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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1956)
6-(Sec I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri., June 29, '56 Valley News 5tateiman Nws Srvic rami rrospects m By JAMES ALLEY Valley CefTrspeadeat AMITY-Farming in this area will run the gamut of disastrous to;fjty gf from (he ,tate highway $70,000 Bond Vote Set for Street Pavins auttMM nmt a nic SHER 1DAN Voters of the city of Sheridan will be asked to pans upon a bond issue for 170,000 with which to begin improvement of the city streets as soon as the money 'is available, it was decided at a spe cial City Council meeting this week. No increase in the city tax levy will be involved In retiring the bond issue because the ordinance for the bond issue will pledge for retire ment ot the bonds W.000 from the approximately $13.010 a year the very good this year. To any one passing"through this rich agricultural district H would Appear on the surface thai all is well, but only a casual study of the crop situation tells another story. The people hardest hit arc those with nut orchards. One man lost ever 100 trees during we nam ireeze last winier. utner orcnaraisis lost accordingly. This will be the last year for nut raising for some farmers. Even in those orchards 'that escaped extensive damage. there is a very small crop of nuts. Dryer la Operate The Nut Growers Cooperatives in this district at first thought of only running one dryer this fall. At latest report, the Amity dryer will run, aeeerdiag to Ivan Shields, longtime manager of the convent The strawberry crop is not what ft has been years gone by. It might be classed from good to fair. In few cases, but very few, it might be classed very good. The farmer who were hurt the moat are those living In the high hills east of town. And even here the crops vary. Those who had berries en lower ground aeem to be doing very well this year. Smaller la Six The taste quality of the berries is excellent, but they are smaller la site and the crop is not so heavy as generally. . ', The hay and grass seed croc are excellent. Hay baling ks ia ful swing, as is grass seed threshing The Amity Co-op has a small crew at work drying seed as it cemcs in each day. Grain Leaks Ceed At the present timev the tsh Polk Budget Airing Today . StaUimaa Ntws Strvirt DALLAS A pablle hearing ea the Pel Cwaty badge! Is ache, alrd at II a.m. Friday la Ike Paik Ceeaiv eeartroMn. The badget rails far expend! lores ( WJJ.7M. Tatal levy seed ed te balaare the badge! Is 1313.. 4. all ef whlrh la wlthla the I per eeat limitation. Shrine Game At Mt. Angel Said Definite fund The balance of the state funds will be used for street maintenance and improvement of new streets as necessary. The plan for financing the street improvements has been worked out bv members of the council and Mayor Fred Bozeman in confer' ences with state highway depart' ment officials, attorneys, engineers and financiers to assure a work able method of raising the money without boosting the tax rate. All streets in Sheridan which were opened within the past two years for laying of sewers will be repaved. Some streets will be com pletely resurlaced. Others will be paved only as necessary. On a few, oiling is contemplated. Log Buckcr to DefendWorld Tide at Albany '.J - - . ' A. ' 3 I! ! V-. - .-'-.