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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1956)
10-fSec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Tuesday, July 3, '56 Post 136, Dickson, Steinke, Nameless Nab Wins Legion Port 1J ind Dickson's Market both posted victories Mon day in Class C actloa to stay un defeated In that division o( the Junior Baseball League. Pout 134 walloped Berg'i Keiier Market, 29-3. and Dickson dumped Fields Matter Service. 11-4. In the Class C'f other two Monday fame. Eteinke'i nipped Jackson Jewelers, It, and Nameless Market thump td th 20-SO Club, 20-5. , Dan Bevena chalked up another pitching victory In the lopsided win by Post 136. Ha allowed only two hits and struckout 10 In the shortened four-inning context, John Siifller was the big hitter or the winners, getting five in six trips. two singles and Bevens also had three safeties, Berg'i only two hits were by Bob EHeldt and Norm Wert. Dickson had a six-run third in ning to help them defeat Fields, with only hita of the Innin? coming from Steve SeRine and Bob Mor row. Warren Harvey tripled to core Fred Fagg who hud aingled tor another of picksoa's runs. Frank Bartruff bit a homer fir Fields. ' In the third inning the losers tallied twice with hits by Leonard Featherstone and Bart ruff. In drubbing the 20-30 Chid, Nameless blasted out nine hits including two homer and a triple Joe Rainwater had a triple and I for 11 runs in the second fl ame. The homers were by Steve 'Stewart and Larry Fanning and the triple by Mike McKinnon. Dick Saalfcld also homered for Nameless. The 20-30 Club rallied for four runs In the final Inning on three errors and singles by Sandy Flk and Larry Lahmann. Mike Loss- ncr tripled in the fifth- with one on for the other run. The Steinka-Jackson game was a tight contest, with the winning Steinke team collecting only one hit, a single by Bill Ferris Emery Billings and Lynn Ertsaard scor ed their two runs on errors. Jackson got their run when Larry Haskell scored on Ted Lang s swgle. Lang got two or hit team's hita, the other one being a single by Morrell Crary Jr. Pali Lorn was the . winning pitcher, and Tom Grief the loser. -- ---Tuesday's games In the B League are Berg'i Market vs. Salem Lions Club at Leslie. Traux Oil vs. Master Service Stations at Barrick and Labisb Center vs S Irm Rotary Club at Barrick, all starting at I p. m. ' satinka 0tl0O-It Jarkaon 0O0IO III Loy and Karria; Grlet and Crry. Field! onj 02 4 4 3 Dickion Ill Jx 1141 Gaitli and Bartnuf; PnlU. Harvey (S and SrRlna, Fitch ill. M-30 ... I0 14 IS Namtltn V 4HI H In JO 14 4 Edwardi. Fink ill and Lahmann; Stewart. Shlnn (Si and Sheldon Pout 131 (11IIS9 lull) 1 . .. 300 0 1 III Rcvrm and Stllflrr: Writ. Nalwn (3i, etmnlnirr 4I and Dlnahart. For Young BallPlayers , . . Loops, Schedules Told For Pee Wees, Midgets ' The Pet Wees and Midgets baseball teams were divided into lea gues Monday and the first week's playing schedule was announced by Vera Gilmore, director of the city recreational program. First games will be played Thursday, in tha Pee Wee League, and first games for i the Midgeti will be next Monday. Boyer Gains Swat Respect kirW YORK LSI Km ftivar h only his second season with the 'rt w'U ordinarily play on Mon SL Louis Cardinals, already