The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, June 29, 1956, Page 11, Image 11

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    Lightning Laces Arizona, New Mexico
Forests; Fires Rage; Ranger Perishes
lightning laced the dry timber-
lands of Arizona and New Mexico
with hundreds of fires Thursday.
A young forest ranger was killed,
battling one of the blazes.
No hope for rest was held out to
z.soo men wno nave been man
ning the fire lines for two days.
Weather bureau forecasts for .the
two states called for continuous
dangerous fire weather, with tur
bulent winds and lightning from
dozens of scattered thunderheads.
SwampeQ forest officers in re
gional headquarters here gave up
trying to keep track of the num
ber of fires in ttfc many national
forests of the two-state area. But
they numbered In the hundreds,
both large and imall.
"They're only calling us In on
the fires they can't handle with
Senate Rejects
Farm Product
Import Curbs
WASHINGTON i - The F.ison
hower administration drew first
blood in the foreign aid fight
Thursday when the Senate de
feated 45-43 an amendment to cur
tail imports of (arm products and
It was the first test o ..strength
a? the Senate began voting on a
bill which would authorize a 4 h
billion dollar foreign aid profcram
for Ihp fitral vr-iir heoinntn" Siin.
day. '
.lust before the roll call. Sen
Knowland of California, the Sen
ate's Republican leader, advised
his colleagues that the adminis
tration believed the Import cur
tailment would be "highly detri
mental to our foreign policy
Offered by Bloc
The amendment was offered by
a bloc of Senators from grain and
textile states It would have limit
ed the importation of textiles such
as cotton goods and all farm pro
duds which are now in surplus
supply in this country.
lhese imports, in future years,
would have been held to the aver- attacks on the administration De
ape of the preceding three years. ,.nse program.
Leaning tne opposition to tne
proposal. Knowland argued it
would have a severe Impact on
Japan and might shove that coun-!
try closer to the communist or-
bit. He said both the Senate Fi-i
nance (. ommittee ana the t aril
commission are working on pro
posals to help the American tex
tile industry.
Designed to liar
Sen. Olin Johnston tD-SO next
called up an amendment designed '
to bar any increase in textile im
ports pending action by the tariff
commission and the President to!
protect domestic industry, but the! the fiscal. .year beginning July l.jthan the administration asked.
Senate defeated this, too, 52-36. 1 1957, or $7,100,000,000 more than; The armed services suhcommit
Knowland said Johnston's ,n(' administration recommended tee is headed by Symington, who
amendment was just as objection-.lor
able to the administration as the
previous lmDort-curbing proposal.
n ,-Mi 1 ni.i
r.aruer, oen. r.iienurr 'u-i.ui
--M-J i : o.. n ui'.
CdllrU IUI CU13 III UlC I irniUClll S
foreign aid program, telling the
Senate "the countries of Western
Europe are oetter on man mey
ever have been
Vet Leader
Asks Spiritual
Growth in U.S.
ROSEBL'RG t.f The national
commander in chief of the Vet-
a , . -cn ri 1., 1 riviol in
called for a spiritual revival in
America to combat the cold war
t rl'ev0, in n'Sdde ""online
orney said in an address opening
u A l" J t i!l LI a!.,
" V ' .
icas iniei.n , i..i iru
foreigners to think put too
much emphasis on military pow
We aren't mm to end the
cold war by budding up atomic
weapons, lie sain, tiniy ny com
halting the Soviets with our intel
lectual and economic resources,
and most important through a
spiritual revival among ourselves,
rr i:..i.. A it
can .r ninm i) i
Murphv said Americas strength
comes from the "grnssroot think
ing" of its forefathers and is re
flected in the Declaration of Inde
pendence and the Constitution.
He said the VFW is not opposed
to foreign aid but feels I hat it
should not be given al the expense
of this nation's veterans.
The' VFW will parade Friday.
Brig. Gen. Philip C. Wehle,
deputy commander of the Second
Division. Ft. Lewis, is scheduled
to speak at the annual banquet.
The veterans dedicated the Rich
ard Strayer Memorial Park at the
Knseburg Veterans Administra-t
lion facilities Thursday Gary L.
