T 500 Bus. & Finance S10 Mowy to Usm $1500.00 Now you can Borrow 11500 trim ui. on furmtura, autos, trailer houses end quipmtnt Wa art nappy that attar U raara wr art tola to txtand this additional servica to you. 131 S. Com 'I Salam, Oregon General Finance CORPORATION PHONE 3-9161 PRIVATE MONTY to loan, buy rnntracta and mortgagee Ml Chemeketa St. Ph. 3-8841. COLONIAL Innstmtnt Co Proptrty Loans - Tontrarti Purchaaad. Ml Court 4-2S83. 600 Employment 602 Help Wanted CAPITAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Phona l-WM; 334 N Winter Adjoining Presbvtarlan church Frta parking In raar Exclu iva listings m all typaa af mploymant ARTHUR Murray's now Inter viewing appllcanti for teachers 1 per hour, training tree If accepted. Agea II thru M. Apply In parson, Mr. Chap pel. 1 thru S p m . 4.13 Ferry. APPUCATIONS-arrnow Being taken for Statesman otcycle routts Several routes will be open. Applicants must be ac companied by their parenta or have their written permis sion. Apply at the Circulation Department of the tataamaa. Journal M4 Htlp Wont.d, Men WANTID: Casuality Insurance adjuster with exp. In either Liability nr Material Damage, or both. Salary open, rar fur nished. Territory either Rose burg nr Portland Please state qualification. Inq will he notified for personal Interview. Box 163 Statesman-Journal Wanted s ho p foreman Ford-Mercury dealership. Must have recent rord-Mercury ex perience, excellent wages, fine opportunity for qualified man Write full qualifications to Hugo Mac key Dunning Mo tors, Box 834, Brookings, Ore gon. BOOKKEEPER and office man ager wanted. Must' be able to take full charge of the office. Please state age and qualifica tions, elso marital status in fi nal letter White Statesman Journal. Box 182 TAB Machine Operator with working knowledge of ac counting for University Busi ness Office. 1310-1400. Write Mr Sandor, University of Ore gon or telephone Eugene DI 9-1911. Extension 221. WANTED draftsman, age 29 to 35. with mapping ability or ex perience I for Eugene firm). Five dav week Salary open Write Box No 181, Statesman Journal, for Interview WANTED Man for part time I nrk at Y.W C A. I.lv. quarters fui n ANT aeveral wood cutters Apply Capital Fuel Co.. 3900 N River Rd. 606 Help Wonted, Lady WOMAN to care for 2 girls ages 3 and 7. my home. $ days a week for s hool year begin ning Sept. Ph. 2-4922 a!TT6p wanted." 14 to 31 vr. old. J. I. Drive In, 2230 Fair grounds Rd WMTRESS! exp" 2L CoTfee Shop, Dorchester House. Oceanlake. BOOKKEEPER - experienced In general ledger, payroll, taxes, etc. Local firm, perms rent. $ dsy week Must he ex perienced. Do not replv unless fully qualified State age. sal ary desired, experience. Eox 198 Statesman-Journal. FRY cook Experienced woman Ijiuis Fish Crotto. 371S S Commercial. Ph. 2-7790 any time. COMBINATION"" dinner- aT fry cook to work 10 hours on Sun day. Good wages, ref. required Write P. O Box 1111L Salem. LADY wanted to drive rar 2 or 3 days week. Writs Statesman Journal. Box 154 WAITRESS experienced table service, Louis Fish Grotto 3715 S. Com I. Ph. 2-7790 after 11 a m. IXP. waitress North s Restau rant. Capitol Shopping Cen ter. No ohone calls EXPERlENCEDwsltress wanT ed Nohlgren s. 440State WANTED: Experienced silk fin isher It seamstress for small shop Steady Job i't da. week Ph 2-2681 evenings. BABY SITTER. "vour home Vic I.efelle It S. Com'l. Ph. 3-5881 after 6 p.m. WOMAN to care for Invalid gen tleman and do house work Modern convenience, good wages, live in. Gervais" 2t-252' 601 Pickers Wonted ADULT Cherry piikers. Rt 4. Rex 284 l't miles S of Liber ty L. D Wslker BOYSENBERRY pickers register now Start July $ Rt 1. Box 143. Brooks STRAWBERRY-! pirkersw anted Sat only, 50c carrier. I3W1 Hermony Dr. 1 blk. E of Long's Lumber Co , Keizer Dist. U-PICK Northwests, 10c lb Out Center " ml. past Scottv i Auction to curve, turn right -j. AJTunnell, Ph. 4-2629 ufpi"c"K"ar"shalls. 8c lb.,' W. L. "Peterson. Ph. 2-2998. TJ-P1CK Marshall strsw-bernes. Ph. 2-0104 before noon RASPBERRY pickers- wanted Sat. June 30th. R. P Barnwell. 4930 N. River Rd . Keuer. Ph 4-4304, '-PICK Strawberries. 1 ml. East Keirer school. A Goldshv. 2213 Chemewa Rd. Ph. 4-43.4 CHERRY pickers. Rollin Beavrr up Glen Creek Rd. Ph 1-772 STRAWBERRY pickers wan'-1 20 A. Northwests. 35c carrier n P. Barnwell. 4930 N. River j Rd , Keirer. Ph. 4-4304 STRAWBERRY pickers wanted. Picking Marshalls 'til July 3 L. Mever. 3', mi W nf Brush College Store. Ph. 2-8177 eves. 610 Salat Holp Wanted A(,ORlsivaaaiesman jor posi- Hon as manlier of rar lot handling new Fords and Mer rurys snd sll used cars Con tact Ford - Mercury Deeler ship. George D. Dunning. Box 858, Brookings, Oregon, Phone Brookings 2141. WANTED 1 salesmen, Salem area A golden opportunity for a producer, liberal commis sions 5aJlJ-38M FARM Salesman to work out of one of Salem's finest Reel Es tate offices. Rewlins Realty, 80$ Chemeketa. Ph. 4-8173. SALESMAN wanted-Elect7olui Corp. 107$ Brdwy Selem. IF vou are an experienced REAL ESTATE SALESMAN we have a good proposition to discuss with you: Th Homeseller. Salem. MAN to distribute ar pick up Fuller Brush e$talogs $loo weekly comm. to start 1-1381 600 Employment 410 Salts H'P W.nUd PARTITIME SALES WORK I to I p mj avagaga 148 M guar- anteca comm. rn. ss-as,, FOR immediate employment. 