The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 29, 1956, Page 28, Image 26

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    tS (Sc III) S&taman, Safe, Ore, Fit, Jane 29, 58
Tobf Keeping
Ancient Nip
Custom Alive
TOKYO (INS) Scatter
mom the eixht iHion inhabit
ants of mod en Tokjr it a small
band of mea who auk K their
business to keep stive the cslor
and pajeantry that w feudal
Japaa-t-and they do tt by ait
tag lifts.
Entirely independent of the
city's fire-fithtiaf forte, these
ttoeely knit men , represent a
tradition that foe back hun
dred of yeara to the day their
forefather foocht firea with
atirk! and laddera.
Ther call themselves "tobi'
after the name of the hooked
stick that remains the mark of
their trade, and today they serve
as a valuable adjunct to Tokyo's
Biodera fire department
la fact there are several stories
of embarrassed city firemen ar
rivinf at the scene only to find
the "tobi" had gotten there first
and put thing! under control.
Keeeive No Fay .
Members of the "tobi" empha
size tbey are motivated only by
the spirit of service.. They re
ceive no pay. f
They all have other jobs, but
when the call foes out they drop
everything and move in well
organized teams to the scene of
Todsy the "tobi" membership
Is 1400, divided into some BO
branches and scattered within the
area that wis the ancient capital
of JJdo now the heart of mod-
er Tokyo.
fat on EiaiblUaas
Their chance for pageantry
comes at New Year's when all
members, attired in the same
"happi" coats of ancient days,
gather before the Imperial Pal
ace plaza and put on a thrilling
exhibition of courage and daring.
That occasion is known as
"dezomeihiki" and the "tobi"
display their skill by performing
acrobatic feats atop a tall up
right ladder. '
"Tobi" elders explain they are
held together b? a moral code
which places great value on obed
ience and devotion to the public
Membership Exclusive
Membership, too, is exclusive,
requiring careful screening of the
applicant's family background
and character;
As In the days of the original
"tobi," Japan today claims to be
the most fire-ridden nation in the
world. According to statistics
there are almost 30.000 fires a
year hi this land of wood-and-
paper houses.
Tunis Army Taking Over From Trench
e ,
" ' n " v "
1 V
' -"-"-aw
! ilU is,.
a " J a. r 1 t li I I a
- i j n S i
Tafcs, O. Itagttss. TaTJT ati
PaMithinf Ca. tuft, S3 4; Mer
chant Calculator. In tp , St.W;
John Henna. TK, 1 M; Bidglay C.
Miller, Oa. 4SJ; J K. Nrufcitll. On.
IM IS: Frank E. Hubes. In . 11 :
George W. Hukta Co, Oa. I) City
at Waadbura. Srr Aim. Sttjtl;
AOelphaMi t. Bupi . 1 . Th Malnd
Ca. do. IM at; Phillip A. Hunt C ,
da. St a: Paul X Rcrkrr. Hatund.
1 William D. GallowiT. do. 1 on
RotMTt Huiuakrr. S Lamba. an 0B-. H
B. Jortrnaon. J7 Turkajra. ISW: D.
J. Lambracht S ta-aa Sr S Lamba.
11T OS: Mount Antal Nawa. Advt .
S St: Norman Heihnf . I Im 3S At:
SWm Shopping Nawa. Advt., U ;
Wavno Savata. Ratund. S6S; Sil
vartoa Appaal Tnbuw. Advt. IS OS;
staytoa Man. o. l w. Enna A.
Ward. TK. IM at; Joa Zara. 4 Lavrttx.
M 00: Caorra F. Caka Co . bp . II;
tuiana Surplua Salaa Stora, Equip .
90 41; Mra. Thomaa W. Bump. Fair
ruad. 100 08: Mra. Arvin Hartlav. do.
100 a: T. K Hooart, do IS OS: Jana
C. lrvtnf. da, ISO 00: Floranra Jar-
mam, sac , oo. TOO or t. D. Gohnvton,
da. 100 00; R. J. Kraiu. do. 100 00;
John F. Lacar. Sac., do. MM 00; Mra.
Norman Railinf. do, 110 00; Antnol
KinaT. do. J2SO0O. Abrama. Skin-
nar St Co.. Bondi. E.47; Add
ph-Multif raph Corp . Supa., li 71;
aorsa C Allan. Hantwira. Txp,
40: American Aiphalt Pavinf Co.
M1k .1.101 71; Tha Amartran Floor
Sitrtatinf Co., Futpment. 2tM: An
derson Broa . Reps. 1M0O: l.eo A.
Aadraaa. Trim 22 00: Ballou A-
WnM. Mlr . t OR; Barnhard Hrdl
MlK., Inc. GM. 213. U; Brail Pip ti
tw.v.iiiiujiii ronw
Tha tpnnrtn ta rha aCflcul pubrl
eattoa ol ta racord o( Claima ba
Sara tha Marina County Commia
aiooara' Court lor tha Mav Tarm for
13S. MH tha amount alolarad. bila)
rontinuad. ate nrcordiiuj to ua rac
orda la tha attic at tha County
Hdn'a Capitol Citv Bindary. Bal
loU.llJUlS: Ladd Biuh Salam
Brinrh U. S. Nat 1 Bank nl Portland.
Withholdmf. S MtJt: Public Fnploy
n Retiramant Board. Sor Sac . 3 -02.
Public lTipk)vc Rftir-"nt
Svntrm. Rrtiramant. 3 S1.I5. Staia
Induitnal Arc Comm . Ira SU 70:
I'mtad rund. V f . 100: Haidrni
Capital City lBnoary, Ballou, 1.
1M.3S. niary Mid Marian Caaaty ta
playaaa: H. r Domofalla. 332. 17: Laa
Qunnal. 3410; Frank, T Stnna.
3014: Howard J. Wood. SS3M: Hen
ry Junfwtrtn. 27S0S; i. L. Siegmund.
Stl: Dalbart J. JrpMo. IM.49;
Richard Nicholson. IS: Paul R.
Tavaa. MB; David Trrbell. IMK;
Harvey Frankum. 144 21: Ida Bail
he, MS5; Anabrl Moon. 2111: Hel
en M Danikv. 214 30; Nanrv I Wil
ton. IK 4: Barbara Snyder. 221 71;
H Huhe, 331 40. B D. Peyton.
,7 7f R Howard 17 02: Dan Pol
nl 37; Slella Reidy 17 H. A. A.
Ruhardi 3230: L M Johmton.
204 23: Wallace S Wharton, 34 32:
Dornthv H French, 220 72; H C
Mattnon. 37500: A: M. Rnathlin.
.103 62. M Reinlcseck 195 0S; O.
Huhe. 2J3 22: H P Baiter. i12 0:
G Barry. Its 33: F. Tave. I'M 73; D.
tTaWMOl C aVvwa. TT. It A. C.
Graf, raarmaatar, Paatac. ta; C
K. Croat. TC SMr.Jaarph Meter,
do. 2 iS. Havdan Capitol City Bind
ery. Exp- 2 on: Earl Adama, Tt
23 O: Harold Beeaon. aWtrd. S OS;
Joha Schmid. Care. DiD, 10 00: Sil
wrtoa Sanitary Sar lea. do. S at:
Biophannacauticala. Inc Bupa. 24 44;
Dt W. G Burrowi. Pay. Sarv.
MM; Dr. Mary Chmtrtuen. St4.
Sarv. an on: ur Daniel I- oiiacont:
Cea-ar f. Irra.. 41 Ook Sya
tMnary Ca . Miae I 31: Cramar
Macnmary Co, do 1130; R K. Dav
i. Pnv Truck. ST 00. Wilton B.
Da via, do. Stent: Ooughtoa Hard
ware. Mac.. 2il: G. A. Downs
Gum Co, Repa 4S!I: Teenauihty
Macniaarv Co . do,. 7i: Feinng
General Tire Service. Tiraa. 151.S9:
C.aa Heat ol Salem. Gas T2 a; A C.
rfaae Si 6o . Reo . 2 3: U R. H li
ner, Pr!vTTuc. 7 00: Hanka Park-
do. Dr. Margaret DowelL do ml 11. Parking. 1320: Jma Hin-
iiat fimilv Servirw-tXaaoc. of na, TE. lttl; J. C HasrTilnS Sr-Ca.
Amera. a Supa. : Dr. UKiIh
TUNIS-Tiblb Habil, commander of Tanlsla's ewlytorsied aatioaal army, looks over troops during
formation In Tunl. i noltlta Aran Army IS la graooauy uu aver ariraac aa. irom nran .laop.
on the basis of agreements being negotiated In Paris between France and new Tunlsisn national
government. (AP VYtrephote).
