The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 02, 1956, Page 5, Image 5

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    . 1
Citly News DirGeffo
Gov. Smith, Wife Visit in U.S. Capital '
MASONS to get charter
Forty-four faster Masons who
received" thir dispensation for a
, new lodge at Keizer In December
will receive their charter from the
Grand Lodge it an opes meeting
Thursday at I p.' m. in Scottish
Rite Temple. ,
1 J-room downtown furnished Apt.
S63. Ph. Court ApU. 3-7440. (adv.)
Basil Tucker la now located at
GlaMneri Barber Shop. Lancaster
Dr. k Sirverton Rd. iadr.
- Dental- plates-repaired while-you
wait at Painless Parker Dentist.
12S N. Liberty, Salem. (adv.)
Norman Wargnier, 20 year -old
Keizer man who lay in a coma for
three weeks alter a two-car colli
sion May 13 at Keizer. was taken
to St. Vincent s Hospital in Port
land Sunday for further treatment.
He is expected to remain, about
two weeks for the fir,st of a series
of operations for face injuries.
Youths Held
In Service
Station Theft
Two 18-year-old youths were ar
rested early Sunday morning fol
, lowing the theft of about 140 in
" currency from the Marvin Lewis
Oil company and service station at
215 Wallace Road, pity police're
ported. - r
Charged with burglary net in a
dwelling is Devern Puhlam, 2770
Simpson St., police said. Dale Al
len Coblentz, 416 Denver. St., Al
bany, is charged with possession
of stolen property, officers re
ported. The arrests were" made after a
car had been stopped in the 14o
block of Center Street for a minor
traffic violation. One of the oc
cupants was observed dropping a
money bag into the street near the
car, police said.
Reports indicated that peanuts,
candy bars and cigarettes had also
been taken from the station. En
trance was apparently gained by
shoving aside a piece of plywood
used 4o close off the front of the
About 140 in rash ,was found in
the car, police reported.
Albert Meithof, Route 1. Box 38
Brooks, told city police that four
hubcap were taken from his 4956
model carwhil the vehicle was
parked in the 600 block of Me-
Nary Ave. here. Value was placed
Joia Escorted. tour Vancouver It
Victoria B. C. Via Seattle, Aug.
4-lltli. Sponsored by VWCA. Reg
ister before July 7th !1 Call 3-9167.
p ifr ffc-Cir i- Service-ntmntssion
has announced examinations for
tabulating equipment and machine
operators, 32,960 and $3,175 a year;
supervisor of tabulating equipment
and machine operations,' $3,415 to
$4,525; tabulation project1 planner,
33.670 and 34.525; and tabulation
planner, $.1,415 ., $4,080. All posi
tions are in the District of Colum
bia Area. Application forms may
be obtained from Jesse Walter at
Salem Post Office.
Pleasant Oaks park wilh picmc
area, 50c a car. Information Call
Ruth LaForge. Ph. 2-7156. (adv.)
Unsightly facial hair removed
safely, permanently. Price's Beau
ty Salon. Ph. 35859. (adv.)
For a roof .that never needs re
placing or for Revolutionary new
asphalt shingles see Mathis Bros.
206. Slate. Ph. 4-6831. (adv.)
FRIKNDLY tips for money
worried readers , . . use Classi
fied ads to dispose ' of no longer
needed items that someone else
wants. Call 4-6811.
. Good U-Pick Northwest Berries,
ready Sun. 8c lb. Jess Mathis,
s4 mi. No. of Drive-In Theatre on
Low cost road til for that Dusty
street. Call Tweedie's, 2-4151.
: adv)
Dr. W. G. Burroughs, in charge
of the receiving ward for male
patients at Oregon State Hospital,
will speak on his work at the
Tuesday night meeting of the Sa
lem Junior Chamber of Commerce
at the Marion Hotel.
! In..
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Former Burns
Banker Dies
William Charles McKinney. a
former resident of Milton-Free-water,
died at a Salem nursing
home her Sunday. He was 77.
McKinney, a banker .at, Burns,
Pendleton and MUtan-Freewatcr
for 23 years, had resided in Salem
since ApriL He had been a resi
dent of Milton-Freewater for about
35 years.
Born March 13, 167. at
Stattsmari, Salcrri, Ore., Moii., July 2, '58- (Sec. I) 5
South' s Crimson
Glover Crop Small
By LH.LIE L. MADSEV .runs second, and Georgia come
Farm Editor, The MaiesnaM in a close third this year. Other
THE SOLTH-WillamAt Valley's ' include Arkansas, MiasiMip
competitor la crimaon clover seed P "d SouU Carolina.
nfYvWiwnh iimjh im.ii ImDorUtions of crimson clover
tklof crimson clover seed this year,!dur'n the past 11 months totaled
Bodie.ibut it is .larger than last year s pounds. Little u any.
ninre is npcnra una snonin. ine
Calif., McKinney moved to Burns
with his parent a child. He
was a member of the, Mason for
30 years and a Shriner
He retired froma1nsurahcc , durtton-.
business about five years ago. Harvest I'nderway Her
Survivor Include his wife. Ma
bel, 1 whom he married In Burns
In 1903; twe son. Frank C. Mc
Kinney. Salem, and Charles W.
