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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1956)
rv t f I' - f i I) 450 Merchandise 455 Hou-Ood for Sal lM XENMOnE auto. (nw tin. Ph. I-70H4 after 4:10. fpEEDQueen washer. 1 rToil re. $169.10. $39.00; Deluxe Wetting-house XI Run, Reg $23190. Ilk new 1125 00. l(0i to. lummtr, Ph. 4-9U74, Linoleum run 1x12. UH Vlley Turn. Co, 11 N. Com! BE BUY GOOD USED FURNITURE: $300 dn. will buy complrle household of furniture in- rnminf-ippltancer. 1 PIECE' ifctidiial daveno red frieze covet $09.50 SEE our (election of guaran teed range . refriger ator i $39.50 up, SEE 'our large selection of mattresses' k springs. DAVENPORT 4t club chair sets. ..,,'..:.. .,. 1S up. ' WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES WOODR 515 S. COM'L, PH. 4-3319 0" EI.EC. range, damaged In ahipment. Auto, timer, reduced prlre. SArrf ureen stamps Fttdorf's Home At Auto, 140 J State St. Ph. 3-9382. PR AFTED. muit aell f mo. old deluxe Hntpolnt ranee, refrig, wesher, dryer. Ph. 4-2231, eve 2-OS90. FREEZER, price reduced 1o move, floor mdl. Termi. SA-H Green Stamps. Batdorf'i Home At Auto, 1420 Stat ,91. Ph 3-MS2. - riREWORKSI Yes, on used elec. ranees. Warehouse clearance. It M At up. Blf savings. U haul. Easy terms. SaVH Green Stamps. Muter Service gt tions, MS N. Com'l. USED maple arm daveno chalrf $.. Hogg State St. Bros., iti IISEO t pc. sectional davenport, $9. Host Bros. 241 Stale St. VSTD floor lamps. 13.93. Hogg Bros. 241 Stat St. C E. Swivel Top Cleaner, S.W.M. 1321 N. Capitol Dir. 3-70S7. . TON refrigerated air-condi tioner. Perfect for office or amall store. Call I-9S64 after S 30 p.m. wk. days., any time Sat USED Mangle 120 Salem Ironrlt Co.. 1137 S. Coml. 4-173 Urgent. Lcavinf town, must aell 4 pc. sectional, 1 arm I chairs. Kelvlnator range, Gib- ieon refrif .. dble. bed. apring At mattres like new. Call 4-2003. USED pc, wai. norm, suite, SM. Hon Bros. 14 State St. USED pc. blond dining suite, $89. Jfogg Broa. 14 Stat St. C'SF.D Kroehler daveno At chair, i sue, iwii C'SED plaati I Mi" Ho" t ? BfLArn Lin lilt. Hogg Broa. 24t Stat St. plaatlc recUntnff chairs. Hogs; Broa. 24 sut St. Inlaid um, ii.m pr sq. yd. r. u Eizstron csv. asa a us erty UNFINISHED furniture. HTL. Hth Stiff Furniture. 17 N. tKLAID Lino., I1H per rq. RV L. EUstrem Ct. Ml rty Unfinished Chests, New I Drawer MM I Drawers M S H Phone Orders Pitas HOGG BROS. 241 tat St MEW TILT-Back lour chairs. . Choice of colors. S. Used Mda. Mart. 270 S. Liberty. Open Frl. nights 'til I. Ph. 4-4371. No down payment -.) USED Daveno Special Km Used Mdse. Mart. 270 8. Liber ty. Ph. 4-4371. Open Frt. nlihtr Mil 1. a. c I No down payment o. PLATFORM rockers. $7 91. Used . Mdie. Mart. 270 8 Liberty. Open Frt. nlfhts 'til I. No down payment to. a. e.l Ph. 4-4371. New. lrg doubl dresser ndton mh. ; ' :, UP 80 New. large Mr. At Mrs. drtssr Ac matching bed. hi mah. 2 pc. only I7 W Youth bed romp. 1?4 SO Mapt kneehol desk If 90 Girl s bicvele, good 124.9 1605 N. Summer . WOODRYrUR.N. MKT. ILECTROLUX VciTum'Af af tarhmenur. Ilk new. $31. Glen Woodry, loos N. Summer. ED Am. -Oriental Rug. A-l rond. $41.90. 1605 N. Summer, Woodry. JtrrRIG.. used. Auto, defrost ing. 2 dr., full width freerer chest. perfect cond. Reg. 40 99. Reliable customer, may assum bai. of I2.14.S0. SAH Green Stamps. Batdorf's Home Ai Auto. 1420 State. Ph. 1-MSl. FOR SALEeTux-CEelctrlc rnge, lik new, $100. Ph FOR SALE' GE rang, excel, cond. 1-96S3. fl Pioneer Dr. S cu. ft. Philro upright freerer. 1 yrs. old. Ilk new. Ph. 1-3311 fter S3: SUNK beds romp., boys bike, bird cage, cot, gas heater, hot plate, adjustable window screen Ar mier. 3-A4M. fjSED contour chair, green plas tic, $4. Hogg Bro. 24$ Stat St. 4S6 Wan tad Housa Goods .110 000 CASH To spend for High grad Used Furniture Ar Appliances. Ph. 1-5110. Paying Top Prices for Better Grade. C.len Woodry, 1408 N. Summer. "CASH FOR FURNITURE VALLEY FURN. CO. Ph. 1-7471 WANTED FURNITURE MISC. PH. S-W98 ' TOP CASH KHICl - FURNI TURE, APPLIANCES. ETC USED MERCHANDISE MART 170 S LIBERTY PH 4-4371 457 Radio and TV MOTOROLA It" TV set Owner transferred out of town. Down raymnt already made, assum 14 mo. paym't. SAtH Green , ' gvtampe. Ms'ster Service Bts . tlons, 3t N. Com'l. ton SALE: Complete Photo Fact At cabinet. Bargain, Ph. Fairfax 1-2877,. Jefferson. 43 fuHding, Mat rials 8W.00O FEET New. fresh-milled old a frowth lumber 1x4 to. 2x11 in to 14-fno! lengiha Delivered price Salem $.10 per thqu minimum Ted Muller s-lioa BARGAIN Ti-ltm q used roof tile. -1 PK 4-M21 or 1210 Chmeketa 1 450 Merchandise" 451 luiltJina Materials AND uonsA" NEW LOAD RTRCH DOORS - beautifully designed LOW COST I t INSULATION 120 sax. ALDER shop At paneling i pric of birch I 8DO MM, rlC. 11.S0, PAINT IK il. SCREEN DOORS 1 up Alum Scrnsto IiU FENCE MATERIAL all tyoes. Won derful stains (or finish see them I fLYWOOD SPECIAL: ISO J sheets of BIRCH nd I KNOTTY PINE Clnseout 29c ft 4 Knotty Pin lie ft. FIR PLYWOOD - ny sit - CUTTING FREE trmn. dous selection. NAILS $.11 keg. CLOSEOUT Odd lot Pine Paneling 100. at, CEDAR BOARDS Rgh back 10" Cedar Sdg US. M, 1x11 104M. Hrrr a 4c ft. Hemlock Cag, add lots 4x1 Sanded Plywood 17r ft., Rgh. 4x1 429 sheet! Gosn New ALUMINUM STORM DOORS low price. PAINT GRADE JAMBS 199 ML Like we say - "LOTS AND LOTTSA HI Remodeling 36 MONTHS TO PAY NOTHING ftrujt't right) NOTHING DOWN - See us soon you'll enjoy your visit. Portland Road Lumber Yard 3141 Portland Road Ph. 4-4431 "OPEN ALL DAY . SATURDAY" BUILDING? II felt At craft paper 1131 3 tab 21S lb. roofing. Cheap Cedar Shlnglra $3, S3, $t . New Iron roofing per q. $10 Nails par keg. $191 Outside white paint, gal I J SO 12-2 wire, roll at 4c Garage doors, all siren, cheap Barb wire SO rods SS.9S. $7 4 Celling til 12x24, lie sq, ft. 4x1 plaster bd. SI 40. I SO. 1 S3 no. I Asbestos siding llSSOsq. New Water heaters, sell Mil Cast soil pip 7Sc ft. a" llv. pip 12c, 4-lc, P. -He. l'i-34c. SOO gaL steel sen tanks SS1.M 300 gsl steel sep. tanks $.19.30 New bath tub complete M Toilet wiin tests I2S.90 Wash baa. with trim $1$ SO Iron, steel, stainless steel Inks. r Drsln-board covering Kc ft S" Ceiling fans $13.71 Deluxe 14x24 med. cabinet .. $$.