Atom Kidney
Function Test
t the University of California at
Los Angeles have developed an
atomic kidney function test which
can be performed lif a physician's
office with complete safety and
little or no discomfort to the pa
tient A radioactive iodine material
Diodrast and external scintilla
tion counters and electronic equip
ment are used to make the test
In only II minutes to a half hour.
The Iodine substance is injected
Into a patient Intravenously, and
scintillation counters are then
placed over the kidney areas to
measure radioactivity and thus in
dicate the rates of uptake and ex
cretion of the test material by the
Electronically recorded data in
dicate each kidney's blood supply,
function and the condition of the
upper urinary passages, which
may become owttructed by stones,
tumors or injections.
The UCLA researchers have din-
covered that certain kidney
abnormalities produce characteris
tic data.
Present kidney function testa in
volve time-consuming X-rays and,
In many cases, special diagnostic
surgical procedures.
The new method was developed
si a cooperktive effort of UCLA's
atomic energy program, medical
school and the Los Angeles Veter
an Administration Center.
Straighten Up
If You'd Help
Aching Back
CHICAGO (INS) - If, "Oh, My
aching back," is one of your most
used phrases, orthopedic physi
cians say you have no one to Blame
but yourself at least most of the
time. .
A report by the medical depart
ment of a major life insurance
comoany traced most back
troubles, even the disabling ones,
to things people do themselves.
Only a minority are the result of
outside causes.
The company's bulletin listed
"poor posture" starting at child
hood a the number one cause of
back trouble while standing, sit
ing, sleeping, working, lifting and
The firm commented:
"The posture habits of most
Americans are pretty terrible. If
right posture habits were drilled
into all school children it would
save an enormous amount of mis
ery and disability in later life, for
most back troubles occur in men
and women over 40."
Pointing out that the human
spine is a pretty weak piece of
engineering, the report listed sug
gestions to avoid future miseries.
These include:
Stand with your chest lifted and
your stomach in to reduce that
vulnerable swayback.
, Sit the same way, your lower
back against the chair back.
Sleep on your side, with knees
bent, or on your back, with a
small pillow under the knees.
Tha following la tha official pub
lication of the racord of Claima be
fore tha Marlon County Commission
er' Court for tha April Term for
Van. with tha amount allowed, billi
continued, ate. according to the rec
ord! in the office of tha County
Albert Grag'g. Potmter, Poatage.
1303 20; Ladd Si Buih. Salem Branch
U. S. Nat'l Bank o( Portland. With
holding, 7,721 54; Ore. Stale Tax Cnm
mliaion. State Tax, 4,(93.79; Public
Emploves Retiramant Board. Sor.
Sec.. 3.0SS.71: Public Employri Re
tirement Syatem, Retirement. 3.-
7SS.72; Salem Insurance Arenta aim ,
Ina.. S.15B 47; State Industrial Arc
Comm., In., S0J.42; United Fund, U.
T.. 10 00.
Salary 'aalal Marian County Em
ployees H r. Dnmoialla 132.17: Leo
Queanel 34110; Frank Stone 309 14:
Howard J. wood avi : Henry jung
wirth 271 09; J. L. Siegmund 246 01:
Dalbert J. Jrpaen 254 89: Richard
Nirholion 24S75; Paul R. Tavej
270 31: David Terbell 2.14 . Harvey
Frankum 244.2: Ida Raillie 22 3D;
Anabel Moon 21 11: Helen M. Dans
key 214.30: Nanry I. Wllaon 202 0;
Barbara Snyder 2271: Ruby Hughei
332.40: B. D. Pevtoh 387 ,76; R. How
ard 237 02: Dan Poling 103 33; Stella
Reidy 109 30; A. A. Bicharrti 3 30;
L. M. Johnston 204 2.1; Wallace S.
Wharton 346 53: Dorothy H. French
220 72; M. C. Matttnn 375 00: A. M.
Roethlln 303 7; SI. Reznicaek 199 M;
O. Hughe' 233.22; R. P. Baker 2.C0A;
G. Barry 1S9.33; E. Taves 194 73: D.
Guinad 70.48; H. Kleihrge 227 96; D.
M. Chance S1S.32: H. Mulkey 22 2:
r Cummlnga 190 5S: W. Gifford
217 42; Rex Hartley 3.12: Roy J.
Rica 3340: F L. Roger 339 M: M.
Reznicaek 0 00: Joy B. I-e Compte
220.01; T. O. Rickman 357.30: rd
Both 197.40; n. L. air lwi hi: r.a
Kortreborn 221.40; D J. Jacobs 232 26;
A. Scolt 206 6; R. Hooper 202.39; J.
Goldade 206 M; C. 1. Waltman M? 39;
Hienz Laetach 101 44: M J. Morrison
176 19: Ruth Hutchlna 1S3 9. Mane
Sebern 15 19; M. H. Lacher 164.77:
T. W. Hansen 246.50; G N. Gross
70 00: Doris DeVall 224 0; Tina
Thomas 172 42; Kenneth r Brown
37.2; Joseph P. Meier 48 00: E. O.
Stadter 5110; L, Beat 202 06; D.
Pearson 19S 0O; N. Beckley 21503; B.
Anderson 203.: F.arl Adams 268 06;
John O. Lacev 237.77: Barbara I..
Smith 193 70; W. J. Stone 640 16: W
Tank Corp. Misc. 1 404 6: Bearing ! C.uined. 70 4: H Kleihege. 227 96: D
specialty Co.. do. an 7J: lowers, uav
la Si Hoffman. Audn. 3 430 00: Broad
way Tire Service. Tires. 179 37: E. H.
BurrelL Miac . 97 94: Albert L. Canov.
Tram., 24 00; Capital Auto . Parts,
Mlc, ,0; Capitol Chevrolet t ad
iHac. lnc . do. 4 12: Capital Drug
Store, do, 142 99: Capitol Lumber Co..
do. 18 4: Capitol Tractor Equip.
Co . do, 245 77; Chas Clarkson do,
260 44; City Waler Dept. Water,
9 66: Columbia Equip Co.. Misr .
514.26; Colyear Motor Sales Co . do.
S06S; Tha Commercial Book Store,
do, 390.90: Cooke Stationery Co .
do. S3. 58; H. TfDavis. Oil. IV 00;
Wilson B. Davis, do. 57 00; Dr Dila
conl, Med. Sen' , 92 50; J. F Dough
ertv. Misc., 1 90: Louis F. Dow Co .
Sups., 903: Eoff Electric Co . do,
19 80: Pairing General Tira Serv ,
Tires. 22 27; Jack Fitla. Oil. SK0 00:
Lydia Gehring. RW. 500; CMC
Truck Sales Si Service. Reps . 223 75:
Albert C. Gragg Postmaster. Post
age, 3 00: I.. R. Hagner. Oil. 792 00:
Hank's Parking Lot. Parking. 148 50;
J. E. Haseltine i Co Misc.. 219 05:
Henry Photo, do. 19 34: Howard
Cooper Corp.. Reps , 1.035 83: F G
Hubert, Rent. 10 00; International
Businesa Machine Corp.. Exp . 30 .19:
Interstate Tractor Eulp. Co , Misc ,
1.247 09: Johnson 4 Siewert, Exp,
112 95; Ira Jorgensen Co., Kens.
274 82; Kay Typewriter Co. Equip.
21 50; T. L. Kuhns Co.. Misc., 23 89:
Virgil Long, Trans , 22 OO; Lytic s
Tire Mart. Tires. 1.204 94: Master
Service Station, Misc . 297 6: H C
Mattson, Pettv Cash, do, 67 2: Dirk
Mever Lumber Co.. do. 118 44: Mill
Supply Corp. do, 246 03; Montgom
ery ward. Tires. Ti n: Neeanam s.
Misc . 498 05: Newberg Sand &- Grav
el Co.. Gravel, 2000: Harry Nleman,
Oil. 792 00: Norris Walker Paint MI
CO., Paint, 1.466 33; Oregon (iravrl
Co , Gravel. 6.13 Ml; Oregon Phvsu -iana
Service. OPS. 1.025 35: Oregon
State Hwy. Comm., Misc . 13 00: Otto
Oelk. Oil, 792.00; Pacific Power St
Light Co.. L & P. 252: Pacific Tele
& Tele. So.. Tele.. 1.028 95: Philippi
Motor Co., Reps., 31 45 Portland Gen
eral Electric Co , L P, 791.92; Elrion
House. Oil, 180 00; J. H Rigdon. GM,
18 38; Richfield Oil Corp, Misc.
