If ElIIIII ' IK- Building topptit BUILDING? 19 Ml 4s craft paper (334 3 lab tl lb. rooting. Oip Cedar Shinties 13. 1.1. W New iron roofing per sq. I0 Nam per keg. $193 Outside while paint, gal (20 12-1 wir, roll at ',c Oarage doors, all aires, cheap Barb wire IS rods S 95. (7 45 Ceiling tile 12x24. 10c sq. ft. . 4a piaster bd. II . 11. m no. Asbestos siding 113 4sq New Hater heelers, sell out . Cast soil pipe 75c ft. V lalw. pipe 12c, ",i-lc. IV2V, I'i-IMi-. ' son gal. steel-ie,s tanks 51 50 ' MO gal strel scp tanks U Nr w bath tub complete 151)95 Toilets with seats 428 50 Warh bas. with trim .$19 SO, Iron, steel, stainless steel sinks. - Drain-hoard covering 30c ft. .' Ceiling fans (1375 Delutae 14x14 aned. rabtneti $895 Oak flrf. randena .vngtb Cheap New Window sashes, choice 200 , Window! ft frames, large stork Mahg. plywood 4xi. 15e sq. ft. 1 I.IUU doers, hardwood cV (lass STRICTLY CASH-U-HAUL . CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C. C. LONG ft SONS H 4-4051 1 MI. N. KEIZER 600 Employment - - 604 Help Wonrd, Men11 WANTED: Caiuallty Insurance adjuster with exp. In eliner I Liability or Material Damaie. or botA. Salary open, car lur- i ruslted. Terrttory either Roae- kurg er Portlaud Pleaae Itate ' qualifications. Inq. will be notified for personal interview. ' Box 16.1 Statesman-Journal. V ANTED" SHOP FOREMAN Ford-Mercury dealership. Must I have recent Tord-Mercury tx , perienre, excellent wares, fine pportunity for qualified man. Write full qualifications to Hugo Mackey, Dunning Mo tors. Box 151, Brookings, Ore gon. BOOKKEEPER and office man aic,r wanted. Must be ) o tke full rltarre of the office. Please atate age and qualifica tions, also marital a'afu- In fi nal letter. White Statesman Journal, Box 1M. - J ANT several wood cutlers Apply Capital fuel Co., WOO N River Rd. 606 Help Wonted. Lady CLEANING women, 4 hri. day. Town Ac Country Motel.' "AITRESS wanted-at Ooloni.l House. Apply afternoons or eves. OMAN in S. Salem to use vac uuin cleaner 2 or 3 hra. every day. Ph. 1-glM after I p.m. Demonstrator. Exp. for new - mod. Salem store. Distributing approved health Ac reducing equip. For app't. call 4-2MU. ANTED waitress ages JO-lo 3R, luncheonette counter, rlea . Biint working conditlone. Part time to start. Ph. Mrs. Mont I ova 3-1127 week da)S alter 30. ' ftlDDLE-AGX woman to do housework. S in family, all mod. conveniences, ,live In. Ph. 4-4U3S. OMAN fo care for S gtrls sges J and 7. my home, S days a week for school year begin ning Sept. Ph. 2-4S22. $OOKKEEPER- experienced in general ledger, piyrcll, (taxes, etc, Loral firm, p-rma-aent. I day week. Mutt he ex perienced. Do not replv ur.leca fully qualified. State age, sal ary desired. exnerien-e. Pox .'l.'ig Statenman-Journal. THY cook. Experienced worran. Louis Fish Omtto. 3714 S ' fommercial. Ph. I-T790 any time. fo1RINATIONdinner Ac fry rook to work 14 hours on Sun day. Good sages, ref. required Write- P. O. Box llll.Sajeni. .rY wanted to drive car 2 or .1 days week, write Statesman- jjournal. Box 154. WAITRESS, experienced table service. Louis Fifth Grotto. 3713 S. Com'l. Ph. 2-7790 after II a.m. fxP. wait reus. North's Hritau. rant. Capitol Shopping Cen ter. Ko phone calls. 608 Pickert Wanted JIOYSENRFRRY pickers reglltrr now. start July g. Kl 1, Bex Hi. Brooks. C-PICK Strawbernea, 1 ml. Esit Keirer school. A. Gold.hy, 2215 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 4-1374 TRAWBERRY "pickers wanted picking Marshall! 'til July 3 F L. Mever, 2', ml. W. of Fault College Store. Ph. 2-6177 eves. 610 Sales Help Wanted AGGRESIVE salesman for pnal lion as manarer of car Int handling new Fords and Mer- I rurys and all used cars. Con if tact Ford Mercury Dealer ship. George D. Dunning. Box 8A8, P.rnokings, Oregon, Phone HrnoKlngs 2141. ANTFD i salramrn, Salem area. A golden opportunity for a producer, liberal commis sions. Call 2-36.1 f ARM Salesman to work out of one of Salem's flneat Real Ea tate offices. Rawlins Realty, 6n5Chemekela. Ph. 4-6875. Kan to distribute Ai pick up Fuller Brush catalogs Hot weekly comm to start 3-6357 fp you are an experienced REAL , ESTATE. SALESMAN we hive s good proposition tn dlariias with you. The HomeaelHr. Salem. m.KSMAN wanted: Eleclrolux toro 1079 Brdwy Saleni. COOD personal Insurance open ing. Salem area. Complete line Life, Health and Accident. - Salary Ac commission. Write State Manager. 32 N. X. 21th, ' Portland, 13, Oregon. PART TIME SALES WORK ( to t n m , average It" So guar ' "h'rd comm. Ph. 4-2244. Jopi Tmmerilate employment, 404 mo. guaranteed mm ap ply 323 E. Bush. I 30 to I , A M. pnly. 612 Work Wanted, Mn ITOttNO man wants steady work by the hour. Ph. 4-8097. of coating, roof repair Ac spray painting Guaranteed workmanship. Also free eiu males. JB. 4-4127. Hem Salaa w Your house will appraise higher and sU better if ia top condition". For profes tional sales advice consult, your mum Salem Board of Realtors 600 Employment 612 Work Wonted, Men NEW LAWNS prepared Ac seed ed. Estimates gladly, install ment payments arranged. Ph. 4-2301 or 2-21U0 Mow hayflrtd or vacant lots. Ph 4-4372 between I an. Ac I m rm NEED AN ADDITION? Remodeling Cabinet work. Free ext. Expert work. Work guar. Ref. Co