The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 29, 1956, Page 23, Image 23

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    A -
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Statesman, Salem. Ore., Fit, June 29, 06 (SecIII)23
(MM' !
Just arrived at Safeway in time for the big holiday! loads Pac- I - ' U
and loads of thumpin' crisfp, red-ripe beauties ... at a special t 'Ajv-? '
By the Whole f XL W" : 'rrf" TV
Piece Melons Mc VV . . V f
lb i Per ib. nr N.i. J
More Tasty
Corn tender kernels
Celery crisp-fresh
Cucumbers for Salads
Radishes or Cr. Onions
PiWt? 9 em with a platterful of crisp,
golden-brown goodness!
Fresh Frozen
Here's the best value in town now at Safe
wayl Fry up a panful for that big picnic.
Store some in your home freezer, too. Ten
der, young plump chickens guaranteed
perfect eating.
Mb. 12-oz. and over
Fresh Fryers
Pol Roast KKT
14 a m r Armour's Star and Del Monf e
IiCjIIIj Deep Smoked 12-14 lbs.
Canned Ham 8'4-lbs. Each $6.99
PiCnKS ""can"1 Each 1.98
Conned Ham "2? ...k$4.69
Ground Beef .. 39
Prices in this advertisement
are in effect through Wed
nesday, July 4, at Safeway
in Salem. We reserve the
rijht to limit.
Suggestions From Safetcay'i Tremendous Garden-Room
U. J. No. I Grade
White Shaffer
Full Firm Heads
Now the Seaon's Best
Warm Weather Drinks
Bananas geidnripe ib 19
OrangeS Valencies 5 lb. lag 69
Grapes Seedless lb. 29
Cauliflower kS'., 15
Young 4. Tender
Whole Fryen Ib. 45c
Top Sirloin
v. . : J
JEDcn rwT
Whole or full
Shank Half Ib.
Rib Roast "Z;'"' ,k
."U.S. Choice"
Steak 'lZ2zrfM
Choice Beef
if,, 'T'' "-ripened
but,e, fmh in from
rowmg fields-Selected for
'"ty and flavor by Safe
way buyer-r.n.r.-(J ..
Prfect eating.
Vn-ripened beauties burst.
with flavor. Slice up .
b' eryint for dinner today
-r- - -prriai jow price
mi weekend.
59 I- (b)Vj
Boiling Beef
I L II. -
Limcr. mear
Meat Pies
ft V" V f trrc Tjjm
. .... .... . ..................... .1
U.S. Choic."
t Cut lb.
a Somerset
AT 29
Somerset-Del Monte l-oi. TTA?
'.: 79'
1 -Ib. Il-oi. or over E
Manor House l-ox
ST 29'
Sausages on
Party Menu
Colorful, petite appetites? win
meet with approval m either
before-dinner or a tippy afternooa
refreshment. A setfettoo of high
flavor sausages is a fond choice
for this kind of food which if de
signed to be appetite provoking.
Each variety of dry sausace cos
tains its own unique flavor, which
is tchieved throtieh the uxe of ei
acting recipes, discriminating se
lection of seasonings and spices,
and careful, controlled smoking
and aging. Because dry sausage
recipes vary greatly ta wis to
purchase a well known brand of
dry sausage. This assures you of
buying top quality dry Yauaages
that are made with exacting skill
in order to reach the market at the
peak of perfection.
Jast Slice
Clever appetisers are quickly
and easily made when you use
the ready-to-serve dry sausages.
You will find dry sausages avail
able thinsliced and vacuumed
packed in attractive window pack
ages. One of tbo most popular dry
sausages, salami, has a character
istic smoked, garlic flavor due to
the spices, prpper smoking ana
aging. Thuringer, a semi-dry sau
sage, is not seasoned with garlic,
but has a wellsmo-ked and tangy
flavor. Cervelat Is tastefully sea
soned without garlic, finely ground,
smoked and aged so that it devel
ops a full, sesty flavor. For those
who like the prominent red pepper
flavors and spices, no dry sausage
can compare with the highly-seasoned
"hot" peperoni.
Although usually served cold, dry
sausages such as spicy salami or
sesty cervelat art "naturals" for
novel hot appetisers. Cool, frosty
drinks are an excellent companion
to hot appetisers, especially for a
laiy summer afternoon snack.
Here is a recipe fox an easy-to-
eat appetiser, popular for buffet
senice or snacks featuring sala
mi rolls filled with a chopped let
tuce, onion and cheese food stuff
ing. The flavors are accentuated
by a quick broiling or heating In a
hot oven just before serving. The
filling may be sipped up by the
sddition of chili powder.
(This is a hot filled appetiser)
Y4eld: about 10 Pick-l'ps
I packages (about JO slices)
salami or thuringer
I cups shredded lettuce
tablespoons finely chopped
1 cup shredded cheese food
Place slices of salami on waxed
paper. Mix together lettuce, on
ion and cheese. Place t tablespoons
lettuce mixture in center of each
slice of salami. Overlap the two
opposite sides of the salami leav
ing ends open. Fssten with a pick.
