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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1956)
Statesman's HOME 10: ranorama Women . . . Music . . . Fashion . . Features Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., June 30, '56 (Sec. I)-3 Around Town . . Mrs. Dennis Mikkelson, and Mrs. Donna Dee Steinfelt, who wore (rocks of nylon pink with brown Set over skirls. The organist was Mrs. C. C. Edwards and the solo lit was Wilbur Rickard. The bride wore an ivory bridal PARTY JOTTINGS . . . Mrs. Mar- day whei memuers ef the Marina 1 Kw imported rrench Chan shall Jelderks was the guest of County Health Dennrtment staff "Uy lac nd "y10" ,ulle honor at a shower Fririav rvrnins tntrrUlnrd with na-haat Mi-tv'atM. The laCe bodice was fa- Miss Marie Pardo Is Bride of Martin Young at . Chu rch' , Rites A June bride was Miss Marie Pardo, daughter of Mrs. A. R. Sikorra and William E. Pardo, who was married to Martin E. Young, son of Mrs. Flora Young of Orchard, Nebraska, on Friday evening at the First Church of the Nazarene. The Rev. Wayne Greene of the First Christan Church officiated at I o'clock candlelight ceremony with the Rev. Duane Muth of the Nazarene church assisting. Lighting the taper were Miss Ann Haskins, Miss Lois Thompson, By JERYME ENGLISH when Miss Elsie Burke entertained at Llpmaa's Cherry Room. . .Mrs. at her Walker Street home . . . A Testermaa, wha has been a pablle dessert supper was served by the, health nurse the past faar years, hostess following the shower. . . Is retiring this mlk. . .she will Honoring Mrs. Jelderks were Mes- be replaced by Mrs. Henry WUIls, dames Grant Fallin, John Jelderks, ' formerly associated with the Cm Calvin Hersey. H. E. Burke Jr.. (County Health Denartmrnt shioned with a tiny Queen Anne collar and the tulle skirt was en hanced with accordion pleating. Her Juliet cap of matching lace and seed pearls held in place her fingertip veil. She carried a lace heart-shaped bouquet of stephan Harry E. Burke, Donald Stewart, covers were placed far twenty Otis, white carnations and a purple Misses Geri Messmer and Jackie (nests and the (reus preseated Hafner of Portland. Beverly: Mrs. Testermaa with a gift. . . . Schultz, Diane Miller, Betty Burn Mhultz, Diane Miller, Betty Burn side. Patricia Sexton. Mary Clare Mooney, Larrie Lou Osterman, "Margie Rheam. Judy Porter, Pat ricia Myre, Vicki Ward. Elaine Morrow, Teddi Schlesinger. Carol Taggart, Kathy Fallin and Elsie Burke. . . Hostesses ... for a dessert lua- A gardra luacheoa . . . today when Mrs. Stewart Johnson and her daughter, Katrinka, entertain at their Fairmount Hill home . . . the affair will honor Linda Cowles of Livingston, Montana, who is visiting at the home of her great aunt, Mrs. Chester Cox . . . also sharing honors at the party will be Joyce, Becky and Judy Arthur, eheoa and afternoon of bridge wno re moving away from the Friday were Mrs. I'rlin S. Pxje i neighborhood to Candalaria with and Mrs. John Griffith, wh enter-, their parents, the R. C. Arthurs tained al the former's Fairmeunt Becky Purvine will also be Hill home. . . the affair was aa ' the Prty . . . absentia shawer honoring Mrs. j Dinner hosts . . . Sunday eve James R. Humphrey Jr. of Part-; ning will be Dr. and Mrs. Burton land. . . The gifts were opened by A. Myers, who have invited mem Mr. Humphrey's mother and later bers of their club to a no-host were wrapped aad taken to Part-j supper at their Eola home, Ter land. . . A little girl, Cheryl Ann,! race Farm . . . During the evening was bora ta Mr. and Mrs. James Dr. and Mrs. Myers will give high Humphrey Jr. (Carol DaMeti) on lights of their European trip from Thirsday morning at the Emanuel which they just returned . . . Hospital la Portland. . . she tipped From Portland . . . eomes Inter- the scales at nine poinds. . . Her Mtta. ,,,, Mw, tHint of the " , T .r..d.t. .,. Mr Mr. ..V? A Omaha, Nebraska, al; " - ' rniagrmrm ana lannrnmiii mar James R. Humphrey nnd Mr. and tint of Miss Diane Louise Emigh