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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1956)
1 1 12-(Sec. II) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Sat, June 30, '56 Negro Boycott to Halt Buses in Tallahassee TALLAHASSEE. FLi, lit - T.I Urusseti city but system p- peared set to (hut down Saturday ifht due too flindl pinch Snow Ordeal Costs Airman All His Toes ELLENSBURG ( - Air Force SgU Joha Horan, who parachuted from a disabled plan west of Easton last December and sur vived lour-day ordeal in Cas cade mountain snow, will lose all t toes m both feet as a result of frostbite and faces several ad ditional months of hospitalization. Mrs. R. E. Thompson of Thorp, who collected newspaper stories m the Horan saga and sent them te his mother, Mrs. James McGee of Maynard. Mass., wu notified of his condition by Mrs. McGee. Mrs. McGee wrote that physi cians at Murphy General Hospital in Waltham, Mass., have amputat ed eight of his toes and plan to amputate the other two soon. -"Then there will be a bone oper ation and last a pair of special shoes will be provided to give him a well-balanced step," she added. She said Horan expects to be dis charged from the hospital in Sep tember or October. . "He's never forgotten the good people hi Washington and men tions them often," Mrs. McGee said, adding that his Japanese born wife and her children are living near the hospital. Horan had hitchhiked a ride on an Air Force plane en route to Seattle to meet his family on their arrival from Japan. When the plane ran Into difficulties over northern Kiltitas County, h para chuted. He walked through snow drifts as deep as seven feet to reach a tabin at Lake Kachess. stayed there two days and night and finally walked the remaining 4i miles to Rustic Inn on the Snoqualraie Pass highway on "sMwshoet" Improvised from re frigerator shelves. brought on by a boycott of Negro riders. , , , Officials of Cities Transit, Inc.. announced they would be forced to suspend indefinitely because of losses in operations since the boy cott was started a month ago. If the bus company shuts down, Florida's capital city will be with out any form of public transporta tion except taxicabs. C. L. Carter, bus company man ager, said an estimated 1,900 fares who have been using the buses during the boycott period will have to find other ways of getting around. Carter said the company's busi ness had dropped 60 per cent since the boycott started. Leaders of the Negro inter civic council told a mass meeting -of about 300 Negroes this week that other forms of transportation would be provided. Advertising 300 Personal 312 Lost - Foune- i ltUND: 1 truck tin It whl Ph. 4-S3.tfy, Law Change Sought for Disabled Vets Warrants for Arrest of 3 in Holdup Issued Warrants for the arrest of three California men wanted here in connection with a service station holdup June 20 were issued Friday in district court by Judge E. 0. Stadter Jr. The warrants charged, assault and robbery being armed With a dangerous weapon. Bail was set at $1,500 on each man. Wanted here are William B. Ro bertson Jr., 22; Gerald L. Pflie ger, II, and Donald James Robert son, It. All are of Duarte, Calif. New Belag Held The three men are currently be ing held by the Clark County. Wash, sheriff's office in Vancou ver on charges Involving car theft and armed robbery. Thursday two of the men, Wil liam B. Robertson Jr. and Pflie- ger, signed statements admitting participation in the armed rob bery of a Richfield service station, JI25 Portland Rd., June 30. The statements were obtained after Salem Police Capt. Glenn A. Bowman spotted the men on a KOIN-TV news program Tuesday, evening following their arrest in Clark County. No Trace f Gu Police Friday found no trace of a nickel-plated 22-caliber revolver which the men said they threw in to shrubbery on North Winter Street south of Belmont. Chief of Police Clyde A. Warren has requested that any person finding the weapon turn it over to police immediately. The gun might be loaded. Warren cautioned. Stalesmaa-JeeniaJ Newspapers ZM N. Ckurck St. PHONE 4-6811 LOCAL RATES (Mia.-a Ut) Wkfai Saa pr Him 1 tim. IS per Una J times, SO ' SS ptr lln tiira. il SO $1 SO Mr lin 1 mo. .. Si 00 Unci. Sue. I Classified ids wlU be run in txth paper to fir tdvertiserl th Uvuum or in iremea combiived circulation Wbin aa M a ordered three or six timet tnd Sunday luut u Includad I (or eitmpie Friday. Saturday. Sunday) tho lower Sunday rtet apply bectut only The Stattsmtn publish Sun day!. CUsslfled ada will start in tha mornmi Oraion Statesman, con clude la Uie evening Capital Journal but ada will bo ac cepted for Sunday Sateiman only. The deadline lor claaalfled adi it 1.00 n m. the day before duo- Itration except (or Sunday when deadline la S 30 P m. Friday Emergency ada and email line edi received after 100 pa weekdays and until 11 noon Satudray lor Sunday may be placed in the "Too Lata to Cut ally" column. Ada lor Monday paper mutt oo In by S p.m. Saturday. The Statesman-Journal News paper reserve the right to re ject