- "s . ; T"'i i y . v ....... .. Ljiiikuju matu TTT mi ulf r ' ' -? "-ask- . ........... i Mill City, Gates Plan Old-Fashioned July 4 Stittiman Srrvlrt Qear Lake Calls Bids For School .rrTirq cm' Prenarations for an old-fashioned community Fourth CLKAR LAKE Clear Lake 0f juy celebration are nearing completion, according to Lowell Fleet school board is calling for bids on ufwvi ei,i, rhnirman. and newlv installed president of the Lions a two-classroom addition, accord- rjiu0 ' img 10 ueorge Lanarun, cnairman.! buttons are now on sale which will entitle a couple to bring The new unit will be built north lheir chidrfn , thf barbecue, softball games, fireworks, and band of the original building along much conml The barbn.ue, und(r the ,k! r, 7 direction of the American Legion, on the south. It w.ll mdude rest- , rf , u m Soflba room and heating plant. , ggmfS and r8rniva, concetslon,. Bonds tor construction in t h e pu, t(,e usuai races, will keep amount of $25,000 were voted last everyone occupied until the band year. Construction should start concert which will precede the sdoui Aug. i. ine rooms win noi fjreworks displav. Mill City Volunteer Firemen will be in charge of the fireworks, and the Firemen's Auxiliary will han dle the games. Members of I Immigrant Train Pioneer Passes be needed for the opening of school, as only four teachers have been hired. ALBANY-Phil Whitaker, Daacaa, B.C.. Is scheduled to defead bis world title July Z-4 at the Albaay Tim ber Caralval. WblUker kas held the title ! years. Uit year he sawed Ihrougk the huge log ia pie tare la 1:51.4 minutes. Maa al right la his seeaad, Mortia Winters of Kris. Wash. jLinfield Graduates to 'Teach at Willatnina SUtrtmia Xtm Strvlr W1LLAMINA Three students who graduated this spring from l.infield College, will teach at Vtillamina High School this fall. I They are Charles Bafaro, of Port land, and Carl Wickham. Silver ton, who will both coach and teach different subjects. Miss Linda Brown. Bremerton, Wash., will tench girls' physical education. SUttunan Niwt Srrvlr ALBANY Services for Mrs. Lou Robertson Howe, 83, an Oregon resident since 1874. will be held at 10 30 a m. Saturday at Fisher Mor Ihe I tuary 1Fre- Burial will be at Day- i ri,.K .. .ii -.t. ik. I "n, wiinr ne owe liven. val concessions, and the Lions! Howe was born in Mnrri Auxiliarv will have a food booth . son. H'.. and came to Oregon by durine the afternoon. I immigrant train. Coming to Linn After the fireworks display, the Valley Hriefs ii StattfHita Newi Sfrrlrt Jefferson Sidney Talbot friends of Mr. and Mrs David Shellito will tttnni Nt Strrte hold a miscellaneous shower for MT. AXG EL There wifl defiaite- them at I p m. Friday at the Jake ry be a Shrmrr s benef game at ' CUmour home. Friends are invited Mt AngH Iha rear, the Business inrougn uie press lo aitena. Men's Oub was ttii Monday . . . . Ed StoDe mnne4 Aat be. Harold , ' r "" V, 7Z. ,T 1. . . RMBtetmait sd Jbo Faurnr ''r V.k. --j- -a- r I fUelT in irr ivumii iwm wi uir in the maner Witt the Mt " " S . to WhaB einok not y . -"Mul .E. i ' . IZ Lumber Dignitary to Grown Queen of Fete Suimaa Ntwi Servlrt ALBANY Nat Giustina, presi dent of the West Coast Lumber men's Association, will crown the queen at the opening of the World Championship Timber Carnival in Albany on the evening of Monday, July 2. Giustina is president and gener al manager of the Giustina Bro thers, Lumber Co., Eugene. Trie' coronation ceremonies will kick-off the giant three-day Tim-1 ber Carnial festivities. Selection of r the queen to reign over the cele- j VfllOtZ bration is not made public until Giustina places the crown on the head of the winning girl. The cor onation ceremony will be held on a 40 by 50-foot floating platform in the natural amphitheater of Waverly Lake. Theme for this year's show is "ForrestJ Forever" carrying out the idea of logging conservation and utilization to which the Tim ber Carnival is dedicated. jAlhaiiy Collects 732 in Drive On Assessments , Statesman Newt Srrvlr ALBANY" A crackdown- on de- County in 1917, she and her hus- kn,i J rAk.rH nj rates Volunteer Fire Department . , , , .... .. . . ,k. later near Lebanon Six children will hold a dance in the gvmna-1 sium of Gates High School. Plenty e" of community interest and a fine i turn-out are anticipated. Polk County Court News ftUliMmin Nwi Svrvirt Principal Hired For Butte Creek Stitrsmaa Ntwi Srrvlrt Statrimaa Krwi Srrrkt !r?.11.1,fr" "?