pb 2-0M2 P PANTOVICH BULLboZING, clear'ng road,. Bonda. D-4. D-4 carryall. V uiu-ty Ph 2-3141. ' ' BUU.bOZINO. grading tt Land clearing Elfno W l-oikcr owner it operator. Ph. 2-8742 PAPEBIN3 A FAINTING Painting and paper-hanging rree eetimatea Ph 2-8211 Bruah or apray. Exterior or In terior. Free estimates. I-M08. PAPERINQ PAINTING PAINTING It DECORATING 25 Yrs. 1b Salem I-75M ROTOVATINO TILLING, Howard Rotovating . garden cultivating, lawn prep aration by hr. or Job. 2-MH3. CUSTOMr"o "t oval fn gFord . equipment. Fieldi, lawns, or chard, ft garden. Ph. 2-MM & 3-4771. TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-8U KOOF1NO SALEM BARTILE ROOFING Moat mod. Ufa time roof, color choice. Free eit. 2-7500 eves. lor comp. Intormatlon. SAND it GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND nSAVF.i ',129 Mi'CMrhrul Crushed quarry 'oi-ka ad grav el. All il7.ra for road, drive wava and parking lots. READY MIXED CONCHTTE . . Garden sand, bull-doxing. hov el and dragline work. 3-924D. SALEM BAND it GRAVEL CO. Ready mix concrete, cruahed and round gravel, aand and top aoil, 1409 N. FrSnt St. 2-24S1, VALLEY BAND GRAVEL CO. Crushed round gravel. Sand St con mix 1-4002 SEPTIC SERVICE HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, sewers, septic tanks cleaned. 2-5327. MIKE'S Septic ac'vlce Tanks cleaned D rootai cleans aawera drama Phone I-S4AS ' Hwrnel'i sepite tanka eleanee, ttne aervire Guaranteed work. Phone 2-7404 or 1-0774. IPIIOLIT'.RINO UPHOLSTERING Prnieaaional: guar, work, free ait., pickup, deliver. Ph. 2-420 400 Agriculture 412 Fruit t Farm Produce 450 Merchandise U-PICK OPEN TODAY 6 A.M. TILL DARK II A. Irrigated river bottom Northweat ilrawberrie. 10c lb. BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS Field located at Weather Dult Plant. Go ta Keirer, turn Weit A follow Windaor Ialand Rd. 3 ml. Field on right. Just beyond the hop yard. R. L Farma. PASfEUHIZEolvnoleTmllk. 7e IiaL'llomoeenlted, 7c, , sal on 40c. Clery Dairy. 2-20JS. 450 Merchandise 413 Fertilizer FOR SALE or trade, gentle poniea tor ennoren, also gooo saddle horsea Boh Frank. 30 N. Water Sk. SUvartoa. Pb 3-1134. 403 Livestock Wanted CLOSE IN putur with, barn lor rent. Ph. 4-1074. mi BU1CK Spec. Son. in good eond., 27,000 actual ml, trade lor 'anykind uvritock, cattle prclcrred.Ph. 4-3S33. LiVESlOt'K Duyet Clauds a arda..Rt 2, Box nuE. 4-1113 CATTLE noraes at vour linn E. C. McCandlian. Bt 2, 2-61 at CATTLE buyer. A. F Sommer. I20 Harmony Dr. Ph. 4-1087 CATTLE ouvera 4297 SUte. Ua Snethen. 2-1342. 2-430. 404 Poultry and Rabbits DRESSED Fryeri. Ph. 4-1090. Call evenlngi. HENS for locker or laying, 20c ID. BABY Chicks hatched yr. round. Valley Farm Store. 