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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1956)
V n t Vsnt Ad Offered To Sell Famous Niagara Falls 2 NIAGARA FALL "ar MhsT 7 Rssttnea see ee see- f pricien ef ase village ef Nlag- t C aia FiUa offer hi sale ii 7 yaauUe preperiy, villi. Us J edairsbl waier atwUtf t. J la 1B)J a Classified Ai which today would cava aa jnteraatioasl eensitiea waa aihliihtil ia Hence Grectey'e New Yorker. It of fered the rihta la bisons. -Nigrt FU. ft h,. iwt at es (pm maw CitttJ- ft fllit.a w . 411111 Mlf ' 450 Merchandise 450 Merchandise 458 Building Moreriolt 476 Fuel Overhead Heel girif oora ORDER NOW FOR HATES - . with hardware. 139 M In- Sawduit, wood (or furnace. stallea 4M. range er htatar, ahavingi it Calvaniud va trough lt'a par mu'h. ft West Selem Fuel To ; EPPING LUMBER CO. 1525 Edgewetcr Ph. i-4031 PH 4-6123 WAITED several Ihnuaand cord! " S740 SILVEKON RD. I""1" ph "" n Nlghtl. 4-5633 .IXKJ r-'EEl HICHWAY FUEL" CO r.wTumo.ra iSf XU In SAWDUST t, WOob -.4 5r"-im"l3o"f2;',v.ho? Capitol Fuel Co. minimum. Ted Muller aVI IM DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST roR MULCHING 460 Mu.ictl Instruments -holft mIxt(l TOR SALE: Everett Studio pi- "20 Broadway Ph. 3-7721 ano. like new. Call Woodburn i-3- 500 Bus. & Finance 462 Sports , Muipmrr 510 Money to Loo.. JOYCE'S JUICY WORMS mpMPY 1 Get your worm! Irom our 1 J J j lIlL I vendor. Open 24 hours. 1355 N. I VI I II VI IU I ton SALE 1 ft. cahln cruiaeT. 500 40 h. Merc, motor, hydr. ateer- Pacif C Inmlst'riAl tn, trailer. Complete 11.495. dt-UIL allUUSiristt , p"- 8-"7- Loans ,Sphrr ,.3 weeT'noon M 1 . fberty Ph 4-t .'"lA.-, , . ' imIm IMS SALE a leeer action 300 sju, uhal Vou eed Savafe nflea. t Remlnitton Consolidate your Mile, pump 30-os. 1 Winchester 12 - Finance throjgh (a. automat model 40. All WILLAMFTTK CREDIT alifhtly uaed. Private party. COMPANY Ph. 4-0701. IM S Church 81 . Ph 2-2451 5EW14ft. aport fisherman da7' PRIVATE money to luan. beam, fiber flail .bottom. Interest. Ph. 1-0794. Tima. 450 Chemawa. Ph.4-1731 H " FT .rvwoodboat. trailer A P" fi-L g i8M w,"r sttu- rorU3sn fj FT. NEW runabout, mah. renter deck. 1 H P. Johnion H0LLVW00D FINANCE CO. lPh.-.nM ."!: 1M F.lrround. Rd. CASH paid for uncd fluns. moo- (Hnllvwood District) em and antique Caarade unstr nwirrt- Mere Br..adva ..L .o.rTr, t , -. HOME OPERATED fcF.W 12 ft. boat, trailer it ma- ... ... , tor. Ph. 4-7. 770 S. J4th.' l Inve.tieation Feef. Free Tarkinff Lot. .A ; Call 8-70.H aft4 BlCyClet wf. HAVl e buyere for real " " " entile contract! and 2nd mort- 10" Balloon tired bicycle. Like faiea. new. Call S-a32S. Ohmart A Calaba. Realtors . 477 Court St Phone 1-41H 468 For Rent, Misc. private money to loan, buy i i contrarta and mortnafn. J41 FOR RENT f laaaa. lie ware Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-BIMt. houne ipace cement floor COLONIAL Ineeatment Co Real brick bldf., downtown. In- Property Loana Contract! a aire H L. Stiff rum. 3-tlBJ. purchaaed. M7 Court. 4-228.1 470 For S.I-.-Mi;; 6qq Employment PAYMASTER check writer and - protector. New. 100. Ph. '-IW43 6Q2 Help Wanted KFW box spring and mattrea rneT.i'L'c, "" "' M-l W I LUHlIA 0 fF.LL or trade complete restau rant equip, for 52 or S3 car. Call Silverton alter 7. 9-.HI71. 1 PACiriCBOILER"l 'i Million B U C. u?ed 3 arhool terms. In perfect shape nfl. AIo 400 fal. hot water tank Houston nrten, Rt. 1 Box 340. Neha lem. Ore. Th. ' Emmerson -2:fl. tV to Mc All brands coffee, all ret. ctatj . 11 M ctn . Ife. Vel l25c. 404 So. Hifh. SHOP-SMITH, very ood cond. .'5'r olf. ISjJ Safinaw. 1-7744. IOR SALE: Coronado Air Con ditioner. s4 hp. 2 yrs. old. '.s P'ice PIJM243 after . OFFICEVhaTM MUsedMdie. Mart. 170 S. Liberty. Open Fn. ma-Ms ill ph. 4-W71. No down payment (oac.l FOR SALE used wood furnace with sawdust burner and auto matic control. Ph. J-OJIS alter a p m. W ASTr"lumher for firewood, yours for payment of ad. 805 Mission. TURN babv buafy, excellent condition 115. 720 N. Water, Silverton. Ph. S-HH23. TIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL, $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 2-4310 TOP SOIL Phone 2-157S. J-ajOl HFV'S rummaee. everyday. 473 N. Cottane. Ph. 4-7300. Typewriters scmni ma chine!, cash reeisUrs pluoh catnrs. deks chairs tiles sun Plies Hnen'a. 4 M Court .1-4773 ISKD OFFICKCIIAIR PH. 4-72H8 r FTlprli:htfree7ersr"2W S5 up. Chest Freerers 1259 05 up. Ph. 2-Mfl Idealerl. Top Soil Orchard Lnam River Loam Dial 2-I74D Prompt Delivery Keizer Sand eV Gravel Co. 472 Wanted, Mite. MISC. Items, funv, dishes, tool or whit have you. Call Bark ers rum. 4-0444. 