16 30: Robertson Si Kurtz, do, 594 00:
Royal Typewriter Co , Equip' 150 00:
Saffrom Supplv Co.. Misc . SI .88: Sa
lem Auto Parts Co., do, 57 .02; Salem
Concrete Pipe 8i Products, Culv.,
54 10; Salem Laundry Co . Exp ,
12.00: Salem Printing Si Blue Print,
do. 25.14: Salem Steel & Supplv Co,
Misc.. 527.58: Salem Welding Supplv.
do, 21.97; Santiam Rock Products.
Gravel. 74 42: Shell Oil Co , Gas.
Ill 48; Fred w. Smith, sups.. 20.02;
Snap-On Tools. Misc.. 195; S'and
ard Oil Co. of Calif , do, 176 77;
Statesman-Journal Newspapers. Adv .
178 88; Stevenson Rock Co., Gravel,
18.006.64; Stevenson Rock Co. do,
411.2"; E. G. Syrnn. Trans., 20 00;
Lloyd Taylor, do. 2.100: Wilbur Thor
son. Oil. 405 00; Transport Clearings,
Misc . 10 21; Union Oil Co of Calif ,
do. 385 64; Union Title Insurance Co ,
RW, 25 00; Valley Concrete Co.. GM.
1 75: The Valley Motor Co . Misc.,
634 69: Vallev Sand Gravel t o .
Oil. 358 00; Valley Welding Supply
Co., Misc., 89 73; Viesko Sand Sr
Gravel Co., Gravel, l.v 74: Walling
Sand Si Gravel Co do, 3.201.63: War
ren Northwest, lnc , Cold Patch,
37 07; Mildred Warrick, Rep. reel.
80 00; Western Union, Tele., 12 74;
Willamette Valley Trans. Co.. Frt
burn Independent. Advt. 1.195
Woodbury Co., Misc., 19 94: Denver
Young, do. 62 68; Zellerhach Paper
Co , Sups . 90.96: Walter H. Zosel Co
win VierguU 224 37: Frank Woalk
324 22; Dan Scharf 30:1 40: Kenneth
Adams 207 90; O. D. Binegar 274 78:
J. T. Debacon 24S.30; Willmar Foss
holm 250.69; Harvev SI. Girod 234.96;
Clair -Harvey 282 66; Rov Hatfield
22121: Robt L. Hinkle 268.78; Dirk
Hoover 247 14: R. G. Kammler 263.45;
Laurel Lamb 266 84; Virgil Long
:: 43: Arthur R Mack 273 22; V A.
Martin 256 68; W. R. Massev 26724;
John McAllister 302 81: Ralph McAl
lister 275 25: Bay McCallister 23 79:
Ernest B. Page 2.18.48; Jas. Riggi
2726; Glen Robertson 265.08: W.
Shelley 257 48; Kenneth Slyter 237 33:
Robt Smith 2504; Earl Standley
2.19 2: Ted H. Stolle 279 79: Lloyd E.
Tavlor 297 5: A. M. Theis 261 03;
Hugh Webb 278.44; Sam Weese 222 68;
Geo E. Willis 216 69; Lile L. Wilt
272 67; Tonv Woelk 23.56; Walter P.
Wulff 224.13: Tom Bowden 300.62:
Frank L. Henha 300 62; Gerald R
Kubin 229 53; Emmett O. Welling
228 24; Herbert R. Totten 258 9; Car
oline J. Smith 1146; Leo Quesnel
13 27; Anabel Moon 212 47: Violette
West 14155; Charlotte Gill 155 02:
Wild N. Greene 161.46; Harvev
riankum 9 42: Kay Chambers 3120;
Lorraine Kerr 2515; Clarice Judson
72.58; Leston W. Howell 48 00: Esther
Ward 88.24; Donald M. Orange 38 40;
Eleanor Fisher 24 00; W. H. Bell
168 00; Gale Chrlstensen 19 20: A. F.
Aymong 28.80: James M. 9cott 147.19;
Joan Lanka 44 38; Nell Peterson 39 59;
Naoma Rehfuis 197.56: Lloyd Wil
liams 309.82; Keith Austin 252 70:
John Hanna 39 11; Arnold Slack
19 24; Ernest Ferguson 19 24, Conrad
Owing! 1032.
Miscellaneous: H F . Domogall.
TE. 82 38; Harvey I Frankum, TE.
34.00; D J. Jepsen. do. 1022; Henry
Junlwirlh. do. (6 07; Richard Nich
olson, do, 59 41; Leo L. Queanel. do. M'C jsa'ss:' The Bobs-Merrill Co
Law Hooks, 57.50; Koval Typewriter
M. Chance. 218 52; H Mulkey. 22 28;
F Cummirgs. 201.17; W. Gifford.
217 42; Rex Hartlev. 3.18 62: Rov J
Rice 354 60: E L. Rogers 359 8); M
Frinicsek. 0 00: Jov B. Le Compte.
220 01; T O. Hickman. 357 30: Ed
Booth. 197 40; R L. Bair, 196 43: Ed
Kortreborsi, 211.40: D. J., Jacobs.
IBM; A I Scott 206 6; R. Hooper.
1112 39; Jack Goldade, 206 8: C E.
Waltman. 202.39; Mel Stearns. 85 07;
M J Morrison. 176 89; Ruth Hutrh
lns, 183 98t Marie Sebejn. 158 19; Mag
gie H. Lacher, 159.30; Hienz Laetsch,
11.50: Thomaa W Hansen. 248 50: G.
N Gross. 70 00; Doris DeVall, 224 80;
Tina Thomas, 166 66: Kenneth E.
Brown. 37 28: Joseph P. Meier, 48 00;
L. Beal. 2412 06: D Pearson. 195 00;
N. Beckley, 215 03; B Anderson.
203 88: Eari Adams. 268 08: John O.
Lacev. 237.77; Barbara L. Smith.
195 70: W. J. Stone. 640 16: W P.
Green. 52 69: F. R. Coleman, 298 52;
I G. Lerniun. 297.27; W. G Hellie,
293 77: Bernice Yvarv. 317 81; Etta
Mae Detenng 296 71: Elizabeth Wild
er. 243.36. Effie Cole. 2768H; Viola
Eisenbach. 276 89: Evelyn Krueer.
256 06; Mary Testerman. 150 41: Ruth
Ingrain. 254 64; Marlon Baker. 114 00;
H. Maria Fissel. Ifil.UO: Muriel Swer
ingen. 147 18. Helen Poujadc. 2Z0 98;
Erna Borstecher 244 45: Vera Wood.
236 31: Ethel Lermon. 15 99; Agnes
Henderson. 158 35: Eleanore Broxson.
13.20: Shirley Miller. 144 90; Joan
Stupfel. 148 88; Carol Cummings.
41 99; Blanche Storer 293 16; Nora
Wood 2160; Howaid Barlow. 228 22;
Harold Fox. 2M 69; Thomaa W.
Brown, 2.12 69: Leslie R. Cnandler,
27.1 84; Winifred Colgan. 192 99; Mav
belle B. McDonald. 198 35: Ellen
Good. 199 24; Robert Caldwell. 243 92:
Marvin T. Hulchings. 244 30: Martha
T. Hutchings, 39 00; Ceo.'T Ann
strong 33 60; Joseph L. Faulh.iber.
19 20: Qllintin B. Estall. H 13; Har
lev R. Del'eel. 95 43; Ruth G. Kep
hart. 41.44: Harold Eichstead. 28S 00;
Blanche C'hnstinsen. 87 60. Cecil I.
Omans, 46 80; James H tAshbaugh.
334 87; Kirk Mulder. 2S3.28: Delores
Myers, 25428; John F. Talmadge.
271.12; Blllyette Conklin. 208.10: Craig
Dudley. 274 9.1; Phillip Gallaher.
261 12; David W Baker. 313.00; Her
in.m Win. Lanke. 3.19 64. Virginia
Sione 2J9 14; Irene Johnson. 221 47:
Phvllis 7rh 191 48: Doris Kubler.
1M30; Manlvn Goin. 146 25: Gladys
White. S37 112; Agnes c. Booth. 328 07;
Betty J. Parretl. 28.1.75; Glen Rob
ertson. 315 20: Guy E. Waldroop.
276.90: Christine V. Morely. 197.9J;
Gloria Jackson. 180 67: Denv er Young.
35h4: A. I. 'Malstrom. 2S7 44; Amos
A. Shaw, 31208: B R. Smith. 268 27;
Richard Boetuinger. 2R4 64; E J.
Boust. 280 17; John Zahmski, 264 64;
Herman Donev, 245 92: Roy Lamb.
260.17; Cecil Johnson, 243 69; J. Wal
lace Glitzier, 204.25; Cecil C. Cross.
