, Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, July 3, '58 (Sec I-3 An 1 -t I , ' Of "T MAKE YOUR APPLICATION NOW! Apply at Portland Gas and Colct Company In Salom, located at 109 S. Commer cial, or San wilt help you with your application. Viiit our applianct or plumb ing departments, ask ony saUsporson. ' rv , ; V F 7i iYetc City Manager Talks to Aides ... vre. - .' , i1 IV ; J MICKAN0C- CN , - , i . -.? the elty maufrr'i eMee at ftalem City Ban had a hi eeeupani Mw 4a jr la the pfrm at Kent Mathewsra (right), reee.lly appelated anaaafer ay the City CmbcII. HIi Hrat ffktal act alter being twara la by City AtUrary Carta J. K.wlts was a brief intradvrtary Ulk Little Statue Substituted For Big One STONKHAM, Mass. UH - The Rev. JohS S. Saxton o( St. Pat rick'i Catholic Church, Monday was faced with thii problem, in Bis words: "What will we do when big St. Patrick comes back and finds lit tle St. Patrick has taken over?' About throe weeks ago a life- size statue of St. Patrick was taken from in front of the church to be redecorated lit the base ment. In its place a little St. Patrick about eight inches high mys teriously appeared on the pedes tal. No one acknowledges knowing where it came from. Father Saxton says it even "has its foot as hard down on the ser pent as had the lite-sire .statue' but he asks: "The question Is, what will we do when big St. Patrick comes back and finds little St. Patrick has taken over?" Harvey Files Mortgage on Oregon Plant THE DALLES I The Harvey Machine Co. of Torrance, Calif., filed a 44-million-doUar mortgage at the Wasco County courthouse Monday as security for financing of its projected aluminum reduc tion plant at The DaHea. Construction is expected to start Aug. 1. The mortgage pledgee payment of 23 millions, plus I per cent an nual interest, to the Bank of America National Trust and Trad ink Assn. by Sept. 30. IMS. Pay ments of 11 million dollars each are to go to the Chase Manhattan Bank and the First National City Bank of New York, plus interest, by the same dates. Cross Closes Lane Airfield Et'GENE ( A big. white 20 foot "X" across the runway of the Eugene Airpark Sunday signified the end of flight operations at one of the Northwest's pioneer munici pal airports. The X was painted there by city crews as a symbol to air craft pilots that the field is closed. A flying service and private fliers based at the field are shifting to the city's Mahlon Sweet Municipal Airport, north of Eugene. The old airpark, opened some 10 years ago when commercial and private aviation was still in its infancy, was one of the first municipal airports in trie Pacific Northwest. Surrounded by homes over the years, the airpark was voted closed on an initiative ballot measure in 1954. The airpark wasn't shut down immediately because the city was unable to offer facilities for pri vate fliers at Mahlon Sweet. Crash Leaves Man All Night On Highway GRANTS PASS i An auto mobile wreck left Robert G. Crick. 26, injured beside the Red wood Highway from 10 p.m. Sun day until he was discovered at 7 a.m. Monday. 4 Brought to the Josephine Gen eral Hospital, Crick was found to have a broken leg and broken arm. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crick of Grants Pass, he Is a smoke jumper (or . the Forest Service. He wu driving to the smoke jumpers' headquarters' at Cave Junction when' his automobile went off the highway and rolled ever into brush, north of Kerby. The car was barely visible from the highway, and Crick said no one heard his cries for help until George Thrasher of Kerby found him. TEMPORARY GOP CHIEF SEATTLE m State, Rep. Don Eldrerlge of Mount Vernon Sunday was named temporary chairman of. (he Washington Republican State Convention to be held here ttaturdaf., , - City Budget WinsOkeh At Silverton SUtaiaMa Newt Sarvte. SILVERTON-No objections were voiced against the 1956-57 city bud get at a public hearing held Mon day night in conjunction with the July city council meeting. Follow ing the hearing, at which no one appeared, the council -voted the adoption of the $262,610 budget as presented by the budget commit tee at the June 4 meeting. The budget shows an increase of .4 mills above last year's with the jump providing