3704 Silver ton Fd. WANTED Good clean furniture At appliances Will my top . cash price. Phone 4-S371. AN'IED several thousand corfl of wood all sneelea Ph 1-7711 Nifhts 4M.T3 474 Miscellaneous ADDING machine!, east) reel! Clary H7a Fatraroundi t-5.175 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR HARRY SEMLER. Dentist Adnlph Btrlaj. State i Com'! Sti ' SALEM PH 3-3.111 476 Fuel "ORfTON FUEL CO. Old fir lily pad!, SAWIX'ST ' PAH Green Stamps Ph. 3-.l .10117 Broadway ANDERSON S-! I a b V 0 d. Ph. 4VJ741 or 4-2854. MftM I IM I COMMERCIAL Placement Agmcy Since 1(41 Specialists In Office Placements 4S4 Slate 1411 Ore. Bld( I 4-3391 CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AUENCY Phone MUM. S44 N Winter Ad)oinin Presbvlerlan church Free parklnf In rear Exclu sive lutings oa ill typea of employment ARTHUR Murray'! now inter vlewlrtf applicants for teachers 3 per hour, tralmnf free If accepted. Asm 21 thru 30. Apply In person, Mr. Chap pel. 2 thru i p.m. 455 Ferry. APPLICAT'tONSare"-no"wDelnl taken for Statesman Dtcycle route! Several routes will be open Applicants must be ac companied by their parenta or have their written permls. ston Apply at the Circulation Department of the tateamia Journai. 604 Help Wonted. Men WANTED: Log buyer. Box 14. Statesman. Journal. WANTED: Casuality Iniunnce idluster with exp. In either Liability or Material Damns, or both. Salary open, car fur nished. Territory either Rnse burf or Portland. Please state nualiflraitoni. Ina. will he notified for personal Intervlevd. Box 1H.1 Statesman-Journal. BOOKKEEPER and "office "man ater wanted. Mutt be able lo take full charie of the office. Please slate ae and qualifica tions, also marital status in fi nal letter. White Statesman Journal, Box 12. WANT several wood cutter! Apply Capital Fuel Co.. 31100 N River Rd MARRIED man wanted tor perm, work on ar orchard. House, elcr. A- wood furn. Must be alerl, have exner. in farrnlnx equipment maintenance sm repair. ' Call 1-7047 after t p.m. Mon. or Tiles, only. MONTGOMERY" WARD ""in-Mc-Minnvllle has an opportunity for an ainrestlve appliance salesman - one furniture aaleman Good guaranteed weekly salary plus commis sion. Apply in person. WANTED "drlftmin7"aie25to 3.1, with mappine ability or ex- . perlence ifor Euiene irml. Five dav week. Sa'srv open. Write Anx No mi. Statesman Journal, Yor interview. 606 Help Wonted, Lady FULL time bahy Utter, my noma for 3 mos. baby. Ph. 2-0030. NEED very reliable lady, near Liberty garden! to care for 2 . boys aires 3 and 5. Day tuna. Ph. 2-5323 after s:30 p.m. CLEANING womenrVrr7a da'jrT Town it Country Motel. DEMONSTRATORrExp. fnr""new mod. Salem itore. Distributing approved health Ac reducing equip. For app't. call 4-2HS0. MIDDLE-AGE woman to do housework. 2 In famtlv, all mod. conveniences, live In. Ph. 4-.'i30. BOOKKEEPER - expcncnicd In general ledger, pivn-ll taxes, etc. IH-al firm, p-rma- nent. 5 rlay week Mupt he ec perlenced. Do nnl reply unless fully quakfird. Ktate age, ssl ary desired, experlenre, ox b Slatesman-Joumai. 600 Employment 606 Help Wanted, Lady WAITRESS wanted at Colonial House. Apply afternoon! ar eves. FRY rook. Experienced woman. Louis Fish Grotto. 3715 R. Commercial. Ph. 2-17M any, time. . COMBINATION dfnner . Ik fry eook to work 10 hours on Sun day. Good wiges, ref. required Will! P. O. Box 1111, Salem. 608 Piemen Wanted BOY5ENBERRY Picker! wanted. John Wlrth, 4000 Monroe Ave. U-picK 8trawBerrtea7i "ImFEaat Kelrer achool. Aw Goldsbv, 221 Chemawa Rd. fh. 4-S374. 610 Sales Help Wanted WANTED. 3 salesmen, Salem area. A golden opportunity for a producer, liberal commis sion!. Call 1-3.19. FARM Kalesmin to work out of one of Salem'l finest Real Fs Isle offices. Rawlins Realty, 80 Chemeketa. Ph. 4-SR7S. MAN to distribute ft pick up Fuller Brush citaloti IKK weekly eomm to start, I-H.157 SAI.ESMANwanted. Electrolui Corp. 107 Brdwy Salem. PART TIME SALES WORK to I p m , averaga IU 50 guar- , anteed comm. Ph. 4-2246. FOR immediate employment, 400 mo. guaranteed com ap ply 32.1 E. Bush. 1:30 to A.M. Only. 612 Work Wanted, Mew NEW LAWNS prepared It seed ed. Estimates gladly. Install ment payments arranged. Ph. 4-2302 or 1-21S0 Mow hayfleld or vacant lots. Ph. 4-1372 between p.m. It I a.m. . NEEDANADDITI0.N? Remodeling Cabinet work. Free ext. Expert work. Work guar. Ref. Go anyplace. Chas. Ex- line. PhOllV CUSTOM mowing. Iota A acre ages, d ft. mower. Delbert Reach. Ph. S-7731. PAINTING Reasonable. - Free Estimates Ph. 2-9551 eves. ROTO-TILLING Ph. 2-2518 CrMENT work: guaranteed: prompt service; free estimate!. Ernest Drake, Ph. 4-633 f ALLGRA8Slawn cutting An derson. 4-0443, 2ed N. Capitol. ROTOVAT1NG work eve., week ends. J Hathaway Ph 2-3121. ROT0VATING PH. 2-4763 CARPENTER WORK, day or contract 2-1142 or 2-1459 LOU'S tree aervlce Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-2666. Home Building Ar Remodeling CALL JOHNSON-f h. 2-9740 YOUNG man wants ateady work bythe hour. Ph. 4-6097. HOT coating. - roof repair Ar ipray painting. Guaranteed workmanship. Also free esti mates. Ph. 4-4127. 614 Work Wonted, lody IRONING IN MY' HOME PH. 4-4694 CHILD care my home 61 da. 25c hr. 4-Corners, ph. 3-OS71 WILL- dobaby elttingTnrny home, tti N. Liberty. Ph. 4-0.KI2. CHILD care In my home, play equipment It-eiose lupervtalon. 1055 Electric. 4-3703. WILL cara for two girls In my country home day or week. Ph. operator 61F13. Close In HOMEMADE froreri fruit Ir chicken pies. Cookies baked to order 4-J335 or l-al. WILlTbabysrt, J-ear old! ti up Ph. 4-9349. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mra Poe. 6M N. Hth. Ph J-394J. 61 S Situation Wanted FRANK-HARRY S POWER DITCHING In.lallattnn. sewers, septic tank!, dram fields, tiling 2-0106. EXPERT epray. brush punting, paper hanging, your paint or mine. Free est. Terms. Ph. Nflwn 3-6453. 3-6243. If 'I 's vd shovel, cisns, hoe. drg line. 25-ton muhile iranei. Dt, D7 eits. carry all clear ing blade Rental contract r unit prices, SALEM SAND & GRAVEL 140j N Front St Ph 1-2461 PAINTING, papering. Free eetl matri Don Lucero 3-5522 PAINTINCT'Dirtclieap- pnTei. 25 yeara In Salem. Ph. 3-7552. CARPENTER work, any kind" real 4240 Macleav Rd 4-59M LAND CLEARING D-6 Hr L C Mitchell Ph 2-5337 SCHARFF BROTHERS lntsllatlon Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks, Drain Fields, Power Ditching. Backfill. Ph. 1..U66 nr 3-5071 MOWING A raklr.g. Q. Mar shall. 2-1343. SMALL carpenter Jobs, good work, reasonable. Ph. 4-1424 LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling radlng 3-7042 LKurth INT, decorating. Chas. McLean, 417 E. Madrons. Ph. 3-30.15. 700 Rentals 702 'Sleep. RoomsBoard VERY nice rm. for gentleman, pvt. entl.15 N. Collage. TV. Nicely furn.. clean sleeping rm. 15 wk. 2-7620, board avail. FtRNritrhoWkceplngrmw" .Salem, 130 mo. Ph. 4-5072. 123 Gerth. a. ROOM Ac board, -men only, $65 per mo. Ph. 4-3742. NICELY furnrm also baanTi rm. 6.H N. Winter. CLEAN quiet. rYar"State bidg . shop Dint , kit privel, 1-1449 CLEAN, Comf. mis. T. V . cloae ln 115 S Winter 1-171 WANTED Man to room and board. 261 N. Capitol, 70S Apartments For Rant LYNWOOD COURT APTS, Under flew management: a face lilting, in prnareM turnout. For clean, pleasant living at niminai rental, 1 and 2 bdrm. apis furn. or unfurn. TV an tenna, laundry facilities. 925 S. l.ith. ROOMY turn?! bdrmrant Close to Srand Jr. High. Ph. 3-6434 FURN. 3rm.apt .w7 bath," In Hollywood. Ph. 4-6200. - NICELY furn. cool, well ventf lated ant. In-brick bldg for I nr 2 adulta. near MAT atore. Ph. .1-5241 nr 3-3.1.13. 1 RM. fumTkltchenette340i;. Washington. Ph.. 4-1020. tiev vail rm, tiie hath, wall In wall car pet. Davs Ph. 3-7670, Alter JO and Sun. 2-IIM'i. ATTRAC. 3 rm apt"" wlrh pvt. bath. TV antenna, laundry prlv. Close In. 461 . N. Front. Evenings Ph. 4-B.122 APT. "for 1. partly furn. 1341 Waller, call any time CLEAN, nicely furn. I bdrm. duplex. T V. antenna. 4-6310. 3.RM. nicely fur. apt, private huh. automatic laundry, $38.50. rh. 4-4020, l-IStl. 700 RentaU 705 AportrntnH For Rent FOR RENT 1 rm. ipt w. vt. bith, kitchenette. Laundry pnv.. clme In. Inq 401 N. Front. Evenings Ph. 4-6S22. CLEAN, quiet I 1 rm. apt. nose in. w . Bummer, t , CLEAN'iinTfurnTapt'a Pvt. ent. 4r bath, utll furn. 41! 1. Ill Fl'nNrAptaTT35 "and Wrutii itlei Incl. Employed lady Only. Ph. 4-15117. NICELY f urn. basement apt., private. No children. 109 S. 34th. FURN. apt. Washington sch. dist. Bui. Pvt. ent, 3250 Ham- mel. 1 RM. apt. w. kilchenttte, bath, util. 450 S. Capnol NICE ""riri. aptritflr bath. Isundry, nice yard, real. 195 S. I8th. . ATTRACTIVE furn. frm. ipt", ?vt. entrance, close In 8. Ph, J3M or- 2-5370. SPACIOUS .UIFURNISHED 4 RM. ACACIA APARTMENT Call after P.M. S-700 1140 S, 13TH, W OO " i RM. 'furn. flaLidults, refer encri, gar. Call A.M. 'ill 1 aV after C p.m. 3-7541. MODERN 1 bdrm. court apt., completely furn., I5H a nion. W. Salem. Ph. 4-6875. Eve. 3-1743. , NICE Ig. 3 rm. furn. 641 N. Liberty. Ph. 2-5446 or 2-3000. NEAR Capitol; 3-rm. turn, for empi. lady: 4 so tncl. util , auto. heat. Ph. 2-4505: 2-5272. 1ST FLOOR, furn. 2 rmi.,' Ren- ox. an n. i,ioeny. fn. -7iz4 CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. ipt. down- town, iaoy prer. w rerry. 1 I room, ground floor, small yard. Desirable, 1 block! Irom P.O. J-64.13. Hollywood Apts. Furn., unfurn., 4-4711 er 4-7171. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apt. 850 N. Summer 2-9206 3 RM. apt.. 25 N. 15th . Chem eketa 15th. Ph. 4-3279. MODERN 1 bdrm.. Court Apt. uniurn. except E,iec range ac refng. W. Salem. Ph. 4-6679. Eve. 2-1743. COURT apti. Extra nice, clean. 3 rma. Ar bath, unfurn., except stove, refng. T.V., )sun.t park, avail. Inq. 1341 8. 12th. CAPITOL Pl.AZA I BDRM. UNFURN. Il5 Chemeketa St Ph 2-1630 Scenic view 1 bdrm unfurn court Apt, range, refrlg. 2-2906. MODERN 1 bdrm. court apt.. unfurn. except eiec. range & refrlg, 150 a mo, W. Salem. Ph. 4-M79. Eves. 2-1743. 706 Duplexes I RM. duplex, bsmt, frpl., ga rage, Ida. Ph. 1-7376. FOR RENT nicely furn. duplex so of town. a mo, epi only. Call 3-3769. 1-RM. flat. 1 block P. O. 666 Ferry, Jh. 2-6275. 3-9.437. . 15250 1 bedrm., I block! from Capitol Hldgl. Auto oil neat. Wired lor elec. range. Ph. 4-166J. 707 Houses For Rent CLEAN t bdrm, unfurn. hse. ns s. 21st. Gir fenced yard. 159. tail 2-9744. PARTLY furn. I bdrm. houae. 150 per mo. Ph. 2-1497. NEW 2 bdrm. house, att. garage. 165. Ph. 2-34N. 142.90 2 bdrm. home. Kelrer. E A. McGlauflin, igent. 