256.51: Mary E Strayer, 192.99; James
D. Painter, 273 71; H. T, F.vans. 299 441;
Leonard Combs. 268 Vj. BdVniond
Kleen. 217 15; Violette West. 240 0.1;
Marion .Mad. 11 47; Patricia Sav
age, 204 60; Dolores Monroe. 212 71;
Bernk-e' Harlan, 210 32: Sldnev Nel
son. 21147; A D Graham. 364 00;
Maxine Dor-nan, 216 20: Si J. Butler.
319 86: Audrev H Fwing. 233 13;
Charlotte Walker. 214 20; Rldglev C
Miller, 344 7. Charlene I.. Goust
182.70; J K. Neufeldt, 260 17; Kav
Chambers, 24 96; Esther Ward, 44 J6;
Gladys Barry. 56 84; Ola Hughes.
72.33V Clarice Judson. 242 4J; Mune
Fortner. Med Sen., SO 00; A. C.
Gragg Postmaster. Poatage 900;
Dr. W Gruber. Trans, u 15: Men
dn Medical l-ab, Ijo 214.73. H.
M. Ribbon Carbon Co. Supa, 09 13;
Dr. B I. Knapp. Med. Sarv., 1 (XI;
Masonic Tempi Asso., Rant. 245 00;
Physicians A Haavital Supple Co,
Sups . 106: Quiacnnerry Pharmacia,
do. 113 M: Salem Clinic Mad. Serv ,
41 at; Salem Memorial Hospital. X
Rav, IM 50; School DuL No. 4. Sups,
1 15 Sharp ac Dohme. do. 1154: Dr.
J H Thelaaven, P Sery., 150 00;
Dr. I. Paul WedVl. Med. Sarv.. 15 00;
N. Boe. Fees. 4J5 50; Austin W. Elv
ers, do la 25: John Hanrahan. do,
2050; E L. Henkel, do. 1150: F.
G. Rankin, do. 4 50; Glen E. Schwen
ke. do. 190 75; Roy H. Simmons lna.
Agency. Bond. 5 00: James C. Adama,
Indemnity. 11.00: Calvin F Tucker,
do, 8 00: Tom Webb. do. 400: Dr.
M. Crothers, Exams. 15 00: Dr Dan
iel Dllaconi. do, 15.00: Dr. Arthur
Fisher, do. 22 50: Dr Howard Kurtz,
do 7 30 Dr C I Weeber do. 22 50;
C. A. Eldnedge Extract . 5 oo; J C.
Pennev Co., Sups . 105 25: Sanitary
Service Co . Inc.. Serv . 7 no; Denver
Young Meals. 1.09115: Marvin A.
Hutrhmgs. Rent & OS. 37 55; Ge.
F Armstrong TE OS. 516: Don
ald M Oranne. Rent 25 0C, Harley
R. DePeeL TE & OE, 8 04: W H.
Bell. Rent, 30 00; Gale M Chrlsten
sen TE, 3 57: John Becker, Bent.
35 00: H. Eichsteadt OE, 9 00: Wood-
burn Independent. Sups . 1.40: Jatne
H. Ashbaugh. Trans . 8 23; Guy Bab
rtwk netentinn 8?00: Drs. Crothesa
A Crothers. do. 3 00:' Craig Dudley1.
TE 125; rMs. Wm C. Howard. De
tention. 36.00: Ruth -lens. M D..
Psv Serv . 11 50: Milled s. O. Equip
29 00: Kirk Mulder. TE. 25 30; De-
lores Mver. do. 7 .00; Sldnev C. Sten
erodden. M. D. Detention. 10 00;
Jolin F Talmadge. do. 4 62: Mrs.
Chas. Wvant. do. 149 48: David W
Baker, TE. 18 56; The, Klasic Photo
Shop. Sups, 1.50; NoiLhwest Imprint
ed Products Inc. do. 2261. Catholic
Services for Children. Court l.oiiini.
Child. 10 00: Christie School, dq,
10 IM; St. Mary's Home For Bovs, do,
20 IK); St. Rose Industrial School, do.
IS (Mi . Craftsman Press. Elect. Notices.
64 .10; Statesman Publishing Co,
Ballots, 9115 43; Bettv J. Parrett, TE.
29.19; Glen W Robertson, do. 29 05;
G. E. Wildoop. do, 7.63; Ball Broth
ers. Trans.. 32 08; Earl T. Newbrv,
Sec, Teletype. 62 00; The Pacific
Tel Si Tele. Co . Radio. 13 75: Amos
O. Shaw. TE, 4 00; John T. Zabinski,
do, 12 'ilS; H T. Evans, do, 3.15; Pit-ney-Bowei.
Inc . Exp, 21 60; Ridglev
C. Miller. TE. 4963; J. K. Neufeldt.
do, 1117.80: Davlruch Plumbing Si Ap
pl.ance. Repair. 27 82; Adolphson's,
Supb.. 4 75. Transport Clearings, do.
2 00; Del Barber, Dog Fund. 1 Oil;
Cltv of Salem. TE, 20 00; L. B Det
weeler. Refund, 2 00; The Keves
Dans Co . Tags, 45 10: C D. Mi Mor
ris. Dog Fund. 112 00; Buck Main.
Per Diem. 4 U0; John Mickey. Dog
Fund. 110.00; Ervm A. Ward. TK,
122 29; D. G. Alkire, do. 1169, ken
Allen. Priv. Truck. 36.00: American
Asphalt Paving Co, OM. 6 374 tit;
Leo A. Andreas, Trans, 19 0u: Bal
lon 8c Wright, Misc. 64 59; Rain
hardt Red! Mix, Inc., GM, 162 80;
Beall Pine Si Tank Corp . Equip,
5.250 00; Bearing Specialty Co, Muc,
.18 4.1. Harrv Becker. Prlv. Truck,
576 00: E. H. Burrell. Misc. 972,
Albert L. Canov, Trans.. 21 00; ( ap
llal Auto Parts. Misc. 360 91. Cap
itol Chevrolet Cadllar. Inc. dp, 161 75;
Capital Cltv Laundrv. Exp . 12 53.
Capitol Concrete Block Co, RW.
10 00: Capitol Concreta Block Co,
RW, 5.00; Capital Drug Store, Sups.
1.12.80; Capitol Lumber Co . Misc ,
814.81; Capital Press, .do. 6 35; Capi
tol Tractor r Equip. Co. Equip.
Etc, 1.858 73; Geo. E. Si M. V. Car
rev tt Margaret Ai A. Elrvffeler. B
W, 5 00; T. V. Clark. Stakes. 149 40:
Chas. F. CUrkon. Gas St Rent,
158 26; Colgate-Palmolive Co , Sups,
43 12; Columbia Equipment Co,
Misc, 179 95, Colyear Motor Sales Co ,
do. 109 87, The Commercial Book
Store, do. 1,127.15,
Misc, 109J1; Hanry s Khola , Shap,
do. 17: Howard-Coopet (Corp,
Repa, 20319; F. G. Hubert I Bent,
10 00. International Business Ma
chines Corn . Exp., 125 23: Interstate
Tractor Iuip. Misc. S11S5; Tha
Jefferson Review, do 25 95; Johnson
A Siewert Sups, It Mh Kelite Corp .
Misc, Ii3; 1 L Kunna n. oo,
S 71. Logger A- Contractors Machin
ery Ca, do. 95 99; Ira Jorganaan. do.
14 T2: Virgil Long. Trans, woo.
Florence Nancy Lucas. RW, 900;
Florence Nancy Lucas, RAW. 100;
Lvtle s Tire Mart. Tires IS; Mas
ter Service Station. Sac . do, 2: 71;
McEwan Photo Shop. Misc. 1031;
Mill Supply Corp. do 7187; Min
nesota Mining Si Manufacturing Co,
Sign. 7 90: Montgomery Ward Si Co,
Rep., 4 90; National Automotive Serv
ice. Misc. 13 70 Needhams. do.
4M IS: Harry Nleman. Priv Truck.
57 00; Norm-Walker Paint Mfg. Co,
Misc , S3 13. OJto Oelke. Pnv. Truck,
702 00: Oregon Gravel Co. Gravel,
1 970 13: Oregon Phvsicians Service.
OPS 1.060 72. Pacific Power A Light
Co. L Si P. 100: Pacific Power St
Light Co . L A P. 3 30: The Pacific
Tel. Si Tela. Co, Tel, 1.129.74; Phil
ippi Motor Co. Reps. 908: Polk
County. Buena Vista Ferry. 1.968 97;
Portland General Electric Co . L Si
P 734 IB: Portland Road Lumber
Yd. Repair. 3914: J. H Rigdon,
Gravel. 168 00: E S. Ritter dt Co..
