&-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore, TtoescUy, July S, 5Q Teacher Session Opened PORTLAND iff - A National Education Assn. 1NEA) official cautioned teacher! Monday against being "too quick to blame the borne" for increased school . discipline problems. An NEA report issued last week listed lax hoax) conditions as the reason for student misbehavior most often cited by teachers in nationwide survey. The survey was conducted by NEA's research division and its commission for the defense of democracy through education. It reported student drinking, assign ment failure and disrespect lor teachers "definitely increasing over the past 10 years.' Toe tjelck ia Blame , Monday Richard B. Kennan, ex ccutlve secretary of the commis sion, in a speech prepared for the NEA convention said: "At times I feel that we are too quick- to blame the home for the problem of increased pupil rest lessness.' The teachers surveyed by the NEA also gave high priority to crowding and the teacher short age as causes of misbehavior. - Kennan said he had received numerous letters from parents! nd teachers emphasizing the need for moral and spiritual edit-' cation. . I gUtesseai Valaed j '"In general," he said, "they, seem to be aeeklng for a return to the use of memorization of moral adage and authoritative precepts. "Certainly the value of such i statement should not be Ignored. I However I sincerely believe our ; greatest hope is through discus-; ion, exploration and action in our local schools and communities." 1 Oliver J. Caldwell, U.S. assist-1 ant commissioner for international education, addressing the Assn. of . Higher Education meeting m con- j junction with the NEA convention, aaid one of the problem is wheth er educational opportunities will, be available to aU. Fall to Get Trailing ' ' ' "There are disturbing statis tics," he said, "which Indicate that under our system of open op portunity a startling proportion of our better minds do not, in fact, aecure for themselves the training they require for the freeing of their talents. j "We must either Increase lm- mensely our financial Investment In education or else abandon our' traditional philosophy of equality1 f educational opportunity," he aid. . The Department of Classroom Teachers of the NEA adopted a resolution urging the House of Representative te pass .pending federal school construction aid legislation "without extraneous amendments." trgregaUea Topic ' Among amendments which House members have said they might Introduce is one by Ren. Powell (O-NY) , barring federal funds from states with segregated , acnools. The department represents about half the nation's one mil lion teacher. - Dale Linebargrr of : Seattle, Wash., a member of the resolu tiona committee, urged the teach-; era to wire their congressmen to, rote for the tl.eoo.ooo.ooo proposal. ; XraaJulleaa Eyed I In another resolution, the de partment expressed its "convic tion that all problems of Integra- ' tion in our school are capable of aniut'on at the state and local lev els by 'citizens of Intelligence, sanentss and reasonableness working together in the interests of national unity." I Other resolutions called for: j 1. Establishment of the U.S. Of fire of Education as an independ ent agency under a National Board of Education, appointed by the president with the consent of the Senate. This board would appoint the U.S. commissioner of educa tion. ' 1. An amendment to the Internal Revenue Code recognizing expert-1 ditures by teachers for profession al improvement" . as a Just tax exemption." S. Condemnation of the use of nonprofessional "teacher aides" in duties which should be carried out by qualified teachers. ... No BS2 Production Speedup Planned Says Defense Chief By C. YATES MCDANIEL WASHINGTON Iff Secretary of Defense Wilson Monday ruled out any new speedup in -B53 bomber production, but said aa extra SOS million dollars voted by Congress for warplane will be used "when needed." Eaeed SpcealaUea "I don't Intend to recommend that