18-(Sec. Ill) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., July 1, '56 Seen and Heard Br JEIYMI ENGLISH A BEAVTimXT . . . appoint te m Wedneaday (or which Mr Conrad W. Paulua, Mrs. Thorn A. Livesley, Kn. Roderick M. . Livesley a a d - Mr. Thomu D, Livesly wer hoatece . . , the epaciou and , attractive Orefoa Jr. a week af o , . . "happy 1 the brld the un shine on" and that certainly foe (or Gloria a the weather man turned M hi eunni est tmile (or the late afternoon auptiali at St. Paul Episcopal I. . . a colorful dint to tee the I several hundred guest walking up the itrect to the church pretty cottons and prints and lots lot white noted amidst the throng, especially in the hats The beaatlfal , , . Uce and taf feta wedding gown made by the bride' mother . . . the tiers of lace ruffle In back bordered with I daisy trim . . , Mrs. Stolk also making the dress (or her younger daughter, carol, who was her sir Iter's honor attendant . . . the bridesmaids' ballerina frocks of jred and white flocked organdy ... white organdy bows in back ... their (lowers, headdresses. shoes and gloves alUwhite , . . The Iter. George H. Swift also Pauhis at an August II ceremony "' "v " at Grace Memorial Episcopal egroom s parent . . . Church ia Portland . . Receiving weiie . . . accented witn red with the hostesses was the bride- effectively used in the decor at nor of Mr, s' future iter In Room at Meier and Frank's the setting (ar the ' occasion ... the affair arranged in honor of Mr. Paulus' daughter law. Mis Sandra Welif of Oswego . .. Asteady stream of guests calling du r I B the tea hours to meet the attrac tive bride-elect C3 Salem Zontians Talco Rido in Surrey lor the party she were a becoming yellow eye let lull skirted frock to which she pinned yellow orchid . , , Sandra will become the brute oi Larry elect' mother. Mr. George Woltf. wh wore a freea end yellow print sheith dress and corsage ot ytnow the reception held In the parish hall . .' . the window decorated with bouquets of greens and ivy I tied with white bows and flanked A ttaaalag . . . centerpiece on by white taper ... A round cake the tea table ... a tiered arrange-1 table in the center and on either ment of pink sweet peas, roses and . sida the cofte and punch tables bouvardia with a few white daisies . . The tall, white pillared cake fnr arrmt . . . intersoersed here topped with red roses and the and there were crystal wedding cloth of red and white dotted bells and pink and whit luctt I Swiss organdy ... the other table straw , , . covered with whit organdy cloths A aember .'. out-of-town and in centerpiece ot mill glass guest driving to Salem for the tee , . Sandra i granamoiner. Mr. 0. W. Taylor, and her tunts, Mr. Vent Casebeer and Mr. Grant J. Kirk.- all at Otweg , . . From Eugene cam Mr. L. C. Scharpt her daughter, Mr. Baxter Reed, land her daughter-in-law. Mrs. William Scharpf . . . Driving over (ran Cosvallia were Mrs. Roy VS. Keen, attractive in a navy and whit polka dot dreee, Mrs. Amory T. Gill and daughter, Jane, who ia -planning aa August wedding, and Mr. Raymond BnneJteel . . . Mr. Carl T. Gerlinger with her daughter. Mr. Victor Williams, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Cart A. Gerlinger, U of Dallas ... PertUad tweet . .-. Mrs. Joh 1. Elliott snaring good-looking aavy blu coat dre with whit orgndy accent . . . Mrs, Palmer Macdoa ald la a browa and white print and whita chapeaa . j . The Macdotv alda remaining for tb evening to ae their son. Tom. in pentacl Theatre's "Bed, Book and Candle" ,', . Among a'heea (rem Portlrnd wedding dlshet holding beautiful bouquet of calls lilies, white stock and red rosea and carna tion , . . th whole arrangement very striking and picturesque , . . evea the dream cakes wrspped in red and tied with whita ribbon . ; . incidentally, red and white ar the Stanford colon, W ally's alma mater. ... Ka faatllle , . . Douna ot the bridegroom 'a relative occupying the first few pew . . . t the recep tion the cousin chatUng while eating their wedding cake . . . Jim and Jane Shaw up from Med ford . . . Jack and Jean Barsch dowa from Portland . . . Bill and Ana Steiwer at Fossil ... and the Bill McCammons ... Ana Steiwer cutting th cake and smart In aavy blu ensemble with white accent . . . Good-looking Mr. Bill McCammoa a symphony la pink. ... Pra Mt-W-Uwa , . , many ot th guests commuting or remain ing here for the weeker.d, having altrndrd the wedding of Margaret i. V- il f I w . 