-" :t the aio! tame lor the ( fcXiZ&i' M-Mr, Gertrude P.t- ra.n ,nd lot susshsa srfll . ' TZZ-- -m k- 1T" i10Tou,n ......... N VALSETThe Auxiliary to Post 1. EduS MARQUAM-G.en Del. of Dover LTiy HcWkfrStit; lephH bee'n hired a, principal for lZn'olV. ' KrtT p1. rirl" irr ".. I. A tentative date for a dance to urda.- night. June 30. The proceeds . ...w. n,. . ...usijcsii, am. eiuiiiv muiswsrj w i i i h tnint v mnncnrpf? hv th nnt ,iH .Ani VFW Picnic Slated Dayton Leg'011 leaders Seated Bv Salem Team Statriman N'rwi Srrvlra PAYT0?i New officers for the Dayton American Legion Post and Auxiliary have been in stalled bv a team of officers from DALLAS The followine marriaee .Salem. New officers include the linquent assessments has added KtTie were issued here Fridav. following: $12,763 to the city coffers during , Alton W. Friesen. 20. Army, and! Legion: Rov Johnson. , com. e ili.m D. Bollman reported of Dallas, fi Uchtenthalpr, vife com. ni i . . . Ernest Leroy Magill, 23. student. I nianders; Steve Slnvack. adju- Delinquent sewer and street as-jMyrte Point, and Jo Anne Jansen. tsnl; ('if(ord Gibbons, finance: sessmen s on May 23 totaled 128 -. sUuifnU : AMen Nlchols. c h a p 1 a i n. and ,43. Bollman said, and "present- Keth DeWayne Myers. 22. store Mike Ssttelect, sergeant It arms. ed 192 parcels of property. That clerki Dallas, ,nd Geraldme May;and the Auxiliary: Lulu Lichten- """"" Duschcll. 18, Sheridan. th.ler. oresident: Abhie Melrer Order Your Biltwell Davenports NOW NEW COVERS Bradley Furn. 1978 North Capitol he added. 'Budrct Builder' Dance Carded 1 Silver ton Lodce much money this year aa last, be-, crowd and all the pro- but it is sure they are . hat kner Z Statamaa Nfwi Srrvlra SILVERTON - Members of the Odd Fellows Lodge here will spon sor a budget builder dance Sat- off than many of their bretarea is the Middle-west Sweet Hoiiic Firm Low oil Detroit Road " . , lUtMsaaa Haws Strrice DETROIT A Sweet Home con tracting firm submitted the low bid of (24.524 for building s new access road at Detroit Dam, the Corps of Engineers reported Thursday. The low bid of Norquiet Brothers Co. was lower than the govern ment'! estimate of $29,711 for the work. i The road will lead to the south stilling basin at Detroit Dam and will provide access to a test con duit built at the time ef construe, tkm of the Detroit project. . Com pletion time Is 60 days. Three other bids ranged up to Officials at Amity Resign 1 Statesman Ntwi Sfrrtca " AMITY The resignations of Amity City Judge Otto Roth and deputy city'recorder Adolphus Rea ere announced Thursday. . Ill health was given as the rea son Roth resigned. Rea l resigna tion Ii effective July 1. I Two applications for the judge post have been received. The ap plicants were listed as Will Os bernt and Ivan Shields. The City Council Is expected to fill the post at its Monday night meeting. Councilmen also will dis cuss buying a 12.500 ditcher for we in Installation of drainage Pip. , At a enestioa regarding the pos- tftOrty of ML AngeJ being without a doctor. President Cart Mucken conference to be held in Portland, July I t. Clear Lake New residents in the L. .t. tm 1 ' ' i "--"T ' u.u w I iu ."T a i ii and auxiliary was set for August Wilde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wrolsted. the J-4 grades, and Mrs. u. Complete plans for both the pic-1 Albert T. Wilde, to the I'nited Na Mary Jorgenson Gervais, w 1 1 V nlc and dance iU made ,t the tj y rth Pil(irjmage taaifn thai let mrwl 9nH trroAm I . i . n s reported that he and Bernard community will be Mr. and Mrs. " . 