nasii? and Tuesdays and the Pee developed into one of the most i vf ' 1 takov"' ? nwP Two lesguea were set up for each classification. The Pea Wee 'ages 7-1) were divided into the Northers and "Southern leagues and the Mldgets.'ages 10-12 were divided into the Eastern and Wes tern leagues. Gilmore reported that the Mid- TheyH Do It Every Time U TEN BLOCKS X BEEN - iMiwnu mm, mwci; rr MlM 'BOOM-BOOM BIN" WUMgaH Ola OH . THE KB-T. 6R48 LIST LOOK4 THE DESCRIPTION FIVH,TEN'K4ISBI3 MUS- T404al-OU?(?lBS &4WEO OPP 6MQTC3UN IN BRIEF C4SEV CO Z 6'VS HIM tO LIKE TO SEI THEC5UVIN AlATQAZ, MYSELF. 6ON-B0T. IT H4PP6NS TM4T ufs our district . (Ceat. from preceding page) a good one unless It has adequate help in the bullpen. Kittle Will Be Getting Razzberry Too We earned aarseir a ripe ranberry la Futene not long age for printed remarks concerning the lousy ball park the Eugene Emeralds played in. Lane County welghbors who don't agree eaa select another ripe one for Hub Kittle, the Yakima manager. He thinks it's the worst in the league also.' . . Speaking of the nwL Sail riu Dl, inry cauiu aw mtiv Rianw .,.. . ... r . i j ii-.j..... , , Hlllgen. JJ SE Mth Ave. Portlsnd. He recently wrote us a.klng ,fl V' "J"4 for a Seaators home achedule, with the words, "I would drive I Wednesday July 4lh. In town auite often for the games it l anew wnen naiem was piay Ing." ... (Wa alrnwil-speelal-delivered Mr. Hillgen a scedalrfM a b tied a glft-edged rtbkea arwnd II) ., . . Kittle s Bruins move Into the ball yard tonight for a ! four- By Jimmy Hatlo i r n inI i i ii i lis ffi y yesrei5D4y he I the mrgb I J HAD THE M4Or? Lg VV4S A RABtO VJ "" ILi AC en WJ C ALA flJw.lIiiVUtVif 1 yj m v irrsCTiSs. ms settle- as. t r r ii j iM yi m n i .... i f i r, r. aw 1 i " LiflJI A SHESTS-THE ONLV WSIJm .1 rTl Meadows Sets July4tirCap PORTLAND (Special) Several lop contenders for major stakes feared batsmen in the League. Boyer has been displaying his versatility and is hitting for dis tance as well as for average after a mediocre rookie year. The sturdy third basemaa ranka second in the batting race. Is runnerup in the home run derby and ia tops la - runs batted in. Tha 25-year-old right handed winger Is hitting .S3! and trails pace-setting Ed Bailey of Cincin nati by only five points. Boyer has slugged If homers, one less than Chicago's Ernie Banks and al ready haa exceeded last aeason'i total of II. His RBI production is M. Figures include games through Sunday. Borer, voted to the an-star game stand, and since the Yaki have flattened our men 11 tim.-s in 12 orevlous meetings, they'll no douht be planning on four moro rnnniienta to helo m win the first half pennant. But there is one National ana rrtasyi. weanesaays wm oe litem mat snouia oe consiaereu muirr urmiusiy mmre im w national . . ' . ,. ... c.i- ... u,,.m .;mniu i.,,. A uin .n usea ior Mirs-rouna games ana i art nanaea ine iii .i i " mii makeups. four games and knock Yakima out oi tne running. FtrwtCames Thursday It waa't be easy, but you tsa bet the Salrms will shoot what First games Thursday, in the works thev have ia tha attempt. Thiugs could be veiy interest- Northern 1 1 a g u a, are Hoover lag. la view el Ike extraearrkuUr warfare which burst tort Woodpeckers vs. Highland Leo- belweea members tf tha two