1 v., Ml; t.fj I V - n, L 1 .' - 1 k 11 Stanford Graduates Wed' By CARL BALL ' Extra currlcolar actlviti njoyd 'af Sun Vally, ldho by member of th Salem Zont Club rtanding th 33rd .lntrntionl convention th pit week included rides in th ld-fahioneJ urry. Taking tour of th village) squsr ar (back from lef) Mrs. William I. Smith nd Mrs. Alice USoln, lfrnt dlgt from th Salem Club. Front from left r Mr. Tom Wolgmott, dlegst and pridnt of th Slm .Club, nd Mrs. WiHim G. Stecey. I ' Bridal Shower Don't Hook flow. . . fcut . , . if Willmtt Rivr Dsyi isn't huge success you can't blsm it on th pub licity committee, thy triad! And by th way,- rtR4 " O003 ", paopi n- 1 J lovina th rivr aaaln. In our 1 grad school day w swam mrr In th rlvr lrnd how tl , I ovr on Minto's island and I C'iJ und,r ,h" Cntr strt Ne" college days w paddled our Eola, "which was quit a pull, Kw trim t.i m w Now aoain. war Mra. Bruce Bpaulding, Mrs. Mllpf amJ Bm rjripg the night be- Salem children ar becoming water conscious niu n.. 1., .... . fore naymono Bone-jimayDe no? ror using oenina in oars, dut cer- Waraer. Mr Ralph Giese and lltrtl tnd children over from talnly for recreational purposes). Take a trip -n )vist-ebout-ny-wey trom Salm this tim of yar, nd you'll tisfy your sens or beauty. Co over toward Stay ton, for Instance. If you haven't been that way for awhile, you II wonder at th building go ing on, but b plasd with th familiarity of th rolling hills of grain .that look like :los-clippd lawni. Waif a few weeks, and th grain will be turning yellow.. Mrs. Alfred Teller. Over tree Stlverieei Mrs. Clarence Keen and Mrs. Wil liam Duncan . . . the latter Joining her another, Mr. Taylor Hawkins . . . Good-looking Mr. Theodore GuTenwater. wh 1 here visiting (rem Lot Angelea, accompanying her daughter,. Mr. Alton Chamber laia . . . ; ' ciiarra ... and attractive me. Wlbur Daily of pretty summer dresses worn y joining her sister, Cervallis ... the Bruce Spsuldinss and daughters, Jean and Dimpy (Mrs. Robert T. Morris III) of Portland . . . Dimpy excited about the arrival of her husband, who is expected home (rem th Far East ia a (ortnlght ... Mr. and Mr. Elbert Robert of Portland, wh formerly lived here, greet ing their many friend ... The Portland and Mr. Kenneth And speaking of tripa ... When th new super . duper highway stretches across our land, tourists will be able to go from ocean to ocean without seeing anything. As it is now, if on Isn't creful, his eyes may wander to th scenery. If the nw highway is anything lik thrMin Turnpik, which w flw long a couple of years ago, on can go for miles without seeing anythincKbut th sides of th ut at th bottom of whicjf is th' highway. It astounds us, that tourists skim through Salem without even glancing at the stetehouse. How ever there ar thousands who stop and enjoy it, so perhaps the super highway will-only prove to be an effective way of separating the chaff from th wheat.- Can't go . . . Guess n extended boat trip, lik across th Atlantic "is pretty rhuch out -tor us, for w notic that the, English actress Diana Dors (Britain's answer to Marilyn Mon roe) wears revealing bathing suit as correct shipboard attire. We just don't look good in a bikini. Somehow we'd always thought they wore clothes on board ship . . . Maxine Buren Ft?r Milt Bed JEFFERSON The recreation room at the Christian church was decorated in pink' and white for the bridal shower honoring Mis Nancy Beat 'of Salem Saturday night. Mrs Wayne Thompson of Salem and .Mrs. Eugene Powell of Jefferson were hostesses. A silver watering can holding sprays of pink flowers centered the gift table. Pouring were Mrs. Lee Beal of Salem and Mr. Ivan Had ley of Albany. Mr. Harry McKee of Bend cut the cake. - Miss Beal is. the bride-elect of Jack Smith of The Dalles. Their marriage will be an event of Sat urday, August 11 at g p.m., in the First Methodist church in Salem. They will reside in Corvallis, where Mr. Smith is a Junior at Oregon State College. Miss Beal has taught lag. rrom in clarity or th sun- smitten day the