for new trans mission lines for the city water department and a five per cent across-the-board rise in city sal aries. The new budget lists total ex penditures of $230,191 and $31,712 as reserve fund. A total tax levy of $23,871 is needed, of which III. 272 is inside the six per cent lim itation. The $7,200 outside the lim itation has already been provided by special levys in past years. The salary increase la the first in four years for Silverton muni cipal employes. In addition to routine matters at the council, moving of the band si and in the Coolidge and McClaine city park was discussed, and Rob ert Borland, city manager, was asked to investigate the possibi lity of the move. Hopes were for a mar centrally located band stand. I Smith Keeps Mum on Hells Canyon Bill Gov. Elmo Smith Monday said he was not prepared to take a stand on the Hells Canyon Bill now before Congress in answer to a letter from Sen. Richard L. Neo berger asking that he do so. "1 haven't read the bill." Gov. Smith said, but "my position on power development is the same as that presented ia a memorial cf the last legislature." The -1955 memorials on power dealt only with federal projects already ap proved, but asked Congress to provide funds for the continuation of the projects in progress. The governor said he had not received Sen. Neuberger's letter and declined to comment on it until it has been received. A minority report of Republican members of the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee which considered the Snake River dam bill was quoted as saying Idaho. Oregon and Washington gover nors were "unalterably" opposed to the bill. The Senate is scheduled to be gin consideration of the hi.h fed eral" dam bill soon. Death Takes Lloyd Clark . Of Woodhurn Stattiaua Ntwi Strvlta WOODBURN-U. Lloyd R. Clark died at Oakland Naval Hospital June 29 after a long illness. Born in Dunkirk, Mont., Dec. 14, 1917 he attended Woodhurn schools and joined the Navy in 1937. He graduated from Woodburn High School In 1936. He was. a member of the Presbyterian Church and Elks. He leaves his widow, Mrs. Rae Clark, and daughter, Miss Chris tine Clark, both of San Francisco, Calif.; parents, Mr. and Mrs. George R. Clark, Springfield, Ore. and brother, Hair Clark, Norton Air Force Base, Calif. Services will be 2 p.m. Thursday In Ringo-Cornwell Funeral Chapel. Burial will be in Belle Passi Ce metery. Christian Population In Africa 44 Million VATICAN CITY Wl Of all .Africa's 210 million people, 44 million are Christians, the Vatican announced Monday. "Propaganda fide," a Vatican branch for spreading' of the faith, said that about 40 million Chris tians live in Central Africa, while the rest reside in North and South Africa. The agency reported 22 million'; Africans are Roman Catholics. HMi million are Protestants and another 11 million belong to East em rites. , , , , , to department heads la city government. Seen la tbt photo are faar t them (left to right) City Engineer J. H. Darts. Parka Supt. Walter Wlrtk. Water Maaantr Jaha Garaa Cunnyngham Service Scheduled for Today Funeral services for Mrs.- Fan nie J. Cunnyngham, 3340 Abrams Ave., who died Saturday at the age of 69, will be 1:30 p.m. today in Howell Edwards chapel, the Rev. Harold J. Mclntyre officiat ing. Burial will be in Belcrest Memorial Park. Republicans Pick Carkin As CI .airman John H. Carkin, former state and city official, was unanimously elect ed chairman of toe Marion County Republican Central Committee at the group's organizational meeting Monday night. He replaces Sidney Schlesinger who served during the past two years. Schlesinger declined re nom ination to the chairmanship, ex plaining that private buainess in terests would prevent his devoting sufficient time to the job. Reelect Others With the exception of Carkin all other officers were reelected to positions they held when the meet ing got underway. Reelected vice-chairman was Mrs. Edna Stacey; alternate chair man, Conrad Paulson: alternate vice-chairman, Mrs. George (Delia) Campbell; secretary, Mrs. George (Nan) Dewey; congressional com mitteeman, Lewis Judson; and con gressional committeewoman, Mar ion Lowry Fischer. Elmer Smith was reelected treas urer after committee