squads the last time Kittle had his oards at Barrick Field No. 1: rluk ! im. . ' Washington Bearcats vs. dinger Wildcats st Olinger. On Friday, the Barrick Tigers vs. Hoover Lions at Barrick No. I: Highland Whirlwinds vs. Washington Nation als at Barrick No. 2; Barrick Panthers, bye. Southern league games Thurs day. Richmond Rockets vs. Can delaria Cougars at Leslie: Leslie Whi'e Sox vs. West Salem Beavers at West Salem. Friday. Leslie Red Sox vs. Csndelaria Cowboys at team, also haa collected the most 'Leslie; Leslie Blue Snx vs. Wen hits In the league, M: ia tied lor Salem Toreodora al Wert Salem; the most runs, SS; and ia tied for Leslie Black Sox. bye. second In doubles, II. j Eastern league Monday. July The sophomore speedster came , . Richmond Royals vs. Leslie Pi Dp ta the Cards as a promising , rates at Leslie; Candelaria Cardi Drosoect after hitting over .300 ininala vs. Leslie Indians at Leslie. Senators Open Local Series With Loop Leaders Tonight lily improving Pam Nila, and J. R. (Coat, from nreeediag page) I be Just the ticket for the club be- Nazworthy's Run Atom. gro righthander who got things lore it launches its second half bid. The Oregon Breeders Futurity, renred up during the last series LBbT pi(cMT lor 2 year-olds bred in Oregon, when a couple of his pitches a!-i . . . ,. , . . , 'originally scheduled to he run most rii Chuck Encgian. probably Th skipper continue! to look for falllr(1 Juv 7th , H will get Into the four-game act P .". '" back to-Satt.rday. July 14. due to the Independence Day Handicap, styled tor 3-year-olds and up, at a , distance of one mile and one sixteenth, for a purse of 2,ono. The race is expected to attract such middle distance stars as Allen Juiclrr's General K. who has accounted fur four winning victories in seven starts. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Freisinger'i Gold Re-, serve is expected to ask for! weights, as the six-year-old son of Lastel 1 usano-Golden Cub has run up an impressive record at the meeting with two wins in seven starts and placing second on four occasions. Gold Reserve was nar rowly beaten in his last race by the slim margin of a head by General K. Others who will prove strong contenders should they accept the weights are Mary Whalen s stead In Royal I;.-:-' - I- , Managers Pick Pitching List (Cant, from preceding page) Washington. The veteran Yankee pilot, seek ing: his second all-star triumph in I six tries against the National League's best, selected eight pit chers. Alston, who managed the I9M squad, the only National League squad to lose since 1949, named only seven pitchers. Stengel selected two lefthand ers, Chicago's Billy Pierce, the American League's winningest hurler with a 12-2 mark, and his own Whitey Ford M. The right- P...r r..n .k... . i r.vtf. I handers are Jim Wilson UO-4" of A's Boss Not 'Discouraged' Owner Disappointed But Still Hopeful? s KANSAS CITY. I - Million. aire owner Arnold Johnson of the Kansas City -Athletics says he's disappointed but not discouraged that his American League entry is down in the cellar, 194 gamei off the pace. "Disappointed, yes. But not dis couraged," he said Monday in an interview with Sports Editor Er nie Mchr oi the: Kansas City Star. - The A's were a cellar fixture when Johnson bought them late in 1954. To the amazement of most baseball followers, the club hoist ed itself into sixth place during the 195S season. This year the story has been sadder, particular ly in that the club has won only ( out of 36 home games. Johnson .Said the solution "is to try a little harder, if possible ... try to figure out what is wrong and correct It. . "I haven't a single accusation to mnke." Johnson continued. "I believe the players have tried.