fog shoaled in. drowning the coastal towns in the open spaces of their stumiwn dis persal; aetting In precise silhou ette th humped and Jagged boxes of habitations, lubmerging all de tails to bring out the precise edge where the setting sun etched- its tracery of molten gold. 1 This was the town's moment when it reinvested itself with the mystery from the bouyant, im pended tea, and the washed gray ness of its structure moved easily Into the greyness of the moisture pebbles of the fog. It was that moment before sunset and lighted rooms when light was only the illumination of all enveloping sea born sky, , The (eg gave aa amaxtng sea. aallea d emptiness la the air, streets seemed empty at people boasts were aa yet devoid ( light. aad anly they, la their, hampel clatter, seemed t have any tens bleaee f reality. It was at if tkey had, aader the swiftly tabmerglag fog, achieved a new pristine clar ity, an ttark la its structure! aad yet tlaaeet la the Implications that weed iheea. shingles aad t a e washed Surfaces at bleached palat, gave I the perambulations of the fag. The housetwere apeaklng aa the land la monatone. This was the town that grew of the sprew of ' earth and not sea. Under the harvest of trees, but a anag induced memory awash In the now neon illuminated moisture that seemed shaken from the sky, solid and weighted, coming down, rolling like th gravel bars along the beach. Between the remnants of great forests the sea need raps itself with shingle and beam, beds down like kelp in the crannies of rooms bringing to profit the hu man insatiable need for the sea. The town rides restless on. Its crated parcels of sun spent time. Between the webbed, humped, the curling meanders of the man driven urge for spindrift, under the tortuous scurrying of his motor driven dust, the allegories of neon weave their magic for a fee. The paupers beach purrs on the micas of the sand sun and in the grind ing huff of feilverized darkness scatters the tithes of its wealth upon a high beach, or buries it self in the minus tides of chro matic aplendor. Always the fee U stare la pri vate camfort ead at the tide table where the privacy af the tea taw It wage at tottnets, fargetfalt eta, aad emptiness la the aartwet lag mnltltade; the tea eleaat Mi tlale every algbl aad the beach writes Its history aaew each mtra- Where the tides end the as- if 1 (-'.' .--V ' . . . - w ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. William M. Birkel (Patricia Orcutt), whose wedding was an event of June 22 at the Silverton Metho dist Church are pictured lighting th memory, candle at - thetr reception. .The bride is the daughter of Mr: and Mrs. W. C. Orcutt of Molalla and Mr. Birkel is th son of Mr. and Mrs. William L. Birkel of Pomona, Calif. The couple wilUive in Palo Alio, Calif., while Mr, Birkel completes hit graduate work at Stanford. (Jesten-M'tller Studio). acumrn wherein the continental shelf throws the destruction of Its compressed a p a c a upon t h e beaches of its might - and there gouges oat the non-ownership of its splendnred stages. Sand and rock shuffle time along the con duits of lands end and in its great wisdom wreaks havoc with pri vacy that would parcel out the sands. A strip of beach shuffles the democratic principle, and man mingles with man as water with rock and quarts ta brew the great civilizing truth that in the cosmic tense the identles of man and sea are equal; but only on the beach below the levels of privacy, below the plots and sections that would split assunder the open palms of the sea. INSIDE JOB ORANGEBURG. S C. (AP) Polic recovered only part of the loot -when they , nabbed eight youngsters after a parked candy truck was rifled. They said one boy ate 240. pieces of the haul the fourth grade at The Dalles ' strart hamllll.v f the land-humped since receiving her degree at Ore- warship at the sea be las. The gnn State, two years ago. She great birthright af the everpawer. graduated 'from Jefferson h i g h Ing greea aartxeatal la parceled those assisting . . .Mrs. Jack Price I b-ii (or the nuotials. choosing a violet print with equal cenveytag . . . congratulations accent ... Mr. Donald Plympion'ror , daughter. David """diand Coralie Rhoten, who are violet print . WUda chatung honevmoonlna