Jones Sets eter Kecorcf; Courtney Beats Sowell .402! M Kindsfather Hurls 6 to 1 Triumph Over Senators '9 ' Doublehcader Slated Today Cade, Salalich Face TC Braves in Finals By" AL LIGHTS! 5 ' Slilnmia Sport Editor : ? Veteran Vera Kindsfather of the Tri-City Braves was too much I ...mound artist lor the Salem Sen. i : tort' most recent ' attempt at a : . winning streak in Northwest , League baseball play, and stuffed - a well-aimed 6-1 loss at the Solons last night at Waters Field. The Williams Released E. C.-Wllllami. the rookie ftrat baseman who - waa the baiting here of the opening game af the season here, has beea released by the Senator and returned to the parent Sacrament Selena. The . yonag Husky failed to hit Bp to expertntieas, aad bad to go whea the Senator took, oa reteraa Rasa Resburg. Witllams was hlttlag .WI7. Jnrladlng S homers hit la the early part af seasoa. The Senators took aa another pllrher last alght Bib Daly, released by the Trl Clty Braves. Daly has a M record aad Is a 10-year-old rookie. He aaw btillpea service daring last night's game but did not get Into acliea. Salems had won two in a' row prior to running afoul the slider throwing rishthander. who spared eiirht binglrs for bis 10th tri umph' of the campaign. The only time the 'Senators made It rough on the chunky mirier was in the third inning, when Harv Kocpf led off with a single, moved to second on a ground-out and scored from there ' on Jack Dunn's single to right. Kindsfather whiffed three and walked only one. NeeilK-sa to aav. the latter item had much to do with his winning. -Spoiled Birthday Arlie Alderman, the hard throwing rookie from Prineville who had hoped to make a win ovri the T("s the feature event of his 19th birthday, lasted only 1 . I WO inning". n Wliuiirs was ,n: biest reason for his demise, as walks helped cost him the four runsthe Braves nicked him for. G?ne Fascholi' opening single In the first, a walk, a sacrifice and Dwayne Helbig's ground-out netted run No. 1. Two walks to start with, and consecutive singles bv Mgr. Don Pries and Tfelbig finished the kid in the third, and brought on Ronnie King who had aaved bill Walsh's Friday night victory with some stout relief work. . King doled another single to Tom Perez for -the third run of the inning and walked Herrera. But then he got the side out in 1-2-3 order and followed up with smother sharj relief stint the rest of the way. Ron was touched for a.un in the fifth on Perei double and an eventual sarMfice foul fly to right the only earned tally the Braves got off him in his seven heats on the hill. Vandervort V'mpire The teams close out the series with a 1:30 o'clock doublehcader today. Lefty Jerry Cade and Ad inil,l. lilT ( 1 1 j nut iiiu rtu i . i : . i ..11 i f . i. i aiaiirn win i miMwaru nr ihc Salems. Dave Kostenuk and Dave Kaick for the Bravea ... Villager Don (The Bulb) .Vandervort was ain one of the umps last night, and has reportedly been hired for regular league duties by Pres. Jim Gleishman . . . Both Mel Krause and Gene Laursen touch ed Kindsfather for-two hits and half the Salem total . . . Chuck Essegian busted another on the snoot in this one a scorching liner that dented the center field wall just below the scoreboard for a double in this fourth. But Chuck got no farther than third base ... Unkind-father: TKI-CITY () (1) SAl.rM B It O A B H O A rmrolr.r 4 19 0 Whitrr.l II I I rm.l J fl I J Dunn. m 4 111 Prif.,1 4 1 10 R Knusf l 1111 Hrlhlr.m S 1 4 fl r-l.n.l 4 1 e Vrrtf I 4 10 0 Rnshrf 1 4 10 I Hrrrri.S 9 0 11 ftzrklt.r 4 0 4 0 Mulany.s 1 0 9 4 