They Fly ThroSigh the Air With the Greatest of Ease U.S 'if . Cinder s Await Stay Trials 1 H i u mr Hit iii iilinifli Senators Win Finale At Yakima 3-2, Open With TC Here Tonight PARKKR F1KI.D. Yakima - 'Spociali - The Salem Senators sal vaged their last (iame of the Northwest League series here Thursday night, taking a 3-2 victory over the loop leaders and thus cracking a live-game losing streak. Lefty Jciry Cade did a successful job of relief work after taking over for Andy : i George in the eighth inning 'n('njnT; 1 O the Bears scored their two runs . ! XVirifl tVIYIlP6 George was the winner, however, j It Hill OlyllllCtJ and now has a 6-3 record. The Senators now return to Sa lem where they open a lengthy home stand, playing the Tri-Cily Braves Friday night at eight o'clock. Sxtkula Hits Homer Salem scored twice in the second inning off new Yakima hurler M' l Waite, a Seattle school teacher. Ku.vs Koshurg walked and rrank Szekula hlasted his fourth homer of the season over the right field wall for the tallies. - The Solons went 3-0 ahead in the scwnih i.n singles l Hav Web- sler. Jack Dunn and Mel Krause The Bears scored in the eighth as Iked if'.pnri'e s nnv pass1, Vince Moreci singled. Ilerm Lewis singled to score Wilson, Herm Reich singled to fill the sacks and Roy Nixon drew a walk, forcing in a run, from Cade who took over the mound alter Reich's bingle. Cade then got Dick Renner on a ground-out to retire the shie and pitched through the ninth with but one base on halls. Webster, Dunn Hit Webster with three hits and Dunn with two led the Salem's 7 hit at tack Yakima had 10 off George. but he kept them well scattered Both Lewis and Reich had three, There were nn errors in thi 1 game. Hooray 1 1 ! SAl.FM (3) B R H E (2) YAKIMA B iR ? n Dunn" 3 i 2 o wlieoli Knusc.2 9 l o Mrfri.m 4 i l n i EsSian.i 2000 Lewm.r 1030 Ct.lrli r 1 1 1 n Nttnn 1 t 11 1 rtUSlUI.l d I l i' iirii.n.i t " j v Ursen 3 4 ft 0 0 Rpnnpr.2 4 0 0 0 urbnp BalatA7 Kwpf.c 4000 ni.c 3 o n ojpibot . lnrHF,p J U II 'l n,iir l 4 ll u ll Cdf,p 1 0 0 0 7andfr.x 1 n 0 0 Downs. o 0 n f 0 Mkacih.d 0 0 0 0 Totala .14 3 7 n Tnlal .14 2 10 0 1 Grnunilfd Out for Wait in 8th. ri-Sac. Bunt for Dmi'rm in !:h Salfm (120 nno inn .17 0 Yakima Ono nno 020- 2 10 0 Winnmt" pitcher Onrgp i8-.1i. Losing Pltrher Wait in.ii IP AB HR FB SO HB Genrne 7', 31 In 2 2 5 1 w.itf s in' j i i 4 . Downs 1 4 10 0 1 tto ...I... I. in c.l. . v.i ' iir -o.rr.uia. - ir 1,1 i.Mliia S HK-S7eku:a 1-nn -W ilson. I mn RRI S7iiila Kraut Vtvr.n ' Sae Mikaeuti iH DP Wehstir to. Krause to Rnshurg T 2 12 L' Kel- ley-Tisher Am huh Eugene Posts 6-5 Triumpl i Eugene picked up two runs in the ninth inning last night at Ken newick to take a 6-5 Northwest League baseball victory over .the Braves. The Wenatrhee Chiefs won their game with Lewiston. 