McKinney, San Francisco, Calif. ;
and on granddaughter.
verv small an.
first estimate, of this year pro- "i. ,k V"". ?Z
Wtion - where the past , winter wa a bad
one. import at ions from there are
not expected t be heavy this year.
Market 8trea
ley. harvest report, sr. arriving L .'I LTJ "ZTZ
With swathing of the clover just
getting underway here la the VaJ-
from souther states. Harvesting la !
v..r than i.. K.j k.rv.rf .k- Pnd last )w. Figure of dealer
Funeral service. wiU b. ktU i n,!mrt. I " . Thoma said Saturday,
Tuewlay at 1:30 p m. in the chapel ! beginning to come In, Marion D. j l,1" ,t?t SJ ff
of the Clough-Barrick funeral Them a's, Corvallia agricultural fr"5r ,xpclfd to taaSltt lhin
home, the Rev, .Louis White of- economist, said Saturday. On the '
carryover wiU not be available un
WASHINGTON Gov. and Mrs. Elm E. Smith, after attending the Governors' Cenfereae In AUaatte City
stopped oft on thrlr way back to Salem. Ore., to lunch with aa Orrgea CoagreMioaal groan la WaMaf
Ua. D. C. Shown la the House of Representatives restaurant (left te right aeaied): Mr. WaHer Nor
Wad, Mrs. Elme-E. Saslth. Mrs. San Caon, (standing) Gov. Smith. Csngressinaa Walter NorMad, li
Armstroag. adnsmistrative assistaat to the gevernnr, and Congressman Sam Ceo.
Harlwell's Electric 'closed from
July 3rd to 10th.
Two Drivers
Face Counts
Two men were booked at the
Marion County jail late Saturday
en charge of driving while in
toxicated. Sheriff's deputies listed the men
as Theodore Carson. Hop me re.
and Willard Robert Smith, Port
land. Carson was' arrested by the
heriff's office about 10:45 p.m.
Saturday on North River Road
south o( Hopmere. Smith was com
mitted from Jefferon justice
court. Bail was set at $230 for
both men, the sheriff's office said.
New fast service on Kodarhrome
developing. MrEwans Photo Shop
in Hollywood, ' (adv.)
Aj film wilh an Independence
Day theme, "Escape' Route," will
he shown at the Tuesday noon
luncheon meeting of the Salem
Kiwanis Oub at the Senator Hotel.
YOU don't see what you don't look
for , . . but most people look in
the Classified Section for the things
they want. Call 4-6811 for help of
an ad-writer. (adv.)
Open house. The Chin-l'p Club
Store, 2056 N. Capital. Sat., July
7, 10 a.m. to 5 p m. Free colfee &
dnnuts served. " (adv.i
Two Women
Hurt in Salem
Car Crash
Two. women were injured Sunday
ia two-car collision at Hood 'and
Capitol Streets about 3 20, p.m.,
Salem police said. .
Taken to Salem General Hospital
by Willamette Ambulance Service
were Mrs. India Kemp, 2640 Hul
sey Ave., and Mrs. IK. M. Grams',
2225 Harrison St., Milkaukie.
City first aidmen said Mrs. Kemp
received jaw injuries and lacera
tions. Mrs. Grams received a pos
sible fractured wrist, they said.
Drivers 'of the two cars vre
listed by police as Terry Gay Zim
merman. 2640 Hulsey Ave., and
Richard D. Donar. Portland.
MrSe Goode's Rites Tuesday
Funeral services for Mrs. Lois
D. Goode, former Salem resident,
will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m.
in the First Presbyterian Church
of Albany.
Mrs. Goode, who attended Salem
high school and Willamette Uni
versity, died Saturday at a Port
land hospital following a long ill
ness. She was 44.
Born Nov. 13, 1911,. at Hillsboro.
Mrs. Goode has been a resident of
Albany since 1935. She was em
ployed here for several years prior
to 1938 by the Oregon State Public
Welfare Department.
Survivors include her husband.
Melvin B. Goode, whom she mar
ried in Salem in 1936. Albany; two
children, Jonathan M. Goode and
Jennifer L. Goode, both of Albany;
her mother, Mrs. Richard Devine,
Independence; and her father. Or-
Mrs. Chloe Earnest Dies
Mrs. Chloe Earnest, 170 Cade St.,
died at her home here Sunday.
She was 64.
Born March 25, 1892, la Kansas,
Mrs. Earnest had been a resident
of Salem for the past 2a years.
She was a member of First Bap
tist Church and the' women's aux
iliary of the Carpenters Union.
Survivors include her husband,
George Earnest, Salem; daughter,
Miss Wilma Earnest, Salem; ty
tons. C. W. Earnest and Richard
L. Earnest, both of Salem; three
sisters, Mrs. Gbrge Felton, Cor
vallis; Mrs. Ray Jenkins, Toledo;
and Mrs. Mabel Cook, Eugene;
two brothers, Roy Burch, Salem,
and Edward Burch, Toledo; and
one granddaughter.