members elected him precinct man for Pre cinct II. Smith had "inadvertent ly" failed to file for election to the precinct post before the May II primary election, leaving a vacan cy there. Two-Year Term v Mrs. Edna Leary. Edward L. Clark Jr., Phillip Branson. Mrs. Hallie Nelson and Leonard Fisher were elected to the central com mittee's nominating committee. Carkin, whose term of office was effective immediately, wili serve during the coming two years. He is a former state representative, member of the state tax commis sion, superintendent of rail trans portation for the Public Utilities Commission. He is president of the Salem Planning Commission. Face-Lifting Underway for Baxter Hall Baxter Hall, the -men's dormi tory at Willamette University, is undergoing a face-lifting this sum mer, in order to house 20 more men at the opening of school In September. Two-snd three-man rooms are being erected on the 4th floor of the men's dorm, but the appear ance of the building will be alter ed only from the south side, which faces the school's tennis courts. On that side, the roof of the build ing will swing out to hold dormer windows for each room.' The new living quarters will contain built-in beds, dressers, bookcases and desks,, in much the same fashion as the rooms on the other three floors, which were built in 194i: , In addition lo the building in the dormitory, each fraternity is re modeling Its guest room in order to make more living space for its members, the guest room now be ing a two-man room, George Gray's Services Set Funeral services for George W. Gray, Salem native "who died Sun day at the age of 70, will be 1:30 p.m. Thursday in Rigdon's chapel, the Rev. Wayne A. Greene offi ciating, with final rites at Mt. Crest Abbey Mausoleum. Gray was born Jan. 23, 1M6, In a house at the northeast corner of 13th and Court streets. His parents were Charles A- Lillian R. Gray. . With the exception of a few years ia Los Angeles, Calif., 'he resided all his life in Salem. With C. S... Belle, he operated Gray ! Belle confectionery and restaurant In the 406 block State Street. j II- 1 ..... - J L. 1 II.. 1 re iiitii a uaugnicr, mm. i Georgian Love. Honolulu, Hawaii, and two iranddauihters. i mmd Kaarltz. (MatMmaa Phota t I Inspections On Agenda for City Manager Kent Mathewson will start his work as Salem city manager with a series of inspections of all mu nicipal facilities, he told the city department heads at a meeting Monday. Speaking just after being sworn in as manager, Mathew son told the top-ranked city of ficials: "I want to go with each one of you to see snd discuss the work snd the facilities of .your department. We'll discuss the plans of those things now being done and those still to be done.'' It wu a brief ceremony at the manager's office at City Hall, with City Attorney' Chris J. Ko witi swearing in the new city manager who has just arrived from Martinsville, Vs., after his recent appointment by the City Council to succeed retiring J. L. Franzen. i Franzen in turning over the of-' fice to Mathewson gestured at the j assembly of department heads, said simply: "In all the time I've worked as an engineer and man ager it's been my pleasure to work with many fine groups, j And this group is the best." ; Mathewson complimented the city department leaders, saying that he was sure the work of each one has helped give Salem the fine community you have here," said the new official, "and I realize no small part of any community is its city govern ment." Franzen will remain at city hall a few weeks to help Mathewson start on the job. ' More Duties, Pay Assigned Engineer Aide A raise in salary and additional duties were announced Monday for Robert Massev. Marion Countv road patrolman. County Engineer John Anderson said he has named Massey right-of-way agent for the county, and asked Countv Court mamhara In authorize raising the patrolman's salary to $309 a month, which Is equal -to that of a foreman. The raise was approved. Massey will be responsible' for all Dhases of the rountv'a ripht. of-way program, which chiefly in volves securing additional land for new roads or widening projects. Previously right-of-way work was handled among the engineering department's several staff mem bers. Camp Girls Add Adviser NEW YORK on National Camp Fire Girls headquarters has announced the appointment of Miss Gwen Harper of Spokane as field adviser for the four Pacific Northwest states. She is a former Portland Camp Fire Girl and a graduate of Willamette Univer sity. - YESTERDAY'S FINAL ' TJuOney Winner 25 ClYDI H. WODAECI 1010 Electric MASTER SERVICE STATIONS WILL BRINO YOU A COMPUTE LIST OP WINNERS THIS ' COMING THURSDAY . MASTER rHs:H'JglHiM.lirJl.ll-T3 1(5 N. Comaaerclal Pa. IAIU T Sears Is Ready! Complete Line, of A.G.A.