questionable advertising; n further reserve tha right to place all advertlalng under tha proper claaaiticatloa. Tha Statesman-Journal .News paper aeeume no financial re sponsibility lor errors which may appear In advertisement! published in Its columna and In caara where Milt paper la at fault will reprint that part of an advertisement in which the typographical mistake occur! A Blind AO an aa contain ing a btatesmtn-Journai News papers box number lor an ad dress la lor tha protection of the advertiser! ana must mere lore be answered by letter. The Statesman - Journal Newspapers not at liberty to divulge In formation as to the Identity of an advertiser using a "Bund" ad. THIS NEWSPAPER STRIVES to protect ita readers againat fraud deception, or injur. Readers are cautioned to make NO PAYMENTS to gel a pe tition advertised in tha help wanted columna. All nelp wanted adt MUST SPECIFY THE NATURE OF THE WOhk. Sale nelp wanted adt mutt state if tha pay la In the form of sslary. commission, guarantee, or Include firm Been. Bona fid offer of em ployment with pay belong t tha "Vela Wanted column. AO ta etner column which re quire Investment In stock, samples, equipment or cash bond mould be thoroughly to eetrtigaed before paying out any money Advertisers re quiring s cash inveatsnent for samples or merchandise, tales aids. etc.. mutt to tpecify in their ads Kindly report any exception to Oils rule to the ciaaainea aa vertiting manager. : UnSERITJtfl UK Tha Veterans ef Foreign Wars called here Fri day for the Oregon Legislature to mend law allowing special rates en angling and hunting 11- censes tor disabled veterans. In convention resolution, the VFW said si 'Inequitable situs Inm" exists beesuse the state re quires that disabilities be certified I by, the Veterans Administration. But, the resolution stated, many veterans in Oregon have been re tired for disability by the armed forces and receive retirement pay directly from the armed forces. , Veterans receiving retirement pay from the armed forces rather thai Veterans Administration compensation are denied the spe cial rate because ef the wording of the law. The law grants the special rates 50 cents per license when dis ability of is per cent or more is certified by the Veterans Admin istration. Delegate alan annrnverl a resiw hitioo cutting the number of Ore- the man ing hown goo department districts from 22!' nl," room ,ne wom,n -na ,ne , boy left. The man remained the About 500 persons had rgis-j reat niht nd then checked tered Friday for the conventions i ou1t; of the VFW and its auxiliary. New!, "",r" '0MJ city ponce oi officers for both organizations wlir,h ,lnc,d?,tf!M;. "calling news be elected Saturday. i,torles whlch indicated that the irunaputru uuy miiu dc in uregon. Although police are doubtful that the descriptions of the persons seen here will fit those involved in the kidnaping, the tip will be thor oughly investigated, they indicated. Police Check Possible Lead In Kidnaping A possible lead in the kidnap ing of three-year-old Stephen Dam- man in New York last October was being investigated by Salem police Friday. Police said a man, woman and small boy registered at a Salem hotel shortly after midnight Thurs day. The man registered for a room for the woman and bov and another for himself, police said. t MONTHS old female Toy Pt kinase dog lost et comer nl veraa Lane ar inemawa na Phone S-1724. Reward. LOST: Cray Jersey heifer. J vra. old. Tsttoned In both esrt. JOS!. She la due to calf June 28. I J it aeen at Tudding P. I at Hubbard. Reward. -Wood-burn J-4310. 316 Personal MENTAL erlenre clses st 570 Kingwood Ave. Closed July A August. Freda Farmer. ALCOHOLICS Anonymous group No- I. WSS N Coml S-45S1 ALCOHOLICS Aaonymoua. tat S Commercial 1-1100 OPAL KING, well known Psy chic Reader, 570 Union St 400 Agriculture 401 rata 1 MO. Old Reg. German short haired Pointer for sale or trade. 1810 a Capitol. Ph 4-0818 MOORE PETS Cocker piipplet, kittens. evet. tout state. Open EXTRA NICE CHIHUAHUA Puppies, 4 Mo. 2-3473 FOR SALE. Tiny, part Chihua hua puppies, perfect noun pets. Now . Ph. 4-1307, - FREE, very cute kittens aVmoth- er cata. Ph. l-aww. BIRD Paradise for rarrea, cages supplies llto Livingston nm FREE KITTENS 41S0 Hertel Drive. Ph. 1-0103. YOUNG psrskeels. caaea feedt Mickey's, sua S Com I-S7SS 400 Agriculture 402 Livestock for Sole S YR. old gelding Quarter horse a. so new aaddle. Ph. 4 -BSD I GOOD kids' Shetland ponv. also have saddle Phone .1-SSS3. CHESTER White weanerplgrs or less V. S. Sawyer Ph. Tur. per 127. 1 mile N. ol Turner on highway. FOR SALE or trade some good colored saddle horses It kid ponies. Good 1.300 lb. black mare, broke single In work, ride and pack. 33' Silverton Rd. PURE BRED Springer Spaniel J pupa. 3490 Sunny view Avt.ic Ph. 4-1030. rOR SAkt-Puppiea. aU kinds Coma see afternoons at JI1SS Livingston or call J-7SM Will bur puppiea any kind 10 MOo!d male Boker. S3 Ph. 4-4808 . Reg German Shepard pups. Rm-Tln-Tin blood line. Also stud service Ph4-828 FOR SALE: Pupplea Cheap Ph 4-2178 PROFESSIONAL kortethoer La 4 Hanaon, 4V0714 Of 4-SQSS. FOR SALE or trade. genUe ponies for children, also good saddle horses Bon Franks, 305 N. Water St. Silverton. Ph J-8134. Salem Meat Co. locker beet Custom killing, cutting as wrap ping, trailer loaned tree 403 Livestock Wanted 1947 BUICK Spec Sdn In goon rond . 