24-(Sea 1TI) Statesman, Salem, Ore, FrL, June 29, 75S Statesman, Salem. Ore., FrL, June 29, '56 (Sec. Ill) 23 Spareribsx Food For the Hungry Port sparertis, barbecued" or jerred Chinese style rrutke ood fond lor hufljrj eut doors people. Here we've recipe far the Chinese style rib. Sweet-sea trer1ke, CkJacse Style pound spareriba H cup water H cup raisins V teaspoon salt . ' I greea peppers, cut ia six pieces each . 1 tablespoon cornstarch H cup augar H cup vinegar , Soy sauce - Col cpareriht into aerving par tier ami browi ia a try pan aver moderate heat about t minutea eo each tide. ' Add H cup of the water, the raisins, and salt Cover pan lightly and cook over very low heat 20 minutes. Add green peppers. Stir In cornstarch blended with sugar, vinegar, and 1 cup of water. Cover and continue cooking over low beat (or JO minutes. Stir occasion illy and add more water as seed ed to prevent drying. Before serv ing add soy sauce to Uste. Tomato Salads Made Easily The simplest wsy to make that very versatile Jellied mixture, to mats aspic. Is to use a can of juice and season with onion and garlic salt and Jell in either lemon or apple gelatine. However, some like to follow explicit directions on such things so here goes: , Tomato Aspic ' g tablespoons gelatine V cup cold water H cup boiling water 4 cups tomatoes, fresh or canned t tablespoon chopped onion H teaspoon celery seed 1 or 1 whole doves I teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 trasnoona km on juice r Soak the gelatine m cold water and dissolve in boiling water. Cook the tomatoes, onions, celery seed, cloves, salt and sugar for fifteen minutes. Strain through fine strainer or cheesecloth; add lemon Juice and dissolved gelatine. This may be molded at onct or it may be kept in covered jar in refriger ator until needed. Makes about 1 cups aspic. To use. take out what is wanted and melt ever hot water. Tenant Cheese Sated ? Fill Individual molds full of Tomato Aspic. Place In refriger ator to become partly set.: Soften cream cheese with a little cream and season with salt and pepper. Form into ball and roll in chopped nuts. Place a cheese ball in each mold, and add a tablespoon of cold liquid aspic When set, cover bills entirely with the aspic - and return to chiller. lUnmold on lettuce and serve with desired dressing. - Cabbage Joins Pineapple Salad - Pineapple and nuta combined with crisp celery and cabbage com bine to make an Interesting (rozen salad flavor. ' F rosea Pineapple Salad , t cup shredded pineapple 1 cup finely shredded cabbage 1 eupflnely shredded celery tt cup shredded almonds . Juice of 1 lemon , j 1 cup whipped cream -j , V l cup mayonnaise H teaspoon salt ! : t teaspoon paprika Shred the cabbage, pineapple, celery and almonds. Add juice of 1 lemon, and mix. Add mayonnaise. Whipped cream, salt and paprika. Turn into freeiing tray and freeze V to 1 hours. (Freeie only long enough to become firm.) Serve sliced on tomato Jelly or fresh to matoes on crisp lettuce leaves and omlxh with mayonnaise snd rad ish rose, i CHILL INOLGH Chicken broth that Is not being served right after it is prepared should be cooled rapidly at room temperature for no more than half an hour and then refrigerated. The chilled broth should not be held more than two days. fONVENIKNT COVER A large clear plastic bag keeps food chopper, handle and culters all In one convenient place. PICKLER BEETS AND PINEAPPLE RELISH For an especially good accom faniment for fish, drain the liquid from a jar of tiny whole beets, and 1 tablespoons sugar and 'i cup vinegar. Heat long enough to dis solve the sugar. Combine bceis and 1 cup drained pineapple chunks and pour liquid over beets and pineapple. Chill at least 3 hours or overnight. RIGHT OFF If Iron rust has stained a fab ric lightly, squeeie lemon juice on the stain snd spread the gar ment In the sun for awhile, then rinse. fcnjoy the Extra Heedn ess ef the Northwest's Very . Owl Brand MARGARINE &3 P roducid in Salem VI M-D llJMPfftt J CHUCK WAGON BREAKFAST JUIY 4th WOODBURN CLOSED JULY 4lh So that our employees may celebrate Inde pendence Day with their families. I L j M VanComp' M Salem Woodburn uw ciaciu una SHARP CHEESE ev; HUNT'S CATSUP UUD I0WI 3' IUn-Jwtu-l4etsfty-(rweT AA CHEESE SLICES sPAGHEni z 3 :9 Mixed Vegetables " &9 Acnnrnniic wim G CflMlllIISU CttfAMfl LIBBY PICNIC PICKLES 0 WhokSweets . 