" '!. 12-(Sea II) Statcsmari. Salem, Ore'., Sun , July 1, 56 China Rulers , Premise to ' . Boost Wages ; I By LEONARD LEFKOW . BONG KONG iff Red China' rulers accepted congressional criti cum Saturday and promised sweeping reforms to better living conditions for China's (00 million ' people. ; Premier Chou En-lal climaxed a two-week session of the National Peoples Congress in Pciping by telling 1.000 deputies: "AD departments and areas con cerned will "examine and correct shortcomings and mistakes." Wage Boost Peiplng Radio broadcast part of a speech by Chou, bead of the State Council top governiRent body in which he promised im mediate wage boosts and Improve ments la bousing and medical facilities. ' - ' The promise of reforms rang dowa the curtain on the Congress, whose deputies had taken the floor ene after another to shoot barbs at the government for not improv ing living conditions as last as pro duction increased. Most of China's budget the past few years has gene for heavy industry and defense, with little left in the way of bene fits for the people. Red Party Edicts Sharp criticism- by deputies of life under the Red regime ap parently stemmed (rem recent Communist Party edicts for freer expressions from lower echelons of government and Congress. During the session.' Peiplng Radio, official voice of the regime, loosened its usually straight propa ganda output and carried speeches by deputies who asked for more authority for local governments, less export of food, more and better luxury goods and more homes. First official bint of unrest en the teeming mainland came when a deputy declared rioting had brok en out last year ia the heavily populated Szechwan province but bad been cut down "effectively." Peiping broadcast bis statement , OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY ( ; 12:15 TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M.7 FREE STORE-SIDE PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS ' v U Lizl Uzl Zn L lliiulli 111 Liz Union Pacific Strike Possible PORTLAND II) -The Order of Railroad Conductors and the Un ion Pacific jhsilroad broke off ' contract talks here Friday and a anion oruciai said a strika was possible. i A strike by the Mi workers could tie ap Union Pacific opera tions west ef Green River, ' Wye., and north W Slt Lake City, the anion reported. r ; FINAL LUCKY NUMBERS 2S 430,179 366,072 . ' 390,645 350,724 ff yea have a M inter Money Bill with aay of above serial nembers en It, yea win desig nated award If yea collect It before P. M. tonight at Center aad Commercial, Effective new TOUR chances f winning Master Money are INCREASED! Starting new sad for the bsliare of June, the three daily awards. If not rlaimee ea one diy . . . will be carried ever separately the will aoi (pyramid). To Illustrate: If all three awards are not claimed en a given dsv . . the following dsy's iward(tWill consist ef two awsrds ef f 25 . .'two ef IIS aad two ef 111. la ether words, instead ef three win ers .' . . we'd hive six win aers Thai, earb unclaimed sward from ene day becomes sa added opportunity for tea le wia a prise the following esv' Free Master Money Bill given a' all locations. Winners Must Clalw Award Af Center And Commercial By 9 P. M, $15 , ZENA THOMAS 53 Statesman Cannon 'Lyric5 totcel ensemble v: $1.49 bath size 21 "x46" ..... 79c- ham! size-16"x28" -.-. 77 37 35c 12"xl2" Wash cloth .' 23 Slightly Irregular heavy terry with plain cam border, white and colors. - rep 915.95 , print'covered AcrUftn comforters 8.88 Floral-printed percale comforters with 100 Acrilan filling, lightweight warmth for ex tra comfort. Sizes 72Tx84" in rose, gold, green, blue. " . REG. $1.95 WAMSUTTA "FLA1RE" TOWELS, $1 OQ bath size 25"x'48" in solid colors and white A J Reg. SI hand size 16 "x", 79c; 39c wash cloth, 29c REG. 79c PILLOW TUBING, Pequot 42" muslin slightly OQ imperfect V" U 7 REG. 4.98 FAILLE TABLE CLOTHS, floral . prints widyhght irregularities; 53"x53" ; Reg. $6.98 size 53"x70" cloth - - REG. $23.50 DINNER CLOTHS, acetate and lurex, W cloth, eight 2O"x20 napkins, irregular, REG. $34.95-$39.9i DINNER SETS, acetate . and lurex, 5"x 108" cloth twelve 20"x20" napkins, irregular. ; Mail and phont orders'. LINENS - SECOND FLOOR ..... , , 2.99 . 