anvpiace. cnaa. ' line. Ph. 3-7011 CUSTOM mowing, lota At acre ages, g ft. mower. Delbert Beach. Ph. 3-7731. PAINTING Free Estimate! Reasonable. Ph. 2-S551 eves. KOTO-TILLING Ph. 3-2518 CFMENT work; guaranteed; Erompt seevue; free climates, rneit Drake, Ph. 4-&J3. TALL CRASS, lawn rutting An- dcrson, 4-OHJ. io N. Capitol ROTOVATING I Tilling, Howard Retovatlng. gar den cultivating, lawn prepar- ation byhr. or lob. 3-3693 ROTOVATING work eve, week ends. J Hathaway Ph. -32g, 1 . ROTOVATING PR 3-4763 CARPENTER WORK, day er contract 2-IM2 or 2-1459 lOU'S tree service Spray, top ping, prune, cabling, i-aw. "Home'Buildinrf RemodeHag CALL JOIl.NSON'-i'll. 3-8740 4)4 Work Wanted, Lod' run oauysit nnyuuio a r. if i na i n ' I I II. A-ow-av WILL do habv sitting in my home. 4tt N. Liberty. Ph. 4-o:2. -CHILD rare in my home, play equipment at close supervision. 1U53 Electric. 4-3703. . . ' WILL care for two girls In my rountrv home day or week. Ph. operator 41F13. IRONING; my home, also baby slttlng. 1330 Peace. 4-9617. HOMEMADE frosrn trull a chicken pies. Cookies baked to order 4-5333 or 3-8761. WILL baby sit. I )ear olda tt up Ph. 4-914. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mrs Pqe. 665 N. 16th. Ph. 1-3643. 615 Situottong Wanted FRANK-HARRV"S POWER DITCHING Installation, sewers, septic tanks. drain fields, tiling 3-0106. EXPERT spray, bruah painting, paper hanging, your paint or mine, free est. terms, rn Nelson 3-84S3, 3-8243. 4. Is. 's yd shovel, crone, bos. drg. line. 25-ton mobile cranes. D4. D7 cats, carry all clear ing blade Rental contract or unit prices. . SALEM SAND It GRAVEL l4(li.N Front8t Ph 2-2461 PAINTING, papering free esti mates. Don Lucero. 3-5522 WILL care for" i 2-yr. old chikT davs. My home In Momlngside Dial. Ph. 4-03M. . .LAWN MOWER ' SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. 404 Edgewater. W Salem. 4-1541 PAINTING. Dirt cheap prices" 25 years lnJ5alem;Ph.3-752 CARPENTER work, any kind reas 41)40 Maclesv Rd 4-yil LAND CLEARING D-l Hr L C Mitchell Ph 3-3337 SCHARFF BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers. Septic Tanks, Drain rielrts. Power Ditching. Backfill. Ph. 2-35g or 3-30.2. MOWING A- rakli.g. D. Mar- shall. 2-1343. SMAIA. carpenter jobs, good work, reasonable. Ph. 4-1424. Ut.'HT crswler doser. leveling grading 3-7042 L Kurth INT. decorating. Chas. McLean, 417 E. Madrona. Ph. 1-3915. 620 Day rrtid Contract BIDS received until July 4. 1954. for re-rooflng Baptist parson age, 140 N, Monmouth Ave.. Monmouth, Ore. Specifications available on premises. 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Room, Board TV. Nicely furn , clean sleeping rm. I3wk. 1-7620, board avail. FURN. It. housekeeping rm., W. aiem, S.HJ rpo. fn. e-9uia. io Gerlh. ROOM fV board, men only, 465 per mo. Ph. 4-3741. NICELY furn. ' rm. also basm't rm. 5.14 N. Winter. hci.EAN, quiet, rear Stats sHdg . shoo Plat., kit, prlvel, 1-1449 Jf pX Comf rms. f V.. close In l'i S J'r'r "l,3 WA.TrlD Ma.-. room and hoard. 3M K. CgpltoL ' ' . 7 MimMMMMMV 4tl i Maaaaaaaaasaeaeaeasaaeaaeaaeaeaal Building Supplies USED CEILING TILE (16133) Reject hd board 5Sxl0" II 71 art Used '" plywood Ic sq. ft Used Windows, frames, com p. 2tx4 ta. Used aaah. all else ... $1 At up Used concrete shower bases : W ra Used shower unit sprays , .. r. ;...".... (2 SO ea. All kindt used pipe V to 4" 4 ft 4 tube fluorescent , lights' i.; ...414 a. Loose fill Cork Iniul...... II.J4 bai .Used 1x3. 1x4 Fir flooring (45 per M Used bridge planka Ar timbers ... 43 to 53 per M E. S. RITTER & CO. 740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-1311 4 Ml. No si Salem. 4' Ml. No. of Totem Pole oh MB '.pen All Day Saturday Overhead steel garage doors with hardware, 139 M In tailed 141 to Galvanized eve trough Il'r pel EPPING LUMBER CO. PH 4-6123 3740 SlLVERTON RD. 700 Rentals 705 Aportmentt For Rent THELEEAPTS. SALEM'S Most Diatingutahed Address. Bachelor unit available now I'nlurn. $63 mo. inspection In vited. 385 N. Winter. ATTRAC. 4 rm. apt. With pvt. bath, TV antenna, laundry prlv. Close In. 4A1 N. Front NICE 1 bdrm. turn. apt. Close in, pvt. bath. 4a. Ph. 4-181)2.. CLOSE, nice mod. turn, apt.' Ph. 3-1490 except Sat. . CLEAN, nicely turn. 2 bdrm. ' duolrx. T V. antenna. 4-6.110. . CLEANrqulet 1 A-" 2rmr apt. Close in. 664 S. Summer. LARGE 1 bdran. unfurn. apt. Ph. 4015. 7Yerry. 1-RM. nicely fur. apt. private bath, automatic laundry, U.H. Pil. 4-4C20. 3-M4I. CLEAN 3 rm." furn. spt.'Pvt. . ent . pvt. bath, util. furn, 41 S. 19th. FURN. Apia . $.15 and Util ities Incl. Employed lady only. Ph. 4-1M7. NICELY furn. basement apt. frivaie. xao cnuaren. js 5 4th. - FURN. apt. Washington arh. diat. Bus. Pvt. ent. 3iM Ham- mel. FURNISHED bachelor 4s I hdrm Apts 213g Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 3-.11M before 4 P.M. nr 2-n.Mt0 after PM 1 RM. apt. w. kitchenette, bath, util.450 S. Capitol NICE 3 rm. apt. 1st fir., hath laundr, nice yard, reas. 495 S. intn. 1 LG. rm. furn. apt. 435 N. Sum mer. ATTRACTIVE furn. 1 rm. apt., pvt. entrance, close In S. Ph. .1-5:193 or 3-5.170. SPACIOUS UNFURNISHED 4 RM. ACACIA APARTMENT Call after 6 P M". 3-700 1140 S, 13TH, $50 00 4 RM. furn. flat, adults, refer ences, gar. Call A.M. til 1 ic alter p.m. a-7S4i. ' MODERN 1 bdrm. court apt , completely furn . 