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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1956)
il(Sec. IV) Statesman, Salem, Ore, Fit, June 29, 56 r - k " , 'By DON HARGEK ? Dolly Varden trout still come pretty big in th Metolius river ' A hort note and snapshot from Urv Harold D. rorrest, 365 Mover ' Une, Salem, backs up our statement The inapsbot bowi Mr. Forrest boldinf a ZJ inen, si-id. wony men oy y husband Happ rorresi. ine Dig vouy u men oa a Uy which nuke it all the more interesting. The big Dolly Vardea ot the northwest are not us aally found Uking Uies. Rather they would sneak out irom under a log and try to take the trout that nay have already lake, your fly. Congratulations to Happ Forrest on bis nice fish . . . And speak ing of Dolly Varden trout. Why don't we ever bear of a Dolly being taken from the Santiam riv et? Not too long ago we saw a big one taken from the upper Willamette. They still knock one off oc casionally to ine Mc&enue. me ainmm mnu k. vo.d nf the bin western charr. Wonder why . beorse iiuauj, Vv. p.. n, found the going good recently in Square lake. Is- inr worms. George tagged the largest eaflern brook trout of his . . . , . J ITU. iHk.a on4 Uot OhH 1U rarttr. Toe Dig DiwiC mrismcu in -v.,..- . Nielsen Eliminated in Net -Play at Wimbledon; Seixas Leads Advance by Yankees WIMBLEDON. England Kurt Nielsen, an erratic Dane with a record (or wrecking Wimbledon seedings. lost Thursday in his first Wimbledon tennis championships as a seeded player. He was the fourth ranked, men's player to take a whipping ia the first four days of this giant tourna- They'll Do It Every Time --. By Jimmy Hatlo Redlegs Near Circuit Lead ment. losing out in the third round to. Luis Avals, American-trained Chilean. J-7. M. M, S-7, M Aitbea GibMi Wins I In another key match on a cold.. rainy day Althea Gibson of New York, who is trying to become the , firl tn win U'imhlMlMi , Burgess' Homer Tops title, as on the edge of defeat1 Pitul.iirpli Pirate Mon hw PPonpnl blew UP nd l lUMJurpii i h4ndw, hfr the matfh MiM Gib. (C..t. fram nreeettliif page) 50n An SMcock of Bri- , ,. ., j tain. 4-6, 6-2, 6-1. MnVonPf gS "aTi. Otherwise the seeded players to the NL s all-star team, singled thf 5tjI1.,t African rl home the first run of the frame. ,lon fmi M . A two-on homer by Frank Thorn- (hjrd found as had given the Pirate- a -3-0 vj. q( Phjlll(k,lpma ,h(l lead -in the sixth inning. . rhl inn ,nd th, .. ... ! maiiuHk .flee it was dressed. A good sized brook trout by western Arker Gels Win mer men's champion still in the unrfirdi and certainly one to be proud of from any water ... I Tom Acker, in relief of Johnny shooting: Rhodes Scholar Ham a-"'1-1 J LI . . . .. .. h k I fire nf t h 1. I j ,1 . I I J I uiiiiui, ii nisi w, ... mcnuruson 01 nesuieiu, in. j., anp year as the Pirates fell to .500 unseeded Art Larsen of San Lean wilh their 12th defeat in the last'dro. Calif . American champion in 13 games. r ldio. all won their matches handi- Foster C a s 1 1 e ni a n. Jackie ly. Brandt. Bill White and Daryl Brouh tames ThrMgh Spencer homered for the last The seeded women also did very place Giants, who broke a 3-all well with Queen Louise" Brough. tie in the eighth as Bill Sjrni four-time Wimbledon winner, lead- scored on a wild pitch by losing ing the way. Miss Brough. seeded ' Wa te too, ia a news release from North Bead, thai Frank Saelgrava. former Salem resident, recently won a bout with a U lb. Chinook salmon at Caos Bay. The fishing has beea good dawa at Caw and it looks as If Oregon can boast of at least three hot spots for salmon mooching. The big factor la lettting to fish nbere the fish arc is the wind. There are arna erao Jays thengh. wbea the bar are flat and small boats caa travel aut la the open tea with HtUa ar aa trouble. The bar at Newport was recently described as being so flat one could cross a a shingle. Wa didat ask how big the shingle was. Scattered Herring Mean Scattered Fish The Mlmon seems to be a bit scattered at Newport with a fish ' ' being picked up at one place and then a mile of drifting before J another it picked up. It is probably due to the Mattering of the herring. When the herring are scattered, so go the salmon in ' search of them. To aW your chances in picking up a fish under these Mattered conditions, It sometimes