17. 000 actual mi., trade lor any kind livestock, cattle preferred. Ph. 4-SS33. UVESTOCK buyer Claude to ward a. Hi a, vox sa- e-iiu CATTLE, horses, at your farm E. C alccandiiin. Ml 2. s-tisa CATTLE buyer. A. t Sommer. 1200 Harmony ur. pn. 4-iwii CATTLE buyers 42S7 SUte. t Lao. Snethen. 2-1345. S-43SP. 404 Poultry end Robbirs rOR SALE large red fryert II 25 ea. Ph. 1-8111. YOUNG, heavy, locker hens It layere. 4-0S9: ttXNS for locker or laying, 10c 10. 2-OOJU. BABY Chicks hatched yr. round. Valley Farm Store. 4-4S14. TURKEYS, oven ready, fill your locker now. 33c lb Sr up. Closed Sat pm. at Sunday. Kuykendall Eggs At Poultry, 13SS Lancaster Dr. Ph. 4-31 IS. CUSTOM! DRESSING Of poultry We buy rahblts Wing t 3983 State. Ph. 4-.1SH 408 Pets Qatsified Index Tor Tour Convenience- CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received hv the Board of Education of School District No. 24CJ, Marlon County, Oregon, up New Mexico Fires Quelled ALBUQUERQUE. N M. on - Crews reported virtually all the ' 00 o'clock pm. on Thursday. 1M forest fires in New Mexico July l1', '?'.!or '""""h1" ""' ..4 i ...A.. I0i'nt light fixtures- the furnishing uuvn;i vviii, ui rii-in installation o( approx. 40.000 sq "J. And as their messages were beamed te the communications center here, the weather bureau offered hope that an end is near te the fretful, dry weather situa tion that has spreckled the two states with lightning-caused fires during tha last three weeks. Former Salem Woman Writes Children's Book ft. of tsphalt tile, approx. S..100 tq ft. acoustical tile, and approx. 3.300 so yds asphalt surfacing Specification blanks and bid forms may be obtained from and bids shall be filed with the District Clerk at 13T Ferry Street. Salem Oregon. The Board reserves the ntht to re iert any or all bids and to waive In formalities In bids. Dated at Salem. Oreenn. this lath dsy of June. IBS". CONNELL C. WARD, District Clerk June 30 LucHe Saunders McDonald, for mer Salem newspaper woman, is co-author of "Pigtail Pioneer." a new children's book published by the John C. Winston company, Philadelphia. The book describes the life of Lotty West, member ef a family which came to Oregon by covered wagon in the isso's and settled near Portland. Co-author Is Zola Rom. Lucile Saunders csme to Salem following graduation from the Uni arsltf of Oregon. She is current. if feature writer with the Seat-4 tie Times. Miss Eugene to Vie at Seaside urvwr tm Pafttv fUr aVVVaeltU " Ss M-year-old blonde,- will represent Eugene we hiss vrrgou w 14 at Caaelrla. She was named Miss Eugene - f - at Juiuor vnamDcr n t.otn- tVMrce bsmqiMt Thursday nigra. . Tnere weri six tmuams. NOTirS OF FINAL ACCOI'MT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned as Executrix under the Last Will and Testament of T. B W(OD. deceased, has filed her Final Account in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Marion County. no that Monday. July 30. 19M. at the hour of Ten o'clock A M in the court room of said court, in the coun ty courthouse, in Salem. Oregon, has been appointed by the court as the time and place for hearing of ob jections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published: June Ml 15. Dale of lst publication Julv 21, 19M IRENE ROEMHII.DT Executrix under Will of E B. WOOD. Deceased W C. W1NSLOW Attorney for Executrix Masonic Building Salem, Oregon June SO; July 7. 14. II US Meeting Notice 111 Lost and Found 114 Transports two III Personal IIS Stamp and Cotna 400 AGRICULTURE 401 Livestock for Sals 401 Livestock Wanted 4U4 Poultry and Rabbits 407 Fur Bearing Anusuia 40 Pete 40S Sea roods IIS Seeda and Plant 411 Fruit and Farm Product 411 Fertillrer 114 Farm Equipment US Auction Sales 450 MERCHANDISE 4S1 Machinery and Tool 431 Wanted Machinery Tool 454 Sewing Machines 43S House Goods tor Sala 455 Wanted House Goods 457 Radio and Television 45S building Materials 45S Do It Yourself ISO Musical Instruments 4U Sports Equipment 4S4 Bicycles 4S Trade Mitcellsneous 4fi8 For Rent Miscellaneous 470 For Sala. Miscellaneous 471 Wanted. Miscellaneous 174 Miscellaneous ITS Fuel 500 BUSINESS AND FIN AN CI 510 Money to Loan 511 Loana Wanted 51S Investments too EMPLOYMENT OS Help Wanted SOS Help Wan'rd. Man SOS Help Wanted Lady SOS Pickers Wanted 110 Sales Help 11 Work Wanted. Man S14 Work Wanted. Lady ia Miuations wanted 617 Job Information SIS Education . 