orchid. Sisters are. Attendants Mrs. Frank H. Knowlton (Mar garet Pradoi was her twin sister's matron of honor and- she wore a waltz gown of powder blue crys talette with a scopped pleated neckline. She carried a lace heart shaped bouquet of talisman roses and lily-of-the-valley. Mrs. Thomas Hardwick, Mrs. Roger King, also sisters of the bride, and Miss Marie Reznicsek, cousin of the bride, from Portland, were brides maids and wore powder blue frocks fashioned identical to the honor attendant's. They carried white lace heart-shaped bouquets of roses and lily of the valley. ' Anna Marie Young of Omaha, Nebraska, niece of the groom was flower girl. Tommy Hardwick, nephew of the bride, was ring bearer. Wilmer A. Young of Orchard, Little Known - ISorootimist TripeMaligned MeatiBanquet on weanesaay . Miss Shrake Honored at Shower FOUR CCRNEhS-Miss Phyllis Ann Shrake, whose forthcoming marriage to George Harold Allen, was honored at a pre - nuptial shower on Friday evening, with Mrs. Homer Bales and her daugh ter, Mrs. Dick Smith, as oj-host-esses at the former's home. Miss Shrake is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Shrake of the Four Corners area and her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Allen of Salem. The wedding will be an event of August 4 at eight p.m. at the St. John's Lutheran Church. The Rev. H. W. Gross will officiate. Bidden were the bride elect's mother, Mrs. L. J. Shrake, her fiance's mother, Mrs. H. H. Allen, and Mesdames Warren Shrake, Gus Schlicker, John Gettman, W. A. Fiester. H. S. Smith, Harold Snook, Cecil Snook, Jess Mcllnay, E. A. Snook, L. J. Stewart, Roy Thayer, Ernest Walker, Leonard Remington, William Bales, Cor nelia McLain, Frank Bartels, Hen ry Lubeck, Ervin Sunderlin, C. 0 Gilming, and the Misses La Vona Shrake, Janice Shrake, and Char lene Allen. Mn. Rilnk n.i..i, ik. h.hv'. . u. .. Paul E. Kopp served as grooms father l.' a. the Portland Eml V W Mr;- g Air Base with the 1 .8. Air Force. . n p..,. ... son and Hams Kirby of Albany. A pre-auptlal . . . party feted , of Mr. aad Mrs. Emit Pearson of Miss Sandra McMorris Thursday 1 Carlton ... the duo will be mar two aunts, Mrs. George Scheid and Mrs. Paul Doran, and at the coffee urn was Mrs. Percv Klee- Nebraska, attended his brother I man. Serving the punch was Miss as best man. Bennett loung. ;zora Rice. In charge of the receo- so Drotner oi i tion were Mrs. Lawrence I. Fla the groom. Frank H. Knowlton, and (hers and Miss Kathryn Haskins. Liked By Many Cooks By MAXINK Bl'REN Statesman Woman's Editor In the confused minds ot some folk, even housewives-tripe is a kind of fish and the word is sometimes used derogatorily, but actually tripe is the inner layer of the calf's stomach, and very good eating. Sometimes it's sold fresh, other times pickled, if the latter it freshened in water. One should select the honeycomb tripe as best. The French cook prepares her tripe this way: TRIPE LYONNAISE l'i pounds tripe Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons butter or oil V teaspoon nutmeg Wash, cut in squares. Heat oil or butter in a heavy saucepan and fry onions in it until yellow. Add tripe and brown on both sides. Season, cook S minutes and serve very hot. . A famous Chechoslovakian cook selects soup as her favorite way of preparing tripe. Her recipe goes this way: TRIPE SOl'P Cut one pound of tripe in 1-inch squares and cover with cold water. Boil for half an hour. Drain, run cold water through the tripe and cover with fresh water. Add one teaspoon salt, a dash of pepper and boil until tripe is tender, about two hours longer, replenishing water as it boils away. Add a pint of well-seasoned soup stock and one tablepsoon minced parsley and half clove of pierced garlic. Thicken slightly with a tablespoon each of flour and butter blqndcd together. A meat cookery expert from one of the largest meat packers suggests the following recipes for tripe: BROILED TRIPE Cover trip with water, add 1 tablespoon salt, cover, heat