-1 belirve the manager Lou Bou-i dreau i has done the best he could. I think we are making some pro gress all through our organization. 1 I know it Is natural to become' impatient. SP0RT5MNS PIGEST OAICIKIA DfUrUCQ sniwi wa iw-svi WaaF FOR BAIT toAwef-- PUNCH " AIR H0H5 IN UP' REA6C OtIOIL TOP VC CAN ij (INSIDE) k RAW Oft 'COOKED VEGETABLBS, FRUIT OR DAMP BREAD - AS POOD I HC ABOVE WAS RAM SHOWS K 5-aAUON CAN AS A BREEDER. A GARBAflE CAN WILL DO, AlSOk . PUV SCREEN MAY BE USCD AS A COVER IP IT PITS TIGMTLtt 6ET THE SMALLEST CHICK- FOUNTAIN TO SUPPLY DRINKING MASTER. ADD POOD (TABLE SCRAPS, etc) ano water as needed. trap adult cockroaches to start. keep breeder 04 a cool area. Roaches' abundant reproduc tkxs mature in a feiv months, " kestpinb u well supplied for " sunfish, bassftrou etc. y DAMP J hl also. that such an item will make a big The Senators will be completely difference on the club. He is trying idle during the latter part of the each of his four seasons In the minors. He hit only JS4 last year. MEADOWS ENTRIES I. r.bulnua Joe. L Knnwltt . Mim Dnm: tint ract. Rrlr. horr. punt 400, ' all am In (radt C, IM yda. If? ' ra hv n rHU im, 1 , -. A Lar nomer-s CaL S Mr Dowel! trt t. MIM Mfhl Star, P Hldalfa .111 I ira Kill in. 1. RnSrrtMM . Ill I. GMral Pllnk, It. Hnllrv t7 T. Topiwr Bostfr. W Collier .... IIS S. Room OaM. W. Phllllna 13? I. Our Mary Lou. A. Duncan - 1 1 1 Tuesday, July 10. Wast Salem Cuba vi. Leslie Yankees at West Salem; West Salem Indians vs. Leslie Orioles at Leslie. Western League Monday, July I, Hoover Owls vs. Barrick Dod gers at Barrick No. I; Washing- inn Senator! va. Olinger Eagles at Olinger: Tuesday, July 10.- High land Hijackers vs. Barrick Braves t Barrick No. 1; Highland Raid- All games will start at LIS p.m. week, as Luby could not find any kind of opposition (or one or two exhibition games. But then the three-day rest may Emeralds Tip Portland, 5-4 to strengthen one other position also, but will not elaborate.- "If I can find that pitcher I'm looking for, and can strengthen this other spot. I think we II be able to hold our own during the second hall," is the way the gen eralissimo puts it. New first sacker Buss Rosburg has been playing himself into shape after a solid month of idle ness, and when he begins to hit like he can. the Solon run produc a meet extension of five day which was recently granted by The Oregon Raring Commission. Post" time for the first race Wednesday, July 4th, will be t p. m , and a ten-race program will be offered. Senator Swat: Dunn . F.mi ian Wbtrr 'Set. mdn claim, purte jtm eida. iSSOOi, five rur- Look and larn By A C GOHINtN Flir.FVP in Fuvene of the Northwest League defeated the n ' P' "P noticeably PnrllnnH K,mvm al the Pacific M Krause has shown Coast League 5-4 In an exhibition slRn of shaking his batting sliu p,,Laur.n Weakley