4 a mon I W. Salem. Pn. 4-t7S. Sve 2-8743. NICE, lg. 3 rm. furn. 441 N Liberty, rn. i-s44 or a-mo. IN Keirer. large, unfurn. apt. Ac garage. Ph. 4-3fle5. 2-1252. NEAR Capitol: 3-rm. furn. for em pi. I.icly. 14910 Incl. util , auto. heat. Ph. 3-4503;3-5272. 1ST TLOOR, furn. 3 rms., Ben dlx.359 N. Liberty. Ph. 3-7124 MOD. clean, neatly turn. ant. bdrm, Turner.Salem 4-3497. NEW. very nice 3 rms. AV bath furn. w-w carpel, walking distance down town. Single r-tson. Ph. 3-7870 or after 30. 2-1897. . CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt. down town, lady pref. 445 Ferry. 15 room, ground floor, small ard.. Desirable, 3 blocks from PO. 3-855.1. Hollywood Apts. Furn.,' unfurn., 4-4713 or 4-7874. AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Furn. Apt. 550 N. Summer. 2-420 3 RM. apt., J5 N llth . Chem- eketa Ac 13th. Ph. 4-1279. MODERN-!-bdrm.. Court Apt. Unfurn. except Elec. ranie A rrfng W Salem. Ph. 4-6473. Eve. 2-874.1 COURT apts. Extra nice, clean. 3 rmi. At bath, unfurn.. except stove, refrip. T V., laun., park, avail. Inq. 1.14 S. lath. CAPITOL PLAZA I BDRM. UNFURN. lifts Chrmeketa St Ph. 1-4439 Scenic view 1 bdrm unfurn court Apt., range, refrtg. g-29Qg. MODr.RNlbdrm. court apt. unfurn, except elec. ranee At red is.. 150 a mo , W Salem. Ph. 4-6874. Eves. 3-4743. 706 Duplexes UPSTAIRS. 3 rms, economical living, pn. 4-.1061 eve. i roR RENT nicely furn. duplex So of sown. (Ml a mo., cpi. only. Cell 3-1768. t-RM. flat, 1 block P O. 464 rerry, Ph. J-tns, S-S431. 432 50 3 bedrm 3 blocks from I apllnl niogs. auio oil neat. Wired for elec. range. Ph. 4-1843. 707 House For Rent FOR lease, nice 3 bdrm, modern house, ns children. Ph 4-4182 f RAII.rRVnace irn"permR! No pets. Ph. 1-815, sI44 Ox ford NICE I bdrm. attached garage. locatrd NPJj. 026i). 1-soss 21 BDRM house and garage with I'i A. 470 mo. Ph. 42.Ktl WELL located spacious 1 bdrm hnuae, lion , psr mo. can 3-4234 after 1:3 pas. . 800 Real Estate I0 Heutee Pr Sole WANTS 3 BEDROOMS OWNER of fine 1-bed room hem will trade or aell for 9.9M. with terms. His has - dining room. Nook. FA oil heal. Ga rage. Nice lot - HOME ON CREEK TWO bedrooms. Living room. Kitchen wllh eating area. Bath. Basement. Oil furnace. Paving. 45.400. Some terms. SERVICE STATION CORNER lot, building and all equipment go, I gas pumps. U-Fix-lt shop. Good spot lor mechanic. MiH Terms. 427 Ferry 'List With Us Office 4-3381 Eve -violet Bishop i-mr rrin j-acss; Jim wamscy l-.isei. 311 N. Church St. (Realtors) NORTHRTVF-RD. Nice 7 rm. house Lg. living rm. with fire place. Dming ran, kitchen with nook. hdw. firs. Basement with . party rm. Lot u x 346,1 barn, ideal lor family, tnice place to keep riding pony). Price 114. 7So. SUBURBAN. SOUTH, Owner moved out of state. Beautiful sub urban home. Large living room with fireplace, lg. picture win dows. Kitchen with nook, den with fireplace. 2 large spacious bdrnia. Utility rm., double plumbing. Garage. Car port, cov ered patio priced to tell. tll.MIO. WASHINGTON SCHOOL DIST. fireplace, r. A. oil lurnace. living rm., it x 2a ig party rm. 1.IS0 sq. ft. fir. spare. Has' additional building for aviary. Large lot. Must see to appreciate. ' Evenings: 1-SOM, 4-9M. J-7K3. ' 4-4711. 3-H411 CLUETT & KENYON, REALTORS 10M FAIRGROUNDS RD " PH. 1-3331 "HOP-AND A SKIP FROM SCHOOL Excellent, prar. new, 3-hrdrom nice dls'nct East. 12.30. GARDEN Be the ''lucky" owners of this Acrei. Immaculate -bed transfer YOult gain, value at. M450 terms. FEW AVAILABLE , Washington-folks want this nice little acreage, but rant aell theirs. Approx. 4 Acres; 3-bedroom home; barn;- garage and work shop. C-e in on Silverton Rd. Price 18.450 reaa.' terms. Evt. Ph. Brrnnan 4-7328, Mangles 4-1989 or 2-8037 700 Rental i 707 Hornet For Kent 4 BDRM. house, full bsmt.. w antenna, W. Salem, close to school.. Ac bus. 173 no pets References required. Call 3-783)1. 1 BDRMS, clean, garage. M month. 408 River St MOD. 1 bdrm. house, firepl., auto, eirat, dble gar., water furn. 185 mo. Ph. 2-4234. FOR RENT or sale. 1 bdrm has. Ph. 4-3109. 165. 2 BDRM.. attached garaee. 4 blocKs to Hlgn or uraoc. 895 JudsonStPh. 2-0812. W. SALEM Clean tinfusn IU bdrm. house Ac gar. Suitable for couple As child. I Ml Ph . 3-7987. MOD. 1 bdrm. home. 3 mi. S." I. of city limits.2-02B4. SUBURBAN 4 bdrm. near Swe gle Si h., frpl.. elec. heat, dry er, l's baths. I7S. Owner-at place 4471 Sunnyvlew Ave. Ph. eve. 3-3IU0. 4 BDRM. house near Shopping Ctr. No peta.Ph. 2-24l. FOR RENT, partly turn. 1 bdrrn. hse. 1230 Lancaster Dr, Pn. 2-4922. 1 BEDROOM unfurnished house, fenced back yard, see 1170 N. 24th. Phone 3-4311. DO you like a nice woodsy place with plenty of elbow room? This , specious newer, partly furn. 3 rm. home for tease for only 430 per mo. I -orated 4 mi. from Delias. Otaf Thon tad Real Estate. (41 N. Capitol 3-7903. FOR RENT: sub 3 bdrm.. frpl daylight bsmt.. close to school Ac stores. 2-g.iss 3 bdrm. modern, suburban hse. 465 mo. Ph. 2-0481. (57. 4 brtrmi , 451 N. 21st, Inquire H45 Ufl K. 1 bdrm. house, car. walking dit Cipitnl Shopping Center, near sc hools Ac bus. 1245 N, Capitol 3-4448. A Beauty, 3 bdrm., att. garage wool wall to wall carpet, iss Kenwood Ave., Four Corners. 