2-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salrm, Contests. Treats Haiiiied On Fourth of Ju ly i . ' , (Stary alii M Page I) Kid, long the traditional benefactor of Independent Day cele bration!, will not be forgotten thii year 1a Salem, either, Willamette. Rifier Days festival committee announced Monday. A special program of contest! and treats for the youngster! will Tandem Rider Spilled at St. Paul Rodeo lulioui Ktwl Itrrkl ST. PAUL Soma ISO professional rowboyt from all aectioni of the U.S. and Canada are competing in a wide open rice for the new St. Paul Rodeo Association's Presi dent! Ail-Around Cowboy Trophy. This year'a list annual redeo Is .being featured by keen competi tioa and very bard ! handle live stock. Not one contestant la Mon day Right's wild cow milking con test was able to coma close to the event'i record time of 17 1 seconds established in 1031 by Rudy Dou cette. Phoenix. Aril. Some 4,0M spectator taw Barney : Willis, one-time University ,, of I Southern California sprint star, I Visalia, Calif., come closest to this Queen Neva wis crowned at a mark when be roped and milked a! glittering outdoor coronation pro cow in 30.7 seconds. Next best was tram Monday night at tha Capitol posted By carl Morgan. Meotora, Mall. Her escort was Claude, Mil 11 1 seconds. , . , , . ler, rice-president of the Salem The fast bulldogglng time of 3.7 leconds posted at Sunday's ing show by Danny Daniel, Med - ford, wai still Intact Monday Bight and enabled bim to win the rodeo' first go-around la this event. Rodeo fan received sa unsched uled thrill Mor.day night when By ron Hendricks, San Fernando, Calif.,' Hunt rider, attempted to iaka knrM In a tmrArm himn , over a automobile. H wsi spilled three times, mainly because of the loose team In the center of the tandem. He ia billed for only a four-bors Jump. Bill Hancock, Altus, Ark., won (he first go-around in saddle krone riding when Um two judges gave him 191 of possible 300 points. Tonight' show starts at I p.m. and the rodeo wind up. Wednesday afternoon with a 1:30 performance. Wednesday's big street parade tarts at 10 a.m. fcMt least, leaf Sour Cream Cola Slaw. Msshed Potatoes sad Browa Gravy. Hot Roll iulte, ........ $1.10 OR vjsi kiwi Turn D r a I a g. Cranberry Raace, Mar Creaas Cole (law. Whipped retatoe aad Ciklet Gravy, nr. Bet ftoU A Batter. ' J Capitol Shopping - Cantor :it V(n FHONI 44719 50 200 OrlN 4 4! MM TODAY Vv-TiV iMutid co-mruai tan Can CSk "Four Cunt to tht lordor" Starts Tomorrow " ' afcsa fjtust9fl9 aal AsHr0j1fj) tanmt Traf "KC3THWEST PASSAGE" COSIATUM TKE YIAHINC" fjf fWss) ftfJdstoMs Hid hi Oosdgt ) mifJi sUtw( SHOAL 4" JULY! ODOGfJ TUESDAY NIGHT 30 to 11 30 3-JULYT3 Sa Now "WIILAMETTI RIVER DAYS" at Salem and Mi "TIMBER CARNIVAL" at Albany - than onjey an avonlnj of DANCINO with "STUIIY MILLS and his MUSIC" at ' IVi Mil South af Salem Chy limits on fI Ore., Tuesday, July 3, '56 fo r Kid s l be held at Bum Pasture wednes- dsy noon under sponsorship of the Salem Junior Chamber of Commerce. Btfinninf at 11:30 a.m. imme diately after the festival's open ing parade the contests will take place on the large grassy space in tha park bordering South High Street, while their parents eat their picnic lunches in the near by grove... ' . '. ...... . -. Pear Age Creupt The kiddies will be divided Into four age groups for the tradi tional contests, including three legged sad sack races, and other games. Beginning at about 12:13 Jaycettee will pass out free ice cream, soft drinks and potato chips. The contests are open to youngsters ag 2 through 13 This event and the 12:30 o'clock Wallace Marina Park boat races on the Willamette River snd tha aquatic show, the buffa lo barbecue to folow and the nighttime fireworks displsy will be ruled over by Queen Neva Seem and ber court of seven princesses. .Chamber of Commerce, the or- open-Tniiatioo,.wnicB sponsored ner. ; Break Fresn Mayer i Salem Alderman Russell