4-4624. TURKEYS, oven ready, till your Inckera now, 3.ic lb oe up Cloied Sat p.m. te Sunday. Kuykendall Eg;m A Poultry, 3.11 Lancaater Dr. Ph. 4-3111. .custosTdressing Of poultry. We buy rabblti. Wing s ISM State. Ph. 4-3111 PETE Moaa from chick trass, 75c aack. Valley Farm Store. 414 For.n iqutpment A. C. combine with pickup like new, will trade lor acreage, 47N Silverton Rd. 454 Sewing Machines 408 Fats BLACK cocker pupl purebred 4i.w silverton Kd. 4-ssis 10 MO, old lahradnr retriever male. I. Ph. MU FOR SALE, reg. Grrman Shep herd puppie,. rrv good breeding, 20 to 2S. fit. 4. Box3JB. BIRD Paradna lot Mraa, cagea luppliea 3iao uvingaion 2-IS42 VOUNG parakeet,, cagea tarda 1.1. a , n- SINGER Cabinet Electric Dressmaker Httjl with bench arid button bole attachment. Take Over Payments on Contract, i Sinper Sewing , Center Salem 3-3511 Wood burn 2-7912 SEWING MACHINES 2 Desk Models 2 Corpplt with ll attachment!. Were $320- Now $149 HURRY!! Singer Sewing Center Salem 2-3912 Wood burn 2-7212 4SS Houte Goods for Sale rOR SALE Puppiel, all kinda -ome te auernoona at jjm Livingiton or call 2-7IH2 W.ll buy puppira any kind. 410 Seeds and Plants FUCHSIAS. S for II, Merrill'i Creenhuuae, Brooka. 412 Fruit A Farm Produce 100 DiiplQy Classified YOU Can SURVEY Acctiratrly With No Experience! SEARS Burlsel Prded Surveying Instruments Start a, low aa loll.ui As Little As 10 0011 iSears Roebuck & Co. MO N. Capftnl U-PICK RtrawherHri. lait week for very good Marihslla. 1 ml. nut Orchard Hghti. Rd. Joe Lucas. FOR SALE Rye grata hay, 120 per ion baled In field. Ph. 2-72M after 5 pm. U-PICK pie I'herne. Shalk. 10.1 W. Ihemawa ltd. Keizrr. U-PICK alrawlirrrlr,. 2 ml. cant Totem Pole. Max Wooda. rflESH picked raipherrlea. 12 00 a llat. Hnng rnntaineri. 4B4S Liberty Rd , acroj, from Lib erly Schl. Ph. 4-1102. U-PK'K ilrawberrie i. 4371 Hayeavine Dr. Ph, 2-3SO0. U-PICK Nnrthweal k Marahall l Strawherrie. Lauderback Arrell. Lardnn Rd. Ph. 4-1133. CHOICE "wil!amelte"ranpberrie,". Ordrri taken. Eve. Ph. 4-i:4A. GOOD haled clover hav In "field, not rained nn. Ph. 4-1 1M. FINE pie cherrlei and raipber- I nn. U-plck, Ph. 2-2124. '. , U-PICK NORTHWEST STRAWBERHIKS 10r I B . PRINO CONTAINERS. STANLEY SNIF.D, RT. I, BOX 10. BROOKS, LOCATED 1 Ml. NORTH or BROOKS. H1WAY SB, PH. 2-3141 RASPRERRIES. Mn. Hrantner, 2835 Chemawa Rd, 2-13AS eves. U-PICK' goodNorthweratraw. nerriea, inc Ih. I block W. KelerSchool.Ph. 1-0157. ! U-PirK""lrrlatert "hlU"Maralialla. I Frrd Meyer. t, ml. W. Bruah ! College Store. Ph. 2-6177. U-PICK Northwct ,lrawherrte;. 10c Ih. R E. ririllrr, 4447 Bat ter Dr. Ph. 4-3340 ' STATE lnapected-mrikitc. Ph. 4-1111, It, m. E. 4 Cor. on state TO PLACE AD ' PHONE 4-6811 STUDENTS deik 17 M. Ued Mdoe. Mart, 270 S Liberty. Open Fn nnhta til 9. Ph. 4-S.171. No down payment to ST.) GENER AL- Electric' Vjipmh button range, GE drvr'r. Mv tf automallc washer. Chrome fcl. large rut snd pad. new Hollywood b(d. 2HI0 Portland Hd. FOR SAI.F: 4 pc icctlonal dav eno. corner table, range, re fng.. Scaly Po.sturpedic mat trea A box ipnngK, draperlri, Hotpotnf aulo. waah all in excellent cond Rt. 3. Vox 270, Mulalla. Ph. 3771 Moialla. LEAVING V. S : elect, range. A rrlrle , din. aet. almoit new 21" TV. Ph. 4-047. CARRIER Decnlreere S2oh. Otlw furniture. Ph. 4-3433. 