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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1956)
20-(Scc. Ill) Statesman, Salem. Ore., Sun., July X '56 SUNDAY'S BROADCASTS (Editor's aetei ftie lUlf ii evkilihet la fee feltt Ike imrui aae tiaaee M )mMM kr raaie tea TV ttaileai. kat keeaeie ertUatee Mm ere rami m ehaatee) witkevt aotirtutlaa Uili atwipater iuhI a rtipaaalele lar the aecaracr tenia ) - SUNDAY'S TELEVISION HIGHLIGHTS KPTV SUNDAYS HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEt Dl. 1:M .m. Zoo Parade Martin Perkins ihowi VHIghgate Ostrich JTarm," which tella th atory of ostrich raising. l:M a.ra. Frontier Ferdinand Meyer, one of the first Jews to settle in New Mexico, leads land owners who have elected him mayor In an uncompromising struggle against land-grabbers. A Catholic priest ids their causa in "Ferdinand Meyer's Army. I:M a.m. Goodyear Playhouse Ralph Bellamy stars In "The Film Maker'! II a motion. picture executive. jroducerwhofights against changes made imperative by television. . . 1:M p.m. Sunday Star Time ? Jungle. Book", starring Saba, Rosemary De Camp. The story of a boy raised by a wolf. KOIN-TT SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL 11)1 11. -at a.m. Faith for Today Emphasiies the Importance of living -Without liquor one day at a time. I:N p.m. Armchair Theatre "Three Is a Family" starring Marjorie Reynolds, Fay Bainter, and Charles Buggies. :J0 p.m. Telephone Time Hugo Hass plays a Revolutionary War German baker who became a secret agent In British camps in "The Gingerbread Man." t " 1I:M p.m.-First Run Theatre "A Walk in the Sun" with Dana Andrews, Richard Conte, and John Ireland. KLOK-tV SUNDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS (CHANNEL It): . ' 12:M pjB-College Press Conference A panel of college students question Representative James P. Richards, Democrat from South Carolina. ... I: p.m. Imperial Theatre "Adventures of Fra Diavolo" star ring Enzo Fiermonte and Elsa De Giorgi. The adventures of a patriot during the Napoleonic occupation of Italy. 1:3 p.m. Famous Film Festival "The Importance of. Being Earnest," starring Michael Redgrave, in Oscar Wilde's classic comedy of manners, morals and matrimony in Victorian England. I:M p.m. Coronet Theatre "Northwest Stampede," starring Joan Leslie and James Craig. A story of the magnificence of the Northwest and the rugged men and women who are a part of It. Dutch Princess Starts Duties . As Next Queen By TOM STONE (Ptetara Wlrrpaaia Page) AMSTERDAM. Netherlands W- A rosy-cheeked teen-age princess. at Jimes .smiling through tears, Sa turday began her official duties as Holland's future queen. This csme at a time when a marital rift was said to be rocking the royal house. ' Even as II year old Princess Beatrix was formally Introduced tjr Police. Called as TV Thriller Gets Too Realistic NASHVILLE, Tenn. Iff -The action in a television thriller was Just too realistic for an elderly woman viewer Friday night. After a third victim was slain before her eyes, Mrs. Nora M. Cartwright phoned police. . Five aquad cars, led by the assistant chief; rushed to the woman s apartment. Traffic lit the area Jammed. Spectators came In droves. Police entered the building who guns arawn. Seconds later the officers listened politely when Mra-Cartwright ea Amsterdam's city lathers, a threl P""" She suggested man commission of Dutch elder B"","mn r statesmen was under royal ,p- of television She said she couldn't oointment to smookflmit difficulties remember the name of the pro- SUNOAY'S TELEVISION KPTV, lHF H; KOIN-TV. VHP I: KLOR, VHF II HOUR NH HIS M:3i HAS UIKPTVI If ! KOIN I Person C'n De lYour Trouble f UKPTVIratth Today K01N r.llh Today 14KPTVr.lUi front. la truth Today iraith Today rniit b Life (Bill Hickok (Trill It Ufa IBI11 Hickok KOIN Lam. to Fart KLOR1 ' Filth ftont I Lamp le Feet ITatt Pattern Amtr. Forum (Adventure iCollera Praia' lAmtr. Forum lAdrenture College Prett KPTV zoo Parade KOIN' Face Natloa KLOR1 Lighted Wind. Zee Parade . I Face Nitloa Lighted Wind. Outlook ISundty News lOuUook ISundar Newt Bldg. America IBldf . America KPTVIor. Ipock KOIN' Lone Ranter KLOR Crirlttophere Dr. Speck Oiurch In HomeChurch in Home ILene Ranger The Wijr The Way Chrlftophers Transition Chriit Science KPTV Hone Optra IHont Onera IHorte &pera I Hone Opera KOIN1 Armchair The. lArmchtlr The. lArmchtlr The. lArmchtlr The. KLORiltnperltl Thaat flmpertil Theat. Bmperltl Thett llmperltl Theat 4KPTVI Roy Rogers IRoy Roftrt IBlg Picture IBlg Picture KOINI Armchair The. lArmchtlr The. Teraph'ne Time iTeleph'ne Time KLOR'lmperltl Theat. Imperii! Theat. Pioneer Theat. IPioneer Theat, KPTVlMeet the Prees KOINIyou Are There KLORi Pioneer Theat Meet the Preta (You Are There Pioneer Theat. iPertpecUve II .aula Oral Roberta IPertpecUve ILtnlt lOrtl Roberta f KPTVlTopper (Topper IFrontler IFrontler 1 KOINtprirate Sec'y.' IPnvate See r IWheU My Una iWhtt t My Line ' KLORIU Aided lo It IU Allied For It iFimout Filmt IFtmoui Fllmt KPTVtsteve Allen KOIN 14 Sulllvaa KLORlFammt Films Stt Alien . Cd SuUivaa IFamout Filma ISteve Allen,.,,, ltd Sullivan fFamout Filme ISteve A Ilea Ed Sulllvaa IFantout Fllmf O KFTVIoeodyr Plyhae ICoodyr Plyhte IGoodyr Plyhat IGoodyr Plyhel KOINlQ S Theater KLORlTed MerK'l Hr. IO Theater Alf. Hlteheoek lAlf Hltcheorkl ITed Mack's Hr. ITed Mack's Hr. ITed Mtck't Hr. JCPTVlMaif va. Crime IMin a. Crime LMonteCrlrto TKOIN!S4.0NCI IMonte Crltto ChU'nee set.eriOClii'nge ICIty Detective pity Detective KLOR! Cweenet Theat FnronetTheet Coronet Theat IConmct Theat. J ft KPTVlaowlinf , 1 KOIN lt Rua Theat KLOR I Coronet Theat I Bowling 8undty Star (Sunday Star lat Run Theat I let Run Thaat llrt Rua Thett jCoronct Theat IRel. Town Hall IRel. Town Hall nKPTVguaday Star (Sunday Star (Sunday Star KLORlRel. Town Halt IRel. Town Hilt IRel. Town Htn ISunday Star IRel. Town HtH SUNDAY'S RADIO KSLM ISM ROCO MM SOAR MM KOIN ITS row (It REX IIS Fall Megsetcles e KOIN ISM) KRX MJ ROW INI concerning her parents. Queen Ju liana and Prince Bernhard. Describing themselves as "dis appointed and hurt." at publications abroad of rift, between them, the couple Jointly asked Friday for help arte advice of the three-man com mission. Ead Crlila One of the commission members made it clear privately that the purpose of their task was to get the couple to smooth out their diffi culties and thus end Holland's first public royal family crisis. He said it was hoped a solution could be found, but he added he could not deny that if a reconcili ation is not reached abdication could result. " In that case, Princess Beatrix would reign as queen in place of her mother. "IUUnt Future- j This is something the young princess does not want to do at least now. When she became a member of the State Council in February she said: r "I shall prepare myself for the task (of becoming queen I which I