Bone- Steele, representing Mavor Rob- ert White, glanced at the court beauties at hi side snd told the audience that "attending this coronation it about the only break I've had In representing e mayor lately. , He sld the man responsible ' Wver Days festival li the Wo 'sol w"c; lTmrJ S'm business and civic leader, who donated the Wallace Marina Park la West Salem to the city. Pro ceed of the festival are to be used to Improve the park. , Capt Carl C-er brouiht ireefc Ings from Gov. Elmo Smith. Dave Hoss was master ot ceremonies. In Albanv Tedav King Bing Ted Jenny, who crowned the queen, urged all to participate ia the festival and ac knowledged those responsible for i the arrangements. Portland Rose Festival Queen Sharon Frey said she and her court were "happy to com la Sa lem a neighbors" to participate In the coronation. First official appearance ot the Willamette River Pay court will be in the Albany Timber Carni val parade this morning. ' Adm. Briscoe Takes Over NATO Forces NAPLES, Italy t US. Adm. William M. Fechteler Monday hand ed over command of NATO forces in Southern Europe to another Am erican, Adm, Robert P. Briscoe. Fechteler, 00, t retiring after 40 yean ia the U.S. Navy. Before tak ing aver tha NATO command in 1953 he was. U.S. Chief of Naval Operation. "Many change are occurring la the world," Fechteler told repre sentatives of six nations who at tended the Transfer of Command ceremony. "We are not sure what all of them mean. But of one thing 1 am certain. We must be strong." Vccdburn Drive-In Saadav Meaday Taesdiy KACI AT PAWN" v - Randolph Seel Plas "A PRIZE Of GOLD" Richard Wldsaark Opea 7:15 8tarts at Duik SILVERTON Drive-In Theatrt. Buadsy . Meaday Taesday THI U$T COMMANO- Plus "ATHENA" Jaae Powell Debbie Reynolds OPEN 7:15 START DISK Sfl Tai IncL, ' GARY. led-Part of tkMsaads ef fHed Car, are shews swatting their flaal pay ekerks Meaday morn lag as Um company started a two day "Payiag Off" plaa at Gary's Maaicipal Aadilertum. Pay was far wark completed prevleas to the Pistol Packing Out of Order LONDON lit Battling Bessie Braddock, a 300-pound Laborite MP, whipped out a brace of air pistols ia the House of Commons Monday night. She was promptly ruled out of order. -The House was debating anti- crime legislation. Mrs. Braddock. who represents a tough Liverpool buy these. Is it any wonder we're district, pulld he two pistols I always in trouble?' from a paper bag. I The deputy speaker. Sir Rhy She rushed across the chamber, Hopk in Morris, was neither intim to exhibit the weapons in front idated nor amused by the guns. Vice Inquiry In Fifth Week tiABn a hrrv am am.. ti..j vice investigation went into its j nrm xint. .a iitv r..n Robert Y. Thornton Indicated it might still be going on in the mid dle of August. Thornton remarked that he had Detained a postponement of a two- week tour of active duty as a re serve lieutenant colonel at Wash ington, D. C, scheduled to start next week. - Ha said be would begin the tour Aug, IS, but quickly added that did not necessarily mean that he expected the investigation to be finished bythen. Thornton Is directing a grand jury investigation, ordered by Gov. Elms Smith after a series of newspaper articles in Portland accused some Seattle and Portland men of conniving to set up a vice ring la Portland. I United Fund Groundwork Laid at Meet The groundwork for Salem's 195$ United Fund campaign was laid at a meeting at the YWCA Monday night -attended by more than two' score division leaders. co-chairmen and heads of agencies participating in the fund. Campaign chairman William Hammond who presided at the session announced that the drive for funds will get under way at s luncheon meeting to be held In the armory on September If with seversl hundred volunteer work ers expected to attend. . Otto Wilson, chairman of the UF speakers' bureau told the gather ing of work now in progrest on a sound-movie picture now in the making which will present Salem's United