Statesman's HOME anorama tkmtn .'. . Music . . . Fashions , . . Features 6-(Soc. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, July 3, '58 Around Town Br JEtYMEr ENGLISH PRK-MPTIAL . . parties for ' IWesses 7". . for a are-aaatial mid-summer brides-elect highlight party a geaday will be Mrs. the social calendar this week . . , Charles V. Maeeey ami her 4atuk Miss Marlynn Harland, who will be ter, Mlu Mary Clara Meaner, wha married , to U. Duane Eakin on art enlertalalag a4 Ikelr Tamarrk July IS, will be feted at S o'clock Street hame for the prieaaare af buffet supper and kitchen shower Mlas Dlaae Miller, Assess brtee- Sunday afternoon when Miss Mar- elect at Lt. Frank Lamb cia Cook entertains at the home of Thirty af Ike bride-to-he's aeheel her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William frteads bare beea lavlted U a 11 M. Cook . . . a group of the bride-1 e'eloeb breakfaat aad erystal anew- elect's high school and college er . , . , friends have beea bidden to the: a caffee , . .hostess Monday party . . . . " morning was Mrs. Walter H. Smith, Heaarlag . . . Misa Hartaae will who enlertainetl at her Mission ha her another aad stater, Mrs. Kay Street home between 10:30 and II Harlaad and Mtaa' Carol Harlaad, o'clock . . , Mm. Smith Invited the Lt. Eakia's saatber and lister, Mrs. j outgoing and incoming afficcrs of Millard Eakia and Mlaa Vrcada the Salem Garden Chib and mem F.akla at Powell Butte . . . Mimes hers of the Gaiety Hill Garden Club Barbara Swefart, Jean Hamntaa, to atop for a cup of coffee and View Hermatlae Berrlag, Mary Arnold, her garden Aaa Meeker, Jnlle Asti-ap, Barbara Brewer, Janet Reseee, Marian H ti ler. Carol BartweH. Danaa Sae Ritk. .Mrs. Carval .Gray, Mrs. Richard Wright, Mrs. Gene Small, Mrs. Michael Sbertock, aad Mrs. A family reaalea . . . aa Saeday at the beea al Mr. aad Mra. Ellis H. Jones, when their Iter cblldrea aad Ibeir families were pre at . . . la the graap were Mr. aad Mrs. William P.. Seat!, Craig aad William M. Ceek, wha assisted her, Lanrle af Reseda, Calif., Bride-Elect Honored by Hostesses Mrs. Donna Sawyer, who will be married to Harold Ottley of An chorage, Alaska in mid-July, was fried at a miscellaneous shower when Miss Hilda Bartels, Miss Marilyn Springer. Mrs. Glen Loert- scher and Miss Evelyn Stark en tertained at. the home of Mrs, Chirk Hill on Cascade Drive. The bride-elect, accompanied by her son, Tom, and her mother, Mrs. Uuy Cook, will fly to An chorage on July 14, where the wedding' will lake place. The mantel was decorated with silver wedding bells and white streamers and a map of Alaska covered the table. , . Honoring Mrs. Sawyer were Mrs. Robert Kuenxjj, Miss Alice Gef- tler, Mrs. Floyd Scott, Mrs. Mari lyn Schoenhut, Mrs. E I e a n a r Schramm, Mrs. Harry MiUer, Mrs. Doris Llskey, Mrs. Alvin Staffer, Mrs, Nancy Dickey. Mrs. Uela Scott, -Miss LaVerne Hewitt. Mrs. E I n 1 n t Gardner. Mrs. Roy Oh lund. Mrs. Valva Simons, Mrs. Al ts Dudley, Mrs. Elsie Keeker, Mrs. Ransom Carpenter, Mrs. Zo Kru ger. Mrs. Guy Cook, Miss Winnie Cook, aunt of Mrs. Sawyer visit ing hero from Kansas, and the hostesses. davek or . , . The bride-elect's , . . grandmoth er, Mrs. E. W. Harland, will enter Uia with a bridal shower Thursday, night at her D Street home . , . a late dessert supper will be served ... the? hostess has invited mem bers of the Immediate family to honor Miss Harland , . . present! visiting at. tka home. Mr. sad Mrs. Ellis H. Jaaes Jr., Gwy. Eileen aad Ellis III af Miss Heppner Visits in Craig aad s . I , - -Capital To Live in Silverton aJ V V ? t II i I I7' XdteW'W A' 7k. ti I 1 ywp. i. revbtiv V Gervais Man Married to Albany Girl St. Mnry'i Catholic Church In I June 23. The Rev. Martin Doherty Albany was the setting for the i performed the t o'clock service, marriage of Miss Audrey Joan, Mrs. Gladys Demars and Mrs. Nielsen, daughter of Mrs. Trances i Frank Minett sang, and Mrs. Nielsen, Albany, and Robert Wes ley Kepplnger, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kepplnger of Gervais, on y MAkT CLARK T-Teant Pi If gals In Seal "Getting to know yea . . . V Getting to know al about yon . . . 