l.aurun 1 4 14 1 r.iri.r 9 0 4 0 Krwpf.c- 4 I S 0 ,p 4 0 0 9 Alrmn.p Mil TnLll 31 (nil Totals 34 117 11 Trl-Cltr J 1M Olfl 001 ( a 1 lairm 7 ool non non t a l i Wlnnln Ptrhr. Kmd.fithfr (10-1 1 Lotlnf Pllrhrr, Aldrrman (4-4 1, IP AB H II TR SOBB Klnrf.fathrr S 34 I I I 11 , Aldrrman IfS 1 4 4 0.4 Xmc 1 7 14 111 I ' I I.B-Trt-Clty S. Salm 7. E Wh lrr, Hrrrrra. J-BKT Krau.f. Fair hol, Eavxlan Pr.RBl-Hflbl I. Vrrrt. Dunn. Multany. ac Prlea. HnHrlhl. DP 5rramalla to Mul lany In Prlea I, Xlna tn Rnahdrf to Ianrim. T 1 II. U Vandrrvort and Krtity. Senator Swat: (Up to dalf ) an n 2b 3b nr rbi pn WMklfT 3 1 000 a .500 1 9 0 It J13 4 0 I 21 .303 7 I 1 10 .177 10 1 4 33 JBS 5 1 1 .2 Id 9 0 -1 S .Z9 ttl an 4 1 0' II .3211 0 0 1 .118 Dunn . 1ST ST Ewslan IIS M Wfirnrr Ml m Srrkula IKS SO Krauaa 1S4 44 Kins :. 4 11 Knrpf .140 33 I.aurirn ....144 33 Hnaburg 17 1 Pltchlna: Daly ...:.., Grnrla Wal.h. . .... Alderman , aiallrh Tad King atrauao f . 17 34 .13 47, .10 311, .11 41", .14 lilt"', .! S3, .11 SSIa .4 in w I an .hb r 3 14 S 11 3 33 33 10 1 1 IS 31 33 4 1 II 19 34 I II (I 4 7 7S on 33 1 7 97 31 31 I I I 11 . (3)rejaon0tatc8iiian -i "Tl mi Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., July-1, '58 (Sec. IV)-23 V).- Pi , Sunday Sorties: The neighboring Coast League playing in the majors (the PCL the way down), but can boast of 4 V I -J a a nM k V JkVl it ' 'hi CLIFF DAPPER He's la a bad-rnt. want him to play first base ... ,Une waf inning lhr ball club have since been doing worse than they continue faltering It won t take much to guess who II be blamed for it. If anyone will be fired, it'll be Hutchinson, not Lane . . . And then there la llaney's rase. Hwas canned when his Pittsburgh team finished last. Then he falls into the Milwaukee Job when Charley Grimm got the sack, and won his first 11 straight , . . When the Seattle Rainiers were stumbling along the first weeks of the current campaign, much grumbling was heard from that area. Mgr. Luke Sowell was too tough on the players, some aaid. Things have since changed, however, as the Rainiers took over first place and an at tendance check disclosed the club was over M.OOO paid admissions ahead of the same period a year ago when Hutchinson won the pennant Xo-Wtten Xothing JVt in Berent Family Pitching no-kit ball games, aa arrempllsknient reacned twice la one week by yonng Dtaay Beveas, the American Legtoa Post JConllued on page tS. col. 1) Thrills Provided As Nelson Wins Mainer Thrill seekers got a tat bonus Saturday night a modified bard tops tipped through the fastest and liveliest auto race meet of the sea son at Hollywood Bowl, Don Nelson winning the 50-lap event that cli maxed the program. The most spectacular wreck of; the year gave fans an anxious mo ment in the first lap heat race when the car (Bill Hidden) and the 7 car (Tom Bunch) locked wheels in front of the bleachers, swung sideways and lunged into the outside retainina wall with a thun- - rtirniii tmnjirt i The cars did not overturn but the impact was so great that It ap-1 peared momentarily that the driv-l ers might have been injured. They , weren't The retaining wall kept the cars pay fireworks, from plunging into the bleachers. I -The accident happened on the last lap of what turned out to be one Th T? 1 of the most thrilling races of the evening, second only to the Class-A trophy dash. The dash was won by Ernie Koch, former hot rod specialist making one of his first appear ances here at the wheel of a hard top. Koch sneaked Don Guth right at the finish, after Dick Pace had captured the eyes of the crowd most of the race by repeatedly cut ting the corners close in his efforts to knife into the lead. - Similar corner cutting, perhaps unintentional, by Fred Connett caused the smash-up in the heat race. Connett lost control when be cut the east corner and loomed down the homestretch on the dirt apron inside the asphalt track. He'll Drive in 'Fourth9 Races Here r -. iaa " , - ' fL A Inn 4-: al. Kannaa Clly I, Orlrnll 14; ',, n..r". 