yiss Mina Raaen Is Married At Church Rites on Saturday irsce uiinersn i nurcn was tne setting lor a lovely wedding Saturday night when Miss Mlna Marie, E. Raaen became the bride of T. Arnold AimeUtaedt. The bride it the daughter ot Mr. and Mn. Henry 0. Raaen and the bridegroom ! parenti are Mr. and Mn. Theodore Mittelstaedt of Douglas, Wath. The Rev. Lowell W. Holle performed tht o'clock ceremony. , . Earl Evani, cousin of the bride, : n Wh!rir .You,'lt 0 Pe Danny ., Mittelstaedt. "the bride Love and The Lordi i Prayer. Mrs. J glWi brother ,nd Mu. Ron Reese played the organ ac teUtdli MphewT , u,, brld. companirnent. , 'groom The kneeling pillow, which the, .... couple used for the service, was . "t'.'TrV ".nt flooI made by the bride's mafernal ; '" ?.n of Ch,,?UUy1) ,nd ..4 i... jl i.. nylon tulle over satin with flower Jo years by .very bride In the1 'c PP T U,hJDS family. Lighting the candles were " " Jvtim.ucu iiuiii ymu vest, wiikii had been worn by a longtime friend of the bride. She carried a bouquet of ttedhanotis and Eucharta. lilies, For "something old" she wore the crystal and pearl necklace which had been worn by her mother at her wedding and carried, the handkerchief made by her mater nal grandmother and carried by her mother. .. . A Bride of Saturday , Dallas Dateline . TS.T ll r. k .neeaiecrau 6y 5u4MVlxiiQ Jiffy luncheon set for dining room or patio! Four gay colors combined in this easy-to-do cro abet Pattern 761: Large place mat 19 i 21; smaller 104 x 18 Inches. Directions for mats and coaster, crocheted in heavy jiffy cotton or I strands of string. Send TWINTT-rrVE CUNTS In tolM far litis pattern add I centi tor each pattern for lit-claia mail ;nf. Send to The Orefon Statesman, - N children spent a week recently in California and Nevada. They visit ed her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Ted Gubler in Car son City, 'and enjoyed a May at Lake Tahoe. They arrived home a week ago. . An early summer visit to Yellow. GROWING HONOLULU HONOLULU Honolulu will Jiave a population of half a Million by 1980. Keith K. Wal lace,' chief water engineer, esti-' matra. The preaent population is 270,000. . The Feminine AUeedaats - Miss Alice Cuda of Vancouver, Wash. . wss the honor maid and she wore a rose sunset faille walti gown with long, torso bodice and V neckline. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Hal -Nielsen of Chico. Calif, and Mrs. Marvin Ludemsn,. stater of the bridegroom of Ephrata, Wash., wore tea rose faille gowns. They carried cascades of whit Esther Reed deities and wore matching circlets in their hair. Jeanette Wagnild, cousin of the bride from Plentywood, Montana, was the flower girl. I Marvin Ludeman served as bes man for Mr. Mittelstaedt and uhers ware .Irrald Slattum and Glenn Ludeman of Waterville, Wash. Mrs. Raaen chose a rone bouc lace gown with navy accessories and a corsage of pink Elfe roses (or the wedding. Mrs. Mittelstaedt wore a beige ensemble with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow roses for her son's marriage. Aaaiat At Reeep.Ua The reception was held in the fireplace room of the church. Pour ing were Mrs. Julius Slattum, Mrs. Lillian Paske. of Burbank. Calif., aunt of the bride, and Mrs. George iaatiSfJCQi Mn. T. Arnold Mittelstaedt, the former Mini Mane Raaen- before her marriage on Saturday night at Grace Lutheran Church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Henry O. Raaen and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Mittelstaedt