335 N. High. 2-nsu eve. 3-M12. IN Mehama 140 mo. 4 bdrm house, farase, chicken pen, carport, berries. L. E. Gould Box 420 Canby. Ph. 2406. SMALL house, close In, 139 Gaines. FOR lease, nice 2 bdrm. modern house, no children. Ph 4-5162. TRAILER snace no per mo. No peta. Ph. 2-6I6S. .740 Oy UIU 2' 1 BDRM house and garart with l'iA. 70 mo. Ph. 4-2301 WELL located spacious 3 bdrm house, 1100 per mo. Call 3-4234 after 5:30 p.m. 4 BDRM. house, full bsmt, W antenna, W. Salem, close to school. Ar bus, 175 no pe's References required. Call 3-7636. 1 BDRMS, clean, garage. ISO month. 403 River St. FOR PENT or sale, 1 bdrm hse Ph. 4-5109. 165. 3 BDRM, attached garage 4 block! to High or Gride. 695 Judaon SI. Ph. 2-0612. 4 BDRM. house near Shipping Ctr. No pets. Ph. 2-3049. 1 BEDROOM unfurnished house fenced back ysrd. see 1170 N 24th. Phone 3-4.117. FOR RENT: sub 1 bdrm, frpl, daylight bsmt . close to achool A- stores. 2-6396 137. 4 bdrms, 451 N. 21st. Inquire 1445 oak. A Beauty. I bdrm, alt. garage wool wall to wall carpet. 163 Kenwood Ave, Four Corner! 707-O Furnisher) Houses 4 rm. furn. cnttsge neir bui. stores. Adults. Ph. 4-5665. PARTLY furn. 1 ndrm. houae 4-7750. 1042 3rd St. W. Salem. 708 Farms For Rent FOR RENT or lease Crade A dairy, 150 acres level river losm. additional pasture land milking parlor, will suraort 65 or mote dairy cattle, wi ai res under irrigation. A W. Ver non. Rf. 1, Box son, Independ ence. Ore. Ph. Salem 2-1312. 710 Wanted to Rent Hsei STATE employed engineer wishes to rent or lease, clean 4 bdrm. home by August 1. Ph. 4-23IH1. j WANf"torent: 3 bdrm. hseTN dlst. W'idow A 2 young people. Ph. collect Detroit 4SI. RESPONSIBLE business counle w1 child needs clean S bdrm. ' house nr duplex by August 1st. Ph. 1-9931. 714 Busineis Rentals FOR RENT Corh'l bldg. 1564 aq ft with offl'-e location ndrth on well trsvtled street. Ph. 1-.1700. IHiV. li 'own oflire space, stori rmi ft warehouse 1-4114. 718 Convalescent Hornet WILL care for elderly people In my home, 15 yrs. exp. Clean very comfortable home.' Ph. 4-.1742. . ELDEREST Nursing Home Pri vate rooms available. 2630 N Church J-9616, COjT ACE CONVALESL'r NT HOME 232 N Collate 1-7020 780 Moving g.,3toroqe Ijirmrf Trsnsfcr Slorng Comniete moving service Alsa agents for BfKINS Nation. Wide Movers Ph 3,1131 ILOVV COST itorige H U SUX1 rumltur C. f-llU. R00 Real Estate 801 juslnen Opportuti MODERN 1 unit Salem motel A home, sell or consider trade for small apartment house, close In. Owner 1-7130. . he7tingoil ' ipHTHIRUTOR'S lerrttnr avail 'able loeallv. some financial. as. alstance considered, vvrlie w. Williams, 213.1 NE. IW'h Ave.. Portland 13, Ore., or Ph. AT. 1-oi.w eves. HIGHWAY 89 NO. OF SALEM Service station for lease. 13,000 gal. a mo. Low rent, no com petition, high nil salei, now in operation. 2 bdrm. mod. he. ' completely repainted. 12.500 will handle. AV 6-IM1 Portland, or Mr. Phillips, Sa lem 4-9119. . 20 ROOM hotel furnishings for sale. I dormitory at, 14000. rent for 1125 per month. Newly re wired, plumbing passei city In spection. 1 kitchen. Lesse on bldg. 11.10 per month. 131 Will St, Eugene. Oregon. Write Hsrel Clirk. 107 Crocker Lane. Eugene. FOR LEASE near completion new drive-in restaunm w'lin heavy traffle count Some equipment furn. Box 13. Stateamin-Journal. FOR SALE: By owner. Busy air - conditioned restaurant fully equlpned Close to two canneries. Seats 33. For ap pointment to see Ph. 3-30J2 between 6 a.m. 7 p.m. MOTEL 22 units, good return. take Salem Property In traae TAVERN Isnd & all. Hot Spot I6 0H0 00 Terms. GROCERY clem stock, new fixtures, reasonable. SER STA. Good location. 13,. son no TUCKER REAL ESTATE Lebanon, Oregon 806 Houses For Sola STEVENS SPECIALS Attractive, newly painted 3 bed room nome. LeOCAted m ltnajie wood. 3 itnry hotiM, corner lot. nt much lawn to mow. Completely redecorated. Older home, but a real economy buy. I.12M totnl price, I MM down, $4S monthly payment!. Trade" your two bedroom En! wood noma for a three, bed room tuburhan. This house Juat built, hni firenlace, forced air heat, large kitchen, R3 x 170 ft.. Int. Price your houae light and thla one gos for $13,7M. Your equity down, bal ance $75 per month. Stevens Realtors Tel. 4-663T S7 N. High St. SflflK'S BEST BUyS 4TH OF JULY SPECIAL Hera is your dream eoma true In a home, spacious rooms. Dining room plug brkfit. nk, 1', biths, 1 tiled. Sep. utility rm. Dble. itt. garage. Patio. Only 2 blks. from school. Ex cellent surroundings. In new subdivision. Superbly built by DEAN AND GENE ANDER SON. Price has been reduced to 616 900. Don't believe Itt Then come in and let ma show you. Call N. G. "Dan" Isaak for an appointment today. Xve. Ph. 4-9!5.1. Englewood District 2 bdrm., unfinished attic, liv ing rm, kitchen with eating area, half basmt, utility rm, lee. lot with trees. Price Mono. down 11500. Eva. call FLOYD McNALL. Eve. 3-7764, days 2-6660. F.D LUKIKBtAk REALTOR, 433 N. HIGH. OWNER LEAVING state. An xious to sell this I bdrm home. down and I up. Large living room with fireplace. Dining room and large kitch en, run dry Basement wnn work shop. Oil forced air heat. Double garage. This