4M mo. guaranteed com ap ply 33 L Buah. I J to A ll. Only. M Work W.nt.4, Mtr, YOUNG man wants steady work by the hour. Pb-WOL CUSTOMrnowing. lots It acre ages. ft. mower. Delbert Beach. Ph. 3-7731. HOT coating, roof repair It spray painting. Guaranteed workmanship. Also tree esti mates. Ph. 4-4127. ' SCH60l7teacher" wants part time work. 3-711 J.. NEwTAWNS"prepaired It aeed ed. Estimates gladly. Install ment paymenta arranged. Ph. 4-23U3 or 2-21M . CARPENTER work, maintenance or repair. Ph. 4-1013. Mow hayfield orvacant lots. Ph. 4-4373 between 1 p.m. It l a m cTjNScTENTlbUS, capable man needa work desperately. Can do moat anything in the line of maintenance and repair. Worked at last Job 31 yrs. as foieman. Write to Box 232, Sublimity. Oregon ""NEED ANADDITION? Remodeling? Cabinet work. Free ext. Expert work Work guar. Ref. Go anvplace. Chas. Ex line. Ph 2-016 CARPENTER, new. remodel, free est. Ph. 4-0873. PAINTING - FreTEstimatcs Reasonable. Ph. 2-SSJ1 eves. ROTOTILLING Ph. 2-2518 CFMENT work; guaranteed; prompt service; free estimates. Ernest Drake.Ph14-8.139. TALL GRASS, lawn cutting An derson. 4-U443. 288 N. Capitol. ROTOVATING Titling. Howard Rotnvatlng. gar den cultivating, lawn prepar ation by hr. or fob. 3-5809 ROTOVATING workTeveTweek ends J Hathaway Ph 3-3828 ROTOVATING PH. 2-4763 CARPENTER WORK, day or contract 2-1842 or 2-1439 LOU'S tree service Spray, top ping, prune, cabling. 4-2864. HomeBulldlng V Remodeling CALL JOHNSON-Ph. 2-9740 614 Work Wonted, Lady WILL do baby sitting In my home. 665 N. Liberty. Ph 4-0363. HOUSEWORK. $f hr Ph4-W40 WANTED : Part time work, morn only Experienced Din ner Cook. Ph. 3-3112. CHILD care my home, daya 4-3433. 2233 Hoyt St. CHILD care in my home, play equipment r close supervision 1033 Electric. 4-3703. WILL care for two girls In my country home day or week. r n ""'"'"". .. . IRONING; mv home, also baby sitting. 1350 reace 4-W6I, WHY capable t irl warts to csre for child in my home Prefer ages 1 2 yrs. Ph 4-421S HOMEMADE frozen fruit A chicken pies Cookies baked to order. 4-5T3S of 3-8781. WILL baby ait, I Fear olds It up Ph. 4-9349. - CHILD Care my home $1 da. 25c hr. 4-cornen. ph. 1-9S72. MIMEOGRAPHING typing Mrt PoeJNJMh Ph 1-3643 FOR an "ex per. baby altter, call Mrs. Martin, 3-4343. 613 Situations Wanted LAWN MOWER SHARPENING COMPLETE REPAIR C & S EQUIP. CO. $04 Edgewater. W Salem. 4-1541 WANTED: Living quarters for family of 4, for the summer, exchange part time work. Ph J-7112 FRANK-HARRY'S POWER DITCHING Installation, sewers, septic tanks, drain fields, tiling 2-0106. RETIRED couple would like a job. as care taker or managing a court, apt. etc. Ha exp Skyline 7-2565 Monmouth. EXPERT spray, brush painting, paper hanging, your paint or mine. Free est. Terms. Ph Nelson 3-8493. 3-8243. s. 'i 's vd shovel, crane, hoe d-g line 25-ton mobile cranes. D4. D7 cata carry all clear ing blade Rental contract or unit prices. SALEM SAND It GRAVEL 140., N Front St Ph i-2461 PA1NTINO papering Free esti mates Don l.ucero 3-5422 F.XPER decorator will fix-up vour hnn e. $1 40 per hr or contract Older houses a spec lain I'ti 4-.T840 ,1,1, i-- t hl4 days. My home in Morningside Dist. Ph. 4-OV-n PAINTING. Dirt cheap prices Zi years in Salem Ph 3-7532 ! CARPENTER 'work .' any kind reas 4240 Macleay Rd 4-3981 LAND CLEA RING D-$ Hr L C Mitchell Ph 3-5337 SCHARFT BROTHERS Installation Repair Sewers, Septic Tanks. Drain. Elelds, Power Ditching. Backfill. Ph 2-3568 or 3-3072. MOWING It rakli.g. D. Mar- sliall.2-1343. SMALL carpenter work, reasonable. Ph. 424. Lie HI crawler doier. leveling grading 3-7042 L Kurth INT decorating Chas. McLean, 417 E Madrona Ph. 3-3935 ' (20 Doy Ond Contract ' BIBS received until July 5. 1958. fW- re-roofing Bapllst parson age. 140 N. Monmouth Ave . Monmouth. Ore. Specifications available on premises. 00 Rentals 702 Sloop. Roami, loard TV. Nicely furn . clean sleeping rm. 15 wk. 2-7820. board avail. FURN. It housekeeping rm . W Salem. $jo mo. en 4-whj i-'s ROOM, board in mod. home. 488 Lar.tz. Salem Heights GENTLEM AN-Hot-AC. w7ter In nice sleeping rm. 255 Center. ROOM it board, men only, $65 per mo. Ph. 4-3742. NICELY furn. rm. also bssm't rm. 339 N. Winter. CLEAN, quiet. nrStete bldg., shop Dist., kit prtvel. 2-1449 CLEAN, Comf rms. T. V . close In 213 S Winter 1-1722 WANTED Man to room and board. 28$ N. Capitol. 705 Apartments Far Rtnt NICE 1 bdrm furn apt Close in. pvt hath. $40. Ph. 4-1892 CLOSE, rice mod furn apt Ph. 3-8490 except Sat LARGE I bdrm. unfurn. apt" I Ph. 4-0013, 740 Ferry. 700 Rentals 70S Apartmtriti for Kant l-URN. Apts.. 133 and M. Util ities Inrl. Employed lady only Ph. 4-1581: FOR RENT, 3 rm. apt. wpvt. bath, kitchenette. Laundry, pnv . close in. Inq. 48t N. Front SPARKLING clean- Vbdrm. furn. apt. Newly decorated, pleasant surroundings. 743 S. Com'l. FURNISHED b sTh7fo r tTl bdrro. Apta 213 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph 3-3134 before 4 p . m or 2-M0 after 4 P M NICELY furn. basement apt , Jrivate. No children. 199 S 4th. 1 RM. apt. w. kitchenette, bath, utll. 410 8. Capitol 1 LG. rm. furn. apt. 431 N. Sum mer. K) JO. Close In North, 1 rm. furn. apt. All utilities furn. except gas. Inq. Apt. 3. rear of 4M N Liberty. Wv I-MM. APT7forJpartly furn.-1342 Waller, call any time. ATTRACTIVEfurnrrnr apt". pvt. entrance, close In S. Ph. 3-S.TO3 or 2-S370. NEWLY decorated Inc Ph. 3-3844 downtown SPACIOUS UNFURNISHED' 4 RM. ACACIA APARTMENT' Call after 8 P.M. J-7009 1140 S. 13TH, $50 00 RM " t urnriflatradulta.refe7 ences. gar. Call A M. til 1 it after 4 p.m. 3-7541 MODERN I-bdrm." "court apt", completely furn , $38 a mon. W. Salem. Ph 4-8873. Eve 2- 8743. NICE Ig. 3 rm furn. 841 N. Liberty. Ph.2-S448 or 3-31100 IN Kelzer. large unfurn. apt. it garage. Ph. 4-30893-1252. 3 RM. furn. apt. utll. furn. Close in Ph. 4-1849. 248 Marion SMALL, clean 3 rm furn. apt Douelas Apts. 335 S. 14th. Ph 3- 4848 near cap.toi 3.rm. furn " for emnl. lady; $49 50 - Incl. ,,t'1 auto. hejt.Ph J-4505; 2-5272 1ST FLOOR, furn. 3 rms.. Ben dix1359 N.LibertyPh3-3124 MOD. clean, neatly furn. ape. i bdrm. Turner. Salem 4-3497. FOR RENT Furn. or unfurn 3 rm apt. $i3. Inc utilities 1133 Chamaketa. 