28-(Sec. IV) Statesman; Salem, Ore., Sun., July 1, '56 Reds Fear Satellite Uprisings Commie-Ruled ' Radios JWarn Against Revolts i . y RICHARD O'REGAN FRANKFURT, Germany uTW-The "ruler of Russia' Fart European satellites appeared Saturday to be haunted by fear that anti-Communist uorlsines might ipread all the way from the Baltic to the Black So Soap Box Derby Cars Too Quick for Dog Throughout the Communist-ruled lands, radios warned that rebellion similar to Thursday' bloody revolt in Poznan, Poland, would be dealt with ruthlessly "Anybody who raises his hand against the regime will have his band chopped off," said Prague Radio. But evidently concerned that the threat ol Stalinist-type terror might stir new outbreaks, tht East Euro pean Red regimes cautiously rtreased at the same time that much was beln( done to improve 'vlnr conHit'ons. r.'a Devlatle "V.'e are Rot going (o deviate from our :' ei path. The Pot nan provocation Is bound to fail," a Budapest rewspaper said. Reports from' behind the Iron Curtain Mid new of the Poznan revolt bad spread swiftly and had become the subject of excited dis cussion. But border between East and West Europe were still open "and there was no evidence that the Iron Curtain was being slammed down, , if .v-tv"" M - C ) v - v -Classified f WASHINGTON Twelve-yearM llabert OITrapaal item hi racer across the iulsfe Una) and a stray dog' tall, al the him tint gatarday la the aaaaal WasblagtM mi bei aerby. Derby otflclaU bad tried ia vaia to mm the wsndrrlm d awa" r-em the finish line aad it wasa't aatll JUbert clipped the dog's toil that the aaimaj took off for safer territory. (AP Wirephota.) 1 'Confidential' Donovan Book Says Battle for World Peace Decided Ike on 2nd. Term Fight WASHINGTON (Al Against a' as Whit House correspondent forlinet session during a discussion of back o-ound of senate controversy . the New York Herald Tribune to Elsenhower proposals to combat There were unconfirmed report Ver -how he obtained hi conlid- writ the book. It Jacket 'says it j subversion. He say the president of disorders io the tiny. Baltic nt'"' ourc material, , wnwesj wnn wniis Mouse co-jcommemea: eountrie of Estonia, Lithuania and Donovan' book, "Eisenhower. The operation but without official cen-1 "Bad thing about McCarthy is Latvia now Bart of the Soviet i msiae swry, was puDiunea aaiur- wp. inc. mm iuuicx mmu um ne is impeding tnis worn. tlninn. Riit the nnllre chief at Riea I day. the Latvian capital, reached by) highspoU include these ss- telephone from Stockholm, denied ,e: it and kaid everything had been calm therf for months. -Irerytalaf tfelct U. S. Ambassador Joseph E. Jacob (aid everything was quiet In Warsaw, the Polish capital, US mile east of Poznan. In the Czechoslovak capital,! and Indirectly from apparent notes or minutes on dozen of cabinet meeting and other high level presidential conferences. A 24-part serialization of H has appeared in many newspapers, la a preface, Donovan say none of the quotation, direct or indirect, by him. 1. Probably the greatest sii.tle influence on Eisenhower in decid ing to seek a second term after his heart attack was Um argument by hi political advisers that he could work most effectively fort were "manufactured world Peace from the White House. ' Seekiag laiormatle not from retirement.' I The Senate Investigations Sub- f I... . I-. M J tU MUHN.il I AA hll, kw Cam UMI. Wn VB UKIlin UIKiBMU IIIC iUllimnm. IlinillU U , 0VH. ,H.KT.