pays to use a herring ' flashef with your herring and "motor mooch." Instead of just drift ing turtfon a bit of power and cover more water. The flash of the ' herring dodger will attract fish from some distance which other wise might not notice your offering. Another point to remember when the fish seem scattered is to locate and fish the tide rips. There it usually a lot of seaweed and drift in the tide rips and many of the herring will use the drift for escape cover. Salmon know this and cruise around the rips on the look-out for strays ... ' Oa the trout scene the fishing appears la be picking up in ' some areas and holding still la others. The upper Deschutes, little Deschutes, and Crescent creek have been offering some good fly fishing. The waters are getting down la the meadows ae that aa angler caa get to the streams and the fishing (and mosquito slapping) hat beea much ; Improved. 1 . The Metoliua ttill offers some eicellent fly fishing al i though that river Is now getting to the selective stage at the ' season. If yea don't have what the fish want and use it cor- rectly, yon catch nothing. iu.. .r m whn miv have wanted to travel into Elk lake over th. Breitenbushroad on the Jul, -4th U(iy. tta 1 atest report , this department had wat that the road is ttill closed to Elk. We do not een.haard a guess at to when it may open. Many of the high country lakes are still surrounded by snow deep enough to cover the trail blaie marks which make the going tough, indeed. It is no fun to get temporarily lost in the forests with no trail, no blaze ' marks and no high peaks to give you direction. Best to have a good map and a compass. - V 6ot 4wv f wurr 4Wj r ( no?scPi-dvEfs 7 LOBSTI8? WOW Of THEY OONS IM V- ; WOUL06ET 480UT Pturr MtswoN?7 this jowt if they V--tf?"?"0? f THE MOOSe ? -W5 (J LUCK? B5 T4LX-A EfTI rST SOl THE LIMIT TOD4y 3 BUTfiTOS 4NN1E ?IS RAlKY D4V-". WE H4D &X WINNERS A W1NOS UP WTW f XrrrSuD U 1 vaTT 4NO TME D4ILV J ' A Dime TtP-J JK? jt I l3 i ooua-E-Ncrr B4a ) -i wrmrT- , -w , r . -w . vji i .v u n n u . Fir i n kra Briggs 'Sorry After Gordon Quits Coaching 7 Gnder Stars Await Trials Battles for Olympic Berths Open Tonight (Cent, irva preceding page) ernoon when Arnie Sowell of Pit- for the first time this year. Friday night's features include I a renewal of friendly rivalry in the 100 meters between Rohhv Gettis Hurls No-Hitter . . . reliefer Don Bessent. Junior Gil liam homered for the Dodgers. Marv Grissom won it in relief, first. Mrs. Beverly Baker Fleitx of Long Bearh. Calif., No. 2. and Shirley Fry of St. Petersburg his first 1956 decision in his 21st ' Fla.. No. 5. all gained straight set nnnejiranrp. ; Victories. Field's, Jewelers Win Junior Baseball Games Thf Field's Master Service of Keizer blanked West Salem Lions C.A An tha nsi.hir nitfhina nf T vnn f'.ottic nnH the .Inrlfcnn .IpUrlpr At Kansas City Harvey Kuenn At the end of the fourth day rnnln, nv lh. Vamlis. u.rkets 7 J in Class C Junior Baseball rammed out two home runs as four o seven American men who; . ...,,, .vmin, Thrv wer ,h( oniv Bamf. scheduled. .J it. ia 1 elaria1 nlau etill upa ttreuin4 an1 1 . J Detroit snapped its 10-game los- started play still were around and j ing streak with a 4-0 victory over four of six women remained.. Aus- Kansas City in the first of a four-1 trana naa an even stronger nana game series. Portland Men Top 'Am' Meet Redlegs Grab 'Star' Berths in the men s division with Lew Hoad and Ken Rose wall, seeded first and second pacing a group that included Ashley Cooper, pfllf Krjupr and Mnl Anriprcnn In losing. Nielsen seeded sev-! enlh. joined on the sidelines the! (Cant from preceding page) third, fourth and fifth seeded play-' p0n: First baseman Ted Klus-ers-Sven Davidson. Budge Patty i zewski. third baseman Ray Ja and Jaroslav Drobny-who had hlnnski and riehl fielder Wally SPORTSMAN'S DIGESTS SCULUNS A BOAT WITH AN OAR MOLL OAS! POH ACH STROKE (Cat. irom preeedi.g page) j bwn eliminated earlier Spike Heeber, Portland. 1 up, in the morning round, then went on to upset Ralph Dichter, Astoria,' ) and 2, in the afternoon. Morning action saw Hanen de feating Gordon McKenzie, Vacou ver, B.C., ad a Seattle Univer sity student, on the 19th hole; $mith hfltinff H .T 'Hitkmnpr n.Li.