2-5430 after J. WEBER Court New manage ment. Clean furn. It unfurn. apt , all elec laundry facll. S. Uth. at E. Rural Ph. 4-2895. j BDRM. Court Apt., steam heat. bsmt . range It refng. Adults, no garage. Ph. 3-6300 or 3-7484 VERY nice 3 rm. apt. 1163 Court St. Ph. 4-5648 NEW, very nice 3 rms. It ba'h furn, w-w carpet, walking distance down town. Single rerson. Ph 3-7870 or after 30 2-1897. FURN. apt. ground fir. near State bldg Inq. 930 Garnet St 3 -7649. CLEAN, quiet 1 rm. apt. down town, lady pref. 643 Ferry. 3 RM furn. apt , light, water, refng., outside entranre. Bus line. 1474 N. Summer. Ph 2-7686 4 ROOM lower apt. furn " Close in. Also sleeping rooms Phone 2-6776. CENT loo. 1 sm furn. i"Tirg. unfurn. near new State bldga. It Univ. 2-2137, 2-S513. 1 5 room, ground floor, small yard. Desirable. 2 blocks from PO 3-6553 Hollywood Apts. Furn . unfurn., 4-4713 or 4-787$ AMBASSADOR APTS Nicely Ftirn. Apts. 550 N. Summer 1-9306 3 RM hested apt. w. pvt. ent Furn. or unfurn. 1411 Court 3RM. apt., 295N 13th CherrT eketa It 15th. Ph. 4-3279. MODERN 1 bdrm.. Cou't Apt Unfurn. except Elec range A refrrg W Salem. Ph. 4-6475 Eve. 2-8743 COURT apts. Extra nice, clean. 3 rms. It bath, unfurn except stove, refng T.V., laun., park avail. Inq. 1348 S 12th. CAPITOL PLAZA 1 BDRM. UNFURN. UBS Chemeketa SJ Ph $-1830 Scenic view 1 bdrm unfurn court Apt., range, refrig. 2-2908. MODERN- f bd r irT cou rt" a of. unfurn. except elec range & refrig . $.'0 a mo . W Salem Ph. 4-6875. Eves. 2-8743 706 Duplexes NFWLY dec 2 hdrm upper flat See to appreciate. aduJts 1145 S 13th PI EASANT Apt "completely furn. laundry facilities 271 Magnolia Court, W Salem. Call owner. Ph. 2-9509. UPSTAIRS. 3 rms, economical living Ph 4-3061 ere FOR RENT nicely furn. duplex Sn of Iowa. $.W a mo., cpl. only. Call ,3-5765. S-RM fist. 1 block P O Ferry. Ph. 3-6275, 3-3437. 666 . "J.;, ' ' : Capitol Bldgs Auto oil best. Wired for elec. range. Ph 4-1883. 707 Houtai For Rant 1 BDRM. hse. Good dist. Single or elderly rouple. Ph 3-8981 SMALL 2-bdrm, unfurn. house. 4020 STATE MOD. 3 bdrm house-firepiT auto, heat, dble gar , water furn. $85 mo. Ph 2-4238 TOR RENT or sale. 1 bdrm hse Ph 4-5109. 2 BDRM house, gar attached. oil circulating heat. $78 mo. 873 N. 18th. Ph. 4-8788 FOR RENT-Unfurnished ibed room (sorirl. $53 per nio. In quire at 4.15 S 13th Ph 2-7884 ! RENTAL SERVICE 1 Bdrm, 1 Bn'-in. 1 Rdrm 2 Rdrm 1 Rdim. 2 Bdrm part, furn u n l n rn nicely furn. Suburban Duplex $.10 $.13. $:i'i mi $34 45 $45 unfurn 40. $15. $53 2 Bdrm unge A refng. $70 3 Rm. furn. spts ... 135. $13 CENTER ,ST. REALTY 1748 Center -4-8631. Eve 2-7812 $83 2 BDRM , sttached gjraie. 4 blocks to High or Grade 893 Judson St. Ph. 2-0812 W SALEM Clran unf urn 1' hdrm hnuse It gar. Suitah'e for couple It child $40 Ph ,1-7'I87 MOD 1 bdrm home. 3 mi. S I of city limits. 2-0294 SUBURBAN T bdrmT nearSwe gle Sen , frpl , elec. heat, dry er, l'j baths. $75. Owner at place 4675 Sunnyview Ave Ph. eve. 3-3820 FOR RENT 7 room hnuseT89i N. Winter St., avail. July Ird. Ph 3-4:i7l. 4 RDRM. house near Shopping Ctr. No pets Ph 2-3949 FOR lease, nice 2 bdrm. modern house, no children. Ph 4-3182. TRAILER space $10 per mo. No pets Ph 2-6683. !40 Ox ford NICE 1 hdrm attached garage. located N Ph. .1-3280. 3-8068 3 BDftM rnuntrv cottage, wired SFR STA Good locettmT," "$3. for washer A- drver. rear $oo on grade school Small acreage TUCKER REAL ESTATE If desired Ph. 2-1175 I I-hanon. Oregon 700 Rental. 707 Houiti For Rant ' NELSON'S RENTALS 190 mo. bdrm., unfurn. new home. 175 mo. 3 bdrm., unfurn. South ISO mo. 3 bdrm . unfurn . frpl. 43 mo 3 bdrm, unfurn. red No. List your rentals with us. we I have clients waiting Nelson I Nelson, Rltrs. 1590 S. Com I. Ph 2-3889 or Dorothy Deal Eves 4-4832 160 Well-located home South, some furniture. Ph. 4-9832. 342 50 2-bdrnv. Keller. E. A. McGLAUFLIN, AGENT 335 N. High 2-8811, J-6612 2', " BDRM house" and garage with 1, A. $70 mo. Ph. 4-2381. WELL located spacious 3 bdrm house. $100 per mo. Call 3-4234 after f 30 p m. FOR RENT with option to buy. or $1000 down payment 2 year old 3 bedroom house East $73 a month. C. W. Reeve Realtor. 1880 Mission St. Ph. 3-4S1IO eve 2-08M. 2 BDRM , garage, close to store. West Salem. Ph. 2-4349. A Beauty, 2 bdrm.. att. garage, wool wall to wall carpet. 165 Kenwood Ave.. Four Cornera. jo88VAUGHN : Nice home Tyd. $70 mo. Ph. 3-7903, Olaf Thon stad. Rltr. 707-a Furnished Houiet 1 BDRM., utll. rm.. antenna Cool It quiet, all utll pd . $83 4010 S. Pacific Highway. 2-489 FOR lease, furn 1 bdrm. cottage, bsmt. gar., adults. Ph. 3-3289. PARTLVfu7n 1 bdrm-house" 4-7750. 1042 3rd St. W. Salem. 708 Forms for Rent rOR RENT or lease Grade A dairy, 150 acres level river loam, additional pasture land, milking parlor, wilt support 85 or more dairy cattle, 80 arres under Irrigation A W. Ver non, Rt. 1. Box .loo. Independ ence. Ore. Ph Salem 2-1382. 710 Wonted to Rent Hsci WANT to ren;, 3 or 4 bdrm house, wired for washer It rirver. near grade school. Write Box 154. Statesman-Journal. W A NT to rent 7 3 bdr m7 hse7 N . dist. Widow It 2 voung people. Ph. collect Detroit 491. RESPONSIBLE business rouple w1 child needs clean 2 bdrm. house or duplex by July 15th Ph. 3-9951. 714 Business Rentals FOR RENT 16' x 70' OFFICE apace Good downtown location. Also has alley service entrance. Full basement. Customer parking block Heat and hot water furnished. ALSO Srtia!! Of fir upac on South Hitth St Suitnnlf for 1 or 2 man vales or-paniation CALL STATE FINANCE CO 167 S High St. Phone 3-3131 4(ixR0 SHOP building Ph. 2-2577 after 4 or see at 3275 S. Comm. DOWN town office space, store rms. It warehouse. 3-4114. 716 Resort Rentolt MODERN cottage. Ocean Park. Washington, food clamming. 1-5687 Salem. 718 Convalescent Homes WILL care for elderly people in my home. 25 yrs. exp. Clean very comfortable home. Ph 4-3742 ELDEREST Nursing Home Pri vate rooms available. 