The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 30, 1956, Page 8, Image 8

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    8-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., June 30, '56
Qimb Noted J
In National
Farm Markets
'I Farm Editor. The Statesman
fhnr't n iin.hirn in the national
farm markeU. the lira half of
im to closing. Lamo prices, even
with drop in mid-week, are said
to be the highest in three years.
While cattle and sheep prices at
Portland closed little under last
week's high, the market closed on
steady and somewhat stronger
note. There was an upturn in the
dosing buying and lamb prices
were around SO cents higher than
Monday. ' , , , .
. tv, hiitrhir ho market closed
i steady to weak, with prices on
- butcher hogs in miaaiewenma
ranging from $U. to 197S. on
the Portland market. The latter
price on hogs is a new high In
the uphill pull that has taken place
line the middle of March. How
ever hog prices are still around
4 under a year ago. Oregon lamb
prices are now about the same as
a year ago. -More
Cattle Offered
; Receipts of cattle at Portland
were somewhat larger this week
than last, although the drop in
lamb offerings began to show.
There were about the same num
ber of hogs offered.
Reports from outside markets
thowerf receipts In all classes were
smaller, but arrivala of cattle and
hogs were still greater than the
game time last year.
Prices from now until early No
vember are expected to be upward.
Unloading of both beef and sheep
in June, while the pastures were
still green, was listed as partly
responsible for the seasonable drop
In prices.
i Advise Is to sell out milk-tat
lambs aa toon as they reach a
.marketable weight. Some produc
ers have been topping out their
flocks In recent weeks. .They
bring more now than they will
later as feeders, although forecast
for j, feeders., nationwide-wise, is
listed at around 17-18 cents.
Sen Hon As Soon Aa Ready
LAxArm tnn 1 la xell the market
hogs as soon as they reach 200
pounds. Prices are expected to
Arm from mm until late summer
or early fall. However, they are
.t nwtMl tn follow last year's
HV rf.-----w - -
pattern so badly. The decrease in
the nation' sprinf pig drop came
u inrii .nrf Mav. Farrowing In
those two months were about one
sixth smaller than a year earlier.
farrowinu In Feb
ruary and March were down only
i 7 per cent, ana uecemoer mu
;.: January farrowings were some
what larger than a year earlier.
These early larrowings have help
j i hniri marketings uo in May
and June. The cut-back in farrow
ings that came later, will show to
a greater extent later in me year.
The decrease in the nation's spring
pig crop was in the nation's prin
cipal hog producing area. Here in
Oregon, the number it about equal
to last spring. ,
Indications at the recent broiler
and fryer meeting in Corvallis, is
that there just can't be expected a
summer "up" in prices. There are
too many birds ev-n to up prices
for the bigger call of the picnic
chicken-fry season. The slogan will
be "chicken every picnic".
Feed prices for poultrymen are,
however, going up. There may be
tome unloading. Housewives should
watch for these for locker supplies.
Plenty of Bay
If you have any low-quality hay
to sell, sell it, The good hay prices,
m .kn hv last winter s
heavy feeding, aren't expected to
hold. One reason: Too many hay
farmers are holding. Indications
are (or plenty of hay around, par
iMilarlv of the not-so-good quality
Feed grains are expected to go
tip in face ot tne new support
if vnu are eoine to need
dairy feed grains, pick them up at
Barley is selling under support
prices In most places, and advice
to the grower is too hold onto the
crop. Demand is expected to pick
" no. '
Keep up on new rulings about the
Soil Bank. Don't change any plans
Soil Bank-wise without conferring
with your local ASC office.
River Runoff
Tips Records
PORTLAND Ml All records
but one were broken by the spring
-.. r.1 th rnlnmhla River this
year, tha U.S. Geological Survey
aid Thursday
This year's runoff of flfi.2UO.oon
acre feet measured at The Dalles
from April 1 through June 25 was
exceeded only by the 1894 flood
which had a total of
acre feet in the three-month pe
riod. '
During the last big flood in 194S
the runoff totaled 83,496.000.