20 Day or Contract 700 RENTALS 70S Sleeping Room Board 703 Wanted Rooms. Board 70S Apartmenta for Rent 70S Duplexrs 707 House for Rent 707-A Furnished 70S Farrr.a for Rent 70S Wanted to Rent 710 Wanted to Rent House 711 Wanted to Rent Acta. 714 Business Rentals 715 Resort Rentals 718 Convalescent Home "SO Hovtng andStorsg 800 HEAL ESTATE Sol Bualnesa Opportunities SOI Business Property SOS Suburban S5 Houaet for Sale Sfl7 Apta. Courta for Sal tns Lott for Stle 110 Firms for Sal Sll Fxchtnge Reel Etat SIS Retort Property SIS Wsnted Real Estate Hi Inaurance S.V) AUTOMOTIVE S51 New Cars s.12 Used Cars for Sale S.V) Auto Parte and Repair S54 Truiks, Trailers for Sal !, Wanted Cart. Truck! sns Motorcycles SAO Auto Miscelltneoua MS House Trailer S4 Heavy Equipment 8R0 Aircraft IS Pl'PPIES: Pekingese, wire Fox-terriers, rockers ch bloodlines, low price Douclas Kennel. Scotts Mills, take Hwy 113. turn E. 3 mi. N. of Silverton. 310 Seeds end Plants BEGONIAS 5 FOR II FUCHSIAS, 45c: smaller, 4 for SI. Cukes. Speart A musk melont 3 for 33c Salvia pe tunias Si hanging baskets U,wery's Greenhouse. 23S3 Chemawa Rd BEGONIAsTcio'xiTiiat. Fuchsias Copley Gardena. l5 Chemawa 412 Fruit 1 Form Produce REG AKC Dachthund pupa. S wkt. Rett, often accepted. Ph. 1-8514. PUPPIES 1-701. to give aw-ay. Ph. DACHSHUND PUPPIES, minia ture, Ion haired, black Si red. Beg. Ph. 47304. SELL or trad 1 young female Weimaraner, ran be reg. Pn l-SSOl. RARE Parakeet breeders. Cheap Mutt be told by July 1910 W. Queen Ave, Albany. Pn Wabash S-1S2S MINIATURE Poodle puppies, AKC reg., excel, blood lines. Ph. Mayfair 3-3578. Dallas Too Iate to Classify NOT1CI TO CREDITORS SSmSIm 4. I . .... nvivu iin uiai uie un dertlgned hat been appointed admin istrator ol the aetata of Carl Smol- "7. nnsuts. ah pertnnt naving claims against the estate of tald de saed are noUfled to present the same ts me at 14 Harrison Street woodhurn. Oregon, within six months tfter tha date of the first publication of thia notice Dated and first published June JO. 1S5S. Magdalene Rmolnlsky. . , "."n iiiiiu mi nuns, nyie at unmnni nm nttmnai Bank Kt. Albany, Oregon Attornevt for Admlnlttrtlnr Publith June so, July T, 14. 11 TO PLACE CLASSIFIED ADS CALL 4 6811 MIDDLE-AGE womsn to do housework, 1 in family, all mod conveniences, live in. Ph 4-6S5S 37 PLYMOUTH At 1 wheel traif er S0. Ph. 4-151! $500 buys our equity 2 bedrooms. tile bath, large garage. An tenna inc. Phone 3-S21I. 12 CU FT comb, relrig. & deep freeze. Sub Zero Would taK- im refng In deal Horsepouer Johnson outboard motor boat Both A-l shape Ph 2-Mn FREE Kittens Ph. 3-8781 . I 4 ft7 Meat' case r S125; T Walk In unit complete, S125; 1 Tol edo Computing acale, $75.00, 1 R C Alien cash register $100 ; 1 Froren food cabinet. $.100 00: 1 Meat block. $15ftn; 1 Electric dock. $10 00. ISIS N. Com l. Ph. 2-0119 SELl7-l gentle brood sows to farrow next week Ph 2-2949 SELL or trade for car; equity in 2 hdrm. home. 2430 N Church. Ph4-:i(io LOST White plastic purse, at junction of Skyline A Vllae Springs Rd. Desperately need rontent. Ph. 2-3723 GARAGE house, lot Si trailer house for tale. Call 148 Greg ory Ijine. FOUND fluid wedding hand. Initials R fi P Claim hy pay- i ing for this ad FOR RENT, partlv furn. I hdrm. j hsc 12:90 Lamatrr Dr Ph. j 2-4M2 .1 BDRM. home. barn. dhle. ar . chicken he. I A x needs some repair $2 95n Inquire I'i47 Yew SI after p m. 1 PAC IFIC BOILER l1. Million R IT ( used 3 school terms. In perfect shape $O0 Alo 4O0 gal hoi water tank Houston pnrter. Rl 1 Box .140 Neha leni. Ore. Ph F.mmerson R-2:n ATTRAC 4 rm apt with pvt bath. TV antcr-ia. laundry pn f lose in 461 N Front WANTED FOR CASH Have pally who wants a well built 2 bedroom home nut over 15 rara old. One bedroom and living rm. must he laiite. Kit chen and dinette and lot can be on the -small order Want oil heat Will pay Imm $12 000 to $14,000, hut mint be fair value. If you have such a home for sale that you wish mv help In tell, please call me. Olaf Thonstad. Realtor 41 N fapitol St Ph l-IUnl C-PICK Vonlmorencv pie cher ries, S'hwalk, 105 W (hems wa. iKeireri U PICK STRAWBERRIES OPEN TODAY 6 A. M. Till Dark 18 A. Irrigated River Bottom Northwest Strawberries. lOc per lb. BRING YOUR OWN CONTAINERS FIELD LOCATED AT WEATHERS DUST PLANT GO TO KEIZER, TURN WEST AND FOLLOW WINDSOR ISLAND RD. J MI FIELD ON RIGHT, JUST BEYOND THE HOP YARD - R, I. FARMS - BUYING CHERRIES Could use a small 01 chard or a few odd trees if loaded. I huv on the tree but don t gather on shares. Ph 4-8752 U-PICK Montmorency cherries On Talbot Rd. Pi ml. W. of Jefferson High School. FO Ft SALE: Royal Anns. Rings Sr Lambert cherries Sc lb U-pick. 3880 Center St. C-PICK nice npe N.'w. ttrtw berriet. 10c. Leonard Hayes, 590 QuinabT rd. Ph. 2-1380 l'-PTQK STRAWBERRIES Northwests. 50c a carrier, open Set a Sun. t-5. Ph. 2-2S2S. Al bert Ceng 3 mi E of Lan caster on Sunnyview. UNPICK-MarihallsTsc lb. 4 ml from Scoltva Auction house. Out Center to curve, turn right. L. A. Tunnell, Ph. 4-M2S UNPICK Northwest atrawberries. lhc lb 2 ml. out on Glen Creek Rd. T. J Snipley. Rt 1, Box 44 U-PICK Northwest strawberries. 10c lb R E. Fiedler. 