2H-Jorpnn. Dajrn J-' ' ZJnajjno-T" ' ' .." m ' . . ss5 at Clovrland 3. Chlfaan I HR-Mlcki-lunn DP- ' "r i iaal """.'aOaail' .JL ' l NATION Al irACilR " Mar.h, iroM inrl J.irkann; Bnxn. - . --' '' V I Mllwouk JJJJ .J Pllabfh . .MO vr J. Pnrtbnd 1. BH-Beaano 1. Dr. Gib Ward, topnotch Salem boot rarer, doxena of pilots here Wednesday lae Park. A mlnunam of tt beat af U July 4 yrogram. Ward Is ' may not have4 many grade now usually takes 'em when they're on aeven former manager and players nwho now hold major league skip iw.tilM l?rA U,nM. ,U pt i .-.uipa. m m .., wn ..,- bled into bed of roses at Mil waukee recently.' once managed Hollywood. So did Bobby Bragan, now with Pittsburgh. Both Casey Stengel of the Yanks and Charley up from Oakland. The Cards' f r reaaie Hutrninaon ana me uri- . .. ..... . t oles' Paul Richards went up from Seattle. And even though he didn t do any master-minding in the PCL, s the Giants Bill Kigney was once a shortstop with the Oaklands . . . Speaking of Hutchinson, we can't but think of the guy when Cardinals lose a ball game. Trader "rank" Lane was all those recent player ofa is iot me chid, you migm nave ic accompanying expla nations. They went like this: I I plan on moving him to shortstop rather than Hutchinson. The Cards they had prior to the deals, and if kicking up a cloud of dust that caused the two cars behind him to crash together. - Finishing behind Nelson in the SO-lap feature were Dick Pace S, who waa second by a quarter-lap; Fred Connett U third: and Wally Larson (J, fourth. The time' was, 13:36:63. Othter results: "B" troohv dash 1st. Clovce "Hall (22 car); 2nd. Fred Connett : 3rd. Tom Bunch 17). First Hall; 2nd, Glen Wilkea (42); trd, Connett. Second Heat 1st, Don Nelson i mat c...u;- .,ji. ' : 2iSM sPuld'n ! .3r , ..f'y', , . . u .rIJl ."i " 1 hh .fC' r' .r.i cars make a holiday appearance inn at nrnffrnm that will inrltiri riia. TIPS VAlUf dav m V M. s AaT tafk V Spokane, 8-7 LEWIST0N. Idaho OB After watching a 4-run first inning lead evaporate, iewision naa io pusn BanKS isin nomrr. an unearned tally in the seventh I The Dodgers, had to fight off for a 1-7 Northwest League win several threats by- the Phils who over Spokane Saturday night. ' j had the bases loaded when relief The Bronci teed off an Indian er Clem Labine finally retired starter Carl Rounds for (hair six (Richie Ashburn. Hodges, hit his opening runs on four hits, five) 16th homer with two on in the walks and an error. Rounds then ! third when the Dodgers scored settled down and gave up only j five runs off Roberts. Gilliam's six more hits and one earned run fourth , hit and Peewee Rerse'i to Lewiston. shown maneuvering a tarn la a -4 ' uni- nn .i in .a" I ni an ii .in , e ,t i . n n for tn gigantic "Willamette River Days" celebration nl Wallace Mar- rare, lealnring aU types of raring craft wlU be aa afternoon fealare driving a Class I Bydr la this phot. While Some V T" " - v v - f i v 1 j. ... . ! . t4 I ,';r.'t ? .i ''.