- .... ..... . Prague. U. S. Embassy officials matter with him at a secret White lan 'D-Ark.l. is" trying to find out P01'""1 P"r ? '"'c' Persons o also reported all qiret but dccl nel House meeting last Jan. 1J. who lurnished the material to Don- pniiusop, y. rrsnru.rsa u to say whether there were visible Eisenhower "was not con- evan. McClc'lan said acme docu- tne r previous afliliatmns might signs of excitement or extra police v;nced that the vital interests of ments quoted were "more secret" fa"y- Pfwni tola a May s. n duty. the United States would be best than some the administration has ,9.M "b,ne "l,n 5e ".rel! Donovan adds: "In view of this. the president added, but more in jest than seroiusly, it might be a good idea for the Kremlin to put McCarthy on its payroll." First Three Years The book, covering the first three Eisenhower yearly through the Feb. 29 decision to seek an other term, says Elsenhower in 1953 considered creating a new Vienna reported too few travelers from Hungary and Romania ar rived in th Austrian capital to know many details about the re action ia those countries. In East Berlin,' where Communist workers revolted ra Juo 17, 1953, Ufa ap peared normal and there were no visible safety precaution. -But there was excitement In th air and traveler from East Germany expressed nervoujaieM. X "Another June 17 it possible but not probable, on said in West Berlin., .... - j NOTICE . , ' Notice 1i hereby given that the ra partnership heretofore subsisting be- twMn Pslmer It. Suther. Brunhild T. titer. Gore W. Murphy and A lie M. Murphy, undtr lh firm nimt and ilyhi at Globe Travel Bervlc, nsd In buslnaa si travel and lour ajrenU at Salaro. Corvalllt and North Brad la the state of Onion, haa been diaaolved pursuant to the . statutory law of the atate of Orefoa and to notice of withdrawal given to all partners by the? undersigned, after and from the first day of July. ISM, so far aa relatea to the undersigned Palmer H. Bather and Brunhild T. lather, who retire from said firm and who hereby disclaim all liability for any future eontrarta of sal Globe Travel ftervice made on or Slter the first day of July. 1M. Tha. unfinished business and af fairs of the copartnership will be attended to by George W. Murphv, one. of the copartners, said George W. Murphy being hereby authorUed by the undersigned to collect, receive and receipt for all moneys, goods and prnpertlea due or accruing to said partnership, and to discharge all ob ligations of said partnerehlp and per form ail Its unexecuted contracts. PAt.Mrn . BATH".. Brunhild t. sathsr, 422 Gardner Road. Salem, Oregoa July 1,,W served" bv prolonged non-recogni-. withheld from congress. lion" of Red China. . I laoinei secretary Maxwell ksdd Coaaddered Third Party this week declined to appear in t. The president's vexation with person belor th Mccieuan (roup o. having the administration "kicked in the shins" by legisla tors who should be supporting it. Th third party idea never pro gressed beyond th president' thinking, Donovan say. At May 22 meeting th same summer. Secretary of Defense Wil son said wistfully he wished more Republicans would recognize that they no longer were member of th opposition party. "Brother. I heartily stree." lha unconstitutional necessitated a dif- rule on a demand by Sen. McCar-! president replied, ferent pattern of life in the South, i thy that the subcommittee sub-j ,,, that on tbe Um aaiw K smulri lake time for Docna Rabb. McCarthy also asked .. ..... n . j m.i.. l-.. -- ' - - - , null ui rruKuiAins nra vniiia. i people there to uproot U tradi- that Rsbb be cited for contempt. ,nnower "felt that it was unfortun- lions and live by th new. FBI i Tht Wisconsin senator also asked ... . climate hul Hv,lnrwwf . . . . , , j . . 1. n. 1 .... n it i ..JV ' i niei j. r.agar noover reponea at " uts. wnani ur uivim this meeting that Communists in-1 before the subcommittee to say the "powerful right wing" of hia party reached such extreme In th summer of 196 that for a time he considered th idea of a new political party. 