4447 Sat ter Dr. Ph. 4-3540 Save time - Save money For the Best Professional Services AM R C3 Make Life Easier - Read I Use Want-Ads Daily! ADDING MACRINIS Buy aa you rent. All makes Roen-Type writers, tsa toun Ph. 3S773. APPLIANtKS WESTINGHOUS1 Woodry Furniture Co 474 So Cotp'l Ph 4-1111 dKDDINO APITOL Beddln! Mattreaa re novator New mattretset 1-40W BRICK BLOCK MASON BRICK tnd block Work guar anteed. Ph 4-4438. CARPENTER CONTRACTOR NEW buildlng or remodeling, est. free, 4-4340, after 8 30 please CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Framing, remodeling, founda tions retaining walla, cement or pumice block. Free esti mates. 34 mo to pay 1-S2S0 CRANS WORK IS-ton Lorain mote crane Sa lem Sand at Oravel Co 1-141 EXCAVATING VINClJSt C. NEAL- Excavating Co. Excavating - Grading Ph. MSSS TO PLACE AD PHONE 4-6811 FLOOR COVERINGS NORRIS' WALKER Pslnt Co Floor-covering. Division dual ity installation Linoleum As phtlt St Rubber Tile. Well tilt Free Ettlmttet 4-227$ GRADING J DOZING BULLDOZING k back fill, 85 50 per nour. rn. i-vjjj. DOZING Ph 1-0S51 LEVELING D PANTOV1CH BULLDOZING, clear'ng roads, ponds D-4, D-4 carryall. V Huskey Ph 1-3148. BULLDOZING, grading It Land clearing Elmo W. Locker owner It operator. Ph. 1-8741, P APE BIN Q eTPAINTINO EXPERT broth or tprty paint ing. Hi or contract Ph. 4-3W0 Painting tnd paper-hanging Free esttmates Ph S-SS1S PAINTING Bruah or spray Exterior or tn terlor Free estimate. 1-SS0S. PAPERING A PAINTING PAINTING It 25 Yrs. in DECORATING Salrm-3-7552 PAINTING- Interior at exUrior. free Est 4-0084, 4-ZS2S ROOFING SALEM BARTILE ROOFING Moat mod life ttma roof, color choice. Free ett. 1-7500 evet for romp information. ROTO-VATING CUSTOM R o t o v a 1 1 n g. Ford equipment. Fields, lawns, or chards S gardens. Ph. 1-SSS8 & 3-477S. SAND it GRAVEL WALLING SAND AND GRAVEL 1S3S MrGllchrtit Crushed quarry rockt tnd jrrtv- el. All tizet for roaat. anve wavt and parkin Iota READY MIXED CONCRETE Carden Sand, bull-dozing, ahoy. el and dragline worn, a-mtw sXlemsandi GRAVEL CO. ReadySfTix concrete, rruthed and round grsvel. tsnd and top soil. 1405 N. Front St 1-2441. VALLEY SAND St GRAVEL CO Crushed at round gravel -Band at con mix. 1-4001 SIPTIC SERVICE MIKE'S Septic service Tank cleaned D rooler clesns sewers drain Phone S-S4SS HOWARD'S Roto-Rooter, ewer. septic tanks cleaned. 3-5327 Earners eeptic Unk cleaned. ' Hne tervice Guaranteed work Phone S-7404 or 1-0774. UPHOLSTERING UPHOLSTERING Professional; guar. work, tree esL, pickup, deliver. Ph. 1-410 TO PLACE AD IN THIS GUIDE PH. 4-MU1 4,0 Merchandise 430 Merchandise 45$ Houst Goods for Sal 453 Hous Goods for SsU ALL Furniture has born moved to the mnjn floor Shopping is much easier, bedroom, living room, dinette sets, hsve been repriced to close out TODAY! ! All springs snd mattresses must go too! M.K1 Closing Out Sale I42S EDGEWATKR 400 Agriculture 112 Fruit Form Product U-PICK Northwest ttriwbernee. 10c lb. Now on lilt picking R P. Barnwell. 4S30 N. River Rd . Keirer. Ph. 4-4.104. UPlCK Strawberrles. Marshalls. Northwests. 13S0 Harmony Dr , Keizer dist. CHOICE Willamette raspberries Orders taken now. Ph. 4-SJ40 413 Fertiliser PIE CHERRIES PH. 4-5648 BALED CLOVER HAY Ph. 2-8119 U-PICK Willamette raspberries $1 per flat, bring containers. J G. Farley, 3745 Brooks Ave Ph. e-.Tta. CHICKEN manure, truck loads. $10. delivered. 4-20IN PSTKMoss fronTchirk travs, 75c aack. Valley Farm store. 414 Form Equipmenr GARDEN tractor with cultivator disc blade It 12 in. plow, nee at 4M E Ewld Ave . Salem Ph. 3-4048. AH. Stevens. FOfTsALE- Mdl. B. Allia Chalmer e Tractor St Cultiva tor wfertillzer attach T. D Howe. Rt. 2. Box 251. Silver- ton " 425 Auction Sales OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TONTTE 4840 CENTER STREE' SALEM 450 Merchandise -f 454 Sewing Machines U-PICK NORTHWEST STRAWBERRIES 10c I.B BRING CONTAINERS STANLEY SNEED. RT. 1 BOX 73, BROOKS LOCATED 1 MI NORTH OF BROOKS HIWAY m. PH 1-3148 L'-PICK Northwest Strawher rtes 10c lb. l.auderback A A rell, Lardon Rd. Ph 4-1153 RASPBERRIES. Mrs. Branther 2835 Chemawa Rd . U-PICK N W strawberries. 10c lb. Albert Tatz. 4795 Swegle Rd. STATE Inspected milk 5c. Ph 4-1111. l'a m. t. 4 t-ory on sjaie FaT EURlzirTwhole milk. 7$c f;aL Homoeenlied, 7Sc, 's gl on 40c. ClejinDry.J-30,19 WILI, TAKE orders for Rasp berries. Call 3-S58eves U-PICK Northwest strawberries Clean patch, 10c if). 4825 Swe- gle un L' PICK.ISr N W excellent picking, I im j till 'I pm W H I A P I Williamson, Rt. 1. Box 444. Th. 4-4074 GOOD I'plck slfawbernes 1 mi. out Orchard Hghta. Rd Joe Lin as U-PICK cherries Sc lb. 5785 Mc Cloud I.ane. F-istof Kel7r FOR SALE: Grass and Suh-t lo SEWING MACHINE LATE MODELSinger desk mod el, forward A Reverse ttitch tnd wan other' deluxe fea tures. Regular $219. now $89 50 Easv leTms Liberal trdde-in allo'waiice. Ph. 4-7102 ( Dealer i BE BUY G00I5 USED FURNITURE $300 dn. will buy s complete household of furniture in eluding appliances. 2 PIECE' sectional davenn red frieze covtr $IN .Ml SEE our selection of guaran teed ranges & refriger ators $.1! SO up SEE our large selection of mattresses 4 springs, DAVENPORT & club chair sets $15 up. WANTED . GOOD USED ' FURNITURE & APPLIANCES hlh S. COM'L PH. 4-3319 450 Merchandise 430 Merchandiie 4St luildino Materials 500,000 FEET New. freth-mllled eld It steond Irowth lumber. 1x4 to SxlS In lo 14-foot length. Delivered price Salem. 