Fund story in color with accompanying narrative to groups throughout the city snd sdjacent territory. Edward Majek, chairman of the UF budget committee announced the first meeting of his committee for i p. m. Friday with a srries of sessions to follow nest week st which representatives of the sev eral agencies participating in the fund will be called on to justify their budgets. Hop (J rowers Attend Meet Mid-Willamette Valley hop grow ers attended a hop meeting held last week in Portland where the Portland Hop Growers of America was forftied. Peter Rradly of Klk Grove, Calif., is acting as tempo rary chairman, and Ross Devinel of Moxis City, Wash, as executive secretary. Reports were also made that 1.000 bale of 1IS0 California hops had been contracted at 4S cent, and 40$ bale of Washington bop (or 40 cent. ' Offering were also being made on futures at 40 cent fur 19S7. Dallas Motor-Vu Gates apea 1:04), shew "t dusk. F.NDS TONIGHT! THE LAST COMMAND" . "MY SISTER EILKLN" Starts Tomorrewl Deaa Martla Jerry Lewi la "ARTISTS AND MODELS" -VlstaVlslea ' Reread Feature Gary Cooper, Bert Laarsster la "VIRA CRUZ" Clnemaaeap Steel Workers employes ef the Gary Werks. U.S. Bessie, Guns in Parliament of Conservative Home Secretary Gwilym Lloyd-George. Members of both parties cheered as she clicked the triggers and waggled the guns in the air: . j "Will the government do some-; thing about this?" she asked in a ' loud voice. "Children under 11 can You are out ot order from bringing these things into the House, he said icily. "I have a license," Bessie re torted. "A license doesn't cover this House," Morris replied. "No," Bessie persisted, "but you've got to startle this House ." ff "f- um" "" " ui"...n that' out of order." Conservative John Hall predict ed that henceforth "Battling Be sie may be known as 'Pistol Packing Mama s' She has long had the "battling Bessie" tag because of her out spoken attitude toward other members on many questions. Public Works' Bill Projects In State Told (Stary slso Page Oae) WASHINGTON tH-Oregon proj ects included In the public works appropriations bill signed by Pres ident Eisenhower Monday were CMstraetlea Amaion Creek $100,000: Chetco River $225,000: Columbia River at mouth $1,100,000: Coos Bay $300, 000: 'Cougar Reservoir $l,6.'iO.0O0; Hills Creek Reservoir $2,125,000; The Dalles Dam $42,457,000: Skip- anon Channel $185,000: Tillamook Bay and bar $1,300,000: Willam ette River bank protection $300, 000. Planning Columbia River between Chi nook and head of Sand Island $13.- 000; Green Peter Reservoir $200.- 000; Holley Reservoir $100,000; John Day lock and dam $1,450,- 000; Beaver drainage district $13. 000: John drainage district $7,000: Midland drainage district $8,000; Multnomah County drainage dis trict No. 1. M.000; Peninsula drainage district No. 1 $.") OOO; Peninsula district No. 2, Kfl.OOO: Rainier drainage district $34,000; Sauvie Island drainage district $31,000; Pendleton $25,000. Grants Puss Lad Pleads Guilty in Murder of Girl GRANTS PASS UB - Lloyd Eu gene Wahl, 18, pleaded guilty Monday to the rape-slaying of his t-year-old cousin, and was ordered to undergo a psychiatric examina tion at the state hospital In Salem. Circuit-Judge O. J. Millard or dred the examination after Wahl entered his plea to a charge of first-degree murder, stemming from the death of Kathlene Sue Wahl of Merlin last May 4. The judge said he would Impose sentencn after results of the ex amination are reported. BRAND!) FIRM CHIEF NAMED NKW YORK tv Standard Brands Inc. announced the appointment of Cecil L. Hudnall as president and chief executive officer of Interna tional Standard Brands Inc., suc ceeding William L. Cunliffe, who has become chairman of the board. 