The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 29, 1956, Page 26, Image 24

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    l&-(Src III) Statesman, Salem, Ore. Fit, June 29, 06 .
Uncooked Jams, Jelly Works
For Several Berries, Fruits
Tarts Make Fancy Quick Way to Make Shrimp Dish
Fruity Tarts
roil ihi
low in PRICE
Strawberries, raspberries, bla&berries, blueberries nd peacnes
proved wccesshd for making uncooked jam with fruit pectin m
(oU by home ecooomisU the I'. S. rJepartment of Agriculture
n mMith ob home utiluatic of fruit.
Tbii tTe of jm U very easy to make. A pectin wirtioi u
stirred into aweeteiieel crushed fruit nd the mixture is ladled wto,
jelly gtaisei to lUnd Jinui ,A(Jd the p,, Nation to the
before aeaiiaf nd itoring in "!JruU aB4 Mgir mixture nd Mir
refrigerator or freeier. Toe ' 1"2 minutes. Lidle jam into Jl'
bat the flaw and color ol the, fUMMi fjliiBj to about a half
fresh fruit plua at attractive Jel;iBch , the rim. Cover and let
lied texture that make it apread lUnd untl (tMy Uge 24
well. It keep in the refrigerator ,0 w hour$) TbM wltB hot
a lew month or in the freeier a pfjjn IB(j wvfr wit la metal
lonf ai a year, but because it .Is ,jd put.jn freeier or refrigerat
uncooked, it won't keep on the or promp1v.
kitchen shelf. To have the jam at . ;
iU best, use it promptly MiVriirtt
openinf the container Creamy VUXTUrB
Two points about using this, tic
type of jam: If it's too firm wne inCIUCTCS JOUp
nrwiwi tor nervim. iiriinn win
"i- ,
soften it If it tends to separate,
stirring will blend it again.
Fine Color
For jam of finest color and
flavor, use fully ripe but sound
fruit, sorted and washed. Remove
caps and stems from berries and
peels and pits from peaches.
Grind blueberries, but crush oth
er berries or peaches.
To make about 9 six-ounce
glasses of jam, use 3 cups
crushed fruit. This takes about a
quart of blueberries, 14 to 2
quarts of other berries or 24
pounds of peaches.
Here's the recipe: Ingredients
1 cups chopped celery
2 tablespoons butter or
4 teaspoon scraped onion
2 cups sliced mushrooms
4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons milk
2 cups slock or consomme
4 teaspoon salt
' teaspoon pepper
4 shredded wheat biscuits
Cook celery in small amount of
boiling, salted water until tender.
Melt butter or margarine in fry
ing pan: add onion and mush
rooms. Saute slowly. Moisten flour
"Vapocant are available
Super Mirketa, iawker
everywhere." 1
cuds crushed fruit; 9 cups ' with milk and blend into mushroom
sugar; 1 package powdered pee-1 mixture. Add cooked celery, stock
tin: 1 cud water. To make: Add or consomme, salt and pepper.
it sugar to crushed fruit, mix well . Heat thoroughly. Crush tops of
land allow to stand 20 minutes ; shredded wheat biscuits: sprinkle
Plant with occasional stirring. Dissolve j each with 1 tablespoon hot water,
the powdered pectin in the water, , Serve hot celery-mushroom mix-
j bring to a boil and boil 1 minute. 1 lure on biscuits. Serves 4.
150 N. Commercial "We Featwre U. . Govt. Inspected Meata" Thone 3-3563
Swift's .Select Lamb Sale!
LAMB 1pc
lbs. . l)
Hi Folk i Mtrt and Frtd Art Pack at Hoffmani! Rtm.mbr, This
Is Not o If-Stryict Meat Marker.. Wt Have 4 Export Journeymen
Meat Cutteri to Serve You . , . Cal . . '. Fred . . . Mert . . . Norman.
esxsssssssssssssssseei - -mmr-
V lor the' first bug that does not die after being sprayed with
rr?n n nonn n bug
v 'with new long-lasting Formula "D"
REAL-KILL Offers $25,000
Reward to Prove:
KEAl-KIU ri Amarke'i No. 1 Insectictdet
REAL-KILL kills All hounhold bugs.
None is Immuml
REAL-KILL Bug Killer with new long,
lasting Formula "0" is the "killingest"
bug killer developed by Kience for
home use. No bug tested hat ever
survived I spraying with REAL-KILL
Thousands of testt on million! of bugs
In laboratory and homes prove REAL
KILL kills fast, keeps killing for weeksl
When used according to directions, you
can use it freely in any room In your
home. REAL-KILL Bug Kilter won't stain
clothes, furniture or walls. It's odorless,
; can be used immediately before guests
KEAl-KIll ktees ee killini ktttji
far witksl
Just ONE application of amazing
, Formula "D" REAL-KILL forms an odor
lest, stainless film that KEEPS ON
KILLING insects for weeksl
Try REAIXIU luf Killer ana! leer far
yawself. St fa year ftverite start tte'ey
Mtl tt rules.
