i , i X i f t , j ; I 1 ? ; t . l&-(Sfc. II) Statesman, Salem, Orei, Fri, June 29, 58 ,::Betty Grable r Shrewd Judge L Of Horseflesh '1 JAMES BACON "V HOLLYWOOD HI - Now we ! 'jnow the Inspiration (or that wng: ,. vi want a iirl Jiut like the girl . t , who married Harry James." ; Betty Grablt it ooe gorgeous blonde who caret nothing about . ! ' iliamondi and minki. She wean ?" only a timple gold wedding band .; nd the only mink the own It ten years old. ' What does the like? "1 get my fickt claiming a .'. promising colt (or $2,000." ' In other words, horses, not dla ! Wids. are a giri't best' friend in i Bettv't book. ; The Jameses are among the ""ery few Hollywood people who ' nave ever maoe wm vpuri n wis pay off. Their racing stable, which .now numbers 11 good horses, has ; ' always turned a neat profit. Turfmen call Betty a shrewd ! i judge of horseflesh. She does all J ; the buying and her bandleader I husband takes care of the breed- ' ing and training end of the stable. , ' : Once during a tuspension from 30th Century-Fox, Betty sat out ' at the race track and saw one ! ef her horses, Big Noise, earn '. ItOOMu. "Going out to the track-Mil i a.m., sitting in a comfortable box ! nd watch your own horses run 'sure beats getting up at i a m to have makeup ready," she ar- ! juet with logic. ; 1 That't why yen tea Betty on television more these days than i movies. A Betty Grable movie in , the old days used to take months to make. A TV spectacular like the one last Sunday on NBC with ! Bob Hope takes a week of re- J hearuls at most. And the money it very good. Net Freak KeaUa , HOaYWOOD i-llll hadn't been for the famous magician, Harry Houdini, Paramount might now be filming the "Joseph Frank Keaton Story" instead of the more familiar . Jhe Buster Kea ton Story." Keaton told Donald O'Connor, who will play the famous comic in the movie, how be got the name Butter. "I waa bora during a one night stand of the Keaton-Houdini tent show at Piqua, Kan, on Oct 4, 1895. Six months later I took a real tumble down a flight of stairs the tint fall of thou sands, intended or otherwise, I've ' ? taken since. , ,-i -- -r- J -''Mr. Houdiw watehed me bump i ; my way to the bottom of the etaire, 'what a buster!' bt ex- ' claimed to my parents. And that't ' r 11 how 1 got my first name the ., i only one I re ever wed. '. The DraakareY ! HOaYWOOD W-The Drunk- f- ards." the old time melodrama, ; nas a cross-country pigeon ex- press" under way to invite dig- i nitariet to the celebration of the ; 2Sth anniversary of its run at the . theatre mart here. ' The pigeons, all owned by clubs I along the way, carried Invitationt , In relays over a 1.100 mile route. ; First stop was Brawley in Cali- tornia't Imperial Valley. There new pigeons took over the mes I sag to make, the flight to Phoe ; nix and to on. One of the dignitaries who is on I the list it Ed Sunivan but CBS ; reveals that the TV emcee may ; make the pigeon's wings a little - tired. About the time the pigeon ' will reach him. he will be in the air heading west to film the pre- '. miert of "The King and 1." Human Fat Can Fool You YELLOW SPRINGS, Ohio, tr in oainroom scale rouid he on its way out as an accurate measurement of whether or not you're overweight That's because it isn't Bow much weight yon rarry around, but how much of that weight is "subcutaneous fat," says an Ant - loch College professor. Dr. San ley M. Garn has been studying WO Antiorh students under a U.S. Air Force grant He measures body fat with his own X-ray method His studies have . produced interesting side lights, including the fact that several profesinnal football play en were rejected for World War II Army service because they were 'o'verwelgM," when it was actually lean and not fatty tissue that added the pounds. No other body tissue varies to such an ex tent it fatty tissue, he says. EARLY CALF IRVINGTON. Va. (AP)-M. J. Donahue's Guernsey heifer at the age of 11 months had a calf which weighed 18 pounds. Farm experts say the first calf doesnt usually appear until mama la at least 2 yean old. And then the calf usually weighs between 60 and JTO pounds. Stheefer's RECTAL OINTMENT Soothes," lubricates, ' Attringont Contain! Chaulmoogra Oil, " ' " X ' ' '' ' ....... Y ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' " The Family Slort GRILLED Old Fashiontd Potato Salad Red-Ript Half Tomato HARTMAN BROS. JEWELERS Corner State and Liberty Salem, -Oregon Men's and Ladies 14-K