Misc. 27 60: Roberta Bros. do. 999:
Saffron Supply Co, do. 17 85; Salem
Auto Prats, do. 49.01: Salem Concrete
Pipe Si Products Co, Culv, 3.14 86;
Salem Hardware Co, Misc , 21 73:
Salem Iron Works. Reps, 20; Sa
lem Laundry Si Cleaners, Exp, 9 1;
Salem Printing Si Blue Print. Inc.
Misc.. .48; Salem Steel A Supply
Co.. do. 24.1 85; Salem Yielding sup
ply. do. 17 08: Shell Oil Co, do.
313 53; Silverton Auto Parts, do,
16 0Q; Simmons Carbon Co , Inc.,
Sups, 21.39; Smith Auto ParU Co,
Bcps . 14 50: Fred W. Smith Lum
ber Yard. Sups . 16 31; Snap-on Tools.
Misc. 25 90, Standard Oil Co of
Calif, do, 174 05; State Highway
Dept. do 361.85; Slate Treasury
Dept. Refund. 10 00; Statesrnari
Juurnal Newspapers. Advt , 447 40:
Stetller Supply Co, Reps, 54 40;
Stevenson Rock Products Co, Grav
el. 1.371 68. E. G Svron. Trans,
15.00; l.lcnd F.. Tavlor. do. 21 IX);
Tide Water Associated Oil Co, Misc,
2.307.13; Truck Sales A- Service to.
Reps, 1 44; I'nruh-Knapp Punting
Co Sups, 187 65: Union Oil Co. of
Calif . Misc, 357 06: Union Title In
surance Co, HW. 30 00; Valley Con
crete Co , GM. 3 00: Vallev Motor
Co , Misc . 97.30; Valley Welding Sup
plv Co, do. 34 42; Earl Viesko. Trans .
, 42; Viesko Sand A Gravel Co,
Gravel. 377 00: Walling Sand A Grav
el Co . do. 109 25. Western Union.
Tele, 46 85; D A. White A- Sons.
Misc, 8 40; Jim Whitinire, Priv.
Truck. 12000; Lile I, Wilt. Trans,
21 UU... Wyodburv Co. Misc. 26 50:
Denver Yuuhg.' Sups 8c Tians , 4H
Zellerbach Paper Co Misc . 52 42;
Walter H Zust'l Co. Tires & Tuns,
585 11, City Water Dept., Water,
7165, Butler Construction Co. Fee.
2 50; Cecil I Omans. I E 2 06. Pub
lic Employe Retirement Bd . Sue
Sec, 155 IX); T R. Hobart Jersey
Cattle. 800 00; Mrs. Louise Johnston,
AnkenvGrange, 100 00: H, C Matt
son, Petty Cash. 50 77; West Publish
ing Co, OE 20 00. Banrrnft-V, hlt
nev Co. Law Books 15 50; J. W.
Copeland Yard, Repair. 39 66.
aj Jlraata, ef Tmrnft asevd)
building. Rainbow ConarruetMa Ca t
Pole ana permit, Portland Gen. Eiae.
Co ; Pip hoe permit Bex Rosa;
Permit to haul W" M. O. Bos a.
Carl Ertelt 1. A. FobeVL A . I aa
kua. Lenool Dodo W. Sehiiferee,
A H. Sacher, Wm. Koe Lambert,
Stselton A Hutchinson Mav 7 AM.
of Publkratioa regarding Board a!
Faualiration meeting: CoMract with
Warren Northwest lor improvement
ol Crestview Drive: Permit to haul
toga. Willard Benaoa, Charte Pel
land Allura Chance. Moon Broa:--Order
astablishins polling places foe
Primary election. Liat ol additional
Judges and Clerks- May S, Plat o
West Hills Addition: Bid ay Boward
Cooper Corp. oa road g radaii, Con
tiata with Central Paving '(
Visla Ave, and Peace Street. "tn
tracl with Truck Sales and Ser ica.
Co , dump trucks. Pefnil to naui
lugs Ed Yosl. nuraiina unwi
Co. May 9. Bids On conjugated met
al pipe; Call for bids on Aspnais
concrete paving. May 10. rerrnn w
move building Rainbow Construc
tion Co, Permit to haul logs. Fe;ix
Hassiri. Pole line permit, Portland
Gen. Elec. Co ; Maps of Short SL
and Shamrock St placed an file.
Mav 14, Minutes of Board of Equal
ization meeting. May 15. Permit to
haul logs. MAR lumber Co; Con
tract with Armro Diatnage tt Metal
Products Inc. on metal pipe; Con
tract with Howard-Cooper Corp,
road grader: Indemnity claim of Zel
la B. Ackerman, final hearing 5-31-5.
May It. Bid on dump trucks by
Truck Sales it Service Co: Peti
tion ot Richard Scandhng el al to
accept portion ol Harris St. aa
County road: Hearing set on pro
posed formation of Keizer Water
District. May 17. Permit to haul log.
Wm. Leitch. Henry Query. Al C.
Brand. Victor Thomas. Ole Nvgard,
Bender Logging Co : Pine line per
mit. Glen Tierce. V lata Heights Wa
ter District; Plat. South Pioneer
Heights Annex. Tasto Subdivision;
Indemnity claim of Edaard J. Zach,
final hearing 5-31-5. Petition and
C)-"der Is strike from records tha
recording of Plat of lakeside Add.
to Salem. Mav 21, Permit to haul
logs. H J. Wagner Wm. J. andKf fed
Ripp. C. J. Svhaffers; Certification
of Annexation of area to Salem. Mav
22, Petition for Improvement of
Vaughn Ave.; Certification by Co.
Engineer of amounts due Marlon
County from Oregon State Civil De
fense Agency: Petition for Improve
ment of County road No. 421. Peti
tions for Annexation to Four Cor
ners Rural Fire Dtst ; Answer ot
Oregon State Hwy. Comm. to P. L'.C.
in re: proposed crossing in City of
Salem. May n. Contract bond by
Beall Pipe "and Tank Corp, furnish
ing asphalt storage tanks. May 24.
Financial report. Oregon Chest. May
25, ePriuit to haul logs, Mehama I br.
Co, Schotthoefer Transp. Co , Thom
as Bros. Logging Co ; Permit to haul
Prtles. Moon Bros.: Pipe line permit,
ete Kremer; Contract of rentat on
road roller and trailer from Balrer
M.H-hinery to May 28 Contract with
W.irren Northwest lnc . Suhurban
area paving, and Silverton area pav
ing: Complaint and petition for cor
rection regarding location of ra-Ue
guard on a County road in Meh;i-i a
ilea. Agicement with C.ladvs Blank
enship regarding Drairiaee Ditcli re
suming ol bank and cutting t-ees;
I Permit to haul logs. Darrtll Sr-iel.
I J.fl Ze.ilnrj May 2'". Hills on oav
1 ing bv Waritn Northwe.-t lnc . r: ,il;
I I) c'Deeu to Clint Thon.t ul: Trans
fer Order. Permit to hai.1 .. W
- T Hatteberg. Semi-annual leuoit f
Sheriff and Tax O'Hec'.oi: r-tcv li
cense, sBreitenhush Hot SpnnKv I-ic,
Roy O. Cooper Mav 31. Final hear
ing on Indemnity claims til Fduard
3. Zach. Zella B. Ackerman.
BOWLING CiRF.EN. Ky. -Puffy,
a 3 year-old cat owned by
!1r. and Mrs warren Stampfr,
to vem Thomas and i.ewey Lee ov- drink daily irom ine Mamprr
erfield. Dispensers, license. Maunre j-nldfish bowl Without molesting tht
Heiningsen on burik-' 'lsh' S 8 York ral ,nnd f,rm
P. Green 31Si3: F. R. Coleman 298 52;
I G Lermon 297 27; W. G Hellie!.
to. t. --.., v -. .. tit D I n i - :
csu ji... j . s: ....... -iper i-o, ao. n
vruKipcuiMS recoiiiiiii-uu a in in Mae ueienng xssi. n; r.nraDein wna-it.oke (-0 fuel. 18 18;
mauress iaia on s Doara or s sona ', , ".
. . enbach 276 89; Evelyn Krueger 256 66
uoa npiius;
254 4' Marion Baker 234 00. H. Ma
8 40; J. L. Siegmund. do, 51 05: P. R
Taves, do, 48.64: David Terbell. do,
46 78;- J. E. Brown Printing Co.
Exp . 79 61; J. A. Kelly, do. 135.00;
Gerald R. Kubin. TE 43 73; L. R.
Johnson. Exp, 12 30. Herbert Totten.
TE. 50 63: Emmett O Welling, do.
58 47; Clvde's Locksmith A Safe Co,
Exp, 3 85; Wm. D. Miller, Atty. Fees,
15.0O; Wallace S. Wharton. TE, 20.90;
Remington Rand, Exp, 90 45: U. S.