3.99 16.95 19.95 REG. $7.9.5 CORDUROY CHENILLE COVERLET, twin or full size, popular colors i REG. $12.95 CHENILLE COVERLET, brocatelle type in full or twin size ... '. .. . REG. $4.95 PAD AND MATTRESS COVER, quilted contour type, size 39"x76" .... ......... y Reg. $6.95 size 54"x76" '. . REG. $7.9.5 BED TILLOWS, Dacron filled nylon tufted, -twin and full sizes - REG. $17.95 EARLY AMERICAN COVERLETS, " r loom-woven, twin and fiiUize . REG. $6.95-$8".9S CANNON WOVEN BEDSPREADS, twin or full size, popular colors . ... Moil and phone orders' . . BEDDING SECOND FLOOR 4.95 6.44 2.99 3.99 4.88 8.66 , kV "' J m'm a ' ' X . . i- a- - FREI WHIStLI POM Wth Gat iWham Free Mauler luM. Bill .Civea At All Bullous reg. 39o59c famous brand yarns Spinnerin's Kin( Cole knitting worsted and Reflection, black with gold or silver trim. In wmph'te color lines and discontinued colors. Buy now for your fall knitting. - REG. $29.93 SP1NNERIN READY-KNIT PACK, skirt is knitted, yarn included to make the top. REG. $.195-$5.95 NEEDLEPOINT PICTURE KITS, Bucella kits, choice of several patterns . STAMPED GOODS-table linen, tea towels, kitchen towels, aprons, curtains, others 10c 15.95 .1.95 12 reg. 40c to $1.25 popular yarns Assortment of Astrnksin poolle yarn, Hiawa tha tapestry wool, Fleislirr's Casa-Laine and odd lots of dross varn-all at this one low clearance price. NEEDLEPOINT, all sizes, types and styles, stool covers, bench pieces, chair sets... ... 19" . V Price 19 pnee REG. $2.29 PAIR PARAGON PILLOW TUBING.' JM A f l.t7 high count, choice of many designs ... pnir REG. 40c HIAWATHA NEEDLEPOINT WOOL inconv plete color yortment . ....40 ynrd.i REG. $29.9.5 NEEDLEPOINT BENCHES, 8 only, $1 f QCT with slip seats, priced for clearance . J-Uy3 Mail and phone orders NEEDLEPOINT - SECOND FLOOR reg. W.95 do-it-yourself paint sets 1.99 Contain three 12"xlfi" nunihcred, mountetl panel scenes, three artists' 'brushes, brush cleaner, all the paints necessary to complete all the pictures Hratl complete' instructions.' Snow, animals, religious, ballet scenes. n ft - " ' . : :k!- ; kUf m (tv i REC. $6.98 TYPING TABLE, sturdy steel, holds adding machine or typewritw . . REG. $6.98 METAL DESK LAMP, double socket steel lamp, adjustable gooseneck . ..3.99 :2.99 REG. $2.98 DESK BASKET AND BOOK ENDS, r attractive; litlingraph designs on both i i- X J REG. $7.95 DESK PEN AND BASE, ball point M Q pen, swivel base in black or white J REG. $2.50 DESK BLOTTER, hither corners, one . size only REC. 95c VOYACKR lOl ND PAPER, 81 slu-ets to box, lighlweight, white, gray, green . REC. ,$2-$2,98 LEATHERETTE WASTE gl 1 4( ilax size .. i-, to LJ BASKETS, assorted colors, popul REG. 50e MATCHING VOYAGER ENVELOPES, white, green, gravv; tissue-lined ... ............1 ' Mail and pionr ordrn STATIONERY - STREET FLOOR n.do 2n 4n , . A'J . i;.:jd-. . JaM,v. t v I ' ' ' ' !! .Tj I i 4 men's famous make topgrain . cowhide luggage' Reg. $49 two-suiter ... 34.95t ...?28.95t Reg. $12 companion case Fine luggage from a famous maker ia popular tan or ginger. . - Reg.' $65 imported water Buffalo 2-iuiter ... Reg. $60 companion case .. ?46.50t .40.50t women's reg. 45-$135 ticeed or rawhide luggage . W to Vz ok now $30f to $67.50t Nntionally advertised brand. Train cat es, weekenders, pullmsns, wardrobes), hat and shoe boxes. Buy now for vaca tion travel needs. ' ' 7?f?g. $22.50425 Car-Sac lightweight car luggage ; " n5t.n6.66t Cra sshopper XOtOtd' Tough non-peel Vinyl plastic scuff re sistant and washable. So light, so easy to handle. Ideal for summer travel, week end trips. reg. 20 lightweight 21" weekend cases 7.50t Full standard size with sturdy triple-ply basswood frame; choice of several pop ular colors. Save $12.50 nowl reg. 3.50 mailing cases 99 Handy for sending home student'i laun dry, storing personal possessions, carry ing picnic supplies. Sturdy canvas; re placeable fillers. luggage odds and ends V2 price Mostly one-of-a-kind. You'll find that extra needed case among these great values. Samples, .discontinued items, some slightly damaged. plus tat Mail and phone orders' LUGGAGE - STREET FLOOR This shipping cost to areas outside oUr regular truck delivery routes