-j .Tj . t!i..:1 ::;. "t of its kind held here in 34.473 :.0:r.V. , ""f,. months, will be the feature of i ;? i nd Marv iinsettinff M. Dirk Tuesday nights Armory wrestl-i third base J r 0 ivtn ahnui mkfi.lim.lrn fltnp Battle Royal Next on Mat An 8-m:.n battle royal, the first of its kind held here Post. . i The final voting totals: 1 players receiving 10.000 or more votes 1 American i.eagie j FIRST BASE MlrkfV Vfrnon. ! Wishiotton, i.S60: Vic Wertj. Clvf- Und. 93.6S5; Bill Skowron. New York. I 13,347; Roy Steven. WUhiniton. I 12.4M SECOND BASE: Nelson fox. Chi-1 -.o 127S6S Bobbv Avlli. Cleve- lnd. 34.54S; Billy Coodmn, Boson. ; Billy Pete Mirtin. Runneii New- York. Washington. In hurling his Servicemen to their third win, against two losses, Gettis fanned nine in the 5-inning game and received errorless sup- i port. The Fields team had only two hits off Bob Fadenrecht both shy first sacker Gary McNall but four errors helped bring about the i Lions' downfall. Three runs came ! in on errors in the third, and Mc Nall singled in another. Losers Get S Hits Nameless Market got eight hits off Tom Cireif. "including a perfect 3 for-3 by Steve Stewart. But the . Marketmen could get only two runs. A 5-run inning by Jaskson's j was provided by four walks, two I hit batsmen and a pair of hits, by Ted Lang and Jim Compton. Compton had Iwo hits in three trips to lead the winners' attack. The league standings now read 1 11 JUL ACTIOnJ i S COLLINS A iOAT LlAVtS OU OTHER HAND FREE FOB FISHING. THERE'S A KNACK TO tT IN TWIST ING THE OAR FOR EACH STROKE OF THE FISH-TAIL ACTON. ANO, SE CAUSE OF THIS TWISTING, A PIN L0CKIN6 OARLOCK CANT BE USED. MOUNT EITHER AN OPEN -OR R1N6 TVPE OARLOCK IN THE CENTER OF TRANSOM , OR TO CLEAR THE MOTOR f ONE rS USED. MEADOWS ENTRIES FlMt rare.'prtr. horw. purw S400, all asta trio C. 330 ydi. J. Sorrtll Sammy. L; Knowlet ...117 . Win Kilty Jq. H. Holley 109 I. Fueiv Ct A.' Duiwn - IO 4. Hohln Dita, W; philllpi 1ZS t. Blu Muilc. J. Bo fi . Nellie Dome. G. DIon IU I, PiUy Irene. 5. McDowell 123 Second rice, qrtr. hone, pune S400. aU irad B, 350 yd. I..O. Fem Conejo, A. Sherman . Ml I. Redwood Pny Jo. J. Bo ..120 1 Jot Uhfkln. ft. Herr lis 4. Beauty Koblrr, M. Hourhtnn .. lit) L Miu Nilht Star, P. Hidlo ...112 f. Joe Wiener, R. Woodi ,....125 i Mitt Ark. S. McDowell -,j.H: a. Kick Them, W. Smothers .. ...120 1 Third Vac. Mildeni. pun SftOO I yaar oldi, 4,t lurlonss. I, Throttle Hippy. H. Hopklnt ..117 I, Mountain Tlr. P. Hidalgo 117 I. Buddy H A. Sherman 1!7 4. Mmner'i Son. M. Hnushton .117 I. mky Tomboy, C. Slmonli .114 I. Miclc Dimml, L. Know 1m 114 t. riyhi. 6. Dixon .. 114 a. Hourtofly, S. McDowell 114 t. Winm B , E. Miller 114 10. War Hone, J. Boal .. 117 Fourth rice, maldeni. purse S500. 3 year oldi ind up. six furlin(i. 1. Pere el Dono. G Dixon I. She i Mine. P. HldnlKo S. Flint Rock, A. Duncan 4 -Mim Levant. D. lleruhaw . t. He'l-A-Dlver, W. Phtllipi t. Rim Rock. S. McDowell 1, Miracle Escort, J. Breckons . Skaiit Princa. L. Dales t. Second Dream, R. Holley 10. Gray Sage. L. KnowlK Kltnn 1 more. 7 801 In Fridav". ittihole semi-fin.-.!, Owen announced last night. v. wlinV TssM ' ' Sowers will play Krieger and ine mat maesiro win name ine : shortstop: Harvey ivuenn. nf ju 11110 n anu ncrs s m'iht ar- eigm parucipanis laier in ine . . r7. kci w-.i iunigni5 i lass a ganiis uua Legion Post 136 and Dickson Mar-1 ket 4-0. Field's Master Service 3-2. George Keii Baiti-' Jackson Jewelers. Nameless Mar- Raj Bocme. Detroit. 1 . . j s,.,ink. Trnckprs 2-2 West Salem Lions 2 3. Four Corners 20- Kuenn. M&F Softies Win 15-8 Mix The Meier k Frank entry in the Capital Softball League last night clobbered the Keizer Klectrics 15- S In their makeup clash at Phil lips Field, the only action on the night's bill. The win gives the M It F's a S-l record to date, while Keizer Electric now has a 3-2 mark. Cascade Meats leads the league-with its -0 record. The,M k F's scored five times in the second inning and seven more in the sixth. Big wallops in the uprisings were by Ron Magee and Sonny Carson who had triples. Gene Oliver had three hits for the winners. June i Tk. i-ii.. i June IS iiiv 1.1WU lis uinu iiuu a live 1 July I run inning ana tneir attack was July 2 led by Rod Rowan's home run. U'y 1 In tnnlnhl'. .Minn In Tit., I . '"'l ' ill vuiiiiiv o aiivti, 14 i. July S gue, ine Li 41 n s piay me nanoie Oilers for the ninth time. Both