National Bank, do, 15 00; Leston W.
Howell, TE. 350: Allied Supply Co,
Sups, 78.16; American Brush Co,
do, 15 34; Blake, Moffitt Si Towne,
do. 30 24; Electric Motor Service Co,
Exp, 21.80; Howser Bros, do, 7 45:
Larmer Transfer A Storage, Fuel.
756 78: Oregon Builders Hardware
Exp . 31 90: Oregon Pulp A Pa-
Co , do. 34 .95; Portland Gas A
Salem Hard
ware Co . Exp, 1.80: Westlnghousa
Muhy B.
While driving, make sure your
car seat doesn't tend to "jack
knife" you and that your seat isn't
so low you have to stretch to see
ri.,.rl,. rnrn tin 1".SOO-
Marv lesterman 1.J69. ttutn Ingram Hu,nfv B,p F,. 66 00: A. A. Rich
arris, do. 2170; Lnruh-Knapp Print
ria Fissel 173.47: Muriel Sweringen ! , ' ,
147 18: Helen Poutade 79 08; Erne I ph,a,nt
Exp. 29 00;
Meals. 8 35:
I rs..-i. q:n c. - n ......
Lile Wilt, Trans, S3 00; W"J: 298 87. Anna H. Tasto, 269 73; G N
Gross. 20400; John A Anderson
478 68; Then. Kuen?i. 354 39: A. M
Presnall. 237 52: Jeanne Hopkins.
ISO Til. E. A. Ward. 260 50; D. Ginned
729 50; H, W. Barlow, 7 95; Mvrtle
Evans. 100 30: Kathenne M Jelderks
239 60; Lorraine Kerr, 20171: Gladys
White. 93.25; Melvin Stearns. 10 72;
C A. l ewis. 74 KB: Helen I. Mulkev.
45 85; Irving H Johnson. .170 70; Roht
Han. .12 7 90, Adriane Artlano. 2i4 19.
Delbert J. Bair. 285 51. Elmer T.
Ideen, 208 89: Harold I. Mart n.
257.60: Don Spelbrmk. 247 55; Hunt
V. Sloops, 219.12; S. K. Elv, 302 17;
l.eon Bechtold. 157 88. Flovd Black
burn. Sl-9: Wm. M. Duchateou.
224 80; Arthur Thaver. 257.34; Ken
neth Watts, 249 77; t. G. Ross. 292 23;
John Anderson Jr. 256 01; Albert I,
Canny, 219 41: Chas. P. Canoy. 172 42;
I, R. Cooper. 221 86: E J. Coover.
48 14: Wilmer DaMberg. 128 04: Robt
J. Peierson, 218 84.
21561; W J. Star?l.
Suun. lf.9.66: Halnh
Wickhin. 208 'XI. Wm Naft7ger.
302 25. Leo A Andreas 250 69; Law rence
Faliev. 221. 7J. Virgil R. Farev
1 17 64: P. C 2.'Sf.4. 1 eo Kiec
7nskl. 24114. Memo Monnier.
2297. Albert K. Wcnfpnintr 218 99:
Robert O Bve. 108 76; .Ins A Rnhl
Co, Euip . 182 50: Tide Water Asso.
dated Oil Co, Misc. 3 00.1.68: West
Publishing Co, Law Books, 219 00.
April 1 1956 Final hearing on In
demnity claims for John R. Hinder
liter A Sons; Permit to move port
able sawmill. Rock Creek Lumber
Co ; Permit to haul logs. Geo. Jung
wirth, Harvey E. Marr. Curtis F
Deetz. April 3, Indemnity claim of
Tom Webb, final hearing 4-.10-56;
Pipe line permit, Vincent Neal Exca
vating Co.; Permit to haul logs, Win.
! Leitch Jr , Theo. R. Fisher Russell
B Nelson; Dispensers license. L'rs-i- Martin 228 04: H
el W. Hadley. April 4, Indemnity . A. K. Rostad
1 claim of James C. Adams, final heai- . 2.16 03: E. Ci
1 lng 4-.hI-j6; Hole line permit. I'ort
i land Gen Elec. Co ; Permit to hau
' logs. Frank Cluck, Belhell A Fo
iter, David Schafer. Call (or Bids fui
J and I yda M
nointine F.. R
et committee. Mav il. Copy of Order : sent Puffy
nv Mate lax I nnimission ciassnying
lands under Forest Fee and Yield
Tax Act. May 4. Warrant v Deed from
Florence N. Lucas to Marion Coun
ty; Order making ballot boxes avail
able; Order setting hearing on pro
posed ljike Labish Water Control
District. Bids on Grader. Bids on
Dump trucks: Affida lis of Putilira-
Commercial Seat I tion in re: Improvement of seer-
s bronze medal and a
citation fur contributing to the hap
piness of mankind.
Lithium is a metal which, In ils
pure stair, will float on water brief
ly until it vanishes in s chemical
reaction with the water.
Battle Rages
Over Rights
Of Farmers
c-M.. Illllimitiiiriit oi iir-iiir. ui , . i--
s-.rl I ta Ae, and Heace M. urd. T44 4S- Vera Wood 2:16 11- U-r. n ..: t- w . ' log POI tlon Of Hlllendie Dr
Fth.l t.ermon 1H041: Aanes Hender- - I'.',. ... ' "r.' .-....:.:' i ' I endale No. 2. Apnl 5, Permit to mot ; 303 40. Jesse R. Cartel, 250 01; Menn
Arnuid L. Kirk, 227 , Leo McCal-h-lei.
2b0 42. Hear v H b!!Ml-in
2320. Ton. Rilchrv. CM 34. F.irl E
Shade. E.HI 5.!. Erwill VierguU. 21154.
Ftank -Woelke. .124 22: D 1' Scharf.
.mi 411 Kenneth. Adams 199 112. O I)
ltineg.ii. 251 14 J. T Debar-in. 2.12 43.
Willmar Kossholm 218 8.'.; Harvev ,M
Gliod. 240716. Clar Harvev. 549 99.
0W yOU nave W SiretCn 10 see:-tnei l.ermim ism, sn-i nenner- - m Jinraniount I'est Cntro Serv- . """H" "h. u , 1 ,
rn.A nen.rto an4 .,ilson 158.53; E eanore Brnxson 161 20; ,,, farhjii. D-so 23 00 John I House. Bales and Bradv: Permit to
rosd properly and to operate , MMrt 1WM j,n st 1 f -ba a e P 2300 jori hmil , Halph s,t((mund. Van n.m-
pedalS. 14 8 88 Carol Cummings 31 211: I n, lri 4 , 100 0 1 D W CI 1 d" Brm L' Carr; Ca" ,or ",ds
Blanche Storer 293 16, Nora Wood ,! ,?.! :'' i'',r, o m r,nii,i ' on P"el truck; Order setting date
Careful of
Bargains From
Foreign Land
.1133: Howard Barlow 219 .12. Harold
Fox 2.'i2 69: Thomas W Brow n 212 69: j
Leslie R Chandler 28112. Winifred'
( nlgan 192 9: Maybe lie H McDon
ald 198 15; Ellen (iood lfw.js: Hubert 1
Caldwell 243 92; Marvin A. Hutchings
244 30: Martha T. Hutrhlngs 19 00;
Geo. F Armstrong 3.1.60: Joseph I..
Faulhaber 19 20: Qiilntm B Estell
2oo 13; Harley R DePeel 93 4.1; Ruth
Kephart 4144: Harold A'. Eirhsteadt
268 00: Blanche Chrlstensen 87 60.
Cecil I. Oman 460; James H. Ash-
By ali.f.n r. noDn, jr. Ji',"h 'il ,7: M,T" -Ji!?:
1X)ND0N (INS Millions Of msdge 271 U: Bllivette Conklin
Britons were reminded with a n'"'": c,Vl D"u'v 271 ,'d
. . . e- i- l , , Baker 213 00' Herman Wm Lanke
ShOCS thai an Englishman home,1:i9 64: Virginia Slone 219 it: Irene
is not necessarily his castle when Johnson 22147; Phyllis zeh 201.10;
the Kovcmment recently ordered
s white - haired woman and her
daughter off their own (arm.
Lady Marjorie Garbett and Miss
Susan Garbet were dispossessed
under a law passed by the 1M7
labor government which allows the
Ministry of Agriculture to evict
anyone whose land Is not being
properly farmed, even if they own
nuriuws. rs. .ici . ijnuu i.imiuii . .- ... -r(1.,-a
l-ilv I aunitrv 73 79 Dr Mai v , "T" ." ".".: h---p---
Chiistensen. Med. Serv. 45 00; Dr
Margaret Dowel), do. 15 00; Dr. Lu
cille rnrtner, do. 45 00: Dwighl Gru
ber, Tians. 150; Hendne Medical
Lab. Lab, 2175; H. A M. Ribbon
Carbon Co, Sups , 30 45; Huyett T.