Also. Srekul. definite K.n baseball fame here Mondav night, ana will help tremendously. The Emeralds were trailing 3-1 Mucr Rna Pttrntlal going into the seventh inning, j , . ,,. ,h, fc,l v,.. They scored four runs to win on a j fc b EMC5!jan, BosburI and' home run bv Jerry Exlry. a sac- r,. ,,. ,.. M. ... fm. I lonsi. I. H'i-A-Dtvr, T, Smothars X. 1A Who li considered the its standing jurist among all rhi.r Jii.ti... Pilchinf : T)lv r...l- ex.. l f..n k.1 . .... n ui.k by Bil Eas burn i . wa 8ve ,le run-mafcin? problem. The' A""1ha'' Dean CIKf Dapper and B Cade. Satalich and Bill Walsh, who nf th. Its Su. n.i.j . .."'' wen inoKing gooa ipiciy, win (Vp lo datf :) ah h 2b Sb hr 'rbi net . i9 si I 3 o u .m IM 31 I 0 T 24 ..'04 M)l T I I JO .173 201 SJ 1(1 1 4 J.I JSK ISO II I I 1 11 242 II I t I I Fl IM 3.1 4 t 0 II .221 ! 31 3 0 1 I .219 34 3- 0 O ' 1 H I I 0 0 0 0 J00 in .IS SI', si' 42 amnm all lha -....k: -" u..un, ..a..- N'lW Rriih. I. MHIr ...... lit rhl J,,.ii. r ih. f .v..!""--?' i:?,?""1 - '! ."rem. Cm In lu. r r rt much better if a solid relief a n.;'. c.7Vd hSSSr"2 lis 2- Wh' ' w" l0 ,he Martin. Fleming (S. Basing Bi" Dia' Vrie'y ?! o.-.S lT'H'o'ir.; 15 d of a service called? (i, aRd Bottler: Penfold. Lof-ng Vhite the Senator, board I Shea Mint. p. HiKolao im; . whl, to the difffrPnce n Loy (H and Dapper. Gauthier ,?". Senators board H n Rummit. c. simonia us' ' " ih .3 isi , of directors and Luby have sched- a. Ru. Bu. stun. s. McDowtU ti !H''"0..,"e'n lna,Mt ,nd tiled an Important noting for to- Third rart. claim. ..n.o(t. maid-! . ..... 't . .. . " " I la.V. during which the financial dan 4 rur eida and up. (Stoei. I . . wnri orcnesirai nsinimfni Mpilllmrn SplPrtton status of the organization will be 15 120', 1 US', 13 IV, . 4- II', 1 to bh er 0 14 I 12 3 38 34 20 1 .IS .It .11 4 7Z 1.1 34 7 77 47 43 5 SO S2 37 7 37 31 31 2 I 3 13 Tide Table Tints rust- f ah ursgon (Compiled by V. S Cnat and Ceodttlc Survey, Portland, Ore.) J Ll 1554 lurlonsi. I. Pcanrun. L. Dalea . Link Joker. W. Phillips ... J. Burnlru. R. tonnattl . Dark PronlM. P. Hldalsn I. Wondy'a Pnd. D Hrnahaw S. Tobarmoray, C. Dixon T. t.ail Mlnult, B. Mr Do til .. - Harran. U Knowlaa S. Tippy Tin. J. Boat It. Jtwtl Offtnng. 1. Braekona translation means in Its liberal ii "irnetr? !!! S. How manv U.S. states have ' in names ending with the letter ob n D,1 .114 mA. ANSWERS' 1. John Marshall, who U from 1B01 until his Fourth rart. Halm. punu BUM, I IBJ3. Mil lOglcsi opinions esiao- nave discussed. The club is far down in 1 TuMday. July 3. port Um S p m.: '.Hpndance and has be-n operating! rtb'n bait m tne red. what to do about it will tut, that niMA.Mrtl a . a I t I Hih Rummll. Sally Queen, Boot- F"l"" "'pit oi iwiay I r Orison. 3. Woody'a Prlda, I pow W ow. Burnlru, Iteen- Hlfh Watara Time Haltht 7 (13 a m. 7:1(1 p m. 31 a m. 7 :3S .p m. 41) a m. S 49 p.m. 10 32 a m. 41 p m. 3S S4 3 I SI 40 7 I 4 4 7 I Low Waor Tim Height I 2s a m. 12 2S p m. 3 a m. 121 pm. 3 2S a m. i 32 p m. 4 21- a m. 3 23 p m. e a t n in d. I. Doran Flower. Omlcron. - Rotor. I. Norm a. Tbt.Mrridltr, Wlra aar alda and up. iiaooi, oat mil, lished precedents which I. Hno, o. Dixon ,114 fulded the Court lor years. Troubit. I. Vnta Paarl. F SmotSara . 