are now tied with 4-4 records. To night's 7 o'clock Capit;il League game has been canceled. Meier-Frank 051 107 1-15 13 Keiier Klec. 001 051 1 8 0 5 Bartruff. Carver 161 and Klas- Kuebler, Roe 7 and Phil- Ijinplcv will meit Rrnnsnn Women eolfers. who were idlo-"'- Thursday, will resume competi- ns w" be an over-tne-top lion Friday. Grace DeMoss, Cor-. royal, which means that before vallis. the favorite, goes against .any participant is eliminated in Mrs. Frank Fisk, Portland. In the the every-man for- himself melee, other women's semi-final match he must be tossed out of the Mrs. R. L. Borst, Portland; will ring, over the top rope strand, play Mrs. Fred Robertson, Port-1 The card will get under way land. I at 8:30 p.m. 111 Cleveland. I New ark. 25.775: 14. tM IKATOOm J Ijho LfJTTMEP. A tNO COLLARSD LEATXE WILL PREVENT OAR'S LOSS WHEN YOU LET SO TO PLAV A FISH. Jackie Moans After Fining DETROIT 1 - Coach Joe Gordon's abrupt resignation Thursday'- dragged the Detroit Tigers' family feud inta the epea again and aa apologetic tiger president. Walter O. (Spike) Brigji Jr., shouldered " all the blame for this entire mess." f It km a mmnUtc ahnut-ff 1 r for the 44-year-old president, who for several days has publicly cen sured the club's field and front office personnel. y. Beached, bv telephone in Lake JWaWs,.Fla.. Briggs said he "madei r-wt ot looiisn statemems wunoui thinking and I plan to apologue personally to all persons con cerned." N Fnrtker Ckaagrs He said ther will be no further 1 personnel changes, either in the t . -ii . - it.. r.M ni;l iruni untie ui uu iiic i itiu. uiuit . , ... Ithe season is over or unless the ; "J Ln voru'. UB rluh-s new owners order them. 1 : . . ' . ,n The Detroit Baseball Co.. in herited by Briggs and his sisters in 1So2 Irom their late tamer, is fund arrangement. Official bid-1 H "I1 " !ri.m. m.II nn.n ne.l uwk : . ul The 41 year-old Gordon, a sec ond baseman who spent 11 sea sons in the major leagues nutst of them with the New York Yan kees was in his first year as the i Tigers' first base coach. He man aged the Sacramento club of the ; Pacific Coast League for two sea- sons before joining the Tigers in 1953 as supervisor of West Coast scouts. Slump Started Things Briggs' criticisms started sev eral clays ago during the slump Questionable that has carried the Tigers Sime May Miu 'IW through 11 games without a ic- And there is a possibility he will tory Ho blamed manager Bucky not run ln tnt m a eVfn( m Hams and accused players of not which he was granted permission hu?mg , . u try by special dispensation of Then later. Brisks challenged the Olympic committee The head the competence ol general mana- coach. Jim Kelly of Minnesota ger llerold 'Muddy Ruel and has advised Sime against risking coaches Gnrd.n. Billy Hitchcock r(..jnjury in the 200 and to concen and Jack light All the coaches iratP on th inn nH a nlr th. were infuriated They said Briggs r,.av t,.am should have the courage to call them into his office and speak to therti. rather than to reprimand " them in the papers. But only Gor don took olficial action. "I popped off." said Briggs. '-t wouldn't want k hurt Hucky. Muddy or amune else But l'e oeen going inrougn a pretty rougn hurdles and 5.000 meter run period of time, with the ball club iup for sale and everything and SfF.GEL WINNER the club losing like it is If I ' HAYDEN'' LAKK, Idaho f -were up there 'in Detroit' 1 would Frcd Siegci a Spokane account ask Gordon tn stay on" ,, , ,r-v.H nn n,iitr Statement. t,l miHrtl.non(t Fr Hv shot Morrow removed some of the Sime lustre, when he handed the Duke lad from New Jersey a sound thumping in the too in the NCAA Texan Bobby was on his wav to repeating the treatment in the 200 when Sime pulled out of the race , with a badly strained muscle Whether the redtopped IJaf is back in top shape he has not tried a real burst of speed in a workout since the mishap oc curred at Berkely June lis Action Friday begins at 4 .10 p in with hammer throw trials and the final. Preliminary running trials begin at 8 p. m. 