8-6, at Wenatchee. Carl Hutzler hit a home run and then singled in the winning Eu gene run with a cratch infield hit in the ninth. Manager Hillis I.ayne of Lewis ton and Phil Marvier of Wenatchee had homers in that game Lewiston 1"1 Oil nuO-6 9 'I Wenatrhee 2"2 2'i Hlx 8 9 2 Jacobs Doriel and Dinahue, Chase Isringliaus 6i and I.uiuibf t?. Eutene 100 010 202-B 11 2 Tri-City 103 010 nun -5 l.i 2 Penfoin. marten in ana uapprr, Gauthier (H Ku7Tk. Agne Zari. NATIONAL LEACl'E Milwaukee at Chicago - Htiritette f 7-3 1 vs Hush i6-:!i Clni lnnatl at St. Loins t night 1 - Nil x hall 5-6 1 is Mi- zell 1 7-5 1 New Vmk at I'l "h inlthti- Hearn i.1-7i vs Law 1 2-B Philadelphia at Brooklyn might! S Miller i.1-4i vs Drysdale (i-.1i. amihican lEAnrr. WasM'tEton at New York (nightl -stobbs 15-51 v. Grim i4-n Boston at Baltimore might 1 -Pjmu ?-'. vi Moore i6-5i. Chicago at cive- !??, L2-'.wM.,f,:.,.,-,-"'J : Score 16-51. Detroit at Kansas city tnighti c.romen ta-si ys L, (0-3i. American League " BIT" r. Hun Sli-i i Trurki and Wilson: McMnhan. 7; uii'K iiu'it golf too seriously. But Mary, r-ri Rowing Races SYRACrSK. N Y. - Chil ling winds- which whipped up treacherous white caps on Onon daga Lake forced an unprecedent ed postponement in the I'. S. Olympic rowing trials Thursday with preliminary heats comnlet ed in only one yf the seven ev- enls The weather complications plus numerous complaints from coach- PS brought a revision in the con- troversial draw for the featured e,eht-oar race. Stanford was 'moved from the first to the sec- ond heat The four-oar crews with cox swain, paced by the Cornell Crew Club and the rugged l'niersity of Washington, managed to squeeze in four races during a relatively mild period shortly aft er noon. But the waters grew in creasingly choppy behind brisk 15 mph quartering head winds to wine out the rest of the program, These waters are about as bad as I ve seen them, said Clifford i Tip i Goes, chairman of the : Olympic Rowing Committee, in 'making his postponement an-1 j about 200 shivered under topcoats ' and Plankets. Goes said the remainder of the first day's program would be conv pleted Friday, starling at 9:30 . m. FDT with the 'repechage 'second chance) arid ' semi-final heats Saturday and the seven championship finals Sunday dinners qualify to represent the I'nited States in the Olympic Games in Australia, starting Nov 22 Thp roin"-livents are at sub. . ...k..'T. .-r .;i Portland Men Top 'Am' Meet j; PORTLAND iff - William Lang- rv Multnomah Cotintv district attorney, and three other Portland o area men won their way into the ,: ,u oo.u I , fl I II " 1 1 IlillM HI 111. iOlll .llllllltfl "ir K',M Amateur Gulf Championships Thursday . Langley. 40. defe.tled Fred Hud spelh. Prineville. 3 and 2. in a morning round, then beat W. .1. Macv. Portland. 4 and 3. in the afternoon Don Krieger, Portland, won from K. I. Nichols. 2 and 1. in the Smith .Jr. Medfnrd. in the after- noon. Clarence Sowers a 4vvcar-old ,V)WCrS, a ll iai n, greenkseeper trom ancouver. Wash, had 2 and 1 victories over Mernl Hval. Portland, and Dick Hanen, Coos Bay. Bob Bronson. Portland, took (font, on page S2, eol. S) Wiffi Favored to Take Title in All-Yank Final SI NMNGDALE. England iff Favorite Margaret 'WiflP Smith 0 St. Clair, Mich., and upset- minded Mary Patton Janssen Charlottesville. Va., hammered .... r. . their way into trie linai oi ine nrit - ish Women's Amateur Golf Cham - pionship Thursday with relentless one-sided victories in the quarter anil semi-finals. , These two powerful golfing of 1,'ncle Saill set lit) the n . . lirsi ail-rtmencan nnai in me ins- tory of the