in Canada. "were I with her longtime friend. Patsy Bush i Mrs. Stuart) of Portland ... the latter now engaged la a newspaper career an th Park rose Enterprise ... A greea (Ilk print for Crystal Dixoe (Mrs. Henry), wh ia being welcomed beck to Sa lem by her many friend , , . Sarah Jan McCab (Mr. Blair) attrac tive ia a. dainty red and whHe check frock ... A becoming white cot to with inverted pleats af lav ender th choic ef Mrs. Lloyd Ramey ... Pretty Baeat ... (or Mrs. Alfred Gerlinger, who wore peach linen sneatk ... pink for Mrs. William H. Hammond ... and a becoming powder blu linen for Mrs. Ellis Voa Eschea . . . Mrs. Harry Log- gaa smart la black with a white Dallas Nuptials Unite Couple In Marriage their parents, the George Rhotens and Millard Doughtons . . . David and Wally having been (riends since grade acbool days ... Of the young set . . . Plum Brawn -. 1. UI. Ilk Ve Wad : . 3oV, -fte Con-tr. bcm. the bride DALLAS Mis Adrienne D. Conatser, daughter of Mrs. Mar- Walton squiring Coleen Welch Brunette Sally Ja Greig donning a beige outfit . . Black for Ro berta Sear with a touch of white. Amaag ethers of Howard S. Olsonc son of Mr and Mrs. Howard F. Olson, on June 24.4.The afternoon ceremony was held at the First Presbyterian church with the Rev. John B Mae- . .r. uonald officiating passed by Miss Nancy Olson, sister of the groom. The bride and groom are both Dallas high school graduates.' Mr. Olson has served four years in the navy and attended Oregon College of Education this past year. He expects to return there to school in the fall. The new lyweds will make their home in Dallas on, their return from a wedding trip to Victoria, B. C. guest at the wedding was Jody uacn. wno accompanied ner. par- and Mr, Cir, M Wrjght o( em enU, Roger and Patty Dasch. and pavfd ,ne ori,an her grandparents, the Kenneth, Attending the bride were Mrs. Wilsons . . . Pretty hats . . . Mrs. jar cok. cousin of th hrlrfe Tumble weeds were (irst Intro-: duced into the United States in Lynn SJolund of Lebanon sana! wl "'Pents of Russia flax seed. I Yew Ar Invited to Visit Our 'CHARM HOUSE' A Cape Cod cottage furnished w'h the warmth and friendli ness of early American maple at its best. Where you may shop at your leisure with (ree decorating help, if desired. Our "Charm House" has just been completely redecorated. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING INC 4(7 Court Ph. 19(11 Opea Moa. It Frt. Til school.- Texas had about 10 million visit ors in 195S. Into seetloas at privacy and ea ducemeata that bed the aea dewa for a algal. But the aea has the great green QUISEHBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY AT '150 SOUTH UIMTY IS OPEN SUNDAYS 12 Neen f 2 P. M.-e P. M. to 9 P. M. Weekdays- A. M. to 11 P. M. (Other'Hours, Call -3-9123 r 4433)" OPEN MONDAY ' 12t15 TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. PP.EE STORE-SIDE PARKING POR OVER 1,000 CARS , Daniel J. Fry choosing a pink one and Mrs. George Rossman'i wide brimmed chapetu of white satin chapeaa . . , Marcla Webb saying 1 petal accented with yellow and ae revoir to her friends a on green . . . Mr. Vernon Perry at ' Thursday she left for Medford, tractive in a misCblue faille prin where she has accepted position i cess style coat dress with match ing hat and shoes. Detent ... on hand to shower with the welfare commission. A da . . . Mrs. Daniel B. Jar maa and her daughter, Mrs. Jar maa Burgy ... the latter having com north from California toifornla honeymoon, make aa extended visit in Salem I . . Mrs. Robert Burrell wearing beautiful pink floral print dress ! with long torso and panel In back ... and a matching pink hat ... aad Mrs. Werner Browa In a handsome grey princes style cot- matron of honor, and bridesmaids Miss Adeline Lunn, cousin of the bride, and Mrs. Edward Luthe Jr. Raymond Olson stood with his brother as best man. Ushers were Edward Luthe Jr. and Herb Buller. At the reception in the church social rooms Mra. Elliott Rhoten of Eugene, aunt of the groom, cut the th happy couple with rice as they i rake and Mrs. A. E. Holler, Mra lelt for a Lake Taho and Call-, Clarence Clemens and Mrs. Lloyd I Arnold poured. The guest book was New Salem Office NIAGARA SOOTHES NL'PTIAL NOTES ... So strik ing