'all times Pacilic Daylight Time' Finals to be concluded are in the hammer, javelin shot, broad jump. UK) meter dash. 4ii meter Informed nf Briggs' ! Gordon said ; Gordon Standi Pat I appreciate it It' mendable of him But 'up my mind 1 have ' make a clean break that." Briggs said Thursday until middle-aged, r ndav shot a T4 for a three round total of 219 and the championship in the In very com- land Fmpire Senior men's golf I'c made tournament decided to Bill May, secretary nf the Spok and that's ane Central Labor Council, was second with 222 Arthur 'Buck' he has Bailev. Washington State College Game Commish Lists Forecast (Cont. from preceding page) cutthroats are beginning to ap pear in the Tillamook are. Salmon river has been poor for trout. A few salmon are being taken from Tillamook bay and the Trask, Wilson and Kilchis rivers. Jetty fishing has been spotty, with some lit 107 114 I0 112 i ib i sen 112 lips, Peckham '7 114! July 4 Sunrise Sunset 4 2s a m. 1:1.1 p.m. 4 2 l.m. K:1i.1 p m. 4:29 am. 1:12 p.m. 4:?9 a.m. 11:42 p m. 4:34 a.m. R:02 p m. 4:31 a m. 4:12 p.m. 4:.ll a.m. 8:01 p m. 4:32 a.m. 4:01 p.m. at Tenmile. tel. and Loon lakes is reported good. Trout angling in south fork of Coquille is fair to good. Trout angling in Tioga creek upper regions fair, fair also in Willams river. Shad angling now is practically over. Striped bass angling in mud flats between McCullogh and Railroad bridges is fair to good on incoming tide. Salmon angling is fair to good depending upon the afternoon winds. Rogue river is clear and dropping. Conditions for fishing have greatly improved. jOil of Keizer '1-3' vs. Salem Lions ; 1 1-2' at Bamck No 1; Master Service Stations 0-3' vs Salem 'Rotary '2-1' at and Don Sheldon; Tom Greif Morrell Crary. Jim Stewart .5 LEFT FIFXD Ted Williams. Bns- ton. 1M.2M; rharley Maxwell. De troit. 4.1.S04: Minnie Minosa. thloauo. 28.8W; Enoa Slauihter. Kanaai '."ity 24.215 CENTFRF1 ELD: Mickev Manue. Fuur torners -Merchants ton. J1.95S. RIGHT FIELD: Al Kahne. Detroit. 149 5W); Hank Bauer New York. 3S.S53: Jackie Jensen. Boston. 2I.52S. CATCHER : Yofl Bern. New York. 191,144: Sherm Lollir. Chicin. 14.S24 NATIONAL LEACUS FIRST BASE: Dile Lor. Pitta burgh. 179,744: Ted Kluazewjki, Cin cinnati. 157.130; Gil Hode. Brook lyn. 10.41, Watly Moon. St. Louis, 10.3(15 SECOND BASF: Johnny Temple. Cincinnati, !72,2t!. Red Srhnendienst New York. 133.135: Gene Baker, cm cago. 33.S13; Junior Gilliam tin is mo THIRD BASE Ken Bnyer. St ! SKATTLK 1 The Seattle Louii. 1M.7SI; Ray JahlmiJki. c,n- R(,jniers nf ,h( pacif,c C cinnatl, 106,!i4; Eddie Mathews. Mil- , """"-' , , wmkei 70 172 League will head for the Land of SHORTSTOP: Roy McMillan, Cm- the Midnight Sun Monday l"n.i1- mm- Erni' nl"n"!!; u""' i first prolessional baseball jn.614: Alvm Dark, st Louis. :tn: to play in Alaska Dirk Groat. Pittsburgh. 15 503; John- j),,, loa(;ut. leading Raimers ny Loan. Milwaukee, m.i , . . . .. . STAMFORD, Cunn J Jackie r' ,, " lhe, ' 11 s m' Robinson said Thursday he would lmstak,F- hpDsa,'J- u! hlu' nav the ISO fine slanoed unon him r,'sPett for Butkv- b,,h as 8 man' J: . K vti.,n,l t .... W and as a gentleman V-! Warren Riles, but he insisted on a llarris' '",ure as manager complete tonlidencr in llarris and baseball coach wa next in the Class A "scratch" play with a 224. ' Barrick No. 0-4' v!.Mr,mr.;i k..i !, icic,A . Harris' future as manager of J's Drive-ln '3-2' at Leslie. I h t ", , h d ( (h the club still appeared in doubt west Salem Lio.,. oi. ou - o o 4 "lng 10 slJte n" "ae 01 lnc but most of the uproar of the past Field, Master (114 Ox- 5 2 0 , tBSe . 0 rf Bob Fadenrecht and Jim G.odl: Rnhmcnn't f ro and faikmiimiiI . ... ."' . Lynn Gems and Tnnk Bartruff , ,"" T IhI- 1 nP eneral opinion in Detroit Nameless Market ioo in-- 2 t j : complaint arose from an incident, wa that arri woId 8ljck jt , unless directly fired, a moe BriKfis soys he doesn't contem plate at the moment Ja. kson jewel n 151 Ox- ; 5 i in last Sunday's game with the jay Gustation, mev. swwart n Cincinnati Redlegs He grounded Rainier s Ready Alaskan Jaunt good catches at times is (air. Fishing in streams Milwaukee. H.2SH I rrrr rtl-l n- lnk Hnhinson Cm trout cinnati. 140.522: Rip Repulski, si ; asKan au-suir coiupeiiiKin. one n Louis. S..Z4H; rranK innmn. r..i- .untimriite .Monciav ana ine oiner Some nice catches are being taken Phia. '28.972: Bobby Thomson Mii- ih the pvpnino with flioc fnr tho ! watikee. 