707-a Furnished Hornet 4 rm. turn, cottage near bus, stores. Adults. Ph. 4-snns. FOR leass. furn 1 bdrm. cottaee. bsmt. gar Sdulta. Ph. J-328R, PARTLY furn. 1 hdrm. house. 4-7750. 1041 3rd St. W. Salem. 708 Farm For Rent FOR RENT or' lease Grade A dairy. 150 acres level river loam, additional pasture, land. milking parlor, will support s or more dairy cattle, so acrea under Irrigation. A. w. Ver non, Rt. 1, Box 300, Independ ence, Ore. Ph. Salem 2-1342. 710 Wonted to Rent Hie WANT to rent, S or 4 bdrm. house, wired for washer Ax dryer, near grade school. Write Box 156, Statesman-Journal. WANTtorentfs bdrm. hse. li". tint. Widow At 1 young people. Ph. collect Detroit 491. RESPONSIBLE" business i-ouole w1 child needs clean 3 bdrm. house nr duplex by July 15th. Ph. 3-99S1. , . 712 Want to Rent Apts. 1 RM. unfurn. apt , close In Ap prox. . t adult, rn. 1-iiNU. 714 Business Rental FOR RENT Com'l bldg. 1384 o It. witn ortire location norm on well traveled street. Ph. 1-3700. . fi()WN own office apace, store? rms 4 warehouse 1-4114. ' 718 Ceneleent Heme WILL care for elderly people HPtrgr home, zs yrs. exp. cieen very comfortsbls home. Ph. 4-3.41 ELDEREST Nursing Home. Pri vate rooms svsilabls. 2430 ri Church. 1-941. C O T TARE CONVALtsCENT HOME, 232 N Cottsgt I-702O 780 Moving & Storoie Larmer Transfer h Storage Complete m eying eervtss. Also agents for BfKLNS , NsUon Wide Movers. Ph 3-3131 LOW COST storage H. L Stlif Furniture Co 3-414. - ROO Real Estate 801 Bulne Opportun. MODERN 7 unit Salem motel Ac .. home, sell or consider trade for small apartment house, close In. Owner 2-7!3l). , HEATING OIL DISTRIBUTOR I famtsry avsll abls '.eeelle, stme flninelsl as- slstsnee c met detect. Write w. WIUIeT.t. :i WE. 313 Ave. Portland 13, W., r tk At. ev cie. ROO Real Estate - 106 Home For" Sole 23. ACRES e" GOOD 3-bedroom home. 1.005 foot river frontage. Wtllam 'site soil. Big barn. Income av erages 44.000 a year. Equip ment goes. M 1.000.. Terms. FUTURE BUSINESS POSSIBILITY. Lot ISO X 130 on Pine Street. Big home for rental. 113 001. Terms. Ph. 4-170; 4-3J4I. WANTS ACREAGE WILL trade fine 3-bedroom home, with 15x13 kit. 4 years ma. iiuuiiiffo. vnrrH toun gallon. $10,300. Terms. vime 4-Jrror Marian Uhmahn , New I bdrm. home. I'i plumb.. homt; 13x23 living rm. Deep lot; ALL READY choice suburban property lanorox room "roomy" home. Owner'g 801 futinen Opportun.' WILL aarrifice due to Illness small busineas in downtown Salem. Ph. after 11 a.m. 2-9120 SMALL greenhouses, lath houses, 2 garages, shop, and rm. mod home on 1 - lot. Reasonably priced. WIlMs Keller, 1111 Hay. ter St., Dallas. FOR LEASE near completion new drive-in restaurant with heavy traffic count Some equipment furn. Bog 43. Statesman-Journal. FOR SALE: By owner. Cuay air conditioned restaurant fully equipned. Close to two canneries. Seats 35. For ap pointment to see Ph. 3-30J? between g a.m. 7 p.m. MOTEL 22 unltTgood"7eturn take Sarem Property tn trade TAVERN lund Ac all. Hot Spot 118 0110 00 Terms. GROCERY clean slock, new fixtures, reasonable ER STA. Good location, 3,. sou Oil TUCKER REAL ESTATE Lebanon. Oregon TAVERN COCKTAIL bar and cafe. In town near new air force base. Ales living quarters and equip ment for sale for tta.OOO. Some terms. Business should boom when air force base established. Ramsey, Realtor. 4-1381. 427 rerry. SERVICE Ststion (good loca tion) for lease. Equipment At Inventory only Investment re quired. Box 157, Statesman- Journal. 803 Suburban 3,500. Cozy, clean t bdrm. home, locatrd off "99" highway norm, terse rencra jot. paved at. 1230 down, trade for larg. er house, pay difference. 4 bdrm. home, near Silverton clean, apacious country home. z Acrea, line sou. fruit trees, barn. Save a lot of money by orivintt me Distance, oniv S7, 950. Trade for house fw Salem. B. M. MASON. RLT. 341 Chrmeketa Ph. 3-1941, 3-3512. 3-3064 806 House For Solo JOE HUTCHINSON REALTOR Let us solve your home needs to Huv, sell or Kent call Ph, 4-5743 1211 Edgewater Ph. 4-7874 ' 2710 So. Comm'l 3 RDRM. house on approx. n, oo. or rnngie uist i hdrm. house at 2i8 Draper. Pioneer Trust Co. 3-3134. BY BUILDER Three bedrooms, fireplace, huge xitcnen eating area, only two blocks from school and play ground 1074 Shamrock St. Turn 1st St. south of Mornlnt side school. Price Is 110,950. Open every dsy. Ph. 4-63.13. MR. OWNERl Glen rVoudrv will pay top pries for vour turn At aoDlianres Ph. 3-9110 BY OWNER: , A. near Fruit- land, modern 2 bdrm. hse., att sr.. gsrden, 15.500. Ph. 2-1154 GOOD SUB. 3 bdrm. home, No Ig. Ilv, rm., Aj din. rm., full beam I , fruit Ac shade trees. acre. 414.000. Ph. 4-1172. 3 IMMACULATE homes. Ideal rlly locations, beautiful yards. 3 bdrm., 2nd 4 bdrm., equip ped for day nursery, ph 3-3304 MODERN 2 bedroom house. weatherstrlpprd Ac insulated, attached garage. F.nglewood school district. 1 blocks to high school, Cornsr lot. Urge lifing room, new wall to well carpeting. Reasonable. Call owner. 3-8431. LEAVING town, ( yr. old home. 1 norm., nice lame yard. Ph 4-8974 after p.m. 3 RDRM. house with small acre- ate, at 970 natrliff Dr Make nflr at Pioneer Trust Cs , Ss- 'IT'- . .1... NEW View home, .1 hdrms . ...ramuv rm1., g baths, etc. 12.1000, Might consider trade. 