-- -..! r.t ;' , - 1 " . - J"--- -1 - v. : -: : ..." LOS ANGELES Tom Courtney, Arnle Sowell (diagonal atripes) field tryouts here Saturday In Kerce finished third ahead or White Sox Close Yankees Lose, Braves Regain Victory Trail By JACK HAND Associated Prrsa Snorts Writer ' Milwaukee opened up a one-game sliced the New York Yankee s first place margin to two games In the American Saturday on another victory by Gerry Staley, a YankeV castoff, Wes Covington I three-run homer and Gene Conley i steady pitching enabled Milwaukee to snap a three-game losing streak with a 4-1 verdict pver me unica go Cubs. Brooklyn moved into a second- place tie with Cincinnati by knock ing off Philadelphia 10-7 with Jun ior Gilliam getting four hits and Oil Hodaei amashing a three-run homer. Robin Roberts, starting his JODth major league game for the Phils, hit his first home run 01 the year but it wasn t enough. Cardinals Win. M Rip Repulski drove In three 5t. Louis runs and Jim Konstanty choked off a ninth-inning Cincin nati spurt for a M Cardinal vic tory that left St. Louii three garnet behind Milwaukee in fourth P'c'- .... Th New York Giants finally won their first Saturday game of the aeason M at Pittsburgh, drop ping the Piratea back to the .500 mark. 5'4 games off the pace. Stalev went all the way lor ine White Sox in their a-S victory over Cleveland, his third straight against no defeats since Chicago bought him from the Yanks. Hom ers by Al Rosen and George Strickland accounted for the only Cleveland runs. Nats Bump Yankee! Washington scored four In the first and went on to trim the Yan kee! S-l, their first victory at Yan kee stadium this year.' Chuck Stobbs pitched steady eight-hit hall while Jim Lemon and Clint Courtnev hit home. runs. lemon's blow came off Johnny Kucks ilh(Merenilta gjrl, f,,, defe,(e(, ainv Milwaukee fans c.m. ! "owburg's girls. 8-4. here Satur a?1L rh i . .neakTe! d" nlnt- M,re Hurisqr waa the vTer of COXrS "K! ?- -HW. " - Braves. Fred Haney Vho tor 1 : N , been home j.nce I he took aecond when they puihed across Vn? w.ho falS to flve runs with ,he hlp of aingles HZ TLa Con .i ?b Pnyni Nbjkke ni Bev Burt, hold an early M f onley The w,f . lowed seven hits, including Ernie!..,. (Continued oa page 14, col. I) recent sprint Will be among the Ran Their Way WP""-VTwrWW iifwiii. - . the former Ferdham flyer now of Pittsburgh to wia the ROfl-aaeler run af the Olympic track aad time af 1:46.4, a new Americas Lang Blarney i an Jose state In . lead in the NationaU-and Chicago Yankees Paced By Bev Fleitz WIMBLEDON, Kngland in Beverly Baker Flcitx of Long Beach, Calif., defeated Hungary's Suisy Kormocii, t-0, M Saturday to complete the advance of seven American! to the men's and wom en's quarter-finals of the all-England tennis championships. Advancing with Mrs. Fleitx In the women' singles were defend ing champion Louise Brough, Bev erly Hills, Calif., fourth-seeded Al thea Gibson of New York, and fifth-seeded Shirley Try of St. Pe tersburg, Fla. The other four berths were won by Angela Mor timer. Angela Buxton, Pat Ward and Shirley Bloomer, all of Brit ain. 1 . Veteran Vic Seixas of Philadel phia and young Ham Richardson of Westfield, N. J., qualified for the men s to loin giant-killer Allen Morris of Atlan ta, Ga.. who advanced Fridav along with top-seeded Lew Hoad of Australia. Salem Girls Top Roseburg AT n A ax' f C !-X Staf.- Roseburg .... 