19.052 -jfirset time th, seasom Catches lXZ tranning have improved at Fish Lake in ivn ns87; Willie Mays. New York 114 : list fifth race, claim, purse MMI, 3 year oldi and up. iSSOOl, one mile. 1. Double Dream. G. Dixon 1 Mr. Boo. M Houlhton S. Bill Hart. A. Duncan 4. Cartons Flower, D. Henshaw I. Manda, O Stmonii . Laura Rd, J. Bonit 1. Meade, A Sherman I. Speed Ballet. W Phillips 5. Praldld. L. Knowles 1. Bed Clly. R. Hopkins i2! : 121 ! IZ1 t 114 ' 116 i 114 Major League Leaders NATIONAL l.r.AGl E G AB R in!Jackson countv. Salmon fishini? ! 45 45; Richie Ashborn. Philadelphia. Lincoln and western Lane coun- j ,s fi0od but sliehtlv ooorrr than ""'" Bnb ciemente. pmshureh RIGHT FIF.LD Stan Mn-ial St Louts. 174 476: Wally Poll, Cincinnati. 116H33; Hank Aaron, Milwaukee. 31.428: Ie Walls. Pittsburgh. 26.02S CATCHER. Fd Bailey, llminnati. Ifi5:t4. Roy Campanella. Krooklvn. 115 495; Del Crandall. Milwaukee. 35.S24; Stan " 1ipata. Philadelphia. out in. the eighth inning but claimed the ball hit his toe in foul territory before rolling fair I'm pire Augie Donatclli ruled him out and when Robinson tossed his hel met away, the player was ejected "When Donatclli told me 1 was out of the game." the forthright; Brooklyn Dodger infielrter said. "I the harked back, I don't gie a team damn ' For that I set fined Why" 1 didn't curse, except for saying that one word and its a word prac tically every ball player in base-, ball uses at one time or another, and gets away with i! Is that fairness'1 "If Donatclli said I cursed he's a liar, but I don't think he did 'and. and return in time I'm going to do ewrvtlung possi 4 night tlouhleheader hie to make f ! lies tell me why I Tuesday in Fairbanks Air schedules make it possible for the team to till the two-day engagement for its July O'ltrifii Takes Joli PORTLAND 4Bi!l O'Brien. 37. a (ionzoga 1 mversity graduate. Wednesday was announced as new football coach at Central Catholic Ili'jh Sc hool here He will succeed Harry Siarff, who quit laM January to take another coaching job Tide Table TinF.S FOR r4FT UKF.GON .(".in-fi'ed rv C s ('out aid Gt'.iJcT..- Survey. Portland. Orcfonl SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of All Kinds, Trusses, Abdominal Supports, f'.lastic Horterv Kxpert Fitters Private Fittinn Rooms "Ask Your Hoi-tor" Capital Drug Store 405 State Street Corner of Liberty i'H" fireen Stamps lies tor trout has been slow, halm-1 WP have known in thi wooli on fishing at Vaquina bay has : Trout fishing in I'nion creek area been good to excellent fnr chinook. js S0W- but some improvement is siiau iiMiing cuntiiiues 10 oe lair i expected this coming week end. to good on the lower Sandy river ftrai Slow to fair trout angling may be. expected on the upper Sandv and ! . ,lolK t relK reservoir is pro- Clackamas rivers Thanks to against Vancouver's Mounties in was fined Seattle liohinsnn s;nd he had wri'tcn Both games in Alaska will lie letters to (liles ami to Raschall' ; played at night hut without Commissioner Ford Fnck i artificial lighting The tilts will j start al fi M pm and are expect- Allenlown. Ta . of the K.Ttern; T n1 Hp'b. t Hieh Watcts r ft. ?. .14 a ... 4 'I 5 IU I n. 5 5 4 I t a in 4 5 5 42 r' in 5 7 T.m He'tht Low Waters -ft 10 14 i m. 0 3 11 I '! p ni. II Mil im (il ed to finish before sundown matter how lont, they last. nn league is connected with the St Louis Cardinals. Bailev. Clni ntl "' i Buyer. St I. Ri.blnaon, Clnrl 1!Q C'lenienlr. Pittlih " M.w.n Kt I Sixth rice, claim, purae SO0. 3 year , L'-'u!,.." t"' Olds and up. itaooi, 5', furlnnas I. Mlsi Bar My. v Hiaano 1 Sir Dak W. Philllpi a. Randy H . L Doles 4. Fern Patch. S McDowell I. Roclt Harney. L. Know lei . PfiMy Pitty. D. Heoshaw t. Harney Star R llnnktns I. A Sherman Sunny (ioUt, .1, Brc kons 10. Our Cimble. J Bins fceventh race, rhim. nurp I'aar olds and up. 'SWA oo's t. Frank Welles. C Simonls 1 Libido. L. Know lea 1. Ben Row. J Boa .. .. . Cil K . D. Henshiw . Bob Feller. E Miller . Bold Heathen. C. Dtxnn Muslal. St. L ' Aaron. Mtlwke Mnryn, Chicago 114 119 1 1 1 m nome runs miyri, tii iiui. lib Uina. Pittsburgh 17, Banks Ch 51 157 2 65 m 51 US 43 22B 51 73 S4 16H 23 34 82 219 411 70 It; 2yt IS 72 44 IU 23 51 45 244 M 7fi S!i 22S 35 1 41 211) 2 6fi H Pet 54 344 33S 323 321 320 31! 315 111 303 300 1!: o jog II: Rohle.snn Cincinnati lit: Snider. ri llronk Ivn 15 lift Huns butted In Hover.. St I ouls I4 57. Mutual. St Louts 54. I.'.n. Pltts- 115 burch 411 Loptta. Phiilrielphia 44. Thomas, Pi!tshurh 42 T, Statiitie. 