hope and trust, lies" before me in a yet far distant future." There was guarded speculation that the couple might even con sider separation or divorce in case of an abdication. But in Holland, where the royal family represents the best in religious life, that pos sibility seemed the remotest. "Pales Apart" Top persons in both the govern ment and the royal house told for eign correspondents that, the queen ami the German-born prince were poles apart and had been so for years, Three weeks ago the German magazine Der Spiegel told of a rilt between the two over the position of Miss Greet Hofmans, a 61 year old faith healer. Both the queen and the prince called in the faith healer in 1MB at a time of desperation after their youngest daughter. Princess Maria Cristina, now 9, was born partially blind. gees hi Better Sight The erect, gray-haired Miss Hof mans reportedly told the couple that the princess "will see again. God will restore her sight com pletely within two years." She was invited to live in the palace so she could be near the child. But word was that the child's eyesight did not improve and after the orince became concerned over the faith healers close religious association with the queen, he be came angered and ordered her out. There were repeated reports, which were never denied officially, that the faith healer continued to see the queen, a deeply religious woman. gram. HOUR Will M:M N:4S HOW 4 Je Cturtk Hyatt RSI ROIN :M-hurch el Uw AIT I it Melody Jours y Mr tody joura yiMutie tnurcn nana IttilN InvtoLeirn Uov to uetrn Binuniit. ruiuniit. ROW Radle Pulpit Radio Pulpit Bible Sludy IBihle Study KrX Iiim Com. Join Navy ILook to Skiea Bo Crotby ill M Coni'v-Botut Salem Aead. Back te Cod Back to Cod ( o Never Know .4-H flub Nttarene Ser Mm tor e,ua. KOt V. id ft Club IWafll Club IWallle Chin IKUAY Newa I a.IM Newe-Mum, ..(Explorer iFor Af Rent St frtneit Wn.S Sun.- Munic ISun. Mule iVoire Proph cy IVoire Proph'cy klX Hihle Study Bible Study Lis"! Life lLlht A Life RM.M Bible Cilia Bible ClaM Voice ol Proph Volet ot Props tor Sun. Mut. for nun. mui. rur sun. oherui Oriin IHil Review IKflAY Newa Vetttier. lAilv in science I Newt - Brandinav Hr. Srandintv Hr. 4ranrltniv Hr. Rr.X linker Hour Ouaker Horn Chmen People Ben Drtnrh m Km M Newa Chrtttltn Set Frank St Era'ttlMutlc 1 ROt'O fretnrterlie Prbytri Mtnh Mel "nt to Rem. " RG AY Hit Review IH It Hevlew IHit Review .IKUAY Newa OHOIN Mutla Felt. iMuilc Felt. IMutlc Felt. iMulit Felt SGW Mutic for Sua Munr tor Sun (or Sun. Munr tor Sun. RIX lewt-Brtnrb Branch Branch Branch KM.M Bible Clue Blhl Ahih o M.ii tor Sua. Mm llKHAY RnoVrtt Oriaa Hb . ll Jewitb Filth aTRfiW Srandintv Hr. Brai Lear Didn't Discuss Sales With Soviets BERLIN W-WUIiam 'P.. Lear, U.S. plane equipment manufactur er, says there wasn t even any U.S. plane -equipment manufactur er, says there wasn t even any discussion of selling" his products to the Russians during his recent visit to Moscow. , Lear flew .here from the Soviet capital Friday night in his private Cessna 310. In a statement to re porters he firmly denied there was any trade talk. , "The whole purpose of my flight was fun," said Lear, the first West erner to fly a private plane to Moscow. ExplaaatioR Gives He said the Russians gave him a warm welcome and supplied him with free gasoline. He said one Soviet official of fered the following explanation for permitting him to fly to Moscow. "We're trying to