$ Oak Org. randem ngth Cheap New window sashes, cholc $2 00 Window At frsmes. lsrge Mahf. plywood 4x1, ilSe sq. ft. 1.000 doors, hardwood a gla STRICTLY CASH-U-HAVL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS C. G. LONG At SONS PR 4-5051 1 ML N. KEIZER USED CEILING TILE (18x32) Reject hdboard 10x100" 11.71 sht Used '," plywood Sc sq. ft. Used Windows, frame. comp. ax .. 1 es Used sash, all sires $1 At up Used concrete shower bsses ...... S3 e. Used shower unit aprsys $2 SO . All kinds used pip ," to 4' 4 ft.. 4 tub fluorescent lights $10 ea. Loose fill Cork Insul $1.23 bsg Used Ixl. 1x4 Fir flooring $41 per M Used bridg planks Ar nmoers wish per M E. S. RinER & CO $740 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-1311 4 Ml. No. of Sslem. Ml. No. of Totem Pole on MB Open All Dsy Saturday Overhead steel gartr fan with hardwar. $3$$. lo ll tiled $41 a Gslvtnited v traugh ll'n per IV EPPINO LUMBER CO. PH. 4-6123 " r SILVERT0N RD. 460 Musical Instrumants FOR SALE: Everelt Studio pi nn. Ilk new. Call Woodburn 1-308. 463 Sports tqulpmant IT'S E Birchcraft 1' Cabin Cruiser 1 bunks, space for head, IMS long shaft JOHNSON motor, steering At hardware Installed with trailer, all lor 11393. Calking Claxg "D" Utility K G. . 40 hp. with quick silver lower unit, aoua meter, all Hardware At props. ready to race, will do over M mph. full price $4S. Isham Sport Boat, 14ft. With renter deck, hardware, windshield At steering, com plete for $341. Birchcraft 16 ft. ' I yr. old. excellent rendition $2M. 13 ft. Fiber Glasa Boat Douhl bottom, I vr od, ex cellcct condition, $.121. Several Others All Guaranteed 12 hp. Sea King With gear shift, guaranteed $131. 12 hp. Sea King Guaranteed. 8W. S hp. Johnson With clutch, xcellent condi tion, $121,. V' OPEN SUNDAYS CREDIT GLADLY ril I I $axl . ,., . , . WALLACE RD; PH. 1-2471 lite m mm ft 450 Merchandise 471 Wanted, Misc. Wanted WILLAMETTE, WASHINGTON RED RASPBERRIES. ' BLACK HIQH CASH PRICE -GET-CRATES-JVT- KELLY - FARQUHAR & CO. .1460 .TILE ROAD ' SALEM. ORE. " PHONE 2-4133 ' 462 Sports Equipment JOYCE'S JUICY WORMS Get your worms from our vendor. Open 24 hours. 1S5S N. ain. , 11 FT. NEW runabout, mah center deck. IS H P. Johnson I29S. Ph. 2-772S after $ t, matched aet, la dler McGregflr, Irons, woods, bsg. Ilk new, $.19.00, ISOS So, Summer. CASH Paid for used uns. mod. rn and sntiqti Caslrd Merc, 123a Brosdwar NEW 12 ft. boat, trailer & mo tor Ph 4-SW7. 770 S. 24th. HIGGINS camping trailer. Wet tern Auto Store... Woodburn Ph. S-751. 12 ft. boat and motor. Reason. able. Ph. 2-0810. WHY get out of your boat for gas ana oil, usvey I Locker W. Salem. Standard credit cards honored. FOR SALE. 2 HP Mercury out board, good cond., $41. 1305 W inapi si., uauas. TEE NEE BOAT TRAILER New. Ph. 7-3458. COMP. equipped 11' Wizard re sorter At Holaclaw trailer. Mark IS Merc, engine, $1,050. call between 4 At $ p m. 3-1343 nee iuq wnour. 11 FT. Plywood boat, good cond. I7. rn. 3-P93I. FOR SALE: 1 hp. motor. 12 ft boat. At utll. trailer $141. Ph 1-9811. 464 Bicyclel TRADE bor's t bike for artrl' sidewalk bike. Celt 2-1171 eves. 468 For Kant, Mi$e. run slnt r I, it ware- nous apac. cement floor htl kU, I qulr EL L. Stiff Funt,. S-tlU. 470 For Sola, Misc. 7U" Craftsman elec. kind almost nw. A bargain 1.17.JO. Ph. 1-0401. 1200 Nebras ka Ave. SELL or trade Deep Fryer com piei. eve 4-0321. FOR SALE: Coronado Air Con ditloner. hp. 1 yrs. old, ! pric. rn. 4-524J after a. . PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. $1.25 A YARD PH. 4-2463 Tod Soil Orchard Loam River Loam Oial 1-174 Prompt Delivery aveizer sano at tiravei (.,. Pit Run Gravel TOP SOIL PH. 2-4310 TOP SOIL Phon i-1571, l-wi BEV'S rummage, vverVday. 473 N. Cottage. Ph. 4-7300. TYPEWRITERS adding ma. chine, casa register, duoll cators. desks, chslrs. files, sup. phs Rnen's, 4J4 Court 1-47,1 USED OFFICE CHAIR PH. 4-7268 AGATE cuter and pnllther with motor. BoysJNke. 4-737. MOVING: large steel desk. xll rugs and pad, occasional chslrs, chroma breakfast aet, Lawn mower. Garden tools. Good used clothing. 13S0 Mar lon. Ph. 4-S3D4. CI.EMSEN lawn mower, good III 50, Popular Sricnr Ar Mechanic Magaxlnes, Sc 3415 Winola Ave, 11 FT. upright freezers.. 1290 ss up. Chest Freezer 1211.11 up Ph. 1-330 (dealer). METAL, link spring folding cot 1100. Beautiful bird rag At stand, $6 00. Ph. S-S34I. HUGE selection of new At used appliances, rsnges, refrigera tors, television sets, radlna, vacum cleaners, small appli ances. All ssle priced. Easiest term In town. Used Mdse. Msrt.. 170 S. Liberty. Open Frl. nights 'Ul 1. No down psyment to.) Ph. 4-4371 FIREPLACE set. Very nice. 11! Used Md. Mart. 270 a. l ib- erty. Open Fri. nights 'til 1 Nn down payment lo.a c.) Ph. 4-1371. SINGER vacuum cleaner. $0 9!. Used Mdae. Mart.. 270 S. Lib erty. Open Frl. nights 'til . No down payment loir.) Ph. 4-tOTI. . WHITE outside paint, $1 1 gal. Glen Woodry, 106 N. Summer. ARTISTS Studio Easel eolld oak. coal $71. Sacrifice for $21. Phon 4-0044 afternoons. 