Broil 3 inches from heat source
for I minutes. Serve hot.
Yield: 200 chips
One 10-ot. hsrd cervelat chub.
Slice cervelat paper-thin to make
about 00 slices. Place a layer of
absorbent paper on a baking sheet.
Spread slices of cervelat on paper.
Do not overlap. Bake in a hot oven
(400 degresl about 7 minutes or
until chips are crisp. Do't burn.
Serve while crisp.
To store: Keep covered in cool,
dry place. These may be recrisped
py spreading in pan and heating
a minute in a hot oven.
These recipes are developed
for use with Swift's Premium Sa
lami, Swift's Premium Cervelat,
and Swift's Premium Thuringer.
Fruit Cocktail
Uses Plum, Lemon
Plums or prunes to us oldsters)
make wonderfully flavored fruit
coktails. Try these on the first
Fresh Frist Cocktail
1 cup white grapes
1 cup plums
1 cup melon
Sugar and lemon juice to season
Cut fruit into uniform pieces,
sweeten slightly and add lemon
juice. Chill. Serve ice cold in
cocktail glasses.
Popovers with a tablespoon or
two of melted butter added to the
batter taste extra delicious.
lhifJOr (- '
L r
r-.:v Y I
" "3
Ham, pears and cheese give 1h
takes net. Addition of rice to salads may b new to some,
but to others it's an old favorite trick. Mayonnaise is the
Two Salads With Rice Have
Flavor of Curry or Cheese
Hot weather entertaining Is a pleasure whea you know a recipe
like .these for salads that have eye appeal and taste satisfactKV- Spe
cial bonus for you is the fact that both arc made with packaged pre
cooked rice to eliminate that "over a hot stove" feeling.
Combine diced fresh pears and ham with grated Cheese, rice and
mayonnaise flavored with lemon. Chill tht mixture well and serve in
crisp lettuce cups garnished with
additional sliced pears.
This makes a pretty salad and
one to serve with pride at your
special summer luncheons. j
Pear Ham -Cheese Salad
Vk cups ( 5-ounce package)
packaged pre-cooked rice
H teaspoon salt
14 cups boiling water
4 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 cup diced fresh pears
4 cup diced cooked ham
Vt cup coarsely grated Ched
dar cheese
Sliced fresh pears
Add rice' and salt to boiling
water Jn saucepan. Mix just to
moisten all rice. Cover, remove
from heat, and let stand 13 min
utes. Then uncover and let cool to
room temperature.
About an hour before serving.
mix mayonnaise and lemon juice
Combine diced pears, ham, and
cheese In a bowl. Stir in the may
onnaise mixture. Then add the
rice and mix lightly with a fork.
Chill. Serve in mounds on crisp
lettuce. Garnish with sliced pears
and serve with additional mayon
naise. If desired. Makes about 44
cups, or 4 or S servings.
The use a flavor distinctive.
curry powder, lemon Jice and
grated onion added to the mayon
naise. And the diced celery adds
the, necessary crunchiness. Pre
pare the rice anytime it s con
venient. Mix the shrimp, rice,
celery and dressing about an hour
before serving. . Chill well and
serve on crisp salad greens garn
ished with ripe tomato wedges.
Add' crisp crackers and a hot
or iced beverage and you have the
perfect meal with which to close
i perfect weekend.
Fast ladies Salad
14 cups .'5-ounce package)
Crisp Bars a
Cookie Specialty
Toffee cookies have nice texture
and flavor .
Totfee Teokies
1 cup margarine
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups sifted flour
l8-oi. package semisweet
chocolate pieces
4 cup chopped nuts
Cream margarine and sugar.
Add egg and vanilla. Mix well.
Add flour and combine. Spread
inch thick over an area approxi
mately 13x15 inches on cooky sheet
14x17 inches' Bake in a moderate
oven (350 .) IS minutes. While
cookies are baking, melt the choc
olate pieces over hot water. Spread
over surface of the cookies while
hot . Sprinkle " the top . with nuts
and cut at once into bars.
flavor to this salad that also
packaged pre-cooked rice
4 teaspoon salt
14 cups boiling water
cup mayonnaise
14 teaspoons lemoa juice
. teaspoon curry powder
1 teaspoon grated onion
1 cup diced, cooked shrimp
1 cup chopped celery
Add rice and salt to boiling
water in saucepan. Mix just to
moisten all rice. Cover and re
move from beat Let stand 13
minutes. Then uncover and let
cool to room temperature.
About 1 hour- before servinf.
combine mayonnaise, lemon juice,
curry powder, and grated onion,
mixing well.. Combine shrimp and
celer in a bowl. Stir in the may
onnaise mixture. Then add the rice
arid mix lightly with a fork. Chill.
Serve on crisp lettuce. If desired,
garnish with tomato wedges.
Makes about 44 cups, or 4 or
Sandwiches for
Every Occasion .