li an ex ceptionally fine buy at 115.000. For appt. to see csll Dale Ray- Durn. eve. pnone z-rosa. RAWLINS REALTY 60S CHEMEKETA STREET Salem, Oregon Office Phone 4-6175 Wrought Iron Railing This new ranch style home, built by G. W. UNREIN, has front norch with rail. 3 bed rooms, full dining room, big kitchen with nook, dounjte ga rage, lots of natural wood excellent location with paved street snd sidewilk. South 114.500. Eve.: John VanOidol 3-734.1. Ted Morrison, Realtor 230 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 OWNER TRANSFERRED NEW 3 bdrm. quility home, make offer. Ph. 4-4611. JOE HUTCHINSON REALTOR Let us solve your home 'need! lo hiiv, sell or item v-Sii Ph.. 4-574.1 1211 -Edgewiter Ph. 4-78741 2710 So. Comm'l 3 RDRM. house on ipprox. S A, So. of Prlngle Dlst 2 bdrm. house at Wt Draper. Pioneer Trust Co. I-J1U. MR OWMHl Glen iVoodrv will ay top price for your furn aonllsncrs Ph l-ltlr) 1 IMMACULATE homes. Ideal rltv localiona, beautiful yarda. S bdrrri, 2nd 4 bdrm, equip ped for day nursery, ph 2-3501 3 BDRM. house with small acre a cr at 970 Ratcllff Dr. Make offer at Pioneer Trust Co., Sa lem I NEW View home, 3 bdrms, family rm, 2 bathe, etc. 12.1000. Might consider trade. 4-76O0. 4 NEW Houses Open for In speclon DAILY FROM 3 TO 6 165 A 775 Gerth. 919 AV 941 Cascade Ph. 3-1181, S-3611, 2-151.1 for terms. f BY"0WNERrneedspa7nting, but W hat can you expect for 10.115. 3 bdrm. houae at 943 Bltler St. Jiimi dn. It no loin costs. Ph. -6.167. OWNER TRANSFERRED WILL sic. 1 bdrm. nnch style home 1.300 sq. ft. 3535 Brenna IJITjM. BY OWNER Nearlvnew 3- bdrm . din. rm, firepl . garage. inclosed yrd. redecorated, En glewood Diet., 112.000. Ph. 4-71104. BARGAIN! mToOO equity. 1 hrm mod. home. 86, Ph. 4-4251 after 7 p nv FOR""saTe by owner: 2 bdrm. home, fireplace, paved atreet terms. 3360 Hadley St. Ph 4-4AI6 ior; DOWN MOVES YOU IN TODAY OR RI'H.n TO SUIT ED FISCHER. PH. 4-56.11 DIAL 46811 TO PLACE' AD BOO Real Estate 806- Houses For Sola TOSSIBLE LOW DOWN PAYMENT If you ri pay II 00 no per month, you may become the proud owner of thia modern 3 bedroom home for aopx, $1 ,000 on down. Excellent proper!-" fea turing a large' kitchen 71 1 LEI OHMART with eating rate dining place In living-room and a basement with nil heal. Close In and just 11100. enna aercomoe. TRADE - DAYLIGHT BASEMENT . Over 1.130 sq. ft. living area on room!, urge kitchen and nook wttn punt-in range. Tne Base ment has a 'lovely party room arlth fireplace, bsth and large storage area. This is a deluxe hojne-VM, we -will consider a trade Ask for Don Douahion. Mckinley school district Wt have Just listed a 3 -bed room lem Schools loo x li lot. fenced yard, soma view ri replace In living-room, good arrangement price ti only II 1.500 See Louu Lorena. DREAM HOME OF TODAY large bedrooms plus spsrlnus ingl ina rireplice. enirince nan. living-room wnn paneung around fireplace, double plumbing, birch kitchen. Same view and trees immedlste doss Csll Rslph Middy, IF YOUR HOME IS FOR SALE OR TRADE CALL L'S OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 47T Court St. ' Phone 1-4115, 2-4111, 1-4117 Eve.: Adrlenne Sercombe 4-9062. Don Doughton 4-1414, Louis Loreni 1-6590. Ralph Maddy 1-34SS. , HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT Neat newly decorated, nice corner I, H, A. terms. SALEM'S CHOICEST LOTS Falrmounl 12.750. Cindilarla 13.300 up. Laurel Springe SUM. pavement. Call. now. WANT TO LIVE NEAR BUSH'S often described li a home letting wa have two nice homes on Ihe very edge of II. One 4 bedrm, basement at IIOJMO and a 2 bdrm, basement Splendid at tta.750. 4TH Of JULY SPECIAL Lovely and splendid nirrn kitcnen, large nearoome. nam or ma hogany panellni In llv. rm., dbla. garage, pavement and curbs. 115.500. BUSY SOUTH COMMERCIAL itnry bui. bldg. Will net around a , A goon today. TO SELL YOUR HOME IS OUR ONLY BUSINESS Eve. aV Bun. Salesmen: Muel Frantg S-943, Bon Cleary 2-M3, n. Peck 3-9413, Andy jsaivorsen Hlmmel 2-M22. 134 SOUTH LIBERTY H. Ire. liiiiiiMt E, 311 N." Church St ENGLEWOOD SCHOOL DIST. Excellent 4 bdrm. older type family home, approx. . acre, extra oi possiouities, living room 26x171, with fireplace, dining rm. 15x10. Kitchen with nook, F. A. oil furnace, double plumbing, double farige. Lovely trees, shrubs, garden, lawn. Illness forcai aala. Must aee to appreciate. Price 120,000. SOUTH SALEM HIGH Modem firs, gas heaver, ail appliance! gas. garage, uwmr moving. Only 14,100. (2,000 BUYS Furnished 4 room yri. Old. 14 acre grounu, irewa. uwrai nivvin ,u 20-ACRE FARM About 10 mllei mill barn and otner diors. evil in cuiuveuun. uwn.i mn In Portland. Sayi eell iB.500. Evenings: Ph. 4-965, 1-7614. I-I4II. S-IOM CLUETT & KB 1960 FAIRGROUNDS RD. hop-and-a-skip Excellent, prac. new, S-bedrora nice dliuicl uit. u.iw. ;'. GARDEN a. .v.. inokv' nmn of this a. Acrei. Immaculate S-bedroom "roomy'' horn. Owner' transfer YOUR gain. Value at 9.250 terms. ' FEW AVAILABLE Washington folks win! thil nice .littles acreage, but cant cell their. Annrox 4- Acreet-2-bedroom noma;, barn: garage ana worn - Vj-K. r .... ,. iK.rlon Nr! Price SI 460 rrsl term!. Cvt. Ph. Brennan 4-7326. SUBURBAN Nearly acre with 2 bedrooms. LR. with fireplace, kitchen, dinette, large laundry room. paSed street, good well, good lawn. LoU of room to garden. Located East on Munkers Street. In very good neighbor hood. Close to school and bus. 11,00 with terms. $500 DOWN Completely redeconted Imld nd out. a oeorooms. in ano dining room, kitchen with lots of bullt-sns, Isundry room, over-sited garage with shop space. Located North on High way Av. 16.000. Abraifls & Skinner 411 MASONIC BUILDINQ REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MORTGAGE LOANS OFFICE 1-921T EVES.: 2-4709 or 3-7366 CLOSE IN NORTH . Charming home walking dii- tanca to town ana acnoon, Large 4 bdrm. home, baimt., oil heat, 1 lireplaraa, wall to wall carp, throughoat. Nict yard, patip, dblt. garage. Grabenhorst Bros. REALTORS IM S. LIBERTY ST. Phone 1-2471 A DON GARDNER Housf Alwavi smartly styled 100x110. landscaped lot with trees. 3 bedrooms, double garage, liv ing room facing rear, utility, huge rovered hreeieway 1 year old.' 11.1.600, Eve.: Cor dova Stephenson 4-6149. Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4;7B77 BY BUILDER NEW spacious 3 bdrm. Engle- wood Dm. Top quality. 1-7071. BYbwNERlbdrm. modern. well built home. 17 500. Lo- rated at 1459 7th. Ph. 4-1419 eve. BY BUILDER NEW 2 bdrm nome neat S Selem school! A perk 1-7071 4 CORNERS Located 1 block from Lincoln Pirk Add. 1.121 sq It. All room! ire spacious. The living room and dining area Is 13 x 26ia ft. The kitchen area Is from a popular McCain design. 2 large bedrooms. ,19'i x 31-ft, garage. Remarkable beauty, const met Ion and location for 11250. Very good term!. Ph , 2S976 day or eve, C. S. JACOBSEN. REALTOR BYOWNER: 2 bdrm." yrTnld very clean will take car trail, er. or what have your as flown pvmt, Immed. pox.ession. Aft er I p m. Ph. 4-9757 EASTMORELAND. I hrtrmiTTii baths, birch kltcherf with dish, wisher, dbla. gir. Ph. 4-7391. 7 " BOO Real Estate 836 Houses For Sola spaca, sepa - room, fire priced at Call Adrl- RUDY CALABA first floor, family room. 3 bed home rinse In all lha Smith ft. family room with beamed cell older I bedroom, clean Interior, lot, large llv, rm, full basement, . . Salem Height! W.J50. view and PARKf This Is the area most 3 bedrm family room, din. rm. Big corner, ground lease, plus t a-lias, noy germ z-euiB, woe it T. PHONE 4-4471 i iv7l m , l . v (Realtors) Ph. S-9236 t bdrm. home, fireplace, ndwd. house. 450 sq ft. fir. ipace. only t from Salem. 2 bdrm. farm house. PR. 1-1551 from school home; 13x11 living rm. Deep lot; ALL READY choice iuburban Property I approx. Manglei 4-I9M or 1-S337 0 Ultra Modern f.,.,, nu, mnltmBflrsrv. T.O. rated on Kingwood Heights with view to the East. 1 x li living room, beamed ceilings, S bedrooms, 2 baths. 2 fire, daces, full bssement. Double, beavy beamed cae. port. 121. OoO. Eve.: Marjorle Fanning 4-60M. . '' Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 Roy Todd Realtor JULY 4TH SPARKLERS BARGAIN IN MANBRIN GAR' DENS Exceptionally attrac tive home only yrs. old in exclusive neighborhood. 2 bdrms, 20 ft. living room and dining room combined. F. A. oil furnace. Insulated and. weather-striDDed. Beau tiful corner lot. Low down payment, good loan guaran teed, owner will carry bal ance. Priced 1500. Call Mrs Graham. 4 BDRMS. SOUTH S yrs. old 1 bdrms down, t up. Well built home with 1000 tq. ft, of llvlm soica on lit floor. Arrsnied for family living and comfort. Nice) big lot city water, large living and dining rooma and. vary attrac tive kitchen. Many nice fei tures. 112.700. Csll Mr. Hicks. ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 231 Stste St. PK. S-5t Eve Calls: Mrs Graham 4-4741. "Vandf rvort 4-7602. Hicks 4-49.10 SEE THIS 4 bdrm. modern home on acre, good aoll, t, acre bovseh- tierriex. gnoo rnicKen nnuie 'Just 16.990. csll ens, Eve. 3-4739. Mrs. Lesv MOVE IN TODAY Thia home Hose to North Salem Junior and High kVhooti. Only 7 slisA feto aw.sliskr aalo Tear en a TOP THIS It 'a furnished, near McKinlev IVhool, cute cot tag, corner - lot, bin by door. Priced to aell. Immediata poeeesajon. Leu than 17,000. L. E. KLUMPP, Rltr. .in5 Portland Jd.Ph;J742. 4Mri FAMILY ROOM Open Dally Bv Builder 257S WOODDALE. 2 blks. N. of Ran Shop In Northgale addl. tinn, ,i-norm., douoie garage, over 1400 aq. ft. Built-in oven A ranie. 114.900. Ph. 4146. 2 HOUsr.Son" l lot M"4fl0l.lve In one. The otner always rented. 110 1 block from 1ft 1 kiwi. ,n BLUE LAKE CANNERY. Rus. stores Ar every service. Both fully plumbed, wired A top condition, I patios, laraie. lawn, .hruhherv.- IMMACU LATE. Small house fully fur. mahed Large house would rent. M Sign in74 'h. W Salem. STUlLiR. Realtor, Ph. 8-9437. . 800 Real Estate 806 Houses For Sole S Bedrnomi $8940 I big birch trees In front, cher ry, pear, 1 apple tall big I In beck. Beautiful Int. It x II liv. room, fireplace. I bed room a down, I', bedrooms up (paneled for boya' room). A iwell home. Eva.: John Van Osdol J-7341. Ted Morrison, Realtor 2M ti. HIGH PHONE 4 7777 I'.YR. OLD I bdrm. dn 160x14 lot. South. Ph. 4-731. BY OWNER: Small equity J bdrm. horns. South. 