Food, Gadgets In UJSLAwe Homecomer Statesman, S"atrm, Orrj. Fri., June 29, 06 II1V-27 . FOR A SAFE, SANE, THRIFTY FOURTH, SHOP MM AartrM ar im Hv- 11 ta Mtira Ik ckaain that tat; iraui4 tkm Urn 114 Wlutr ( Ikr INS Takta Bairm t.Ua ( the thine, that ttrack kin aat traaclv a a rru raaatry laar after flva yaar. la AiU. . NOW HANDLES By SID WHITE j NKW YORK 'INS' - Am.Tic In l0!i swmi prosperous la the point ol hustim 1 Tht is the first impression of rHurned ntie to this land of shiny new automobiles, handsome ranch houses, super highways and att ill hisger television sets. ,l.iltle things, taken (or granted by Americans, such as the avail-' anility of food, strjlte one with awe. Ami. the noticeable lack o( war tension you might call it com placency also stands out in sharp reh( Thee are impressions of a cor respondent based on years of liv ing with war. fear, hunger and Communist danger in the Far Kast Evidence Everywhere ' Evidence of building, expansion and prosperity was seen every where in visits to Honolulu. San Francisco. l.os Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, New York and Washing ton Aspects of American living, which niusl seem commonplace, stand out as sharp emotional en counters on a isit after a long absence, and, they add up to a faster, more gadget - filled, md fuller life for the average Ameri can citizen than ever before The ordinary super market, fur Instance, seems an incredible storehouse of edible luxuries. Ihe row upon row of canned goods, the amazing frozen foods and the well stocked butcher counter bring a gasp of -anxizcment In those ac customed to Asian standards. Big Stocks Hrlcome To find a stock of readily a ail able. unrationed American cigar ettes is a source of (.eligtfl. The building boom ' which has con cried empty lields into well planned communities in tie sub urbs of most cities is another re maikiilile trend in American liv ing The a erage person in cities usited secnied to own a new ranch house, or plan to buy one soon The high ecl of American standards was driven home force fully Kith a visri in Detroit to the ne. three bedroom home of a close relatn e. Just three years out of school, he had purchased the sprawling, brick home on the (i I. bill, with 3d years lo pav lor it "Deeply In iebl ' Inside his wife proudly displayed a giant refrigerator, a sin'; with a garbage disposal unit . an electric stole w it h a built-in exhaust fan and a 24-inch television set The "gadgets'" were either in ll.illed by the builder and uuiie will) Ihe house, she explained, or Were bought on credit Most people visited aeros-s the Country seemed to he In in; as well, and were jim ,i, deepK m debt However it is managed. Ameri cans have an unparalleled stan dard of living, without realizing it. Illiterate Hero i Worries Child Book Author INDIANAPOLIS 'lS ... For a man who cnuldn'l write. Jim Rnl. ger left his name on a lot of places. That is one of Author tlertrude Ilecker Winders' justifications (or making an illiterate man the hero of a hook or school children. Mrs, Winders admitted she had been worried about Ihe subject of her juvenile book, ".Inn Bridger: Mountain Boy." Bridger, as any Boy Scout knows was a famous fur Irader. seijut explorer and guide during the lfiiO's. But what seldom is stress ed is that lie roulrl not write his own name, and could not read Ihe signs ihat identified the plaies he discovered. Name Now Famous But today, his name is a fami liar one in the West, which hu explorations helped open for a set tlement There is Fort Bridger. Bridger's Mountain. Bridger n t'reek. Bridger's Lake. Bridger'j Tass and Bridger National Park. The book about the man who firl mapped the Rocky Mountain region and who d.scnvcrcd the dreat Salt Lake is one of several Mrs. Winders wrote for the Child hood of Famous American series wirlclv used as supplementary Si hool books. Some leathers ue these hooks In interest tlnltlnn in learning to read, and the author liguied some jiniiigsters might use Bridger as an example how lo succeed with out formal education Name Reiterated She might have left out the point of Bridger's educational shortcomings, hut since the hook is based on fads. Mrs, Winders suH she felt il netessaiv In in c'u''e n iik iiient in which her hern w,-s aked In sicn a contract lie drew his "X" as did many nien and women in his less school Mrssed era But Mrs. Winders recalled Ihat ,lmi Bridger made sure his daugh ter, Virginia, received the school ing he never had. She noted "I went to Omaha during my research and saw a praver hook belonging to Virginia Bridger in a museum Over and over she had written- ' Virginia Bridger. Vir ginia Bridger. Virginia Bridger'." HOT RAZOR ()MAII 'INS' The Omaha police department's identification expert had no trouble establish ing the ownership of an elctric razor brought in with two men sinpeetcd of burglarizing a serv ice station The police sergeant jiad sold Ihe razor to the service fXation owner. 0 o AND DRIVE CAREFULLY! 1940 MISSION PH. 2-7661 NAMELESS has the freshest pro duce in town . . . any town. Guaranteed Ripe Golden Yellow Lemons Fresh, Tender Sears Large, Ripe f Tomatoes Lb. All Flavors 6 pkgs. Nalley's Reg. 39c Large 2'j Cottage Pork 'n 2 fins 3 -lb. Canned 10 Count Lily Cold 8 Count Servisel 0 Pkg. All our meat is unconditionally guaranteed. Dubuque mi BsCM Lb. All Meat, U.S. Insp. Weiners Lb. Large Pan-ready Ea. Rath-Ends and Pieces f Lb. Fresh Daily Ground 3 lbs. U.S. Good Grade T-BONE STEM Lb. Lean, Boneless BOAST tb. Tail Tin Select Pitted RIPE AIIIMEC d 2 tins 0)c Heinz 25 oz. Heinz 11 oz. no i eisn Jar " CLOSED "if Ocean Glen Reg. Tin Shredded All Whit. Meat 0 Tins Nabisco Pound Box Crackers Quart Jar Borden's Brown 'n' Serve BISCUITS Tube U 2ilb. Pkg. 0 Nestles Chocolate f Chios M Try Lipton's Iced r y 100-Bag Box . . . . 99c All Prices Effective Until Tuesday, July 3 We Will Be Closed JULY 4 0)0 mm mi him mm. CASH IN NOV ON THESE GREAT STAY CLEAN CASE OF 4 GALLONS Single $RJ5 Gallon REG. $23.80 CASE SUPER N0RT0M FLAT WALL V Interior Paint CASE OF 4 GALLONS REG. $21.80 0i1(o) U z Single JE05 Gallon ' BJ Interior Enamel SEMI-GLOSS For Woodwork and Walls CASE OF 4 GALLONS REG. $26.80 Single $fi19 Gallon O WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PAINT SUPPLIES IK