1 Getting ta ted free and easy Because af al Us beautiful aad new things I'aa learning about .-yea,-, Betrothal of Duo Told Cridga Tourney Winners Named Mrs. W. A. Barsch and Mrs. A. I. Eoff took top honors in the senior section of the weekly dupli cate bridge tournament at Knights of Columbus Hall Thursday. Sec ond place honors went to Carl Ru der and Gordon Wilcoi. Tiring for third and fourth place points were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foster and Mrs. William Newmyer with Miss Dorathea Steusloff. . In the 'Junior section, Mrs. Sid Schectman and Mrs. Tom Watson placed first in north-south compe tition; Mrs. Mona Voder and Gladys Zcll were second, and Mrs. Frsnk Ward an Mrs. Frank Ni chols were third. Carl Charnholm and Gua Wallis won the honors In junior east-west play with Mr. and Mrs. David Easoa second, and Mrs. E. A. Guenther and Miss Lorraine Measy third. Centralis Temple, Pythian Ma ten will meet Wednesday night at Beavers Hall at I o'clock. Pattern f IT 44 1 ; f If 7 MiM Alice Mathey entertained Mark a'sd Mlcbnel W Dallas mt?!&JJ.'lt1 A" Mr. aad Mrs. MarskaU Jacob aad aaa, Breck, af Portlaad . . . CaH Ing dnrlag tka afteraaea were Mr. Jones' t k r a a slaters, Mrs. Joka Wilbyeamke aad Mrs. Andersea Cannon af Carmel. Calif., and Mrs. Claire Gray af Lot Aagelea, visit. prise guest was Misa Ethel Hepp ner. former member of the club, who has been living in foreign countries while connected with the U.S. Treasury department. During the evening Miss Heppner gave an interesting account of her "' Ik. I la the capital ... Mrs. Gray "s.. iZJTm,'.J""' " left Moaday to retara Shu, SILVERTON-Mr. arid Mn. Howard Keith Watts, who were married June 17 at tK Silverton Methodist Church. Before her marriage, Mrs. Watri was Callie An.r'Jacobten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Jacobsen of Scotts Mills. Mr. Watts is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elton Watts of Silverton. Mr. and Mn. .Watts will make Silverton their home. (Jejten-Mil-ler Studio. ' Mrs. Caaaaa and Mrs. Wtthyeombt are remaialag for a laager atay . . , A club kasieaa . . , tonight will be Mrs. Robert Steeves, who will entertain at a. dessert bridge at her Candalaria horn . . . Mrs. Homer Brolst will be aa addition al guest . . ', Betarnlag . . Saeday from a week'a sajMra in San Francises were Dr. aad Mrs. Charles 0. Belgium, Beirut, other place in the Republic of Lebanon and Paris. Enroute to Oregon she visited in Quebec, Lake Louise, Banff and Victoria. Mian Heppner leaves next week for California to visit her mother and in August will fly to Rio de Janeiro to resume her work, where she has been employed the past year. Crub members attending the Anniversary Party Fetes Zollners MT. ANGEL -A no-host buffet supper nt the home of Mr. and Mra. Bernard Schiedler Wednesday night, June 27. honored th 45th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zollner, parents' of Mrs. Schiedler. The other Zollner children who and Klrki Ibey were '.v"" ' Irene dcLisle, Misa Golda Wheeler, helped with the arrangements for Mr, Raw fthtunit lir, I u si.i. , th annivrrurv urtv mr Mr and 7 - .'ZZ-TL ;Ta:L.:r TJZ - Heath. Misa Edna Mc Howlag ki Ran Dtege wMb Mrs. 1 ..."rr" w.?u J.. """re' Lenck.' nwtker. Mrs. Alexaaaer -" " m'"K- rhrelber, tka paat hrtalgkt . . .w rs rl Mr. aad Mrs. OiU i. Wlbwa aad MOn their Ibras riant eblldrea, Sbarya, lull n Alan aad Jab, drove sanUl bst MOIOS KOUniOn week la spend n lew nays an Baa Roy Ohlund, Mrs. Lea Weir, t the anniversary party are Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zollner, Mr. and Mrs. lrA I ' . 