V., Expi, 4.00; Matheson. Coleman A
Bell. Sups. 8 17: H W Merrvman,
Trans . 42 00; Parke, Davis A Co ,
Med. Sups . 59 33; Physicians A Hos
pital Supplv Co , do, 43 12; Qulsen
berrv Pharmacy, do, 44.6.1; Salem
C lame. Med Serv, 416. Salem
General Hnspllal, X Rava. 4 50: Sa
lem Masonic Temple Assn., Rent
283 nO, Salem Medical l.ah
' NEW YORK - INS - If won
derful to go through Europe pick
ing up wonderful bargains and odd-
looking items, but these ran prove
a neadacha u you re not careful
Serv. 50 1X1: Salem Memorial Hospi
tal. X Ravs, 112 00: School District
1 No. 4. Sups . 1 15: Dr. J H Treleav-
en. Psv Serv. I60 0O; N Boe. Herd
1 Insp, 234 25. A. W. Elvers, do. 136 30,
John W. Hanrahan. do. 194 00. E. I.
! Henkel, do 88 00: G. G Rankin, do.
288 23. Glen E Schwenke. do, 98 50;
1 Warren Gray. Indemnity. 84 00: Wil.
: l.ani J Schmid. do. 8 (X); John R.
Hinderlitet do. 12 00; Tcnn Wehh. do. I
24 1X1; Dr Mei le E. Brown. Exam, I
1 15 00. Dr. Morns Crothers, do, 15 00;
)l)r Wllli.ini Crothers. do, 45.00 Dr.)
Marian Muvu. uo. 1,10: ur. rt.lipn
1 ursine 00, 1 mi, ur. num-i 1 .iiiuiri
Suhui ii-
an East Sulem Water District." Apnl
9. Order renaming certain Couniv
roads near Woodburn. Private main
tenance bond on Conna Dr. and Ed
wards Dr. by Warren Northwest Inc.
April 10, Final hearing on lndemm-1 Hoy Hatfield, 212.31: Roht. L. Hinkie
ty claim of Warren Grav; penult to ; 24:t 18: Kick Hoover. 222 70: R. C.
haul logs. Burkland Lbr. Co. J. E ! Kammler. 221 76: Larry R. Kepping-
Baslie. loran Gollv. J. M strirk-ier', 1524: Jas rt KuenI, 5-' 4:
faden. Pipe line permit. William E. 1 Laurel Lamb. 239 99; Virgil lng
Gibson, Order appointing Dr. 22 43; Arthur B Mick 175 10; H A
Schwenke as suh. inspector on R A. Martin. 287 07. W R Massev. 267 24;
Pet7el herd. April 11. -Beer license. I John McAllister, 268 96; Ralph Mr
Vallev Sports Inc.; Call for bids for I Allister, 261 27. Rav McCallister
Improvement of Peace St. Visia-225 61, Frnest R Tage. 21211. Jas
u.V Ave . and Crestview Dr. Pre-ualifi- Riggi. 219 99, Glenn Roherlson, 23.1 92
the land
The two women received no gov-
I eminent compensation for the
I property, since it hi not actually
I being seisett. They can only sell or
! rent it to someone who, in the
nninion of the ministry wit) farm
, .r .
oere are some nps on Buying , it correctly. ,
abroad which may save you much I Two agpnts of the Ministry nf;Wike'r 21420 Ridgiev
fni or many nours customs I Agrinilture and four policemen
watched as Lady Garbett and her
daughter gathered their personal
! possessions and moved from their
ihome to a hotel. Udy Garbett
"Save all sales slips. With them
you can prove your rase to cus
toms Inspectors
If you re having parcels mailed
back home from abroad, remem
ber the fovernment charges $5 per
parcel for any package unclaimed
after five days. So see to it mail
ings are not made too far in ad
ranee of your return to the U.S.
Original art works and antiques
made before 1830 are allowed duty
free, but you must have certifi
cate to prove it. If your purchase
is genuine, tha dealer from whom
fou bought it should have no
Malms about giving you such a
Certain perfumes, cameras, wat
hes and silverware are not si
jrrwed in the United State unless
you have a certificate of release
from the trade-mark owner, so
beck earcfullr.
called the eviction "legalized rob
bery" and announced she would
fight the ruling.
The case of Lady Garbett has
touched off a raging controversy.
Ranged against each other are
those who support Britain's tra
ditional respect for property rights
snd those who cite the equally
ancient need for a small island to
make every foot of precious farm
land pay. .
A majority of Britain's national
press has jumped to Lady Gar
C Miller
Foust 182 7n J
K Neufeldt 20 17; G N Gross
204 00; C. A Lewis 77 7 John A
Anderson 47 7; Then Kuenii 1S4 39;
A M Presnall 2.17 52: Jeanne W.
Hopkins 12 96, I A Ward ?60 50: II
Gulned 1250: H. W Barlow 7 93;
Anne H. Tssto 137 38, Irving H
Johnson 370 70; Roht Hart .127 00;
Adrtann Antlsnn 212 34: Delbert J.
Bair 3027J-, Elmer T Ideen 217 46.
Harold L. Martin 341 70: Hnrrv Nle
man 8145; Don Spelbrmk 193 53:
Robert V. Sloops 2517; E K. Elv
3027; Floyd Blackburn 263.77: Wm.
Duchateau 26 5S: Arthur Thiver
288 72: Kenneth Watt 287.S7; Wm.
Naftrger 30215: Leo A. Andreas
260 9; Ijwrence Falter 24714; Vir
gil R Fahtv 2300; P. C Hunt 232 50:
Leo Klecrivnski 24 84; Melvin Mon
nier 158 S7; Albert K Wengenrnth
227.44: C. G. Rns 2S2 23 John An
derson 304 81; Albert U Canoy 183 73:
( has P. Cinor WO 4: L. R Cooper
279 47: E. J Coover I Jo 38: Wilmer
.M. M,iik, .. uaninerg rassi; nnni. isiarun .is si.
urua aiuc ssmi iiiuiKii.iiiii;-iuiii-u H j p,(,r,0n 344 09; A B Rostad
editorials. The Dally Express w. J. starri 271 72; E c.
called the eviction "a ncandal and " ": B?h,.w'rkhm Tl?:
I,, pie .vm in. rf.iw. n.
Jesse' R Carter 153 55; Menno Dalke
1253: Lined Jarman 23; Arnold
Dons Jean Kuhler 183 20; Muriel I
Pulh 178 00. Gladys White 2.17 02;
Beldon E Owens, Jr. 38 38. Katharine
N Jelderks 169 04: Agnes C Booth
326 07: Hetty J. Parrett 2S3 75: Glen
Robertson 315 20; Guy E Waldroop
276 90; Christine V. Morley 197 95:
Gloria Jackson 180.87; Denver Young
351.94; A. I. Malstrom 287 44; Amos
A Shaw 312.08; B. R Smith 2'.8 27;
Birhiiid Boehrlnger 284 4; E J
Boust 20 17: John Zahlnskl 2i;4 64.
Herman Donee 245 92: Huv Lamb
260 1 7: Cecil Johnson 24.1 : J. Wal-1 d rt., 7 so' r YhairiM Weaher dn move Cat.. John Zellner. April 18 Gutiler 204.23: Cecil C. ,- iui n, u',,.1 rf i art. Pine line permit Vincent Per
216 51; Marv E Strayer 1-12 99; Jnmes vaIU, Supplv Co Sups. 3 50. George
D. Painter 280 98; H. T. Evans 2'i 40; j i)mii . 1 ig); C. A. Eldnedge, Serv .
la-onsrd Combs 268 73: Raymond I j no ur Ceorge R Hoffman, do,
Kleen 237 15; Violette West 7441 03: j Ksnim, MrEwan Photo Shop. Sups ,
Marian Maas 21147; Patricia Savage ! jo mi. Thad Moreland. W. D . Serv,
rH; Dolores Monro 21221. Hi- 2 1 us l'vle Drug Slure. Sups.. 149,
nice Harlan 210 12: Sldnev Nelson ,sanilarv ' Serviee Inc . Esp , 7 00;
21147: A n Graham 2S4 ": Msxine - United Repair Co. do. 15 00; F. W.
liornian -ih n; . .i ninier l i-i . Vs'oolw orth Co. Sun
Aiinrey n rising ill u, i nai lo--r i Vnung nd of Prisoners
Marvin A Hutrhmgs. Fxp . 4.15
Donald M Orange. Bent, 25 on, qmn-t-n
B Fstell trp. 43 72. Hsrlev R.
