The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 01, 1956, Page 17, Image 17

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    YvVCA Silver Tea Will Be! Held
At Horace McGee Home Friday
Highlight of the wk' fojlowlng Fourth of July activities 1U be
th YWCA membership cilver tea to be held at the' home of Mrs.
Horace McGee, MS Rose Street, on Friday, July ( from 2:30 to
S o'clock. f ' '
Of special interest to mother-daughter duos will be the attractive
doll collection of Mrs. Elvah M. SUnh? to be on display. Her dolls
have been acquired -wltar trial i r r 1 '
in Mexico. Europe mini tmrropwut
the United States a'tid as an added
feature of her hobby ."she1 has
costumed many of them herself.
Mrs. ,C. Bnnald Hudkins and
Mrs. Maynard Shiffer, co-chairmen
for the event, have chostn
Centennial as theme for the tea
which will be carried out in the
decoration by Mrs. William Hugh
Receiving will be Mrs. Wilihm
Crolheri, Mrs. McGee and Miss
Gertrude Acheson. Pouring will
be Mrs. Elmo Smilh, Mrs. Ches
ter Cox.. Mrs. Floyd Utter and
Mrs. Frank H. Spears. Mrc. Can
ton Greider and Mrs. M. E. Metre
win be tat the door, ind intro-
ducing to the line will, be Mrs. 1 1 -
-Donald Rasmussea and Mrs,
Robert D. Gregg
To Assist Darlag AnrM
Serving in the dining room 'will t,.
be Mrs. Charles Campbell, Mrs. 1 1
Maurice Saffron, Mrs. Theodore '
Jenny, Mrs. Ray Rhoten. Mrs. "
Robert Sprague and Mrs. Maylon f
Mrs. Harold Schneider Is chair-.
man of the refreshment etimmit K
tee, assisted by Mrs. Lynn' Ham
merstad, Mrs. Francis Albada,
Mrs. -Forrest Bodmer and Mrs.
Willard N. Thompson.
Assisting about the rooms will
be Miss Mildred Glover, Mrs.
Leslie Davis, Mrs. Glenn Fravel,
Mrs. A. C. Haag, Mrs. George
LaBorde, Mrs. Chester Loe, Mrs
Ruskin Blatchford, Mrs. Ritchie
Turner, Mrs. Robert Ebcrsole and
Mrs. John Caughell. Also assitl
bg will be Miss Mabel P. Robert
son, Miss Pawn Jones, Mrs. Don
ald Richardson, Mrs. James Al
lenby, Mrs. ', J. A. Nunn, Mrs.
James Armpriest, ' Mrs. Robert
Anderson and Mrs. Wallace Car
son. ' The interested public is invited
to attend the lea.
Stanley Butler
Now Heads Music
Teachers Group
Stanley Butler, professor of mu
sic at Willamette University; and
music critic for the Oregon Slates
man, was elected president of the
Orcinn Music JTeachcrs' Associ
ation Wednesday at the state con
vention held in (he Congress hotel
in Portland. V
Affiliate of the Music Teschers'
National Association, the Oregon
group Is divided into five districts,
among, them being the Salem Mu
sic Teachers' Association, which
has a membership of over 300.
Elected for a two-year period,
Butler will have to assist 'him as
vice president. Joseph Brye, pro
fessor of music at Oregon State
Collesc: secretary, Flora Stone of
McMinnville; and treasurer. Beryl
Kamp of Ilillsboro. '
I As president of the Oregon or-
Tuxedo Club
Sport Dance
On Saturday
The Tuxedo- Club will hold
bonus dance on Saturday, July 7
at the American Legion Club. This
will be a sports dance 'with 4he
social, hour beginning at 7:30
o'clock and a buffet dinner fol
lowing at S:30 p.m. Dancing will
be to the music of Lyle Glazier
and his orchestra. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Schick
Jr. are heading the directorate
for the dance.
New officers of the club to serve
during the coming year are Rich
ard Denton, president, and Harold
Schick, secretary-treasurer.
Special4 Honors Given to Girls
WOODBURN Five members of
Evergreen Assembly, Order of
Rainbow for Girls were singled out
Variation, Butler will travel to
Ch:cego In February to attcno' the
biennial convention of the Music
Teachers' National' Association.
Dinner to Precede
Court Meeting
The July, stated meeting of
Hanna Rosa Court. Order of the
Amaranth will be held Mpnday
evening at the Masonic Temple at
I p. m. '
Officers and members of Angel
us Court of Portland will be guests
for the evening. There will be a
special program in their honor.