1-14. 1500 buys our equity I bedrooma, til bath, large garage, An tenna Inc. Phone 2-4111. SELL or trade for ,eer; equity in x oo.rm, nome. hjj n. Church. Ph. 4-3MO. BY OWNER-BUILDER English type nearly new atop Klngwooa nu, pieasani quiet ioc., lovely trees. Ige. level lot, all rmi. ipicioua. 1600 iq. ft. space, plus dry finished .bsmt.. a bsthi. 2 fireplaces, dbl. gar., breeieway. A home you'll be proud to own. 111. 79. 11,500 dn, bal like rent, lmmed. poss. Ph. 1-7111. DeWin& KRAUS acx Looking for farm" trial li money miksn oood jociuon. beiutiful home any woman will like, nice yard. Darn, ma china ihed, everything neal a a pin. Owner grossed 110.00 from field crop in M. wishes to retire. This 143 acres with 11.4 A. In cult. Is priced right only 2f dn . owner will car ry bal. on contract Call Ga. Kraua. CLOSE IN 1 acre east, t bdrm. home plus 1 unfinished brdm. up. Flreplsre, herdwd floor!, oil heat, good bira, fruit ind nut treei, girden, ehop, good well, rich aoll, lovely ihide treea. Newly decorated. This Is unusually good, only at 12.300 dn. or take lata pirk- p aa part. See today. Call Bill FIdler, eve. ph. 4-744. BDRM. OLD HOME ON ELM 8TREET. Weal Salem Need! work, but has possibilities, fine tree shided lot. I1.M full price but take offer, estate must eell Call Frank Graham. Eva. 4-474. ISM DOWN-t4.0 fuU price. A g Dorm, older noma, large llv. rm.. large bdrms, fireplace, oil heat, nice fruit and lhade treea on Falrview Ave. close to bua and schools. CaU Gen PedweU. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER HOME IN THE MOUNTAINS Thil T A. la Iocs ted on the Ablqiia. about 41 mln. d ive from Sa lem. Lota of natural wood anellng. fireplace, thil li a nvely home in ruitlc letting In ftr timber, good water end rds. Call Ron Kraua, Eva. J-MMV. REAL ESTATE 318 N. Church St. Ph. 4-8871 I BDRM. I yrs. old, din, rm". Inside utility, art garage, pa tio, ere M. i biocki to grade arhool r bua. 79 South 14th. Ph. 4-Moe. OWNER leaving atate. New pdrm. nome, viocki of achool. fireplace, lawn gar. den In, 441 Menlo Drive, Ph. 2-M441. WILL, trad equity In t bdrm homo for trailer house, H4t Sunnyalde Bd. 1-032. OR RENT, completely remodeled Bdrm. hse. Lioerly r Lin coln. Ph. 1-1U after I pm 808 Lett Far Sale LOT emtio!, lovely view East. Water South. l-fargi. GLENN-Creek Drive, lot (0x136 Reatrlcted, 1130. Terms lS down. 139 mo. E. A. McGlsuf. Irs Rltr . 131 N. High. 2-Mll. eve. 3-Mii. SPECIAL-BARGAINI Near airbasa tt. Louis. T loU In fllberti. Ideel luodivision. pvmt., good Income. to cash. E, Si. Acres, near Brooks, corner. Ideal buslneea, building or subdivision uta. 11,290. AL HAUTH REAL ESTATE 1171 Silverton. Mt. Angel Rd. Near Cannery. Ph. 7M Wood burn or Ph. Green 44 Ml. Angel. i LOTS. euitablefor one or two dwellings Reitrirted district. South 12th and Falrview, Fh. 4-22M day. 2-3(90 eves. 810 Farrnt Far Sale NOW'S THE TIME 140 acre ranch, dalrv-stock. dan- ay e oenroom nome, urif barn, atablas, 30 acres Irrigat ed paature. 10 more tillable, dandy creek. 30 miles from S a I a m , equipped. WJOno. terms. Oil McFarland, Eva. 4-SSir VALLEYS BEST FARM 142 acres, (7 acres cult, and paa ture. acre good producing prunes, I Irrigation water ponds. Irrljsllon well, new 40 x 100 machine ihed with stor age for 0 torn of hiy, extra flood barn and loafing ihed, nvely older 4 bedroom home, complete bulldtngi and equip ment for 1.000 turkeys, 10 bead Whileface cattle Included. Must see to appreciate. Eves, call ' Carpenter J-4 or Eait ridge a-4311. L E. KLUMPP, Rltr. 1091 Portland Rd. Ph 276414691 I Acres, North of Salem, small building. 12500. ISO down. 25 a month. Good well. E A McGlauflin, Rltr., 331 N. High 1-Mll. 3-6611 FOR BALE OR Trade, I A 4 ml. Eaat of Balem, I bdrm. older type home, garage, barn. chicken hse. Irrlgetion well. 1 A. Rnysenberrles, nut A fruit trees. 111,500 or trsde for smaller place, rn. -.n(M, 26', A. FARM between Oak Grove it Bethel, Rt I, Box 213 Blrkreall, Frank Stevens. M ACRES neir RosrdaleMeka offer at Pioneer Trust Co, I lem. BY OWNER: 4 A, N. Ssntlam, free water, good summer or retirement home. Ph 1-195. 1 BDRM. home, barn, dhle. gar chicken hse. I A. x, needs , aome repair 11.950. Inquire 1147 Yew hi. .after a pm A-CAB1NAL0NE. 1 "ln. ' out Beautiful view Iota of treei. ' I bdrm . hith At ' flreplsre I7.SO0. wfum. A new liv ..rm aet, II" TV, contour chair, alec atnve A refrlg beds aV all.' 12 or on ; er trailer house. Ph 215166. i, A. 11050. aee or Inquire at 3zno risner Rd. 812 Exch. Real Eitote ,, r trade larea home - North, hat ba-m't apt. Inrome for amall arreafe, rloae in. nr 1 or 3 hdrm. hme In town. Owner In ton for ahort time. 4-2t7. RAI.C or trad bv owner, t unit Apt. hnue on So. Com 1 rioe ' In. 3 rmi A nvt hathi tarh i Apl What have jrou to trade?! 