Hanson. Dallas, Ore., department
VFW business s e s s ions. Mrs.
I'atte Hopkins. Rogue liner, is
president of the auxiliary.
Option Signed
For Hunting
Land at Camp
AIEDFORD An option has
hen signed by the State Game
Commission to purchase 160 acres
. in the Camp White area. 10-miles
north f here for .,s, a niihlir
north of here for use a a public
hunting ground
The property Is ideal for devel-
npment of a bird shooting area
because of two ponds. Kenneth
a'Jenman. .v.raior.i m.orncy una
memher of the commission, said.
The land adjoins a 230-acre recre -
atmn alrea already owned by the
the men they can lav their hands I
on," a ForeNt Service spokesman j
said. : ' j
Alan S. Wilson Jr., 38. of Rah-!
way, N. J., a forest ranger sta-1
Honed at Flagstaff. Ariz , died I
Wednesday night as he battled one
of 21 fires in the Coconino Nation-'
Crowds Visit
Crowds of shoppers helped J. C.
day In Its downtowa Salem store.
aisle congestion, but Thursday the
133 I' VJWlliJr
Ike Tells Wilson to 'Lay It on
Line' in Reply to Critic Blasts
By J. W. DAVIS '
WASHINGTON - President j
Fisenhower called Secretaxv f
Defense Wilson to his hospital
iroom Thursday and told him to
it on the line" in renlv to
ReportlnK this quote, press sec-
rtarv James C Hauerlv said it
., u Prpsidpnt s own
Wilson will go before a Senate
i 17 It 4 .1.
S7 Billion
. I Jl
1 lllllLl llllvt
Force may ask $23.60).000,000 for
it in the year beginning next
Secretary of the Air t orce
Oiirla i'Vt oA lii. fura for
fisrnl 1077.1 nt a moohntt nf the
Senate subcommittee studying rel-
alive I S -Russia air power. Sev-
r"" "nn.iu uu iii'
tee have said the administration
hasn't been asking enough money
(or the Air Force.
.ol rlrm Figure
-1J IU- 111 OKI AM
v,K 'T ur ,'('
sum was not a firm 'Cure, but
was rather a flash estimate by
r,en Nathan Twining, Air Force
chief of staff.
A Senate-House conference com-
mittee is now at work adjusting
the Defense appropriation bill for
the Army,
Navy and Air Force
for the coming fiscal year
As passed by the Senate Tties-
rtil- tlw $35,000,000,000 bill con-
$960,000,000 more for the
Ar F h p ( ,
hor " tta' npCMSar
Msl f lh(1 ,,xlri)lr Forc(.
m,,n,,V 'as ,;,h,)rd r improved
Considrrs ncrf.asf
QuarIfs , ho M s(lbfom.
mi'lee Thursday the Defense De-
part.Tnt "considering .increas-
from "Q ,
lhe nnvr thrp
That could mean a
total of B75 B52s or equivalent air
craft, since it has been decided to
give each heavy bomber wing 45
planes instead of the 30 now oper
'.j r
G-String Clad
Beauty Wows
Lunch Eaters
NKW YORK - They smiled
when pretty Ivy Vine walked into
I a Greenwich Village restaurant
Thursday. But when she slipped
out of her coat-wowee!
"She had on only a G-siring and
brassiere and the brassiere was
falling off." gasped the restaur-
ant's co-owner. Fred Chiaventone.
Management pnlitelv required
-1 .. .. .t.
.viis vine, a aancer. to put tne
coat hack on. adding: "No coat,
; no service
i Twenty men in the restaurant
looked on vith avidity as their
lunches grew cold on their
plates Five males wandered in
from the bar and stood transfixed
j as their forgotten Martinis grew
After 90 minutes of arguing,
mana r a m n t nan t Ann if naen't
"..'"V ,,r '
? A' .7
1Y?A . '
'"T ,w Vs . ",eo n" cour
' ,'iiu ., ' A ,a k
,f disnrdrriy conduct.
A wall-
ra1l(i H(.nestv-the pat-
..,.- ,hnu,, mnnev Kanpinr on
smai trees adorns the walls of
ihp hnnkkeeoins room nf the
New Farmer' Nptonaj Bank
al Forest of Arizona. He
crushed by a falling snag as he
vainly tried to escape from be-'
neath a blazing tree.