Preceding the business' meeting
there will be a covered dish dinner
served at I p. m. at the Masonic
Temple. In charge for the evening
wille Mr. and Mrs. Joseph John
ston, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barker,
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Alsbury, Mr.
and Mrs. Brownie Bangert, Mr.
and James Barrell, Mr..
Mudd, and Frank Mercer.
for special honors at the Wednes
day meeting of the organiiation at
the Masonic Temple. Miss Jane
McGrath snl Miss Dorothy Baxter
received iheit majority degrees.
Miss CaroLLe Foster and Miss
Janice Stach "were awarded t h e
grand cross, of color medallion for
outstanding service to Rainbow.
Miss Barbara Paulson was also
named as a recipient of this honor,
but was not present to receive it.
Six girls were initiated into the
order, including Linda Rappe, Ju
lie Kotka. Soma Click, Patricia
Colby, Louise Parton and Judy-
Spagle. Christine Painter was
chairman of tfie refreshment com
mittee. This was the last meeting
before summer vacation.
Hostesses Fete
Paula. Scott
SILVERTON-Miss Paul Scott,
bride elect of Edward Otter of
California, was complimented Fri
day night at the home of Mrs. E.
L. Henkel at a miscellaneous bridal
shower.' Co - hostesses were Mrs.
Robert Sites and Mrs. P'aul Lan
ham.' Bidden were Mrs. Norman Dodds,
Mrs. Larry Ernst, .Mrs. . William
Hanson, Mrs. Wade Scott, Mrs. L.
Mabbott. Mrs. James Nelson, Mrs. 1
Norris Myten, Mrs. Mclvin Melton.
Mrs. Wallace Salerno-Mrs. Homer
Rue, Mrs. Theodore Riches, Mrs. I
Robert Lester, Mrs. Ed Given, Mrs !
W. P. Scarth, Mrs. W. E. Grodrian, !
Mrs. hoy Miles, Mrs. W. H. Wood-
ard. Mrs. James Lorenzen. Mrs.
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun., July 1, '56 (Sec. IH)-17-
Mr. aad Mrs. J. H. WUlett hare
returned from trip to Long
Beach, Calif., where Mr. Willett
represented the American Spaniel
Club as tone four , representative
at the tone cocker spaniel special
ty show and obedience trials held
at the Veteran Memorial Stadium
Tha Willetts also , attended the
largest all-breed show on the coast.
the Harbor Cities Kennel Club at
Long Beach with over 2.000 dogs
entered. Tfcejr mads the trip by
plane. ':';' ' ' '
Police Oflif or Dave Timlin says Fred Younger af Salem, Mrs, John
he's not very superstitious, but: Sites of Nampa. Idaho: Miss Ruth
On duty early Friday the 13th. Bnrbcr.- Miss Mary Jane Riches,
Edith his prowl caf- had. two flat tires. I Miss Donna Swanson, and Miss
The car number : i niricen. i naroaa urr oi roruana.
. ON ALL ri'X
Summer Dress Shcs X
and Sandals for Children
236 N. High Open Friday til P.M. Phone 3-8771
-kw$ pnw' ywt' wyxf jwwwwf wstf fref- fm". wssvf. ftmvff jwsww $w- p?irw"$' $3!TD& fW.f'
44?' v.aoae- HHIrK--
'fcwef A
Modern Etiquette i
Q. Is it all right for the
"dummy" at bridge to leave 'the
A. If really necesary, it Is all
right. But this does not mean the '
dummy should wander aimlessly .
about the room for that indicates :
a lack of interest In the game .
which means a lack of gool
breeding. ' I
, Q. Is it correct to write a. note
wishing a girl happiness after ,
reading the announcement of her
engagement in the newspaper?
A. Certainly; this is not only
correct, but it is a thoughful and
gracious gesture of friendship.
Q. Is it all right for a man to
use only his initials when sign
ing social correspondence?
A, No; he should sign his full
Q. How dries a woman's manner :
of signing her name to a formal
letter differ from her signing of ,
a hotel register? "
..When signing a formal letter, ;
she signs her name "Helen R
Thomas." and then either below j
this signature or in the lower loft
hand corner of the page add in .
parentheses 'Mrs. John H. Thorn-:
'as1. When she is registering at a
hotel, she signs her name only as
"Mrs. John H. Thomas." i
(Author's nme below)
You can live a great many
years" longer, than was expected-at
your birth because
medical science has not only
achieved the biblical three
score and ten years of ave-
age life expectancy, but
each year hopei to increase
that figure.