tournament. Miss Smith a 19-year-old. freck- led golf club secretary, dcleated gallant Polly Riley of Fort Worth, Tex. 5 and 4 in the semi-final, She broke the little Texan's heart' with booming drives and a series )ot magnificent chips and pitches, M.c lonccnn nolichon of Rri. ' .' ,', " 1 'tr m .. . tain s best young golfer 19-year- old Angela Ward, 6 and 5 in the ,emj.jna , That kind of performance had been expected from Wiffi, rated a. ono of America' most nrnmis. ing players for the past three years It certainly wasn't expected 'from Mic lontson mhn Hrivp. a sneertv snorts car to tournaments an(j j (np past hasn't appeared to I i r -7 o hi j) wall Ramp-to-ramp broad Jumping of new autos, as pictured above, will be one l the 28 act during tonight's Motor Olympics at Hollywood Bowl here. Similar spectacular stunts are oa the S:30 o'clock pro gram, whlrh provides funds for the ISA Olympics team. Motorcycles as well as new Ford autos will be used la most of the breathtaking stunts. In lower photo, the show's "huge mechanical elephant Is shown In action. Kids will be given free rides on "Gertie prior It the Olympics program. Motor Olympics Show Slated Tonight at Hollywood Bowl The combined Motor Olympics jts Saenl appearance tonight, at Hollywood Bowl starting' at 8.30 o'clock Net nrnrceds of the 2a-act thrill show are to bo into the United States Olympic Games fund. - ,,,. . i NORTHWEST MAGIC W L Pet. W L Pet. Yakima 36 IS .667 Wiutche 23 34 .404 Eugrnt 33 20 .623 Salem 21 33 .389 l.evuston 29 21 .580 Spokane 17 37 .314 Trl-Clty 29 25 S37 Thursday.., results: At Yakima 2. S.i1rm 3 i1rm 3." At tri-Ciry 5. Eugene . At Wenstch t. Lewiston 6. COAST LEAftl'E W L Pot. W L Pet Seattle 51 .11 .622 Scrmnto .16 39 494 Ls Angls 49 31 .605 Portlnd 36 41.468 Sn Fmii 3 .'il 551 Sn Diego 37 43 463 Hllvwd 39 38.506 Vncouvr 29 52.358 Thursday results. At Portland 2. Seattle 0 At Vancouver .1. t.os An Beles 7 At Hollywood 11. San Fran- rn 4 At San Diegu J. aTanlenIO ATIONAI. I.F.AGl'E I w l, fc v c rrt Mtlwauk J.'i4 ..w.i fiisnun .11 ii .in" C'lncinn 37 26 .567 Phlladl 27.16 .429 Riookh n 35:8 .556 Chic'go 24 35 .407 St Louis 3111 52.1 N Y rk 25.17 403 Thursday results- At New York 6, uriioKiyn "u"'u'".,J-A'r na" luniy Kiu" ' AMERICAN I.F.AGl'E W I. Prt W I. Pet N York 4.1 24 642 Blt'nre .1115 rhu-aen 37 21 617 Detroit 28 16 47n , I rlevel'd 36 27 571 WshTn 26 42 400 Boston .12.11 508 K City ?S 42 373 Thursday results. At Kansas City 0. Detroit 4 lOnly game srheduledi. National. League 5'TvV.ri 000 111 0003 s 0 010 021 W -6 8 I Bessent fi . , I.anine 'fli rk Lehman. 4 Walker; Wnrthinglon. c.rissoin . un,. run.-Rrnoklvn. r.iiham New York Castleman. , Brandt. White. Spem-er o Z JJSdl " i ! Klippstein. Arker ill. Fowler 181 : f.-J-y -eArZ -an': 1 rinnati. Burgess Pittsburgh. Thomas. IPnl heat the defending champion. lr toccin Valontinn of Scotland '.' , ' , ... . . . . in nrunt'suay s uuiu munu. "' Thursday she whiDDed Elizabeth ' Price, another of Britain's top'der Puff Derby", pursi 7o6 Tixo , , players, and 2 before eliminat- I ... ... , 1 ing .vuss waro. j Miss Smith, recent winner of the French championship, is heavily , favored to win Friday's 36-hole fi-" inal. Golf-wise spectators here be- lieve they are witnessing the ma- luring of one Of the great new; . . .. iikihcs hi wiiiii.