of Douglas, Wash, (McEwan Studio). SU Needlecraft Dept. t. O. Box let, Old Chelwa Station, New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly PATTERN NUM BEVjour NAME, ADDRESS and ZONE. LOOK tor amart fin Ideaa In our Laura Wheeler Needlecraft Catalof. Crochet, knitttnf, embroidery, love ly thinn to wear. Dolla, Iroa-ona. qullta. aprone, noeeltiea aaay. fun to makel Bend 9 centa for your copy of thu book NOW I You will want In order every new drill In It Grening of Puyallup, Wash., sunt of the bridegroom. Cutting the cake were Mrs. Clarence Wagnild of Plentywood, Mont., and Mrs. Mar vin Wangsness of Lo Altos, Calif., cousins of the bride. Assisting were the Misses Lois Gunderson, Thelma Inglebret, Joy Evans, Donna Swan son, Barbara Macdonald of Port Angeles, Wash, and Kay Evans. For going away- the bride wore a periwinkle blue linen sheath dress and coat ensemble, with white hat and black patent leather accessories. After July- dtfie newlyweds will be at home near Douglas, Wash., where the bride groom Is engaged in ranching. OLDSTERS PREFER MIXTURE? EAST LANSING, Mich. iFh "Retirement cities" in southern climes probably won't become popular with the oldsters them selves, a Michigan State Univer; slty sociologist believes. 1 "Older people are not always happy to have a community of senior citi zens alone,'' says Dr. Gordon J. Alridge. "They seem to prefer to have the town's funerals bal anced by baby carriages." Lefe vers Will Observe 60th Anniversary By B. NORBERG ' DALLA& The lixtieth werMinff anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P" t0.ur M ,a!f,cVMh' P. Lefever will be celebrated to day at a family reunion and picnic In the Dallas city park. Mr: and Mrs. Lelevcr were married June 30, MM In Golden dale, Wn. They lived in the Cooper Hollow community for many years and are now living .at the Mrs. EUen Hardison nursmg home. All of their children plan to be here for the anniversary observ ance. They are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lefever of Brookings; Mr. and M.s. A. H. Davis, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Coy Morris,- Albany;. Mr. and mis. iHK brictn, munn, . wim i Mrs. Everett Norris. Springfield, 1J and Mrs. James Carver of Liberty, i Due home Sunday are Mr. and. Mrs. Gay V. Rempcl and Mr.! and Mrs. Isaac Dick following a month's vacation: The group left here June S for Henderson, Nebr., and Mountain Lake. Minn, to visit relatives, spending time In Yellow stone park on the way. They are making the homeward trip through Canada. Vacation la Montana Home this past week following a motor vacation are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dalpes and children. They drove to Butte, Montana' to visit his mother,-Mrs. Rose Dalpei. and sister .Mrs. Ernest Fry. The re-' turn trip was - made by way of Seattle, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Golden and family, brother-in-law and sister of Mrs. Dalpet. ' Mr,; and Mrs. N. John Hajisen and sons, Tom and Jim, and Mr.' and Mrs. Mollis Olloway and sons, Bob and Jim, are leaving Monday for a two week's tour of the Caribou highway In British Colum-' bia. This stretch ot the Alcan ' highway is drawing the two fam ilies for fishing and its scenic at tractions. A Trip Smith . I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stever and JERSEY IS TAMX i - WALL TOWNSHIP, N. J. (AP)I It appears the only buffaloes seen around here recently were on nickels but a western re seascher warita to make sure there were none of the live- variety. W. J. Rice. Santa Clara. Calif.. stone I'ark by Mr. and Mrs.