convince you guys that we're tearing down the iron curtain.1' Asked for his impressions of the Soviet capital. Lear said: "I wouldn't live there if they gave me the whole country." Lear said the Russians permitted him to inspect some of their air craft including the new TU104 twin engine jet liner which caused a sensation when it was flown to England earlier Jhis year. He praised the .plane saying It had the"cleanest design" he had e er seen. . I Old Eqalpmeat "But some of its equipment Is antique," he added. "By that 1 mean its radar and automatic pilot. It's the same sort of stuff we used during World War II." Lear had the same criticism of radio navigation equipment used by Soviet airfields. He said U. S. gov ernmental agencies could never permit an American airline to fly into the Soviet Union as long as the Russians use their present ground equipment. Home From Hospita ' ' , - President I r"V ' . V v.-. ' K r 3- a. y.1 TV Y V'"N v Smiling Faces WASHINGTON PrwSrdsnl and Mrs. Eisenhowef prasent this pictura'of a smiling, happv coupla about to celebrate their 40th wadding anni versary as they peso at the door of Walter Reed hospital Saturday. From Ate hospital, where the president spent three weeks after major surgery. (Af Wlrephote). NawliwArfc WH,TE WAINS, N. TV Merllyn Monroe neWiyweUS ,d hr B)W hu,bfr,d, author Arthur Mil ler, said Saturday they hope to honeymoon in fngland. How ever, Miller may face passport difficulties because of past pro-Red connections. (AP Wirephoto). V . b .11 V.,.J J ri ' mm -mh. Baptists Ask Persecution in Colombia End SEATTLE of The Genera! Assn. of Regular Baptist Church- About one American in six plays es Thursday called for an end to As, Cl;r4 STALINGRAD, Russia-U. S. Air Forco MT OraiingraO tnW Nathan I. Twining is eon. ducted on a tour of World War II battlefield at Stalingrad, Russia, Saturday by Marshal Serge) Rudenke (loft), chief of the Soviet air staff. (AP Wirephoto). In Limelight THE HAGUE Dutch Princess Beatrix is the focus of attention as she to flanked by her mother, Queen Juliana, and father, Prince Bernhard, dur ing ceremony in Amsterdam's Municipal Museum Saturday. Her parents, who have been reported at odds, were on hand as the IB-year-old princess was introduced to the Dutch peo ple as the heir-presumptive of the royal throne. (AP Wirephoto). some kind of musical instrument. S? GLACIER Concert Mln'tr Fint rim BtDtiit rim GAT Lavman'i Hour (l.tvman t Hour 1-aymin'i Hour KSLM Join Ntvv 1 KlH'O rirat Bantiet - a KOIN Mutic rett Kr.W Cirrntl Litht ar.X S.wi-Bnrx h Mutic rtit ir.lrrntl Lifht Brtnch 4ttb4itt Tlrit Mrthodllt .lP'iit r'nt Btptitt Uvmin t Hour 'Sun. Aflern'a rlhnhc Hr. Brtnch Sun. Aftrm'a irttholic Hr. Brtnf b IE 2 KSI.M Newt MuiW 1(1(11 World tttwe Sun Mitlnee OAT KGAY N-wl IKrrentrlt KOIN Parry ruth Hr. ifarry ralth Hr. KiW Ntwi-Morator Monitor Krx BavlvtlHr. IDrvlvtl Hr. 1 2 KSI.M Mrdiclna Kin o Sua. Mittnae KOAT Sun. Serenade KOIN Newt XIS Monitor ISuo. S-rnide aim Mtttnt iSun. aVrrnida IWathir.fton Monitor Mnnonlln Sun Mttlnee IKartntdt iTerry rtltb Mr. Monitor IBevivtl Hr. BtMbtTf Sun. Matinee IHun. Serenade Mannonliet e.un Mttlnee IKGAY Nwt iPtrry rtlth Hr. Monitor fRrvlvtl Hr. IBiMbtll Sun. Mitlnee IKUAY Nrwl IBrdwy. Ptrtde IBrdwy. Parade Monitor Monnor HCX Pan-Am Union IPtn-Am Union Hih Moment Hih Moment KSI.M Baaabtll Pateball o o Sun. Mttlnee Run. Mitlnee KGAT Sun. Serentrte Stun. Serrnade KOIN Llttenlnf Car