7 " ,. ne regular meeung. jim wiiae was winner in me K&k had consulted with Dr. i Jack Bowen and two sons, who. At the annual Khool election the . following the discussions refresh-, IOO? contest sponsored by the Odd -n. r. ik. maiiM' I nurchased new home on Virll ouagel was accepiea ana two new menu were served hy Mrs. fcve-1 Fellows and Kebekah lodges. Miss ..a k. hi ikM. th iniHulxer'a orooertv One aon attends i directors. Albert Satrum and Ray! lyn the event be did leave, be would I nign acnooi ana me oiner. college ine louowins compiami was on and Helen Freshour, vice presi file Wednesday in Polk County Cir- dents; Blanche Ruffener, chap cuit Court: lain; Lauramae Douglas, secre- Dorothea F. Cooper vs. Alden A. tary-treasurer; Pauline Fowler, Cooper: seeks divorce. Married historian, and Mary Huffman. Aug. 2i. 1954, at independence. sergeint at arms. Piciser, were elected. Cliever ICrites. and Mrs. Beatrice Wilde has just completed her I Junior year at Mt. Angel Academy ELECTRICITY j i$SAFER!! StOaTlANS SINIIAl ffTf" LICTIIC COMSANT ''VsjIJ' I ' I FAST . . . DEPENDABLE SERVICE WYNKOOP-BIAIR Printing Servict Ph. 3 5669 490 Ferry St. I BEFORE.. I ( You buy a Spinet fj 4 Organ ... 5 Have You Jj f Heard And M ! flayed... m- P. S. You'll be happier B with a Baldwin! 4 , Rentals and lessons J I ZOBELS J fe 519 Court St. J& set that another doctor would be hen te 'replace him. j.' . . Lions Install Giristcnson As President Slataa. Kt S.rtte SILVERTON George Chris- tensoa was installed as president of the Silverton Lions Club Wed nesday night, with Robert Fish er, Salem, a past Lions district governor, the installing guest. Other officers installed in clude first vice president, Henry Moll; second vice president, Ted Burian; third vice president, John Becker, secretary, Walter Weinseck; treasurer, Hsrry Kro ner: tall twister. Ralph Adams and Dr. A. L. V. Smith: Lion ' Mrs. Byman is in ill health. Tamer, Bruce Billings; directors sre Bill Bloch, Clifford Almquist and Gordon Hsgedorn. jThey will be moving soon from! their Hadley Street address near; Salem. I JefferMa Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hess have moved from Ankeny Hill community to Scio route I. They sold their ranch here early this spring to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williamson of LaVeta, Colo., who bought approximately 1.000 acres in that district for a cattle ranch. I'aloBTale Officers elected at the Youth Fellowship of the Union-1 vale Evangelical United Brethren! Church Sunday evening were Dar lene Turner, president; Gayle Steingrabe, vice-president; Beverly Turner, secretary; Elise Stein grube, treasurer: Diane Launer, song leader; Karlyn Launer, recre-' ation director. Hopewell A group of neighbors held a clean-up day in the yard of Mrs. Johh Byman the past week. Falls City There will be a fellowship dinner at the Falls City Christian Church on Saturday at 6: SO p m. Everyone Is welcome. Wlllamiaa The FL club will have a food sale Saturday at El lingsworth's Northwest store, at 12:30 p.m. lor benefit of the Home Project fund. Alaska Residents Visit at Silverton Stataamaa Ntwi Sfrrlr. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs Wil liam M. Jones were surprised this week by a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Bert Walker and daughter, Judy. They flew here from Kodiak Is land, Alaska, where Walker is a special investigator with the U S Cervals-Women of the Presby Navy and Mrs. Walker teaches , . chureh wm hold a baked commercial courses in the school lnnA nH f.nrv work sale Saturday. Hopewell Mr. and Mrs. James Colfey and two cMflren have pur chased the home of Mrs. Ed Loop. They will take possession in about a month. r t .i I htii'ttic I 1 JLU UIO I 1 aT ii ii- Ii I at vanvy noipiTQii II I Both Mr. and Mrs. Walker will attend summer School. Mrs. Walker will be at Oregon State College and Walker will be in San Francisco, returning to Kodiak later this sum mer. The Walkers moved from Salem to Kodiak 3'J years ago. Before moving there. Walker was an Ore gon State Police captain and head of the game division. ' StaUona. Kawi SttTlt. ' DALLAS To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gird, Valsetx, a daughter June O st Dallas Hospital. Ta Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lange, -Dallas Route V, a daughter .June 2S at Dallas Hospital.