. J 2-(Scc. Ill) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Suit, July 1, "56 TJidt New LtfoU for Summer Garden Gabbing R r.Ainr.N r.Annrt WATCH TEMPERATURE Thrre are number of chemlcsls hich mijr b uwd to stop ponds from turning green with algae during the summer. Most of them are very good if the directions ,en the manufacturer's package art studied. Too frequently we are Drone to akin mm nl ik 4 irm nriwrt nm mI . . ,.11 ... n r - . in . viiv pwi virci n l in 11 ft me this week that his fish had been harmed by a product which the uanuiaiiuirr (uannirea wouia noi injure ine inn. Tne pool man was quite perturbed ... . and in tearing off the "guarantee" an the container, his eye caught the sentence: "If used when water temperatures are above 63 degrees Fahrenheight ., , , it will not barm fish." A LOT OF GADDING Ring Aa. 15 sad U ea your ealea elar. That's the time f the annual Salem Garden Club tour, . . Always, we are wanting to see ever the hedge er areaad -the .- haute for a better glimpse of someone's garden someone we ae , not tnow well enough to Just walk in en . . . Well, this annual garden tone gives one a chance to do Just that visit a lot ef Very fine gardens whether er not one knows the ewawr. , , .. , .. , BaaaWaaaBBBBWaWaaaaBBBWaaa HAPPY FUCHSIAS Our own fuchsias have not been so happy this spring and early summer ss in some years, but in our gsdding about we've found an awful lot of good fuchsias. Those we- had hoped to winter over outside just disappered completely but down in the gardens of Mrs. P. L. Brown at Silverton, we found they not only started growth as they should, but are looking unusually luxuriant Other gardens we have visited give the ssme indications pom in ana out 01 oasaeis. One gardener told me that she wss "most careful" in mixing the oil. She used equal parts of leaf mold, old manure, and loam. She added that plants in containers dry out quickly and that each plant should be given at least a quart of water a day . . . but drainage must be good, as the plants decay if the water , stands around the roots. Too, fuchsias are subject to Insect pests, and a monthly applica tion of malathion or lindane keeps them pest-free, the same gardener told me. - SOMEONE LOST A BET We cant remember Just whe H was but someone bet aw that Newnerg aever would put aa the haagiag baskets they discatsed ... We came through that attractive little tewa this past week aad the first thing that track as was the hanging baskets aloag the streets. They . added aa interesting Bote aad we hope they'll be kept flour- . labing. . ..: ... - ... . ' . . . . ..... - SALEMI ROSE GARDENS We had l call this week from a Sslem woman who wanted to know if the municipal rose gardens in Washington Park in Portland are "still good." We told her they were excellent as were also Sslem's . . . She- didn't know that Salem had such a garden and after all we've been writing about it. If there are others of you who have miased it, take a hike or drive out to Bush's Pasture off High Street some evening end take a look. The bushes came through much, better than expected, and' they are lovely now. , . , . e e o- ' " . MAIL A PLENTY We've been getting lots at letters want lag as to da something abaat the catting af trees along Salem's streets . . . We're quite sure it wauld be VERY effective if we tried to argue a tree cutter ant of his work . . . It hurts as to see the trees coming dawn, toe, but wa Just shat ear eyes . aad hope everyklng will look better later , . . Jnst new It looks bsd, we admit. We'd mack rather have the dice, cool shsde ' trees than the bare stamps . . . Bat it seems the tree were in , the way af pragress and Sslem la to hara mare