Funeral services will be Tues
day at 1 p.m. in the chapel of
Virgil T. Golden Funeral Home,
the Rev. Ben Owen officiating.'
Burial will be at Alsea cemetery
at 4 p.m.
LINDSAY To Mr. and Mrs.
James F. Lindsay, Brooks, twins,
a boy and a girl, Sunday, July 1,
at Salem General Hospital.
JONES-To Mr. and Mrs. Vin
cent LrRny Jones,- Dallas, a
daughter, Sunday, July 1, at Sa
lem General Hospital.
LEMPKE To Mr. and Mrs.
Wilhert Lcmpke, 3235 PortlanUd.,
a daughter, Sunday. July 1, at
Salem General Hospital.
PEACOCK To Mr. and Mrs.
Charles E. Peacock, Monmeuth, a
son, Sunday, July 1, at Salem
General Hospital. ,
. KOF.NIG To Mr. and MiS. Vir
gil Koenig, Salem Route 5, Box
164, a son, Sunday, July 1, at
Salem General Hospital.
A. - Ate you i
i interested? J (
Get the eih you need on
signature only, uto or furni.
tur. Any Smount from . .
$25 to $2000
"Car Slave. Manager '
7 375 N. Liberty St.
ThoiMtt 4-33H, SaJew ,
Hours: Mon.-FH. -J:
Snt I -12
. Open eVeninpi by eppoiMmewt
la N mrfMi awtf torn
tonight is
m the
dining tonight in the
Oregon Room at 6 p. m,
and th
tiho in ihr Oregon Room fmipif
showing the' latest styles in
clothing for women, children
and for menv
they will love the free candy
favors and th special Little
Foifc menu '-.
' . . i '
featuring Ed Syring at thn
Hammond organ
. W J- f v .
1,000 CARS
Y v.. , -v r - lUm
val Wilkes. Tillamook.
Interment will be at WUIamett
Memorial Park, Albany..
ticiating. Masonic rite will be ; basis of early June indication, the
perlormed by Vista Lodge. Inter
ment will be at Belcrest cemetery.
Johnson's to Add
Shoe Department
Additional expansion of John
son' Fashion Store a bo de
partment to be headed by Nathan
Steinbock was announced Sunday
by. John Johnaon and Philip Haw
ley, owners. It is to b opened
around August 1.
Steinbock formerly operated
Raemar't and ia widely known
a a shoe designer. Hi assistant
in the sho business, Maurice Con
nell, also is to join the staff of
the new Johnson's department. .
In the meantime the market for
oflicial report placed th expected l wd reported to be strong
total. in southern state at 12. MM.- icu unorrw.j
000 pounds. That s nearly two-third
more than harvest last year, but a
third lest than the 10-year average.
Last year was en of the smaJleet
year since crimson clover became
one of the major teed.
Staod Thhwef In Oregon
Dry weather last fall held down
planting and resulted in many poor
stands throughout the South. Here
in Oregon, a cold, wet winter thin
ned stand. Actual reports en first
estimate in .Oregon are being
postponed until August this year.
Of th six southern tat Includ
ed ia th crimson clover seed eoli
mate, Tennessee in moot import
ant. That atat account for one-
third of this year' total Alabama
eminent worker will receive
10 per cent bonu la July to help
offset the rising coot of living..
Abetardo da la Torre Grajale.
head of the Federal Worker Un
ion, say President Ruit Cortine
has ordered the extra pay fof
240.000 of th nation' 300,000 gov
ernment employes.
Cherry Room
Monday' Complete
Baked Turkey loyal with Nip
py Cheese Sauce, Buttered
Carrots. Cinnamon fear. Hot
Rolls, Dessert Q$
and Prink
i . Coate A
H Yea At
tv Free
Windcdnhl end Caldwc!!
Certified Public Accountant Opening cf Their
llsw Offices at
665 North Cottags Street
July 7, 1956
Regardless of what you may hear...
It's no rumor that gas burns . . . that's hat makes it such
a w ondcrful fuel. And according to National Fire Safety
Records for 1954, gts-firtJ heating and cooking equip
ment was over 6 times safer than oil-fired.
It'i shoutin' fact that gas burns with clean, blue
flame. Other combustible fuels such as wood, coal or oil
burn with a yellow flame w ith smoky tipSi With fU
there is no messy soot or oily film to contend with.
The fart is the Northwest is the last major area in the
country to receive natural gas. In the United .States
today, luo out of three of all American families use
modern, natural gas. Therefore, it must be clean, safe
and economical, "
It's a fact that new, low natural gas rates were announced
and those new, lower fates can be changed only on
order of the State regulatory commission after appropri
ate hearings. The price of oil, which is not controlled,
w ent from 6c to ov cr 1 5c in less than ten years.
PORTLAND GAS & COKE COMPANY... Your frltncj and" nrlghbor tor 97 yart