130 per thou minimum Ted Muller S-11SS Overhead steal garage dose with Hardware. $39 t Uv ttalled $488 Calvanlisd eve trough. U'.it per n. EPPING LUMBER CO. PH. 4-6123 3740 SILVERTON RD. BARGAIN 75-11X1 Sq. used roof tile. Ph. 4-2625 or 2210 Chcmeketa 460 Musical Instruments 120 Bass Accordion for tale, cheap. Ph. 4-5659. 462 Sports Equipment F1 IT'S ERT1ME F 4S0 Merchandl. 470 Far Sala; Misc. GUARANTEED Reconditioned tutomtti wash ers, dryers, rang at rtfrlgs, SIS IS It up. YEAJER APPUANCE CO. 375 Chcmckctt St USED OFFICE CHAIR PH. 4-T2M AGATE cuter and polisher wit! motor. Boyt blk. 4-7387: MOVING1; large Tile! detkT" till rugt tnd pad. Decisional chaira, chrome hreskfait set Lawn mower. Garden toolt, Good used clothing. 1350 Mar lon. Ph. 4-55S4. CI FMSIN ltwn mower, goo?, $12.50. Popular Science Sa Mechanic Migtzlnei. Sc et, .T4l5Winol Av. IS IT. uprtghtfreeiers $ ti up. Chest Freerert S2SSS5 up. Ph. I-SSM l dealer I. METAL, llnkwrlngfodrteoC $7 00 Beautiful bird rtg It atand, 86.00, Ph, S-8548. NEW bird cage with chroma ttand. Value It 81895. Silt) price now $1185. Used Mdse. Mart. 170 S. Liberty. Open rn. til S. No down payment oirl Ph. 4-S37I. 456 Wanted House Goods TOP CASH PRICE - ruBNI- TURI, APPLIANCES, FTC CSED MERCHANDISE MART 270 S LIBERTY PH. S-8371 4S7 Radio and TV MOTOROLA Jl" TV let. Owner transferred out of town. Down pavment already made, aatume $14 mo. paym't. SAH Green Stamps Master Service Sta tions. 35 N Com l RCA radio. A-l. $9 95 Used Mdse. Mart. 270 S Llherty Ph 4-6371 Open rn. night til 9. No down payment (na.c I TOR SALE: Complete Photo Facts Ac cthinets Bargain Ph. Fairfax 7-2577. Jefferson 458 Building Meteriols 66 sKi) L AND Birchcraft 18' Cabin Cruiser 2 bunk's, space for head. 1955 long ahaft JOHNSON motor, tteerlng A hardware installed with trailer, all for 11395. Calking Class "D" Utility KG. 9. 40 bp with quick ailver lower unit, tout . meler, til htrdwtre A props, reedy to rtce, will do oer 50 mph. full price $495. Isham Sport Boat. 14ft. With center deck, htrdwtre. windshield A tteerlng, com plete for $349 Birchcraft lfi ft. I r. old, excellent condition $205 13 ft. Fiber Class Boat Pontile huttom, 1 vr old. ex cellent condition. $.725. Several Others All Guaranteed 12 hp. Sea King With getr thift, $1.15. 12 hp Sea King Gutranteed. $99. 7 5 hp. Johnson With clutch, excellent condi tion. $125 OPEN" SUNDAYS CREDIT GLADLY' gurffteed CLOSE "out on new garden tools, wholesule prices. Used Mdse. Mtrt. 270 S. Liberty. Ph. 4-S37I. Open Fii rights til 9 No dowa payment loan 30 GAL. garbage cant. $408. Used Mdse. Mtrt, 270 S Lib erty. Ph. 4-8371. Open Fit nightt til S. No down pty ment (o t c.i POWER Ltwn Mower. Perfect condition. $39 9$. Used Mdse. Mtrt. m S. Liberty. Ph.4-6371. Open Frl. nightt til I. No dotna payment to e l FOR SALE: Two S ft. used pic nic tablet, (fnmn. tame as bench I. 4845 Hayeevllle Dr, Ph. 4-4118. 89c to Mc All brtndt coffee. II reg rlgtt . $1 SS rtn , Ige. Vel i, 25c. 404 So. High 472 Wanted, Misc. LOGS WANTED' Top priret pud -ln to 50-ln. dltmetert In S-ft or multiples of 8-ft. We lis buy stumptge. Burkland Lum ber Co . Turner, Ore Ph. Tur ner 1125. Evenings phone Tur ' tier 2502 or Salem 2-7826 MISCritemtTfurrLrdlthet, tool or what have you.. Call Bark en Furn. 4-0444. 3794 Silver ton Rd. WANTEDGood rieanTlfurnitur A appliances Will pay top cash price. Phone 4-S371. WANTED VviTsTthoussnd cords of wood, sll specie. Ph. $-7711. Night. 4-5631 474 Miscellaneous 1 fcrl ADDING miehlnea, cash regie. Clary 1S7S Fairgrounds 8-8311. DENTAL FLATS RtPAIR 1-Hfc SERVICE W MOST CASES. DR HARRY SEMUEX, Denttet Adolph Bldg. SUte as Com'l Ita. SALEM PR. 1-JS11 LOTTSA' 455 House Goods for Sole HOOVER Cleaner, $!4 50. 1321 N ytapitol Dir. 3-7067. ATT Ptnmbere. Builders, Home Owners Stve $100. New G E Dnhwaaher-Sink comb. Now only $29 "5 complete, easy terms. SAH Green Stamps Master Service Station. 365 N Coml. 1954 KENMOBE auto. I new) 1175. Ph. 3-7994 after 4:30. USED refrigerators. $19 25 up Al Uue. App. 2.750 State St. ver Hay. goon ton in field. PI U-PICK strtwbetrles. 2 mi esst Totem Pole. L'-riCK Nnrthwewt -trawherrles Sc. Floyd Hertiild. Rt. 2. Box 2(17. Ph. 2-4314 ennd $17 per 4-W X Woods ekt slrawhernes (Vnter. 't N. of U-l'll'K Northw I0c Ih E. on rniltland Churt-h 4-06(15. M R Wadrewadal U-PICK respberrsesTlOclh. 4 mi. from Pacific! highway on Harel Green Rd Richard Luve, Ph. .4-2779 PIF cherries 13c. Uplck Sc. Ph 2-6276 FOR sale Clover fesc ue A I ve mixed hay Will inike altrac price if hauled frm field Im mediately Ph. Salerh 2-5193 G E Spin dry wearier, good cond $25. Ph 2-5036 FOR SALE fcisv Spin Dry wash er, good cond. $50. Ph. 4-4215 or see at 1315 Norway. SPEED Queen waher 3 yr. old reg $169 50. $55 0(1; Deluxe Wesllnghonse 30" Ranee, Ree $259 50. like new $i:5O0. 105 So. Summer. Ph 4-fl07t FRIGIDAIRE range excellent condition. Make offer. Th. 4-3S28 n.EfrTROi.UX Cleaner. $I9S 1.121 N. Capitol Dlr . 