tree ef the ' right sort, planted la the right placet later, we are iota. A few beers af extra work eaa give year garden furniture that aew look far Ihe summer. With mare outdoor living, mere eatdeer furai tare Is seeded.' Simple Wall Decoration Easily Made A novel wall decoration to suit all seasons csn be made in the home workshop simply by cutting a wooden bowl in half and mount ing the two halve! on a panel of prefinished hardboard or other suitable backing. The contents of the half bowls can be both ornamental, 'and edible if sessonable fruits are used. Or the bowls can be filled with colorful gourds, artificial flowers or evergreens. , An sttrsctive backing can be provided by a square of plastic finished msterial available at well stocked lumber ysrds. This can be obtained In wood grain or plain color. Use plywood glue snd reinforce with screws from the bsck to bold the hslf bowls. ANCHORED FAR FROM 8EA MERR1MAN. Neb. ux-Tbe Anch or Bank haa a nautical name in a bone-dry, inland cattle town. It was founded 56 years ago by a retired sea captain. Cordon's Son Gets BLM Job WASHINGTON I Appoint ment of Allen Cordon, son of for mer Republican Senator Guy Cordon of Oregon, as manager of the Bureau of Land Management's outer continental shelf office in New Orleans was announced Fri day." "" Cordon, a native of Koseburg, Ore., succeeds Sidney L. Groom who has resigned, effective July 13, to enter private business. The position pays $6,390 a year. Tacoma Firm Wins BPA Pacts , PORTLAND ( The Bonne viHe Power Administration award ed two contracts Thursday to the John H. King Co., Tacoma, Wash. One for $149,783 Is for facilities in the Chief Joseph Dam switch yard and the other for $79,179 is for construction of transformer bank additions at the Glenn H. Bell substation. The hotteii buys at lh coolest priced Summer-wise, bgdget-wise ntfd$ for you, your family and homtl n S ) 2-PICCE GUIT- forSonnyl polo oninr & S DOXDQ.OHOQTO l both m - j REGULARLY 89 ( tt'A wondtrfol Newberry buy. . The background of the gtriptd combed cotton polo matches tht solid color twill shorts. Wothabltl Moize, brown, cc pan, navy. 4-8. DON'T MISS THIS 7Wm? SPlCIAL KIDDIES' c::::ied cono:. SHORTS ji.iw.JSK k mm m i l l s - mw pemasaji as i j .ii .i i n i f ;un new: B. 2 NEW ARRIVALS IN NON-CRUSH, NOIRON COTTON SHORT & SHIRT SETS 98 A. Novelty printed overbtoute. Solid short, printed cuffs. I. Two-tone 2-pc. ployiuit, con trolling stitching. Frontier short. Assorted colors. 3-ox. Interesting assortment of luventle prints. Made to , Wash, dry .oslly. lexer MicitTT ArrmAifnvi TOYO CAPS long wearing fibre. Cool- looking, Cool a the head. . Assorted col ors to go with various sun clothes. S-M-L LADIES' SHORTS Sanforiied-Mado of colorful poplin in solid colors and stripes. Sizes 10-18. Rcgular$r27 $1.59 U HOLIDAY SPECIAL! I UGHTEST WEIGHT. A 70V0 CADS ! LADIES' 'tHlll mzm pedal MH PUSHERS ; V i ' "SanforiieeJ" Denim. Sites ' f V-' r Aif-ligM protectioe fro 10-11 in assarted summer ' J the sun. n a bit) sor . colors. Straight leg and 1 I ' ' ' f centrosting colori Uprl. My H Wilh . . ..,. to 7. -nlcesaweer. , ' Ma.r, Hoar ; ; ' I . ; I rr;Vi.st'7rv ,,', VMlll i- r.iii "h 241 N. liberty ! f MHOflWaliaj I J JUlfoj) w, lnvi Y(U All furniture has been moved to the main floor-shopping is much easier many, many fine Living Room Bedroom, Dinette Sets have been re-priced to close out TODAY! All Springs and Mattresses must go, too! f?. (fhnn fam OO RUBBER W J FOAM RUBBER RUBBER FOAM 2 iQlEo- S80i8l u . $41,00 $00 $(5)00 $K00 $4oo I $E(p)00 U : r $eoo mmmm. Site $100 Open Today Sunday -17 IA 11 OpenToday Sunday 17 Mnnn s 1 lav ivvvii . fill 6 P.M. III 0 I'.H. 1425 Edgcwatcr Phone 2-5456