2 Thrilling Science-Fictions 1 AND 1 2 I.J OOP" KEVIN McCAPlHY DANA WVNTtS mm irei mma. Wait for Checks aatlea-wlde steel strike whkfc skill the Industry alow Saturday 'Kh'- Slgas above dear denote different empleymeal divisions at the werld i largest steel plant. Attempts to reaew talks were reported. (AP Wire- phate.) (Story aa page aae.) Theatre Time Table Ei.siNona "TRAPEZE": 7:00, W IS "THE KILLER IS LOOSE": 1:14 CAPITOL (Cffhtinuou! from 1 p.m.) "WORLD WITHOUT END": 1:00, MTr 7:21. 10 M "BODY SNATCHERS": JO. 1:59, :I0 , NORTH SALEM DRIVt IN (Gates qpen :45 Show at Duikl "HELL ON FRISCO BAY," Alan Udd "THE SPOILERS," Jff Chand ler HOLLYWOOD LITTLEST OUTLAW": 7:00, 10 10 TOVH GUNS TO THE BOR DER": I 31 Many Seek Pentacle Play Roles Directors of the Pentacle Thea- tre had their choice of mid-valley i talent Monday night when 60 to 70 . aDD cants for Darts in the erouo's next two productions appeared for tryout at the YWCA. Demonstrating their skills were residents of Dallas. Independence, Monmouth and Salem. Those se lected wiIKa p p e s r In either "Craig's Wifk." s drama, or "Of Thee I sing.v a musical. The cast will be announced Friday, with first rehearsals for both product tions scheduled (or Monday. "Craig Wife" calls for 11 ac tors, while the musical needs about 40, including a large chorus. Rob ert Putnam, of Willamette Univer sity will direct the drama, and Carl Ritchie, local radio announ cer, the musical. They will be pre sented Aug. 6 through It and Aug. 27 through Sept. 1, respectively. A Pentacle spokesman empha sized that the group is still look ing for people interested in off stage work, such as costume, light ing, scenery, props and makeup crews. All work is done at the Pentacle Theatre barn on Dallas Road about five miles west of Sa lem. Guard Base Bill Gains in House Action Oregon National Guard moved a step closer to ownership of Camp Withycombe in Clackamas County Monday with passage of a bill in the House to transfer the 233-acre establishment from the federal government. Guard headquarters here was notified of the action in a tele gram from Rep. Waller Norblad, The camp has been used as s main supply depot 'or Oregon units of the National Guard and is also site of target ranges reg ularly used bv them. It was run structed in 1W19 and has been a Joint state and fedcr.il government development. , Young Hunter Hit by Bullet BEAVERTON 1 - Roger Kelly, 12,. of Beavertnn was shot through the back with a .22 caliber rifle Monday while hunting birds with a 10-year-old companion. The boy's condition was reported fair at a Portland hospital. Sheriff! deputies said that the younger boy, Jackie Hrrrnberger, 10. told them that he fired at a bird and that the bullet richo cheted from a rock, striking Rober in- the back. Continuous ' From I.P.M. Taen'WiSoLoa j StRUtimkaqUru t aw aaaass aasssw urtnai I J L Mi . Nuclear Blast Recorded By Japanese TOKYO I - The Japanese weather bureau announced that its observations indicate the Unit ed States Tuesday set off still an other nuclear explosion in the area of Bikini atoll. j The bureau said abnormal at- mospheric" pressure waves indicat- ed the blast was detonated about 3 a. m. Japan time 10 a. m. PST i Mondayl. The government observatory re ported similar evidence of Ameri-jday can nuclear Diasts on May zs ana alteration, Z37g tenter si.; m. June 26 but in both cases the U. S. Bruk. $450 house reshaking, 795 S. Atomic Energy Commission re- 24th St.; Lee R. Lillard, $300 gar fused to confirm or deny the re- age. 860 S. 20th St.; R. P. Lankow, ports. $200 house and garage alteration, Presumably the AEC will take' 1595 N. 19th St.; Fred Scheffe, $200 a similar stand toward the latest garage alteration, 1265 N. 31st St. Jananese report. 