4. Eisenhower' told March t, 19M cabinet meeting that tht sup reme court's 'decision holding rac ial segregation -in public schools after sending word neither he nor sny member of his staff "leaked official documents to tne author. Whit House Pre Secretary James C. Hsgerty ha declined to answer reporter' questions sbout the book. Ceatemp Artie McClellan did not immediately tended to inject th. negr question into every possible issue. Refuted to Tangle S. The tactic ol Sen. McCarthy (R-Wi) "disgusted and infuriated" the president in private, but Eisenhower refused to tangle with the senator in public. When Presi dential Aide C. D. Jackson late in 19S3 drafted a presidential attack mentioning McCarthy by name, the whether the book quotes Brownell correctly in what McCarthy termed a "scurrilous" reference to him. Donovan quote Brownell a tell ing a cabinet meeting July 29, 1955, that when he investigated th failure of the general accounting offic (GAO) to report to th FBI on questionable aetivitie by a cer tain clothing manufacturer, he discovered that some of the GAO president banged it down on hi i staff had been instructed by Mc desk and told Jackson angrily at CarJhy to hold back auch informa- a White House staff meeting: lion until Mctanny leu tne ngnt I will not get in the gutter with time had come for producing it." that mv Eisenhower argued that to fight McCarthy "either he would have to descend to McCarthy's level or else bring McCarthy up to th presi dent's level, and h would not do either one." Leav of A bee ace Donovan took leave of absence Misstatement? McClellan directed his' Itaff to writ Brownell asking him about the statements. McCarthy said if Brownell was quoted correctly he "is guilty of a deliberate misstate ment." Donovan sty McCarthy was 1 mentioned at an April 2, 19S4 cab- 23 -V d ajil.aseajetiyitaJiMt,'.y- jr ' v ... .ytat : , - ' ; ' : X. V1t,ri T. Ooldm Serving Salem and Vicinity as Funeral 7 Directors for 25 Years Convenient I c 1 1 1 n S. Commercial Street on but lino direct rout t) com eterles no era traffic I hlndar serve ces Salem' maist modem funeral ham ' whh Mating capacity for 300. Service within your moans, always. ' Virgil T. Golden Co. Oraco S. Gold) AOS S. Commertlsl St. FUNERAL SIRVICI Phono 4-32S7 in which, to it seemed to him, it was looked upon almost as un American even to debate the mer its of recognition. H sometimes remarked to associate that it might be better if diplomatic recog nition were entirely a matter of acknowledging that a government wa in fact in power in a country." Net Convinced Donovan goes on to say the president "was not convinced -that the vital interests of the I'nited States were best served by. pro longed nonrecognition of China." He adds Eisenhower asked it It would not be best in the long run for th V, S, to "pull China away from Russia rather than drive th Chinese ever deeper into an un natural allianc unfriendly to the U.S." Donovan says, however, the pres ident has never mad any move to change the policy of nonrecogni tion, confronted a he was by th "hostile conduct of the Chinese Communists and the intense anti pathy to Red China" among the American people. Elaborating on the Jan. 13. 19:4 meeting on the second term ques tion, Donovan say the 12 sdvistrs Invited to give their views were: Brownell, GOP National Chairman Leonard W. Hall, Secretary of Stat Dulles, United Nations Am bassador Henry Cabot Lodge, Whit House Staff members Sher man Adams, Wilton B. Persons, Hagerty, Howard Pylc: former Presidential Secretary Tom Ste phens. Secretary of the Treasury Humphrey, Postmaster General Summerfield, and Milton Eiscn- I hnw.f th. nr.ciHnt'a hrnlher f 1 Sam lp Pra aad Cong I ..iil "The" arrangement was," Dono- tvan write, "that each guest would! . comment until It wee Milton ViunTl 1 1 hower's turn. He would then sum up the pros and cons. . , but by the time the' president came to his brother, pro opinion was unani mous. Later he remarked Joking- . ly to some of his gur.ts, ' I didn't 4 know you'd all be against me.' " ! The author says one of fhe most 4 telling points