1 PACIFIC BOILER l'i Million B.U.C. used 3 school terms. In perfect shape tono. Also 4l fsl. hot wster tank. Houston orter. Rt.i 1 Box 340. Neha lem. Or. Ph. Immerson 1-130. 14 ft. Meat case, 1121: I Walk In unit complete, 8125; I Tol edo Computing scat. 171 00; I R C. Allen cash register lloo ; 1 Frozen food cabinet. 1300 00; 1 Meat block. $1100; I Electric clock. 810 00. 1611 N. Com'l. Ph. 1-01 10. 11 CU. FT. comb, refrig. At deep ireeze. bud zero, would lake am. refrig. In deal. Horsepower Johnson outboard motnr boat. Both A-l shape. Ph. 1-0400. FOR BALE: Two 1 ft. used pic nic tapies, (enmo. tahl at bench). 4841 Hayesrlll Or., Ph. 4-41 II. 10c to pgr All brands roffe. al) reg. rlgts., II.M ctn., lg Vel l25c. 404 So. High. DIAL 4-6811. TO PLACE AD 450 Merchandise 473 Wanted, Mite. CAPS. 472 Wantad, Misc. LOGS WANTED: Top prices paid -in. to 50-tn. diameters In S-fl. or multiple of 8-ft. We also buy stumpage. Burkland Lum ber Co.. Turner. Or. Ph. Tur ner 1129. Evenings phon Tur ner 1502 or Salem 2-782. MISC. Items, turn., dishes, tool or whst have you. Call Bark' era Furn. 4-0444. 1794 Silver ton Rd. WANTED. Good clean furniture At appliances. Will pay top rash price. Phone 4-0371. WANTED several thouaand cord of wood, all spKic. Ph: 1-7711. Night 4-M31 474 Miicellonaeui FIR TIMBER , WHITE S RANCH 1 mile East from Turner ADDING machine, east) refit Clary 117 Falrfrounda 1-5371 DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HRV SERVICE Oi MOST CASES. OR HARRY SEMLztR. Dentist Adolph Bldg.. But At Com'l St AUH rH. I-3311 47 Fual OREGON FUEL CO. - Old fir lily pda -r- SAWDUST SAH Green Stamps Ph. 3-5533 3017 BroSdwsy ORDER NOW FOR RATES Sawdust, wood for furnace, range or heater, ahavlnfs At mulcn. , West Salem Fuel To 152S Edgewatrr Ph. 1-40.11 WANTED several thouaand cord o." wood, ill spacta. Ph. 1-7711 Nights, 4-633. HIGHWAY FUEL CO, ITDUST t WOOD. 1 SAW Capitol Fuel Co. ' - nnv ftnavrvr. SAWDUST FOR MULCHING Pinr Ends . Choir slab and block mixed 1420 Broadway Ph. 1-7721 ANDERSON'S tlabwced. Ph, 2-7751 or 4-2034. 500 Bui. & Finance S10 Motvay to Lean Business Loans To $7,000 ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS Loans to Purchase, Repair or Refinance All Type of Equipment Including Crawler Tractors At - Trailer Home PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS Wm. C. Krimer. Manager Ill S. Liberty Ph. 4-2201 $25 to $2500 Pacific Industrial Loans 111 I. Liberty 'i Ph. 4-HOl LOANS ISO 00 to I15O0 00 Buy What You Need Conolldat your hills. Finance Through WILLAMETTE CREDIT COMPANY 11 Church St Ph 1411 PRIVATE money to loan. 1 Interest. Ph. I-07M. VrE HAVE rash buyer for real sfat contract nd 2nd mort gages Oh mart V Clb. Realtor 477 Court St Phon I-4IU $1500.00 Now you can borrow $1800 from us, on turnltur. auto, trailer nouses and aquiPmcnt W ar happy that after H years we r abl to extend this additional eenrlc to you. - 137 S. Coml. -Salem. Orrgoa , General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 PRIVATE MONEY to loan, buy contracts and morteM, 341 Crtemekela St. Ph. -RMl. COI.ONIAL Investment Co Meal Property Loan Contracts Purchased. M7 Court 4-213. 600 Employment 602 Haiti Wanta, FEMALE Bkkpr. Gen. off. xp. Invoicing. aocounis rec. payable, 1221 to tart. , Cnmptnmeter operator, experi enced, sales, auditing dept. a da. week, Open. Secretary. Edlphon' At some snort nana, personal, - soma col In experience, Open. MALE Printer, linotype, exper. I da. weex, open. kkpr. Gn. nfflc. xper1nccd. ju over, cipen. Capitol' EMPLOYMENT 814 N Winter AGENCY Ph. 1-0(131. CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phon l-Od-vI 34 N Winter Adjoining Presbytarla ehurrh rrs parnnf In rvaz. Exdu alv bating aU mployrrtent. 600- Employment 602 Halp ARTHUR Murray' now ' inter - viewing applicants for teacher! $3 per hour, training free if ccepted. Ages 11 thru Apply In parson, Mr. Chap- pel, i tnru a p.m., sa retry APPUCATloNSV now bln laaen ror Biaiesmaat Dt routea Several route wl open. Applicant mult be tc- comptnied by their parents or have thtr written permis sion Apply at th CtrculaUon zxparunens w in tawamtav journal. 604 Hafp Wanrad, Maw MONTGOMERY WARD in Mr. Minnvlll ha an opportunity for an aggressive ' appliance salesman Ac on furniture salesman Good guaranteed weexiy salary piua comml aion. Appry In person. WANTED: Caauallty Inaurance adjuster with exp. In either Liability or Material Damage, or botn. baiary open, car fur. nished. Territory either Rose burg or Portland. Picas state qualifications, lnq. will be notified for personal Interview. Box 163 Statesman-Journal. WANTED SHOP FOREMAN Ford-Mercury dealership. Mutt nave recent roro-Mercurv ex perience, excellent wages, fine opportunity for qualified man Write full qualifications, to Hugo Mackoy. Dunning Mo tors, Box as. Brookings, Ore gon. BOOKKEEPER and office man. ager wanted. Must be able I uxe tun man of the office. fleas stat age and qualifies tlons, also marital atatua in fi nal letter. Whit Statesman journal. Boat lai. TAB Machine Operator with working know ede of counting for University Bust. ness Office. 