1 feather Put , Two Airliners AtSameHeiglit (Story ' ea.Paga 1) GRAND CANYON, Aril., ( -The head of an Air Force rescue tram said Sunday a freak com bination of. coincidence and wea- j iner may nave caused two giant airiinert 10 comae over me urana Canyon. Capt. Byrd Ryland of March Air Force Base, Calif., listed the com bination as follows: ' - The TWA Constellation was on a visual flight plan under which it was to fly 1,000 (cat above the clouds at all times. ' - The United Air Lines DC? fllcht iplanfallei Jbr Instrument flight i at a steady altitude 21,000 feet. 1 Clouds at M.000 By a trick of fate, heavy thun derclouds were at 20.000 feet, put- ting both planes at an altitude of . B.OflO feet. . ,, B J land also said both planes were to to over a spot in the Painted Desert, 20 miles east of the crash site, which is used as a regular checkpoint 4or airline '.' flights. The CAA In Los Angeles said both planes filed instrument flight plans-calling for flight through the weather out of Los Angeles. At Daggett. Calif., in the Moiave Desert, the TWA pilot requested to change his altitude from 19. 000 to 21.000 feet. Before the CAA could tell him United was flying at that altitude, the pilot said he - would change his flight plan to visual-flying 1.000 feet on top of the cloud level. Pla Okayed fcy CAA The CAA okayed this and In formed the TWA aircraft that J'nlted was flying at 21.000 feet. An official said he doesn't know if the United DC7 knew of this flight change. Actually, the spokes man continued, there was no rea son for United to know since the TWA craft was supposed to be fly ing in the clear above the clouds. CAA said the TWA pilot, when asking an okay to go to visual (lying, said he was "on top" at 19.000 feet, indicating the cloud level was something below that at -"the moment. The approval was given, a CAA official . said. ' because the pilot's I repon was im i only means oi - knowing the altitude of the cloud layer at that point at that time and It is customary to rely on pi- i lots' reports from that area. Ha said CAA does not get wea ther or cloud reports from the Grand Canyon area other than from pilots flying over it,. GRAND CANTON, Ariz. I -The i Grand Canyon of the Colo rado, where two airliners crashed Saturday with lit persons aboard, is a beautiful but barren desert ripped by deep forges and Jagged peaks. On of the scenic wonders of the world, the hug canyon- slash es across the countryside for about 200 miles, most of it In Arl tona. The two buttes where the burned wreckage lies tower above the canyon floor Just before it swings from north-south to an east-west . direction, 10 miles east of Grand Canyon National Park. Tora by Canyeas The area is torn by side can yons .and gullies. There is little vegetation, no roads and no com munications except radio. Chuar Butte, where the United Air Lines wreckage lies, stands 3 sno feet above the rjver. Temple Butte, into which a TWA Super Constellation smashed. Is 2,300 feet above the river, at its highest point. The river is about 2,000 feet above sea level. To the east, the land slopes away to the colorful Painted Des ert. Both the canyon and the des ert feature constantly changing OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 13:15 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. bargains galore in tewing machines An assortment of floor samples, demonstrators, used sewing machines 'and some with marred cabinets. White, and other fartiQUimakes . . . tremendous savingsl electric portable, used ..A...... SI 9.95 treadle machines, used . .....'....$ 9.95 electric cabinet machines, used $27.50 Vfhlte console 1 $69.50 ' White portable - $44.95 White desk model .-i $169.00 White rotary deluxe .,$189.00 White rotary deluxe desk . 