2630 N Church. 2-9616 COTTAGE CONVALESCENT HOME 232 N Cottage 3-7020 780 Moving $V Storage LESTER DeLAPP LYON VAN LINES LOCAL OR NATION WIDE Movinp & Storage PH. 2-1750 OR 3-4o MAYFLOWER Moving and Storage FUEL OILS CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER Larmr-r Transfer & Storage Complete moving service Also sgrnts for BEKINS Nation Wide Movers PhS-31Jl LOW COST storage H L, Stifl Furniture Co 1-1115 KIM) Real Estate 801 Businttt Opportun. 1120 ROOM hotel furnishings for sale. 5 dormitory at $4000. rent for $125 per month Newl rewired, plumbing passes city inspection. 1 kitchen Lease on bldg $150 per montY 7.11 Will St , Kllgene. Oregon Write Hael Clark, 107 Crocker Lane, Eugene WILL sacrifice -due-to-Illness small business In downtown Salem. Ph after 11 a m. 2-9120 MODERN 7 unit Salem motel A home, sell nr consider trade for small apartment house, close in. Owner 2-7130 HEATING OIL DISTRIBUTOR'S territory avail- able locallv. some financial a- ' 8istnre considered. Write W. ! Williams. 21.13 N E 19th Ave Portland 1.1. Ore. or Ph AT 2-01)53 eves SMALL greenhouses, lath houses, 2 garages, shop, and 6 rm. mod. home on 1 lot Reasonably priced. Willis Keller. 1111 Hal ter St . Dallas MAJOR oil co will lease modern service station in downtown Salem to qualified operator. Small investment required i'all Mr Delaporr, at 4-3288 evenings COSY Fountain Lunch A bakers Gladstone, Ore , good equip Good lease, will sell stork and equip Barga'n. $2,500 Ph 9nH Oregon City RETIRED- couple suppllment your social seiurlty Own bus iness A rentals Living quar ters partly furn Low down pyni't, easv terms. Box 180 Statesman-Journal FOR LEASE near completion new drive-in restaurant with heavy traffic count Some equipment furn Box 53. Statesman -Journal. FOR SALE By owner. Busy air - conditioned restaurant fullv equipped Close to two canneries Seats 35. For sp. pointment to see Ph. between 8 am. 7 p m. 3-3(13? MOT EL 22 units, good return take Salem Property in trade TAVERN land A all. Hot Spot Sits OftO rm Terms. GROCERY -dean sjock. new fixtures reasonable ms Pratt 800 Real Estate 801 luiinaw Oppertuw. SOCIAL SECURITY PLUS One of lh.? rent,! Incomes will j east the financial strain of old I age. 1 1. S houses, income I HO. Close In bus. in riiy on paved street. One l-ndrm home, two I- bdrm A good proposition tor $13,710. 2. 4-unit furnished apt. house, all newly decorated It painted Beautiful snaded corner near Leslie A- S Salem schools. In come $150. Only $10,300. See Mrs Wells. '517 Court St. Ph 4-4494 Eve. Ph 2-373$ TAVERN COCKTAIL bar and cafe In town near new air force base. Also living quarters and equip-, ment for sale for $23,000. Some terms Business should boom when air force base established. ' Ramsey, Realtor. 4-3341. 427 Ferry. SERVICE Station"i good loca tion I for lease. Equipment ft , Inventory only Investment re- 3ulred. Box 137, Statesman ournal. 80f8u$inan Property FOR SALE large building. 4.800 sq. ft. fir. Suitable for shop, store, warehouse, etc. Good lo cation. A very good Invest ment. Price dropped for quick sale See 753 N. Lancaster, call 4-68.12 INVESTORS OWN Salem's FINEST apart " ment Court. Income $9480 per yr. Restricted residential dis trict close to Capitol It shop ping. Low overhead. Prime income property. NO vacancy loss $29,500 down or good pa per moves vou In. Asking $79 500 Call GRANT BOWDER. Office 4-3394, Home 4-3909. ! 1890 Fairgrounds Rd Ph. 4-3394, If no answer 3-9958 803 Suburban APPROX 3 A . 4 A. In cultiva tion. Good $ rm. hse. double garage, lg. chicken hse., sm. greenhse . fruit It berries. Close In. Possible sub-division property. $10,900. Ph. 2-7043. 806 Houses For Solo BY OWNER 2 bdrm. modern, well built home. $7 800 Lo cated at 1455 7th. Ph. 4-2419 eve. BY BUILDER NEW J bdrm noma neat 8 Salem schools It perk 2-7071 WILL trsde equity In 2 bdrm home for trailer house. 5240 Sunnyslde Rd. 2-09X1 BY BUILDER NFW spacious 3 bdrm. Fngle wood Dist. Top quality. 2-7071 2 IMMACULATE homesT Ideal city locations, beautiful yards. 2 hdrm.. 2nd 4 hdrm . equip ped lor day nursery, ph 2-3508 JOE HUTCHINSON REALTOR Let us aolvc your home needs lo Buy. sell or Hent can Ph. 4-5743 1211 Edgewater Ph. 4-7874 2710 So. Comm'l 3 BDRM. house on approx. S A. So of Pringle Dist 2 bdrm. house at 28 Draper Pioneer Trust Co. 3-3138. BY BUILDER Three bedrooms, fireplace, huge kitchen eating area, only two mocks from scnool and piav ground 1074 Shamrock St Turn 1st St. south of Morning side school. Price Is $10,950 Open every day. Ph. 4-8S33. MR OWNED! Glen iVooarv will pay top price for vour furn It aonilances Ph 3-5110 BYOWNER r7A7eVr rfuiT land, modern 2 bdrm. hse., stt. gar., garden, $3,300. Ph. 2-1134 GOOD SUB 3 hdrm. home. No Ig liv. rm.. It din. rm.. full basm't.. fruit It shade trees. acre $14,000. Ph. 4-1172. $300WILL'buycqultytnnlceI bdrm. house. Ph. 4-5507 after 8 OCT OF TOWN" OWNER" Will sacrifice 2-bdrm. home Ar shop, open for Inspection. 1130 Oxford St. Owner will bs on premises 11 to 3 Saturday. " FAMILY R00M Open Dally By Builder 2575 WOODDALE. 2 blks. N of San Shop in Northgate addi- I lion. 3-bdrm., double garage. I over 1400 sq. ft. Built-in oven A range. $14,900. Ph. 4-1488 BY OWNER "well built 2 bdrm". house, see at 2210 Broadway Ph. 3-7583 FOR SALE hy owner It builder New 1.500 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. home on corner lot with pav ing. Exceptional buv at $14,975 See at 4175 Bluff St. Open for inspection daily A Sunday afternoon. Duffield Bros 4045 Bluff St Ph 2-1313 $3.'0 DOWN will buv this neat 2 bedroom home with full tile hath Cloe to hus A- stores Ask for Richard Klumpp eve Ph 2-.1884 L E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 3035 Portland Rd Ph 2-7842 ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT Drive by 1550 Pearl St. 4 bdrms , 2 baths Ph 4.2703. make offer TOUR Bedroom home, two bath rooms, dining room In tine rnndltion Near schools $'i3 700. J B YOUNG, REALTOR 4.13 N High St 2-8880 BY OWNER 8 vr home. 1883 Walls old I bdrm r M 5-3418 MODERN 2 bedroom house. .itr. h.H Fn.i.