1310-1400. Writ iwr. sandor. University of Ore. gon or telephone Eugene DI 5-1511, Extenaion 121. WANTED draftsman, age 21 to 3D, with mapping ability or ex perience (for Eugene firm rive dsy week. Salary open. wnie box no. mi. statesman. - journal, tor Interview. WANT several wood cutters. - Apply Capital Fuel Co, 00 H. Kiver ltd. . 606 Help Wanfcl, tedy DEMONSTRATOR. Exp. for new moo. sslem store. Diatributing approved health At reducing equip, a or app I. can 4-290, WANTED waitress aaea 31, luncheonette counter. Plea. ant working; condition. Part um to awn. Ph. Mr. Mont. oya 3-4127 week' day after 30. MIDDLE-ACE woman to do nousawork. I In family all moo. convenience, live in. Ph. 4-UM. WOMAN to rare for 1 girls ages a ana i, my name, a days i week for school year begin. in ns oepi. an. j-4322. CAR HOP wanted. II to II yrs. oio. i. b. urive in, 2230 Fair grounds Rd. WAITRESS, exp. 21. Coffee Shop, Dofchslter House, uceanlake. BOOKKEEPER experienced in general ledger, payroll, uxes, etc. Local firm, perms, nent, 1 day week. Must be ex. perienced. Do not reply unless tuny qualified, state age. sal. ary desired, experience. . Box 15 sttemn-journal. FRY cook. Experienced women. ixnns risn urotto, 3711 commercial, rn, j-7700 any time. COMBINATION dinner At try cook to work 10 hour nn Sun day. Good wages, ref. required write r. u. box mi. baiem. LADY wanted to drive car 1 or a oays week, write Stateaman journal. Box 1M. WAITRESS, experienced table service. Louis rish Grotto. 271! S. Com'l. Ph. 1-77N after 11 a.m. EXP. wsitre.s. North' Reitiu- rsnt. Capitol Shopping Can. rer. no pnon rail. EXPERIENCED wt It rets want ea. wonigren . 440 Stat. WANTED: Experienced ailk fin Isher At aeamstres for small anop. meady Job 5'j da. week. rn. J-ZQ91 evenings. BABY SITTER, your home. Vic. Lerene at s. com'L Ph. 1-1U1 alter a p.m. WOMAN to care for Invalid gen tieman ana do house work Modern convenience, go wage, live in. Gerval 1-152, 60S Pickars Wanted! ADULT Cherry picker. Rt. 4. box 2a. 1', miles S. of Liber ty. L. D. Walkr. BOYSENBERRY picker register now. start July a. Rt. 1, Box lu, nmoKB. U-PICK lnc Ih Out Center 4 ml. past Scotly s nwimti to curve, turn ngnt. t,. a. lunneu, pn. 4-2t20. U-PICK Marshall strawberrlM Ph. 1-0100 before noon. RASPBERRY picker wanted. Sat. June 30th. R. P. Barnwell, n, jtiver K0 Kelzer. Ph 4-4304. U-PICK Strawberries, 1 ml. Esst Kelzer school. A. Goldthy, 2211 Chemawa Rd. Ph. 4-S374. STBAWBERRY pickers wanted" picxing marsnalls "til July I. r. L. Meyer. 2a ml. W of Brush College Store. Ph. 1-1171 vet. o.O Sales Help Wan tat AGGRESIVE sslftmsn for posi tion as manager of car lot handling new Porda and Mr curya snd all used cars. Con. tact Ford - Mercury Dealer. ship, George D. Dunning, Box ass. Brookings, Oregon, Phone nrooKings 2141, WANTED , 3 salesmen. Sslem area. A golden opportunity for a procurer, liberal commls sions. Call 1-M.1S. FARM Saleeman to work out of one oi naiem s finest Reel Es tate office. Rawlins Realty, 01 Chemekcta. Ph. 4-M75. MAN t distribute At pick un Fuller Brush est logs lino weekly oomm to start 1-1157 MARION County Director of na tional parent education pro gram sponsored by a Marshsll Field owned enterprise will Interview women IS to 55 for working assistant. The women (elected must be well educated, refined, like oeoole. be Interested In th welfare of rniioren; nave car: be avail able Immediately and willing 10 worn tor promotion. The position calls for contact with parents therefore experience in teaching, rhurch work oror- Jtnizlng adult group on almi sr experience 1 deslrshle. Starting salary, $160 first month, $Sno sveond month, 1250 third month for shoe thit qualify, Mrs. Anhoury will conduct interview at th Or- on Suite Employment Serv re, 110 Ferry, Sslem, Monday, July 1, at 10 a.m. andt II a.m. 'Fasclnatln In g work at home I No W pay you I Truart, telllni! Box 710, Pasadena. Calif PROFITABLE Summer Work for Primary teachers. See Mrs, Vlo. let Nettletnn at the Oregon Stat Employment Servlr Monday. July 2nd, at 1 p.m. only. IF you are an experienced REAL ESTATE SALESMAN we have a good proposition to discuss with you. TO Hometellsr. Slm. ALES MAN wanted. Electreliu Corp. 107 Brdwy Salem, 600 Employment 610 Sales Help Watitatl SALESMEN ADVERTISING A careertn advertising with AAA-1 company. W manu facture a copyrighted line. You aell on open account with commissions psid weekly snd yearly bonus. W lupply you with 1900 ample. Our calendar. Di , reel mall, premium and gift lines r uniqu end Bpcil ird. EXCLUSIVE TERRITORY! EXCLlisrVE LINE! SECURITYl' PROMOTIONI WRITE LOUIS F. DOW CO. S PINE STREET. BAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. PART TIME.-' SALES WORK " to t pm. average $4 so guar- anteeq comm. pn. -jp4. FOR immediate employment, $400 mo. guaranteed com. ap ply 32S L Bush. 1:30 t $ A.M. Only. 612 Work Wanted, Mew YOUNG man want steady work by the hour. Ph. 4-0097. CUSTOM mowing, lot At sore- ages. ft. mower. Delbert Beach. Ph. 1-7731. HOT coating, root repair At pray painting. Guaranteed workmanahip. Also free esti mates. PI). 