10 It Sea tit pretty back view this dresa displays acoft folds from hiplioe to hemline, topped by a graceful bowl The front presents a lovelv picture too a smooth, slim silhouette. So- flattering to your figure, and best of all, a Joy to sew it's so SIMPLE! Patern 4753: Misses' sites 10, II. 14. If, II. Sue It Ukes IS yards js-lnch fabric. ' This pattern easy to use. simple ta sew.. is tested for tit. Has com plete illustrated Instructions. Stmt THTP.TY.rtVf rants In Mm Hi this pattarn - add t tanta Sar aarh aMjttarn tor fai-rlaaa aaailtne. f.'nd to ANNK ADA MM, rara Oregon Fialraman, 4K7 Pattarn DDt , 141 I71h SI , Urn Ynrk II. N Y rnnt p'amlr NA MR. Api)NR with y.ONE. HI, and HI Yl.I NUMHKR. imam warn Oar 8lrf ( m tfasaajraa O rravarsa as 0 Canuca Oaaras til farm , . LLl a.X BLIND MAN rr tatimataa Das a SUM ra. rftia cirrmst uia raairt ar " pa (. aa v J aaa a. all f , , ... , , softanost L ondl soothaal wi'h meo'kotaJ, fost-aKflrtf .,Uli a J b lAMOtlsJ Fraaelae . . . Arrlvlag ... In the capital last week was Misa Elizabeth Hoyser, who will spend th summer here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hoyser . . . Miss Hoyser recently returned to the states from Guantannmo Bay, Cuba, where she has been teaching the past year at th U.S. Naval Base . . . F.nrouteto Oregon the travel er stopped in Miami, Main and Wisconsin , . Visiters . . sm the capital Ibis week are Mra. Fred Laaater af Walla Walla aad her dawgbter. Mrs. R. J. (trier, aaa Ike tatter! ami, Baker aad Craig, af Stark ten, Calif. , . . tbey are gaesta at Ike borne af Mra. Lauter'a eoa-ia-law aad daagbter, Mr, aad Mrs. Cabarn Grabeabarst . , . Mm. Sig ler baa beea vlaMiag la WaUa Wat la aad is stapplag la la leas en- real fteatk Heaae garsts ... of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Enright this week at their Keiter home are Mr. En- right's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Enright and their son, Frankie, of Stockton, Calif. A gaest ... ni the home of Dr. and Mrs, Horace McGe tor a month is his aunt, Mrt. Olga Smith of Union ... . ub Calendar wrnNKsnAY Centralis Ttmpla, Pjrthlan Sisters, Beaver Hall. S im THl'nSOAT . Tklmala Clua, Naltkaan'ef Waaa- crall. Buih'i future, noon, ao-haat picnic luncheon. SUBLIMITY The mh annual reunion of th Doerfler clan was held nt Champoeg Park on Sunday. .Attending were Misa Anna Doer. Her. Mr. and Mra. A. N. Doerfler and David, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Doerfler, Mr. and Mrs. Doc Guyer snd children, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Doerfler Sr. and Mary Linda of Silverton; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Doer fler and Bernice, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Susbauer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Doerfler, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doerfler, Maurice, Patty aad Louaon. Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Doerfler, Gerald and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Pany Rose and sons, Mr. and Mra. Wilbur Rus sell. Tool Jean, Kenneth and Chris tine, MY. and Mra. Charles Oleaon. I Mr. and Mrs. Lucille McEwan and Tommy, Mr., and Mrs. Kugene ilannemaa and children. Mr. and Mrs. Jssepk Doerfler Jr. and daughters, and Mr. nnd Mrs. El- don Russell, all af Salem: Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Russell Jr. snd Stanley of Marion, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Doerfler and Gloria of Hillsboro, Mr. and Mrs. Orvill Doerfler and Wad and Mr. and Mra. Leo Doerfler of Albany, Mr. and Mrs, Karl Hanneman Sr. and Paul af Cloverdale, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hanneman and children, snd Mrs. John Kloetch of Port land, Mr., and Mrs. Karl Hanne man Jr. of Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Bud "Whitford and daughters of Tigard, Mrs. Emma Doerfler, Mr. snd Mrs. Leonard Doerfler and Richard, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.-Russell Jr., Arlene, Aneta, Darrell and Dennis, and Mrs. Clara peal of Sublimity. Mr Arnold Zollner and Mr. and Mrs. George Stupfel, also of Mt. Angel; Mr. and Mrs. Alwin Manning. St. Louis: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schied ler, Woodburn; and Mrs. Alfred Sander, Tillamook. The eighth child. Sister M. Justine, a Benedic tine nun of Convent Queen of An gela, ML Angel, could not be pres ent. Guests included, beside the hon ored couple: Rev. Father Cyril Le bold. Rev. Father Edward Spear, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Bauman, Mra. Gertrude Bernlng, Gervais; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Berning, Mrs. Henrietta Kaiser, Frank Schiedler. Mr. and Mra. Zollner (Bernadine Berning l were married in St. Mary's Catholic Church, ML Angel, June 37, nil and still live on the same farm on which they started Welcome Home Party Honors Evans Family Mr. and Mrs. Charles Evans and daughter, Linda, who recenttly re turned to the capital from Parks Air Force Base, Calif., were hon ored at a welcome home party Sunday at the home of Mr. Evans' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ev ans. A no-host dinner was served in the garden. Corporal Evans has just comple ted four years of service in the air force and the family has pur chased a home here at 2130 Brown Road. - Honoring Mr. and Mrs. Evans and Linda were their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Doran. Mrs. Mary Schutz, Mrs. Mary Fry, EmmeU Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Dover and Terry, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Myers. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Brad bury nnd grandson, Roddy Graves. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown and grandchildren, Judy and Donna Joy, Eddie Page, Perry Evans, Misa Joan Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shaffer, Charlena, Kathy and David, Miss Maxine Doran. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Robinson, LuAnn, Steven and Dennis, Albany, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Youman and Fred out as bride and groom. Mrs. John Evans of Roseburg. Mr. and Mrs. Bauman, a sister of Mrs. Zollner, Miller Peer of Silverton, Mrs. who was among the guests, had j Floyd Evans and Mrs. Dora Pal mer or Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Earl SchrterinRer, Marylou, Ronny and Donald of an Francisco. a bridesmaid at the .wedding. The Zollners have eight children, all living, and 41 grandchildren.. The above wan Use them af the Y-Teea , Northwest Conference at Seabeck.. WashiatTtan, attended by ten Salem Y-Teesaa last week. AU those attending were officers in tneir borne club aad wert attend ing the coaler erare t get new ideas. Th new adeaa were learn ed at the twa club clinics attended each day lor an hour before din ner. . ' Conference wan also designed ta give each girl a chance to