114 Pnatlude 1 Readv To m. nun fidtiiit. b nnmrvi . i ......... ......... . . I. Croaaad Alain, a. McDnwcll . III or needv. "I 7 Roval pr.'var T) HnTh. 4 ONglnstinf in B Specific place W Ellandavt, My Man John. Saint I. mwiv Mo, h Hrr coiintrv. S. Kadifldi, R. Honk ma ...... t 4. Piccolo. ", 5. Twenty. Go, Cuptain Riaky, Dtik, Ability, Oa Vout IS. SUpalllch, R. Molly Iv Slnnfr Br'!T BKT - Norm G. Sth race. I.ONOSHOT rOSSlBIIJTY-Dinahlll, lb rarr. Flttb raea, claim, puma v I ytar eldi and up. (taosi, I1, (urlongi. Double Fuaaor. J. Brwknna . Ill . Frat Rmok. R lannotll .... . Ill ' I. Ampllflr. A. Bbtrman . ...114 4. Slltnl Mnac, B MrDowcU .. 114 I. A micron. G. Btmonli 111 I. Doran Flower, P Hidalgo ..... Ill 1. Say Jot, W. rnlllr IIS (. Runbts, W Pbllllpi 1 1 5, Rotor, L. Know li ill 10. Loat Chma, O. Dtxon Ill .IKth rare, claim, nun 1100. I alfla and up. ilsnni, (tvt lurlonn. "Mra. WalUr War." 1. Wlra Trouble, J. Brarkona . Ill . Ctnnrd Gooda, P. Hnpklna ... Ml 1. FnllMl, L. Knnwl TI7 ' 4. Twlnbrnok, B. MrDowall tit I. Norm G , J. Boa . . ill I. Th Meddler, r.. Dunn til 7. Our Judy. P. Mldalio IIS I Mr Hennv, A hrmn Ill S. Good Juds. G. Blmnnla Ill 10. Mlaa Boa S., D. H.naliaw ,. Ill Bvnth rart.' r nlda elalm, tnira ssnn. I up, iisooi, i-imth. I. Raady To Go. t. Mrnowtll 120 It Counl Ah. U. Knnwlai W I. (nnny Grand. A. Duncan .... IM 4. Halorln. A Swrmen IIS I. Snrad Ballt. W. Pliilllpa .........119. 5. Fluff'. O Dlxna . ..... lll 1. Canon'a Flower. P Hldlo .. IIS t Count Bhortl. F. Smolhr .. II! I, CaplaJB Rlaky. D. Nanahaw .. Ill tllhth raca. claim. Buraa SSM. 1 yc.r nlda and up, tlMOi, ana milt. lWaddla." i. Rutar Fran. B. MrDowall ...... in . On Your Mark. O. Dixon 121 t. No Boota. D. Henihaw Ill 4. Ma1. J. Bot III I. Awn. W. Colli 121 5. Ahilllv. L. KnowhH IJ 1. lima Duka. J. Brwknnt .. .....171 I. Hnny Run, P. Hinalto III t. War Crtat, A. Bbrrman -... .... Ill Nlntb rac. r!lm tun San. I t vrrr old attd un. llSflni, on ml. I Prlnrca Pula. A. Inarman ,. Ill t Plna'illl. W. Cnl'ltr . . tffll 1 yy Mn Jo-n. n Heniha ...114 4 fiold Arch. L. R'lei 114 Snow Pnmi. L. KnnwlH ...II4 t Hindu Frllp, P. HirtalfOH III 7 Koau Alax, G. Dlunn 111 5 Fllandav. F. Rmolhara III I Foolmh law. W. Phllllna .1I4 1V Saintly Siantr, O. Simonit .lll I i!Vfll!fl!l ANSWEI: IviTf goDtT till kth) Mtrlngt Ktaunh hart' ttTW aw kiok cvrrtnl tlYldtad tl JS par mihim. i but fctra imJ vikk ) 111 ariwl SALEM FEDERAL Savings r Loan Assi. Opposite Tha Caurthousa at 560 State n CLOSEOUT SALE ON ALL FISHING JACKETS All of that jackets have lots of pockets to con veniently carry your fishing tackla. light and comfortable. IDIAl GIFT ITEMS ROUND TABLES MASLAND'S DAN RIVER'S HETTRICK'S Rag. Rag. Rag. Rag. Rag. ?.5 .. 10.95 SS.50 $6.95 $3.50 10.95 16.50 lag. 5.90 Rag. 5.40 Rog. 6.90 Rag. Rag. 8.30 . 10.30 S6.95 $9.50 $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 $5.15 July 4th Solan;, Ore. 5 OPEN SUNDAYS 1CTA.M.to6P.M. Open Friday Night Til 9 S PORTI NC Phorta 2-2476 280 Wallace Rd. .At Inttanca ta Wallata Marina Park tte with local mat laas leal(hl appears la the Armory "ever-lhe- tep" haltle royal leatare. with the Donovaa Bralhert, Hrary Lrni. Bulldoi Bud Cartls. Hrrbie Freemaa. ladiaa "Blark Hawk1' of the Yankees. the White Sox, Tom Brewer (10- 3) and Frank Sullivan I7-J of the Red Sox, Early Wynn