th red and white color scheme featured in the decor as well as th gown of the attendants for th pretty summer wedding of Gloria Stolk and Wallace Carson Hiif ma MM ) 111111 iMuitimo DRY SKIN CLIANSINO CREAM h eev . J REG, ltt rvalue tee MiP-eeam cuajimm Tw mm r wr aa Rirklr mbiara kl " 4rf i CAPITAL DUG STORE 40S STATE ST. W Give irfC Greea Stamp LOTS r.v I WVWS. HtAil""tli fiititiix iiirr uriaiii la J I I I llinMIIIII I IIIIIIIII mtW mmm mM BBM J Working together witbt your physician In tim of illntss Side by tide, we work with yeur physician e safeguard yeur health. In every way that , modern pharmacy can serve yeu, we ere ' -fully equipped. Use eur facilities regularlyl CAPITAL DRUG STORE t locations t Better Serve Yea Main Store: 405 Stale, tamer ef Liberty Prescription Shop: 111 Chemeketa, Griffin Bid. . WK GIVE Jlf GREEN STAMPS OUR STORE IS AIR-CONDITIONED BY ERIGIDAIRE SHOP HERE COMFORTABLY PAIN ARTHRITIS YES TH NIAGARA THHMO-CYCIOPAD COMBINES HEAT AND MASSAGE TO HELP EASE TENSION AND FATIGUE; INCREASE CIRCULATION, RELIEVE PAIN" OP ARTHRITIS, BURSITIS ' Two of mankind's finest healers . . . heat and massage . . . ar nose cdmbintd in a Sat, comfortable cushion th Niagara Thtrmo Cyclopsd.This fascinating new "sid-to-bettar-lmng" will incouraa relaxation and help ralieve the pain commonly associated with arthritis, bursitis or rheumatism. The Thermo-Cyclopsd is a reiuliof Niagara'! exnnsiTt research program conducted ia hospitals, laboratories and colleges. It csn be used oa chair, couch or bed lie on it, sit on it, use it behind back or oa bands, feet, srms, legs. It is amazingly versatile ... and , effective. ii ii Th Niagara Thermo-Cycloptd is new, different, practical, will last for years, will be used eery day, tnd will promote better health. What more could you ttk for ia a gift? SEND COUPON POR DETAILS ---- 4 M 4k aw new rMf TWa--r. AevH. i JT1 a I'm L -- I New Salem location NIAGARA OF SALEM 1124 Center St. . Phone 4-2890 Arrets from the Capitol Shopping Center new Swedish way to get slim ... reduce without being hungry! LARSON'S 0 WHAT IT IS:, - LifMn'i S.M.D. il iptcul ditt which wail ir , vtnttd in Swdn, lh country with the hilhy wy of living, fo you vtrwoight boctut yu to) much and if yeu want to roduc y, quick and ufa, without beingj hungry, than ybu ihould gat a pachaga and iaa for younalf that you don't have to be 10 ft. HEALTHY-NOT DANGEROUS: Lrton'i Swedith Milk Di.l ulin off tha c .t in natural way without uiing drucs, slimming' IngrMlitntt Of ta.rciairf . Inv.nt.d In Sweden, t.rton'l S.M.D. It now baing Introductd her. in Am.rica, t.cauu It it to limind In supply it tails out fail m yeu ihould k lor It today., . IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH; ,. l.raon'i'S.M.D., a granular praparation, combinvt with milk to form bulk to help keep your In testinal tract regular, larton'i S M D. supplies h.alrhy bulk and neeufag! Wmil habrt lime. You mil f..l mora fit In body and' clearer of mind. And you alto aheuld ba mere -energetic HOW TO USE: lull a teaipoonfuf of S.M.D. granules with a gl.it of milk four limes a day, only 3 days a wkl Monday, Widneiday, Friday you dial th Swedith Milk Diet Way. Tuaid.y, Thursday, Sat urday and Sunday you eat your normal maaltl NO UNDERFEEDING: ' tft. Lartop't S.M.D. Swedish Milk Diet roniaim full daily requirement! of minerali, necatiary vitamini, calcium, aretein, cirbohydates. Iron,' 'ohoiphorui, energy alementi. And the Swedith' Mik Diet grves you the necanary variation be tween diet days and day with normal meals when yeu eat lik you do now, You anly us larton'i I W D days a week. The ether 4 day ef tha week, Sunday, Tuesday, Thurtday and an Saturday yeu don't d.t at all but eat just like you do'newl ' RESULTS ARE GUARANTEED: If you fellow th dial faithfully yeu ihould lete poundt and Inchei tha first weak, or you return ,the packs' and get,, a refund. I MAIl THIS 01 . A PHONI YOU AOPelll ' I I ' - Mail and phone orders TOILETRIES - STREET FLOOR c Meier Ik Frank' Saleas, Saleas, Oregon Please seed ate 4 weeks' aappljr f .Swedish Milk Diet at $1. ' Name Street City lone ft tale C. O. D. ..... Charge ..... Remit, F.nel. ..... 'Plut shipping ctwf ff area outside .OUT T" 1 tegular truck dclivery 'routet. 1 4fc ! i i -