'Nick Casper, $200 house reroofing, The United States set off its 1770 Fairgrounds Rd.; snd L. E. "r" ' explosion mis year ai oimni on aiay a ma on may 11 "P' nyuroum the area. Both were witnessed by a party of U. S. newsmen who, having been allowed to attend for only 30 days, left the area after the H-bomb drop. The second test had been postponed repeatedly be cause of bad weather. The AEC had announced earlier that the -series of tests would con tinue through June. 1st Weather Balloon Found Near Turner The first weather balloon to be officially identified as one released irum me moary r iriu wrauier bureau was reported found Mon- day hanging from a tree two milei south of Turner. Identification was confirmed by comparing a number stamped on the side of cases holding weather instruments with numbers record ed at the bureau. The balloon had been released at 7 p.m. Sunday, and was the 121th such device sent aloft since the system was inau gurated May 31. Anoincr caiioon reponeo ioum , before tomorrow mnrninn. Pub Sunday near Aumsville is still I to;, ic bnat i,unching will be ius- be identified as coming from Mc- Nary field. McNary weathermen said the Turner balloon had reached 05.0(10 feet before bursting and descend ing by parachute. The balloon, which was traced by radio contact, took 82 minutes to make the as cent. Wreck Victim Found in Auto THE DALLES, Ore. - The body of Winfred E. Parker. 50. of Walla Walla, was found Sunday by state police in a wrecked car near here. Officers said the car apparently failed to make a curve on High way 07 near Biggs Junction aad plunged over a bank. will Tickets 11.00 Steven Meier A r rank'i Building Permits Top Three Million in First Half of Year A big $363,391 June brought the total estimated value of Salem building permit issued in the first half of 1050 to I3.309.2U, slightly lower than the 13,345,000 issued the first six monthi of last year. The number of housing units approved last month was 37, highc.it since last July. The total for six months li 137. also slightly lower than the 156 units started In the first half of last year. Biggest June; on record was 1954, when the month's total of more than three million dollars included the 114-million State Hospital, three new buildings at Willamette University and Grant School. School Project Leads Largest project us momn a was crowned Queen ot the Albany i ligament In hi neck, rodeo offl the tf,0OO alteration at Washing-. Timber-Carnival in ceremonies ! cials-aaid.- He returned -with hi ton School at 3165 Lansing Ave. t Monday night on a stage built on neck in a cast and finished hi Largest projects so lar tnis year are the American Cm Co. at 3333 Industrial Wan M25.000. and the YMCA addition. $378,232. Other sizable projects were the Blue Lake Packers warehouse alteration, IW Bassett St.. $90,000; A. M. Krickson supermarket, isss a. inn wu. 700; Braxlon Dent nd Ralph Fus sell apartments, 3800 block River Road. $,'8,000: J. R. Taggart itore, U0 block Wallace Road,. 5,ouo; and R. E. Pratt warehouse addi tion S'iflnio I Largest permits In the first six months of last year were for W. T. I Grant Co., $366,000; Candaiaria School $285 500' Catholic rectory (nd auditorium.' 1280,000; and All- slate Office, 3130,000. Tea New Permits The second half of the year start ed out with a swish Monday with 10 permits issued two for new con struction, six lor alterations and repairs, and two for wrecking. Largest project li new garage for Red Salty Auto Repair at 2345 N. Commercial St., two blocks south of its present location. Esti mated cost is 38.500. Wrecking permits were taken by Firat Presbvterian Church for a house at 740 Chemeketa St. and Portland General Klectric Co. for a house at 1350 Baker St. The house on Chemeketa Street is the last to so on property r on n which a new church is planned. Fred G. starrett, division manage?, said the house on PUE-owned property on Baker Street is being torn. down "just to get it out of the way.". Minor Wtrk Okekrd Other permits were issued Mon- to Elsie M. Davis, $300 house Marcnat. iuu garage aumuuu, k iraoe ai. Park River Area to Close For Festival Approximately Hi miles of Willamette River in the imme diate area of Wallace Majine Park, lite of the Willanttte River Dayi festival, will be com pletely closed to "unofficial" boats on Wednesday, July 4. Mavor Robert White said Coast Guard officials