22.19 Hoyt bt. - . FREEZER;-). w uprrght"largri cu. ft. Exclumve hvavy duty quiet running sealed unit. 2 )r. gaurantre. 5 yr. fond apoil age guarantee. Special S:H IB thla week 1721 Center. Ph. 2-KD72. (DIM FOR SALE: I cu, It. refrigerator 2-2717. i nRAWER'Tnanl c'heit, 124 AO UKrd Mdw. Mart, 270 S. I.l ti er t y Open 'Fn. nights til 9. Nn down payment lo.a.c.) rn. 4-1.171. 4S5 House Goods for Sale GUARANTEED Reconditioned automatic wait, ers, drvera. ranges it refrigi. M il it up YEATKR APPLIANCE CO. 37S Chemeket St. UM1MS1ILD luroitur. H L. Slid Furniture, III N Hign ANTIQUE bedruom act. I99 9S ,Ued Mdne. Mart. 270 S. Liber ty. Ph. 4-H.171. Open Frl. nighta til 9. No down payment lo.a.c. I INLAID Lino.." 11.11 per iq. yd. R. L. lUitrora Co. 260 S Lib INLAID Lino.. 1 3 per iq. yd. R. L Elfilrora Co. 2S0 S. Liberty NEW drop front desk. 139 SO. IT4 W .1 U--t 91n C I thir ty. Ph. 4-4371. Open Frt'. nighta til 9. No down payment lo.a.c. I I'nfinished Chests, New S Drawers l 91 I Drawer, IS as No Phone Ordera Plea HOGG BROS. 241 State SL HOOVER Cleaner. 124 SO. 1321 N. Capitol Dir. 3-7(107. 41 Springs, IS. Ud Mdse. Mart 270 S. Liberty. Open Frl nighta til S. No down paymtnt loa.c.l Ph. 4-KI71.- INLAID Lino., 11.31 per aq, yd R U EUatram Co., 244 8. Lib USED waahera 19 At up. Mod ern Appliance Center, 1141 So. Lorn L fn. 4-.iw. FOR SALE: GE rang, excel. cond. 3-2642. 2293 Pioneer Dr. NEW bunk bed! With apringi, 149 91. Uaed Mdse. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. .Open Frt. nighti til 9 Ph. 4-4371. No down payment v to a. el Linoleum rug 9x12. S3 US Valley Furn. Co.. 21N.tom'l. IF YOU need a iingl item or a complete household of new or uaed lurnltur or appllancca. Buv now on our easy lerma. Xa'oodry'a Thrifty Uled Furniture 912 So. Com'l St Ph. 4-3311 1 block Sa of Paper Mill 456 Wonted House Goods 110.000 CASH To ipend for High grade Uaed Furniture A Appliance Pn. 3-9110. Paying Top Prices for Better Grade. Glen Woodry, 1104 N. Summer WAOTEli-FURNITURE k MISC. PH. WiOM FoP CASH PHICE - FURNI TURE, APPLIANCES. ETC. I'SED MERCHANDISE MAR1 :70 S LIBERTY PH 4-4371 WE NEED FURNITURE Valley Furn. Co. 2-7472 4S7 Radio and TV MOTOROLA 21" TV et. Owner transferred out or town. Down pavment alreadv made, assume tit mo. pavm't. SA H Greer, Stamps. Master Service Sta tlnna. 