the additional funds be im pounded," Wilson told the Senate airpower Investigating subcom mittee. "They will be treated like any other funds that we get and will be spent when needed.'' Wilson' statement ended pec ulation that President Eisenhower might withhold the additional money from, the Air Force. Ike Signs BIH Eisenhower Monday signed the bill carrying the extra funds for the Air Force. Press secretary James C. Hagerty said he made no comment on M. Wilson under sharp criticism from some Senators for using the word "phony" in talking recently with newsmen about the Air Force fund increase, was calm and re strained In his second appearance before the subcommittee. Flanked by the uniformed and civilian chiefs of the armed forc es, Wilson refused to budge un der questioning from his state ment earlier that the administra tion 1 giving the nation a "dy namic military program." Wwlda't Agree Nor would he agree to the con tention of two ofshis sharpest cri tics, subcommittee! chairman Sy mington (D-Mo) and Sen. Jack son D-Wah that the United State Is falling behind Russia. Armed with President Eisen hower's order, given Wilson last week to "lay it on the line," the defense secretary stated categor ically: 1. "We are not falling behind the Russians; they are catching up from a low beginning." I. The American B52 heavy Jet bomber is "greatly superior", to its Russian counterpart in speed, combat radius and combat ceil ing. 3. The communist bloc is not outproducing the free world in either quantity or quality of Jet warplanes. 4. The communists have larger numbers in their -ground forces. but "the United States Army is Mort Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Ran Is a preaaant way to ererrome Ioom plat dUcomfort. FAflTKEITH. a Improved powder, sprinkled on. upper and lower platee hold, them, Armer ea thai they fael mora com fortable. No tummy, sooey, paaty taate or feellnx. Ha alkaline i non acid). Doea not sour. Cberka "plate odor" (denture breath). Oet FAS. TUTH today at any dru counter. making more rapid progress" than the Reds In perfecting new weapons and new tactics. wuru raunanrr. ennne CAUSE UPSET STOMACH A (SCIMOMSnO J . . MtyKK I AOOU I Union Pacific's gmzd' PORTLAND ROSE I 3 Alto direct service to Boise, Salt Lake -.1.. Dearer and Kama! City. vJ ' 'ait, Lirsurious, Dependable Serrkev fi Fill leaves Portland SM P. M. Jv:,. UNION PACIFICjfS. M if ilia,' Mltn I.INr.ENr Elnm, General Fan. 7iy tenser A tent. 751 Pillock Block, Port- f1 lan t, Orrien. Fhone CApllol 7-1171. Jj in. c.va?rc7 kmJ tw e I kaxaawaf Zrme, a dnrlor't formula, areaiBtl) rriient ilrhin at earfar akia rathe. erarma, prickly heal, athletes loot 7rm tlopt eeialchinf and as aidt fa.tar healing and clearing. Buy titrt tirnmik Zrma for ilubbora caeca. a'eTeTeTeTeTeTe's'e """f aWaToVaWaTalBMsV " RIPE OLIVES . Ebony Brand Fancy Quality You'll want plenty of these fancy quality ripe olives to deck your picnic table. Stock up your cupboard now at this extra special price. mo. 1)' I sue. 70' slaadtri . I tM Mm FIG BARS Melrose Brand Kitchen Fresh Turn the kids loose with s package of these fine fig bars. Even the crumbs disappear. For an added treat, serve them with Lucerne milk it will be an instant hit. 2-Pound Package 89' Safevay Stores WILL BE OPEN 41h OF JUJ.Y miHftmilMMHINIIMaMNHI BEVERAGES Cragmont -"12 Sparkling Flavors Here's an economical way to serve your family the very finest picnic drinks. 12 sparkling fla vors to choose from including ,Jtoot Beer and Orange. Regular 2 for 35c. Save 6c buy 2. 