But you, yourself, must be
an active player in the
"Game of Life." If you will
regularly visit your Physi
cian for a physical checkup,
he can help you to prevent
serious- illness, and you will
be richly rewarded by many
additional years of healthier
4-3336 - 150 S. Liberty St.
3-9123-310 Court St.
3-3157 - 2440 Gear St.
A MEDICINE ii n vAiif nrArintinn If
. avn " f J i'. -. ......... ..
shopping near us, or let us de
liver at 12:30 and 4:uo nany
without dxtra charge. A great
many people entrust us with
the responsibility of filling
their nresrrintinns. Mav we
compound yours?
Remember: At '150 South
Liberty Street we are prepar
ed to supply, your Irug Store
needs 24 hours a day. IMgnt
and day.
We are open at this address
daily from 9:00 A. M. until
11:00 P. M. At any other time
you need us Just dial 4-J236 or
3 9123.
Sunday hours are 13:00 until
1:00 and 8:00 until 9:00 P. M.
We are pleased to be able to
give this 24 hour 'service to
the people ef our community.
(Medical Center Branrh.
240 Grear Phone 1-3157
Salem, Oregon
-Court and Commerrlsl
Phone S 9123
150 South Liberty St.
Phone 4 3336
1 "Quotation by
Edwin A. Robinson
Copyright IBM (4W3)
ahapat a beautiful future ,
for your figure! It lengthens
your waist with a column
ef color... repeats the contrast
color on the rnont feminine,
cuffed, little-boy shorts!
It's high time you
discovered this flattery!
Elasticized faillo, 16.93
x-'.-: '
1 two-part inspiration
...tha ingenious fabric design (
Jf by Emilio for th superUtivs t
' swimauiU of Rom Mart Reidl
Tha retult? A good to tha
eye as It is to your figure
' ' ...and briefly," that'a very,' very
good! Gondola print on combed
cotton peaii de aoie, 12.95
S n Tha Matching topper with
C stand-up collar, 13.95 h
the best place to shop . . . after all
Jvly4th iolwrsOro.
jummer fashions with a future!
White$tag's exciting new 'v
mix-'n-motch Sailcloth colors ore
fresh os the sea breeze. t -
L95 ;
2nd Floor
Ciiii ahoy
ii by 7to
If iO 111 Sanforized.
j l' if l' 1 Mainsail Toft
U !W 51 I 1 Sires 10-18- ...".
ill" Hi W Calfskinnersi
II u' f ' Sizes 10-18 . .
. J l r )- --orchid-
V . ll II San
' ff ' Sleeveless Top
, Sires 10-1C
, 4 Sizes 10-20
- m -
Famous beauties of all ages have known that cosmetic loveliness is
"really a simple thing . . . that.before thecolor of itf tick and rouge, be-"
75-. JAR $V5
Soothes, smoothes
fore the finish of fine powder; one must start with soft, flowing skin . ; .
and the great beauty basis, in this respect, for over a hundred years has Helps Keep slin suppU
been Glycerine and Rosewster. Until recently it was available only as , end young-looking
you may enjoy it as a smooth, pure cream for the skin,, delicately , & ExcelUnt grtaselcss ',.,..
fragrant and easy to apply.
powder base
See Our Sun Fashions
For Fun-Time Flattery!
When Its Time
Out For Play
&aurf suit
You're mint-cool and so smart
plin Coordinates!
Parfait colors to mix
s you please.
f? "i
keep you looking fashionable,
feeling comfortable
when it's very
ir PINK .' .
t- WHITE '
iz GREEN .
very warm jj
. magi-$trttch over-tht-knee
I Light and cool as seafoam lrom 1 1
i J their Ventilated foot on up your own 1 1
IIRrV lpurplKl'
fnr ilfnHfr nr imaU tii. Air I iti f)
iloniTE sn '
for ir( ait Sitf S'4 to 11
kr till, l,v Sm. ? I. II
magi-$trttch over-tht-knee
Light and cool as seafoam from
their Ventilated foot on up your own
personal Leg-Size plus the magic of
s-t-r-e t-c h makes these self-supporting
wonders cling to every curve. You'll love
them under Surrtmer sheathes!
1.95 a pair
These are the famous Itg-Size knre-hi'i that
fit so perfectly, they won't cut, slip down
or winkle no matter how active I
you are! Cool as a breeze above
you knees wonderful under full-skirted
Slimmer fahions. '
1.50 a pair