. The peak stage this year oc
...A .inn 1 with a discharce of
823,000 cubic fert a second at The
Dalles, i -r
m.. Vlnmhla. now bark in its
banks almost everywhere, crested
June 4 at Z6.S leei i Vancouver,
r-.k tt a lul above flood staff?
The river is now WB 10 17 5 feet
there, V
Tha level in the Portland harbor
was under the 18-foot flood atage
for the first time since May 20,
falling W 17.8 ie-
.... ...rco x WARSAW
VIENNA W . ...
General Dag HammarskJold ar
rived la Warsaw by pUne Thurs
day the Polish radio reported. He
. . .. . 11 M SivlwtArv
12:1S TO t P.M.
OTHW DAYS 9.20 A.M. TO 5:30
for a limited
reg. 15.95
1 H If ' I I . .. I I ; ,
Now is the chance to start that long-wanted set of
unbreakable dinnerware. Choose from seven lovely
mix or match colors . . . copper, turquoise, red, yel
low, black, gray and white. Starter set includes four
each: dinner plates, bread and butter plates, cups
and saucers.
save even morel refl. $57.40 45-piete
service for eight
. ' Mail and ytwne orders
from International
Here is silver you can be proud of every day of your life . . . when
you set a family table, when you entertain. International Sterling is
unmistakably solid silver . . . it's rich weight, deep-sculptured design
and warm, radiant color cannot be duplicated in a lesser metal. Choose
from these seven exquisite
1. Silver Iris . ,
2. Prelude . .
3. Silver Melody
4. Royal Danish
5. Silver Rhythm
6. Joan of Arc
7. Richelieu
42-piece service for 8 includes handsome mahogany drawer chest, at
no extra charge.
Afni and phone orders
Pftf shipping, cost to arras
outside- our regular
truck delivery routes
July 4
ire." '
fit L
i :.,v- .1 r -l .
C ' , " v yS I.
place setting
. $29.55
service for 8
plus 10 federal tax
Tkkols available
t the Information
Desk-Street Floor
' - ' . 1 s
16-piece starter set
open stock selection:
dinner plate $1.90
'salad plate $1.20
bread i. butter .. . $1.00
cup and saucer $1.85
fruit dish 85t
soup bowl $1.05
small platter $3.15
large platter $4.15
"picpire-in-a-m inn te
For a limited time, we are authorized to allow
$10.00 for any camera . . . regardless of condi
tion . . . toward the purchase of any model Pol
aroid Land camera. Bring in your old camera -movie
or stilUit may be worth as much as $60
trade-in allowance. The new Polaroid is like mag
ic .. . you snap the picture, and in just seconds
you have a beautiful, sharp, permanent black and
white snapshot!
pocket size
large size
fU I af" P"
I tJ j
Afel O J J L
vegetable dish $3.15 f "
divided vegetable $3.40
sugar , creamer $3.70' .
salad bowl $5.95
savp over s2!
rel H)M
steel typing
A, versatile table that can do
double duty in the utility
room or kitchen. Two drop
leaves extend to increase
working area. Plenty big and
sturdy to hold a standard size
typewriter or adding machine.
Soft gray 'baked enamel finish.
I Mail and phone ordrrs' I
pounds lighter . . . packs more
netv lightweight luggage
Newlv desiRtird luggage, actually 30fr liglitrr than most
airweight lugcacc! Made extra strnng thrnugh use of
molded oiir-picc. licat-wcldrd multiple hasswood. l.oug
wearing, scult-proot. 8 gauge vim I. covers and beautiful
interiors designed to hai inonie. Ckiice of blue or gia.
Save 20 or more oiiji li-piecesel!
1. Large Pullman, reg. $27.95 . . . $18.95
2. Junior Pullman, reg;. $24.50 . . . $16.50
3. Week-ender, reg. $19.95 .... $13.95
4. Train case, reg. $19.95 ...... $13.95
all prices pins
10 federal tax
rr. H).9H
Jfiimbo size . .. . the right size
for filing a b;g volume oT pa
pers and confidential docu
ments, two compartments
1 hold up to 2000 sheets, com
plete set of A-to-Z and special
folders included; also a roo
my compartment with key.
3aked Hammertone finish.
Si k
i-t i
Minister That will
inwsijold Ire to tot , win
fl$ KUS w an. i