4-4127. NEW LAWNS prepared At seed ed. Estimatea gladly. Inatsll ment payments arranged. Ph. 4-1301 or 1-llM CARPENTER work, maintenance r repair, pn. 4-7071. , Mow hayfield or vacant lots. Ph. 4-0371 between g p.m. At 1 a.m. NEED AN ADDITION? Remodeling? Cabinet work. Free ext. txpert work. Work guar. Ref. Go anyplace. Chas. E line. Ph. 1-7011. CARPENTER. new. remodel, free est. Ph. 4-0873. PAINTING - Free Estimates Reasonable Ph. 1-1351 eves. R0T0-TILLING Ph. 2-2518 CFMENT work: guaranteed; prompt service; free estimate. Ernest Drake, Ph. 4-1331. TALL GRASS, lawn cutting An- oerson. e-wj. zm m. eapuoL ROTOVATING . Tilling, Howard Rotovating, gar den cultivating, lawn prepar ation by hr. or Job. 1-5491. ROTOVATING work eve, week ends, j Hsthiway Ph. S-3S2S. ROTOVATING PH. J-4763 CARPENTER WORK, dsy mt contract 1-141 or 1-1450 tOU'S tree service Spray, top- ping, prune, cabling. 4-2464. Horn Building At Remodeling CALL JOHNSON Ph. 2-9740 614 Work Wanted, lady WILL do baby sitting In my home, go N. Liberty, Ph. 4-0343. HOUSEWORK, $1 hr. Ph. 4-W40. CHILD car in my horn, ply equipment at close supervision, lull Electric. 4-3703. , WILL cr for two girls In my country home dsy or week. PliLjiperator 01F13. IRONING; my horn, also baby anting. 1330 Peace. 4-917. VERY capable girl want to car for child In my horn. Prefer age 1 to 1 yr. Ph. 4-4211. HOMEMADE frozen fruit At chicken pies. Cookies baked to order 4-1331 or 1-1741. WILL baby alt, year old At Up Ph. 4-S.T4S. CHILD Car my horn 1 da. 25c hr. 4 -corners, ph. 1-SS71. MIMEOGRAPHING, typing Mr. roe. w. isin pn. J-3M3 FOR an exper. baby altttr, call Mr. Martin, 1-4343. 615 Situations Wonted WANTED: Living quarters for family of 4, for th summer. exchang part tim work. Ph. 1-7111. FRANK-HARRY'S POWER DITCHING Installation, sewers, eptlc tanks, drain fields, tiling 2-olos. RETIRED couple would like Job, s car taker or managing a -court, apt. etc. . Has exg. axyiine T-zaoa aaonmouin. EXPERT apray, brush painting. paper panging, your paint or mine. Tree est. Terms. Ph. Nelson 1-S401. 3-1243. . '. s yd shovel, crane, hoe. drg. line, 2S-ton mobile rran. D4. D7 eats. ' rarrv all clear ing blade. Rental eon tract r unit pric. SALEM SAND lc GRAVEL 140y N Front St Ph 1-1461 PAINTING, papering. Free estl- matea. uon Lucero: i-tm. EXPER. decorator will fix-up your home, 11.40 per hr. or contract. Older houses a spec ially. Ph. 4-3640. WILL car for 1 1-yr. old child. day. My horn in Mornlngsld Dist. Ph. 4-0100. PAINTING. Dirt cheap prlcea. 1-7111. 21 years In Salem. Ph. CARPENTER work, any kind reas. 4140 Macleay Rd. 4-SMl. LAND CLEARING D-l Hr. C. Mitchell. Ph. 3-1337 RCHARFF BROTHERS Inatallatlon Repair Sewer. Septic Tanks, Drain Flelda, Power Ditching, Backfill. Ph. 1-1566 or 1-1071. MOWING At rklr.g. p. Mar- hall, 1-1341. SMALL carpenter jobs, good Ph. 4-1424. work, reasonable. LIGHT crawler dozer, leveling grading 1-7041 L Kurth INT. decorating. Chas. Mclean, 411 .. Msorons, Ph. 3-.1U.I3. 620 Day ond Contract BIDS received until July 1. 1196. for re -roofing Haptlst parson- awe.' ten n. Monmoutn Ave, Monmouth, Or. Specification availabl on premise. 700 Rentals 702 Sleep. Rooms, Board TV. Nicely turn.. Clean Bleeping rm. s wk. 2-7020. board avail. FURN. It. housekeeping rm:, W. Salem. $30 mo. Ph. 4-9071. 121 Certh. . ROOM, board 'lav mod. horn. 6Lantz, Salem Heights, ROOM At board, men only, $61 per mo.. Ph. 4-3741. NICELY furn. rm. also bssm't rm. S3! N. Winter. CLEAN, quiet, near State bldg., anop Din., atit pnvei. 1-1440 CLEAN. Cornf. rm. T. V , cloae in 211 a winter 1-1722, WANTED Man to room and board. 166 N. Capitol. 705 Apartments For Rent ATTRAC. 4 m. apt. with pvt. ntenn. laundry in. 461 N. Front. bath. TV priv. Close ICE I bdrm, furn. apt Cloae In. pvt bath $40. Ph. 4-1102 CLOSE, nice mod. furn. apt. Ph. 1-44M except fiat. 700 Rentals 705 Apartments For Kant LARGE 1 bdrm. unfurni apt pn. 4-Q0I3. 7o rerry. FUHN. Apt.. $31 nd$4S. Utll l ties Incl. Employ lady nly, Ph. 4-1517. . FOR RENT. 1 rm. apt. wpvt bath, kitchenette. Laundry, priv., cloee in. lnq. 461 N. Front SPARKLING clean I bdrrik furn. apt. Newly decorated, pleasant surrounding. 741 S, Com'l. NICELY furn. basement apt., private. No, children. 1M S. 24th; . 1 RM, apt. w. kitchenette, bath. Utll. 490 B. Capitol 1 LG. rm. furn. apt. $31 N. Sum mer. $29.30, Cloe In North, I rm. furn. spt. All utilities furn. except gear lnq. ApL l; rear of 4M N, Liberty, Ph. 1-S4SS, APT. . for 1 partly furn. 1341 Walier, call ny time. ATTRACTIVE furn. 1 rm. pt, pvt. entrance, eloae In S. Ph. 3-5J83 or 1-S370. NEWLY derorattd loc. Ph. 3-3844 SPACIOUS UNFURNISHED 4 RM. ACACIA APARTMENT Call after P.M. S-7009 1140 S. 13TH, $50.00 t RM. furn. flat, adulte, refer ences, gar. Call A M. 'til i At after 1 p.m. 1-7541 M.ODERN 1 bdrm. court apt., completely furn., ISA mon. W. Salem. Ph. 4-6871. Ev. 1-1743. NICE lg. 3 rm. furn. 141 N. Liberty. Ph. 1-5444 or 1-3000. IN Kelzer, large unfurn. apt At garage. Ph. 4-303, 3-1251. NEAR Capitol; 1-rm, furn. for empk lady; 14150, tncl. utll.. auto. heat. ph.. 1-4505; 1-6271. 1ST FLOOR, fu.-n. I rm., Bcn- oix. 33 N. Liberty. Ph. 1-7124 MOD, clean, neatly furn, apt. bdrm, Turner, Salem 4-3407. WEBER Court New manage ment, clean rum. At unfurn, apt., all elec. laundry fan I 8. 13th, at E. Rural Ph. 4-1191, 1 BDRM. Court Apt., steam heat. earnt., range At refrig. Adulta, no garage. Ph. 1-S300 or 3-744. VERY nice 1 rm. apt Haf Court Bt. PH. 4-S64B. NEW, very nice 1 rm. At bath furn., ww carpet, walking distanc down town. Singl rTton. Ph. 1-7170 or after 30. 1-1887. FURN. apt. ground fir. near Stat bldg . lnq. 130 Garnet St. 1-741 . CLEAN, quieS rm. apt. down town, iaay prer. 43 rrry. RM. turn, apt, light, water, refrig., outside entrance. Bua line. 1474 N. Summer. Ph. 1-76SS. CENT loc. 1 am turn. At 1 Irg. vnfurn. near new Stat bldg. At Univ. 2-2117, 1-sail. 1 room, ground floor, small yard. Drslrablt. 