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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1956)
MSec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Frl., June 29, '58 lisssjniisjjsjwsjwsj V ,-v: si.: $.:-;. v 'S':v;,';.-;V 'v..'.;j . ' to A : M OfMl (P 3 O Find Fitness of Future Pastors My HERMAN R. ALLEN Fse Giwrfc CoracIO , WASHINGTON ( - What does It take to make a goofl minister? Of course be must have I genu ine calling, or vocation, to enter the ministry. But la this always , enough? Of ficials of the! National Council of Churches are not sure that it Is. Psychological and personality traits, they believe, frequently un fit completely sincere young man for the human relations nec essary In pastoral work. Two years ago the council call ed 25 church leaders and psychol ogists to meet at the offices of the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, N.J., to talk over how tests might be devised that would Indicate the future effect iveness of seminary applicant. The service already had re searched such tests for the legal and engineering professions. After further conferences, coun cil and service officials worked out an approach to a three-year research project. Now the Lilly Endowment of Indianapolis has made aa $85,009 grant to finance It. AsMaorr Committee The testing service Is to do the work under direction of. an ad visory committee of church offi cials, representatives of partici pating seminaries and experts in research techniques. Committee chairman is Dr. M C. Froyd, di rector of research at Colgate Rochester Divinity School, a Bap tist institution. Some seminaries have used psy chological tests for 25 yeas in screening applicants and weeding out the unfit as they progress through their course. But the Rev. Elmer G. Million, director of the council's depart ment of the ministry, says the new study will be the first wide-, spread effort to find methods of Improving the selection and train-; lng of tomorrow's ministers. Officials of two - seminaries, j asked to assess the value of such , a program, said it could be con siderable. Sveclfle Jobs ."Very little has Been none in this field," said President Norman L. Trott of Westminster Md. Theological Seminary a Method Lot school "It is a good area in which to work. The seminaries are training men for a specific job, and they want to be as spe cific as possible In choosing them." - - Dr. A. T: Mollegen of the Prot estant Episcopal Theological Sem luary In Alexandria, Virginia, said he believed th work "could be venr useful. . Both men emphasised that their Institutions already use testa to weed out the emotionally unfit. Such, tests at pretty well estab lished, but it could well be that a man who is perfectly sound in the psychiatric sense could still lack some qualities needed by a I successful minister. The newTproJ- j ' ect is aimed at determining what these qualities are. Psychological Tests Of six tests given to West- minster .applicants, two arc psy chological in nature a minis terial eounciling "aid form" and temperament survey. , In the past six years. Dr. Trott said, these tests have turned up one man jrho was actually insane.! Others were referred to a staff: psychologist, and 17 were ulti mately dropped. ! Dr. Moliegen explained that the Episcopal Church has a national requirement that candidates for admission to its seminaries under go a psychiatric test and other stiff interviews, including a final one with the bishop of the diocese In which the seminar is located. Most , unlit men, be said, are blocked at this level. Successful applicants are watched constantly during their two-year seminary course (junior and senior college years and some are advised to drop out. Dr. Moliegen said in an average year r I at the Yurinia Seminary s : ISO student body do leave usual ly of their own free will. Chaplata Aide But one of the most effective of weeding out misfits is a re tirement that ministerial candi date spend the summer between their two academic years serving as assistant to a chaplain in a ... prison, . mental institution or Jen- oral hospital. "Here." says the Rev. F.rnest E. Binder, chaplain at St. Eliza beth'f Mental Hospital in Wash ington, "a man gets the first real opportunity to test his vocation. Bruder said that of 140 men checked over a period of 10 years. 11 left the ministry after com Dieting this summer work. - , Bruder said tests such as the National Council and the Kduca. Conal Tesiinit Service propose to develop wuld be a terrific god send" but that he believed they Still ' should be backed up by something like hi church s "elm fcal training." "It s a saving," he said, "to tjw ministry, the church and the parishioners - when a man is spared the aeony of getting Into a profession for which he is not lilted." - r i i sn iisisswiiw mi o o o Our 10,000,000 Seat Cover Has Just loon Made ... ALLSTATE Celebrates It With iargain Prices For YOUI Now's fho lost Timo Ivor to luy Attractive' Covers and aavei New-Car Styling in Choice of Patterns, Colors Setter Plattic re A f l rXs AUSTATI KHD OMT IT MAM. tOtlUCK NO CO. ii ml M Is ICHKCINS- 2 lbs. of 100 Virgin DAMON... 88 t laautifullv tailored' to oive car "new look" Inside Designed to fit snugly , . . Durable long-wearing materials. Handsome colors, new stylos . . . Easy to clean with soap 13 1 i mx& 1:- Cool in Summer ... Warm In Winterl JIT SPUN INTERIORS Sport-car styling Regularly 21 .30 lorn-resistant rayon No seat-cover ahocksl Smart colors. , 4-Star Feature . . . 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J "I consider myseU sort of farm westher Eskimo now," she says. "I ll be back south as soon Big Quarter Ton Capacity This handy one wheel trailer follows car easily, without sny jerking or side-swsy. Strong wood body with removable tail gate for quick and easy loading. Buy now at Sears low price! Top Tone, Low Price Compact. Easily insetalled dash of Most cars. Also mount; under dash. Full power, tone Long range reception, automatic . volume control. Gold color panel with black trim. For 6 t. and 12 Volt system. i SAFETY BELTS t Installed Allstate SPARK PLUGS ' moors CAA i specifications Set of i . . . ..... . .j. NEW LOW PRICE! TRAVEL BAGS Travel wil'i srnar t-looking lugqacje at Sears low price. Heavy faille-like plastic with 38-inch ?ip'per down front for easy access. Press-bar eliminates wrinkles. DRESS BAG Holds up to 12 dresses. 2.98 8-qt. csn OPEN MONDAYS AND FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 P. M. SIARJ 550 Ni p'10' phone M I can. - x