-ii mi. : Wiffi has the length off the tees now required in the best class of feminine golf And around the greens she chips and putts with the best Against Miss Hilcy. Miss Smith was there under level fours with a brand of golf few men amateurs onnlrt mtitrh 1. ik. .,,.,1.. final, In the morning quarter-finals. the stocky and popular Wiffi slaughtered the steady Irish cham pion. Pat O'Sullivan. 8 and 7 Miss Riley earned the doubtful nnvilepp of nlflvinc her DV con quering her close friend and Cur-i lis Cup teammate. Mary. Ann' Downev of Raltimore. 4 and 3 1 Miss Ward cot throuch to the ' semi final with a 1-up victory over Mrs. Lieselotte Stronger, many times German champion. I Hp kfeJRedlegs Win, Near r tonight j and f ournament of Thrills makes , Prior to the start of the show,! the travelcade's $8,000 mecham- j cal elephant "Gertie" will be in I i operation on the premises and all kiddies will be given free rides on the English-made mon ster. Ramp-to-ramn broad jumping of new Ford automobiles, crash dives, rollovers for distance, side car motorcycle racing around the bowl's quarter-mile track, crash ing through flaming barriers and other such stunts will make up the bulk of the program. Driving daredevils from Eng land, Australia, Canada, Ger many, Mexico and the U.S.A. will be competing in an international stunt contest during most of the events carded. Speeding Trapeze Act Linda D'Silva. of Bogata, Col umbia, will perform her trapeze specialty atop a speeding auto as another feature of thp show . Most of the performers were with the Joie Chitwood Dare- devils troupe of a few seasons ; i .7r. V ! ?m t r,M .V pp e Tier Ed Bailey. Three other Cincy v ini n uqiiir in iiir iiiuvit, iu Please a Lady". Bill McGaw, manager of that troupe, is the chief of the visitors of tonight. The program is sponsored by Valley Sports, which operate auto raring meets here. On Saturday night at the bowl the modified (souped) hard top will be in ac tion, in their mid-season cham pionship card. Time trials start at 7:45 p.m. MEADOWS RESULTS Portland Meadows. Thursday, June 28; clear and fast First rare, 3.50 yards. quarter horses, purse S4n0. General Flink iHolleyi 15 70: 6 60. 3 90: Sorrel Sam my l McDowell i .160 , 3 00: Buddy Mnodv iKiHiwlesl 7 10. Quiniella $23 40. Time :19 4 Second race, 310 yards, quarter horses, purve $100, Nnlftht Bar i Hidal go i r 111 4 70. 3 60; Notation iHolleyi 5 50. .1811; Billj Scoot Hurick i Phil lips i 3 80. Quiniella $19 80. Time 18 7. Third rare. 5 furlongs. 3 years old purse . 600 Stage Sknp I.Sherman i 5 80. ,140. 2 90 Country Jack I Miller i 3 50. 2 90; Brick's Pride iHidaieol $80. Quiniella 110.70, Time 1:00-35 Fourth race. 6 furlongs, 4 up. purse J600. Ready tn Go tHenshawi 17 no . 6.80, 4 80 Burmru ilannottn 6 fin. ! 6 00: Amorlo iSimnnlsi 6 80. Quin ! jea 1120 70, Time 114-35. I i . ,..i--, a -d.. 1 'Sindersi ism, 6 in. 34n, Lost Cher- rlrs lurim s m, j ju, viiin run , .Campbeiii 2 80. Quiniella m: io. Time l 07-45 Sixth race. 5' 2 furlongs. 3 up, purse s"Pn.rkHnm.Tt',, a,,' 1 siick Pigeon iPhiihpai 2 70. Quimeiia i ' 30, Time l 05-45 1 Seventh race S', furlongs, s up. nnrc. tfiim Hlai-k Alamit iHn- 1 shawl 10 20. 