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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1956)
lt-(cc. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sun.; July 1, '58 ' ' Unavoidable' Death Haunts Driver's Mind Editor's Netet The aeeldeat, Mid Bailee. u uveldahie. Teere weald be as charges, MM pollee, was laavaldaMe. Thera ' weala be - ae ' charges as alast lit Wr at the car that kad killed child. Bat wkal charges weald tfce driver's twi eeaslceaee make? Here la Ikt siary al as aagalahed, It blame Irta aaelerist. By GEORGE BZXff " -BUFFALO. N.Y. iB "I killed child." , " ' The werdi fell ofl Iht ear, of reporter Walter Froehlich ai he bent ever a desk la the accident records bureau at polica head quarter! oni day last iummer. Froehlich wai gathering male rial (or one e( th mora than 308 traffic safety stortet he wrote ln year for the Buffalo Courier' Express. . . "They wked roe did I see the child?" the voice continued. "Yes, 1 saw him. And he's all I've been seeing since. 1 saw him. But It was too late to atop. I was the text to see him Uve." . froehlich looked op from bis pages of itatistica to see aa .an guished motorist standing before the long counter Is the office. A policeman listened lympathetical- Cm14 Net (tea ' . One he bad begun, the motor ist could not stop. Froehlich took It all down and later wrote the story as he bad beard K. deleting only names snd detaila'that might Identify the driver or the acci dent. The story was lew thaa 00 words long. It appeared , to the Courier-Express Saturdsy. July 1 Just before the deadly Holiday weekend. But It did not end there. . In Chle K was seen by the National S Council which ob tained p"m!i-'on to reprint the story in Iti monthly publication. , In Elmlrs and Rochester. N.Y, police bunded copies to traffic vi olators. Police Chief J. Waiter 01-F.n- N D . saw the story te a police ' journal ind had re prints made for his city. Two anion ai insursnce firms, a state power company in New ' York State, In Ohio motor freight tin and a national dairy concern asked reorinls for each of their emnlnvea. t V t ' General Motors reprinted the atnrv iii Hi rnmia.nv publication! Bell Aircraft Corp. put copies la Ita wnrbM-i' bav envelnooa- ' An asMcistkm of trade unions is Bonn, Germany, obtained per mission to make a free trsnala tloa Into Cermaa for use la that country. A year later, the requests eea- Untie to come In. For Froehlich. M, who began Ms newspaper career as a week ly editor In Dansvllle, N.Y., and joined the Courier-Express (Ire years ago, tne story orougni a citation from a national trucking group. It else helped him win an award for consistently fine report ing from the Buffalo Newspaper Guild. Hera Is the story he wrote: 1 Killed A Child" They ask me did I see the. child? Yes, I saw him. And he's all I've been seeing since. I ssw him. But it was too lata to stop. I was the last to see him alive. And the first to see bis lifeless body limply sprawled on the pave ment a few inches from the bumper of my car. Yes. I am the man they now rail "death car driver." I own the car whose pictures you ssw in the daily press. And, yet, a thmiiund times I with I were the victim rsther than the man who killed him. For he died only once. but I a thousand deaths since then. I saw him running out between two can. He looked away. But yet his childish steps led into my tiath 1 hnnkait the horn. 1 kicked Into the brake. I heard the tires squeal. And then the thud. I ssw !! little Kwtv hurled thrmieh the air and fall down flat just as my stopping wneet almost uwenea him once more. fl.lWrlaa OanrJ I walked ahead and bent ever nia crumpled form. "Call an am bulance" I shouted. "Quick!" 1 saw the gathering crowd. They all looked at the child. And then at me. Salem Obituaries OPEN MONDAY, AND FRIDAY , 12:15 TO P. M. OTHiH DAYI :30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. ' ! ". .'Oi. '; :' 'V ' ' "; '; FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS iiiii'iftiriii .kMrtM iirfh-fT'iarii i in 1 1 1 inii rr1 m iaen w i un ramaataT'1'1 l :' fl'ii jA"'tfiati'-'cititTi Y'-'--'-'--- tflkaf Budle At the reatdeae. IMS N. Chureh . . M,k a h- aait. Ura Clara Bradley of Balem: aon., Robert Bradley of Albany, Ore, Michael Bradley sf Corvallii. Ore.; 1 alitara in ajigiano eon a nrewi. a.,.a- land Si grandchildren alee eurvlv . 1 Jin 1. w.M at h. Vlrail T Golden Chapel Monday, July I. at S 00 p m. Service will bt read by rhriatian Br entiat. iniarmeat. ei craat Memorial Park. faaaw a. "a -. - U.M.. I itAn, Ave at a loral hoapltal June M at the . - as U.lh.. . Ura t. BL New land of Loa Anaalaa, Calltl ala. a at lt Ufa.l.kaa! TnrvaaL ir oi n. ri. wvwn w ..V 7 . . a aural avie VlftttA. CtlV. We.! un off M1m Jn Win- Church of God. AnnouncOTjnt t rvtri will b mult later by tht ZZ . i W a.-a I JttOWiJ-avuwoiw ..-.a At tt'a a.lla-e. TSUI OHelll nd. June an. ai ma - er of Mr.. AMa O. Hera, of Hanna Monica Calif.: Mra. Ida Lounorn. Sen rrcl.Vi Call : Mr.. Myrtle Cloyd . i7a Drownire and Mr.. Ituth Blwr and Robert Klme. all of ialam , 1 Drinavi .. Ore.! alilero. A7v.W.r..r. a.Uw.1 Mrs. !. Coon. ,rt ol Mlra Loma. Cellf.i Mn. Myrtle B..m(.b of "''VJuTcitv Orarss Ch.rleaSmlth.raUa City, ore. M 4 originally $12. 95 king : size peel ratta W ,asw W ' . - 'aw'' - '", .er " ' . AiMiaa ,-., . . - 4000 o . aa,nu"w- . rrto- j.rt t- e a s . .vaf . a. 1U aW - MfO . UQ . -a V ,.J bV tooQW . pon , . . n si der 0' -.met w, ., tUft ..r w PrVT Ita Mill 0 dm ffj. flll Mi rf f Q0 ftfhf?TlflMl ; 11 Mail end phnn iVrXf III Jlfflfl orwl phone order). Tni sWppng fort to " . ...Ja.'Ja .... a.a...faa elaHaiL aJaai a-ayl ayiaa. 3 B 11 (I'd) IrTf Tickets Available at the Informstion Desk Street Floor , v Meier k Frsnk's Sslrm, Salem, Oregon Plesse send me the following: Nsme - Street - City . ........ Chars ' C.O.D. Qusn. 1 Item j Prire Totsl Zone .... State 2... . Kemit. Etici. I . ;- " 1 ! ! This ihippinz cot to orctw .out fide-our regular truck jlelivery routei. ; ' Mai! and phont ordtn he r.ld T.?, V-V nVdlTn eameterjf.