will halt all un authoriied traffic on the river at Mnxnuito Rar at the north end of w.ii.m. n,rk and also in the j vicinity of Minto Island near the ; southern end TheM precautioni are being taken, city and festival officials ,aid t,retlt the closed area will w, ud ..1 dav bv hundred! of racing boats, and other craft par ticipating in the aquatic festiv ities. Boater! Intending to boat on the lower or upper reaches of the river Wednesday are urged to launch their boat! today and to remove them from the park lite pendrd it the park all day Wed nesday, Auto Mishap Injures Rider SILVERTON - Donald llutton suffered a badly sprained ankle and was cut about the face Mon day afternoon when the car driven by bis son Marlin llutton. 17, ran into a telephone pule not half a block from the family home. . The wheels of the rar apparent ly locked, throwing It out of con trol and against a telephone post, the elder Hutton believed. He was taken to the hospital but was re leased after his Injuries were checked and treated. it Mil long Paradel i( Cigantk Root RacesI , if Real luffs! larbecua! if . Spectacular Fireworks Displayi it Water-Ski Shawl Tug-loat Tug-e-Wtrt Family PicnIcklngI Tug lost Race) . Children's Games and ContetHl River Parade ,ef lost CABIN CRUISER . . MOTOR I TRAILER ba f ivon away FREE1 Timber Fete Queen Picked luieuaaa Ntwi If rvke ALBANY, Ore.-Sandi Powers, SDonaored bv Western Kraft Corn.. , yaverly Lake, j Sandra Harger, sponsored by American Legion, as runncr-up was named matron of honor. Vot ing was by button sales. Members of the Queen s Court , . . Karen Anderson. Jo Ann Brown, Twyla Cone, Regis Hcbert, Pat Perry, Gale Tarbet and Irene j Vettrr. The entire group was taken by motorboat to the stage for the ceremony seen from across the lake by a large crowd despite chil ly weather. . The program Tuesday includes a parade at 10:30 a.m., logging con test preliminaries in the afternoon at Waverly Lake, and a horse show sponsored by Linn County Sheriff's Posse in the evening st Hudson Field. Man Returned to Fare Check Writing Charge Ernest LeRoy Smith of North Bend, charged on s Marion County District Court warrant with ob taining1 money under false pre tenses, was returned to Salem Mon day by sheriff's deputies from Coos Bay, where he was apprehended Saturday. ' Smith was taken to Marion Coun ty jail with bail set at $1,000. The charge involves two checks cashed in Salem, city police said. CLOSED FOR REMODELING RE-OPEN Fill., Jl'LY ta COLONIAL HOUSE JUMBO I FRIED SHRIMP f $1.00 Per Dotes tCHMAN'S SEA FOODS I 99J S. Cons'L Ph. t UM TBS WONDER SHOW, OF THE worn e BECHTAND LAXCASJH fteunt URT TONY own mm ClNA COLOR by Do Lux 2nd Hitl The Story f s Cop Who I'seri His Wife ss Bait for a Killer! Joseph Corlon Rhonda 'laming in . "THE KILLER IS LOOSE" 1 rto,P. 1 4 i 1 j u 1 ur GATES OPEN :45 SHOW AT Dt'SK if ENDS TONIGHT "HEU ON FRISCO RAY" snd "THE SPOILERS" jf STARTS FIREWORKS! Gigantic, Brasth-Tsking TOMORROW NITE At 10:15 P. M. PI.LS OCR RKtil'LAR PKOt.RAM! 111: j: - Clartoa PLCS: HILARIOUS r-TS:CHNICOI-OW YOU'U 10V! EYIIY SOLDIER IN WIS WAR I Trick Rider Injured in MolallaFall luteimaa Mtwi Itrvlee MOLALLA A large, crowd watching some of the nation's top cowboys turn in good marks in the cool weather Monday night at the Molalla Buckaroo had an un scheduled thrill vt hen .CabraV ex hibition rider, was tumbled toh ground ip a fall by one of tb horses in a Roman ride. , Picked from . the ground and whisked to Molalla Clinic in tha ambulance which was standing by. : ('aural fnnnH in hv inm act. including a jump through fir and over an automobile The crowd was larger than Sun day night but nut as large as tha "sellout" of Sunday afternoon, of ficials said. KADER 1956 JULY 6.7-8 MULTNOMAH era nil laa " POtTlA SWa 1PM.tv Mll,.i TODAY! TOMORROW Exhibition! AL mm si im vraf n""ii, I rc Jy HIS FIRST FEATURE-LENGTH PICTURE! m MOOKE-Jay SIVERHEELS V 7 COMEDY CO HIT- CHARLTON HEST0N 3k JULIE ADAMS