5 80 4 00: Main Gal . Ian pottn . 12 an: Hnmriv Hoii l".' 4 ,0- Wl"n"u 2'14 30 Time ' '" v ,r,nii',),,,rrJT''rin!e"'! Mi u..weiiiP5"n. 3 in. 27n wnc words .Hrnshaw, ;J:;'mt T' N)(h Rarp. ' h ,.uPi ,Bim Pa , p,rture iphiinpsi $i6so, In 60. 15 00 Wire Trouble iBreck- lens, 11130. $5 20 Peaceful Pass iMc- Dnw(i J90 Qui(n,Ma ,9 60 T,me 112-35 Bovs" I5asel)all Loop Play Soon League action for the Pee Wees ages 7-9' and Midgets "ages 10- 12 will start July 5. it was an- nounced last night hy ern (.n- more, director of the City Schools and Playgrounds Recreation De- 1 partment. The baseball playing Buccos Lose; So Do Home Runs Feature Action in Majors By ED WILKS AtaorUtfd Prwt Spwta Writer Fiw-swinging Cincinnati moved within six percentage points of the National League lead Thurs-i day night, beating Pittsburgh 4 3 as MnoKy Burgess wauopea me ! tveuiegs luuin nuuir iuii ui uir season with two on in the eighth i inning. It was the third straight payoff rally in the eighth for the Red legs, who swept the three-game set and are within ' reach of the major league home run record of 221 set by the 1947 New York Gi- !ants. Cincinnati has played 63 games less than half the season. Giant Homers Pay Ot( In the only scheduled, the other NL game Giants smacked' four home runs to defeat Brook lyn 6-3 and leave the third place. Dodgers two games behind the ; Redlegs and Milwaukee's idle first I place Braves. j Burgess' clout, his fifth of the : season, was off losing reliefer Lu is Arroyo and rapped the four run eighth: Rookie Frank Robin (Cont. ta page 32, eol. 3) Redlegs Grab 'Star' Berths NEW YORK -Five members of the slugging Cincinnati Red- legs were voted to the National! League team for the 23rd all-star j baseball game at Washington, July 10 in the final fan vote tao-j ulated Thursday. Not a single holdover from the 1955 starting team made the grade ; in the National while seven of the ; eight starters 'pitchers excluded! j repeated in the American League. I .Mickey Mantle the New York' Yankee centerfielder whose 27 nome runs"' have excited the na- tion was the top vote-getter with a total of 206.524. Catcher Yogi ncrra oi ine nanus was nexi wuu 191.146. Top man in the National was first baseman Dale Long of Pittsburgh the man who broke a by hitting home runs in eight consecutive games. Long had 179,744. The fan vote, recruited by newspapers, radio and television stations was compiled by the of fice of Commissioner Ford Frick. Although the voting ended last Saturday, final tabulation was not completed until Thursday. Remainder Named Monday The remainder of the 25-man squads, including all the pitchers, will be selected by the respective managers and announced Monday. Walter Alston who managed Brooklyn to its first World Series victory last fall, will boss the Na tional. Casey Stengel of the Yanks again will lead the Americans. Cincinnati jammed the National lineup with second baseman John ny Temple, shortstop Roy Mcmil lan, left fielder Frank Robinson, centpr MAfr Gu, BeM and catcn. players finished second in the (Conl. tn page 12, eol. J) Beavers Again Beat Rainiers The Portland Beavers won their