to boiling, reduce heat and simmer 1 hour or until fork tender. Cut into serving-sized pieces. Place smooth side up on the broiler rack, brush liberally with butter, mayonnaise or salad oil and broil 3 inches from source of heat for S minutes. Turn honeycomb side up and brush again with butter, mayonnaise or oil and broil for I minutes or until lightly browned. Season. She also pan broils the trip this way: PAN-FRIED TRIPE 1 pound cooked trip i cup milk ' French dressing 1 cup fine breadcrumbs 1 egg cup fat Cut cooked tripe into serving sized pieces. Brush with the French dressing. Dip tripe first into egg and milk mixed together, then in crumbs. Pan fry in hot fat, turn and brown on other side. Serve hot with tart pickle relish, sliced lemon or tomato sauce. Assisting were Miss Frances Piet- Mp Vinront HonH Club i v., miao I an ivia tnaiiuicw, 1.1139 The brides mother selected a black nylon two-piece ensemble night when Mrs. Clifford, Robert-1 lied an August 2f at St. Michaels wn wnne accessories ano . cur son entertained at her home. . .'and All Angels Episcopal Church ; 8e of Pink rosebuds. Mrs. Yftung Miss McMorris will become the m Portland ... The attractive came P"' from Nebraska to attend bride of James McKihben on Aug-, bride-elect, who attended Salem . her son s wedding and was at ust II. . . Assisting Mrs. Robert-! schools prior ta moving to Portland , "red 111 Plnlt dreM with white son were Mrs. Frank Adams and! with her parents, attended Oregon accessories and a corsage, of pink Mrs. Charles Rogers . . Twenty-1 State College ... She Is the grand- rosebuds. seven guests were bidden to the daughter of Mrs. George A. White Reception Follows Rites miscellaneous shower and a late ' of Portland, formerly of Salem .. . A reception followed the cere- dessert supper was served by the Her fiance Is a graduate of Oregon 1 mony in the church annex. Miss maker suit with white accessories. hostesses. . . . Stale and Is a member of Alpha Shirlev Sikorra played organ music ! After July 23 the newly weds wll Ella Buhler, Dallas, Miss Mary Jo Sikorra, Miss Nancy Sikorra. Mrs. Ray Doran, Mrs. Lee Ed wards. Miss Delores Jay, Miss Dorothy Zimmerman, Miss Phyllis Downing, Miss Florence Neavoll and Miss Evelyne Bartleit. Leaving on an extended honey moon trip to Yellowstone National Park, South Dakota and Nebras ka, the new Mrs. Young was wear ing a powder blue linen dress- Gamma Rho . , . Mr. Pearson will throughout the reception. Cutting be at home at 1048 Howard Street, A farwll luvkMi. . . ftd Mrs. Russell Testermaa aa Frl-!"'Port ,ar tUy ,'jr thf the wedding cake were the bride's Salem. ) army as a second lieutenant at - Salem Toastmistress Club held their final meeting of the year on Thursday at the Golden Pheasant. The following officers were in stalled by Miss Alberta Shoemake: president, Mrs. Reginald Vincent; vice-president, Mrs. Harvey Love all: secretary, Mrs. Glen Steven son: corresponding secretary, Mrs. Claud Jorgenson; treasurer, Mrs. Agnes Gartrell; club representa tive, Mrs. James Hartley. Mrs. George Beane was chosen education chairman: Miss Amanda Anderson, program; Mrs. Harvey The Soroptimist International of Salem held its annual banquet at the Marion Hotel Wednesday night, I with Mrs. H. G. Maison as chair-j man, and Mrs. Ethel Lau. toast-' mistress. Installation ceremonies were conducted by Miss Lena Blum, past president. Officers .installed were Mrs. W. W. Goodwin, president; Mrs. Ab ner Kline, first vice-president; Mrs. Marjorie Charboneau, second vice president; Miss Mary Brady, recording secretary; Mrs. Virgel Golden, corresponding secretary; Mrs. I. L. Darby, treasurer; Mrs. Nels Tori ning, director, Mrs. Terse Hanks, delegate: Mrs. Helen Bailey, alternate delegate; Mrs. Helen Benson, trustee. Group singing of club songs was conducted (Airing the evening by Mrs. Robert S. Brooks. Miss, Mar jorie McBride entertained with several solos. An address was given by Miss Lily Quarnberg of Vancouver, Wash., second vice