All the Coconino fires were con -
trolled after Wilson's death.
Control also was gained, barring
!resh winds, on Ml. Graham in
Renovated Penney Store
, - - J . J - '
Penney Co. celebrate completion of
One of the principal fraturea of
aisles were Jammed with people.
armed services subcommittee Fri-
day and there he will lace two of
the sharpest administration critics ,
in Congress. Sens. Symington
M" and Jackson (D-Wash'.
r.ven as tisennower ana iison
met. a Senate-House conference '
rnmmittpii n?rierl In inrreasp trie
t agreed to increase trie
n,lmmidrilln'. KuHool for' lK
Air Force by almost a billion dol-
lars. This move had been initiated
by Senate Democrats who con
tended the Kisenhower plans for
Defense were inadequate in view
of Russia's increasing air might.
To Mark First Visit
Friday's testimony by Wilson
will mark his first visit to the
Capitol since he enraged many
Democrats and irked some Re
publicans by using the word
"phony" last week in a news con-
lerence discussion of the moves
j to give the Air Force more money
used to be Secretary of the Air
Force and is a possibility for the
Democratic Presidential nomina-
tl..., I
Th. ia... ol,,,.l
.jjiimigiuiruavnsmi ammo
of thought holds that America's
air strength has been dangerously
h umvn uy wnai mey can o-
ministration efforts to make
good financial showing
Hagerty said that during the
Presidents conference with Wil-
r-: i .. j u.
,;.Jr'" "r expresseo n s
confidence that the secretary s
presentation would generally pro-
mote a belter understanding by
lhe people of our country of the
national defense program "
Oral Sum I p
Hagerty related that Wilson
gave Eisenhower, who was sitting;
up in bed. an oral sum-up of what
he planned to tell the Senators
Kridav and the President ap- Premium
proved it "
further "' ,
endorsed WiLnXn to ta'Sf"1' "T
,, hlm lh. (.r,,arip, ,;r.(iS-,Buvin
n the armed services and mem-
hPrc ,,f tl. ,oil ,hi,.(s of ctff
nit.-, ui lov jooo i.iiu-i ill sidii.
It is planned lor Wilson to do
standing by to answer any ones-
t,ns the Senators miht have lor
. . .
..nrPiKilli.. ,.r ii-il :.
possibility of Wilson's resigning
and said he didn't think there was
any discussion of this at all by the
President or Wilson.
TI, ...knlfl it ...
inc wnoir LUiut-i ciili , flilKt I l.v j
said, would indicate to me that
the President of the United States
has comDete confidence in the
. lomPlle eoniiacnce in me
Secretary of Defense.
Hagerty also said he thought
there was no discussion of the
"Phony" episode which set off a ,
storm in the Senate. Wilson JiaslCo.ruol- rreight
said he never intended to say
there was anything phony about
the way the Senate was handling
lhe Air Force fund issue.
, Slnrmy Debate
I during that storm of debate,
Scn Bridges 'R-NHi had said Wil-
snn "ad cast an unwarranted
i.cur" on Senators, and Democ-
"Is variously described the
retary as inept, unfit, vain, arro-
gant and contemptuous.
"i l"e ena, tne senate votea -
4n 10 8lve the Air Force nearly a
hlllinn r4nll.,r. Ihnl ll.n nn. '
l,l,llu" wwnoia umi auuiiuipiia
lion natl sa'd didn t need.
; This amounted to majority re-
jection of Kisenhower's judgment
. and the assurances of other lead-
ers in the government, including
Wilson, that the Air Force had
enough without the extra sum to
1 keep ahead of Russia in lhe Strug-
gle lor air supremacy.
Thursday afternoon. Senate-
1 n . r
I co" "Z?? cnm-
Proml5e aeiense ap-
propnations mil carrying almot;
' n extra billion for the Air Force.