made by Milton ti- srnhower ia summarizing argu h mcnls for a second term was that 1 1 if the president was to work i l Ijfectively for peace it would have ! to be from the Whit House, not 1 1 from retirement, j j In marshalling argument 1 1 igainst running, Milton said the , president had already spent more than 40 year In public service and ifour Tnor year in the presidency would be great burden. ' v "In the president' mind, ob j . vlously." Donovan writes, "'the v arguments for ntitweishrd the M arguments galnst." The author says while the presi dent did not say so that night, his guests seemed to sense he -would run again. . Advertising Watosmaa-Jeantal Newspaper 299 NChareb St. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia. I Unas) Weekdae m. per Una I time. Si .it per line times fie aa per line times 11 SO SI M oar Una t ma , st 0 Unci unvt Classified ads srlll be run in ootn papera to give advertisers me eavaniages or tne tremen combined circulation When an ad ia ardered three or six times and a Sunday Issue is inciuoeo ( lor example gndsy Saturday Sunday I the lower Sunday rates apply because only me a tales man publishes Sun. aaye. . Classified ads will start la tha morning uregon staiesman. eon. elude In the evening Capital journal but ads will be cepted for Sunday atesmaa only. Tha deadline for elaaatfled eds i I IK p.m. the day before pub lication except tor aunaay wnen deadline is I K p m. 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The Statesman Journal Newspapers are not et liberty to aivuiga 'n formation as to the Identity ol an advertiser using a Blind THIS NEV.SPA.PIH STRIVES to protect its readers against fraud deception or tmuries Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to let a po sition advertised in th belp wsnted columns All help wanted ada MUST SPECIFY THI, MATURE OF THE WOhK Sales help wanted ada must etale tf tha nay is in the Sorra of salary, commissions guarantee or Include firm name. Bona fide offers el anv Bloyment with pay belong to le "Help Wanted columns Ad in other columns wnicft re quire investment la stocks samples, equipment or cssh bond shculd he thoroughly in eesttgaed before oavfhg out ant money Advertisers re quiring a rah investment for samplea or, merchandise sale aias etc must so eoeciry . tneir ads Kinmy report any eeceptlnn te this rule to the classified ad vertising manager. Qaasified Index Tor Your Convenience" 11 Meattrif Notices 111 Lost and Found 31 Tranaportatloa . II Personal US lumps aa Cain AGTIICtTLTURS Uveatock for Sale Livestock Wanted Poultry and Rabbits Fur Bearing Animiat PeU Sea roods Seeds end Plants Fruit and Farm Produce Feitilirer Farm Equipment Auction Sales MEJICHANlllSE Machinery and Tools Wanted Machinery Tools Sew in Machines House Goods for Selo Wsnted House Goods Radio and Televtewa building Mstertala Do It Vourwlf Musical Instruments Sports Equipment Bicycles Trsde Miscellaneous For Rent. Miscelleneous For Sale Miscellaneous ' Wanted. Miscellaneous . Miscellaneous fuel 4 V Bl'SINF.eS AND FINANCE 510 Money to l4ian 512 Loans Wanted SIS Inveatments ISO FMPLOYMFNT snl Help Wanted sot Help Wanted. Men 10S Hrlp Wanted. Lady . d Pickers Wanted 10 Salea Help IIS Work Wanted. Man 14 Work Wanted. Lady tl Bltuatlona Wanted SIT Job Information II Education IN Day or Contract - in RENTALS 7n2 Sleeping Rooms Boer 703 Wsnted Rooms. Board 70S Apartments for Rent 7u Duplexes 7u7 House for Rent 707-A Furnished 701 Fsrrr.s for Rent 70S Wsnted to Rent 710 Wsnted to Rent Rouses 711 Wsnted to Rent Apia. 714 Business Rentale 711 Rraort Rentals 711 Convalescent Home las Hovlng andStoraga sn REAL ESTATE lot Business Opportunities sol Business Property SOI Suburban sjhi Houses for Ssle Wi7 Apia Courts for Bala Kl Lota for Sale llfl Farms for Sale III F.schange Reel Elate SIS Reenrt Property SIS Wanted Real Estate) t:J Insurance ISO. A UTOMOTIVE M New Cara-v IM tiled Cars for Sale M Auto Parts and Benatr M Truc ks. Trsllers for Sslg s Wsnted Csrs. Trucks M Motorcycles Sfto Auto Mtsrellsneouo SSI House Trellers s4 Hesvy Equipment ih'w Aircran - TO PLACE i CLASSIFIED ADS CALL 4 6811 T 0' I 1 R Too late to Classify PUREBRED Springer Spaniel pupa, asae aunnyview Ave. DOOS to give away, 1 yr. old Good pet for children. Call S-w?o arier g p.m. FOR SALE: I cu. ft. refrigerator. 