Sandwiches can be used for al
most any occasion , except tbe
formal one. Most daylight meals
would be the bejttr for this juMd-
Callage Cheese-Pirkle-Peaaat
4 cup cottage cheese -4
cup peanut butter, coarse
. grind .
4 cup diced dill or sweet pickles
1 slices bread '
2 tablespoons milk
4 teaspoon salt
1 egg, beaten
Cooking fat or oil
Combine cottage cheese, peanut
butter, and chopped pickles.
Spread the mixture generously on
4 bread slices and cover with the
other 4 slices.
Add milk and salt to the beaten
egg and mix thoroughly.
Dip both sides of sandwiches
quickly into the egg mixture. Do
not soak the bread. Brown on both
sides in hot fat over moderate heat.
Meau Suggrsllea
Serve with vegetable soup or a
large vegetable salad, and - fresh
Raspberry Mix
Fresh Cocktail
Try this recipe for a nice cock
tail using raspberries. "
Red Raspberry CecktaO
2 cups raspberries
Juice of 1 lime
Mint leaves
4 tablespoons granulated sugar
Pour lime juice over raspberries
and chill. Chop mint fine and mix
with granulated sugar. Sprinkle
this over the raspberrirs and serve
in cocktail glasses with a sprig of
mint as garnish.
when you buy two at usual price
Why We Offer Teu This Croat Sevln,
Wt Mliv, one you try S.Hl(rt, you'll
nvr b hppy with any other oip. So we in
vit you to try SwtctHearl, while this giant
Vl Pric Sal l.itl. Sn why 9 out ol 10 lead
ing Covr Girti who mako beauty thair bust
na.i prefer pura, mild Sweet Heart.
While special H price packs last, get
The Soap That AOftffS with Tour Ski
Potato Salad
Background of
Two Mixtures
Potato salad turns mail disk
when It's used as the base of
Hearty Tuna Salad and Hearty
Beet Salad, Both recipes call for
chopped sweet pickles, which cae
run the gamut from the mild
candied dill strips to the pungent
I cups cubed, cold boiled po
tatoes 1 cans 4 ounces each) 4una,
drained, flaked.
i cup French dressing
S cup chopped candied dill stripe
or sweet pickles "
4 teaspoon salt
5 cup chopped celery
cup salad dressing or mayon
naise Marinate potatoes and tuna sep
arately, each with S tablespoon!
French dressing; let stand in re
frigerator about 1 hour. Mix lightly
with pickles and next S ingre
dients. Sprinkle with paprika and
finely chopped parsley. Decorate
with tomato wedges. Makes 44
S cups (1 pound can) cubed, ...
cooked beets.
Vj Qip U medium) cubed,
cooked potato
4 cup chopped celery
4 cup chopped sweet pickles
4 cup diced cucumber
1 teaspoon salt
"I cud French dressing .
I hard-cooked eggs, sliced
Combine all ingredients except , '
eggs; marinate I hour. Serve as
lettuce cups; garnish with egf .
slices and mayonnaise. Makes I
servings. - ' -
Onionburgers ,
Food for Any
Picnic Day
Onion burgers served In style
make a treat especially for tht
children and Mom. For this picnic,
it's time for Dad to get in practice
Broiled Onion Burgers are hard
to, wait for whether they're pre
pared in a range and served oe
the back porch or grilled over
coals outside.
If you plan on cooking the pat
ties outside over glowing, coals,
use a frying-pan, a fine meshed
rack or a grill.
No one questions the popularity
of hamburgers and increased proof
of their being a favorite food is
pointed out by the fact that m
the past year. Americans ate 3S
million pounds of ground beef per
week. This is enough ground beef
to make 74 billion hamburgers
enough to reach around the world
19 times at the equator.
When serving these hamburgers
accented with a special onion sur
prise, the natural accompaniments
for the meal include potato chips,
baked beans, assorted relishes,
fruit and iced tea.
Keep the menu simple. Select
additional foods that may be
easily packed and easily carried,
If you're going out-of-doors for
this family fun, prepare the pat
ties at home and wrap them
separately In waxed paper. Ground
beef patties can be shaped and
frozen for picnic cooking.
However, when freering ground
meat, the seasonings should not be
added before the meat is froien
because seasonings tend to in
tensify in flavor upon freeier stor
age. The meat Is seasoned after
Onion Burgers
14 pounds ground beef
1 teaspoon salt
4 teaspoon pepper -14
cups chopped onion
2 tablespoons butler or
2 teaspoons prepared horse-
2 teaspoons prepared mustard
4 'easpoon salt
fi split buns
Combine ground beef, salt and
pepper. Shape into 12 patties.
Brown chopped onion lightly in
butter or margarine, add horse
radish, mustard and salt. Spread
omon mixture over 6 patties, top
each with a patty and press to
gether. Chill. Place patties on
broiler rack. Insert broiler pan
and rack into broiler allowing 2
inches between heat and surface
of meat. Broil patties on one side
until brown, k to 10 minutes. Turn
and brown on second side. Serve
on buns, if desired. servings.