The conference agreement car-
ried $16 459.125.000 for the Air
Force for the fiscal year begin
ning next Sunday. The House con
ferees accepted an 8O0 million dol
lar increase the Senate had voted
,nr ,n purchase of big intercon
tinental bombers and other air-
craft, and another inn nrllio" '"r
Arizona after a blaze destroyed
6.000 acres and advanced within
three-fourths of a mile of summer'
: Control was hoped for on an-
I other larse fire near Safford,
Ariz., where 1,000 acres had gone ,
' up in smoke.
K ',. .. w
a major remodeling prelect Thuri
the remodeling was elimination of
(Statesman Photo)
Air Force research and develop-
ment. ,
The afternoon hospital rerxirt on !
(D-!the President's condition, besides I
I taking note of his meeting with '
n uson. saia mat ne naa naa a
comfortable day, sleeping several ,
hours in the morning and napping'
nours in tne mnrnin? anrt nanninK
in the. aftornnnn n.iri.. IK. rf.
the bulletin said, the President
walked freely about his suite
Safety Belt
Brings Death
turL'VIV A.:. r:.i J
Fidler's new convertible pt.
car went out of control early
Thursday and flipped over. His
artv hi. hM h "i
the driver's seat
A passenger, Robert Worthing-
ton. 21. of Chandler, didn't have
his safety belt strapped on and
was thrown clear
U'oet h i r, nln. rf i ..:J
""'"""6"1", """"j sjiu, ap-
n.irontlv iiifforaH nn l
K-v.... .....iv.iv. in. animus III
juries. Fidler. a 22-year-old air-
man at Williams AFB. was
oumtn iu unm unuerneain tne
A l nT'nl rnnri' , at c
'i-uw..i"w- ' 1 riCCi
, rajn? old stuff to pilots. But
, jet jockey flying into Kirtland
had a new one. He radioed dust
was billowing thousands of feet
high and he was flying through
i"freezing mud."
SalClll ( 1 1 1 11 1 1 0 1 1 S
........ J....
ivhoi,.ie Pne ,n (mm
'. '.'"" 'er buying pru-
i A
Medium a
pot LTHV
i omri-a nens
oi n Hens
Western Securities
Zilkai. Smilhert A- Co Inc l
These hid and ask quotations rep-
' resent Drice at which one or more 1
I t"i" memnen o( the National a-
1 ,on,"on security Dealer Inc.
wnuld ,rlde wllh th(. g(.neri publl.
lit the time the quotation! were ath-
' ,r'd ' 3 p m esterda
' Bl Aikd
I lro" Fireman
' Morrison-Knudsen
jc'p0 iC,?om
Pop( A Tll'bol
1 Portland Gas a Coke
Port G'n fc
Bank of America
Bank nt California
! ru-" Nation'
irat Nat City NY .
1 U. s National
1 rlr,
II1 eSltllCIl I 1 rtlSIS
1 7.11k. Smither A Co. Inc 1
A"'i"'tl 'u.nd .
c-ntury share TruFt
Chemical Fund
Rrlw,r'' rVni. J
Dividend Shares
Eaton a ti. Hal. Fund
i" l
r'neor;,. investors
l. f"nr(xrii,.
13 72
Man Bond Fund
I invI. Trust
Natl Sec Series:
11 BS
2.1 2d
17 50
11 15
R 47
2 SS
22 4.1
14 IS
4 25
!l B2
13 11
10 02
9 57
12 57
10 54
H 04
M 27
s in
5 7
4 7
13 S2
11 M
5 07
13 75
1 ; tin
Income Series
Stock Series
Pref Stock S
Natl. lliv. Series
Natl. Growth
Pioneer Fund
lei .Flee Fund
Value Line lnc Fund
''"' Fn-d
New York Closing Stocks
Reported By
Merrilt Lyne.i Pierce. Tenner and Bunt
IS i, I Ford Motor
112V (i
J)1' i den Dynamics
3t !Cm Klec
' i Gen roods .
"'. Gen Motori
Gen Tire ...
; .Geo Pat Ply
12 'Gillette
Admiral Corp
A i Ljicm A: Dye
Alllril Mr
Atlis Chain . .
au m
Am (an
A" r
Am t T
Goodrich .
Grace W R .
Grt No Ry
. 7fl,
Anac Copper
Atcheson Top
Avco . .