1-1717. 4 BDRM. house, full bsmt., w antenna, W. Salem, cloae to school, as bus. S7S no pets Reference required. Call 1-73. TWIN SIZE Fold-s-Rola stroller. 1 bsslnetta. I a) chair. Ph. 4-4J31. WILL, keep house for I adult. live in. fh. U-PICK Northwest strswberry. Sc lb. Star Rt. Boa SI. Silver ton Ore. S7,-4 bdreaeveU N. list. Inquire 1441 oak. 1 bdrm. house, gar, walking dlst. capisoi nnopping (.enter, near schools at bus. lit N. Capitol 1-S44. 11 FT. plywood boat, trailer oars ia. isos water at. arier p.m. FOR RENT Com'l bldg, 1U4 sq. ft. witn office location aonn on well traveled street. Ph. 1-1700. U-PICK Irrigated hill Marshalla. rred Meyer. ml. w. uruan College Store.. Ph. 1-4177; . 1 bdrm. modern, suburban has. u mo. Ph. 1-041, FREE: top aolL u-haul W. Salem 4-OS34. . MARRIED man wanted for perm. work on 1. orchard. House, alee. eV wood furn. .Must be alert, have exper. In farming equipment maintenance c am. repair. Call 1-747 after 7 p m. Mon. or Tues. only Save te-Save money . Tor th Best Professional Services - CM'MiXREKT , Make Life Easier - Read & Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDINQ MACBINSa Buy aa you rent All makes noen- lypewriiera, os touri Ph. SS771. 4fPLIANCS WESTINGHOUSE . Woodrv Furniture Ce. "f74 So Com Prr 4-M- IkUUINO CAPITOL Bedding Mattress re- novstors New maltresaes 3-4QQM BltlCE M BLOCK MASOW BRICK and Mack Work' uer- anteea. PH. s-ssaa. CARPENTEB CONTRACTOR NEW building or remodeling, est. free, 4-4340. alter : piease. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions . retaining wans, cemem or uurolce block.' Free esti mates. 3 mo. to pay 1-tmo CBANB won IS-ton Lorain moto crane Sa lem Sad Gravel Co s-stsi XCAVATINO VINCENT C. NEAL ExravaUn Co. Excavating - Grading Ph. s-ist 151 Nash Rambler Sta. wgn- red At black, radio It neater, overdrive, reclining seats, prem. tlresXaU-J-HW ISM. British M. 0. 174 Tyron Ave. FOR BALE or what have you to trade. Good '41 Merc aed. radio & heeler Pb. 4-191. hevrolet Qadillac NEW J, USED Union St Commercial Ph. 1-1171 CASH for ls at 151 rare. Mc Call's 17 SUte. 3-I10S. P RE-FAB HOUSES IDEAL FOR RENTALS FARMS VACATION COTTAGES 1 BEDROOM house delivered to Salem S97S.0O. Sin 14' x IS Each house Includes alec, re frigerator, alec., water htr.. clec. range, toilet, wash basin, kitchen ainks and cabinets, wiring, and plumbing. SIMPLE TO RE-ERECT-PLANI SENT WITH HOUSE See houses anytime at SSO N. Swift Blvd. Portland. Ore. Bant Home Ph. AV -M. TO PLACE AD -PHONE 4-6811 rLuon covbrino NORHIS WALKER Paint Co Floor-cove nng. Division usl . lis iniMii.iivn n nu, .... i, phslt eV Rubber Tile Wall Uls rree tsnmaies s-saie r.RADINO at DOZINO BULLDOEINO eV here) fDL t.W per hour. Ph. l-owi OOZING It LEVELING Ph l-Olil D PANTOV1CH BULLDOZING, elssr'ng roads, Rnnds. D-4, D-4 rsrryall V ussey Ph S-S14S. BULLDOZING, grading Land during Elmo W Locker owner St operator. Ph. 1-I741. PAPEBINO a PAINTING EXPERT brush er spray paint ing. Ht or contrsct. PH. 4-3900 Painting . and ' paper-hanging Free eethnates Ph 1-05 II PAINTING Brush or apray Exterior or In terior. Free estimates. !