get to know themselves better so that they might be more interesting and worthwhile individuals. The Rev. Troy 'Strong, Methodist' minister and marriage counselor from Se attle, spoke each morning an dif ferent teen-age problems. The next morning the girls hand ed in Questions, which the Rev. Strong answered. H commented that th questions were th most intelligent he had eves received from a croup. He did not always find it possible to give definite answers, but he did sun giris thinking t straighten out' their problems s that they might reach a logical OecLiKm. me itev Strong's talks soon became the hit-Might of the conference. The most beautiful and impres sive part of conference was the worship services during which we got to know God better. Every night there was a planned worship that would be hejd either indoors r in the Chapel of Firs, lt seem ed easier ta get t know God there because He seemed so very close to all of us which was helped by having such a beautiful natural setting in which U worship Him. No better name or theme couia ever have been chosen for a V Teen Leadership Conference at Seabeck than "Getting to Know You" "you" being God, the indi vidual herself, and the friends that each girl made, at this very friend ly place. It's an experience that every girl should have to help complete ber growth into woman hood, and is one that those attena ing never forget. Thnmsi Hensler was the organist. The bride1 wore a gown of Im ported lace and nylon tulle over satin with a Queen Anne collar and lace panels on the skirt, which terminated in a chapel train. Her illusion veil was caught to a pill box style headdress oi lace trim med In seed pearls and sequins. She carried a bouquet of white rnaea and steohanotia. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Davies are I Mrs. H. Mike Mitchell, the honor announcing t b e engagement of attendant, Miss Lois Prohsska and their daughter, Giovonna, to Cor- Mrs. John Herbert, the bridesmaid. noral Virail Far-la ann nt Mra A I. . .u. fLA -uM r . .... w - - - , -" " . .... ... n ui c wniic iiimiiu li.' iwu iuim wen caria. no om nas been set 0vcr ice blue taffeta with matching for the wedding. ; biue headbands. They carried nose- The bride-elect Is a senior at gays of white rosebuds and Esther South Salem High School and her j Reed daisies, fiance attended North Salem High, f Norman Keppinger was best man Coaporal Earls, who has been home . for his brother and ushers were aa leave, left Sunday for 23 Palms. Ronsld Keppinger, also a brother, Calif., where he is serving with I and John Weisi. lb U.S. Marine Corps. -1 The bride's mother wore n char coal- grey and mauvs two-piece, faille costume and corsage of pink rosebuds. The bridegroom's mother chose a navy blue suit with white accessories and cor saga, of yellow rosebuds. The reception was field In the parish hall. ' ( After a wedding trip to California the couple will be at home in At bany at 417 Lyon Street. Thimble Club Picnic Thimble Club, Neighbors of Woodcraft will meet at Bush's Pas ture, Mission Street entrance, for a 12 o'clock no-host picnic lunch eon on Thursday. Coffee will be served and members ar asked to bring their own tnble servira. wf officers of the club are Mrs, G. H. FMwards, presideni: iV.u. ...,i ma Peters, vice-president; Mrs. William Croker, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Lloyd Mitchell. Mrs. Stel la Blackerby and Mrs. R. M. Ash croft, managers. Modern Etiquette By leberta Lee Q. Should the best man ar one of th ushers propose lb toast to the newly-married couple at the wedding reception? A. It doesnt matter. Whoever can do this most easily should do