third straight Coast League base ball game over the Seattle Rain iers at Portland last night, blank ing the league leaders 2-0 as Rene Valdes spaced 11 hits. The winning Bevos had but five hits in sweep ing the short series. In other PCL games the Los An geles Angels crept to within l1 games of Seattle by beating Van couver 7-3. on Dick Drott's pitch ing, and Eddie Erautt hurled the San Diego Padres to a 7-3 victory over the Sacramento Solons. In the first game of their douhleheader the Hollywood Stars tromped the San Francisco Seals 11-4. Seattle (0) Portland (2) Kalcna.m 4 10 0 Young,2 4 0 2 3 Highetl.i 4 2 2 3 Salfell m C'.lvnn 1 4 2 9 2 Brwskl I 4 110 4 110 2 0 2 0 3 2 3 0 3 0 10 3 0 2 1 3 0 11 3 113 i Tavlnr.r 4 1 .1 0 Carsell I ;Sihulll 4 2 I 0 Mrquer.r ; orteig.r 4 1 I Baxes.3 Snutl-..3 4 0 n 1 Llttreil. Wilson.2 4 112 Bottler.c Judson.p 2 111 Valdes. p a-Mauro loot) Kendy p nolo Totals .15 11 24 10 Totals 29 5 2 7 t a-Fanned for Judsnn in 7th Seattle 000 000 0000 Portland 000 200 00X-1 ' E ILthettl RBI - Marque 2 2B Rlg'tettl. Judson. HR -Maiqiiei BB -Juilsun I. SO -Julson 4. Valdez 7. Kennedy 1 R-F.R -Jndson 2-2 Valdes il-II. Kennerlv 0-0 HO .Imlsnn 5 in Kennedy in 2. Valiiez II 111 ..- ii., ... s I .......... as 1' ; C'arluccl. Ashlurd and Ford T-2 09 A A 2B6 txis Anfeles 1103 02111120-7 11 0 Vaiiiinne: (KK) 0IKI 1112 1 6 3 Lion and Tappe. Hamsun, Hooper i7i and Roniano Sacian entii 2UO (ion mm 2 9 t Sail Diego (HKI 0OII 21x- 1 111 0 Johnson. Fisher (7i and Balclt. F.rautt and Astroth San Francisco . 000 300 1-4 7 2 Hollywood 305 300 x-ll 12 I R. W. Smith. Slack i3l. Abernathle i4i and Sadowshi Trimble ana Naton. Hall i5i boys of the city will complete their "spring training'' today. Oilmore said there will be 33 teams in an-m in ine i ee wee ' division and 15 in the Midget class. Five-hundred boys will be playing in the league games. ffi fHJ V-MJU Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, lime 29, '56 (Sec. 1V)-31 . . ' : COdStdl StrCdttlS Stocked . . . Game Commish Offers Weekly Fish Forecast The Oregon State Game Commission Thursday released Us weekly forecast for weekend angling around the state, and emphasized that many of the Coastal streams " have been recently stocked with new, legal size trout. Which means that anglers should find from .(air to eood success in those Prall Downed In NCAA Play COLI'MBIS, Ohio W Bob Prall, Salem, a member of the t'nlverslty of Oregon golf team, was eliminated from the NCAA rhamplonships hero Thursday. He was defeated. S and 4, la a morning match by Jack Paraell of Oklahoma AM. Parnell went oa to eliminate John Garrett at Rice, one ap, la the afternoon. Super Special! Sturdily braced All-Metal Step Stool IrifM rasf anal whit aaawsal paint Ms-mar rabkar i'tft Fartatt far kHehan, wMbini wtnaw ar car Reg. 5.95 & July 4th Salem, Ore. at fun for t fi f nfiri Deep Tone Hollywood Typ FENT0N MUFFLERS and SewCu "Pwtt fr'-CS.v-lymanS IraM BRAKE SHOES Set of $98 Four Shoes Exch. All ariian J4 AC 100. Pure Paraffin Base MOTOR OIL Big one 2 Gal. -77 mTainniiiiiiiiiim NL Lead success in particular streams. The weekend forecast for north west, southwest and central Ore gon is as follows: NORTHWEST Most north coast streams