363 N. Com'l. 458 Building Materials HIS AND LOTTSA"' NEW ' Rollaway beda I inner spring maltresa & roil spring I Only 34. used jvinse. wart, ' 270 8. Liberty. Ph. 4-4.171 Onen Fn. Nighta till . Kb down payment 10 s.c.) EDISON Vicrrolls DsvTnport, Chsir, 3 burner gas stov. miic. W4 8 Summer. TWIN SIZE rold-aRol-atrollef, I haalnetta, 1' bed car. Ph. 4-4931. J WALNUT buffet, 824720. Used Mrlse. Mart, 370 8. Liberty. Ph. 4-4.171. No down pavmrn in c.i wprn rri. mini in v. MONARCH ' Hec7rane17 90 11190 Glen Creek Rd. Phl-IIM M M. Wringer waaher. 2 yrs. nld. Ph. Skllln 7-13U0. 112 Broad St., Monmouth, Ore. IPC." dining room aet. Special IM 91. Uaed Mdae. Mart. 270 8. Liberty. Ph. 4-4371. No down pavment lo.a.c.) open frl nighta til I. NEW LOAD BIRCH DOORS heautlluilv drsiened LOW COST ! INSULATION I 20 lax. ALDER ihop A paneling pne or oircni aui; 30 90. FLO. 9110. PAINT 2.90 gal. SCREEN nnrRS g 95 tin -Alum Rrrem tn fill FENCE MATERIAL - III types. Won drrlul itains lor finish see them I PLYWOOD SPECIALS: 190 sheets of , BIRCH and KNOTTY PINE - Closeout 2.V II. ', Knotty Pine lie ft. FIR PLYWOOD - snv sir - CUTTINO TREE tremen dous selection. hNAII.S i:j keg CLOSEOUT - oaa ioti pine leinellng inn. M, CEDAR BOARDS Rgh back 10'' Cedar Sd 129. M. Ixt2 I04M. Hemlock Csg. odd lots 4c IL U 4x1 Sandrd Plywood 17c ft., Rgh. 4x1 4 29 sheet! Gosh New ALUMINUM STORM DOORS low price. PAINT GRADE JAMnS - 2 1)5 let. Like we say - "LOTS AND LOTTSA" m Remodeling -34 MONTHS TO PAY NOTHING (that's nghtl NOTHING DOWN See ui soon youlll enjoy your visit. Portland 'Road Lumber Yard 2942 Portlsnd Road Ph. 4-4433 "OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY" 50 Merchandise 458 Building Materials II felt it craft paper 12 38 2 tab 215 lb. roofing. Cheap Cedar Shingles 3, $9. 14 New iron roofing per aq.- flQ Nam per keg. II 19 Outaid whit paint, gal 12 34 12-2 wire, roll at 4 ,c Garage doors, all ilzea. cheap Barb wire go rod 19 92.. 7 41 Ceiling tils 12x24, 10c aq. ft, 4x1 piaiter bd. 1140. 1 no. 1 Asbestos tiding 213 90 ,q. New Water heater, sell out. Cast soli pip 7V ft. ',i" I alv. pipe 12c. -lSc, l',-29c. l,-3Sc. K gal. ateel aep. Unks $91 JO 4) 300 gal steel sep. Unks S 90 New bsth tub complete 1341.91 Toilets with aeala $21.50 Wash baa. with trirrl $1150 Iron, aleel, stainless steel sink. Drain-board covering 30c ft. S" Celling fan $13.71 Deluxe 14x24 med. cabineta . $$.9$ Oak flrg. randem ,ngth Cheap ' New window sashes, choice $2(.0 Windows tt frames. Isrga . stock ' Mahg plywood 4x1, 19c iq. ft. l.Ouu doun, hardwood ac glaaa STRICTLY CASH U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C. G. LONG tt SONS PH. 4-5051 1 ML N. KEIZER USED CEILING TILE (16x32) lie: mM Reject hdboard 50x100". 11.79 sht Used U" plywood sc aq. ft Used Windowi. frames, coinp. 24x49 $ aa. Uaed sash, sll aires $1 , up Used concrete shower. base $2 es. Uaed ihower urttt prays 22 50 es. All kind used pip '," to 4" 4 ft.. 4 tub fluorescent lights .Slle. Looae fill Cork Iniul 1 J3 bag Uaed 1x2. 