000 031 04 I ( Salem 052 010 x & 6 i Mantyla, Blizard '61 and Barge; Hurley and Lambert. NORTHWRST I FACIE W L Prl. W I. Pet. Yakima M )t ,K& Wantrh M .14 .404 tiifn S4 K StAl.EM 11 M ..n.l l(n SI II y gpokan 17 30 -304 Jrl-C 1IT 30 It .5.14 Saturday rraulla- a Kadrm t. Trl Clly S: at Euarne-Yakima lar rl on); at LewiMnn I. . Spokane 7. PACiriC COAST I.CACt K W 1. Pd W I. Prt Scald S.I .13 ?4 PortM .1 41 4S I XX An( 44 .14 .M) ft. Din .19 44 (ill Holvwd 41 m JI1 ,. fran as 45 .4JS Barram 40 40 M VancVr N 4 J Salurday'i multar al PorUand I. Vancouver 1; at Hollywood S. Sarra manto f; at San Diegn 4, San Tran clK'O 1; at aratlli 4, Lot Angelas i, AMritlCA" I.KAOl'1 I W L Prt. W I. Prt N. York 44 15 s:is Detroit M M Ai Chli-aao 314 l Haltlmr '31 M M Clrvlnd 37 3 Ml Waahltn 2D 43 .40.1 Bo.ton 1111 M K. City, 2S 44 Ml Raturday'i reautta- at Naw York 1, Wa.Hlratnn S: at Haltlmnrr 1-3. Hon Broklyn 37 II SM Chtraan ft 3 .41 St. Lou 3431 .5.11 N, York 23 .4WI J Saturday ! rr.uita: at entrain .1 1" li at at. 'umi I. cincinuu s. to Victory . . . la the Army, beats kis arch rival. record. Lon Spurrier of the Ah- to win a trip io Australia. (Arj. Langley Bows To Krieger; DeMoss Wins PORTLAND ( - Don Krieger. Portland and formerly of Red mond, defeated William Langley, Multnomah County district attor ney, and 4, in the final of the Oregon Golf Assn. championships here Saturday. , Favored Grace DeMoss! Corval- lis, took the women's title with a 1 and i victory over Mn. R. L. Borst, Portland. Krieger. 32. excelled 40-year-old Langley all the way. He was only one over par for the 52 holes they I they played. Langley Shara oa Patting The district attorney continued the excellent putting that took him into- the title round. But his driv ing was erratic. The match was even at the end of II hole. Then Krieger took over with more ac curate shooting. Ha never was be hind after scoring a birdie J oa tne 19th. . The match between Miss D Mosi and Mrs; Borst waa closer. Mrs. Borst was one uo at the lath noie alter Misa DeMoss had three putted the .17th and 18th greens. But Miss DeMoss fought back In the final round to win. She was four over par. Mrs. Borst was six over. Portland Raps Mounties8-l PORTLAND OP-Portland'i Beav era belted the Vancouver Mounties, I I. in their Tacific Coaat League baseball game here Saturday night. Ed MikeUon slammed a homer and Bob Borkowski a triple for the Beaver. ' In other Saturday PCL' games, San Diego took a 4-2 win over San Francisco to hand the Seals their eighth straight loss. Sacra mento's Bud Watkms allowed only four hits and Wally Westlake belt ed two homers to top Hollywood 6-2. and Seattle beat Los Angeles 4-3. Angelo Dagres doubled home Jim Pisonl to ruin Darnell s shut out bid. It was Darneli'a eighth victory against four lossea. . Portland sewed up the game with five runs in the aixth Inning. The surge was made up of Bob Botkowski's triple, Sam Calder one'a walk, singles hv Krl MirlrM. I ftin and Jim Rhvm .Inilr T Utmll-a squeeze bunt and third baseman Cal Srgrlst'a error on It and Luis Marquei' sirrgle. Mickelsnn gave Portland 1 1 s other runs with a three-run homer in the eighth. The loss was- the eighth In nine decisions for. Fred Besnna, Van couver's left-handed starting pitch er. Darnell yielded eight hits but waa tight In the clutches. VANcotivra. PORTLAND Mill " ah h n a Ynuna.I III) Vrqui.m 113 0 RrkiUlr 4 1 1 IMarah l 4 S 0 J Ja-nlw! 4 0 1. Wmtlk.l SOI" frlatj 4 114 Cr.wll.1 J 1 n Caldrn.e 1111 J'ck.n.l 4 0 10 a Plannl.n 4 111 Daarn.r till Neal.c 4 0 10 Mklan.l 4 111 Baxea.l LiUrll.a 4 t I 1 3 113 Bf .ana p IIOS larnll.p 3 111 Hnnpr.p IOOI Kaffll.m 1101 aJnrtmn Ilea Mrrmn.r j I I Ouren.p 1 S I Tntalt 34 S 14 S Totals 3131711 . aDnublrd for Hooper In Sth. Vanrnuver .'. ono oat (101 I Portland ...oo OiiS jwt-4) F-Mrh, LHtretl. KetrlM. HR- Mlf-l-.ehon 4, Paxra, Mttrell. Mr i. u.,-, ii i Darnell 1-1. l.,r.n 1)41 H(S.R.un.' 1 ftv In 51.: Hnoper 3 In P.