T kill Itrlnf Imtk, ft IIAI KIU lawcl Sm4
REAL-KILL, WtritTs lrftsf4elllaf linj inter . .
aV sssssssssssafc
7 ?
Mia lwi
Maids-ef-honer are realty tarts
ia fancy dress,
I'nbaked pastry
1 eus
S cups confectioner's sugar
1 cup chopped blanehetf almonds
Raspberry jam
" Line small or medium-shea' muf
fin pans itn thinly piled patry
teujjL Beat the rLT well, add
tbesular. mU and then add the
almonds. Place a spoonful of rasp
berry jam in each tart and top
with rtt mixture. Bake ia a hot
evea e degrees' It minutes, re
duce even to moderate 'Jit de
frees) and continue baking It to
IS minutes longer or until filling
is cooked. May he served plain or
with whipped cream. Makes about
24 small tarts.
Shrimp rreoJe can be a mot
complex dish or a simpler en
Easy Skrixp Creole
' rup finely chopped on ton
nip finery chopped green
, pepper
2 tablespoons shortening or oil
1 raa cups' condensed
tomato soup
ti cup water
I teaspoon vinegar
Dash of Tabasco sauce ue
more, if a hotter sauce is
Dash ei black pepper
1 pound frown or fresh shrimp,
I cups cooked rice '1 cup
Always drain ence.s batter from
uncooked oaioa rings before adding them to
Cook onion and green pepper un- not deep fat so as to avoid the
,t.l soft in shorten - Add sp. of the fat bubbling over.
water, vinegar. Tabasco saucr and
black pepper Cook over low brat IGHT TIME
! about 10 minutes, stirring occaioo- A canm-d ham. weighinj about
'ally Add shrimp; cook S minutes six pounds, mill need to bake about
I longer Tour shrimp and sauce two hours and fifteen- minutes in a
oer hot rice, t servings. slow "325 degrees oven.
Curried Lamb an Outdoor Dish
Finely chopped cucumber, thin
slivers of canned pineapple and
ripe olive slices or chunks are deli
cious molded in lemon flavored
gelatine. Add a little vinegar to
sharpen the flavor. Serve with sour
cream dressing.
Combine a cup of mayonnaise
with 2 tablespoons -each chopped
ripe olives and dill pickle. 2
chopped anchovy fillets. 1 teaspoon
minced parsley and 1 tablespoon
prepared mustard. Toss this superb
dressing with cooked large dry
limas, thinly sliced celery and
green onions.
r.nloy the Extra
.odDess af the
Northwest's Very
Own Brand
4t at
Produced in Salem
Curried lamb i a good disk for
that covered dish picnic of the
Carried Lamw
I cup diced celery vita tops
1 small onion, diced
i tablespoons cooking fat or oil
I cups diced cooked lean lamb
l cup brown gravy
Curry powder
2 drops tabasce sauce
Salt -
Brown celery and onioa slowly Bi
the fat or oil. Add meat, gravy,
and seasonings. Use te 1 tea
spoon curry powder, as desired.
Stir over low heat until weQ
mixed and hot If too dry, add
boiling water.
Jr, lin N ijiVVHiv wwtm tAm Te 1 Ttlw,
f riftrred ay Mtllttas far Ovtr' 10 Ttarsl !
- ' ' -ii ' ' -" 1
mmwi gbs
Lots of fun. Enter today-you may win $32,000 -paid by
IrtV fleam ffvtifff malrAe rlichuinchSnti afmncf mVa'
Vlw lll7 iiliHIU alfCIt laiunw uidllllHiililj) miiiiw iii ww a
. i 'V i - Clip this entry blank along the broken line
'sU UV LT 1 1 IIIl o wl
JL h ou VI E f T
35 lAlTlglRuVl folvl IJd
Your Nam.
ffUoM rUNT, the pmS M
Prkw first lmr sf rwr knt mm m tWs mi
NOTE: Be sure to read all rules carefully be
fere sending in this entry blank. Complete itnlt by
Min ia letters t form tkt wtrts fos Ihink best fit the elm
Clip isd mail tt Hit Trickster", lei Jl, CMimti 1, Okie. Ea
tries mst le teshMrkee' as liter Hmi audaight Aaetst i, IrSi.
1 "trace'or I
I k It'man
Here romps 'Thc TrickstT ftrAtn to
give vou another crnck at dome hij
money! "The Trickster" w JOY'S
exciting new kind of crminwn'd pux
zle. It's simple. Great fnn. And
worth a cool $32,000 to yoo if yoa
get the right solution.
Most of the puzzle, as you can see,
is filled in already. All you do is fig
ure out the missing letters from tha
clues. But look out ! "The Trickster"
is clever. Take 26, Down, for in
stance. The clue is. "It's generally
hard for anyone to TRA E stolen
property." Should it be "trade"?
'Trace"? Or does some other word
fit the clue better?
Only one word is right in each case.
The fun is in figuring it out. Got
your thinking cap on? Then read tha
rules carefully and get going. Yoa
mav be the one to walk off with the
$32,000 cash!
