The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, July 01, 1956, Page 15, Image 15

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    O Statesman's HOME '
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Women ... Music . Fashions . . . Features
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.(Sec. 3) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sunday, July 1, 1958
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From Alabama . ... came Captain and Mrs. Robert Gentzkow and tons, Steven, Bob and Doug, for visit with '
their parents, Mrs. Jennie Bartiett and the S. J. Gentzkows. They drove cross-country from Montgomery, where the air '
force captain is operations officer in the ground observer corps of the U. S. Air Force. Since the visitors left Salem fhe new
Marion County Courthouse, in the background, was built and was one of the first major changes they noted on arriving In
the capital. . ... , "
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Spending. . . the summer Tn Salem to escape the Kansas heat are Mrs. Carl Wesson and children, Lynn,
In back, and Marybeth and Chip, who are the house guests of Mrs. Wesson's brother-in-law and lister.
Dr. and Mrs. Dean K. Brooks. The Wusons make their home in Topeka. The children are looking forward to
a wonderful summer with their cousins, Denise, India and Ulista Jean Brook.
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Enjoying . . . Oregon's lovely weather and outdoor living are Mr: and Mrs. Forrest T. Jones and sons, Dick and Bob, who
have been vacationing here from their home in Kansas gty. Mo. They were house guests of Mrs. Jones' brother-in-law and sit
ter, Dr. and Mrs. Maynerd Shiffer. The Shifters have taken their guests on scenic trips about the state and several informal parties
have feted the visitors.
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n the directorate ... for the YWCA mem
bership silver tea (at the left) to be held on
Friday, July 6 at the Horace McGee home on
Roie.Street are, left to right, Mrs. Donald Rich
ardson, Mrs. James C. Armpriest, Mrs. C. Ron-
Hudkins, co-chairman and Mrs fAcGee. Corn-
members are piciurecj on The attractive
the MrGee rendence. The interested
public is invited to call -between. 2.30 and 5
o'closk. Mrs. Maynard Shiffer is serving (as co
'chairman wrth Mrs; Hudkins. .
(All photos by Kennell-Ellis Studio).
Visitors . . .1 in the capital from Masterton,
" New Zealand, above, are Mr. and Mrs. Ron
Buick end their nine year-old twin sons, Tony and
Barry. They will be here until August and are the
guests of Mrs. Buick's mother, Mrs. Gilbert White,
and sister. Miss Maty White. They made the trip
by ship, docking in Vancouver, B C, where they
were met by Miss White. Several trips around
the state are planned during the visitors' stay,
Including the many scenic and historical sites in
and around Salem. They are pictured by the
flag pole on the state capitol grounds and later
toured the building. This is Mr, Buick's first visit
to Salem, but Mrs. Buick and the twins came over
five years ago.