. Tomorrow's Sunday Aui of Special Church Aclivitiet in Salem and the Valley n.tiMW m hum i win ii inn. iw i m a I m n I'J ', ) i imonniiii ! .i i . ,i i . '. . 'i . ,. i " V. ' - . i'i. h-iliti trai-'tiu ii--f"i---.iii i.rtJWn BROOKS The aew Assembly' of God Church ihowi here U ready lor p.m. Sunday. The Rev. N. D. Davidsoa will be fueit speaker. Psalms Basis Of Englewood Sunday Series A Summer Series on the Psalms will begin at the morning worship Sunday at Englewood Evangelical United Brethren Church. During next 10 Sundays the wor ship messages will link selected Psalms with the Christian's prob lems of today. Meditations from some of the world's finest poetry are intended to provide an insiuht into the deepest desires of the hu man heart. Special worship music will also be selected from the Psalms The first Psalm has been select ed for the meditation Sunday niommg. The Rev. LloydM'rcker. pastor of the Englewood church, entitles this Psalm "Man's Road to Prosperity." A gift book of Psalms is being awarded each person attending eight of the ten Psalm worship services. Hothanv Church liible School Set Summer vacation Bible school at Bethany church will begin Sunday and continue through .July Claso will run fr. .1 10 a m to noon Ruth arc! Gloria Doern. Port land, are in charge of the school They will be assisted by young people of the church Material used in the course will he taken from the Gospel Light "Adventur ing with Christ in the King's Ad venrureland." Salem Churches APOSTOLIC ittV NAM! MS Ctnltr, 11 m., I p m. ASSEMBLY Of COD ( fntnl Cottt nd Hood. 11 m. nd 7 30 p m. IrinfflliUc t'plt Prl nd Market. 11 m.. 1 11 pm Jht Chaptl Firviw Av. and Blulf St.- U am.. 7 :4S pm. BAPTIST Bethf I Cettaia and. D. 11 a m.. 7 V) p m. ( tlvirr LlbM-Vf and Millr. 11 an'. 7 30 p m. Sunday School, 45 tr Capital Baptltt 3000 Lanalnl Sun day arhnol 4J a m. Servica 11 am,- 7 45 p m Pint UDerty and Marlon. 11 a m.. 7 30 p m. Immanurl Hazl and Acadtmy. 11 a m and 7 30 p m. Writ Salrm Ith and Roatmon. 11 a m , 7 30 p .m. CATHOLIC St. Jiiph'i Winter and Chmt tta . 7. I, :15. 10.30, 11.45 a m. St. Vlncrnt it Paul Myrtlt and Cnlumbua. t. 7, S, 15, 10 50 and 11:45 rnaiSTMN Court SI 17!h and Court. BiMf School. US am: S 30 and 11 am: Fflloitship Hour. 6 30 p m. Flrtt Cnttaft and Marlon. 10:45 m: 7.30 p.m. CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY Alllanct-Sth and Gainra 11 am, 7 30 p m. ( RI II H or CHRIST Central ( oi'iit and Chemekfia. 10 50 a m.. I 30 p m. WMT SAI IM CSJURCH OP CHRIST ( My Hall. 11 a m 7 .10 p m. CHt RCH OP CHRIST. SriF.NTIST Flru Libarty and Chamekeia. 11 a in t HI RCH OP COD rirrt linrirr ana Gltndal. 11 a m and 7 JO p m. ( Hi am or cod, Th 40 S 2!nd. 11 a m, 7 45 p m. chi rch op god or prophp.ct 1580 S. 20th. Ha m.. 1 45 p m CHIRCH OP JPSI'S CHRIST OP LATTER DAY SAINTS - 5th and Madiion. S a m.. 30 p m CHI RCH OF THF. SPIRIT Firrt IB43 A SI . 1 30 p m. CONGREGATIONAL ItrM . Cntlai and Marmn in am Knlrht Mmorlal-ltn and Terry II m. f PISCOPAt, St Paillf S3 l iberty and Mvers 7 30. 30 MISSION OF ST. PAI'I VFW Hall. S10 Hnod St . 9 30 a m. EVANCTUCAL AND REFORMED Reihany Capitol and Marion 11 a m. EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN Enflewood 17th and Ntbraska 11 am, 7 .30 p.m. Flrrt Summit and Marlon. 10 50 a m , 7 30 p m. FAITH TABERNACLE 1305 N. Sth. 11 am., 7 45 p m. FOI RSQI'ARI 490 N 19th 11 a m , 7 45 p m FREE METHODIST Winter and Market 11 am., 7 10 p m. "tEMIMIII THI SAISATH DAY" SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH NORTH IUMMIX AT HOOD ST. SrvKl aa Saturday o Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. o Preaching 11:00 a.m. Youth Mooting 4:00 p.m. MINISTII 110. M. A. riCKHAM A Ml Cardial WaUama AwaiH Van Brooks Church Completed ?.tlr..t i f-" rJ' t rv'--tniirxiiimJtl"iii n tl-iv r,rh(i il Assembly of God to Dedicate New Brooks Church Sunday tutttmaa Ncwi ttrvlrf BROOKS Dedication