- PAPSRINO A PA1NTINO PAINTIN6 k DECORATING 2J Vrs. In Salem J-75U PAINTING: Interior exterior, rree Est. 4-00M, 4-181 aooriNO SALEM BART1LE ROOFING Most mod. Ufa time roof, color choice. Free est. 1-750 eves for comp. Infnrmstlon. BOTO-VATINO CUSTOM Rotovstlng. Fori equipment. Fields, ,lawna, or chsrdi It gardens. Ph. S-Mt fc 3-477. IAND a CBAVIL WALLINO SAND AND GRAVEL MM MeGIMwtat - C rushed quarey rocks and eras el. All slied for reads, drive ways and parkins lots. READY MIXED CONCRETE Garden sand, bull-doilng. aho el and dragllnework. S-B24. SALEM SAND at GRAVEL CO. Reedy mix concrete, . crushed and round BTavel, sand nd ton soil. 1401 N, Front St 1-1441. VALLEY SAND it i RAVEL CO, Crushed Sr round grsvel Ban Ai con mix 1-4001 UPTIO SBBVH -r MIKE'S Seplie service Tanks cleaned D rooter clean eewera drains Phone S-44 HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, sewers, reptlc tanks clesned. S-5337 Humeri septic tanks cleaned, tine service Ousrsnteed work. Phons 1-7404 or 1-1774. tPHOLITsklNO UPHOLSTERING) T PrrtesslnnsI; gusr. work free rat. pickup, aettver. rn. a-en TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-Sini 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sals SELL 1 gentle brood sows to farrow next week.hJ-IMS (VRTeid geldTng Quarter horse, aleenew saddlePh.e-sJoi. GOOD kids' Shetlsnd pony, also have saddle. Phono 3-UM. FOR SALE or trad soma good colored aaddla horses It kid ponies. Good 1.300 lb. black mare, broke single to work, ride and pack. S17 Sllverton Rd. PROFESSIONAL boreeehoef La Hanson, 4-4714 or 4-SOU EDISON Vlrtrolla, Davenport, Chair, I . burner, gea stove, misc. 6 S. Summer. LOst: Black Schlpperke terrior, vicinity East near Lancaster. Ph. 4-4.T94. BY OWNER bdrm. home, living, dining, ent. hall. Lovely pmk s gray kit. Insul. St weatnerstripped. Attach, garage, paved St. a driveway. Mice diet., (70 da. 71 mo. Inc. taxea a, insurance. Ne loaa eost Located 1 bike E. est Kelsor School. Son Keaad L BILL DA Vat- BtrfLDEft 71 Sunset Ave. Ph. S-0T1 4 rm.- furn. cottage. near bus. cioree. eeuita. rn. a-easa. VERY pretty black male Feb. SIL mmuI wati r,m Ml I . or atud' aervice. Eligible tor reg. reee. 4-esn. I 4 TIB m U-PICK Cherries. Blflg. pie. royal ann. lambert. Ml Center. CLEA N. quiet-!- 1 rm. apt. Close In.- 0 S. Summer. FOR RINtTaub 1 bdrm, frpL, daylight bsmt . cloaa to school It stores. 1-43M CLEAN, nicely turn. 1 bdrm. duplex. T.V. antenna. 4-431. OWNER TRANSFERRED WILL aac. 1 bdrm. ranch style home. lJOO sq ft. 153 Brenna. 1-4740. LICENSED II ft. camping trailer 1150. See at 4737 Thorman. FREEZER: New upright large 19 cu. ft. Exclusive heavy duty quiet running aealed unit. yr. gaurantee. I vr. fond spoil age guarantee. Special UBtl this week. . 171 Center. Ph. l-t71:t Dlr.l BOXER, female. l'i yrs, 3S. Ph. 4-7021. DO you like a nice woodsy place "wtth plenty o! elbow room This spacious newer, pertly furn. 3 rm. home for leese for only S.X) per mo. Located 4 ml. from Dallas. Olaf Thon stad Real Estate. Ml N. Capitol , 1-700J. FISHERMEN t FT. light weight carton boat carrier, oars. Ml. 1-1074. 1 BEDROOM unfurnished house. fenced back yard, see 1170 N. ' 14th. Phone 1-4317. BARGAIN New 19M Ford V- 1-dr. Styletone. Bermuda blue r Ivorv. Extras. Call 3-KS4 or see at (S3 S. High. 300 Prr.onal 312 Ut ) Found FOUND: Cold wedding band. Initials R CP. Claim by pay in for this sd. FOUND: 1 truck lira St wheel. Ph MONTHS aid femal Tot Pe kinese dog lost al corner of Verda Lena Sr Chemawa Rd. Phone 3-1714. Rewerd. LOST: Gray Jersey heifer, I yrs. old. Tsrtooed In both esrs, JOSl. Sh is due to celf June M. Last seen et Tudding R . E nf Hubbard. Reward. Wood burn 1-431. 314 Trejsiiportntioei RIDE FAST tbout July II, P.O. Box 131, Salem. 31 Personal TOO MANY BILLS? Don't let your bills et you tn trouble. If you're behind In Reyinents. we ran help vou. o aecunty or rosigner need ed One place to pay all bills. Pay only Wist you ran af ford I (Bonded and Licensed for your protection!) CREDIT CONSULTANTS Salem I-SM4 for tnformstloc, MFNTAlTeclVnTe rlaeee at 170 Klngwood Ave. Cloeed July 4 August. Freda Farmer. ALCOHOLICS A non y an o us group No I. IQSg N Com! 1-4537. Alcoholics Aaonymou. sat S Commercial 1-110 OPAlTKINOTwell known Psy-i-hle Reader. 