DePeel do. 4 67. W. H Bell. Rent,
loon, -John Becker, do. 150fl. Cecil
1 Omans. TE, 126. James H Ash
baugh. do, 75; Dr Morris K Croth
ers. Serv. 10 00. Craig Dudley. TE.
2 50: A C Gragg. Postmaster. Suns .
15 00; W. T Grant Co. do. 3 66, Mrs.
Wm C Howard. Detention. 6500;
Ruth Jens. M. D . Psv. Serv.. 25 00;
Kirk Mulder. TE. 6 80; Delores My
ers. do. 9 75; John F. Talmadge. do,
S 54: Mrs Charles Wvant, Detention,
180 49; Catholic Services for Chil
dren. Court Comm Child , 10 00;
Children s Farm Home. do. 20 00;
Christie School, do, 10 00: St Mary's
Horn for Boys, do, 20 00: St Rosa
Industrial School, do 13 00; David
W. Baker. TE. 9 38: Baker. Voorhis It
Co . lnc . Equip.. 4 5.1; A C Gragg.
Postmaster. Sups.. i: 50; The Klasic
Pholo Shop, Sups , I 85. Public Ad
ministration Serv.. do, S 00; Crafts
man Press Printers, do. si0; Flnr
enr Beardslev. Executive Sec .
Dues. :IIH) Agnes C. Booth. TE.
Svron 1.15 15; The J. K. Gill Co. Testing.
cation statement bv Warren North- 1 W. Shellev 228.11 Kenneth SlVter
west lnc ; Resolution and Ordinances 222 17: Roht. Smith. 244 21: Earl 0
in Be: Annexation of area in Polk Standlev. 213. Ted Stolle 29 25.
Co to the Citv of Salem. April 12. I Lloyd E Tavlor. 270 71. A M. Tav-
Order to levy taxes in G. A Miller ; lor. 270 71. A M Theis. 25603; Hugh
Drainage Dist. No. 1; Aff of Putin- j Webb, 21.177. Sam Weese. 21186;
cation of hearing on proposed Jef- Gro Willi-. 206 12; 1.. le? L. Wilt
ferson Rural Fire Dist. April II. 2nd ,250 71: Twv Woelke, 261 74: Walter P
band deaterl lllence. Ella Worlev: I Wulff, 214 97: Tom Bawrffn. 3m 54;
Bid on panel Luck; Indemnity- claim j Frank Hrrsha. 294 60; A P. Mor.
ol Calvin F. Tucker, final hearing : tensen. 190 W. Fail R Viesko. Ih.iiiI
4-10-56. Call for bids on Boad Giari- I Lloyd Williams. 2S.I.4S. Keith A us
er and Dump trucks; Permit to h ull , tin. 242 11: John ll.inn.i. 110 45: Con
loss John Zellner D. L. Sledge, . rad Ov. ings. 40 44. W If Hell. 16mm
Clifford Martin. L E. Wornom. J A. Gale fhmteiisen 19 in: A. F As
Fotierl. Clifford Martin: Permit to inong 28.80; Gerald K. Kubin. 22'' 5.1
1 1
Emmett O. Welling, 244 54; Her
H Totten. 273 28: Neil (' Boem
mil to h.m loss. telix ll.isslne. i n-o 4'-. r.siev j viooii. ii-i., i arnune
James A. Michael. Gediu P M.irson. , Smith. 147 n? Ramon R) Ne-dhao.
Chailes Pelland; Order calling fori 160 on. l.eo Qiusnel. 29 2-4. Anahe
Notlres to be published for hols to Moon. 1JK6S; Vi.ile'te West 92 .11
kn.rH Cniinlv nrlsoners. ADril 19. Charlotte 1 Gill. 171 7.1 Wllda N
Pole line oermlts. Portland General Greene, 145 51. I.e. ton W. Houell
Electric Co ; Aff. of Publication of 4 wi
Notice of Hearing in Re: proposed! Mlseellanenns: fi de K Unoa Al
12 8 Denver l ake Labish Water Control District, lender. RW. .'."0; J A A Sena J
1015 10 April zo i-eiinons in rr i'n-i.,.ru - Kappnann, H'. .sisi, n r n
Keirer waier uisirici; i-re-iuaini-1 ngana, i p., i ia tin. Harvrv riankiin
ration statement bv Central Pvmg 0n 5174; Dalbert .1 Jensen do
Co. April 23. Warranty need irom 1 21.14: Henrv Jungwirtb. do 71
Marv J. Mrubetr 10 Wlinnn mun- r Mcholson, do nil: Io 1
Consent given Standard Oil to 1 Qtie.nel. do, 3 50. J 1.. Siegmund. dr
dn geological survey work on Conn- 711 31 siatesmsn-Jounial Newspa
Iv roads; Plat of Clear Lane ,ar- pers or S2; rrinn T. Stone, ir.
rt.n. Minutes of Board of Equallr.a- 171; Paul R Taves. do. 21 50. Ila
tlon meeting April 24, Resolution hv 1 ,d Teiliell, do. 34.17; Western
Court to widen, alter, esianusn ann Contractors Inc. OE. 76ft. Neil (
reconstruct M. R. 22; Permit to haul , Boenmer. TF. 101. Bmiers, n.ivis
logs. Vernv D. Scntl. Knight A- Boyd; Hntfman, Sharing. 1.800 00; H G
Plat of Oakman Heights Annex No. chtrkrnng, Jr.. Re-Appra.. 17 50;
1 ln.,1 - Release on Lot 5. Block A Kellv Rental 113 DO Gerald
17. Depot Add. to Salem, purchased 1 Kubin. TE. 14 61; Herbert R Totten
by Ellsworth L. Smith from Mannn do. 20 21; Fmmrtt O. Welling, do
County: Plat of Templeton Subdtvts-, 42 00; Richard H Allen. Atty. Fees
all 011; ieve Anderson, oo. ,w isi
Golden Pheasant. Meals, 16 85; A C
Gragg, Postmaster. Postage 31) 00
J Win. StorU. Atty Hire. 4500: Mil
dred Warrick. Fees 20 00: Wallac
ion April 17. Dr. Schwenke appoint
ed as sub .herd Inspector on Walter
W. Drehar herd: Performance bond
on McKay Dr. and Dwight Dr. by D
E Johnson: Certification ol Annex
ation to City of Salem. April 30. I s Wharton OE A TE. fl: Bovs
Final hearing on Indemnity claim of Typewriter Co, Equip. 197 50; les
Tom Webb, James C. Adams, Calvin Inn W, Howell, TE. 2 66; Salem Med
a scar on British justice", and
the NewtOironicle commented:
-Good farmer or b.d-it 1. lr-j NV't fTilch:
revelant. The farm was hers. 234.41; xi . ahad juri; ir
is (H: Beltv J Parrett. TF. 19.70;
Glen W. Robertson do, 3.151; G E.
Waldroop, do. 3 78; Capitol Offlr
Equip. Cos. Faniip.' 1.17.50; Ray W.
Lamb. TE. 1.50: MeKlnner Llnenln
Merrurr. lnr., do, 10 34; Earl T. Naw
br. Talttyp. 2 00. FacUl Ttu. as
F Tucker; Petition of D J Goode
et al rrgardlng,the dust situation on
Delight St : Bids opened on Vi.ta
Ar Crestitew Dr. and Pr ire
Street' Call for hids on rorruR.reil
metal pipe: Order to enter coo-rac-on
Crestview Di , Vista Ave snd
Peace St : Permit lo n.ova buildins
Rale and Bradv; Order calling spe
cial election regardlrg prnpoaad for-
Ical Laboratories. Autopsv, 50 00
' Gragg. Postmaster, postage, 1 0il
Advance Supp'v to. Sups. 71 5
A"-'!) Simply Co. do IS? ft A-ne
I.-..H r.ri,.ii C.i. d-. 6 9.'. Flei'tnr Mo
Mr Set me t i Fxp : st! Foff Fler
tr.c Co. S u?l ti l-. I a-mer Trns
':' S Storage, Fuel. 178 19. Por'lam
Gaa Ir Coke Co., do, 21 49: Salem
Saw Weeks Frp 1 75: Western Golf
look for the
matlnn of Jeffron Aural ftrt ' Cturifc 9 Tt Co, rio. 4 M. W'
Dlitnct; Tramfvr Order. InfhouM EltctrU Corp., 4m. 2Lm
at your grocer
Nulade eggs are always fresh,
guaranteed fresh by your Nulade
rancher. Only locally produced
farm-fresh eggs go into Nulade
cartons. Look for the Nulade
diamond at your grocer's. Be .
sore they're fresh bay JMdv