- Dtiren 0 in I: Darnell I In WP-lteaana. W-narnell -4. L-Reaans 1-a U-fnrd. Cailucd and Ashiord. T-J J. A-3371. Morrow Ties Calhoun in Hurdles LOS ANCELF-S lit A record shattering United States Olympic track and field team took final shape Saturday and another world mark went Into the books. The Army's Lou Jones aped 400 meters in 43.2 ae?onds to smash the record of 45.4 he established Ia;t year. He led from start to finish and beat Jim Lea of the Air Force by more than five yards with Charley . a.. Others Jumped Obstacles r LOS ANGELES-Phll Colemaa Charles Jeaes (right) af Iowa aad Horace Asaeafelter of New : York Athletic Club aver the last water Jump earoate to -victory la 1 000-meter steeplechaae. Coleman's time of t:M.I wa best la ' the V. 8. this year. Jones beat Aaaeafelter far second. (AP). . Washington Stanford to SYRACUSE, N. Y. WU. Washington's Huskies dipped mors than 16 seconds off the Onondaga Lake course record Saturday to beat scrappy Stanford and qualify for oared race of the Olympic Rowing trial! Sunday against Cornell. Niyjr'a Admiral!, Yali and t Wisconsin Although conditions were far dif ferent Saturday than they were Friday whea the wind kicked up, the Huskies record-shattering per formance with the help of a tail- wind created quite a stir and even overshadowed the later feati of a i group of veteran Olympians. Cinderella Pah- Moving into Sunday's finali of the seven-event program were the Cinderella pair of Chuck Logg Jr., and Tom Price, 1952 Olympic champion in the pain without coxswain, the Navy combination of Duval Hecht and Jim Fifer in the aame event: and three fine scullers headed by two-time Olym pian Jack B. Kelly Jr. The handsome, 29-year-old sev en-times national champion may. receive a stiff battle for the 1M ' laurels from teammate Bill Knecht of the Vesper Boat Club of Philadelphia, and Walter Hoover Jr., a participant in the 1952. games and the son of a one-time Diamond Sculls winner. ! Mark Ret la Reaeff I The Huskies, who were third to Cornell and the Admirals In their opening heat Friday, aailed along behind a 10 mile-en-hour tailwind to nip Stanford by about three-. quarters of a length in the repe- chage (second chance) heat to de- termine the fifth finalist. Washington, stroked by sopho more Lou Gellerman, was timed in 419 1 for the 2,000 meters tone mile, 427 yards) course. Stanford was clocked in 1:22.4. The lake record for 2,000, rarely contested here, was the I U.4 set by Har vard In the Eastern Sprints Cham-! pionthipa in 1941. The water was almost as smooth as glass and a bright aun . beamed over the lake fof the showdown between the two Far ! Western eights. - ' i Huskies Pass Maaford Stanford led slightly for 500 me ters but the Huskies soon took ov er and moved along steadily to Increase their lead. They had about a length ,100 meters from the wire when Stanford upped its beat and cut down the margin. Coach Lou I.indsev of Stanford complained bitterly that he under stood the rare was supposed to start in the evening instead of close to noon ind that he had per mitted his oarsmen tn sleep late and have a good breakfast. Wash ington couch Al Ulbrickson said he iw the regular time posted. NWL Ijnc Scores Spokane I nno 331 noo-7 14 Lewiatnn Rounds and farlnn: Roberta. iii u-m nil, n iv Jacobs (I) and Donahue. RADIANT GLASS1IEAT ' Bv Continental Th Sunshine Heat" No Fire llarard N Noise No Dirt ot Odor o N Maintenance The onlv rullt automatic heal (usrauleed bv ae. Good Housekeeping For Free r.siimate Phono 46263 1541 Falrgronads Rdv lalem Wins Dash: Davis of the Chicago Track Club leads Crew Nips Set Mark the finals of the premier eight- Olmedo Snares NCAA Net Grown KALAMAZOO, Mich. If) - Alex Olmedo, a Peruvian with the grace of a panther, Saturday be came the third South American to win the NCAA tennis tingles championship. He rallied from a - deficit la the second set and coasted past Jack Frost, a Stanford University senior. 