1 $244.00 SEWING MACHINES - SECOND FLOOR FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR 1,000 CARS N EA Convention Opens; Racial Request Expected PORTLAND I The Wth an nual convention of thf National Education Assn. opened here Sun day and tljere were Indications that the organization would be asked to strengthen' Its stand U f a I a s t racial segregation in scnoois. Tentative resolutions opposing segregation are being circulated to gain support .of the S.000 dele gates. The first resolution says In Its present draft that the NEA con- Tallahassee Negroes Eye Store Boycott (Story alse pal' . By HAROLD PARR TALLAHASSKK. Fla. un - The i Rev. C, K. Steele, president of I the Negro inter civic council, said Sunday night Tallahassee s 14, 000 'Negroes will boycott White 'merchants unless the city stops what he called " jwlice intimida tion." . , t-f " A month-long boycott of Dili transportation by Negroes In pro test against segregated seating re ! suited in suspension of all bus ser vice -Saturday midnight by Cities Transit Co. ' . Steele told a mass meeting of about 500 council members Sun day niht "it really appears that our city policemen have decided to run us out of town that is off Monroe and Adams Sis:" it h e main commercial thoroughfares). Daa't Rceegalze "It seems that thcyUon't recog nize that we are in town not to break laws, but to pay bills and to give business and patronage to stores that are friendly to us here... "If they continue their, police intimidation it will finally become necessary tor. us to stay out of town and make other arrange ments. We may even have to form excursions to other- cities to spend what little money we have to spend. However, we would rather spend our money to help the growth and expansion of our own businessmen and city." Deliberate Campaign Steele told reporters that police appear to have opened . delib erate campaign " of harassment and intimidation of Negroes In the downtown area since the start of the bus boycott. He said Uie police are' rude and often "brutally so" and make ar rests for the slightest violation of city tralfic ordinances. Police officials - could not be reached for comment. It was call a cab or walk Sun day for those among Tallahassee's 26.000 White residents who depend upon public transit facilities. colors and shades which have-l drawn thousands of visitors an nually from all parts of the world. Garge Mile Wide Park Service officials estimate the gorge is Just over a mile wide at the crash scene. They have radio-equipped jeep at Cape Sol itude, on the southeast nm op posite the site. It was driven 10 miles across eountry from Desert View, the eastern park entrance, to' reach the Cape. The walls of the canyon are sheer opposite the buttes. .which are almost level witk the canyon rim. The rim itself is broken by numerous side canyons. The canyon's deepest point Is 3.500 feet within the boundaries of the park to the west. The canyon attracted 900. 000 vis itors last year. Officials expect more than 1,000,000 visitors this year. SLMM10 demns as 'unethical and unpro fessional theTractlce of employ, ing teachers on a racial basis ....It Is a paramount obligation of all professional personnel, to support racially non-discriminatory personnel policies." Seeoad Resolution The second resolution calls for an appropriation of $50,000 to in vestigate cases of discrimination and to publicize these cases. Myron Lleberman of Oklahoma, University was chairman of the group that drafted the proposed resolutions. Johnston T Talk The first general assembly of the convention will be held Mon day night in Multnomah Stadium. F.ric Johnston, diplomat and pres ident of the Motion Picture Assn. of America, will be principal speaker. . Department meetings will . be held Monday and delegates have scheduled ' discussion of i u c h problems as overcrowded schools, teacher pay, education techniques and curriculum standards. Chase Beau IS For Monkey LOUISVILLE. Ky. If you see Jock, grab him. But not by the neck. He shouldn't be too hard to spot. He's a 2-foot tall, white-faced rinfitailed monkey.. He escaped Saturday from his owners, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jones. Louisville, and they haven't seen him since. The owner itaid Jock wouldn't bite unless grabbed by tht neck. POLICEMEN PLAY TAG TORONTO. Ont. tfl