S-) TV, Radio Buy Game Riehts i ryrrrsTii," i IRON FIREMAN IAPUHT Rfi.Q 1UINH wm a a w NKW YORK un - Television, and radio rights to the All-Star and World Series baseball games for the next five years have been sold to the Gillette Safety Razor Co., an the National Broadcast ing Co.. for $3,230,000 a year, Baseball Commissioner Ford Frirk announced Monday. The new contract will become ' Iroa Fireman's new radiant heatina and Alvare Velazre. starts at 1:3 p.m. The eard ana Kay ISarlr-sm 'Z-Z' oi tne in- effective, in 1957 and will replace ! eksment produces dependable. eco dians and Johnny Kuiks , 10-4) i .h iT.vr mnir.ri mH hv h! oomicalbeaunt comfort consumes then Commissioner Albert B. test gas than old-style burners. Home KRAMER WINS BUT LOS ANGELES UP A superior court jury Monday returned a .verdict In favor of tennis star Jack Kramer and his 'fife. Gloria, in a Sion.ono damage suit over an auto accident in" 1!W2. ' Alston will go with four right- (Happy) Chandler with Gillette h antlers and 1hree southpaws. The ! and Mutual Radio Corp. in 1951 righties wfe Clem Labine (7-3) of for $1,150,000 per vear. Dodgers. Brooks Lawrence UO-OXof the Rrdlegs. Bob Friend 11-6) of the Pirates and Robin Roberti (8-9i of the Phillies." The lefthanders are Johnny Antonelli A total of $16,250,000 will be realized under the new agreement. Sixty per cent, or $1,950,000 during each of the next five years, will go to the players for their .17-7) of the Giants. Joe Nuxhall ; pension fund. I'nder the present S-7 of the RedleE and wanrn 1 pect, the players have been gct Spahn 16-Si of the Braves. . jiing only $f!90,0OO a year. temperatures changed to preferred day and night levels automatically.' OuiekJr taauiwt uaa S ra ia par- 8 taa w Fin ana RadiaM Gaa Brar. r alio la a C. J. HANSEN CO. 2725 Portland Rd. Ph. 3-6182 HOLIDAY on NYLON PREMIUM FEDERAL TIRES AT FLYING ? IS DEALERS Buy One at Regular . . Get Second Tire at Here's How You Save Black Safti Rirle lubeless ou Pav For You Save SIZE ZTirei on ' Plus Tax . 2 Tires 670x15 53.63 17.S7 710x15 60.90 20.30 760x15 66.53 . ' 22.17 800x15 73.50 24.50 Easy Credit Terms 1 1 2 OFF You'll find h lowest tirt prictt in town at your Flying "A" dealer during this Holiday Salt. COME IN AND SAVE... We've slashed prices on top quality FEDERALS. Guaranteed for lift against all road hatardi; guaranteed lift against workmanihip and material dtftctt. Never before havt we offered this fomoui tirt at such a grtat lavingi. This is your opportunity to hove the BEST at a sen sational sale prict. Don't Woit! Come in todty and equip your cor with loft, new FEDERAL TIRES. FIRST LINE AIR WING TIRES AT SIMILAR SAVINGS Buy 1 st Tire at Regular Price ,115 OR A7A.K plus tax, ExWfC .,1 Get 2nd Tire at Va OFF 670x15 ' plus tax, Each. YOU CAN BUr3 TIRES... AND GET A 4rh FREE ASK YOUR DEALER ABOUT TIDEWATER'S EASY PAYMENT PLAN BROOKS SALEM Don't Flying A Strvict Arroaa from American Legion Club Doug's Flying A Servict Four Corners . 4 7o: Hol'i Flying A Servict 1121 Falrsrouitrl. Rd. i SALEM Lerry'i Flying A Servict 21st tV State St. 4-47U Rondlt Oil Company 1375 Portland Rd. 2 7471 Ron t Don Flying A Servict i StO N. High.? 4.1.14 Hopper'i Flying A Strvict 2111 S. Commercial Ptl't Flying "A" MILL CITY Draper'! Flying "A" TURNER Ifllllroi.