-H autrheo in ruff Fnj!evond school distri.t 2 hl.Hks to l , , . , high school. Corner lot. large living room, new wall to wall carpeting Reasonable. Call owner. 2-8451. ., . , ..... i LEAVING town. 6 yr old home 2 hrii in nic e large lard Ph 4-8974 after 6 p in 3 BDRM. house w ith smsll a- re ate at 970 R I 1 1 r f Dr Make ' offer st Pioneer Trust Co . Ss- lem BY OWNER 2 hdrm 4 yr. old very clesn. will take rar ! trailer, or whst have you' as down pvm't . imnied posses sion After 5 p ni Ph. 4-5737 NFW home for sale bv owner i One level ranch type .1 PR . 1 I. R . DR. hath, large kltch Birch hullt-lns Laundry room With West Laundromat, over- . sire garage lawns and shrubs, are in. icei jot . B5xl23 Shown hv appointment nnh Ph j 4-1854 after 6 pm WE hae three resasonahlv priced houses for 'pnl $500 down Call I.ary (' W Reese Realtor. I860 Mission St , Ph , 1-459(1. eve 2-0898 NEW View home. 3 bdrms family rm . 2 baths, etc $2.1.000. Might consider trade 4-780(1 FAIRMOl'NT HILL DIST. Not brand new h it verv nice 2 hdi -n , din no , hreakfi nook, flrepl . f ili basm't with knotty pine plav rm . fenced hai k vard, fruit trees. Sin . 5(10 2-1534 1 EASTMOR ELAND 3 bdrn s P, baths, birch kth hen w;ri dih vsasher. dhle gar Ph 4-7.111 """iot;down" MOVES YOU IN TODAY -OR BUILD TO SUIT ED riSCHFR. PH 4-3133 800 Real Estate 806 Heuias For Sola 32. IN. I ML Kill 81. PHONE 4 3311 SEE INTERIOR I Of this extremely attractive hdrm home. Center entry hall Ber living room overlooking vard Spacious rooms. Lovely fireplace. Tiled bath. Dble. ga rage Patio Large lot Only 2 years old rull price $15. 300 Call Walt Jones. Eve. Ph. . 4-7832. EXCLUSIVE A verv lovely home v-ih fj'l daylight bssement Spacious r oms Dining room plus bik. nk. Fireplace. Insul. Ven. Minds Near Candalaria school Newly punted Beautiful flow ers. Extraordinary view Drapes included in the full price of $14,990. Call Mr. Rich mond. LADY'S CHOICE In an excellent quality home. 3 bdrms. Large family room 3 lovely fireplaces F. A. nil heal. Dhle. garage. Tiled bath Patio On Targe lot Superb neighborhood Full price $18 sno Call N G. "Dan" Isaak. Eve. Ph. 4-9953. MODERN MOTEL In good Willamette Valley city. 17 modern rental units plus owner's quarters. 9 rentals with kitchens. 8 sleeping units. 8 17-Inch TV sets. 4 residential lots and 'business lota. Excel lent act-up Full price $108,900 Terms Call Mr. Woodcock. Eve. Ph. 2-7108. ISiK'S BST BUyS LICENSED ALSO IN WASHINGTON AND IDAHO AL ISAAK & CO., REALTORS Evenings 4 5020. 4-7812. Z-B0I8. 4-9533 If no answer. Dial 4-22'8 ROY TODD, REALTOR JUST BIG ENOUGH FOR TWO but et 1 hdrm. nouse in town with a glassed-in porch for extra sleeping space. Walk-in closet, breakfast nook, utility, nice bath Well-constructed, carries good loan. New garage. $6,790. Call Mr. Hicks. 62 ACRES. ONLY 1 MILLS FROM home, 25 acres of alta fescue all fenced, 37 acres oak and fir Could cut enough oak to pay for farm. Owner would trade for house in town around $6,000 clear. Call Mrs. Graham and look over this buy for $12,000. . INVESTORS ATENTION -6 unit cellent rental area. Brings In close to $200 a month. All units rented Part have 1 bdrm.. part 2 bdrm Large lot with room for more units. You can buy this right with a wonderful re turn on your Investment Call Mr. Hicks for details. 3 BDRMS ON ACRE, EAST living room, dining room, kitcrten witn lots of Dunlins, lota of closet space, separte utility room. A well-arranged, livable family home. Priced $10, $507 Might take lots as down-payment. Call Don Vandervort. ROY TODD. REAL ESTATE 2319 State St Ph 1-8591 Eve calls Vandervort 4-7602; Hicks 4-4930; Mrs. Graham 4-4718. Doerfler 2-3"6. Ml PLENTY OF ROOM; TRIs older home has 4 Bedrms. Located on Market St., near all schools. Only $5,930 00. also have a newer 4 Bedrm. home on large lot East, onlv $7,950 00. Terms. Call Mr. Kigglna eve. 4-5494. LET'S TRADE. Have Spacious 3 Bedrm. home. Fireplace, l'j Baths. 2 car garage. Corner Lot. Would like to trade for a good 2 Bedrm. home not over 8 vears old up to $11 (100 00. Call Mr. Keene eve. J-6078. MORTGAGE LOANS, CONSTRUCTION FINANCING C. V. KENT & CO., REALTORS 4!M N Church RAWLINS REALTY LOANS FOR BUYING OR CONSTRUCTION $ OR 5','i 4-BDRM. older home. Good; close-in location. 2 bdrms down and 2 up. Ideal home for large family or boarding house Needs some soap, water and oaint. Priced at $7,500. $.'O0 down, about $80 a mo Call Henry Rund to see Eve It Sun phone 4-1720. LIKE to he on the river? Have a nice home with I acre river frontage Close in Owner will trade for 2 or 3-bdrm. home in Salem For information, call Dale Ra.vburn. Ete It Sun. ph-. 2-204.5 605 CHEMEKETA IT'S NEW Its RUSTIC and beautifully built. Charming living room with laised hearth hreplace. I1? baths. 2-car garage .1 spa cious bdrms . separate dining room. 5x13 utitltv. If you want a home with tinted plumbing fixtures, formica dralnboards and extra quality throughout. THIS IS IT1 Tree lot In new restricted district $15 750 Call GRANT BOWDER. office 4-:i:i94. home 4-3909. If no answer. 3-9958 1890 Fairgrounds Rd BARGAIN I $4 000 equltv, 3 brm ., A u m. nL A .- 'V"1,: ,h"nm' So- Pn' -42M ' a f tei 7 p in . ' NICE 2 bdrm. home, near grade I arh A- new Jr. High N E dit $7. son Make offer in $2,500 equllv I'h 4-0510 .1185 Beacon FOR SALE by owner home, fireplace, paved street, terms 3.180 Hadlev St. Ph 1-1.M6 "" OWNER TRANSFERRED-' Will sell spacious 2-hdrm. home, l', haths, etra Ice tifihtv for F II A appmsal 1 420 No 24th 3-HIRMT house In Labuh Vil- Uge, newlv decorated. $7 tvi consider small liailer house in trarle Ph 4-18 18 BY OWNFfl. 