-Abia wrote to the towpihip clerk that Haas and family proved a cold, he was compiling a buffalo cenaus but interesting experience. Snow of the United Statei and Canada, drifts an frozen lakes were stiU A spot check showed that no buf- th. n.nnr.mi n.rk .iirertinn Th. ls'o had wandered into these r r - - - n.i. ,,M, k - -. iMh.ftkl. HaSS I , ... , . . , . : . p . : J return trip from ,N. Dako a . here, rMMrched Ricr ..( don't W wiry .,u o.ie iu ic.w.r. , to overlook apvone. Rugby and Venturis. . I Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., July 1, '56 (Sic. III)-19 JRAPERIE5 rcCJSr Vaianeet Vraeerae Sitae Cera i re Baarda a Slta raeera SEk CI WCQ THE CLP1CK . BLIND MAN free trttaaatei - Day af NtfM "it mn iTermtt isia rente at MILLKN'S DEPARTMENT TOrE 2-140S Sib Premier Sunday Gross-Word Puzzle 0- 11V 1 Hawaiian danc I CaMfaVwIa surf. ah 10 Attach mant t machine tool - 15 Dagger Avouch Fabric Funeral oration tX Blaek 23 Hindmost 24 Sovereign la Slender blade of graaa M QuoU ST Hard. SB Dead fin la h 11 One to whom release ' la given U Open widely 14 Stream 15 Bird of gull family ST Act 40 Holy city ef India jVary planting of crop 4 Expiate 4T FJowar part 4 Dandy 10 European nek BOeXHONTAi. VeOmOAL II Dwarfed S4 Subjert 1 Hurt - Homage animal ta Meditar. S Layer 40 Animal S3 Drag rueu ' at trta 41 Of along ah ruk I Daughter the aurfaca M Spring f aun M Bottom t7 Herba.- Laban 43 Of a facet of . eeoua 4 Proud region brilliant -plant & Dimagree- 44 Touch 81V Tear SO Moham- able pr- 45 Flniaher WW To-do medaa dicament . 47 Coat S7-OriginaU aaint Lop off 40 Favorite 58 Sweet SO Strange T Have a Having potato SI Clayey confidence thiea no Era 02 Finishing S Copy teeth .. si Aban- . tool Conelud- 5S Writers' doned " .(maeh.r Ing mark SJ One , 04 Free 10 Rankle 54 Oacine concerned tt) Seldom 11 Mountain bird 04 More 07 Pillar 12 Fiber 57 Euro arts to- OS Mellower from pan eratie loo Blasted coconut ahad ft Ore vain 101 Protect- huak & Ground S7 One Ing 12 Heron work giving 105 Beat 14 Whlrler 50 Staid medicine (colloq ) 13 Glaaa 62 Hebrew 88 Infant . 10ft Inventor bottle Judge 0 Scheme securing 1ft Once ' ' 83 DtoII 72 Send right venerated 65 Golden 72 Freeae 110 In the bird apple together axil 17 Nolae - 87 Wiaher again 111 Prevent of 88 Slant 77 Silkworm 113 In surf 80 Preclude 7ft Slight dotage 18 Joint 70 Cancel convexity 115 Rail of leg 71 Proa of lift Heed 28 Beatowed pect ahaft 117 Fuaible ' 0 Of grand- 72 Quick of column aubatance parents 73 Laaaoer 80 Onewith 118 Aalatlc 22 Ood 74 Herb strong country of , of liking lit Garden love Call 1 Japanese ' Sower 34 Rebind fofrtla ' badge 120 Equip- 35 Dlaprover -75 Larger of ment 37 Unit unit family 121-Only of than 22 Bark. 122 Fabric pressure poundal Inner 123 U. S. 38 Mualral 78 Ingress lining coin -exercise 7 Acme O-Sea lettuce) 2 MoUiOaf 85 Ax agree- mant 8 Argu menta- live 8 Curb 00 East Indian palm 1 Un- adomH J Jerusa lem thorn 5 Small 04 Relate . again N 08 Un- weave 100 Small ah rub 101 Throe 102 Tropt- . eal plant 103 New Zealand timber tree 104 Mother of Artemis 108 Newi molluak 107 Ripped 108 Island of Saints . 