- Te Mr, and Mrs. Alden Schmidt. Sheridan Route 1, a daughter June H at Dallas Hospital. - Ta Mr. and Mrs. Mertoa CoviUe Dallas, a daughter June 14 at Dal' laa Hnsoital. Ta Mr. and Mrs. Lee Reimer, Dallas, a son June 24 at Dallas Hnanilal. t Mr and Mrs. Leslie Murphy, Dallas, a son June 1 at Dallas Hospital . T Mr. and Mrs. Domvan Esplin, Independence, a daughter June B at Dallas Hospiiai. . To Mri and Mrs. Vera Foster, Redmond? daughter June 20 at Bartell Hospital. , . ; STAYTON To Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Hayes, Aumsville route 1. a daughter, June 26, at Santiam Memorial Hoapim-.' , WILLAMINA Te Mr. and Mrs. Robert -McGlB, Willamina. a daughter, June 23 at McMmnvdle Hospital. 1 '. . . ' Te Mr. and Mrs. James 8mith. wiUsinlBS. a eon, Jund 23, at UfMinnrilla oipitaL Woodburn Man Heads Group SUUtmaa News Strvlr. WOODBURN Dr. Luke Sprin ger, is the new president oi me Willamette Veterinary Medical As sociation. The meeting was held in Salem Tuesday night. Dr. R, Sexauer. Salem, was named vice president, and Dr. Noris Bet, Salem, secretary-treasurer. , Dr. Boe, it was announced, will speak at the Northwest Regional meeting af vertinSry-mediral asso ciation at Vancouver, B.C. at 10 30 a m. at the uervais nara ware Store. Wlllamiaa Jean Woodruff, who has made her home with Mr. and Mrs Laurice Fox. and who gradu ated from Willamina High School this vear. left by plane this week (or Washington. D. C. She has joined the Waveband will be sta tioned in Maryland. '- Craers Mrs. Stacy Bine gar is confined to the Salem Me morial Hospital with a fractured shoulder. Glenn Toyccn. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Toycen, is convalescing from a broken arm, St. Paul and St. Barnabas took Christianity to the island of Cyprus in 45 A D. Silverton Bank To Extend Hours Stat, MMr ltrrf. SILVERTON - An extension in dally bankim vur, rt silverton Drancn, rirst national Bank of Portland, will effect Moa. a,, ? "i!..0"" here Thurs- oay oy wiuars Ha;ne. branch manager. New banking k. wiU u w f:m' J? 4Hy. Monday through Saturday. Formerly, baiuuBg hours at the Silverton branch wtrt it te I p.m. HOOD'S POISON OAK REMEDY A soothing lotion for the re lief of itching due t. mild poison Iw or oak or ether mi ner Irritations. Apply locally J er 4 times a day by tapping with cotton. Do, net rub. 50 j M00 SCHAEFER'S DRUGSTORE MS N. Commercial Open Dally 1:26 a.m. te I aja. B assays, a. am. n a s a mi win SAVINGS UP TO 70 SALE STARTS FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. NO MAIL . . . PHONE OR C. O. D. ORDERS REDUCTIONS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT LOWEST PRICES, EASIEST TERMS BUY NOW AND SAVE OPEN FRIDAY AND MONDAY 9.30 A. M. TO 9 f. M. Reg. 29.95 14 Pr. Set Aluminum Ceokwan Now 1 088 Only IX Houseware Clearance Diamonds - Watches - Jewelry Reg. 49.95 Original Rogers Silverware 56-iece OA88 Service for I jLH Reg. J9.95 Hamilton-Beach Mixer Guaranteed S Years OQ98 One Only AmM Reg. 49.95 Westinghouse Portable Vacuum Cleaner NOW l)Q88 ONLY Reg. 1.98 Set of Aluminum Saucn Pans or Skillets . .. 99C Reg. 3.9S Aluminum Ice Bucket-Fiber Glass Int 1,49 Reg. 6.95 5-P. Aluminum Cannitter Set Coppertone Covers 3.99 Reg. 2.50 libby's Stemware-set of 4 99( Reg. 9.95 Set of 6 Steak Knives-Stainless Steel .... 3.99 Reg. 2.95 English Bone China Cups and Saucers .... 1.44 Reg. 7.95 Set of 3 Volrath Stainless Ste.l Bowls .... 