3-7067 fNLAID I.lno $15 per sq yd R U Elfstrom Co 260 I Lio USED washers $15 A up Mod ern Appliance ( ertet 1141 so Com'l Ph. 4-9.W5 ROSE, bed daveno Excellent condition 1640 ASt I'nfinished Chests. New 3 Drawers $4 45 5 Drawtfrl $8 93 No Phone Orders Plette HOGG BROS. 248 SVtat St. SALE "at Bradley Furn, Mart 1978 N. Capitol. Ends July 3rd DILAID-Lino.. 81 8 per sq. Jd. R. L Elfstrom Co. 160 S Liberty 30' El.EC. rtnge. damaged In thipmcnt. Auto timer, reduced price. SAH Green Stamps Batdorf s Home A Auto, 141'2 Stale St Ph 3-9582 DRAFTED, must sell 6 mo old deluxe Hotpoint range- refng . washer, drver. Ph. 4-2231. tvt 2- 0890 FREEZER, price reduced to move, floor mdl. Terms. SAH Green Stamps Ratdnrf's Home A Auto, 1420 Slate St. Ph 3- 9582 FIREWORKS! Yes. on used elec ranges, warehouse clearance. $19 95 A up Big savings. I' haul Fasv terms SAH Green S!.vnp'er Service Sta tions. 365 N Com'l "guaranteed- Reconditionad automatic wash ers, driers, ranges St refngs. 818 18 & up YEATER APPLIANCE CO. 375 Chcmeketa St USKD maple arm daveno A chair, $58. Hogg Bros . 248 Stale St USED 2 pc. aectional davenport, $'i8 Hogg Bros 24B State St- NFW LOAD BIRCH DOORS beautifully designed - LOW COST ' ' INSULATION I 20 tax ALDER shop A paneling 'j price of birch' SDG 59 50. FLG. 59 50, PAINT 150 gal. SCREEN DOORS 6 98 up Alum Screns to fit! FENCI MATERIAL ill types. Won derful ttaint for finish tee them! PLYWOOD SPECIALS: 150 sheets of BIBCH tnd KNOTTY PINE Clnwvut 15c It Knotty Pine 15c ft -FIR PLYWOOD snv sire CUTTING FREE tremen dous selection. NAILS fZi keg CLOSFOUT Odd lott Pine Paneling 100 M, CEDAR BOARDS Rgh back 10" Cedar Srlg 135. it. 1x11 104M Hemlock Csg odd lott 4c ft. 4 4x8 Sanded Plvvnod 17c ft.. Rgh. 4x8 4 25" sheet! Gosh New ALUMINUM STORM DOORS low price PAINT GRADE JAMBS - 2 95 set. - 'LOTS AND Remodeling TO PAY that a righti Hogg 412 Fruit f Farm Produce 412 Fruit I Form Produce U PICK N. W. STRAWBERRIES & PEB Lin SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY Brine vour own containers. East side Mis pion Bottom Rd. 3 miles .South of Wheat land Ferrv. J. L JOHNSON PH. 3-6916 UNFINISHED furniture. H. L. Stiff Furniture. 175 N. lllgli INLAID Uno ' t 50 per ro, yd R L Elfstrom Co 2S0 S Lib erty " USED Mangle $20 Salem Ironnte Co., 1137 SCoinl 4-5758 M W ELEC. RANGE Make offer434 S. 16th THERM ADORE sir "Conditioner, $50 Ph. S-S837 after 4 p m NEW 8 pc chrome seta, reg. $S5 Choice of colors. Special $59 85. Uaed Mdse Mart, 270 S. Liber ty. Ph. 4-S371. Open Frl. nights til 9. No down psyment H i c I USED floor lamps. $5 95. Bros. 248 State St VACUIM CLEANER PRACTICALLY nrv Electrolux. onlv $24 50 Payments $1 per week Ph. 4-7102. i Dealer! G F." Swivel" Top Cleaner, Sid 95 1321 N. Capitol Dlr 3-7087 3 TON refrigerated air-condi-tloner. Perfect for nfflre or small store Call 2-9584 after 111 pm. k days, any time Sat COLDSPOT 8 cu ft refng Spe cial $49 94. Used Mdse Mart. 270 S. Llherty Ph 4-8371. Open Frl. night tii 9. No down pay ment mac 1 SAT Gas Conversion Co. gas burners for every purpose 20 r preferred service on hurn eis in vallrv Ph 4-4KS5 RFFRIO . used Auto defr-iet-i r sr 2 di . full v. Kith freezer t hesl, perfect i (irifl Reg $409 '111 Reliable i iMnmer ma assume hal. i.f $234 50. SAH t.reen Stamps Palilcrf s Hnnie A- Auto. 1420 Slate Ph 3-9'.2 FOR SALE, deluxe C.T. electric ranee, like new. $100. Ph. FOR SALE GF. range, excel cond. 3-5063 2fi9J, Pioneer Dr. 1 Round hard rock Maple dmfnff lahle. I oblong Western Maple bieakfast lahle. 3 drawer wal nut desk Ph 4-S-SS2 9 5 cu ft Philcn upright 2 vrs old like new Ph. 3-3212 after 5 .10 BUNK hedi""comp . hoys hike, bird clge. cot, gas healer, hot plate, adjustable slndov screens A misc. 2-8488. USED contour cheir. green plas tic. $49 Hogg Bros. 248 State St. Like we sav LOTTSA 3fi MONTHS NOTHING NOTHING DOWN - See us soon you'll enjoy your visit. Portland Rnad Lumber Yard! 3545 Portlsnd Road Ph. 4-4433 "OPEN ALL DAY SATl'RDAY "J 2W1 WALLACE RD. PH. J-247S GOLF CLUBS, matched set, la dies Mt Gregor. iron, woods, has like new. $35 00, 1806 So Summer FOR SAI.E,!4 ft Runabout, mahogany center deck, .wind shield, remote control, cover. 18 h p. motor Ph 3-8085 CASH paid tor uaed guat, mod ern snd tntique. cascade Mere.. 1230Broadwa NEWlT ft." boat, 'trailer A mo tor. Ph. 4-867. 770 8 J4tb. HIGG1NS lamping trsller. Wes tern Auto Store, Woodburn Ph 5-751. 12 ft. iKiat snd motor. Reason able Ph. 2-0810 WHY get out of youf boat for gas and1 oil. "Davey s Locker" W. Salem. Standard credit cards honored. FOR SALE. 3 HP Mercury out hoard, good cond . $45. 1305 W. Maple St.. Dallas. TEE NEE BOAT TRAILER New. Th. 2-3458. COMP equipped 15' Wnard re sorter A Holsclaw trailer, Mark 25 Merc, engine, $1050 Call between 4 A 8 p m. J-8343. See 1520 Wllhur 11 FT. Plyw'oori boat, good cond FOR SALE: 3 hp. motor, 12 ft boat. A: util. trailer $145. Ph 2-9819. 476 Fuel OREGON Ft'EL CO. Old fir lil v padf SAWDl'ST SAH Green' Stamps Ph 3-553.1 3087 Broadway ORDER NOW FOR RATES- Sawdust, wood for furnac. range or heater, shavings Si mulch West Salem Fuel Co 1525 Edgewater Ph. $-4Ml WANTED seversl thouaan cord of wood, all specie. Ph. S-T7S1. Night. 