-Approved Gas-Fired Equipment- and Appliances ! tree Surveys ona Estimates : M j JJ 1 ,f!.:, ! . 1 ' 1 , !. J life Fee furnaces heating the average 4 to 7 -room house For Gas Appliances, as Always, It's "SHOP SEARS AND SAVE!" Copper end 30-INCH Kenmore ;;:"?"ir . " The Facts About Natural Gas.. Q. WHEN WILL NATURAL GAS ARRIVE! A Natural gas is scheduled to be available te consumers ef Portland Gat It Coke Company la Aanust. Q. WHY IS NATURAL GAS 50 POPULAR! A Natural fas is the clrsnest, safest, moat, economical, most convenient fuel lor home healing. 0. WILL THERE BE PLENTY OF NATURAL GAS! A Yea. By linking by pipeline of natural gas supplies Irani the vast Can- adian lields with those ia New Mexico, insures a dual supply ler the Northwest Q. WILL NATURAL GAS BE CHEAPER! , A Yes. Substantial rale reductions will be made upon arrival ef natural Q. WHO WILL DISTRIBUTE NATURAL GAS IN THIS AREA! " A Portland Gas ft Coke Company. Gasre'l l.SW miles of esiating gas die- Iribullon mains will bring natural fas I. all present customers. Q. WILL PRESENT GAS APPLIANCES OPERA'E WITH NATURAL GAS! . ; A Yes. Yaur present appliances will be adjusted t. use aslural gas by a rrew at skilled and eiperlenced experts. This adjustment will be made free of rharee. 'SaSjftdZfft fmux&rt oijcw, txxey foci " Nothing Down! USE SEARS HOME MODERNIZATION CREDIT PLAN , 3 YEARS TO PAY , Heats up to to 4 roomi-porcalaln enameled combustion chamber guaranteed 10 years. Front panel projects only 3',i Inches from finished well. Equipped with the Honeywell silentgas control valve. High efficiency gat burner it designed for economy and long life. A.G.A. epproved. Automatic Safety Pilot on No More Mess When You Heal with ,ii,,aa-.ww. i i ii laa ai Chrome DELUXE Kenmore Smokeless Broiler V J 5.oe uowa Thirty, beauty picked inches 'of modern cooking convenience! Clock snd Kentlmer. 25 in. oven has interior light AGA Approved Gas Ranges 11095 Homart Automatic Gas m Buy Now ! Make First Payment Oct. 1st CONVERSION Nothing Down! USE SEARS HOME MODERNIZATION CREDIT flAN 3 YEARS TO PAY American Oat Association Ajspreveel , None safari Safety, Pilot cuts off gal supply in case pilot light it extinguished) , SEARS Will ARRANGE IOW-COST, EXPERT INSTALLATION Indoor Sunshine for Rrffi Drvinn F a aeawa a" allssas I aw aP Also Available Raatir if vVQtlJvi B... All Models Clean, Convenient GasI BURNER SO (o)o) DELUXE KENMORE DRYER !!P)95 I.N Dewa I temperature selection sutomstic ignition, handy load-a-door holds clothes. AGA Approved U if for Matchless Cooking! v WHY DO I HEAR SO MANY GOOD THINGS ABOUT NATURAL GAS FOR HOME HEATING! Because: Natural tas It the finest beat Nstural gas brings ytt the tbi V wtnuifc. aosaible east. Because: Natural gas Is the cleanest and safest beat el all. Because' Y" 4utr7 prk,"w l,J, i Rnsitca Ga nesting equipment rests longer. Dae anrai All modern gas furasces c.me with a built In safety guard which automatically pilot light ever ge euk ...... Gas beallaf eealeaaeat la simple tad trouble-free bat almost ne sieving parts to wear eat an repair bills. jfJS ssoorth Copitoi L .j v . :.' VS- .j Homart " GAS FU::ilCE 249.95 Complete with Plenum cham ber combustion ikimbir guaranteed 10 years Use Sears modernliatioa credit plan 1 years to pay. FefOeeetee Utility Instwiiu'icn k 279.95 Heats the averafe 5 room home. Heat exchanger (uar anteed 10 years. Equipped , with a Honeywell silent gat valve. A.CA approved. , , DECORATOR DESIGNED! Gas Heaters 80,000 BTU'... 94.95 AOA APPROVED yea esa bay at any price. meat csaveaieace at lowest less te bay, lasts years shuts off the gas should the t and causa eipeaslve ! r . . J . . , . --. I;' HI I t.' .'