2.99 Reg. 9.95 Set of 3 Copper Bottom Skillets 3.98 Reg. 4.95 Cookie Jars-large Site-Decorated 1.99 Reg. 9.95 7-Pc. Cherry Wood Salad Bowl Set 5.88 Reg. 5.95 4-Piet. Hardwood Cannister Set 3.9S Reg. 9.50 20" laiy Susan-7 Sections 4.99 Reg. 5.95 libby's Stemware-24-Pt. Service for 8 .... 2.98 Reg. 24.95 9-Pc. Super Stainless Cutlery Set 9,88 Reg. 4.95 Brass Lazy Susan-5 Ceramic Sections . .. 2.99 Reg. 4.95 English Tea Pots-Attractively Decorated 1.99 Reg. 13.90 Arvin Ironing Board-Pad and Cover Set 7.88 Reg. 1.50 Imported China Cups and Saucers . 88C Reg. 29.50 Remington or Schick Electric Shaver, with Trade-in 14.50 Reg. 4.95 Attractive, Electric Kitchen Clocks 2.99 Reg. 6.00 Ronson Windproof Lighter, Fluid and Extra Flints 4.95 Reg. 24.75 Ladies Jeweled Wrist Watches 12.88 Reg. 35 00 Cents 17-J. Water and Shock proof .... 19.88 Reg. 39.75 17-Jew.l Nurses Watches 19.88 Reg. 59.50 Gents Automatic 17-J Shock and Water Resistant 29.88 Reg. 24.75 Gents Dress Watches, Jeweled Move. 14.88 Reg. 75.00 Bridal Set-that lock together 37.50 Reg. 125.00 ladies Wed. Ring set with 5 diamonds 59.50 Reg. 150.00 Sweetheart Set with heart-shaped Solitaire 89.50 Reg. 207.50 Emerald Cut Solitaire with Matching Wedding Ring 149.50 Reg. 75.00 Gents Onyx Set Elk Ring 29.88 Reg. 1.95 Asst. of Costume Jewelry, 59c 2 for 1.00 Reg. 1.95 Pop"-it Beads, sap. anywhere-asst. colors 98 C Reg. 1.95 Asst. of Compacts, beautiful style I colors 98 C Reg. 5.95 3-Pc. Dresser Set, Comb, Brush, Mirror .... 3.49 Reg. 1.95 All-Metal Decorated Powder Boxes 39t Reg. 6.95 Stretch Watch Bands, for men or women 1.95 Reg. 49.95 Electric Floor Polisher Made by Universel 29 88 Reg. S9.95 Portable Radio Plays on batteries or electricity .. 15 88 Reg. 7.95 Card Tables Sturdy folding 99 legs "T Appliances & Cameras Furniture Clearance Reg. 34.95 Universal Electric Blankets 2 Only 1 088 NOW 7 Reg. 1.95 Steel Utility Tables 3 Shelves- 488 Electric Outlet W Reg. 7.95 Table lamp with Fiber Glass Shades 4.88 Regfl4.9S Cocktail or End Tabl.s-No-Mar Tops .... 6.88 Reg. 5 95 T. V. Stools-Contour Padded Seats 1.99 Reg. 19.95 3-Way Floor lampi-Fiberglass Shades 10.88 Reg. 29.95 Grecian Wall Mirrors, Ige. 27"S4" size 9.88 Reg. 4.95 T. V. lamp-Assorted styles and colors 2.99 Reg. 24.95 45-Pc. Mission Ivy Dinnerwar. 10.88 Reg. 54.95 45-Pc. Melmac Dinnerware 19.88 Reg. 6.75 Santa Anna Dinnerware-16-Pc. Set 3.88 Silverware Clearance Reg. 16.95 8-Cup Automatic Percolator 8.88 Reg. 28.50 Arvin Automatic Waffle I Grill 16.88 Reg. 19.95 Electric Steam Table Buffet 12.88 Reg. 17.95 2-Slice Pop-up Toaster 9.88 Reg. 9.95 Douglas Hand Massages 4.88 Reg. 5.95 Electric Corn Popper-Pyrex lid 2.49 Reg. 29.95 Table Model Clock Radio 16.88 Reg. 59.95 Automatic 3-Speed Record Player 39.88 Reg. 69.95 Universal Upright Vacuum Cleener .. . 37.88 Reg. 169.95 Portable T. V.-l 7-inch Screen 129.95 Regr 7.50 Box Camera with Flash Attachment 3.49 Reg. 35.00 6x30 Binoculars with leather Case .. . 16.88 Reg. 5.95 Air-Guide Auto Compass-Fits All Cars 4.88 Reg. 14.95 30x40 Beaded Projection Screen 8.88 Reg. 49.95 Transitor Pocket Radio Complete with leather Case and Batteries .... 28.00 Reg. 298.00 21" Emerson Console T. V. Mahogany Finish-1 only 188.00 Reg. 15.95 Folding Chairs Set of 4 Now Only 8 88 Reg. 4.69 Steel Pjitio Table Handy 99 19"x19" size . .. I Reg. 1195 8-pee4 Record Player ONI .'I 88 ONlt IW Reg. 39.95 Heavy Weight Stainless 52-Pc. Set 23.50 Reg. 10.00 Rogers Silverptated Holloware 5.95 Reg. 100.00 National Silverplate, 73-Pc. Service for 8 49.95 Reg. 100.00 1847 Rogers Silverplate, 55-Pc. Service for 8 49.95 Reg. 3.50 Silverplated Salt I Pepper Shakers 1.77 New Silver Sheeld anti-tarnish spray for all Silverware 1.98 Reg. 15.00 15" Rogers Silverplated Serving Tray 4.88 A Reg. 10.00 Stainless Steel Ware 24-P- 88 Service for 6 .... "T 305 N. Liberty St.-Salem Reg. 17.95 Steel Port-a-Table 24"x60" Q88 site M