It. Q. Recently male guest in my home took a flower from the centerpiece on my dinner table and put it into his lapel. What do you think of this? A. I think it was a very pre sumptuous and ill-bred act. Q. Is it proper for a girl of eighteen, to rise when she is being introduced to a man of aixty? A. Yes and also to a woman of sixty. j 68 i TUESDAY, JULY 3 Fashion Modeling ORiOON ROOM, STREET FIOOR 12:15-1:30 .P.M Mid-Willamette Alumni Chapter Pi Kappa Phi 7 Luncheon OREGON ROOM. 11 a'ClOCK J fKrkrtrEE. : jag; pBBaWaaWHaaSaaKfJjfjf' Always look for this red on the window! The only place you can obtain i new household SINGHR Sewing Machine or one 'reconditioned by SINGER is from your SINGER SEWING CENTER, identified by the Big Red "S" on the window! , ' Lilted below is the only SINGER SEWING CENTER located in (insert nam af city) ONLY at this place can you obtain . . . .1. lrarrJ-MW SINGER Sewlrtfl Mochlnes. f 2. SINGER Sewing Mochlnes reconditioned by SINGER with warranted SINGER parts. 3. Guaranteed repairs ky SINGER experts -based en written estimates furnished in advance. rtbi from f SINGER Sewing Machines are made in a variety of sewing hesds and cabinet styles. There's one to suit every need snd preference. Choose a portable, console, desk model, or period design. v i ina aaaa af raa i i aaHwacTvama raarrairr Cabinet mvtJeJs flwua SINGER SEWING CENTER SINGER SEWING MACHINE COMPANY 130 N. Commercial Phono 3-3512 RICES EFFECTIVE TUESDAY THRU SUNDAY mnum ALL LEGAL FIREWORKS ON SALE AT Pay Less Drug Reg. 29c CORK POP PISTOLS Lots ef Fun list Harmless 9c "Billy the Kid Repenting CAP PW0L5 ring 49 ROLL CAPS Rear stint: Type Tito All Cap ristols bit DELUXE CROQUET SET RH-rUyfT She with A08 at sjff WW 1$ Cowboy King Cap. Pistol Ware led gteraeje Cart For Easy Installing Reg. I1Z.M M IHOT 111 ATI eiNuiNi wtsTMN rm it MUX ACTION W SAHTT ACTION W IAHTV LOCK cuivto oair V jrwiUD MANDil IMSOttlD IAMB Reg. l.ti 88' u n it a1 , TVrY LlTE plastic v WAD KG DnflK V5 avanr a a war iVM cMoniu parae six feci leag. II -Inches steep.' .leal fun for the kiddles. While The Last Fersaerry $lZ.5t BURP GUN CAP SHOOTER . lapM firt ar Slfrfr Saf"MosT'Ea Dm" will TWi . S na j '," '-'naiaaai a9 DYF li . . a mm - a, aliti KINOSTOM CHARCOAL BRIQUETS Ml It raaa lafl Claaa aaa he fraa taw k n C" 7S1 WALL-RITE UTEX WALL PAINT 4 S VaU SO 98 taaayieUse WtuM ar Calan Gal. Milt OOOSLISJ IN ONI HOUI "CUMORENI" PAINT BRUSH CLEANER Cleans Paint Brashes Reg. 9Se' t.ssy in a Jirty Mf4 Restores Life ta Tour nU Brashes W Jf PURE PREPARED DAI MT Ol'TSIDE WHITE I Gallon $2.98 CLEAR VARNISH .Pint 59 star PAINT THINNER Pint 291 EE" PAINT BRUSHES, yt ; ; CRACK FILLER ; mm) 1 n ir69M I SU, Oa ' F i Oaraka aaal FUwar if " raataarays If 1 rarlaasMas ' , V J " a I TKa Cawplais ' J lJ.rf 5 FOOT XxOaaaX Inch PAINT ROLLER , TRAY SET 77c 7 1 II.M Valaa 45c 1 MASKING TAPE larea lal QQ Witk Cartar 0 AIRCAP ROTARY MOWER 20-inch 2'a H.P. Mot. RKtt Start if 4 CycU ClmtM !nfi (W) A-a 1 aaaa' r CAPITOL LAWN MIX laa riaaat tlaaal Of Uwa Par Ttie Narrliwaa) Farawla Caaaj araMe. Talaaal talUe UaT.tltl IlTCft. A SALE!! SALE!! GARDEN v HAND TOOLS Reg. 25c PLASTIC GARDEN H0E Tm Tsars aOO !iu GARDEN HOSE 5.95 50-Foot "Pink Lndy" Lightweight yet Durable- . , Hew Gnaraateed j, lt Year ""T SAVE ON ALL GARDENING NEEDS AT PAY LESS DRUG THREE TUBE PLASTIC SOIL SOAKER i" Uns Handle f. J I irrnuicu flr,J I I rterabi . s-' I w Rinaea SS m afatw a il m m at. o.jrv I m if Watar CaaMral f Now. $af)69 I ' Q"Y I rV30''K2rsOv n-n i li rr x $3.00 ri.AfTla.L -VX I f i . wi -I aul I . I I taaals aaa NavaHy ta Saj I While They Ust t? - Haw Tea Can Water Year ' Uwa anil Watch TV Tee son. S3 SO