lt.Htenin( Ear sr.w Monitor iMoottor Krx Hr. ot Dertiton IHr ol Derlitnn ITttiebill iBatebail Sun. Mttlnee Sun Mtttnee ISun Serentrte IKC.AY Newa ll.lttenins Tmt tl.litenins Ftr IMeet the PreHMeet the Pre-e IHeraldnl Truth Truth 3 KSI.M Pttebtll IBaiehttl initetll Bttehtll Kor Teenata Tunes Teenite Tutwe Teentt- Tunee Teenitt Tunee KOAT Bun. Serenade ISun. Serentrte ISun. Serentrte iKr.AY Newt KOIN Frfiar Btrgaar iFriiar Btrgtn Ifrtaar Htrgen irrttar Bergen KtitV MonHnr iMnnltor iMnnllnr Monitor kcx Mi-rnimt Hi-riTtme Ml-ri Time Hl-ri Time IFta-ebKll llUlehall Teenut Tunet Teentue Tunes KSLM FtMll BaMal , II lnnrn r-eniit Tunee Teenaie Tunet KflAT OTwn. Forum Kl't'wn. Pnrum lAirtinie lAIr Time JKOIN Millie HtU iMuilrHtll K'BN Newt K'HS Nel lanw Monitor Monitor Shirley Thomit Rhirle' Thomaa K r. X Boh Seort Shew IBob SonttSbow iBob Smtt Show IBob Srott Show KSI.M Batebtll KOrO Teentl AY Newt Ben. Ntuberier ISun. Serentrte Sun Off irit-ehtll t.ntherin Hour ' ulHenn Hour lit Tunee Teenata Tunee Teentie Tunet Teenite Tunes Corllat Arrhee It orliu Archer ITwo for Money Two tor Money ewt-Mnnttnr Monitor Monitor (Monitor KRX Bob Scott ShowiBob Srott tnwl Bob Brott Showi Boh Scott Show 111 M Wilt Winchell front Pi re Bob ConiTdlne Newt . i Teenase Tunee Teenata Tunas Taenatt Tunes iTeentee Tunee rlart w Mart ruummnka aTiunimnfta Monitor (Monitor iAmer. Forum lAmer. Forum KM Drew Petrton Jimmy Fldler Ouett Sltr IHere't to Vett 5KOCO Teei KOAT K(. KOIN Corl Kr.W Kea KSX Bo Kil l wait fr KO Teen ESSOIN O Ha (JKOW Mom e- m m v r anpKSI.M Memory Room Memory Room Petrton KOCO Teenaie Tunet fTeenm Tunet iTeentee Tunee Mmle fTeenate Tunea I koin Matter'i Mel dy (Mtater i Mel dy Juke Box Jurr'Juke Box Jury KOtf Prdon Rehih. (Priton Rehib. IMm Feitlval Mm Feitlval KKX Mon Hetrtllnet! Faith Our TlmeiOrowini Pilni r.rowlnt Paint CkMM Moire IMuiie IMuile IMutle noiN Juke B" furyijuke Bn Jury I SI. Loiilt M Loult ar.t M't.le Fett Mm. If felt Mm felt. "ol Felt. KCX N t A. Cenven. N.B A. Conven. IN C A. Conven. N E A. Conven. Dave Hon . lilt Mawa f.koiN uomhirrtoTlme Lomhtrdii Time IF are Nitlnn a Kr.W 'arx Mime Feit. Kath Kuhlman Mime Feit Kith Kuhlmtn IHil M Muile 'Show Tunet KOIN Sun Nlte Fin Mut. Memo.. KfiW plrh. Reportet Veta Hewi Q sax riial Edition - rineel Hutie ' Peace in Valley'Pttce In Valley w ace nation ir ace nation Meet Pre-a Vel fre-a lirtel Menage Uriel Meiiage IRhow Tunet IShow Tunet Church ol Air Hr ot Drciiion Nevivtl Time rhurch ol Air Hr ol Derliion Revival Time 1 art in K'iW j arx Mutte fM"i"l JMutle Newt NlfMcea city Council City Ceunrfj Billy Onhtm Billy Orthim Paul Carton IMutle City Cmtnctl Paul Ctrton PARK t Save treat ttetrle .Through Inland Empire, Idaho, Montana to himmtnng clacien and ilpine neikt. Includes -dj Cltcier Pirk Tour (7 metis).,, ttopi it Lake MuDontld, Many Glicifr (glacier Park Hotelt... trip on Two Medicine Lake. De parruret July 9, Aug. 1J. 1 1 0 per pn, pint tn. iron Salem, frke tubjatl It chinos. sstm ski vet ntswoninss. som too, ass wnniiiM. n auu w km uv GREYHOUND Greyhound Bus Depot 4S0 N. Church Phone 2-342B OR Sit YOUK FAVOtlTt TRAVIl AGENT what it called "persecution protestants in Colombia. The demand was voiced In a resolution passed, at cloning ses sions of the- annual convention of the 150,000-member branch of the Baptist faith. The resolution said the perse cution was the result ot a con cordat between the government of Colombia and the Roman Ca tholic