17 Union St 400 Agriculture T 4073tlvfock for Sal Sslem Meat Co rocker beef Custom killing, euttlnp as wrap pin, tresis loaned free. FOR SALE or trade, gentle pontes for children, also good saddle horses Bob Pranke. 30 N. Water St.. SUvartoav Pb 1-4114. 403 Livestock Wanted 147 BUICK Spec. Bdn. In good coiuL, 17. 000 actual ml, trade for anykiad uveatock, eel tie preferred. Ph.. 4-M33. LIVESTOCK buyer. Claude Ed wards, Rt a. Box SE, 4-1111 CATTLE, horses, at your fsrm E. C. McCandllsh. Rt 1. 1-4 1W CATTLE ouver A. F Sommer. 1160 Harmony Dr Ph. 4-9M7 CATTLE ouvrrs 47 SUte I L aj H. Snethen. 1-1345. 1-4.1S0 404 Poultry end Robbit 400 Agriculture 400 Agriculture 412 Fruit i Firm Piwduc412 Fruit fc Fsrm Product ROYAL ANNE3, LAMBERTS. BINGS. BIX REPUBLICANS AND WATERHOUSE CHUV RIES FOR BRINING PURPOSE. CASH ON DELIVERY GET-CHERRY.BOPS AT KELLEY-FARQUHAR lli460 TILE ROAD " ." ' ... SALEM, ORE. PH0XE 2-4133 FOR SALE large red frytrs 1 M ea. Ph. 1-BUI. YOUNG, heavy, locker hena layers. 4-SOS. KENS for locker or laying. Mc lb. S-OU30. BABY Cblrka hatched yr. round. valley Farm Blore. -4aH. TURKEYS, even ready. Oil your Kiruii now. edv 10. ui. Closed Bat m. as Sunday. Kuykendall Eggsa Poultry, lis Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-31 Is. CUSTOM DRESSING Of .poultry. We. buy rsbbltt. Wings JvsS a lata. rn. 4-jsis 401 ft BOSTON Terrier Stud Service. Ph. 4-I4S. 1 PUPPIES; Pekingese, wire Fox-terriers, cockers, ch. bloodlines, low price. Douglas Kennel. Scotts Mills, take Hwy 113, turn X. I ml. N, at Sllverton. REO AKC Dachshund pupa. wks. Kees. oilers accepted, ra. 1-1514. DACHSHUND PUPPIES, minia ture, long hatred, black ai red, Reg. Ph. 4-7304. MINIATURE Poodle puppies. AKC reg., excel.- blood . lines. Ph. Mayfalr 3-1.V7S. Dallas, or Skyline 7-1363, Monmouth. S MO. Old Reg. German short hsired Pointers for ssle or trsde. IS10 S Capitol. Ph 4-0S13 MOORE PETS Cocker puppies, kittens. Open eves. 4003 stste. EXTRA NICE CHIHUAHUA Puppies, 4 Mo. 2-3473 FOR SALE: Tiny, part. Chihua hua puppies, fence i noun pets, flow S3. Ph. 4-1507. FREE, very cute kittens wmoth- er csrs. rn. e-eeu. FOR SALE: Beautiful reg. Per sian kittens, dark atlver, alao whltea with blua ayes. Mrs. W. H. Peet, R. No. 1, Box 144, MolalLs. Phone. 304. BOSTON terrier puppies beau tifully marked, reg. rn. 4-4a, FREE Kittens. Ph. S-S7S1.. BIRD Paradise for re.ro s, esges Supplies lie uvinaTsion i-ibsj FREE KITTENS. 410 Hertel Drive. Ph. 1-0203. YOUNG parakeets, rages, feeds u,... r e s.nu PURE BRED Springer Spaniel pups. See SuntqrvleW'. Ave. Ph. 4-1030. FOR SAL Pupplea, aU klnda. come see afternoons si avws Livingston or call 1-7MS. Will buy pupplea any kind. 10 MO. old mala Boxer, HI Ph. 4-4SOS. Reg. German dhepard pups, Rln- Tln-TIn blood line. Also stud aervice. Ph. 4-M2. FOR SALE: Pupplea, Cheap. rn. e-si.e. , 410 S)xis ond Plants BEGONIAS t FOR $1 FUCHSIAS. 45c: smaller, 4 for Si, Lukes, speare ei musk melons 1 for 25c. Salvia, pe tunlss as hanging baskets. Lowery'g Greenhouse. 1591 Chemawa Ad. BEGONIAS, Gloxinias. Fuchsias. Copley Gardens, 2d3 .Chemawa (12 Fruit & Farm Product KITES. U-pIrk place, blsrk cap berries, 43SU mage vr. rn. 3-45 1H. U-PICK Northwest Strswber- rlss, 10c. Good clean field. 1U ml. E. t N. of Kelser School. wstch for aigna. Ed Sproed. BUYING CHERRIES Ceuld use a small orchard or a few add trees If loaded: I buy en the tree but don't gather on shares. Ph. 4-1751. U-PICK nice ripe N. W, strew. names, inc. i,eonara riayaa, 5SS0 Qulnaby rd. Ph. 1-7110 U-IMCK KTarshalla. Sc lb. ml. rrom scottys Auction house. Out Center to curve, turn right. L. A. Tunnell, Ph. 2 U-PICK Northwesrstrswherrles. 0c lb, I ml out on Glen Creek Rd. Tt J. Shipley. Rt. 1, Box 44 U-PICK Northwest slrawherrlea. 