1 block from P O. 1-653.1. . Hollywood Apts. Furn., unfurn.. 4-4711 or 4-7171. AMBASSADOR APTS ' Nicely Furn. Apts. $90 N. Summer. 2-1201 . i RM. heated apt. w. pvt. ent Furn. or unfurn. 1411 Court 1 RM. apt, int N. 13th... Cham- Cket Ar ISth. Ph. 4-127. MODERN 1 bdrm., Court Apt Unfurn. except Elec. range At refrig. W. Saltnv. Ph. 4-4171. S.V. l-743. y COURT ant. Extra hire, clean. 1 rms. At bath, unfurn.. except tove, refrig. IV, laun., park. van, inq. s. win. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. 1161 Chemeket St Ph. 1-H30 Scenic view 1 bdrm unfurn court Apt, range, refrig. 1-100$. MODERN I bdrm. court apt. unfurn. except elec. range At refrig.. $.V a mo.. W. Salem. Ph. 4-6671. Ev. 1-1743. 706 Duplexes NEWLY dec. 1 bdrm; upper flat. See to appreciate, ad alts, 1141 8, 13th. UPSTAIRS, J rms., economical living. Ph. 4-3041 eve. FOR RENT nicely furn. duplex no. oi town. $50 a no, cpi. oniy. tan j-Bisa. S-RM. flat. 1 block P. O. Ferry. P h. 1-6271. 1-3437. $52.50. I brdrm, 1 blocks from cspltol Bldg. Auto oil heat. wired for ie, rang. Ph 4-161. 707 Houses For Rent 1 BDRM. hs. Good dist Slngl or elderly rouple. Ph. 1-6061 MOD. 1 bdrm. home, flrepl., uto, heat, dble gar., water furn. $81 mo. Ph. 1-4231. FOR RENT or Ml, 1 bdrm ha. Ph. 4-9108. 1 BDRM. house, gar. attached, oil circulating heat, $7$ me. 67! N. 18th. Ph. 4-6761. FOR RENT Unfurnished 1 bed room court, $51 per mo. In qulr at 431 S. 19th. Ph. 1-7664. $03. I BDRM, attarhed garage, Diocx to High or t,rad. 109 Judson St. Ph. 1-012. W. SALEM Clean unfurn. l'k bdrm. house At gar. Suitable for roup) At child. $40. Ph 1-7WI7. MOD. 1 bdrm. home. 2 mi. S. of city limits. 2-0294. SUBURBAN 4 bdrm. near 8w- gla Sch., frpl., elec. heat dry er, l'i hatha, 17$. Owner at place 4671 Runnyview Ave. Ph. eve. 1-3610. BDRM. house nr Shopping i tr. no pets. pn. 3-3tv. NELSON'S RENTALS $00. mo. 1 bdrm, unfurn. new home. $71 mo. 1 bdrm. unfurn. South. 2s hdrm. country home. 1 A., unfurn. wstove At refrig., $71 mo. I bdrm., good, desired for Dr. At faml v. nrefer W. Salem. List your rentals with us, we have client! waiting. Nelson It Nelson, Rltrs. 1190 S. Com'l. Ph. 1-3664 or Dorothy Dl, Evea. J-DUl FOR RENTTpartly- furn. 1 bdrm. hse 1230 Lancaster Dr. Ph. i-wjiv; FOR lease, nice 2 bdrm. modern house, no children. Ph 4-1111. TRAILER apac 110 per mo. . No pat. Ph. 1-SMS. 1740 Ox ford NICB 1 bdrm'. attached garag. located N. Ph. 1-3260. 1-406, 1 BDRM. country cottage, wired for wahr At dryr. nr grade erhool. Small acreags lfdeslred. Ph. 1-1171. $40 Well-lnrated- hrne South, Mil furnltur. Ph. 4-952. 142 so-l-bdrm.. Kelrer. E. A. Mrt.LAUFLlN. AGENT 339 N. High 1JMI1,3-66I1 2't BDRM house and gsrage wlthl'i A. S70jno. Ph, 4-1.11 WELL located spacioua 1 bdrm. home, $100 per . mo. Call 3-4234 after 1:30 p m. ins VAUOHnTni horn At yd 170 mo. Ph. 9-710, Olaf Thon stsd, Rltr. I- 00 Rental. 707 Howies For Rant FOR RENT with option to buy, or $1000 down - payment 1 year old 1 bedroom house East $71 month. C. W. Reev Realtor, MM Mission at. Ph. a-4590, eve, s-aaas. A Beauty, I bdrm.. att gauges wool wall to wall carpet. 11 Kenwood Ave, Four Corners. 707-a Furnished Houses FOR If tie. furn 1 bdrm. cottage. oami. gar., adult, pn. a-azaa. PARTLY furn. 1 bdrm, 4-7750. 1041 Ird St W. houe. Sslem. 708 Farms For Rent FOR RENT or leu Grade A dairy, 150 acres level river loam, additional pasture land, milking parlor, will support 61 or more dairy rattle, 60 rr under irrigation. A w. Ver non, Rt. 1, Box 900, Independ ence, Or. Ph. Salwn 1-132. 710 Wanted to Rent Hses WANT to reni. 1 or 4 bdrm. house, wired - for washer Ar . dryer, near grade school. Writ Box 15. statesman-journal. WANT to rent: 3 bdrm. hse. N. dlst widow At 1 young people. Ph. collect Detroit 481 RESPONSIBLE business couple w1 child need cln I bdrm. hnua or duplex by July.lAth. Ph. 1-M11. 714 luiineis Rentals DOWN town office specs, nor rm. At warehou 1-4114, 716 Resort Renteli MODERN cottage. Ocn Park, Washington, food clamming. 1-5417 Salem. 718 Convalescent Homes WILL car for elderly people In my home, IS yr. exp. Clean very comfortable home. Ph. 4-1741 ELDEREST Nursing Home. Pri vate rooms available. 13 w. Church. 1-0616. COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME. 291 N Cottage. 1-2020. 780 Moving o Storooo LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Moving & Storage PH. 1-1750 OR S-496S MAYPLOWER Moving and Storage I UKL UILS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER Larmcr Transfer 4 Storage Complete moving service. Also agenie lor ultima nation Wide Mover. Ph $1111. LOW COST storage H U Miff rurmiur est. -. 800 Real Estate 801 Business Opportuw. 1110 ROOM hotel furnishings for sale, I dormitory at $4000, rent for $128 per month. Newly rewired, plumbing paste city Inspection, 1 kitchen. Leas on bldg. $1141 per month. 731 Will St., Eugene. Oregon. Write Hazel Clark, 107 Crocker Lane, Eugene. WILL sacrifice dus to Ulnae amall bualnea In downtown Salem. Ph. after 11 a.m. 1-9120 MODERN T unit Salem motet At home, sell or ronslder trad for mU apartment house). close in. owner Z-U30, HEAT1NG0IL DISTRIBUTOR'S territory avail. abl locally, aom financial sistsnre considered. Write W. Wllllsms, 2131 N E. Mth At., Portland 11, Or., or Ph. AT. 2-0991 eves. SMALL greenhouses, lath house. 