services for the new Brooks Assembly of God Church are scheduled for 2:30 p.m. Sunday, with the Rev. N. D. Davidson giving the mes sage. The new structure, which has a floor space of 4,400 square feet, contains 10 Sunday School rooms, and a small and large 'saMuary: MucH'Tiifinr lahor for constructing the building has been donated. Assembly of God Church mem bers purchased their first build ing from the Methodist denomin ation in 1942. That building was Paul Harvcv Delegated for Merger Meet Paul W. Harvey. Jr . Salem leader in the Congregational church, has been elected 'as an official delegate to the national meeting which will unite the Con-1 gregational Christian Churches ! with the Evangelical and Re-! lormed Church next year. Scheduled to take place in Cleve land. Ohio, the session which unites the two Protestant church group into the I'nited Church of Christ marks one ol the most sig nilant efforts toward church unity in 'American PrnloManlism. The election or the Congrega tional Christian representatives to: the convening General Synod, was' jheld at the 13th biennial meeting, . of the Congregational Christian 1 I Churches in Omaha this week. FRIENDS Hlfhlantf Arenoa Church and Hunland Ham, IN pm 'South Salem Commercial and 1 Waihinfton 11 am, 7 JO p m. FI LL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL Ciliary Chapel 1143 N. Ubtrty 11 am, 7 45 p m. Full Goiptl Mlitloa SOI N. Lib trty. 10 a m, 7 45 p m. Jeina Nana PenterotUI 1175 Lewis It a m , 7 45 p m JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 1690 Minion. I p m. Sunday. JEWISH Broadway and Madiaon. 7.30 pm (Friday I. klNftv) OOD BIBLE 1125 Elm ( 45 a m , 10 45 a m, 7 45 p m. I.I THERAN Central Capitol and Galnei. Run day arhnol. ( 45 am, lervicei 11 a.m. and 7 :30 p m. tbrlit-IS-n and State. 130 and 11 a m. Sunday School at 45 a m. Grace Lutheran Lanalnf and Sun nyview. Sunday achool 145 am. Services S a.m. St. John i 14th and Court t 10 30 a m. St. Mark 34.1 N. Church. Sunday ichool 1.30 a m. Viorahip 11 a.m. MENTAL SCIENCE 370 Kinfwood Ave. Claisef S p m. Friday. METHODIST Urn Church and State. 30 and 11 am. Jaioa Lee Winter and Jefferaon. It am. I eille Commercial and Meyera. 11 am, 7 30 p m. MoralBfaMe Methadlet Church Sunday School 45 a m. and tervicea at 11 am. each Sunday. Heat Salem 3rd and Garth. 11 a m and 7 SO p m. NAZARENE Flrrt 13th and Center. 10 50 a m., 7:30 OPEN 1232 BIBLE STANDARD N. Commercial. 11 a m, 7 45 p in. Pit GRIM HOLINESS 2285 Carlton II i m, 1.30 p m. PRESBYTERIAN Pint Winter and Chemeketa. 145 am.. 11am. j REORGANIZED CHI'RCH OF JESI S CHRIST OF LATTER DAT SAINTS 17th and Chemeketa 11 a m, p m SALEM HIHLE CHI RI H ' 2 2 mile. eait on Center St, II a m. and 7:30 pm. SALVATION ARMT 241 State 11 a m, 7 30 p m. SEVENTH-DAT ADVENTIST Summer and Hood. 0.30 and 11 a.m. SPIRITI'ALIST Flrrt 1320 Madison. 7:30 p m. TRL'TH CENTER 1149 Court St Sunday School 10 am.. Worship 11 am. UNITARIAN, FELLOWSHIP' No summer service.. I'NITED BRETHREN Pint 1145 Mission St. Worahip 11 am KESLEYAN METHODIST 13th and Mill St 1) a.m. and S p m Salem's Sinjinf Church special aedkatloa services at I:M destroyed by fire October, 1S53, and the following month the con gregation bought the lot on which the present church stands. The building program was begun early in 19:4. Chairman of the building com mittee has been the pastor, the Rev, Robert Swope. Members of the committee include Roy Sul livan, Fred Rick and Rueben Ntl mr The Rev. Mr. Swope completed his fifth year as pastor June 17. Sunday's 11 a. m. worship ser vice will be' headed by the Rev. George J. Davis. Salem, assistant superintendent of the Assembly of God Churches in Oregon. A lunch will be served at the church after the 2 30 p. m. dedication services, and a no-host picnic din ner will be staged at the play ground area of Bethel Park .'or guests remaining for the 7:30 p. m. service, when the Rev. Rooert