8 McDowell I. Don Baker. I.. Dales . Captain Parrv. A. Sherman 10. KlITOn W., ft Holley fion. 3 x f ir. iro 120 .. . !20 r,5 iro 120 If" in AMKRICAN i f f G 'Mantle. New Vol k Kuenn. Detroit Maxwell. Detroit Vernon. Boston Lollar Chicago Minrso, Chicago Cicrnert. Boston (ioodman Hnston AB fll 255 51 210 5.1 1T7 4H 178 5S 190 57 201 5(1 111! 43 ItiS recent trout liberations, the South Yamhill and its tributaries are ('N'cnmK expected to offer fair angling. Recent plantings have improved prospects for several Willamette i valley streams such as Alluqua. Butte, and Silver creeks and the Big and Little Luckiamutes Kx perienced anglers have taken nice catches from Marion lake. Rain bow to 11 inches have been taken from Klk lake Prospects are good at F.Ik and Ounlap lakes. Anglers are reminded salmon angling above Oregon City closes July 1st Fishing anglers are doing exceptionally good on these .streams, Keservmr fishing is fair to good on troll in Dnrcna. Dexter. nd Lookout Point hut is only fair Clear lake is ducing good catches of 8 to 10 inch I 91- Bl" s'r"'' Nr Y"' "'r: -' rain how riiirmp arlv mnrnint nnH Williams Praises thicago White Sox Hub Eighth race, claim, pur.e WOO, year (Ml aeMl uo. ilftuOi, ux furlongs. m.,nn lh. r.nir.1. un'ii . K N.eman Baltimore IB 115 ,15 SKowron. S Y 50 IW Hun., runs Mnntlc. New York IWra. New York, It. Sievers, W ot iiii'l from the bank 75 357 fair on troll Cole! lake has been "9 131 1 P(K'ucin3 Jmall catches of large 41 321 rainbow up to 17 inches. Hidden 4 3i lake islair for cutthroat averaging JIJ' about 9 inc hes in length. K 315 SOITHW EST S-l 111 ' trout tisning re- 'The Contrail Hotel I, Phirllta, A Duncan 115 1. Stdaey Light, Ji. McDowell 115 X Floref Son)!. Cr Dixon 115 4. First Ps. J. Brerknn? 120 I. Farlv Burley, D Henshaw 115 t. Fetchenwin. J. Bo 111 1 BUI V Venero. F. Smothers . IPO I. Can't Check, fi Simonis Hi I. Our Judy. 1. Hrcckon 115 . Slnion. Kanias City. VI, Wert Cicvclidul. 51, Sicceis. SV.i-hmfct'on 50: Beira. New York. 44 Meadow Selection taiki 3 Nina 114, 121 j 151 IU i ii"! . nn 110 107 i:t NlntH race, allow . purse ytar aids and up, six furlongs. ' Wolfe Turn " 1. Dark 'n Phar. P ILdaleo t. Fraddv the Fox. W Phillips J. Kinf Cirmep. H. Hollev 4. Tuihin. L. Knowlei : I. Carta Snow. G. Dixon a. Early Choice, A Sherman , t. Fulton Hoi, D. Hcnihiw I. Tina H . G. Simonii I. How Dee Lee, 3. McDowell ' Tenth race, claim, ourw SWO. 3 tar oldi and up, itsooi, one mile I. Beau A)a, 0. Dixon t. Sam aVmes, F. Smothari Ardell, L. Knowlti ' 4. Silntty Slnrwr. P. Hidalgo .. " 1 Povil Cirlol. O. Slmonli 1 f . Klnfl fnf llih, A. Duncin . . . t. Lillli Cal. J. Brerkoni a Crmo-d Aeain. S. wrDnwell Ros-a) Flayer. D H-nahaw 10. i4tSwoop, W. Phillip! T; I Mercer lake h-: mams eiini! Taheniich lake hlue- New Wk 16 iRi" and perch fishing fair to hatted in -Mantle. New Yurk. I Bood. Irollt fishing poor SlltCOOS lake trout fishing has improved, bass and hliicc'ill fishing fair to ! good wilh , some bullheads being j taken Some trout an; being taken I on troll at Woahink lake, knkauee : fishing slow . Trout angling is fair in the North' I'mpqtu. upper South' ! Kmptjua. Itmk creek. Little river. I and reservoirs of the extreme up- Wanner. per North I mpqua drainage Iur- bla water irequenuy occurs in the main stem of the North and lower South I'mpqua rivers. Con struction and gravel operations are Bill the principal causes Fly fishing Friday, Post Time 4 I' M Nellie Doinu, Sor- Joe Flvhl. War Mlr- Knbin Dale reli "Sanui.v . G. Fein Conejo, Kick Them. Frisky Tomboy. Horse. Flint Rock Pere El Domo acle Escort Meade, Carlone Flower. Hart Sir Dile. Miu Bar Fly. Fern Pilch. Ben Row. Frank Wellei. Cal K Can't Check, Sidney Llht. Phar Ilia Freddy The Fox, How Dee Lee. Fulton Ro. loyal Carlos. Little Cat. Aidrlt Mid day fishing is slow The Heschutes .Maupin. Sherars Bridge, and Warm Springs areas i low and clear, but fishing is slow. , Kir,"slev reservoir fishing has re- j BOSTON' - - Ted Williams' mained very good, some limit., ajd Thursday he feels that Chi- ;', ;.m,r,'t'ti' '!hJi$hit.o is the best balanced team in ranging 8 to l.i inches Wahtum , J , Lake road open to Rainy lake. Ine American League williR-ner Lost Lake road open Olallie Lake Sherm Lollar and rookie shortstop and Badger lake roads still