1 garages, chop, and I rm. mod. home on 1 lot. Reasonably priced. Willi Keller, 1111 Hay ter St., Dallas. COSY Fountain Lunch At bakery. Gladstone. Ore, good equip. Good lease, will tell stock and quip. Bargain, $2,100. Ph. 902l Oregon City. RETIRED couple suppllment your social security. Own bus iness At rentals. Living quar ter partly fum. Low down pym't, easy term. Box 160 Statesman-Journal. FOR LEASE near completion new drive-In restaurant with heavy traifie count Borne equipment furn. Bex U, statesman-Journal. FREE BOOK I FREE SERVICE! 1,000 buslneeae, farms. Income properties for !. Write U.S. Report, Box 1141, Wsshlngton, DC. Valuable Business OPPORTUNITY NEW automatic 1-ln-I Mnt Drink Unit handling the world famous nationally advertised Msxwell House coffee. Baker Chocolate. Tendarleaf Tea. You must be honest, reliable, have a sincere desire snd am bition to own a permanent highly profitabl bu tines which ran be operated from your home in apar or full ilm. Thorough training. Lo cation obtained and equip ment placed In operation by our expert. Immediate un believable Inrome. 10 unite doing the national average would give you an Income of $1.31 monthlv. Il, .1.11 yearly Only 11,2110 startl you. Up to 7.V of the equipment root csn be financed. For further information, write giving Shone and address to Boa 930. istesman-Journal. FOR SALE: By owner. Buay iir conditioned restaurant fully equipped Cms tn two canneries, neat 31. For ap- Kintment to' ae -Ph. 1-3UJ2 tween 6 a.m. 7 p.m. MOTEL 21 unit, good return. take Salem Property In trad. TAVERN-f-nd At alL Hot Spot 116.000 00 Terms. GROCERY clean stock, new fixtures, reaaonable. SER ST A -Good location. S3.. loono TUCKER REAL ESTATE Lebanon. Oregon TAVERN COCK T All, bar and cafe In town near new air force has. Also living quarters and equip ment for sale for I25.0OC. Some terms. Business should boom when air fnrre base established. Rsmsey, Realtor. 4-3311. 427 Ferry, SERVICE Station (good loca tion) for. lease. Equipment At Inventory only Investment re- Juired. Box 157, Statesman ournat, - . 802 Business Property FOR SALE large building. 6.600 wm. IPratl sq. ft. fir. Suitahl for ahnn. atnre, warehouse, etc. Good lo csttnn. A veryjfood Invest ment. Price dropped for quirk ale See 13$ N. Lancaster, call . . Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., rHOO Real Estate 802 Ruslneii Property INVESTORS OWN Salem's FINEST apart ment Court. Income $0460 per yr. Restricted residential dis trict cloae to Capitol At shop ping. Low overhead. Prim Income property. NO vacancy loea. $20,000 down or good pa. per move you tn. Asking If., tot). Call GRANT BOWDER. Office 4-S3S4, Home 4-MM. KSHH ISM Fslrsrounds Rd. Ph. I-UH..K no aiwwer 1-U56 803 Suburban APPROX. IA.IA. In cultiva tion.. Good I rm. hae, double garage. If. chicken has., em. greenhs.. fruit Ar bertte. Close In. Possible sub-divltlon . property. $10,100. rn. J-mx 806 Houies For Sola Northeast Salem Excellent. vlu. New. bvllt by GENE DEAN ANDERSON, this hem hst I bedrooms, family room, 1 fireplaces, l'i bsths, S-car garage, patio everything. This Is a great big aackag lor low price of $H 9W. Eva: John Van OsdoL 1-7343. Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7J77 CUT ME OUT AND GO TO 491S C0L0MA ST. (Go out Liberty Rd., turn left on oon no. na zotiow open house signs). A Pnel of housewlve acted aa advisors to Mr. wolf, tn builder In planning th color and arrangement of rooma. Superb quality and teat Is ev ident from th beautiful light - fixture to th furnltur fin kth woodwork. Thia la a 1 bed room and family room house with 1.11) sq. ft An ent. hall, 1 bath, doubl garage and 1 fireplace are other feature. Be sura and see this home Sunday, July 1st To see It soon call 1-471 day or v. OPEN FROM t P.M. TILL ' DARK C. S. JAC0BSEN REALTOR 1 Bdrm. tn hegutlful new tub oivtsion. Kiuwooa Height. Lrg birch kitchen At fam ily room. 1 baths. 19 foot liv ing rm. 14 ft. fireplace, lota of wood paneling. (Dbl. garage playroom combination all pan eled In cedar). 100 a lot ft. Int. Near completion soon, YOU MUST BEE TO BE LIEVE the price. Corner Mar ls ret At ClarMont. West oi Klngwood Priv. Ph. 4-191. This fine horn on paiou view kit to Mornlnftlde Addition. 3 large Bedrooms, living snd keeping rooms, complete Gen eral Electric ancnen. 1 bath, generous closst apac all on on iioor. Other feature Indud hot wa ter Daee board - heat, thcrmo pane windows, Insulation and weather-stripping through out. narowooa rioora and tun oaee mrnt with ' bath. Several view tots could be aold at the option of th buyer. Csn be Inspected by appoint ment only. Call 4-4111 or 1-1106 II inleretted. Brazier C. Small High Or. a Hill Very modernistic. Good view beamed ceilings, lota of brick good Int. S bedroom. 1 car ga- .rage plua carport. Not big, but very smart. 112,700. Eva: Cor aova Stephenson, 4-i4s. Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-7977 OWNER TRANSFERRED Will aell spacious t-bdrm. horn. I't baths, xtr lg. utility, for F H A. appraisal 1410 No. 14th. 2-RDRM. housa in Lahish Vil lage, newly decorated, 17.460, consider amall trailer bouts in trsd. Ph. 4-3111. 1191 MILL St. Excellent one bed room home, plastered, hard wood floors, trees, lawn, fruit. Owner. 3-7671. Price 15500. BY 0WlR7BuUfuribdrm, Ilv. rm., din. rm, bktst. nook, coved celling, frpl, garden, greenhouse, flowers, shrubs. North. 