have been recently stocked, and ang ling should be fair to good for the week end. A few sea-run cut throat are showing in the streams. Salmon and steelhead angling is fair along the Columbia river sandbars. Little Nestucca. Wil son, Tillamook, Kilchii, and Miami rivers received heavy stocking during the week. Trout were also stocked jn Neskowin creek and Lytle and Spring lakes. Sea-run (Cent oa pago U. coL ' for Thtul family Itts Gof TAIL PIPES T319 and Cm Up SEAT SAVEflS Of ITUtOT, IONO WIAUMO vmn rustic rOaOUIMIV VBMnUTM f rtMfvt rh. Mat, l ytvt car fram Ira ajmjgim l.tti ( 4l m4 t'.H. lan Miin tl a4Ml. Saa Tham Today) Set Pacific Auto for Camping Naada Auto Polishes Wash Brushes Plastic Seat Savon Compatttt Travel Bag Ath Trays Kool Kuihion Bug Scraant rry mmmmm- mm mi m Battles for Olympic Bertlis Start in Los Angeles Arena LOS ANGELES tf - The na tion's top trMk and tick) athlete spent a restlrss last day. Thura- i day awahin their final chance to make the 195 inited States Olympic team. The twoday schedule -geti un derway Friday night and winds up Saturday afternoon in Memori al Coliseum, a familiar dueling put for most of the field. This is the final actios if a pro cess which started to separate the best from the less in meets con ducted by the National Collegiate River Days Special! fall itngflr fop qualify laminaloi consfrucf ion Ad'ivitablt bindings Choict of colors Surpass any $30.00 Skis WhiUThty Last, i SIS Wo jutt mado tha buy of tha yoar in Quality Slooping lag, if I lantatlonall Only with our diroct factory Deluxe Special! Top Quality; Bag. with txtra htavy covtr and lining. 3 Pound Dacron Fillod 2 Air Mattratt Pockots 2 Bag Zip Tpgathar Watarproof Covtr Full Siio lag. 29.50 PROSPECTOR lVl rmai Va!b DatrM DahiM Cawar ami lifting 1 Air MaWrau HAm t lata Ziai TaajarKw DIM In All halwaa KING 1 rmd Vir(la DacrM MilMjm lioUia (UHraaM. warrarh SON.) 1 laaa 1P Tafariiar J Air Marran Pacaart Daluaa Cavar ., it .m (2250 AIR MATTRESSES Rag. 13.50 Daluxa Rubbar Fabric Covor 9.95 Rag. 19.00 Widar Daluxa Mattrau 12.95 Rag. 24.00 King Sixa Doluxo Mattroii ... 14.95 Rog. 29.75 Jumbo Sixo Doluxo Mattrou 18.95 SEE CASCADE MERC for all camping naoda-23 difforont modalt of tlaaping bags-10 modalt of tonti carrlad in itock. All camping luppliat. UMBRELLA TENT tif Siia D.lwi. B.tvra Wararpraal, Wnliw, aN. i.( 47 so $07501 NOW . A Sana Tairt m U Siia $14 SO No Monoy Down 5r 1 OPEN EVES. 711 9 P.M. tht AAU and th Armed Force. Some lii athletes qualified la by mjhtfall Saturday the first three to finish ta each leent wiB have mad the team for the games hi Australia this Individual duels abound, sot necessarily ta win one olf the three placrs but to come out oa top ui a foot race, a Jumpier a throw,' Perhaps the highlight will com in the no-meter run Saturday al (Coat aa aag St cL Athletk Asm. IE buying can wo. offor you top bags at low tow price Chock thato fowl... NOW LITTLE JOE 4 M Waal Mba! 1 la. Zip TatadMT 1 Air ManraM ttktt An faiaaSaaal Vahra 100 Wa 7iaat Zip par CWtwr. Wararpr f Cavar A taal lay lap. 10S now SUPPLIES Part.ala lea CKatri la-Uukla "ka". a Stava. lanrama Tarp. Caahiaf Kitl a Camp T.Ua. - 12 Month to Payl $1595 tH mt f 9S I NOW I SCOOTER I 6M 'nam