3Z-oz. Bodies 29' CRACKERS Here's a Real Picnic Favorite Wonderful kitchen fresh cracker are always at the top of every delicious picnic list. NKlib . Irand Mb. Pkj., 29' I $l 25' ' ' WOW! HcreVV r Real Savings on V I Taste Tells Brand Van Camp Brand Ko.2cn fclHCn Marshmallovs Si Choc. Dairy DrinlC Hi-C Orange Drink Dill Pickles Wiener Buns Paper Napkins Salad Dressing Potato Chips Mayonnaise Marshmallovs Wonder Zippy Reg. or Kosher Or Hamburger Buns. Cello Wrapper M-D Brand Reg. 2 for 25c Duchess Brand Reg. 57c, Save 18c Blue Bell or Nalley Brand NuMade Brand Reg. 71c, Save 12c Snow Clouds Brand Finest Quality Summer Roxbury Candies . This Week' f avtrrles, Are Cum Drops 2-lb. Orange Slices 9 "This Week's Feature" is POLLY ANN . Coffee Cake Loaf (iiiume Isflt 13 l a. 3c let. 39c u. . e.u. . i . Ba. jaTaa. appi awn svrei. puj. ix tfmf . ai t- i ti L JW IM rmseppif isn ei-ei. p. in m r laubam Twit) iVi-i. sk. 25c C Try Skylarks New Stoneridge Farm Fresh Bread StonGround-Thin Sliced Jwtt Nk iWt-befcr Imettt H'i e)uirM it b iVMete) extry nm frfK tsflUhi fivwr, jr fidn hitmv. fresh imntry sWttw arte) tKof fiNtt ingrii- loif Sli 2! pJ:3) wok at 'rtrfHL " il I Bel-air LEMONADE V pi,,. U M Either the 'Regular or Pink I Sa One 6)i. can of Bel-air. Lemonade makes one full quart of the I most delicious lemonade you've ever tasted try our new pink 'emnnade. It's a party favorite. r .S9' SO' BEST BEER Finest Esitere ftck 32 ti. cm 39t) 6 2T 89c WESTERN BEER Wympia llili lucky User 12 si. 1 1 A (24Cm4.1S 0 C" LIU For Flavor Plus Savings it's SNOW STAR Ouerl (ht Ck happy day I f AFIYYAT'S featvrlng Kr&KX ' rrian einel iiiieu mMaUeJ .iiul '-. V', 1 1 ' T, Just arriverl at Kaftan in time for I f' i ' J ? - x "V r T illt'D v Jim Safeway is the best place In town to buy watermelon, By the Piece lb. 4c Cantaloupe Tomatoes Just arrived at Safeway in time for I t . vV'-V -x N the big holiday! Loads and loads of l . t thumpin' trlsp, red ripe beauties tt special low price. Whole Melon Vine-Ripened Beauties The Sweetest Mealed They're Tops tor Your Summer Salad; ib. 3fD Oranges Valencia Grapes Celery a Sweet Colder) I VaCrn Yellow ear 0 POTATOES New White Shatters 10 t 09 5-lb. Cell Sweet Seediest Firm Crisp Stalks Sweet Colder 59 .29 a. 17 49 LETTUCE local Irown Firm a. 10 ears or green onions Radishes Cucumbers svZ.y -ieUUIIIIUVVCI Crown . Bananas Quality ( bu. 5 a15 n.19 LEMONS Sunktst. Fancy Quality 19 Ib. Breakfast Gems, Small "A" FRESH EGGS 5 Doz. SflOO Doz. 3J & tor & 10-ol pkg. t it. can FROZEN FOODS Sweet Peas Be,,ir it. 20c French Fries EW 2 ,r 33c Strawberries Be,,lr Limeade Bf,,ir TV Dinners 79c Chicken Dinners Sw""Ti.,pkg. 79c Mixed Vegetables B""r ,0.s.Pkg. 19c PICNIC SUPPLIES ' Paper Plates UUmond Sn,00,hPk.,, 17c Paper Plates Ch' "',',,lv,dedm..fi. 29c Fiesta Plates whU" Vmt. m 55c For. Cold Drinks ). r zs Ice Cream Cotillion Brand frJ! 35c Q 69c e Here's Real "Holiday Savings" at Safevay A FRESH FROZEN-PAN READY Tender, plump young chickens guar anteed perfect dating. $n on Manor Houje r I UU Armour Star ea. U Mb. 12-oz. and over CnVCnC Young and Tender I li I LkiJ Dixie Cups lliimianm Ca!I Household MIU1IIIIIUUI IUH Purity Cups Hot,rC6"M,rinW.,I4 55c 29c Saran Wrao l,"Mr,MblHu... 37c frket In rhl advertisement are in effect through Wednesday, July 4th et Safeway in Salem , , . We reserve the right to limit quontitiet. No sales r dealer or their representatives. rW'vW.'.V.'.WAAV.W.'WA'.M.WAW.' "A'AViWiWrtWW'iViSW'iSVtWrWi Pkg. of 15 ft, roll 25-ft. roll Wax Paper rhr"tr Br,B ,sfLroll 15c DAIRY FOODS Chocolate Milk LBmu.ru.ro. IVM Sour Cream Iut'rM aI,plt 29c Coffee Cream Lucfrn m 47c Whipping Cream Lmttn ;w 59c Skim Milk Lurfr"e ,,... 33c 3.8 lucerne Milk B""" ,.l".,1i;ylll0I1 43c - Fresh Eggs 62c ::;.;.::;:;:::;:v:;;::::;':;;.:;;:;;:v:;:.:::.;;,:;:...;v.:v::. .;.:.;Xv:.;;;:;.vvv:;;v;v::.;.,::;;; :;::::;v:;.:::x Whole Fryers Ib. 45c "U. S. D. A. CHOICE" Arm Cut, Ib. 55 POT ROAST "S . 45c Armour Star and Del Monte, 12 to 14 lb. HAMS Fa Shir Hill 25 49' Del Monte Brand WIENERS 2U-Pound Picnic Pack Picnics Morrell's Pride 3-lb. can' $ 1.98 Canned Ham S'Vlbs. Canned Hams rmour S can ea I ff Ground uruuna oeei Fresh ..'6.99 4.69 ,39 Rib Roast Beef, Standing Ib. . 69' Round Steak 'Choice" Beef ib 79 T-Bone Steak 1.05 Top Sirloin Boiling Beef "Choice Beef Boneless '"Choice" Plete Cut ,b$l,05 ,b. 10 Lunch Meats Vv.ri'r, 29 Bologna Meat Pie Varieties pkg. I -lb. 12-oi. over oe. II l-oi. Somerset or Del Monto "f A Manor House Frozen 29