248 Park Lane. Ph. 3-9641. BY OWNER. Nearly new 1- bdrm , din. rm, firepi, garage. Inclosed yard, rederoratrd. En- Jlewnod Dili, $11,000. Ph. -7104. GARAGE house, lot A trailer house for sale. Call 141 Greg ory Lane. Trees-TREES-Trees 4.13 ACRES of beautiful build ing ite. fringed with tall fira and stately OAKS, view, road n two sides. -Ideal for day lite basements or level build Inis, lltmo per A.-SS20 down. Bsl, 1 Yrs, Don't sit. this la a honev. (NOTE: This Is my own property I. Eve. call RAY DAVIS, 4-W17; dav 1-MM ED LUKINREAL. REALTOR. 431 N. HlfiH. IT S NEW It's RUSTIC snd v. besiitlfullv built. Charming living room with raised hearth fireplace, l'i baths. 2-csr garage. 1 spacious- bdrms, separate dining room, 1x1.1 utility. If you want a home with tinted plumbing fixtures, formica drainhoarrts and. extra quality throughout. THIS IS ITI Tree lot In new retlrlcted district $19,790. Call GRANT BOWDER, office 4-.UR4. home 4-3909. (f no answer, 1-M34 WW 1600 Fslrgrntinds Rd. BARGAIN! 14.000 equity, 1 brm. mod. home. So , Ph. 4-425 alter 1 p m, , NICE 3 bdrm. home, .near grade sch At new Jr. High. N. E dlst 17.900. Mike oiler on 12.900 equity. Ph. 4-0910. 3169 Beacon. hy 3 bdrm. -OWNER-BUILDER- borne, fireplace, paved ' street, term. 130 Hadley (t Ph. 44aVe. July 1, '56 (Sec. Il7 800 Real Estate 806 Houses-For Soto 4 NEW Houses Open for taw , eperton DAILY FROM I TO Wl At t7S Grth. 93 At $4 Cssrsd. Ph. Mill, 1-W4U 1-1511 for terms. BUY with an eve to th future, lovely near nw home, 3 bdrm and 7 extra lots, only S14.SM. Donahoe 4-9704 Parklaon l-s3fl L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR . 3091 Portland Rd. Ph, 1-741 C. L S BDRM. house, almosrt new. Low down payment, 41 In tereit. Weatwnnd Height, near KSI.M. StW Clar Mont Dr. 1-5050. .. 1 BR. homo en large let. well landarsped with few outbuild Ings. Esst nesr hospital. Full pric only-$7(140. CU l4iry C. W. Reeve Realtor. I860 Mltw Ion St. Ph. 3-4590, eve. 1-096. BY OWNER:. needs painting, but what can you expect for SwMas, 3 bdrm. -house st 143 Bitter St. $soo tin. dt no loan coat. Pa. 4-137. BARGAIN $SOOo-FUlX pries for thla nicely z located 3 Bedrm home, all en one floor; dandy location oa N. 14th St. near State Hos pital, beautiful iot lawn, tree At shrubs, terms. EVA, rail RAY DAVIS. 4-M1T; day -M. F.D LUK1NBIAI REALTOR, 43) N. HIGH. OWNER leaving state. New Dorm. noint, a oioctts ox school, fireplace, lawn At gar den In. 461 Menlo Drive. Ph. 1-M4. $190 DOWN, $44 s month. Small nnme, Salem Height School Dlst,, $3.1M). E. A. McGLAUFLIN. RLTR 33S N, High 1-6611. 3-4611 FOR SALE S bedroom house 4- Corner dist. Will take lata model car a part 4361 Hager St., Phone 4-9467, OWNER Traruferred. Lovely t hdrra. home wflrepl., 11S0 q. ft. all lg. rms, Insul, hi. part of city. Ire. rot. alt. gar, wAitll.. covered patio. 4-406, BY BUILDER 1 bdrm. home, hrdwd. tin, abl. plastered Ttr, din. rm, nook. Ilv. rm. 1x13',. F A . frpl, 4416 Munk rs. Ph. 4-171. 111.200. BUILDER Ph, I-7704 Ws take trd DAYLIGHT BSMT, l-bdrm, fireplace. 13x40 ft. playroom, wooded lot, 114.100. KUS Hill, aid Um. FAMILY ROOM, dining. I bdrm, l'a bath, dble. garage, dead-end atrasU wooded lot, smtll back yard, Mir to keep. Re4y July 10, $1009. Hut Tular Ave. FAMILY ROOM, Urge dinlne 1't bathe, dble. garagq, aoxisi lot, meunuin View. $14,006. 4434 Kurth Ave. WEST SALEM, I largo Mrms . dining room, ntxtx, uwn ai shrubs, rederortd, $11,009, FHA or CI term. 13T King- ' wood Dr. WILL trade equity In 3 bdrm. home for trailer nnue. sees Sunnyslrle Rd. 1-0033. BY BUILDER NEW spartout I bdrm. Engt wood uist. Top Quslity. S-10TV, BUY my equity In Manbrta Gardena horn, 1 Mrmi, or I bdrm a. and den. F. A. heat, frnl. and patio. l ISO dn., Sll. $50, 63$ Manbrln Dr. Ph. 4-1491 Did You Know? Thsl we depend upon YOUB phone calla to keep our house soldi We are glsd to hear from you, whether in regarda to aa edvertieement a sign nn ptop. ertr, friend who' I nous hunting, or Just e personal question about real estate. Phon 4-7977, Ted Morrison, Realtor IV Nt HIGH PHONE 4-7177 BY OWNER. I bdrm. modem. well built home. $T SO0. Lo oted at 1491 7th. Ph. 4-141$ v. BY 'BUILDER NEW 3 hdrm nam I t 3 2-707L 8slem school perk E 2-5 P.Me JULY 1, 1956 Nw I Bit modtrn horn. $11901. wt for Burt. 4440 KAMPSTRA ST. . 9 blnrkf Tmsi of Wrhway M jjicKoon otior connr. A. E. BECKETT, REALTOR . Ill S. High St. Ph. 1-M2t BY OWNER, l-bdrm. hous. slder reaaonahl dn, psm't. Ph. 1-3812. OR RENT, completely remodeled oorm. nee Liberty at us coin. Ph. 1-1 1 a after S p m. . i ACRE bfdrnoms, gu tummn, Urft kitrhrn and dlnutt. UtH i rlrwrt toragi. larg garar. g'Krd r r tl and pum p, pa v str?t, rloftat In bua and ivrhrvnl. Wfll drains U acr loi. $0$ down, balanca tik rant, LINCOLN PARK New 1 BR. house located In LI coin Park wit, paved atreeu, . curbs, srdewslks, central efater system. 3 cr gsrag. large He ' Ing room with open beans ceiling, dining room, birch kiu rhen with nook, hug hstaj wilh formic counter, fire plsce. forced air ell furnace, 11490 with tl 900 down and 30-year financing, i Abrams 4 Skinner 411 MASONIC BUII.niNO Real Estate IrxUrtaaa Mnrtgaf Loan Office 1-9217 Eves: 3-470I or 3-T3M ' 'Candiliria A lovsly home en a lot with .trees, 3 bedrooms, full duilae room, dishwasher, hlrch kttch an. I1, bsthi, good utility room. Everything in fin, shspe. Just I year old, built hv JAMFS MINTY. lUSOO. I vs. Mar)orl Fsnning. 4-teas, Ted Morrison, Realtor 250 N. HIGH PHONE 4-TtTf