Cornwall of Astoria wilr be the speaker. Pastors Ready Campgrounds For Adventists Pastor H A Peckham of the I Salem Seventh-day Adventi i nurcn is now assisting the pa: tors of the lfW Oregon Conference! churches in preparing for the an nual camp meeting July 19-28 at the Gladstone campgrounds. The preparation of the more than 1400 pitched tents and 400 cabins, as well as all other aspects of getting the 74-acre campground ready for meetings, Is a yearly task assigned to the Adventist ministers of the conference. Week end crowds (or the 10-day event run as high as 15.000 with thou sands staying oo the campground for the entire series of meetings. A large number of Salem fam ilies plan to take In the entire convention, and many others will drive up for evenings and week ends. ! I O..Il I t.vniiaiii Villi inUIN each week for the weekly Stur-j day services at I h local church, until camp-meeting time, 'whffl' there will be limited services the local church College Trio Sings Sunday the Pilgrimettes of Western Pil grim College, a trio, will sing at the Salem Pilgrim Holihess Church Wednesday at 7:30 p in. The trio is currently touring Pil grim churches in the Northwest. Western Pilgrim College, El Monte, Calif., operates under the auspices of the Pilgrim Holiness Church. Accompanying the trio will be the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Rogers, F:i Monte. The Rev. Mr. Rogers, who is student body president of the college, will deliver a short address. Mrs. Rogers is pianist for the group. Communion Day At Knight Church The Lord's Supper will be ob served at the 11 am. service at the Knight Memorial Congrega tional church Sunday. "Louder Than Words" will be the subject of the Communion meditation by the Rev. Louis E. White. FOOK. LECTl RE M'NDAY A recently published book "How to Live 365 Days a Year," will be the subject of a public lecture by, Clifford W. Ferguson Sunday! morning at the Salem Truth Cen-j ter. 1149 Court St. SALEM TRUTH CENTER 114 COURT MataphytMal Lactwraa Yauth Sunday Schl StWy DtavMWN Clatsta Frayar Haalinf Clinica Mataphyiical library ! Shaa hajia 14010 First Church of the Nazarene Center at Thirteenth 45 Sunday School t 10:50 Morning Worship "I Need the Chureh'' 6 30 YoutK Hour 7:30 Evangolislic Servict "They Just Drifter!" Rev. E. D. Wolfe , Guest Speaker The Public Is Invited Three Guest Preachers At Silverton Itatoimaa Ntwi tcrvic SILVERTON - Guest speaker at the Silverton Baptist Church Sunday will be the Rev. Kenneth Franz, who will speak both at the 11 o'clock service and again at'the 7:30 p.m. service. Both Immanuel and Trinity Lu theran churches will have guest speakers Sunday also. At Trinity, Robert Lester will speak, and at Immanuel Ray Lester. Calvary church's quarterly busi ness meeting of the congregation will be held Tuesday at I p.m. Sunday has been namedvtsitation Sunday at Calvary, with"' a weiner roast to follow. While a large number of the members of the First Christian Church expect to be in attendance at the Christian Church convention at Turner, there will be the usual services at 11 o'clock at the Sil verton church. Some plan to at tend the picnic at Turner which follows the morning services there. The Rev. I. M. Nelson has an nounced the annual business meet ing of the church for July 8, fol lowing the noon fellowship dinner, Officers- named at the recent 'elec tion are chairman of the board, Harry Vetter; vice chairman, M. B. Ford; clerk, Marguerite Hallock: financial secretary, Mil dred O'Brien: treasurer. Olaf Paulson, Jr.; trustee, A. E. Mc Cullough: Sunday school superin tendent. F. M. Powell; deacons, Milton Knauf, E. J. Kellerhals, Jr. William Bunton, and Paulson; dea conesses, Mrs. August Herri La vona Bunting, Verna Bailie, Em ma Kaufman. Marjorie Paulson, Mildred O'Brien, and Mrs. John Middlemiss. Pilgrim Youth of Pilgrim Holi ness Church, will meet Sunday night at 6 45 with