president of American Federation of Soroptimist Clubs, stressing the importance of developing inter national understanding and friendship. A resume of the year's activities of the Salem Club, including the gilt of playground -equipment to the city park system, was presented by Hie retiring president, Mrs. Terese Hanks. Guests were present from the Eugene, Corvallis, Oregon City and i McMinnville, clubs, including Miss Virginia Welch, director-elect Dis trict No. 2. and Miss Kathryn Smith, secretary-elect District No. 2, both from Corvallis. The club colors were carried out by, the use of delphinium, asters, Peace roses, and blue candles in the table. decorations. WOODBl RN-Mrs. Estella Kerns was initiated a new member of the AMI JO 111- AMI 11 MAY Jl 4- 5-IJ-ld MAY Z2 Z2 JULYS felJMHMi 65-72 7B ISO JULY 14 HV55-S8W5l AUft 14: SBT. Z2 1-48-943 75-70M -Bj CUT 1. POLLAN- M" ; Vwr Ddty AdMy CoioV : .!. ftW SUn. . To develop messoge (or Soturdoy, esod wvds convspondinQ renumbers of your Zodiac bmhsyv , Tola I y 5 Moy""' OutlM I W.M An Cunvl 0 Mot II Top 12 AJ.WWSU I St 14 Twtdl 15 AMjrWiBj 14 Stubborn 17 tap 18 h 19 (notional 20 To 21 Good 22 Up 23 Inrlmt 24 On 2) Mot 20 Ot 27 Com n Could 2 Thnmgh 30 Yov ocr.a& Ttfl-3jY1 Irt Soi 1 31 S, IXelolO V. 42 Of 33 S 3 Uoa 34 Ckao MY, 35 To 45 A 37 Furinai 7 Mot 31 fot 4d At 3 Mnonfaa JoX JO SXoutdol 70 And 41 To 71 IndMlonnci I 42 Oinlomn 71 MCtKd . 43 km 73 lito 44 Pranol '74 Huncha ti fnnnl 75 Your 4 Inuot 74 Km 47 Thqn 7 Your 41 A 71 Mm 4 U 7t SMncioi 50 Autn 0 SmioJ 51 Good II C 53 Lot S3 fwocwnv 54 Poorlt S4 Ailoctwn 55 Vpna 15 VH 54 In S4 Swonewl 57 Tod 17 tMogs 55 No U CHtn 50 In t icna 40 MotMrt SO lon Aome )Nenml HO-IMBrf 4408J4,t NOV 21 Dsifl 1.7-Jajfi b7-4771 m 73 I A4WAIM I il m MA. 21 Couples Reveal Engagements Loveall, membership; Miss Caro line Matter, publicity; Mrs. Edna Haalantf, scrapbook; and Mrs Robert Morrow, special events. Toastmistress for the evening was Mrs. A. J. Ullman with Mrs. George Beane having charge of table topics. General evaluator was Mrs. Louis Neuman. Speakers were Mrs, Reginald Vincent, Miss Caro line Matter, Mrs. H. A. Loveall and Mrs. Robert Morrow, Who won the Oscar. Guests were Mrs. Lillian Carlson, Miss Florence Walker, Mrs. Mer edith Mills and Mrs. A. M. Larson. Romantic news highlights the social calendar this weekend with the announcement of several en gagements. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Bennett are revealing the betrothal of their daughter, Doris Marie, to David Alan Faber. son of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. Faber of South bury, Conn. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Bennett has been attending Wheaton College in Wheaton, 111. Her fiance is a graduate of Wheat on College and is now attending reserve officers training school at Fort Riley. Kansas. He will receive his commission In August. Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. McCiellan are announcing the engagement of their daughter. Dian, to David Remington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Woodburn Past Noble Grand Club'H F- : No date has been at the annual no-host picnic held Vr weooing, Thursday at the some of Mrs. Guy I Engle. A short business meeting and s o c i a 1 """period followed. Eighteen members and three visit ors were present for- the affair. The group will resume regular meetings in September. DRAPERIES Castas Made la Our Shop Value frawrw Bwh Coralco Satiti S) SU Cti ( LUMlK BLIND MAN fro ItUmslot Dtt t NlfM ti mi iTtnail Mj;t t'ontor SI If $ Worth a Try BtfortYovtuy... English Built Ford BRITISH CAR SALES 208S N. Capitol Street Miss McCiellan is a senior at- , South Salem High School. Mr. ; Remineton. who is sooa moviu t West Virginia with his parents, wiQ , continue his education in the soutb- . era state. Weddlag Eeeal ef Jaly Mr. and Mrs. James V. Reagla are announcing the approaching marriage of their daughter. Miss Hstel Reagle,- to Robert Keith 4 HulU, son of Mr., and. Mrs. R.J