3-hdim hm.se. run sirler lessnnable dn pavm t Ph .1-.19I2 B OWNER Beamifirf 2 fwlmi lir'rm. din rm . bklsl n".k coved ceiling, frit, garden, greenhouse, flowers shruhs North 2480 Park Lane. Ph A CABIN"AI.ONE7 rtit m'lt Beautiful view It lots of trees 2 hdrm , hath i A fireplace $7,300 $8,000 wfurn, A new j liv . rm set.-21" TV. contour j i hair, elec stove A- refrii.' beds It all $2, 0(10 dn : or ! trailer house. Ph. 2-5188 , BY OWNER - Nearly nr 3 hdrm . rtln. rm , flrepl . garble, inclosed yard, redecorated Fn g'ewood Dist . $12,000 Ph 4.7104 4 NFW' Houses Open for in vpetion DAILY FROM 3 TO 6 765 ft 775 Gerth 9:!9 A- 91 (..cade Ph 3-6181, 3-3841 2-151.1 for terms 2153 MILL St. Excellent one bed room home, plastered, hard wood floors, trees lawn, f ruRt Owner. 2-7679 Price 15360. 800 Real Estate 806 Houiai For Sala WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES OR 3-7820 FAMILY LIVING In this wonderful I bdrm home Lge living rm Sep dining rm. Brkfst nk Insul Hdwd firs. On approx 1 S2 acres Barn. Priced at the low of $8,500. Call Mr. Sword Eve. Ph 2-8048. HARD TO BELIEVE This excellent home is offered at only $9.9,W lge llv. rm. Dinette Kitchen Oil heat. Hdwd firs Att garage Near school Lge lot Only 2 yrs. old In excellent condition. Call N C. Dan'' Isaak. Ee. Ph 4-9953. LOOK HERE Fine living In this lovely home. Liv. rm Din rm Brk. nk. In sul Hdwd llrs. Oil heat. Att. inn 1.050 sq ft All at only $9,750 Call Mr. Sword. Eve. Ph. 2-8046. IT'S $10,750 New 3 hdrm home Fireplace. I1, h.ith Birch kitchen. Oak firs Delro F A oil heat Near citv ' bus f 'lem Hts. water. VcKlnley School. $1,850 moves vou in See It now Call Mr. Crawford. Eve. Ph. 4-5020. DRIVE-IN Attractive modern drive-lit res taurant Best of equipment Excellent location. Paved parking area. Shows good in come Priced at $6 500, plus stock. For full details, call Mr. Woodcock. Eve. Ph. 2-7106. lot for the money. The neat- SAI.EM-3 bdrm. ranch style furnished residential court In ex Beautiful' home 1 yr. old. Lrge ST. VINCENT DISTRICT. 4 Bedrms. Nice Living room. Sep Dining Urn. Lge. Lot with nice ahrubs Ar Garden, Near bus Ar schools. Price only $11.000 00 with good terms, Csll Stearns Cushing eve. 2-404$. . AN ACRE ON A HILL VIEW property South, I Bedrms. It Den. Large Living ft Dining Room.Covered Patio. If you like suburban living you will want to aee this, Priced st $14,950 00 Terms, Csll Edna Morgan eve. 4-80.18. Prion 4-2203 7 A FARM $8500. 4-bdrm home. Older hoene with mod ern bathvCould be made into a nice comfortable family home Has fruit trees, nice garden space. 5 A. in grass seed, located on paved high way near Aumsville. Call Dean Klarr, eve 8c Sun. phone 2-7090. New 3 bdrm., dble. garage, fire i place. Dble. plumbing. Locat- j ed in city. North Immediate , possession Priced al $12,900. To see call Chet Rawlins. Eve. I It Sun. phone 3-8238 TH0NE 4-O075 BARGAIN $5000 FULL price for this nicely located 3 Bedrm home, all on one floor, dandy location on N 24th St near Stale Hos pital, beautiful lot, lawn, trees A- shrubs terms. EVE call RAY DAVIS. 4-5917 days 2-8880 ED I. IT K I N R E A L. REALTOR. 4.13 N HIGH OWNER leaving state New 3 bdrm home. 3 blocks of! school, fireplace, lawn A- gar-1 den in 441 Menlo Drive Ph .1-5846 ! $150 DOWN, $40 a month Small home. Salem Heights School DisJ , $.1,130 E A. McGLAUFLIN RLTR. 3.15 N High 2-8611. 3-6812 FOR SALE 2 bedroom house 4 C'nrners dist Will take late model car as part. 4263 Hager St . Phone 4-5687 OWNER TransferredrLovely 2 bdrm home w-firepl. 1150 so ft all Ite rms. Insul. N. part of citv. Ice lot. att gar W utll. covered patio. 4-4.186 ' BY BUILDER .1 tidrm home hrrlud fir. . dll plastered I gar . din rm . nook, liv rm I 12x2.1',. F A . frpl . 4416 Munk ers Ph 4-l7t $1,1211 Of! RENT, completely remodeled' - 4 bdrm hse Liberty A l.ln-!2' " coin Ph,- 3-8128 alter 5 ) n BY OWNER, needs painting, but vv hat can ou e xpe t for $9.2.15 .1 hdrm house at 54.1 Hliler St IftiK) dn: It no loan costs Ph 4-8.167 . G I 2 RDRM house. almott new Low d"w.n pn-fnt. 4'.'r in ttfrevt WrtsAF4-rr1 Hfl(lr!, Rff KSI M MO C'r Mont Dr TrH-s-TIiEKS-Trcps 4 it ACRF.S nf beautiful hutlri tnf mte (Tinned with tall fir and stall! v OAKS, view, road mi tw (i sides ideal fnr dav l(tf basement or level build ing. MOO0 pef A.-sWW down, Rnl .1 Yrs, 3'r Don t wait, tnts iv a honev i NOTE Thifs i n,v own prnpertv F.ve n PA VIS 4-19I7- davi :.tViAn M) I-V K I N R F, A 1. RKA1.TOH 4.11 N HIGH Rt'Y w;ih an re 'o the fi:t'ir$fl lovalv nair nx' hum 1 hHrrM and 7 rutra Ms "n'v IH.PV. pnnaboe l-r'704 Prm.nn ?-M.SA I. K KU'MPP RKAITOR -10SS P-.r'land 2-7r.a 2 PR hntr.e or larr M "ell landv aped i'h fru mithuild inv fast ir.it tiosmtal Full prira nnl I71.M1 ( all I a v -C W Hrtt Rfaltnr IftWi Mi tSeon St Ph 3-4390, eve 2-ORfiB 800 Real Estate 806 Houiai For Sola N. E. Suburban A Tfallv finv five -room homt with large living room, dininf room, plrntypf itorage. ctowU and builUfnt. Frnred bark yard with covered floored pat In and fireplace, good garden area, torn fruit and herrie. ail this for only $93M Call Al Roome, Horn ph. 4M1C $7800 Mr. G. I. If you wsnt nice 2-bdr home with a fireplace for a low down payment, located south, with a fenced-in back yard, room for garden, some fruit trees, then see this -year-nld borne. Owner transferred Call Ruth Morrison. Ho. ph. 41644. Lots $625 123 x an within two blocks of new propped Jr High School NE. Onlv 4. first come, first served Call Mr. Bourne, home Ph. 3-7217. Joe L. Bourne: Rltr. 1140 N Capitol Ph. 38216 Fairmount Hill A DANDY SMALLER HOME Ideal for rental property. Has 2 bdrms. ftrepl. Lots of cup boards and cloaet apace Open beam ceiling in living rm. Shake exterior. Plastered Ga rage Close to bus. $4,730. Good terms to right party. Call Edith Anderson. Eve. 2-7849. Chemeketa Street A COMPLETELY REDECOR ATED HOME with ideal loca tion for office workers. Has 2 bdrms fireplace Breakfast nook. Full basement. Sawdust furnace and storage. Garage Good terms $7,500 Call Echo Yeater, Eve. 1-4871. Nelson & Nelson REALTORS ' 1590 S Commercial Ph. J-3889 Highland District 1 BDRM living Rm., dining Rm., kitchen with eating area. new dishwashing Mrh . full Basmt. with utility Rm. Saw dust heat, new lawn, large trees, priced at $8000. G. I Ixtan $3,100 at $32 per Mo. 4', Eve call FLOYD McNALL. 