4-laon, NEW Houses Open for In specinn DAILY FROM 3 TO 6 765 Ac 775 Gerth. 9.19 A 941 Cascade. Ph. 3-6181, 1-3841. 1-1513 for terms. BY OWNER; needs painting, hut what ran you expect for 9.2.is 3 bdrm. house t 842 Blller St. 400 dn. At no loan costs. Ph. 4-M67. ' OWNER TRANS FE RRED WILL sac. 3 bdrm. rerrcn style home. 1.300 sq. t, 3S:3 Brenna 1-070. ' Will eelfTpaclous 2-bdrm. home, natns, extra lge. utility, for F.H-A. appraisal 1430 No. Hlh. BY OWNER i Beautiful I bdrm.. Uv. rm., din. rm.. bkfst. nook, coved celling. frpL. garden, greenhouse, flowers, shrubs North. 1480 Park Lane. Ph. 1-5661, . BY OWNER Nearly new 1- bdnn . din. rm., firepl, garage. Inclosed yard, redecorated, Fn glewood Dist., 412.000. Ph. 4-7304. GARAGE house, lot Ac trailer house for sale. Call 14 Greg ory Lane. B VRG a" I 'NTT" onnTqi J t v73n'fm mod. heme. So , ph. 4-4258 afar 1 p m. FOR SALE "sr owner- I cdnr,. gome, fjeenlsce, neied street, 360 luadley BU Ph. 4-441. 800 Real Estate 806 KsuHi .Fti Sal ISflflK'S BST BUyS J2J N. CHURCH ST. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES PH. 4-33U OR 3-7820 NEED 3 BDRMS.? j. VALUE PLUS Then sea this well built home In 1 In this lovely 1 hdrm. home. me at. vinrenis ana Hismanal Out. Dining area. Snack bar Fireplace. Full baiml. with T A. ell furnace. Tiled bath. Hdwd firs. Bus at door. Near playground area. Fenced back ' yard. Lge. oak tree, plenty of shsde. , Patio. Price reduced to .-the low -of $ lad. Call N. C "Dan ' Isaak. Eve. Ph. 4-tvU. 1 ACRE NORTH Neat I ha)rm. home. Oil heat. Patio. Garage. Workshop Chicken house. Lota ef fruit. Jusl H.430. 11.000 down will handle. Call Mr. Crawford. Kvs. Ph. 4-4O30. NOW AVAILABLE This 4 bdrm. home. Sep. dining rm. Driuii, nn. Approx. Zi4 acres ground. Good property for subdividing At onlv 110 . 28HU Mr" 8wor1' pn' " 2 BUILDINGS Prwrty consuls of J buslnees Dicna. on iwixtwo int. Htgh tralfic street. Immed. posr. For lease only at Moo per mo Long term lease aveilable. Call Mr. Woodcock. Eve. Ph. 2-710. LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4-5020, 4-71.72. 2-8046. 4-IM2 ... .V It no snswer, Dial 4-2241 POSSIBLE LOW DOWN PAYMENT If you can pay 1100 00 per month, you may become the proud owner of this modern 3 bedroom home for appx. f i.ooo oo down. Excellent property fea turing a large kitchen with eating spare, sepa rate dining-room, fire place in livim-room and a basement with oil heat. Close In and priced at jusl 112.800. - Call Adrl ennt Seroombe Ml LEI OHMART TRADE DAYLIGHT BASEMENT OV",J'MO iq' ,iv,nf on . .... i,cnn ana nook wnn Built-in range. The base ment has a lovely party room eith fireplace, bath and lane Thrl' aPlux "" Ves, we will consider g trade Ask for Don Doughion. McKINLEY SCHOOL PISTRICT Wg have just listed a 3-bedroom ..... .v..u.. iuu , iol rencra yard, soma view. Fireplace in living-room, good arrangement price la only 111.500. See Louis Loreru. . ' . " " "DREAM HOME OF TODAY 3 Urge bedrooms plus a spacious ..u iiirpjaiT. entrance nan, living-room nith paneling around il replace, double plumbing, hlrcn kitchen. Some view ai d trees immediate doss. Call Ralph Maddy. IF YOUR HOME lS'FOR SALrl OR TRADE CALL l-S OHWIART & CALABA, REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve : Adrlrnne Sercomne Lore ns J-aiW. Ralph Maddy 1500 D-OWN PAYMENT will move you into this clean 2 bdrm. home with Ilv, rm., din. rm , kitchen, range, utilitv. balh with shower, large lot Everything is spir and apan. CALL RON HUDK1NS HUNGER HUT locitlon opposite Parnsh Jr. High. Equipped end rendy to go. Sell equip, men; and give lease. For fur ther drtula CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY WEST SALEM .3 bdrms., Ilv. rm.. am. rm., kitchen, brkf. area, fireplace, oil heating. Single attached garage, plas ter inl!ih. 2 years old. Lots of bullt-lns. Good sue rooms. Only I1 500 CALL RALPH BRUCE ,GRABENH0RST BROS., REALTORS 18p S. LIBERTY STREET PH. i-2471 Evening! 4c Sundays call Salesmen Ron Hudklns 3-g7l2 J r. I -u. Mrs. Richardson 4-49 Ralph Bruce 1-691 H. K. Lsymon 3-313 SUNDAY 1065 HICKORY " FINE 1-hedrnom home In St. Vincent's area. Only 4 year old ',.,-, ,' - .. ' -Garage 30x11. Dandy lot. J9.3M. FHA terms. , j OWNER leaving state. New atil 111 VIEW lot with abundance of ahruhberv. 46x130. City wstsr.. Turn ... w.itiii. naiiiii. cave, ai.iuii. 1180 SOUTH I5TH NEAT and clean 2 -bed room hnrrif, u huui, wen tt yr. vni; d.etw. EAST OUT South 1 2th to first paved .....,i. u-wui,..,ii. luiinv unuer ciinstrucrion ov i,net Web er Green shake. 411,5011. Terms, Trade. Also 3- nice lota. Tlx 100. (1,600 each. RAMSEY, REALTOR 421 FERRY LIST WITH US OFFICE 4-3.161 Sundays: Violet Bishop 2-M83; Marian Lehmann -hg-Frank Viatic 4-270; Jim Ramsey 4-.1897. RAWLINS LOANS FOR BUYING Oft NEW 3 Unit Brick Court. 3 I bdrmi. each. Well located In a goo neighborhood close to school, stores and bus stop. -Would be good home plus rental Income. Each unit rent ed at inn on. Price HO.noo. Call Dean Klarr. Eve. Phone I-70. 4.150 down, 4fi0 per month. 3 . bdrm. Just redecorated. Im mediate possession. Call Chet Rawlins. Eve, phone 3-I2J6. . I 03 CHEMEKETA CREEK HOME . ' , . ON STATE STREET OWNER TRANSFERRED ' Dream kitchen, formica j tile. Dining nn. ' Breakfaat rm. Nice sire living room, wsll In well carpel, fireplace I bdrm. down. II', ft llit ft. wall to wall carpet. 