4-3ML Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, July 3, '56 (Sec. II)-13 850 Automotive SS2 Use) Cart For Sola TOR "aV The Fourth BERG IE I-84U These "SPARKLERr are hottw than a "FIRECRACKER" o why don't you "ROCKET" away In out of these Safe li'Sn Indrpcntfenct day bombi. . . 1955 ... . . ROCKET "88" Holiday cpe. Just the ear for the 4th of July. It's even the right color. Red, f239S. 1954 - ROCKET "8" 4 dr. sdn. Real purty and real explosive, No dud in this one. A River Day Special, 11745. . 1953 ROCKET "98" Holiday Cpe. a lovely car for a lovely couple. Hai full power and fort Only $1897. . D0N?T LET THE BRITISHERS fool super "88 ' rocket OLDS I dr. ado. Com in and ileal this at 1895. f SURE! - WE HAVE OTHERS, COME AND SEE COME TO SALEM FOR THE RIVER DAYS CELEBRATION DDERS 461 No. High CLOSED FOR ANDERSON'S. SPECIAL BARGAINS TODAY 191 Dodge Sierra Win, . wtarp -Ill 1MI Ford t Custom Sta. wgn. Loaded UM Mere. Cocv. Cpe. A dandy , 134 lt Hash Amb, Loaded. NIC . BANK TERMS let Center St. Open T1U 8 Ph. 1-1734 to party. DeSoto 4 dr, all axtraa. Month old. Finance no problem see It, drive It, you can't beat It. Ph. 4-071. 1951 Bulrk Special. Riviera 12450. Hardtop cpe radio, heater, tu tone finish, dynaflow, white aide walls, lesa than 10.000 milea. Car lust broken In I Must sell. Call 1-tlU 1M Pontlac ChiefUIn aedan. exc. cond. I pvt owner, M. Ph. 4-M01. FOR SALE or what have you to trade, oonet 41 Mere. sed. redlo or heater Ph. 4-191 t IPZW aV USED Union Ar Commercial Ph. 1-1171 CASH for IMO it 1911 ran. Mc- Call' 1X97 BUt. 3-IQI. '12 KAISER, Deluxe U0 M LINCOLN t'spree . 13.100. 179 N. Front St 14 BLACK Mercury 4 - dr sports seden, overdrive, white wills, low mileage. Ph. 4-1(9. 191 BEL AIR 1 dr., V-(. whit aidewalla. power glide or brakes. Ph. 4-0361. 195 BUICK Century Riviera 4- dnnr. 2 tone, lota of axtraa, Nylon tire 4-124 after I p.m. 130 MODEL "A" coupe. 1" tires, good work car. . rn. I-7II. IU1 n 9 a Tht reipone to Ed Sullivan's $425,000.00. 1EHW, I Ha cleaned out our stock Safe-Buy Used Cirsl" rxnN M We need clrfan can, all makes k models to take in trade on new 1954 MERCURYS! We need uned car, you ned a new MERCURY. Wt will make you a TOP TRADE! , . , You may win $10,000.00 In cash. If you buy a new COME IN TODAY t n7 V 1 1 U Ljncoln-Mercury, Inc., 430 N. C0M L. a MIES WHY II? i 850 Automotive 832 Use! Cars Far Sale) GEIL, 4-S344 tike an atom bomb. SAVEI v you. This one It pip. 1931 Ph. 2-7978 THE FOURTH , 194 FORD t dr. Sdn. In good oww. owner, vmw mileage OS) engine since overhaul, tea at 50 N. loth. Ph. 4-0794. M FORD 4-dr. Cuatomllna, radio, heater. Very good cord. Make offer. t4 Vlnard. P 1-40M. rULLRACE 139 Ford I window coupe, lias. 23 a. Coml, Candalarla Shell Service. 141 Nash Rambler Sta. wgn. req at Piack. radio as neater, overdrive, reclining aeata, prem. tire. Call 2-1446 OrefOB'i Oldest Dttier BEST BUY Used Care Commerrlsl A Cheeaeketa Ph 4-A71I 11 CADILLAC "U" Cpe.. very sharp, no trades. Ph. t-4841. 84 OLDS ", 1 dr.. original owner, e-aiii. aia rt. winter. tl CHRYSLER Windsor, goo cond. Will accept elder ear IS trade. E. St after I. POST Auto Sales : - - We Have the Finest , Selection Of automobiles in SALEM. 41 premium cart to pick from, all maket ind model, from. 195S I to 19o0 1. OPEN EVES. TILL I P.M. POST AUTO SALES 1105 SO. 12TH PH. 4-831 154 Truck TrolDoTT;.; 'It CHEV. T. Pickup with ranopy. Good tires, excel, cond, 11.000. Ph. 4-715. Se at M Ben Vista Dr. 92 CHEV. 1 Ton. combination 5 run it itoek rack, lit 1, Boa II Independence. Skyline T-1341. t TON Dodge dump. I70O l-Tna Chev. dump, loov. lTe n. Front IL 8S6 Watrted, Cart, Trtxkl WE'RE PAYING TOP CASH For Clin Uaed Car Paid or or Nat Bob k Bill's Uaed Cart Union k High SU WANT bus for hauling piekerg. writ Edwerd Hart. nt. a, bom 11. tllveiinn. Stating price If eond, or Fh. 3-4430. 858 Motorcycle! FOR SALE. 14 Harley-Davldso Motorcycle. Model i, uae naw. Ph. 4-t72t. 162 House Trailer! TRAILER House. 1229. tjt Che. miwa Rd. 1-194. See anytime. SHOPTt Earl Maim Trailer Sales where all size, are snows 11 ft thru 40 tt. Aloha: Ken skill: Cruiser; Mayflower ai Rollsway. Corner of l.anrestef A tilverlon Rdh. 4-1121. 24 FOOT Silver Lake Houa trailer. IIOOO.O f0 Down 2t a Mo. Frank Oaman 150 Porte land Road. ONe'oT Salem'l Better Courta-e Csntsr Street Triiler Court, 4191 CENTER ST. TRAILER TOWING JAVHAWK TRAILER SALES (64Portland Bd Ph a-twl 35' TRAILER house, all llgWl wood Interior, like new cond4 reasonably priced or will core eider trad for equity In homo. Come to end of Broadway, turn right on Shangrl La. first house on right. Ph. l-34. , anothMToad oris'"" SHASTAS JUST ARRIVED Lana Lane, 1940 Lana Ave. TRAILER spaca for rent Ree. 1991 Portland Rd. 12 FT. Metal trailer house, res. annable, 17 W. Brownlnf, evening A weekend. fiTFTtrailer house. 124. Plu 4-9320, 2459 Dallas Rd FOR SALE OR TRADEvTsk l.r. Irailar house with bath on part nr all my Equity. I hrlrm. modern on large lot hrlrm. modern on lar wilh dwarf fruit, gm den. or aell aV take ov. Load at 4V Ree at 34 ola Ave. oi Ph. 3-4943. iwmi gar. over G.1 L 3411 Win. 164 H'07 Wr 250 AMP Marqnetle welder, aoms. 8118, Ph. 8 64. Yr. sons t