3-7784: days 2-8880. ED LU KIXBEAL. REALTOR. 433 N HIGH. BY OWNER-BUILDER English type nearly new atop King wood Hts., pieaaant quiet ioc., lovely trees, lge. level lot, all rms. spacious. 1800 sq. ft. apace, plus dry finished bsmt, I baths. 3 fireplaces, dbl. gar., breeieway. A home you'll be proud to own. $17. 975 $1,500 rin . hal. like rent. Immed. pons. Ph. 3-7212. , ACBE. 2 bdrm. home In Lib erty Dist. $4,950. $350 down. Approx. 3 acres, small 2 bdrm. home, nice garage, nennnuse. lots of grasa pasture Only $3,750 $1,400 down, $30 per month. Very nice I bdrm. home with fireplace, could tie I norms upstairs. Lovely yard with lota of flowers, shrubs St garden Close to State Hospital. $9,500. Good terms. Also I bdrm. home In the Lake Lablsh Dist. $450 down ASK EOR ANDERSON COLBATH LAND CO. Ph. 4-4494. eve ph. 4-2714 517Court St. Home Beautiful CLOSE to new south Salem High ach. My eulogy wouldn't lustily this home It 11 a 3 bedrm. home with all HW firs. Large liv It dining rm with fireplace. Lovely bath It ahower. Nice party Rm. In basement. Sprinkling system with rockery It shrubs around yard $18,500. EZ terms It will carry own paper. Art Madsen Realty 1328 STATE 3-3580. 2-8812. 3-8403 -n DALLAS ROAD SPECIAL Delightful setting with shrubs It trees galore Lovely ' rock garden. Spacious 2 - bdrm. home with Inside utility, seo arate dining room, large di nette Tub and shower bath. Excellent condition through nut. Public water supply. Sac rifice $8800. Call DON BELL INGER, home 4-049X. office 4-3394. If no answer. 3-9958. Your opportunity lo possess a real home, on extra good terms, as owner Is leaving ' town. Has large living room, 2 , lovely bedrooms, tile bath, dl- i nette and up to the minute davlight kit Beautiful hdw. floors, circulating fireplace. In- i side plaslered utility, overslre J garage attached This place Is I spotless Price $9250. You name j ins 'o in, vn n ,111,1 , yti 2-6496. Ed Byrkit & Co. 1.189 BroadwaV Ph 2C497 MOUtRN 2 oorin Top condi- I lion. I A. Variety fruit, close in. room for children a porv or to build Priced for quick sai" Ph Wnodhuin 1-41.19 RIVER ft fir space, fire- placfj. dbl plumb . dM ft- r.Hge I ft Pdt in, r ad mil het. It !'d, river frontage Fxcel Irnl mer view from all roonis Mii't er to appreciate i Ssttfin Hifh School Very neat 2 brirn. hurne Hdw firs Fire pJare utiltt v r 'Ti F.xcellent kitchen Attached R'tjaitf, cov ered patio Enclosed shack vard -Pt ire t.fr.HKV Teriiil K en,n Oregon , Development Company ( Realtors) , m n cmrRfH st, ph .vmm BY OWNFR i bdrms 2 dn 2 up, large liv rm HW floor,.! frpl. Repjirate din. rm . k 1 1 h-; en wbrkfs! rm , 'j bsmt wood furn t DM At a ft land.( aped dbl rnrner lot Fruit, -hiit tsf-rnrw & grape. (,'lnse ti boo! hnn hr Iran. Out or U' Pn-ed to e. $'t ph 4 or -write Bx 54fi Da ton Ore FOft SAI F New bmisf 1. t;dr" A den double plumbing dhl f ireplin e dble garage ba-. board beat don pa merit Ph 1890 Fairgrounds Rd HERE IIS ' ,YR OLD bdrm on 1tin4jBY 0A NFR Smi!' rqi.it .t lot South Ph 4-7R,lfl bdrtr. h"nie. Soutn. i-.f 10 Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat., June 30, '58 (Sec. I1W 800 Real EMatc 806 Houses Far Sala OFFER WANTED!!! Cloe to new Hi. Be hool. large 4 - bedroom '"home witn view - basement with party room hot water heat sprinkling system well landacaped apacious lot wail to wail carpeted. If you're look ing for a comfortable family home and need Immediate possession, call '0' LEI OHMAIT Ralph MiUv Urn snow thru. 1710 northottage English style home, newly listed, sll rooms ere large. On bed room down and 1 up, plumglnf on both floors, full base ment with new Lennox oil furnace. Listed at $12,900. Ask for Adrienne Sercombe. BROOKING PROPERTY TRADE Located In the booming Brookings area exceptional 1 unit court with foundation poured lor additional unite. This counts only veers old and shows an excellent return, each unit rente for $87 00 full price $14 000 00 Will consider your property la Salem area in trsde. See Don Doughton. OIH BEST BUY This home on Market Street has room, basement witn auto oil furnace, lawn and sArube. A well built, good looking home at a price you CAN'T afford it) pasa us. $13 800 00 with good terms available. Louie Lorent will show you nj time. If Youri Home Is For Sale or Trade, CU Us OHMART & CALABA! REALTORS 477 Court St. Eve.. Ralph Maddv 2348$ Don Douhton'4-1414 E FOUNTAIN LUNCH Down town location Compact and well equipped Ideal operation fr.r couple. Price $7,800. CALL H. K. LAYMON CANDALARIA Large corner lot well landscaped. Ranch type 3 bdrm. home, 2 lge. bdrma. on main floor, one In davltght basmt. Playroom. 1 full baths, hath on main floor haa sepa rate tile shower. REASONAB LY PRICED AT $19 900 CALL MRS. RICHARDSON NORTH SALEM 3 bdrms.. dble. plumbing, family room, 2 fire places, dble. garage. Large lot close to school. -CALL RALPH BRUCB GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 180 SOUTH LIBERTY ST. PH. MCI Evenings It Sundays rail Salesmen E Law 3-5113 Ralph Bruce 1-4981 Ron Hudklns Vltll Walt So olnfsky 3-8833 Mrs. Richardson 4-8988 H. K. Leymon 2-tlM THIS WEEK'S 4 BLOCKS TO CHURCH 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, full base ment, sawdust heat. $8,730. n 10 BLOCKS TO CHURCH $800 down, 4 bedrooms, S down. 2 up, llv, rm., am. rm. Knotty pine kitchen with estlng area $4,300. 