Church." It said the result of fhe concordat has been "al most unrestrained persecutions of evangelical believers" in violation of the Colombian constitution. Next year's meeting of the Reg ular Baptists will be held in Grand Rapids. Mich. The Rev. Dr. R. 1.. Powell, Tacoma, was named chairman. ' KVAL TV, VHF 13 TV . V.St: KVAL-TV, Channel 13 (Sunday): :M m. Chriitian Sci ence. 1:4 Puppet Bible Slory; 10:M Oral Roberta: lft:3t-L,tgttd Win daw; II M Championship Bowling; U:Mrrontteri o! Faith; 12 3 American forum: Jtoo Parade; 1 :3 Famoua PUyhouae; Ire- Sun day Matinee Theater with John Bar rvmore in "Buhdof Drummonda' Re-vrnice"- 1:39 Thit la The Life. :M What One Peraon Can Do: 4:3 Jaycee Spollifht: :M Meet Uie Pretva will prritent an Interview wttn Leo Mates, Yuaoilav ambamador to the US: S:M Roy Rnnera: :- Topper; laont Wolf; I: The Steve Allen Show with ffueata ting inc tar F.lvta Prealey. cvmedlenne linocene Cora, and nthera: City Drtex-ttve; Waterfront; t:it Man Ajalnut Crime; t;M Surprise Theatre. 10 Telephone Time with John Nhltt nairaiinc the rrrv rf 'The Ginierbread Man" ft German baker irU ai aerret aient tor l.i Continental Army during the Amer ican Revolution; JA M Sunday Show time with "Our Town". Answers to Crossword Puzzle mmmm Hlb A RIjR U L E RLiS P I O f I in I T IP I .1 61 Piftfa I VIE iRlf T B rTni! A h AF ECa e n aire sT! n'olT iaTtTe a t q mtfp ?: i won? efp aiiifR ttn a y. n jDtr a i Luqu uEffngjE m ADO rlAlR I SI? rSalAlT aItTaTCV! Lii a ps k kii at i i- ' I i ii ,l. ii) t i a n r- JJEIROBTL RE I OBL'ER MjOM nj6i?iihANiiiLiErisD E E 5;ra 11 r 1" yyy 4 , y ' rvv ' To MarrV Jl0$ ANCIlE$-B,P- Jsms Resvlt and his bride-ro-ba, Mrs. ,v,ur' Gladys Irene Owans, visit lha marriags licsnss buraev hra Saturday. Reesavall asked: "What happens if yau put dawn the wrang aga?" I rta T YOUNCSTOWN, Ohio The pan hearth department at Repub- as Mrs. Owans examined the application. Jha said: "I put down my corroct ,vf lie Stool Corp. hero was being shut down Saturday with ago, I was painfully corroct. (AP Wirephoto). She is 37, ho 41. They will bo married Sunday. Stool Corp. hare was being shut down Saturday with a stoolwerkors' .striko at midnight in viow. Hero was tho last tap on Opon Hearth Furnace No. 6. (AP Wirephoto). rU.e. PHIIADIIPHIA - Chosen lrk A w,lhtf who was named Saturday by tho trustees of Pennsylvania State University . to succeed Dr. Milton S. Elsenhower as president. (AP Wirephoto). """""taeaaa. - '-waaeaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaattataaaaaeeMeaaaatjaeeat- . 1 ' 1 ."I TTnmrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 P(i y&V h """"" V J : -:. v iJ CI r ' " j ;v ) J yy-:&jr v t . j .'e .; -''TjT I ' x I, ' ;"'4; J li: )IN: - . iii Y I tZA - :luLL. aW II I V - Wta f 11 a y -, P V I 1AMM v w w v , r v r . m ' .a a a w 1 1 rV aeseytlfitt Sueadoy flfyepa l w High Teewaeetji.taj paeod 09 Pnilt fnvor Fnct Ra!n ' 'rt today from (ho Rockies eastward to tho Atlantic rvuiii Vewvoi tun f.Mft wfh fh )fttp.,0r) .i )h Nw ingUnd coast and most of Minnesota. H will bo warmer in oastem third of nation and over extreme northwestern U. S. Rost of nation will have slightly cooler weather or tittles change. (AP Wirephoto). SPRINGFIELD. Mo - Carol Elaine DrarU ' non, 14, above, was found dead of 30 stab wounds Fri day on a patio at tho home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lawrenco Dronnon of Spring field, Mo. (AP Wirephoto).