Miss Esther Nettleton in charge. Evening serv- ces will follow. A musical group from Western Pilgrim College, El Monte, Calif., will provide music and gospel Tuesday night at 8 p.m. at a meeting to which the public is invited. Elder and Mrs. Kenneth McVay have gone to Gladstone Park to assist in the preparation for the Oregon Conference of the Seventh day Adventist church which begins July 1. Elder McVay is In charge of the Silverton district of the Seventh-day Adventists. Orient Views At 1st Baptist Colored pictures of the Orient will be shown by Dr. Vance Web ster, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Eugene, at 7:J0 p.m. service Sunday at the First Bap tist cnurch. Dr. Webster will speak on "The Sin Which Keeps Most People Out of Heaven. Dr. Webster will be III the pul pit for both Sunday services. His topic at the 11 a m. service will be "God and His Trees." Church at South ry m ja oaleill Uc(llCatP8 f I JlllflrPfl Sllinlnv Two features will highlight the Lord's Day observance at South Salem Church of the Nazarene Sunday. Pastor James F. Kratz will offi ciate in a dedication service of in fants and young children during the morning worship hour. Holy Communion will be ob served at 7:30 p.m. during the evening evangelism. A hymnspira tion, led by Paul Harris, will pre cede the communion message by Pastor Kratz. Picnic Slated Bv Nazarenes The annual Fourth of July picnic sponsored by the Sunday School department of the South Salem .Church of Ihe Nazarene will be held in contunction with the Hem lock Church of the Nazarene at Beaver. Ore A bus and car caravan will leave the church at 30 am. Wednes day. Families are requested to bring a nhost lunch. A Junior soft-ball game between Hemlock and South Salem begin ning at 11 a m. it planned, with relay races for the boys and girls to follow The afternoon schedule calls for a game between the sen ior members" of the two churches. To climax the event there will be a marshmallow roast at Ihe beach followed by a singspiration and devotional messages. Nartk Ilk aat Oaw I. K. latthakr. Pillar irVa praach a Chritt who ttad to tava ji and who livai to malt ui holy 43 a m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. COMMUNION MO p.m. CLIMAX AUY "JISUS IS COMINO AGAIN" Moot a friend at i THE fRUHDLY CHURCH HEAR-BILL JACKSON IARITONI SOLOIST IN SACRED CONCERT Sunday -7:30 P.M. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH South Libarty tt Milltr Sundty-11:00 A. M. DR. CHARLES DURDEN, Ouotf Spotktr Speaker IA The Rev. Horace W. Rybura. Pres bylerlaa missloa leader f r m Thailand, is visiting First Pres byterian Church here. Mission Board Leader Visits Presbyterians The Rev. Horace W. Ryburn, field administrator tor the national Board of Foreign Missions, will speak at First Presbyterian Church Sunday at 9 45 and 11 a m. services. He will meet with the church youth at 7 p.m. The Rev. Mr. Ryburn will also talk Bt a breakfast meeting for men Monday at 7 a.m. and at a luncheon meeting for women Mon day noon. As field administrator for the Presbyterian Board, the Rev. Mr. Ryburn carries the executive re sponsibilities of the Presbyterian Mission in Thailand. During the last few years his duties have in cluded supervision of the Fivej Year Program of Advance and postwar restoration work for the Mission and church. Bethel Park Camp Meeting Starts Monday BROOKS Oregon's 20th an nual camp meeting at Bethel Gospel Park, Brooks, will begin Monday, and continue daily through July IS, according to the Rev. N. D. Davidson, superinten dent of the Oregon Assemblies of God, sponsors of the camp meet ing. Evangelist for the camp meeting will be the Rev. James Van Meter, experienced carrtp and convention speaker and pastor of the Central Assembly in Springfield, Missouri. The Rev. A. C. Bates, of Waxaha chie, Texas, will be the Bible teacher. He is noted throughout the Assemblies of God for his unique ministry and outstanding Bible expositions. The Rev. Reuben Candelaria, pastor of the Revival Center, Manila, will be a featured speak er for missions. Enlarged tabernacle facilities wilt make it possible to care for an additional 900 persons. Crowds last year averaged more than 2. 