Many Yeast Breads Make light' Wor 13 it.;. A variety of rolls means interest in the summertime sandwich burger and hot dog rolls in assortment at all groceries and fare. The bakery or market offers a wide assortment of ( bakeries. Here the French loaf at the back is filled With cheese breads, white, whole wheat, protein, diet and rye breads, and heated in foil. Others are ready to be toasted. Fillings in- Also you'll find hard rolls, seeded, butter rolls and ham- elude cheese, corned beef hash, Swiss, chicken mixture. SandwichMakersTurn Attention To Breads As Well As Fillings By MAXINE Bl REN Stateimaa Woman'! Editor Sandwiches are an all-year-'round proposition in many fam ilies, where lunches are carried to work or school. But'to many summer is the season when sandwiches play an important role. And very often they're to be a bit fancier than ordinary. But in summer if sandwiches are to serve as luncheon main dish, (or picnics or for backyard supper dishes, they'll have to be sub stantial. Once we figured out that with three different breads, three fillings and three garnishes. 27 dif ferent sandwiches combinations can be arranged and you could do better than that if some are heated. So varying your ingredients is important if variety is wanted. Be sure to take advantage of the many va-' rieties of veastraised breads vou find at the bakery or supermarket white, whole wheal, protein, rye and " others and the interesting selection of rolls. Make these sand wiches below ahead of time even a day ahead and wrap them tightly in foil. Then just before serving bake in the oven at 37S about 15 minutrs, to heat them through. II you have an outdoor fire going it's fun to heat them right over the coals Be sure to have long tongs to keep from burning fingers w.hen retrieving the sandwiches from the fire 1 SPICY CORNED BEEF HASH SANDWICH 4 nip corned beef hash 2 teaspoons minced onion I tablespoon catsup 'i teaspoons prepared mustard 1 tablespoon pickle relish 4 slices cheese Combine corned beef hash with catsup, pickle relish, onion and prepared mustard. Spread between buttered slices of enriched broad or rolls, top with cheese. Makes 4 sandwiches. SALAMI-CHEESE IN THE LOAF t loaf unslired Italian. Sliced cheddar cheese French or re bread Sliced onions , Sliced salami Slah bread into diagonal slices almost through to the bottom mist Spread cut surfaces of bread with butter mixed with a little mustard Then insert slices of salami, cheese and onion in'o each. TANGY ECG AND CHEESE SANDWICH I hard cnoked egg. chopped 2 tablespoons cream 4 lb Cheddar cheese, grated I tablespocn prepared mustard I tablespoon minced onion ' teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Combine all ingredients and stir until well blended. I se to fill 4 sandwiches. SWISS CHICKEN SANDWIC H 4-8 slices of chicken 4 slices Swiss cheese 3 tablespoons picallili Arrange slices of chicken. Swiss cheese and picallili between slices of butiered enric hed bread or rolls In make 4 sandwiches. DEVILED Bl RC.ER SANDWICH '.' lb ground beef chuck :l4 teaspoon horse-radish 3 tablespoons chili sauc e :4 teaspoon Worcestershire sauc e 4 teaspoon prepared mustard xi teaspoon salt Dash of pepper Cook beef chuck in skillet, breaking it up with a fork, until roofed. Dram excess fat Slir in remaining ingredients. Spoon be tween buttered enriched bread or hamburger buns to make 4 sandwiches. ' , . - ..... s i 4 y' Vfe"" : . ' i ' ; - V jAk'' ' -.vw 4 & rt v' '.is '. - Jj.-..rir4tA1 iriiVM M mill ! . ' fmmm'M-.X. Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fri. June 29, S6 (Sec. Ill) 19 This, mile-high sandwich would turn Dagwood green with envy. The sandwiches art piled In a tower of alternating thin bread of various kinds (but all the same shape), and .assorted cold meats and cheese. The guests help themselves to as many layers as their appetites dictate. Notice the proportion of fillings in the sandwich, an important iteml GLAZED PINEAPPLE AND CARROTS Cook carrots in boiling water until barely tender. Then combine it cup pineapple syrup with 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 2 table spoons butter or margarine and cup pineapple tidbits. Pour over carrots in saucepan and cook slow ly until liquid thickens and bub bles. Compose Outdoor Meals in the Kitchen There'll be assorted sandwiches at this barbecue, designed fo preparing in the kitchen and tak ing anywhere to eat. This idea of indoor preparation will probably please Mamma, for she's the one who does much of the toting when food's cooked outdoors. Outdoor barbecues are fun for V a slice of American Cheddar! in ' cup mayonnaise or cooked evervbodv except Mamma! Ten Cheese or ! salad dressing. NOTE: Potato chances to one, she will vote for) 2) a mixture of Bleu Cheese, Vi Salad is so much better if the working in her own kitchen where' cup, muted with lt cup butter, 2 cubed or sliced warm potatoes no smoke gets in her eyes and a teaspoons Worcestershire auce or have been lightly mixed with a bit sink is nearby to keep things (3 1 "2 cup sharp Cheddar Cheese of French dressing and allowed to washed up. So we propose the I spread mixed with 2 teaspoons chill. Then add whatever you like Kitchen Barbecue, to be toted and 1 Worcestershire sauoe. i by way of diced celery', hard eaten wherever one likes. Place low under broiler ufitil the cooked egg, minced onion or sliced There's potato salad basking in cheese is bubbly, browned and green onion with tops, celery seed, a sour cream dressing in the relrig-j melted. Serve at once. Have the! sliced stuffed green olives Lastly erator. hamburger patties ready I hot butter-toasted bun tops handy , stir in Sour Cream Dressing. Serve for the griddle or the broiler, rei-jto clap on the sandwich.-if you very cold on salad greens with a ishes in the crisper pan and a like but this creation is more bowl of dressing to be ladled on cheese variety for niade-to-order , easily eaten with a fork than as each serving, it desired . . , Did cheeseburgers. Prepared in the a portable meal! cool of the morning, put together as simply as tieing on an apron "Conic and get it "! OPEN FACE CHKF.SEBl RGERS (Close them up II you like) Place cm cookie sheet the lower hahes of large round buns which have been spread liberally with! butter, mixed with prepared mus tard i( desired. Toast tinder hroiler until golden-brown. Keep hot in oven until needed In the mean lime, quic kly cook seasoned ham burger patties on griddle or under broiler. Arrange on earh bun half a crisp NEW SHORTCAKE I L'l-nr cffvP a rhliharh chnrlralro ! LOTS OF I SES Bake your richest baking powder If you keep . bottle of raspberry ucc leaf onion rings nr thin Kici-nitc anH cnlil xihite hnl ctalhnr nH I in I SUCCS, ...... , .,lup uii iiaiiu mi uc 111 nuuiiii'.i at once witn lots ot Duller, hann- wich biscuits back together with a layer of stewed rhubarb. Top with more rhubarb and sweetened whip ped cream flavored wilh vanilla. Add catsup, Worcestershire sauce and prepared mustard to those meat-loaf juices for a tangy gravy. femp.'sf8 WilNESE DINNER thinlv sliced tomato, a snnnnful of hot baked beans any drinks, use it once in a while for onP or an as anfy and taste dic fruit dessert Pour the syrup over tate. grapefruit sections or cubed fresh Top each with a hot hamburger pineapple, for instance. I pally. Place on each SOIR CREAM DRESSING 1 cup dairy sour cream (thick). 1 tablespqpn., chopped chives or minced onion 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 tarragon is excellent ' 4 teaspoon salt Freshly ground black pepper or a liberal sprinkle of pepper from the shaker 4 teaspoon sugar Mix together carefully, then fold buns you ever fold cottage cheese into your pet potato salao"' It's good. FLAVORED BITTER FOR BI N'S (Good for "hamburgers'' or "hot dogs". 