4-5833. HIGHWAY FUKL CO. SAW DUST St WOOD -444 "Capitol Fuel Co. DRY SHAVINGS SAWDUST FOR MULCHTNO Pltner Endt Choice slab and block mixed 1420 Brotdwty Ph. 3-7711 ANDERSON'S sltbwood. Ph. J-7751 or 4-2834. 500 Bun. & Finance 464 Bicycles 15 felt A craft paper $2 35 3 tab 215 Ih. roofing Cheap Cedar -Shingles S3. $5. $8 New Iron roofing rer tq. $10 Nlils per keg. $8 95 Outside white paint, gal $2.50 12-2 wire, roll at 4'jc Garage doors, all sl7es. cheap Rarh wire 80 rods $i 95. $7 45 Celling tile 12x24. 10c sq. ft. 4x8 plaster hd. $1 40. I 80 1 85 no. 1 Asbestos tiding $13 SO tq. New Water healers, sell out. Cast soil pipe 75c ft. 'a" galv, pipe 12c. '-lSc, l'-29c. 1S-36C 500 gal. steel Sep. tanka $51.50 300 gal steel sep tanks $.19 50 New balh tub complete $59 95 Toilets with seats $28 ,i0 Wash has with trim $19 50 t) Iron, ateel, atiinlesi tteel sinks. Drtin-board covering 30c ft 8" Celling fans $1.1 75 Deluxe 14x24 med. cabinets $,8,95 Oak flrg. randem .englh Cheap New window tashes, choice $2 0ft tj Windows A frames, large ttock t) Mahg. plywood 4x8, 15c so ft 1 000 doors, harriwoorl A glass STRICTLY r'ASH-U-HAUL CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MONDAYS TRADE bov s 20" hike for girl s sidewalk hike Cail 2-1575 eves SCHWINN bicycles, good cond with knee action, $10 Ctll tft er 8 p m. 2-5544 510 Money te Loen $3,000,000.00 468 For Rent, Misc. VVR RENT or lease ige ware house , apace cement floor brick bldg, downtown. In qjlre H L Stiff turn S-SI85 470 For Sole, Misc. 7V Craftsman eiec. hand saw. almost new A bargain at $37.50. Ph. 2-0401. 1260 Nebras ka Ae 11 SELL or trade Deep Fryer com plete, eve 4-0326. WESTERN "WEA R Boots Tlhlrts. hats, leans, ties. Get ready now for Julv 4th at the ARMY A NAVY SURPLUS. 223 N. Com'l.. Ph. 3-4343. WHY PAY MORE? Field" work er s shoes only 99c a pair ARMY A NAVY SURPLUS 223 N Coml Ph. 3-4343 WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING!" FOR SALE Coronado Air Con ditioner, hp 2 yrs. old, 'i prue Ph. 4-5245 after 6 PIT RUN GRAVEL BLACK TOP SOIL DEL. II 25 A YARD PH. 4-246.'5 v; CONSTRICTION MONEY Available for FHA. GI or long term conventional morlgagt loans anywhere in the Willam ette Vallev. 5',. 20-vear money also available for existing home loans 147 So. Hioh V. bene $-3151 Business Loans To $7,000 ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS C G. 4-5051 LONG A SONS 1 MI N. KEIZER USED CEILING TILE (16 x 32) a. 2k m 456 Wanted House Goods URGENT Letvlng town, must sell 4 pc sectlonel chairs. Kelvlnatnr range ton refng . dhle bed. spring A mattress like new. Call 4-2003 Reiect hdbojrd 50x100 Used 1 s" plywood . Used Windows, frames, comp. 26x49 Used sash, all sizes Used concrete shower bases Used shower unit sprays 82 50 ea All kinds used pipe V to 4" 4 ft . 4 tube fluorescent lights , .810 ea Loose fill Cork Iniul $1 25 hag $1 75 sht 5c sq ft $6 ea ... $1 A up S3 et USED 5 pc. wal. hdrm suite $59 Hogg Bros 248 State St USED 6 pc. blond dining suite. $89. Hogg Bros. 248 Stlte St ! USED Kroeriler daveno A chair. 18119 Hogg Bros 248 State St USED plaatlc reclining chairs, $34.50. Butt ' 248 SUte St. Sin.oon CASH 4 . Tn snenfl for Hieh erane need ! I en 1V3 1X4 r r Oih- f urniture A Appliances fn ! rioortng asa p-i J-JIld I'aving lop i-ncet tor hrldce olanks A B'"'r, Grade I timbers 45 In 55 per V B,.y )t, mnrtf nn tmproved real estate In Salem and vlcindt Top Soil Orchard Lotm River Lotn, Dial 2-1749 Prompt Delivery Keirer Sand Si Gravel Co PifRun Gravel TOP SOIL. PH. 2-4310 TOP SOIL Phone 2-1575. 2-S301 BEVS rummage, everyday N. Cottage. Ph. 4-7300. TYPEWRITERS adding ma chines, cash registtra. dupli cators, desks chairt. filet, tup plies. Roen t. 458 Court. 1-87TJ To place classified ads call 4 6811. Loans to Purchase. Repair or Refinance All Typet of Equipment Including Crtwler Tractors It Trtller Homes PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL LOANS Wm C. Kramer. Manager 118 S. Liberty Ph. 4-221 118 $25 to $2500 Pacific Industrial Loans I Liberty Ph. 4- LOANS $50 00 to $1500 08 Buv What You Need Consoiidata your bills. Flnsnce throafh WTLLAMTTTX CREDIT COMPANY 1818 Church St Ph SS4S7 PRIVATE money to loin. 1 interett. Ph. S-07S4. WE HAVE cash buyers for real estate contract and 2nd mort gages Ohmart A Caltbt, RetiVirs 477 Court St Phone 2-411$ 500 Bus. & Finance 500 Bus. & Finance 515 Investments 515 Investments $$ INVESTORS $$ YOU CAN MAKE YOUR MONEY EARN A BETTER RETURN CASH FOR Fl'RNITWRK VALLEY FURN CO Ph. 2 WE NEED FURNITURE Vallee Furn Co 8-747$ WANTED Ft'RNITl'RE MISC. PH. 3-09 hi S. RITTER & CO.. 8740 Portlsnd Rd. 4 Ml. No of Stlem, Ph 4-S3II . Ml No. of Totem Pole on 90E Open All Day Saturda Ynur n,onev nets 5',', Examine the securltv yourself A"ll details tnd collections taken care of without obligation. Mort gages now available from $1500 to $5000 We are now servicing over $8 500 000 00 of 1st mortgages for Institutional and Indi vidual investors lust like yourself. Over 18 yean utiifictor tervice for the Willamette Valley. STATE FINANCE COMPANY 17 . HIGH ST. tAXXM. OREGON FHONI M1M