31.00 Bonita Flakes 2 ;Bl3' KosherDills 2 , 45c a Mn m fc g Sliced Dills 2fr45c Kit Cake Mix kingans Peanut Oil flwf. Si LUNCHEON MEAT iEw &.!,, ....-28 4 " 'LOO n,dH.m..-2.35' 3Jloo OLD COLONY BEVERAGES Favorite flavors 9 c HAPPY VALE SWEET PICKLES 3 S $L00 SWIFT'S PEANUT BUTTER FRENCH'S MUSTARD 24-01. 4flli Jar 1j'uVtsJ DROMEDARY CAKE MIX Yellow White Chocolate Spice SANTIAM GREEN BEANS LINDSAY RIPE OLIVES LOO COCKTAIL PEANUTS 3 1 Hni ieOO CENTENNIAL SMALL WHITE BEANS 2 lbs, ) U It Calif. Red Ripe Watermelons sssssMassMBSBaaasssssssssssssssssHBaasssssi i) Jhsfler-Ul Ns. t Potatoes i o . 89 LOCAL CRISP TENDER Celery Hearts pkg. LOCAL CRISP Radishes ,nd Onions . 3bu,E0' IAGLEY LOCAL-SLICING SIZE Cucumbers 2 ,., IS' Tellow Htdiim Siie ? l (TS( ViImcIi-JwmI rm M fi, WALTER KENDALL (i'" DryOnionsS. US Oranges 5i9 (JfjQl DINTY MOORE HUT'S WHITE OR DARK Vienna Sausages iliConCarne 31 KARO SYRUP MA20LA fCfl SALAD OIL MARKET PICNIC TINS Crushed Pineapple" - VERNEll'S sf Butter Mints INSTANT COFFEE ' ,o, 3 DROMEDARY Angel Food Mix NEW! WOODBURY SHAMPOO 17 oi. Pkg. 10 oi. bottles ttmmoutmuwih: IF, YOU PICU A REAL DIAf.l0t3D.V. Sltl a o..xl D s x rv . a -m. l x x x x x x -m. x t - i f x.. -v x xx v v x xx 'xx xx i x xa m. m ,i lit w 'jr ...at" A 3 lS0000 June .29, thru KJfchen Kitchen Queen FLOUR 10-lb. IC UNBLEACHED ML OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCf Buy Several al D Pound Cm This Low Price! tins COTTAGE SLICED PINEAPPLE Hunt's APRICOTS Barter's BARTLETT PEARS No. 2 $ tins YOUR CHOICE LOO l L A. l m mm oe eaAHwrn :', a Pkgs. 3 LIBBY-S Frozen" Strawberries 2 IS 45' LIBBY'S Frozen Peas 3 X: LIBBY'S Froz. Spinach 2 S; 27' LIBBY'S MIXED Vegetables 210-oz. okas. dS) Reynolds FOIL WRAP 25-fl. Roll c NALLEY'S KOSHER DILLS Gallon BIG Sassy Dills 32 ox. 29c Nallcy't Hamburger -Sweet- Hot D Relish no. j.r 2 f 49c fpOTATO POTATO CHIPS SPECIAL MORNING MILK Tall tins AD v.-THff -&saa w. Tfirtete Goods IT y n Swift Premium Fresh Frozen . . . Tender Grown wm BUY SOME FOR YOUR FREEZER Iced ANGEL FOOD CAKE Reg. $1.10 Value (QJ DOGS SGO FOR VORS KIBBLED DOG FOOD 37c THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY AT OUR PORTLAND ROAD STORE FRIDAY, JUNE 29 THROUGH TUESDAY, JULY 3 Giant 223c Enjoy meloni with MORTON'S LAVA hand Soap 2 S 31' FRENCH BREAD OR DUTCH CRUNCH For Summer Sandwiches Lb. Loaf Regular 25c Assorted COOKIES For Your Holiday Treat 4-tesIr.OO Regular 30 dot. Marshmallovs mt . . . -JS SPIC and SPAN Econ. Size CASCADE Automatic Washers IVORY SOAP PERSONAL for 23' IVORY SOAP 2 Med. bars IVORY FLAKES Giant jj IVORY SNOW Gianf Pixie Paper Plates Diamond Paper Cups -15-1 (Old CUPS c.uni . . Ripe OliVeSKaweahiumbo Eastern Beer .. . Salad Dressing 40-counl1 . V 1 or ui . . . 6-pack (fn. 1 CAMAY Balh size CAMAY Reg. bars 3 Reg. bars CmU Kraft Checi Whiz 16-OZ. Z rjt Jar 3 for $2.59 Each Mb , 8-oi. (0) (O) .4 (Of MORRELL PRIDE CANNED Miff 3 lbs. Each No Bone No Waste Slice and Serve $1189 RATH BLACKHAWK CANNED 8 Ibi. 4 01. Cooked Ready to Eat Each P0RX LOIN ROAST 31. Avg. YANKEE SPARE RIBS IONELESS PORK ROAST SPICED LUNCHEON Minced Ham U.S. Inspected Vacuum Pack P. L P. IMF VEAl LOAF OLIVE LOAF Pkg. DELICIOUS C A I A HC Po,a'0' Macaroni JMLMUj Vegetable Pint Ml"1 1 I 1 t oeiN-nai ruvoai V Emj FRANKS . 39c STANDARD Sliced Bacon Lb. U.S. CHOICE BEEF FOR BROILING Spencer U.S. CHOICE BEEF BONELESS POT ROAST a. U.S. CHOICE BEEF BLADE Chuck Roast 2-YEAR-OLD SHARP CHEESE Salem - Woodburn 10 !2" 24-oi. Pk. Frttf Niagara Starch UNIT STARCH mm m 1 12-oz. Motin Kraft Cheese Slices f 'AsaortW 31.00 MODESS m YES TISSUE 2h.W TU L(M S.O.S PAD 25c Untie Ben's Rltt ONLY M OZ. tKS. ch grain coots separate L taicaoeaiD 1. QUASI 69c is . ItKKltt ki ia Piiti