WEDDING RINGS t Regular $20 Values $!fl00 Special W LANDERS OUTING KIT Two large quart tixo bottles keep liquid hot or cold for hours, also sandwich box, all enclosed in xippered carry ing cat. Regular $9.9$ value. Friday Special Onh Grsnd Opening Feature 1 ! Machine Washable . . . No-Iron . . . White. MAIN FLOOR J SALEM, OkEGON PLISSE ARBUCKLE'S 4S1 State St. We Are Moving Out Everything in the Store on Sale! Men's - Women's - Children's Handbags and Slippers Too! Shoes Yeater TV & Appliance Co. "Just Across from Llpmsn's" 17S Chemeketa St Fh. 4-6835 9.3 CU. FT. WESTINGHOUSE REFRIGERATOR 19 lb. Full width Freeser 14 lb. Storage Tray Full Width Humidrawer k Storage la Door Reg. 239.9S We Give and Redeem Trading Stamps ALEX JONES Corner State and High F. F. Special 20 DISCOUNT ON SPORT COATS $22.0O-$26.0O-$28.0O CASH ONLY-NO ALTERATIONS 260 N. liberty St. FRANKS 236 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. Open Monday ana Priday IVighta fabulous Value! Women's Cotton SLIPS flO0 M 32 to 44 Saving I'p Te 50 $95 i fehfotf 4 only. Sheath style. Solid r$I(Jjjm co'or, nc' Pr'n,s- S-M-L Yeater TV & "Just Across from LinmanV WE5TINGH0USE 20 cu. ft. UPRIGHT Reg. 14 cu. ft. UPRIGHT Reg. 16 cu. ft. UPRIGHT Reg. 8.S cu. ft. UPRIGHT Reg. FREEZERS WEISFIELD'S 305 N. Liberty St.-Salem I "f5 I Hart,W00d 'IWto Carving Jjstt", Serving rb&Sgii. Board ' w" "- T' PHILLIPS APPLIANCE CO. APPLIANCES 355 Center St. - TELEVISION NEW 22 CUBIC FOOT Upright Reg. $599. Reg. SyirCEOO .95 "ujy 5-YEAR GUARANTEE 7&&jkliy 241 N. Liberty LUNCHEON HAMBURGER LOAF Saga and Celery Dressing, Creamy Whipped Potato!, Rich Brown Gravy, Buttered Vogetable, Hot Dinner Roll and Butter. STRAWBERRY PIE with WEISFIELD'S 30S N. Liberty St. Salem in COTTON KMT DRESSES J 1.49 s Calirnte Sportserar, 1st floor Appliance Co. 375 Chemrkrta St. Th. 4 6835 and DEEPFREEZE 639.95 $399.95 499.95 $319.95 529.95 $359.95 359.95 $218.18 Freezer SPECIAL Whipped Cream 20 STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE Shop Kvery Department fi ror Savins: f.f Save 30 to 60 A DATU CrAICC R9 $088 $7.95 O No Mnnry Down 25r M'k. HOP . .i Summer Bride! Community Plate n rt. Swvic hi lifht Itfirifif Fridlvl 9 to 9 -lSlK.Lihf.riy LADIES C0H0N SWIM SUITS The swim season opens wave of values for you. prints, newest styles and Not every site (32-38). THE Ice Cieom 131 S. tiberty-At Tu-Fer Ice (ream Sale One Round Half Gallon 95c in Reusable Carton 2 ,or $1.69 i H' Grrrn Stamps 7ie family Store a 1 Full Serving Regularly ISc With Any Regular Dinner Order-Friday and Saturday SALEM HARDWARE 120 North Commercial CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS English and Bavarian V2 Price AND SAVE IN ..The Jewel Box 443 s,... Silverware Yi Price! 97.50 -f. Of Stock AO 7C l . teiciAi Credit Terms At No Extra Costl Ckmt Quinlity -i-hone X311L.. on a Perky colors. fill PIKE ond Sherbet the Bus Stop-Ph. 36828 j 4th of July j Picnic Special j 2-Gallons of i Vanilla Ice Cream $089 9 $4.00 Value at Libfrty St. Store VIRGIN DACR0N PILLOWS O Floral Nylon Ticking O Odorleil, Non-Allergic O P!.oMm Packed Big ISi2l Regular 55 95 $219 260 N. liberty St. aaamntvakti mmn All COAST TO COAST STORES 233 North Commercial St. Phono 3-79J7 Open A.M. to o P.M.-Friday, A.M. to 9 P.M. TENDEROLA Just run it across both snd its Tenderized. IDEAL FOR SMALL RESTAURANTS tfhita hcp Corner State A liberty $tf. Corner State GsHkmed--Right ALL-WOOL or NYLON TOPPERS All Siiet $000 O U7 LAST 2 DAYS JUNE BLANKET SALE Roberts Famous "Slumber Queen" All Wool Blanket 5 rr. BuarmtH Hade by Firlbe I" Satin finding 10 Aborted Cilen leg. Sit 95 Extra F. W. WOOLWORTH CO. Liberty ond Stota St. 72x84 BLANKETS it Rayon and .N'ylnn it Warm and Durable Arrtate Satin Rinding it Colors Red Pink, Blue, Turquoitf, Yellow, (irern Vacuum Cleaner Clinic AND SEWING CENTER 4SS Court Street Phono 4-5502 GOOD USED : Vacuum The family Store 260 N. Liberty St. REG. 14.95 FAMOUS ROLL KINO GOLF (ARTS Feather lite Tubular Steel Folds Compactly Quiet Ball Bearing Wheels The Now . Way to Tendoriio Meat. Fully Guaranteed $1195 tidet of meat A liberty ... All Materials - Formerly to $16.99 - N, LIBERTY mi Kierf 2 fr 529.501 SLEEP EASY BY BEACON SPECIAL 5898 5f)r Will Hold en Layaway 'Til Fall Cleaners 595 and Witch Hazol, Kaolin Rolievoa Pain thrinka Homorrholdt SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE t DOWNTOWN SALE Open Daily l it ajn. to I p.as. Bindayt, I Ml H I I ". 13S N. Commercial '