109 Orient 112 Sped 114 Recent n o VENETIAN BLINDS Natieaalr seVartriif. UaMrab lelei ssslity. least witk amaty, ak-lig M teatrsl sad fast arstectiea. levtlvtleasr sleaalar sate witk 1 utahrtie aiattis-east : lEVOLORt tatal ahMaiaasj skits. I Iscliiil beat liltsr. Tapes kettasi kar. prelect lillt, J J MlfAI I Irkaa8 VaT I 1 T ' hP vOUAll Iscliiil keas, ssllillsstlsf inifr. tapes susspssr ibis settee) ksr. Plattw ead can la tiaea frtik kraal ar seNd telers. fsrfect Of sad iatUllatiaa. ValM-sactid prices. Cine kl ar sail see tar free sitlautit. FREE ESTIMATES Identified by the IEVOLOR AN seiaAl TAssa ELMER THE BLIND MAN Venetian Blinds 3870 CtnttrSt. Shadtt Drapes Phone 3-7328 fJJ i i hi here t the en! l-prtptrtnt you've been looking fSfi A creamy liquid that's easier to apply than t cream or lotion. A highly effective protection, yet one that's gentle to delicate skin and fabrics. This Is Antl-Perspirant by Charles of the Rttx the preparation that hat everything you look for In an antl-pertplrant 9 or, 11.28. New 4 oiVplattie bottle, J2.00. Both plus tax. i T T" T 77? 7 i "3 o M a ,a ,4 'W 17 a J7 x W a 10 ai ia J7 JS M -0 Ai 4V 4 44 t , wlizzwlzzw z 7 i jas M " Sr 70 n 777 7 777 jj 7 7 7 "WZZW.ZZZZZZ srr it wZW 1WLZZZZ xi ' mzzztwzzzzzi.zzzwm d o77?,ot 7' " '0 " 1 1 -!Z . "I I 1 wr I 1 1 wr 1 I I r (Answers en next page) - A. t. s : V 0 , , Be Lovelier, Cooler . ...and Carefree!., That's you vhrn' niftm. your sunimrr beauty , care to us. Come ijij srp what wonrlrrs ve can do for your hair, f.ir, nails. do the work a 1 ' you look your loveliest. Call 3-7870 for an Appointment LOVEALL MILLKU liEAI TV tSAIJIV 2nd Floor, Miller's-' I'lione 3-7870 CrLarltV c Shop Miller's for SWIM SUITS! 7 ft ee-U MetAU't PRICED UP TO $5w (SJCON) rim- Sacony "Gingham Girl swimsuit h's e plenlct Xt'hst fun? Vhiit frivoliry Jacony'saml frr sheath of ihirrrd torn chedu ends in pefky bowl and rufllestHow piaflical, too, became It's sturdily made ro stand up 10 months of tumpine. iplaihin(, plavmt, And - the colors ill stay bright through aia and surf. Get h( roour entire eolleK is SO linle-priced. It's s woodefful buy! W2.4-6, , SWIM SUITS s1.98 to $5.95 A wide range of smartly styled iwim suits for oil sizes up to subteens ore here for this week's showing. Quality bronds . . ."style ond fit . . . Botes' and other fine fobrics jn glozed cottons, ginghams, broad cloths, etc. Also novelty beach bsgs with pi antic $1 ft ft linings , .. .... . 1.70 I , Dawnatslrs Chlldrea's Department Ttie best plsjco t sun bronze The only sun lotion containing Liquid Reveneseenco protects youf skin texture as It bronies your skin shsds. Sun Brome helps guard agsinst drying effects of sun snd ses helps you tan without pain or peeling. You'll love Its non-sticky texture and Hs practical, pretty,-plastic bottls. 12.00 and J3.60 sixes, plus Ux. ft steesj new afist, sUped re fit aaater is nerewtir a tktuks with pereel sataaaaV aesi. It't made Aayeri urUut nyfea Iritot na sae a ear atest aftafem fares .' iufty $cUpti ikt liaeet Mice cue! tLfU ktmtiiu. rk&,Blttk,SpmUin4C)m ' safne, Silvtr Bin. MOSl.dm 93 2nd FLOOR ; A new Lovable BRA-SLIP xv gives you V$r, all-in-one bcautyl It's e bra. . . weist-slimmer. . ( farter-bell. pettlcoot! only $os 1 a . aar 1 )C ' X 7.:.:-:,,, ''-v v V From lop to bottom, one smo-o-oth line of- loveliness! Start 1 with a flattering, prrshaped bra . . . blending Into a slam waist-liner . . . flaring out in s ruffled, height-adiuatablo petticoat! L'ndrmrore it with detachable garters AND- top It off with Lovshle's detarhahle T strspa for many splendored necklines! All in beautiful white no-iron embossed cotton. I'nhelieveable? Come and see tor yourself! Sues 32 to IS A B C cups. ' J CORSET FASHIONS 2nd FLOOR 1 '