1x4 rir flooring $43 per M UfrrJ brldg planks A timber . Mi lo 99 per M EMS CO; 740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-S.H1 4 Mi. No of Silem. Ml. No. of Totem Pole on 9E r pen All Diy Saturday aOO.UOtT I-pJKI New. rreih-milled old A second Irowin lumber 2x4 to 2x12 In lo 24-foo: llngtha Delivered price Salem, 130 per thou, minimum Ted Muller S-II9S. 462 Sports Equipment FREEZER New II cu. ft., only I left, st lactory coit, 114.75 per mo. 1721 Center, ph. 2-9172. ELECTnOLUX Cleaner, llflTM. 1321 N. CapltorDlr. 3-74H17. BETHRIFTt-Buy"'uaed furnT lure A appliances THE T H B 1 F ft WAY on Easy Term at WOODRY 8 THRIFTY USED FURN. Ill 8 Com l Ph 4-2311 FirtEWnnKSI Vei, nniied elee. rangri. A'arehntiBe. clearanie, 21199 A up. Rig iavlnga, U hatll. Easy terms. SAH Green Stampa Matter Service 8ts tioni, 345 N. Com'L ELECTRIC wall beaten. 291 off 12 gal. elee. water heater, l9 12-2 wire, 4',c ft. Light lixturea reduced. 3 pc. bath set, 1120. Built-in rangri, o(f. Outlet bnxei, 25c. 14-2 wire. 4c ft. Apex Electric tt Plumbing. 1410 Broadway. Ph. 2-1804 Open Frl. eves. We cut wire, pipe It prlrei. Overhead neet garage Soon with hard war $3a M In nallea $41 M alvnii4 ev trougn I2'tl pel ErPING LUMBER 0. PH 4-4123 V0 SILVERTON RD. FOR SALE 111 ft. cabin cruiser. n. rtii'rc. mniiir, nar. ateer irg, trailer. Complete $1,499. Ph. 3-8071. 13 FT. glass boat with trailer. I'h. 2-8.143 between 12 noon nd 8 p m. FOR SALE 2 lever action 300 Ravage rifles, 1 Remington pump 20-06, 1 Winchester 12 ga. automatic model 40. All slightly used. Private party. Ph. 4-0701. NEW 14 ft. aport fisherman 84 beam, fitier glasa bottom. Trm430 Chemawa. Ph.4-1751 12 FT. plywood hnat. trailer-Ac nan 1121. 1809 Water St. after S p.m. 1 12 FT. "NEW-runabnutT-man", center deck. 18 H P. Johnson $295, Ph. 2-7728 after 8 CASH paid for used guns mod ern -and antique Caacade Mere 1230 Broadway. 464 Bicycles 20" Balloon tired bicycle. Llka new. Call 2-8421. 468 for Rant, Misc. FOR REN1 or Male iga war, hous ipacg cement floor, brick bldg . downtown. In quire L Bull rurn l-IISS. 470 For Sole, Misc. GUARANTEED Reconditioned antnmstle wash er., dryen. ranges It rrlriga. $18 II tt uo. YEATKR APPLIANCE CO. 375jL'hemekets St 15 FT. 'round flax rugr$l47Tjsed Mdse. Mrt, 270 S. Liberty, Open Frl. nlfhli til 9. Ph. 4-8371. No down payment lo.a.c. I PAYMASTERehe7-k"Vrlter ,H protectnrew, $100. Ph. -043 SELL or trade cnmpletereat rant equip, tor 32 or 93 car. Call Silverton after 7. 3-3971. WASTE1 lumber fnV"flrVwoo"(f. yours for payment of ad. 80$ Mission 1 PACIFIC BOILER li, Million .B III'. Uved 2 s hool terma. In perlcrt ahape 984X1. Also 400 gal. hot water tank Houston Pnrtsr, Rt. I Box 340. Neha lem. Ore. Ph. Emmerson 8-2.180. 89c tn 9Ar All brand coffee.' an rr cis'l , II on cTn., Ig. Vel 2V23C. 404 So. High.