3 bedrooms up in knotty pine. Double plumbing, In tile. Utilitv rm. Everything, like new. Besement. Double garrg. carport, Antenna Beauti fully landscaped, sprinkling system, patios, lots of brick. Oul- side fireplace, llnndjtght, fruit trees. Concrete wall Ac steps Into creek. 1250 Old Town Canoe. Vacation In your back yard 12 blocks from Capitol Bus stops at door, 3', blocks to school. Owner has 117,400 In property Will sacrifice' for 114 m Terms Contact Ramsev, Realtor. Ph. 4-3341. Ive,' and Sun. 1-143; 3-6684, 4-3670; 4-341. EASTMORFLAND 3 hdrms. l's ha(is, bin b kit- hen with dish esaher. dble. gar Ph. 4-7351 Wo DOWN MOVri vol' TN TODAY -OR R'.'ilTt "Vi vtT ED r-ig-.-ncR, tt ,.,,), BY OWNER 4 yr. oJdTdr5v kerne, :M WaLer sM. 3-34U R00 Real Estate 04 Houtat For Sal tie. uv. rm Din rm. Brk. nk Beautiful fireplace, t. A. oil heat. Ceramic tiled bath. Lge. lot - Near school and tranae 1 Cdfl sq ft Brand new. Of fered at 112300. Call Walt Jones. Eve. Ph. 4-7832. QUIT-WISHING tome in and see inia lovely 3 bdrm. -home. Spgcloua rooms. I'l baths. Dble att. garage. F A. oil heat. Well built. In lovely new aubdlviaton. New beauty. Now only llj eno. call N G. "Dan laaak. Ive. Ph. 4-1653. ONLY $7,000 For thli very nict S bdrm. Fiomt ata . Hired living room. 1 tMtha. Oil heflt. lnsul. TrjinD t door. 9.1 X 2o0 Int Oon't fH to tee thu. Call Mr. Richmond. . GARAGE over' UK) sq. It. m floor space. on 30 x 100 lot. High trafltr location. Full list of equip ment included to operate auto repair garage, run price, in cluding land, building and equipment onle 111 .300 Terms. Call Mr. Woodcock. Cve. Ph. 1-7106. RUDY CALASA first floor, family room. 3 bed- heme close to all ths South Be- family room with beamed cell- Phons 2-4115. 3-4116, 3-411T 4-9082. Don Dotighton 4-14M. Louis 3-3488. I CLOSl! TO STATE OFFICBS 2 bdrma. and bath. Hv. rm., with tlreplnce. din. rm.. kltrh. r,' - eL T A heat. ".2ixt. ' ""'"-"".I bed rooms. si naee, htrgo CALL J. E. LAW BEAUTIFULLY FI-NISHED rnmr ttuost-a x 14. This line norm is on is acres with many huge trees in the Cen. daleria district. 3 bdrms.. den. i'i oema, 3 iirepiace:. , CALL MRS. RICHARDSON 3 BEDROOM HOME On a cor ner lot in an R3 rone. This is an older home in excellent condition and a choice loca tion. Ideal for conversion to apartments. For details CALL H K. LAYMO.N x.stts wtt stAnif.L.u as DRIVE - BYS ait a I Flnt? for homt or rrnUK But caiy irrniB, loo. EWALD road saat after paaslng Morning. REALTY CONSTRUCTION I OR Owner leaving stale. Anx Inns Ie sell his 5 bdrm. home. 3 down and 1 up. Large Ilv, rm. wllh fireplace. Dining rm. end large kitchen. Full dry basement with work shop. Oil forced air heat. Double garage. This Is an exceptionally fine buy at II5.0O0. For appl tn see cell Dale Rayburn. Eve. phone 5 -in IS . Hifhland District 2'i hdrm . Ilv rm., large kit. Good lawn A shrubs. This home in best of condition. If you have cash you ran have this for 7.:.vt. tall Henry Fvund. Eve, phone 4-1720. PHONE- 4-M7S L BY OWNFR- 4 hdrms. 1 dn . 2 up. la'ge Ilv. rm, HW floors, frpl.. separate din. rm., kitrh en whrkTt rm . 't hnil . wood furnare phi. garace, landscaped dbl, corner int Fruit, nuts, berries At grapes Close to school, churches. Irsni Out of tta'e. Priced tn Mil, ion. Ph. ll4 er .write k. 344, Dsy tea. Or. 800 Real EsUte 106 House For Sale l'.YR. OLD 3 bdrm so 100x104 I lot. South. Ph. 4-7834. BY OWNER: Small equity 3 bdrm. homo. South. 1-1440. 1400 buys our equity I bedroome. tile Mth. large garage, An tenna inc. Phone 2-621 L SELL or trade forcr; equity In I bdrm. . home. 3430 N. Church. Ph. 4-36M. 1 BDRM. older type house, new furn. M.3O0. Pymt 184) per mo. 14U Park. 2-6S40. Home Beautiful CLOSB to new south Salens . High sect. My eulogy wouldn't Justify this home II Is s 3 Wdrm,lhorn ami all jf.W. iua. cacia uv. er ainini rm. with fireplace, Lovely hath Ac shower. Nice party Rm. ill basement. Sprinkling system with rockery Ac shrubs sround yard. 116.300. EZ terms etc will carry own paper. Art Madsen Realty 1.124 STATE 3-3.VM. 2-8811. 3-140 . BY OWNER-BUILDER English tvne nearly new atop Klngwood Hts.. pleasant quiet ioc., .lovely trees, lge. level lot, ell mil. spsctous. 1800 sq. ft. space, plus dry finished bsmt., 3 baths. 3 fireplaces, dbl. gar., breeseway. A home you'll he proud tn own. 117 -475. 11.500 dn . bal. like rent. Immed.poes. Ph. 3-7212. - 3 BDRM. 4 'yrs okiT din. rm . Inside utility, att. garage, pa tio. 174 sq. ft. 1 blocks to grsds e-hool A, bus. 794 South I4ih. Ph, 4-4404. Look At .Thi! A VERY GOOD BUY IN A 3 BDRM. HOME. NORTH. Extra large kitchen. Lawn. treea. shrubs. Only 14.900. Good terms. CaU Clyde Foulk. Eve, 3-726. Rustle Exterior YOUXL LIKE THIS HOME. Hss open beam ceiling In living rm lariirM-l liahim Kr.