A police safety school car pulled up in a no-parking zone and the driver disappeared into a store for 4 mo ment. Before he could get back another policeman tagged the car for a parking violation. MONDAY ! is aw r.. i m If "A Night Out at Meier t, Frank'$-Salem"-Wil-' lamette River Days Night Special- menu and dirv 4 ner music, modeling, frta 1 OREGON ROOM, STREET Dirwng in the Oregon Room at 6 P. M. this Mon- Iday night the Willamette the 1956 Portland Rose 1! ) 1) I AS LOW AS $5 A MONTH -NO DOWN PAYMENT COP Readies Education Project Fight . By B. L. LIVINGSTONE WASHINGTON Hep. Mc- jConnell (R-Pa announced Sunday he will sponsor amendments to federal school legislation in the House to allocate federal aid funds according tb state need, and to carry out other "Important prin ciples stressed by President Elsen hower.' - ' This would" Indicate lhat admin istration Republicans in the House plan to make a fight for the Eisen hower school program. McConnell, senior Republican on the House Education Commit tee, said- his proposals will be of fered as amendments to tht II. 400,000,000 school aid bill when the House gets down to the prelim inary voting stage Monday. Number Oppasta' Not all Republicans will be be hind , the administration, or any other school program. A number are opposed to federal aid to ed ucation in any form, saying It is an encroachments on local respon sibilities. Republicans were still uncertain, meanwhile, whether to propose) the administration's grant pro gram. This would make 250 mil lion dollars available to the states each year for five years, as against 400 million a year for four vears as proposed in the present House bill, by Rp. Kelley (D-Pa. The GOP moves are expected to intensify prospective battles over a variety of efforts to re write the school legislation on the floor of the House. ' Big Fight Due That big fight is due to come over bitterly disputed amend ment by Rep. Powell D-NY to deny funds to areas refusing to abide by the Supreme Court's racial integration ruling. For an Englishman, a sedan Is a saloon. 7 fQEGB: A -JULY 2 favors for. tha children. FLOOR 5:00-1:00 P. M. River Days court and Festival court. up All machines are guaranteed ... and you wlll' receive free sewing lensnns with your purchase. y One From Each Salem IGA Store Nothing to Buy " You Need Only to Register at Any Salem IGA Stores ' Prize Drawing al Each Store Monday, July 16, S P.M. EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES . . . MMcUWhl. Salad Dressing I SWIFT Prem mzmt I Re. 37c You Seve 4c on i Cans VAN CAMP Pork Rejuler Price 23c Yea Sere Wen S Com Roman Meal smmn Makes Delicious Muffins in a Jiffy Fisher's llend FLOUR Blitz .Wienhard BEER Flav-R-Pak Fresh Frozen Lemonade Swanson's Fresh Frozen 1 I mm ihicKen ; rtr tout ib, L6QS "i" Kraft Velveeta 1 ' Cheese Food Reg. 19c Yeu Seve 14c Kmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmnmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmums I , .-!.' f . IGA Stem Reserve DUZ OXYD0L t. .wj. u.i. quii , VISTA IGA 79' G;;r 79 yPJr xs-x CHEER. '.TIDE --V 1 '0 3 JLLSIK$lt "S Giont fQi Gjent fQi J V l, W Vwaivir-- I IfiA Market at Xrvretk. fV I Pkg. T ' VW Y ITMa ,,t. Blwt wst Sales Quart Jar tie, Sfc-YM Sm 10c & Beans iriV US C 10-lb. Bag 12 Pack Tins i-M. Tl UCH" "7 (Die 211. 10AF 7 11 Monday, Tuesday 25 2 Guircnleed Red Ript Watermelon SWIFT'S PREMIUM si ft am it-ax PICNICS IGA Table-Bile Franks Statesman, Salmi, Ore., Retail Value and Wednesday, mm Double Cola With Purchase of M um (j? IWlfTX PIENIUM CORNED BEEF SWOTI PIEMItM ROAST BEEF ZEE NAPKINS CHARCOAL Sclnltu. kaslen f " 4'jMUXD 4UMUT UIMttS li. PIL Joy Liquid Delergent 39 DASH DETERGENT 9 Lb. 13-ei. 9lht. $024 CAMAY SIT 3 .".i IT CAMAY Voa" .loth Site IT STORES OPEN Mon., July 2, S6 (Sec. l-7 July 2, 3 and 4 4 m oq Ye Get Hetties Fertile Price ef 2 hut Settle Depeelt 1L Tla M IVORY SOAP 4 'tr' 23 IVORY SOAP 3 ttf . IT IVORY SOAP 2 VerV IT SPIC ami SPAN "Gionf QCi pk. OD WED. THE 4TH . 0R(un'$ 1CA Market ' 420 N. Rim U. ' I h, xJkJ J Per Lb. j Hi)6