500 persons daily, and it is antici pated that attendance will be larger this year, camp meeting officials said. Other camp ground improvement include blacktopping of the driveways around the tab ernacle, remodeling of the offices, kitchen and dining room accom modations. Two services daily will be pro vided for the children. The Rev. Roy Blakeley, of Portland, wel known ventrioquist and children's specialist, will be directing the services. The Rev. Wayne Adams, director of the Oregon Christ's Ambassadors, will lead the youth, each evening at 6:30 in special vesper services. 1 Camping and over-night sleeping accommodations are available on the camp grounds. PERON MONUMENT ERASED Bl'ENOS AIRES ifi A gov ernment decree has stripped the label "historic monument" from. the house in Lobos where ousted President Juan D. Peron was born in 1895. The Peron regime made it a historical monument. It con tains Peron's personal effects. Be Refreshed on Sunday At First Baptist '"11:00 A. M. "Cod and His Trots" 7:30 f. M. Pictures of tho Oritnt " Plus Sermon "The Sin Which Keeps Most People Out of Heaven" DR. VANCE WEBSTER of Eugene, Oregon (Both Services) Marion and Liberty Dr. Lloyd Anderson, Pastor MennoniW Bible School Opens Monday SUIramaa Nwi Srrvlrt PRATUM "Champions For Christ" is the theme of the vaca tion Bible school scheduled to be- gin at 9 a m. Monday in the Fra tum Mcnnonite Church. : Classes will be held daily, ex-' cept Wednesday, from 9 a m to noon. The .schedule calls for Sat urday morning classes. Because of the crowded work calls in the area, school will be confined to only one week this summer. There will be a demon stration program Sunday, 'July , at the regular Sunday evening service. The Rev. Frank Harder, pastor, is serving as director and coor dinator of the one-week school. He reports that a full staff of quali fied teachers are ready for the children of the community. All children from nursery age through junior high are Invited to attend the sessions. A Bible rally and regisration day, with singing, stories, games and refreshments will be held at 2:30 p.m. today In the church. V.G. Story Again Pastor At Holiness The Rev. V. G. Story, pastor of Pilgrim Holiness Church of Salem for the past 10 years, was recalled to serve two more years at a re cent church meeting. Officers elected at the business session included: Jesse Downer. Sunday School superintendent: Mrs. Doris Willis, church secretary; Mrs. Cliff An derson, church treasurer; Perfy Weaver and Clark Sutter, elders; William Iguldon -and Melvin' pey, Sr., deacons; Mrs. Grace Sut ter, president of the Pilgrim Holi ness Young People's Society; Mrs. Fern Shippey, president of the Missionary Society; Lorraine Rob bins, Sunday School secretary; and Berle Dunnan, assistant Sun day school secretary. The meeting was presided over by the Rev. William S. Deal, dis trict superintendent of the Pacific Northwest district. Tentative plans to build a three- bedroom parsonage were also dis cussed and will be brought before mortal Hospital Assn. decided Fri district officials. 