HulU. - " . The ceremony will take place est July 1 at the Assembly ef G4 Church. , ' . LUNCH IN COMFORT AIR-CONDITIONED Cherry Room Saturday's Complete SPECIAL LUNCH. . Chicken Crequettsi tritlt Chicken Gravy, Apple and Raisin Salad, Buttered Green Peas, Hot Rolls, Drink and Dessert 93' Cesse Aa Yea Art Park Free With rwrthast Fort Benning, Ga., la September. Spending . . the weekend in Medford to attend the annual din ner meeting of the Southern Ore gon Bar Association are Justice and Mrs. Hall Lusk and Justice and Mrs. William C. Perry ... In Portland . . . Thursday night for the stage masieal. "Damn Yankees' were Dr. and Mrs. May nard Sniffer and the Utter s bro- The ceremony took place in the j tw In - law and sister, Mr. and Couple's Wedding Is Announced Announcement is being made of the marriage of Mrs. Eilene Esch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tucker, and Lee Greenlee, son of Mr and Mrs. J. G. Greenlee, which t solemnized on June 22 Mrs. Forrest T. Jones of Kansas Citr, Mo who are visiting in the capital . . . Leaving . . . today for Klamath Falls are Mr. aad Mrs. Robert Drnger nnd their son. Robert . . . there they will Jala Rep. and Mrs. E. H. Mann at their summer home st home in Salem at 3378 Holiday i at Lake-of-the Woods, remaining rime 'ever the Fourth of July holiday. fireplace room of the First Baptist Church with the Rev. Ben Owen officiating. Attending the couple were Mrs. Vern Elliott of Albany, sister of the bride, and Marvin Greenlee, brother of the bridegroom. After July 4 the couple will be 3 'tfTf TT) f A H l.'.l'lMra -t Y, Yv MONDAY -JULY 2 "A Night Out at Meier & Frank's-Salem"-Wil-lamette River Days Night-Special menu and din i1 ner music, modeling, free favors for the children. OREGON ROOM, STREET FLOOR 5:00-5:00 P. M. ti Dining in the Oregon Room st 6 P. M. this Mon day night the Willamette River Days court and the 1956 Portland Rose Festival court. A. PLANT GREENHOUSES and FLORIST 1298 S. 13th Phone 3-4670 WEEK-END SALE SATURDAY and SUNDAY ONLY Fuchsia and Tub. Begonia Baskets Martha Washington Geraniums Geraniums Trailing Fuchsias and Begonias Summer Dahlias Bedding Plants BLl'E WHALE lOO'V Organic All Sises 1.25. 2.73 and S.2S ORTHO LAWN GROOM Feeds Your Lawn, Kills Weeds, Controls Inserts, 1.73, 2.95, (.25 ORGANIC MORCROP We Loan Spreader With Purchase of Fertiliser ALL GARDEN SUPPLIES OPEN SUNDAYS, IS A. M. TO 5 P. M. $J75 25c ea. 25c ea. 35c ea. 10c ea. 35c doz. WE GIVE AND REDEEM GREEN STAMPS nnf7. 1 OvC 1 II fl II II 1 1 II I v w m 'taw I II " II V X J)ms! odd 2 b: yfcpL- pnWnVnnl"!! I Biggest Oven Going in Deluxe 30' Range New Imperial 30 gives big-range capacity and convenience ... at a low, low price! Family-sized 24" oven cooks full meal on one rack. Super Coroa Unit-now foster thou over-ants rod hot In 20 seconds. Color Oloncj Controls -lot you dial the exact htat you want. Uek-ln Door lots you check boliint without loss of htat. 340 court treet'-Vf ffiuvm was. WXS' .1 (SJu-L .1':'.'. ?jCSJ I Fullv automatic 36-mxlcl ' , I I T ld fa,h,od ranoc SW,rl, . V" 'Paf ,lun I I P-e low it W(1I clean cool cooting I I ' Cor., Ur,il,cnoit, , . , II More features that do more for you Fully automatic, cooks even while you're out. 0 Miracle Oven Seal shuts out disturbing air currents, gives perfect baking results every time. o Infra-red heat for fast, flavor-sealed broiling. 0 Convenient work space right whero you cook. Full width storage drawers hold larg est pans. Platform light. Handy appliance outlet. Exciting colon match your kitchen. New pastel Confection Colors Frosting Pink, Mint Aqua, Lemon Yellow, Nougat Gray and Sugar White-match or blend with other Westinghouse appliances. Luxury styling with touches of sparkling chrome and glass. Controls are easy to see, easy to set. Range tops are chip-resistant titanium porcelain, another reason you can be sure if it's Westinghouse. Live Better... ELECTRICALLY! IQMTGIKI VfflE&iniRIGIHlOQJSIE where did things are happening for rout i.