15 BLOCKS TO CHURCH " 4 bedrooms, very nice but not new. . Full dry basement, oil; forced eir heel. Beautiful double lot. $10,950. MIKE D0NAH0E 4-9704 L. L KLUMPP, REALTOR SOU PORTLAND ROAD $5350-4500 DOWN Basement, I bedroom, extra room In basement. Inside rite oa . small corner lot Can be bought furnished for $3730. Balance) $55 per mo. Cell Johnson. Eve. ph. 1-383$, S ACRES PRATUM DIST. A very good piece of land. All eluding 4-bedroom nouse. Large iruit room, double garage, barn, chicken houae. Nice family orchard. Deep well. Water enough to Irrigate place. Asking $11440. Call Hick. Iva. aft, 1-840$. MAKE OFFER F.H A. appraised Neat 1-bed room, wood floors. r.A lumare, aiiecneo garage. Large corner lot. Owner out nf town. Immediate possession. Total price $8980, Call Lucas. Ive ph. 1-9388. REIMANN REAL ESTATE 201 South High St. Ph. 1-9201 PARADISE IN TWO At last here is an opportunity to obtain a beauty of a 1 bed room ranchette with the high quality of a home twice the price. You will find every thing, even to the kitchen fan and colored plumbing. Out aide patio, wall ta wall car peting Included If you wish. Priced for immediate sale, 810,850. GREENWOOD DRIVE Magnificent 3 bedroom home. 2 car garage tile bath plua extra 'i bath. Dining room opens to patio, the letest in Kltcnen ana nook No decorating required in this t yesr old home where even the Isndscaplng is in spotless condition Only for the descriminate buyer. ACRE NORTH 86.9.50 II fx) down. 155 00 per month, 2 bedrooms with pos-' sible 3rd. Small chicken house, family fruit trees. paved street Out of town owner sas (.el on he hall and sell jt " Hurry. ALDEN ROWES & CO. Ph 4-3.13.1 or 3-0421 "special Best Buv of 58 New 3 large odrms . din rm.. liv. rm . kit . nook, i haths, F A. heat, over sized dhle garaae 1376 sq ft plus gatage Box 123 lot. Best of material It work. A home vou'd be proud to own Just 812. 8O0 Shown by appmnl ment onlv. (all MrFarlane eve 4-8818 SEE THIS Mode, n ? bdtir rut me i lose if. Full div bvm t Sawdust heat. excellent m -ellied couple Pt 'i f juM $7 :.M Call Mi ev en eve 1 AQWY.'A HDRM. i m, e hi-me 2 large lahinit ,i,i Niie lawn with guoU we.i 1 bloi k front Svv cglr hi' , -, , , , I a guild Inn. Tit see vail Cai i'entei eve 3-8848' K. Klumpp REALTOR 3035 Portland Rd -SH'l5 Ph : 4 COHNERS t d ! h'''' fr's'Ti I inroln PrK Adrt I 12 n ft All MMni, pti-iu The living i..o;i rfTifi tlinir.f a:ea n 11 v , f The K"i',rn area i ft-.-- a p-P ihr Mt-Calii rteiign .1 larre hdrrwi"! 15 ( X 21-f tH..r Hfiip'nabte brio's r in'ni'-'if'i. -sind n-4'inn fnr 2 Mi Ver H'.nd Iff-n P' driv "f v e f S JA( OBSKN.. RMI.TOR 800 Real Estate 806 latitat Far Sal ft 1 J now end let RUD1 CAUaBA 3 bedrooms, separate dining Phone 2411$ . 2411$ 24111 Adrienne Sercombe 49082 Lous Lorent 3-3390 ON RlVTR-$l,30 down - BaL monthly at S'i Immed. pos session, t large bdrma., basmt, with oil heat Has workshop and email greenhouse. Variety shrubbery, fruit end nuts, $10,300. CALL WALT SOCOLOFSKY CLOSE-IN SOUTH Walk to work. 1 bdrms., lge llv. rat din. rm., kitchen, nook. Auto. heat, full basmt Excellent eon ditlon. $13,500, CALL 1. E, LAW BEATS HINTING 1290 down $4$ per mo. wll make this Ut ile home Fours, $0 x 88 lest with tree, peved street near store, bus and school. $4, $00, -CALL RON HUDKLNI SPECIALS t BLOCKS TO CHURCH Lot SOxlM, t walnut and 1 apple tree. $1.30$. IS BLOCKS" TO CHURCH Closest all new district, ou pick . the floor plan, wo will bulls - the house on any one of it lots, still eveilable in gratia of JO. Lota Kxl7 ta IUl4 S BLOCKS TO CHURCH Lovely I bedroom homt. LergO living room -with fireplace dining room. $11,710. MARY PARKISOM 18851 PR. 1-H4I buildings are In food condition. In living room, eating apace, hard C. D. McCARGAR, RLTR. RIVER VIEW LOT I A. wood ed lot off I. River Rd. Sweet water spring. Ideal bldg. sit. 11.230. (300 down. Call ray Seal, eve. 4-5)04. WEST SALEM BARGAIN K super buy. t bdrm. home witn specious LR., fireplace, lge). kitchen, att. garage. Located on Kingwood Hts. All this on lge. lot wtth beautiful shade trees. Only 11(1.000 with terms. Call Lloyd Rice, eve. 488t. 70J No. High St Phone 4-4441 BUY my equity In Manbrln Gsrdens home, 3 bdrms., or I bdrms. and den. F. A. heat, frpl. end patio. 11.150 dn . III -880, 83$ Manbrln Dr. Ph. 4-14IJ BEAMED CEILINGS RADIO INTERCOM This Is the HOTTEST buy In Sa lemt It puts magazine color pieturea to shame Yes, solid REAMED ceilings, masatva brick wall with raised heartlta fireplace and inalde planter. Double plumbing Ceramic tile hath L. kitchen. Built-in range, oven, dishwaaher As ladio intercom system 3 gl gsntic bdrms Buvers era grabbing this home before wa can get the foundation! poured. 'Will build on lot of your chine for 112.350 plua lot TERMS you never dream ed possible Call IRA MANS. FIF.LD, office 4-:U4. home 3-9721 If no answer. 3-9954 BwsaessaHgjssssssaHsasssaF 1890 Fairgrounds Rd. DENTON & DENTON KKALTORS J-U 5! ate S Ph 2-.WJ Mrfvi ftv i ri ::e of tnii 1 v r 4i.il. .( bfdioom h.on. wit:, riet' att gat ia:xe lot s'rrrt' being paved Kxcel lt" d'lt.n 1 jrni'ure available, I'litr H 00c tool count! y ft v a r Lg under lfau tiful side t't-ei A r old, 1 burn. '.,,, i't I". ''4'd nr, 2 A, Not Ui from city limits Own e- emxinus to sell Prii' 111. MHi Kvrs till VnorhMi 2-4H)T pen'on 2-0IW SUMMER III " J f ti,-' : n 1- 3 bd: ItU if.-e ;,i--hat:i, frpU nn -!el --e.-irfh d'mnf rm4 p, r- .a.i in k ,tcnen, birch c.ibiMf t f " umntera, i e 1 p'' 1 -Ms of stor rfe rv e $12 T-rf- for git of . , - or t,o Sre at 734 1 i v A.e in Ki-ser 3 BORM ntdt-r tvp houatp. nW furn Btl Pmt S0 vr mo. HM Far, a-6040. -V