-k.J flrenlace wall Jiobby rm. or work shop with heel. Pebble roof. Beautifully landscaped kit on creek. South. Ill sou. creek gat ilh. ll SOU tell Echo Ytatcr, Sve. 3-47. Lanraiter Drive . HOME WITH i ACRE BOR- UlRINU UN LANCABTESI DRIVE In center of 4-Corners dist. Endlesa business possibil ities. This newer homo Is moot attractive. Has entrance hell, firepl.. tile bath, good floors. New family orchard enclosed with cyclone fence. Owner will consider trade for I to I scree N of NT. Only (11.9M. Cell Edith Anderson, (vs. 3.794. Nelf-n I- Nelson, REALTORS I3!xl t. Commercial, Ph. S-JAS CHOICE LOCATION ". You'll love It on sight It's sb- solutcly spotless end besutl fully decorated. Vea. blinds, diahwaeher, TV sal. stav. There are I nice bedrooms, coxy Hv. rm.. sttsched ger. Only 9S.I00 Call Mrs. OcTee- bee. Eves. 3-4313. Dave 3-4VMW, ED LUKINBEAL, REALTOR. 4.U N. ItlGM. V ACRE aiirpas ci.a aiiiaviiw, mis ai closet etorage, large garase, guod well and pump, paved street, close to bus and school. Well drained , acre Int. u eows. balance use rent. LINCOLN PARK New 1 BR. house located In Lin coln Park with paved streets, curbs, sr:;ewalks, central wster system, 2 car garage, large liv ing room with open beam celling, dining room, birch kit chen with nook, huee beth with formic counter, fire- 41450 with 2.9n dowa and (0-year financing. Abrams & Skinner 4it masonic Run.nmo Real Estaic Insurance Mortgage Ln.ini O.'fire 3-9217 Eves: -4709 or 3-T3M 4.100 WILLbuy equity In nice" norm, rouse, rn. 4-s.mit after 4. i'iw. una of school, fireplace, lawn At far den In. 441 Menlo Drive, Ph. 3-5646. BY BUILDER 3 bdrm. home, hrdwd. firs, dbl. plastered far. din. rm., nook, Ilv. rm. 1x23',. FA. frpl , 441 Munk ers. Ph. 4-1769. 113.200. WILL trade equity In ibdrnv home for trailer house. 4240 Sunnvslde Rd. 1-0P33 BY BCILDER NEW spacious I bdrm. Engte wood Dist. Jop quality, 3-7071 BY OWNFR 1 bdrm. modern, well built home. IT 500. I o rated at 144 Ilh, Ph. 4-1414 eve. BY BUILDER NEW I bdrm nemo neat b Salem echoola A perk l-TOTi OR RENT, completely remodeled 4 bdrm. hse Liberty At Lin coln. Ph. 3-aiM after 4 p.m. CONVENIENT WALKING DISTANCE TO BUSINESS DISTRICT, ON A CORNER LOT. Fine family home with dintns room plus eellng erea In kitchen. 2 large bedrooma and a den. Fireplace, attached garage This place la In excel lent condition Inside and out. Call Mra. Oalcsbee for apptmt. to see Evea 2-557.7, D"vs l-H8(l, ED LUKINBEAL, RE ALTOR. :i.1 N. HIGH. FOR SALE:" New house. .1 hdrms A den. double plumbing, dbl. fireplace, dbl garage, base board heat, low down pay ment. Ph. 1-44A4, 4 CORNERS Located' 1 block 'from Lincoln Tark Add. 1.128 sq ft. All rooms are spacious. The living , room and dining area Is 13 x 26', ft. The kitchen aree Is . from a popular McCalls aeaign' 3 large bedrooms I3'a X 11 - ft . giraffe. Remarkable beauty. conatructtnn and location for 1285. Very good terms. Ph . 3'91l day or tve. .'. SJACOHBKN. REALTOR FAMILY ROOM 1 Open riallv- By Builder 2575 WOODDALF. 1 blks. N of San Shop In Nnrtbgate addi tion. 3-hdrrn., double garage, over 1400 aq. ft Built-in nven Ac range. 114,100. Ph. 4-1486. 3HOUSEl'on 1 Int. 18.400 Live In -one. The other always rented, (in 1 block from BLUE LAKE CANNERY. Bus. stores Ac every aervtce. Both fullv plumbed, wired A top condition. 2 patina.' v.iraee, lawn, shrubbery. IMMACU LATE S'tiall houae fully fur niabed. Larae houae would rent. f3 Sign 1074 6th. W. Sakm HTL'LLEeJ. Realtor, ph. ' 1-5.-.37. . .- f;T 1 BDRM. house, almnal new. Low down payment 4', In terest, Westw-ood Heights, near KSI.M. 660 CUr Monl Dr. 3-5654, a - Statesman. Salem, Orf.,'Mon., 800 Real Estate 806 House For Sale SOUTH SALEM 3 tIEDRM.. living & dining rm., kitchen with eating ares, util ity rm.. single gerage, corner lot. 4 r. old. two block from Candslarla Dlst. 18,750 gl fog down, monthly $1121. EVE call Floyd McNeil 3-7784, dvs 1-8680. D Ll'KINBtAL, RE ALTOR, 433 N. HIGH. 808 Lor For Sola SPECIAL BARGAINS Near airhead lr St; Louis, t lota in rnoeris. laeai sunoivtsion, ovml . good income. 4400 esah (4 E,, I'. Acres, near Brooks. corner. Ideal business, bu'lding or subdivision.. sits. 42.150. " AL HAUTH REAL ESTATE ' 1171 Silverton, Mt. Angel Rd. Near Cannery. Ph. 171 Wood burn or Ph. Green 44 Mt, Angel. 3 LOTS, suitable forime""or two dwellings. Restricted district. South 12th and Fsirvtew. Ph. 4-23S4j4ays. 3-349 eves. LOT 0ii2O2. Beautiful view of Mta. Ac city. South. Ph. 1-8O09 8' ft Frrn For Jol FOR SLI OR Trade. I A 4 mi. East of Ealem. 3 bdrm. older type home: gerage, barn. rncxen nse. irriation well. 3 A. Boysenberrles. nut A fruit trees. 1 11, Me or trsds tor smancr piece, rn. s-ssm, FOR sale or trade' by ewneT; Acrea r North, walnuts, pears, etc. Ph. 4-3061 eve. 6'l A. FARM between Oak r.rove c Bethel, RI. 1, Box 311 Rlrkreall, Frank Stevens 44 ACRES near Rosed ile ictake otter at rioneer Trust Co.. kg. Irm. BY OWNER: 4 A N- Santlam, free water, good summer or retirement home. Ph 1-ltM. 3 BDRM. home, barn. dble. far.. rmrxen nse. a. a, needs some repair 12 850. Inquire I94t Yew St. after m A CABIN ALONE. 1 ml. out Beautiful view or tote of trees. I bdrm . beth At ftreplaee 47.500. 44.004 wfurn. A new Uv. rm. set, 3V TV. contour chair, elec. stove 4k refrtg , beds aV sll. 2 0M dn.; . or trailer house. Ph, 2-511. 