10e lb. R. I. Fiedler, 4411 Bat ter Dr. Ph. 4-340, E t H LI Bring; your own containers. East side Mis sion Bottom Rd. 3 miles South of Wheat land Ferry. J. E. JOHNSON PH. 3-6916 U-PICK Montmorency cherries On Talbot Rd. l' ml. w. af Jefferson High School. PIE CHERRIES PH. 4 SMS U-PICK Willamette raepberrtea SI per flat, .bring containers. J 0. Farley, 141. Brooks Ave. Ph. 4-SUl. . U-PICK NORTHWEST STRAWBERRIES 10c LB P.RIN0 CONTAINERS. STANLEY SNttD. RT. ' I. BOX 73. PROOKS LOCATED I MI. NORTH Or BROOKS. HIWAY SO, PH. 1-3141 U-PICK Northwest Strawber ries 10c lb. Lsuderback V Ar re 11. Lerdon ld. Ph. 4-115,1. RASPBERRIES. Mrs. Brantner, MM Chemawa Rd. 1-1 M4 eves. STATE Inspected milk SSc. Ph. 4-111L Kim. II Cor. on sUte FASTEU1U2ED whale enilav Tie (111. Heextogenlted, Ttc, ', gsl on 40c. deary Dairy. s-Kul GOOD U-pIck strawberries. 1 mu out urcnar usnta. no. Joe Luraa. FOR SALE: Grass and Sub-Clo-vsr Hay, good cond. (17 per ton In field. Ph. 4-aao. U-PICK strawberries. S mi. esst Totem Pole. Msx Woods. U-PICK Northwest strawberries. Sr. Floyd Herrold, lit. X, Box 107. Ph. 1-4.114. U-PICK Northwest atrawberrlrs. 10c lb. Z. on Center, s N, ef Frultland Church. 4VOSO. M. R. Wadaawada. ' U-PICK raspberries, 10c lb. 4 ml. from Pacific highway an Hasal Green Rd. Richard Lave, Ph. 4-IT7. PIE cherries 13c. U-plck Sc. Ph. 1-4174. U-PICK Montmorency pie cher ries, Srhwslk, 101 W. Chema wa. (Kelser l U PICK, e N. W., excellent picking, t a.m. till 1 p.m. W. H. I A. P. Williamson, Rt, S, Box 444. Ph. 4-4074. U PICK STRAWBERRIES OPEN TODAY 6 A.M. Till Dark II A. Irrigated River Bottom Northwest Strawberries, 10a per lb. BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS' , FIELD LOCATED AT , WEATHERS DUST PLANT CO TO KEIZER, TURN WEST AND TOLLOW WINDSOR ISLAND RD. I MI. . FIELD ON R1GHT.JUST BEYOND THE HOP YARD. s- R. L. FARMS U-PICK Northwest strawberries. 10c lb. Now on lest picking. Ft. P. Barnwell. 4SJ4 N. River RJ . Kclter. Ph. 4-4304. CHOICE Willamette raspberries. urosrs taken now. rn. 4-shs, 413 Fertiliser CHICKEN manure, truck lio, deuverod, 4-101, PETE Moss from chick trays, Tto sack. Valley Fsrm Store. 414 Form Iajuipmt GARDEN tractor with cultivator disc blsdc Ac 11 in. plow. See) at 421 E Ewald Ave.. Sslem, Ph. 1-404. A. H. Stevens. F O RS"A l7t: Mdl.BAilsit Chalmer s Tractor aV Culllve tnr wfertlllier attach. T. D. Howe, RL S, Box Ml, Silver, ton. m 450 Merchand isv 4S1 MscKlrnryVT)l OXT-ACETYLENE WEXDINfJ set used once US 00. Bagia Nlshioka, Elaine Apia. No. 17, S7I N. Liberty. 4S5 Hou Goods for Sl HOOVER Cleaner, V4.M. 111 N. Capitol Dir. 1-7017, ATT. ! Plumbers, Builders, Horn Owners. Bava (100. New O. B. Dlshwssher-Slnk comb. Now only SIM M complete. Sesp terms. SeVH Green Stamps. Matter Servtee Statlots, SN N. Com'l. USED rerrlgerstors, lis S 4s up. Al Lsue. A pp. Ms State St 81 Spin dry wsaher, good coodl 111. Ph. 1-503. ... FOR SALE Easy Spin Dry wsah er, good cond. 50. Ph. 4-4111 or see st 111! Norway. FRIGIDAIRX rsnge, excellent condition. . Make offer. Ph. 4-3IUI. BLECTROLUX Clesner. Ills. 1311 N. Capitol Dir. 3-T047. BELAID Una, 1M per m. rel - U EUatrasa Co.. MS aVUs orty. USED washers 111 es up. MoeV era Appliance Center, 1141 Sn. Com'L Ph. 4-IM4. ROSE, bed deveno. Eawellenl condition. 140 A. St HOlTSaV II- FURNt JUST BROUGHT IN HOLD OF GOOD TunE, 1NCL.: Hull RUOS NECC HI CAB. SEWINO MACHINE G. E. RrPRia. 1 FT, SEPARATE FREEZER MAYTAG EL. WASHER. . LATEST MODEL ADMIRAL T. V, PLAYS GOOD . TYPEWRITER COWS. DESK. WAU 4) RECLININO CHATft :DAVENO CHAUX SET (WING ROCKER MANY OTHER ARTICLES, PRICED TO SELL. 1(09 No. Summrr St WOODRY FURNITURE MKT. Dunrsn Phyfe mah. tahle. 1 large leaves, I chairs, buf fet. I pc. set, only IPS Msple Dev. at Chair Stripe upholstery 114 9 Chsirs. tehle A buffet cart MS M Good used Trssh Burner . in M ' Large office desk, typaerrtter comp. ..: .,,,. ,SlMt Older used wsshsr, works good : .'. ... lit M Ths Rest Btlvf la Town 1M N, Bummer St, Woodryl,