12-(Sec. I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Fit, June 29, 56 aolons dpi it on Right to Build Br JOHN XAMPf WASHINGTON (II - Democrats ind Republlcni oa the Senate Interior Committee clashed Thurs day over whether dams tn the Hells Canyon stretch of the Snake River should be authoriied by Confreu er Ikeneed by the Federal Power ' Commission (FPC). r , Contradictory majority and min ority reports were fiied with the Senate oa a controversial bill to authorize a federal dam In the liver bordering Idaho and Ore- ion, where the Idaho Power Co. has been licensed by the commis- sioa to, build three smaller dams : Committee Democrats favor the authorisation bill which the Senate Is expected to debate within two , weeks. Republicans oppose it al though some voted in committee to bring it np on the floor. ., . Tbo majority report said the ocensinf of the private power dams "clearly infringes" on the right of Congress. It also said: ' , The minority report said the FPC ; legally issued a license to Idaho , Power Ce. after detailed compari soa of the rival dam-buildinf pro posals and that advocates of the federal project "would commit the Congress to a task for which it has neither the time nor the technical - resources. i The majority report also said I 1. The committee is satisfied that Congress has the power to authorize a high dam and this would have the effect of cancelling . taano rower s ncense. , ' . Validity ChaOenfea" ' ' , (Idaho Power Co. is building the first of its three proposed dams b the Columbia Rhrer tributary although the validity of Its license ' has been cbaUenied hi the U. S Court of Appeals by public power . groups advocating the federal pro- t The committee finds that the Congress has continuing Jurisdic tion amler the constitution over the . subject matter of mis bin ta spite er rrs licensing order. 1 The committee is relying on T. aa opinion of the American law . section U the Library of Congress. , , 4. Aa FPC examiner held, after ' a year-long hearing,; that the one- , dam plan would be clearly super- . .r ta the three-flam proposal. 1 The examiner said "doDar-for-douar the federal dam would be ,' the "better, investment, and. the , Terasei .Useless ; ':V.-! . The- examinder favored non- federal dams la the' river , grounds M would be "useless' to recommend federal project be cause there was bo indication Con- . grese would authorise M. , -; f "What the examiner did was to ! disqualify the high dam . . . - the basis of a purely political fueu as to what Congress was likely to Oo - the report said. -,7. The commission issued a li cense in spite of the examiner's finding that the federal dam would be best adapted to a comprehen sive development plan for the Co lumbia River basin. This decision "clearly infringes oa the Jurisdic tion of Congress'' which under the federal power law has power to authorise dams for the benefit of the public.. , . , Best Adapted ' I. "The committee finds that the federal high dam is the best pro ject adapted to the only compre hensive plan ever proposed for the basin" (the Army Engineers "main control plan for the Columbia and its tributaries"). "The various water . resources Brohlenu in tha Cnlumhia Rivvr basin can be solved satisfactorily only by the adoption of a truly comprehensive plan of develop ment 1 The federal dam, estimated to cost M million dollars, would add more than a million kilowatts of generating capacity to the federal . few cost power system in the northwest and provide flood con- tool, navigation, recreation and ether important benefits. The minority report was signed by Republican Sens. Watkins of Utah, Milllkia of Colorado. Dwor ahak of Idaho, Barrett of Wyoming and Goldwater of Arizona. Ceeapreheasive Plaa : . It also said: 1. The FPC found the three-dam plaa best adapted to a comprehen sive river development plan. I. One Issue before Congress "is whether there Is to be any place . - . 1 A L. JL . 1 1 . 1 sn uw bcvciuyiiicm w our nyaro , electric resources for sssistance , from nonfederal sources when that assistance can be rendered entirely .. consistent with development in ac cordance with a coordinated com prehensive plan.". ' I. The Hells Canyon bill "would , deny the nation the benefit of such MmMlmi mnrr1 mjnA "nvprf urn m na- , tional water policy developed over - a period of decades and embodied; for a quarter of a century in the Federal Power Act. "That policy," the report said. Tl one of encouraging nonfederal participation in the development of .- our water resources unoer conm-, . j i . , : lumi aoeuuairir pnnccuna uw public interest when such develop ment is best adapted to a compre . bensive plan . . . ." 4. The federal power law "was designed to enable and encourage participation In water resource de velopment by nonfederal entities." . r - - - I... k-M ,k. comprehensive development "re quires exclusive federal develop ment of our -water resources." The minority questioned whether date water rights would be fully protected by construction of the proposed 4-million-acre-foot federal reservoir. They said the governors of Idaho, Oregon and Washington . . . . "speaking for their ststes. sre tin alterably opposed" to the Hells Canyon biH. ' Congress should not "overrice" the wishes of the three states, the miner said. SJUs " "ly i l""anaBBBBBnBswlifcwB SHOP PEUNEY'S tAORE TIME TO SAVE! GRAND OPENING VALUES CONTINUE NOW AT PENNEY'S STORE HOURS: MONDAY AND FRIDAY 9:30 A. M. TO 9 P. M. OTHER DAYS: 930 A. M. TO 5:30 P. M. 1 1 untime fashions at a low, low price EACH Xt.Li..Q i - fASHION HUTCHES e SHORTS - ClAYSUITS mom AND SHORT SITS ' 'mm and shoh sits o AN ARRAY Of COLORS AND PAIRICS An omailnj collection, Mem, at en omoiinjly littU Psnney priral Every little sun-loving fashion under the sun is her in this Penney collection! Choose from ehsmbrays, plisses, crinkle cottons, nylons, cotton pop lins, denims. Hurry in. 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