1, A. 41040. see sr Inquire at 3Mt Fisher Rd. 812 Iicll. Real Estate ert t , , .. .. . aan. North, haa baamt sot. inemnJ for small acraaee, riose In. os 1 or 3 bdrm. home tn town Owner la Iowa tor short Urns, 4-g217, AH or trade by owner. I unit Apt. house on Bo. Com'l gloee In, 3 rms. AV pvt. baths each Apt. What have you to trader 4-3441. Bit Wanted, Real Estate WANTED FOR CASH Have party who wants s well built 1 bedroom home not over II years old. One bedroom end living rm. must be large. Kit chen and dinette and lot can be on tbe small order. Want oil heat. Will pay from ttl.ao. to 114.00. but must be fair vsiue. ir you nave such nemo tor sale that ie for sals thai rota wish help to aell. .pikes cell my ma. Olaf Thoetstad, Realtor 441'NCplte4 t Ph. s-Ttol 850 Automotive BS2 Uaod Car Foe Sale 1431 finish 34. G. 174 Tyron Ave FOR SALS or1 what have you 10 trace, uooa l Merc, si radio Ac heater Ph. 4-151. MIL Chevrolet Cadillac NEW USED Union At Commercial Ph. 3-317 , CA,sfJ. lo! J!. 'Ml care. Mc- a.aii e mi casasar. e-aiive. 19.53 Naah Rambler" SiaTVgn red At black, radio 4 heater, overdrive, reclining seats, prem. tlres.Csll 1-1440. 1941 BLACK Merc"uryTd7 sports sedan, overdrive, white walls, low mlleagePh. 4-794. 1944 BEL AIR 3 dr., V-4.nlte sioewaiis. power glide Ac brakes Ph. 4-0362. 154 BUICK Century Riviera 4 door. 3 tone, lots of extra. Nylon tiros 4-124 after ( p.m. I9'9 FORD 3 dr Sdn. In good cond I owner. Lew mileage en enfine sine everb-"l. gee all 150 N. 33th. Ph. 4-6794 '34 FORD 4-dr. Cuatomllne. radio, heater Very good cond Make offer. (44 Vlngsrd. Ph. 3-4054. FULLBACK 1934 Ford 3 window coupe. (Is. (9M S. Com'l. C'andlria Shell Service '5.1 KAISER7 Deluxe '53 LINCOLN Capre 43.100. lie N. Front St. Oreioa i Oldeit Dir BEST BUY Used Car Commerrtal A rnemeketa Ph 4-411, I CADILLAC "M" Cp . very snarp, no iraoes. m. s-eoei, '44 OLDS " ", Jdr "original owner. 4-ttll. lit N. Winter. FOR SALE or trade. 164 Olds. Msr-rive convertible, irsmaru. Isle throughout, low milrane. fully equlpt. Will take older car In trade. Ph. Dallas Ms 3-401 after 130 or 610 lev-en. 14.12-NAH ' Rambler Station Waion. radio, heater, over drive. (744. Ph. 4-143 1954 CHEV. Coup, .two tone Good condition, food rubber, 41.041. '31 CHRYSLER Windsor, good cond. Will accept older rar In trade. 40F..SI. after I. JOINING my husband liTEurope will sacrifice '53 Ford Custom line. A-l condition. Low mile ate I bought new. 880. na Irsdes. 174 . Cspltol, Phone 4-9114. POST Auto Sales We Have the Finest Selection Of automobile in SALEM. 40 premium car to plrk from. II miikr-8 and model, from 1H Vi e ta 19M i. OI'EN EVES. TILL I P.M. ' POST AUTO SALES 1103 SQ. UTH PH. 4-6231 . July 2, '56 (Sec. II)-15 850 Automotive 154 Trult4, Trail, for U PICKUP IsSS G. M. C. , TON 4 spd. pickup truck with e-lv 13.000 miles, deluxe cab tinted , 8lasa. good rubber, collapsible canvas canopy. EXCELLENT For fishing hunting trip and ; on ths farm It's tops. $500 DOWN Will buy this popular, truck ' CALL 2-7973 And ask for Bergle or Gelt 461 NO. HIGH "the Lot With A Lot" 111 U..J Cart For Soli" 1139 MODEL "AT coupe. 14 tires, good work car. M. Ph. 3-4751 inn n r U a The response to Ed Sullivaa't $425,000.00 1I1WV I!' Hss cleaned out our itock of Safe-Buy Used Carar 0 W need clea cars, til make k moeli to take In trade on aew 1S4 MERCIIRYSI HY We neel used ears, you need new MERCURY. YV win make you . . a Yoa snay win - $10,000.00 la easts. U yoti buy g rterer , COME IN T0DAY1 Lincoln-Mercury, Inc. , '430s 'A. com u 153 Auto Fort a. Repalre OVA L-MANIFOLD. tsctudleg ooth eorourators. g ehrarna bresthers, brsrket. for '37 la '41 Chev. Ph. 1-4)03. fSTYrucli, trail, for U 13 CHEV. I Ton, combination grain At stack rock. RI. I, Bo 34 Independence. Skyline M347. ALL STXEL 3 wheel Uaile7. 4-tons lfTON TZliutiti Tri J?. T!!. .Sl.' ,1 T w Chev. dump, ao. ITS N. Front Bt. ISoTWantod, Car, TrweT WE'RE PAVINO TOP CASH For Clean Ueed Car Paid or of Not Bob Bin Used Cars Union ajtigh sti WANT "b" tor baullnffpickers. Write Edward Hart, RI. , Boa 13. Silverton. stating price) At cond . or Ph. 1-4444. 858 Motorcycle' FOR BALE. '34 Harley-Dsvldeost Motorrvcle. Model 15, like aew. Ph. 4-1739. 162 House Trailer ONI of Salem's Better Court s-s center street Trailer Court, 414 CENTER ST. l!AII.E!: TOWlNd "AVHAWK TRAM rH SALES 4r Onetlanll Rd "h -xg, 31' TRAILER hiw. ' ailTlehl wood inietmr. like new ennd, reasonably priced nr will cotm ider trad lor equity in homo. Come to end of Broadway, turn right on Sh-ngn I a, firs house on right. Ph.1-4634. "anotiier LOAD OF iV SHASTAS Jl'ST ARRIVED Una Lane, M0 Lana Ave. fRAILFR spaeefor rentReoa. IHl7 Portlan Rd FlRCR'ES1lrYlier -Park under new manasement. restrtclee) faces fm rent 41 N Rlvo Rd. Ph 1-4313 II FT. Meul trailer house, rooe sonable. ,114 W. Breaming, evening Ai weekends. II Ft. trailer house. 1344. PiC , 4-9220. 1453 Dallas Rd '44 41 FT trailer house. Ilk new. Rt. t. Box 143 B. Brooks. TEAR DROP canto trai"ier7f"lt bed. Butane stove, Ph. 3-75. 1450 Conns Dr. 17 RUDGERtraller house." all mod. birch Int 4140, eo at 4444 Munkrra. 4-179-. FOR 'sALE R "TRADE -Tako large trailer boua with bath on pert er all my Equity. 3 bdrm. modern on Jarte lot with dwarf fruit, good ger den. or sell A lake over G I. ljan at 4';. See at 3411 Wlsva ,ola Ave. or Ph. 3-494.1. TRAILER sjWe. paved lot, I blocks from M Ac F. Nice laundry room Must have owe kaUt. Ph. 3-141. Mm - W! f If?, Mil If