(Right armwer ia in this ad and on the Joy
carton and can).
7. One needs morality to be .
9. First half of a number under ten.
10. One usually associate this with religion.
11. Mild as is, JOY gets you away from
the d inn pan fast.
12. To engage, an gears.
14. Man'a title of reoiiect.
15. First half of the word "cent".
17. Thin fellow may clip you.
20. Animal that ia caught by a
will not necessarily be killed.
22. Step on the gas and away go!
23. Bashful.
26. A nrrn is paid for what the
public sees of his work.
28. Eager.
30. Whn you wash dishes with JOY,
wiping is necessary.
31. Cook will be pleased if she hears that guewta at
big dinner party praised her
33. Poisonous snake,
34. Very small.
35. Properly behaved Ind who forgot to take
ewim suit to hearh party for boys and girls
will want to go in where girls
are not around.
36. To show to be true.
1. Man who wishes to . a claim has
to be sure of his ground.
2. There was a time when this was frequently
used to keep out water.
3. Self-centered talker who monopolizes the af
ter dinner interlude will pay little attention
to the of other guests.
5. You always get a when you hear
a lively song. ,
6. A good most be careful not
to offend with his language.
8. Serious student of seed plants may be inter
ested in the root of this.
9. New Iastant JOY makes dishwashing almost
12. Commissary officers will be especially
involved when fighting men are
13. If weather ia bad, it's not unusual if small
vessel . . in port.
16. Parents may not he pleased to learn their
daughter was seen to . valuable
things that didn't belong to her.
IS. Shoemaker's tool.
19. Those in charge of long parade mav havp to
.. . their instructions from time
to time.
21. To remove household goods to a new reni
derue, one usually will send for a moving
24. With new Instant JOY, you jwet wash,
ami drain dishew!
26. It'a generally hard for anyone to
stolen property.
27. Merrier.
29. Drugged.
32. If a healthy child U'gins to act dull and spirit
less, teacher may suspect . is the cause
of the trouble, i Abbreviation)
33. Reverential regard.
1. PUhVT dearly in tf puxito the letter yoa
ffimk will form words that belt At Ht cluev After
you have filled In the puizle, PRINT your name
and oddreu clearly on She entry blank. Be sure
olo to print the ftrjt letter of your lot name in the
bo provided. Entries must be postmarked no later
than midnight Auguit 6, 1956, ond must be re
ceived no later than August 20, 1956. Mail oil
enlrie to "The Trickster ", Box 91, Cmcinnoti I,
2. Toe oaf wbwdt en nany toWtkm to mil
puzzle at yce dewre, evng official entry blanks.
With eodi entry tend a boxtop from any size
bottle of JOY (if you have one) or a facsimile
copied from oay source Oft enciote a separate
sheet of paper on which yog have copied the
number from the bottom of ony size JOY can,
which now may be seen at your store. In this ad
ore pictures of the New Milder JOY bottle carton
ond con.
3. Corefully study the dues before writing yo
answers. The right solution requires the most ap
propriate ond suitable word in each blank. The
fudges will determine which word is the most ap
propriate and suitable to the due in eoch case.
The judges have been appointed by Procter &
Gamble to consider all entries and select the
prize winner. Decisions of the judges ore final
4. Procter I Gamble wil pay $32,000 for the
light solution to Inn pvzzle. K no correct solution
Is received, the most nearly
on the mMiber of correct words, will be the 1
One prize will be awarded.
m the event of ties, a separate "Trickster" na
zle and sentence for completion, "Joy makes dish
washing almost mce becouse , , . (25 words or lesss)
. . . will be mailed to those who have tied. f4
JOY boxtop or con number wiH be required wia
a tie-breaking entry. Entries in the tie-breokmg
contest will be judged on she basis of the punt.
In the event of ties, the prize money wfl be paid
to the tying entrant whose snlesn.e for com pie lion
h judged most apt, original and sincere.
5 Entries bested so residents of Hsss oosshssess
tot United States (including Alaska) and Hawae,
except employee of Procter & Gomble, to od
vertising agencies, and their families. Government
regulations apply,
6 All entries become unauoriftedty the pmfs
erty of Procter & Gomble for ony ond oft pw
poses. No entries returned. Except for Incidental
uncompensated help from family ond friends,
entries must be wholly the work of the person M
whose name the entry is submitted, ond will be
disqualified for outside professional or compel
sated help. Mechanically reproduced facsimiles
or numbers are ineligible. The winner or tying
entrants wilt be notified by mol obout I weisss
otter all entries ore received.
Procter & Gamble's new JOY is the
liquid that makes dishwashing no,
not fun but almost nice. Takes the
greasy smell and look and feel out of
dishwater. Gets the job over quick,
leaves your dishes sparkling clean.
And it's milder than any other lead
ing liquid gentle to your hands.
JOY saves you money, too. Penny
for penny it does more dishes than
anything else. Just one capful makes
nice-smelling suds billow up. You try
it. Get JOY today in the nice new
can or the gay bottle.
i Co ) 1 1 t-:"-WrSX vfon"
s. - y