closed Luis Aparicio the key figures in by snow Very good limit catches the White Sox pennant bid are being obtained at Frog lake. The big lied Sox sluggef was in Lake branch and west fork of, town to assume the general chair lloocl mir very good, east fork manship of the Jimmy Fund fair (Iclcll like is still producing Foundation which is launching its good catches ol kokanee and, yearly drive He rejoined the Bos lake trout. Crescent lake is pro- ton team Thursday night in Haiti tim ing limit of catches nf kokanee niore. in the 10 and 11 inch size group. At the same tune Williams :hh!. nin: one' rainbows wasn't predicting a flag lor Chi are in the creels Davis lake fly cago In fact. Ted said the Red fishing is producing nice catches Sox nine games behind pace-set-ef l irge rainbow The I. ttle Des- ting New York in fourth place c holes river is in excelled eon-' are "ready to roll " till ion for fly fishing Wickiup '. reservoir is still high, 'ind Lshin is slow. Crane I'1 i- o. good on hat The algae bloom is clearing. Trolling m. prove lor kokanee North and South Twin lakes are still piniiuc- ing good ealenes ol rainbow ng linr 'or eastern brook trout at l.illel full us liike is good Big Lava lake is producing .'nod c.'tle! e- o large eastern brook for those anglers trolling dvep and slow F.Ik lake is producing good catches of rainbow and eastern ; brook trout both trolling and bait Willard Cravens was fishing with fishing Fly fishing at Sparks his spinning rod in Idaho's Snake lake .'hnut! improve The Des- River last April when he got a chutes river above and below Bend trike Then the hooked fish is in excellent lishing condition, lumped It was a .9-foot, 360 lb Good angling is experienced at "By best balance' regard to the White ' Ted Sox said in "Another thing of which I'm I mean convinced is that little Aparicio is they have good pitching, good hit ting and good speed -Larry. Dcby has started hitting. II he continues to hit, they'll be rough. 'Jacki Harshman helps their pitching Williams praised Uillar as the unsung player in the VShitc Sox drive If they ever lost I.ollar they'd In. in rough shape " Ted said one of the greatest young phnrt stops to come into the league in a long time" Ted added "He can make any kind of play in the field you ev cr saw Williams compared Chicago with the ,19."i4 New Yurk (.lianK who won the National league title and the World Series on balance not individual stars ANGUA-PREFECT $1545-$1645 ENGLISH-BUILT FORD BRITISH CAR SALES 3085 N. C.pilol Strati World's record fresh-water fish! .. ... 4-"kel-- i-e - v 1,1 " ' 1 ' PS .... .4iW?tiw in the central North Fmpoua is i Three Creeks lake, and the road sturgeon' BFST BET -Freddy Tha Fo-s- mn IIS Rice. I-onlshot potsibillty Harney 119 'Star 4th rut. slow because of muddy water. Summer steelhead aiijling is very slow because water is too high and rnilv in the heller .fishing area". Salmon angling at Win rhes'er hay is generally 2ood. Most of the fish now ennung in is open to within three blocks of the boat concession rin...n DAnnum ill I are chinook. Fy fishing for trout i Lonnett, Burn (4. In the new July Field & Stream vou can read how he played this new world record, rod and reel freshwater fish, and how he XHIMTION MIEBI.I. andH mm whnu( , ff. KCl ff 5 m SLiJ IS mpv today .nd don't m,s. c.-ob. stewari nf "e he.e'; tne true tisning story 01 ine year Neai ay h and The Jtiinf-cor performing at the Motor Olympics tonight it the Hollywood Bowl will be equipped with famous 3ENERAL NYGEN CORD TIRES furnished by FEIRING 3ENERAL TIRE SERVICE, INC., 710 State St., Salem, )regon. Roy Feiring states 'that GENERAL NYGEN CORD TIRES have withstood every conceivable test and they have NEVER had a failure due to impact break. Pound for pound, GENERAL NYGEN CORD is stronger han steel cable. See these tires at FEIRING GENERAL TIRE SERVICE, INC., 710 State St., Salem, Oregon. Pd. Adv. Hollywood Bowl SALEM TONIGHT 8:30 P. M. Adm. $1.50 Kids 50t SIDE-CAR MOTORCYCLE RAClNfi COMPETITION IN 28 STI NTS Teimi from England, Australia, Germany, Mexico, Cinada, I . S. A. KIDS - ARRIVE EARLY. RIDF. MOTORIZED EI.EJMIXNT FREE Benefit I'. S. Olympic Fund You liaverit tasted life until youve tried B&inier Rainier Beer S.C'S SUTTU BRf isG t MALTING CO StATUE. WASH U S A SICH5 SeOiUNf B'fWfKr SPOsANf. XA1M V A