'ny to aard the main construc- William L. McGlasson has been tion contract for the oronosed 78- seieciea as a Delegate lo ine an- nuai cnurcn conierence to w neia beginning August 6. Free Methodists To Hear Talk by Fornfr Pastor The Rev. R. T. Fine, former pastor of the Salem Free Meth odist Church, will speak at the church's 11 a.m. worship service Sunday. Since serving with the local pas torate, the Rev. Mr. Fine has held the title of superintendent of the Oregon Conference, and is now participating in the church's evan gelistic field. The Rev. M. C. Miller, pastor, will speak on "Our Spiritual Fourth of July" at the 7:30 p.m. service. Weak-Hearted Parakeet Back After Kidnaping P0NT1AC, Mich. I - Pete, the weak hearted parakeet, was re-! turned by his kidnaper Thursday. The bird and his cage were tak en from the front porch of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lumsdens Wed nesday. The couple appealed to the thief to take good care of Pete because he has a delicate heart. Thursday morning Pete was back in place, safe and sound. His owners said, "apparently someone didn't want to play nursemaid." EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE Assembly of Cod Park and Market Stt. I. A. Larson, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6;30 p.m. Youth Meeting 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Rally WtUnt -wti camay mtMiifif Itthtl Park, at trioki. July 3n4 thru 13th. Thrt rvitM daily. i 1 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH MARION tnd COTTAGE REMEMBER! TWO MORNING WORSHIP SERVICES First Servic-8:30 A. M. Sermon by William Hall, Missionary fnim India Church School at 9:45 A. M. There's a class for every member of the family Stcond Service 10:45 A. M. Sermon by Dean John Mc( aw I)rn of the Drake Dmnitv Schrml Youth Hour-5:00 P. M. Evening Wonhip at 7:30 P. M. Sermon by Clarence Furjua Assigned I ' ' , :', 1 1 Zis A jt 1 Sr. Maj. Earl D. West, assigned U command the Salvatloa Army Corps In Salem. Salem Army Corps Creels New Officer The Salem Salvation Army Corps has said farewell to Capt. William Rickne, and the Salva tion Army leaders have appointed Sr. Major Earl D. West as com manding officer. Maj. West has been with the Salvation Army as one of its of ficers since June, 1929, and has had varied appointments in Wash ington, California, Nevada, Color ado and Oregon. Mrs. West will also be active ! in the local activities. The West family Includes two sons. Dave and Richard, also a married daughter who is with her hus band in charge of the Portland Citadel Corps. The Wests come here from Den Ship-tver, Colo, where "they served in Salvation Army activites for 5' years. Contract for Hospital Let At Medford MEDFORD ( The board of directors of the Rome Vallev Me- hed hospital to A. V Peterson Portland, Peterson's bid was low on the project at $2,040,404. But through negotiation and changes in speci fications the bid was reduced to $1,931,000. The bid must be ap proved by the U.S. Public Health Service before the award can be made. Total cost of the hospital has been estimated at l'-i million dol lars. Of this $544,000 will ajme from Hill-Burton Act funds, $2. 300 from the Ford Foundation and $580,000 from two anonymous do nors. The remainder of the cost has been pledged by Jackson, County residents. i TO SEND DELEGATIONS BRUSSELS i - The Belgian Senate has decided to send parli amentary (relegations to both Red China and National China. Mem-j bers disputed which invitations to1 accept, then accepted both. The I Belgian House also has accepted' both invitations. j FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHEMEKETA and WINTER 'What's in a Namt?' By Dr. Horace W. Ryburn of Bangkok, Thailand Two Services: 9:45 and 11 a.m. KOCO 10:00 a. m. "SOUTH SIDE" ASSEMBLY OF GOD Old Fashioned Gospel Preaching -Singing A Friondly Atmosphoro For Worship lots AHVIIW PASTOt J DIAL rh mil "aw Sunday Shl -a. 4S I? ' Mrnin 1 W.r.h.p f- ,i J Ianm "3 f Statesman, Salem, Ore., Opera - Trained B a r i t o n b To Sing at Calvary Baptist Bill Jackson, baritone soloist, I speaker will bt Dr. Charles Dur will present a concert of sacred den, a former pastor of the Cal- music at Calvary Baptist Church Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Jackson, former light opera , singer, received his voice train ing under one of America's most i noted singers, John Charles I Thomas. I Beginning his music career , before the public during