2-6, M. -2. -i in the fi nals at Kalamazoo College; Olme do is a sophomore- at Southern California and was second seeded in the tournament. Frost was seeded seventh. fo) For the Whole Family Also Hats - (IP X All Amenta .is getting hiri fry (hem on ... end rag 'I qtwlfy t ,hi'' tomfortoUo Acme Cowboy looN oro so popvlat tor pioyhawl Now oWerlran of diilintHve Wathtm dovgns io rich, aoaif , cofor. Stylos for hSo mir foV. ESrlEVJMArar0 Usj lJFRIEN0LY55iH4t m M COMMERCIAL . SALEM. ORE 60h .'. ' OPIN FRIDAY TIL 9 PM ; PREI PARKING AT THE CAR PARK Jenkins of Vlllanova thirtf. Jones' effort rated with the 7 foot to Inch high Jump of Charley Dumas and the 4.S second 4(M meter hurdle race by Ohio State's filrnn flavia an Friday nilhl L..L Li. . I . I A- . unin nig win iv iwmw. . In addition, during the two day of competition, one world record was equauea; two American . Benon Los w Out LOS . ANT.ELF.I . Martla Pedlga of the I'alversMy of Ore gon and Deaa.BeMoa of Willam ette University failed to aanllfy la the V. kV Olympic trials here Salarday. Pedlge finished. l!th -and bot la the . ban, atep aad Jama Baals with a leap of 44 fret, t lacbea. The winner. Ira Darls. LaSalle I'alverally. did II feet, 4 lacbea. Beasea eame la fifth m the first beat af Ike Ut-aacter high hardlee who a lime of 14.4 sounds. The winner, Lee Canaan, North Caro lina College, ran H In II . , marks were broken and another, matched. A new I'nited States ritiiana' standard waa net and no fewer than eight other try out rec ords fell. Out of the 17 events en the Fri day and Saturday program, the ' record waa untouched only in one'' the broad Jump. Abilene Christian's sprint king. Bobby Morrow, became the only double winner Saturday as he sped the 200-meters In 20 1 sec onds, eouallin the best time ever around a curve. ' 1 ' Thane Baker of the Air Force kept right oa his shoulder moat el the way with Andy StanfieM af the Naa Vnrk Pian rlnh iakln third. . .' Morrow won the 100 on the open ing night after equalling the world mark of 10 2 seconds in a trial heat. There is no recogntxed world record in the too around a curve. Courtney Beats loweH Tom Courtney, former Fordham speedster who now Is In the Ar my, outran Pittsburgh's Arnie Sowell m a thrilling O0-meter run. The time, 1:44 4. goes aa Amertcaa record, bettering the 1:48.1 he established last year. Lon Spurrier, the world sso-yard record bolder, was third. Veteran Mai Whitfield, winner of the Olym pic title In ittt and 1952. finished fifth and tailed to qualify for the team. In all events except the IN and 400-meter dashes, only the first three men qualify for the team. A fourth maa was'tboeen in the other two to possibly run with the relay teams in Olympics at Melbourne.- Australia, this faU. The Rev. Bob Richards won the pole vault as he cleared IS feet 1 inch for a meet record. Unheralded George Mattos of the Air Fore was second at 14-10 and Okla homa AAM'I Jim Graham copped the third spot with 14-14 and the fewest misses at lessor heights. Others cleared the same alti tude.' but the fewer mioses gave Graham the edge. Collegia) reo (Ceatiaeed oa nags 14, eat II LEE'S ' WRANCIEXS Into cowfcoy loots!