1 Whip together 'j cup (I stick 1 butter, at room temperature, 1 teaspoon minced onion, a grating ot garlic or sprinkle of garlic salt. 2 tablespoons prepared mustard or 1 tablespoon grated horseradish. I'se as a spread lor hot toasted 5 mm Mr. Morris E. Taylor of San Francisco says: "I'm 1 hard-working man, so I have to keep feeling good to stay on the job. Your Nutro-Life Bread keeps me regular, snd since I've been eating it every day, I feel fit as a fiddle all the time. No more stomach discomfort or tired, dragged out feeling for me; I'm sticking with delicious NUTRO-LIFE BREAD from here on!" Mock Chicken Legs Popular Mock chicken legs, which take veal and pork, ara a very good substitute for the real thing even a nice change. Here's the way you make them either out door or at home. Mock Chlrkra Legs, Cream Grary l'i pounds veal 1 pound lean pork 14 teaspoon salt ft teaspoon pepper " l'i cups cracker crumbs 2 eggs, beaten t wooden skewers 3 tablespoons, butter to cup flour 2 cups milk Cut meat into 1 Inch cubes. Place five pieces on each stick alternating first veal,- then pork. Roll legs in cracker crumbs, dip In egg, and again in cracker crumbs. Melt butter in heavy skil let, or frying pan; add chicken leg's and brown. Add about to cup water, cover and simmer over low coals. Add extra water, if needed to keep legs from stick ing. Cook until meat Is tender about 1 hour. Or they can b baked at home and carried to the picnic hot or cold. Makes I servings. To make gravy, remove chick en legs; add 2 cups milk. Put flour in covered jar with just enough milk to make a smooth paste (to cup). Bake until free from lumps; add to liquid in fry ing pan, stirring constantly. When thickened, add more milk if nec essary and cook to proper con sistency. Serve over hot, baked potatoes. To Prepare at Home: Brown oa top ot stove; bake in oven 325 degrees F., for 4S-M minutes. EXTRA GOODNESS Some good cooks like to mari nate broiler-fryers (cut Into pieces) in buttermilk overnight. When ready to use, drain, coat with sea soned flour and fry In shallow fat. Fruit Blend In Pie Crusts A, flaky pastry crust, sliced boiler. bananas, a custardy apricot nectar I Blend to cup augar with con- filling a fluffy, golden meringue 1 starch and salt, and stir into nee topping make this a melt-ln-your-j tar. Cook and sttr until clear and mouth pic. If you're la the market thickened. Separate eggs. Beat for a good piece of pie Nectar yolks, and add gradually to hot Banana is your recipe. N'ccUr Banana Pie W cups apricot ybole fruit nectar cup sugar 4 tablespoons cornstarch to teaspoon salt IW 1 tablespoon lemon Juice 2 banana 1 baked f-inch pastry shell Heat nectar in top of double mixture, and cook 3 to 3 minutea longer, stirring constantly. Removn from beat and add lemoa jute. Cool slightly. Slice bananas iota bottom of baked pastry shell. Pour nectar mixture over bananas. Beat egg whites until stiff, beat la re maining sugar g r a d a a 1 1 y. and spresa over top 0 pie. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees F.) about I minutes or until lightly browned. Makes 1 ((-inch) pie. ' aiiirimicb 7iiif flSB 9i0iB!i I! BUMW MACAfOM 1 ENRICHED! USMM WOU 1 MA TOM KOJtomcAi, uiY n mm. taut It's soy as atr a uit f apaaaUaf -msIi whta yaa aat POITTJt Maoseaal pioAicts. Hmu Imm autiag inm ap ' ptali s duMrta 4W ff aaht, I mm I X V 1 i-r X K V XA'K I I7i 1 it ' 1 1 I fit TS4.- f 1 I III l . V J mm mmmmwS pS NOT DOOt I I Jf II t ' olD D,IN,, i i.i I Fa, ffi i i J I Mi These big golden potato chipa go bettor than anything at picnics and outdoor barbecue! N alley's Chipa ara aiocm-to satisfy "open-air appetite. Crisper to aiay crisp without getting soggy in barbecua sauce and salads. Tastier to give you the easy oatin' pleasure of xtra special chipa salted just right. Get N alley's Chipa have a pio nic! Take 'em homo in the big family aiie aluminum foil bag that kaepa 'em frtth at all outdwn ! Mad for ach other... NalUy's Potato Chips and... SALAOI SANDWICHIS ) i mm iftt uniTuv (tr.iiiiiirv Cracklin' Crisp IUY A 10AF OF DELICIOUS NUTRO-llFi HEAD AT and Fresh! lusf Htot YOUR MOOTS TO DAY I end ierv .In mlnuftl fl your f 'ert't' mm VJ sugar vftr JlL t 1 1.. 1 itQM . mmt g , - it 1 -j- - --fi "