his col lege days, Jackson sang in such operas as "La TraviaU .and "The Marriage of Figaro". He studied voice at the Music Acad emy of the West at . Santa Bar- : bars. After training under Tho : mas, he made his stage debut with the Los Angeles Light Onera Company in "The Great Waltz" with Thomas and Dorothy Kirslen. After his conversion under the ministry of William Ward Ayer, noted radio preacher of New York City, Jackson then devoted his voice to the singing of Gos pel music. He toured Japan and Korea with Bob Pierce, mission ary ambassador. Dave Morken and Dick Halverson. At the 11 a m. worship service the guest Presbyterian Women Elect Mrs. Collier PORTLAND t - The Oregon Synodical Society, a Presbyterian women's organization, elected Mrs. Ethan A Collier of Salem president here Thursday. Other officers included these , v i c e Clark, presidents: Mrs. Victor Portland; Mrs. Henry Ostermeir, Brookings: Mrs. Charles J. Childs. Eugene, and Mrs. Alice T. Sanford, Baker. Department chairmen include; Mrs. W. R. Dallas, Salem, pro gram; Mrs. C, M. lnman. Grants Pa;s, national missions and over-' seas sewing, and Mrs. J. R. Do-, Spain. Pe n d I e t o n, nominat ing committee. Philip Hitchcock. Portland, was elected by the Presbyterian Synod meeting as delegate to the nation al conference. 1 Presbyterian groups are holding their annual meeting here. 5 Coal Miners Alive After Sundav Cave-in GIFl', Japan - Five coal miners, given up for dead after " cave-in Sunday, were found alive Thursday. Collapsing timbers in the Yama- to mine formed a safety pocket in which the miners huddled more than 100 hours awaiting rescue. They wert ruhed to a hospital for treatment. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Down Town the Tall White Spirt 9:30 and 11:00 a. m. "CHOOSE WELL YOUR ANCESTORS" Soloist, Betty Starr Anderson Broadcast K8LM 11:M-12:M BROOKS H. MOORE, Minister Holy Ghost Revival Here If a sudden jar raa cause us ta speak, Impatient, unloving words, we know nothing of Gods love. Each Nile S PM Except Monday FAITH TABERNACLE 1305 N. Sth and Hinet Htar C LC Coats L v Pnaching J Word I . Onward Courses Every Stream To Find at Last the Sea Ef h ".pint, too, journey where it may through life, finds tt last its eternal home I should bespeak the deep comfort of this thought. Obstrvant o f fvery Whh, HttdlvloilvtryHni I a i nit on I II I r Kaiucip Jjh 'PUNERAL HOME 20S S. Church tt Fairy Sat., June 30, '56 (Sec. I)-7 vary., Baptist Church. Staging far Calvary Baptist Cavck Sunday evening will bt Bill Jack (above), operatic bariltat a4 Gnpel alager. Foursquare Church 491 N. 191k St t a..-lwiabr IcbMt ti4J .iav-Yab larvin 1 1 ;00 a.aa.-"tlraie ( aw. V4rS Mi pmfaaf A mUJ tr TWar" Rev. Roy E Worthingtoi A FRIENDLY WELCOME AWAITS YOU ST. PAUVS - EPISCOPAL" 8. Liberty A HIgk it Kytrt - SUNDAY SIRVICIS 7:30 Holy Communion 30 Family Sorvko 11:00 Holy Euchirltt ami Strmon Mission, V. F. W. Hill o30 Hood Strott Family Sorvko, 9:30 A. M. Rev. Get. H. Swift, Rector The Lutheran Chute hot of Salom WELCOME YOU ST. MARK'S (. L. C) M North Chuck Servict 11 :N a. tm. Sunday School f:M a. a. . John L Caublt, Pastor ST. JOHN'S (L.C. Mo. Syl.) 14th and Coart SU. Servict lt:J a. at. Sunday School :ll a. B. W. Gross, Pastor GRACE (E. I C.) S3M Saaarvttw Areatt Servict l:N a. av Sunday School 11:15 a. a. Lowell Haltt. Pastor GOOD SHEPHERD U. L. C) 1721 South Commercial Servict 11 a. aa. Sunday School t:4S a. ul a W. Ehrlcht, D. D., Pastor FAITH (U. L. C.) 4505 North River loal Services 1:11 tJa. and 11 a.m. Sunday School 1:45 a. bl Warren W. Pochataa, Fatter CHRIST (A L. C.) State al Ml Strott Services l:St a. m. and 11 a. m. Banday School, 1:45 a. m. T. M. Gebhard. Fatter CENTRAL L F. C.) North Capitol at Gaiact Servirei 11 a. as. aad 7:JI p. m. Sunday School 1:45 a. at. Hartld Grinds!, Pastor A funeral servirt 24-Hr. Phono: 3-9139 i -a 0- - V. i '.Is .;" ! a A i. . J J