" . iGrt t Sue
" J .Greyhound
im rGu!'"
t ' H
iHumettake M
flendix Avid .
4.0 1
lnt Harvest
hit Nickel
lnt I'jper
' Jones A. M
I Hot Foods
P.etn Sll
: Boeing- All
Born Wain
Buc rus
Burro Adding
Kaiser Alum
40i Kennecott
371, Kei n Land
31 Jt L
il.ihbv McN
Calif Pack
t'ampb Soup ..
Can I'ac Ry
Case J I
Caterp Trie . ...
Ches At O Rv
Chi M A St P .
Chi NW Rv .
Chi Rl By .
Cities Serv
Climax Moly ...
duett Pea
fun Cola
Com Credit
Cuniw Edison .
Cons Edison
Cont Can
Cont Oil
Crane Cn
Crown ZpII
Curtlsi Wr
Deere & Co
Dia Match
Dout Air
Dow Chem
Du P d Ne .
F-ast Air Li
East Kodak
CI Paso Gas
. 83' i
. 20
311 'j
LO? Ofass
Lockheed Air
Loew s lnc
l one Bell A
Lorlllard .
Marsh Field
MAM Wood
Merck A Co
Mont Cheni .
5Ji, I Mont Ward
SO''. ! Motorola
36' -j
Natl Biscuit
Nail Cash Reg
Natl Dairy .
Nail Distill
Natl Gypsum
Nail Lead
Natl Sunply
NY Ctntral
No Am Avia
No Pac Rv
NW Airllnet
Olin Math
Otii Elev
Pac C. & Ti
Pac T & T
Pan Am Air
Penney J
Penn Ry..
Pepsi Cola
. 7R',
76' j
Emer Radio .
Ex Cello
Portland Produce
PORTLAND - Butterfat -
Tentative, subject t o immediate
c jange-Premium quality ( deliv-
er.'""rtlanai ? '
u W,: , , , I hinv
... r,'.A. a
" "" . . ,
92,seo;e' 'r,a; 92n K0T'
00 D la w elure
'89 SCOre, 55,
singles. 41-46 lb; Oregon 5-lb loaf.
Kggs To wholesalers Candled
fob. Portland, A large, 43-44'4;
A medium. 38-40'i; A small, 27-
Kggs To retailers Grade AA
large, 48-49; A large, 45-46; AAnd 2 butchers 180-235 lbs 19.25-1
medium, 42-43; A medium. 41-42; 19.75; mixed 1,2 and 3 grades!
A small, 29-31. Cartons, 2-3 cents
Eggs To consumers AA large,
! medium, 46-51, A small,
j , ,. M , i;,
Live poultry-No. 1 quality,
f o b. Portland Fryers, 2'i-4 I b s,
23; at farm, 21-22'i; light hens,
16 at farm; heavy hens, 17-19 at
form- olH ronetprt 11-19
Tiirkeys-To producers-Li v e
weight, fryers, 27-28: young turkey
h y. u,Aiirht n
"flis inc wcygiii 40
38; breeder toms, 39-40.
, , ih, , n
iu. 15.10. 0i(j colored pelts 4 cents
Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 56-
58; cut up, 60-63.
ti i. i i. rH...i ili. ni .
" lliroic viciaru incpii
Beef carcasses-Steers, choice,
500-700 lbs, 35.5O-38.00; good. 34 50-
3700 standard 31 00-35 00- com-
merc'ial cows '25 00-29 00 utility
v 00.270 canners a n d cutters'
2"oo-23 00
. . n., iiinrf
!.,, bTJ.T
!a - on.i. V..11 W, mmnwl
2!l 00;
7100; forequarters,
chucks, 30 00-32 00;
27 00
ribs, 45 00-48.0.
Pork cuts Loins, choice.
lbs, 46.00-49.00; shoulders. 16 lbs,
down, .10 00-34 00; sparerihs 4,100-
r.Hfl' fresh h.imn 1(114 Ihs 51 00-
' '
Veal and calves (iood-choice.
all weights, 30 00-36 00; commer -
Cial, .W-it OW.
pnng la m its t. noice-p rime
43 00-46 00 . good. 40 00-45 00.
ii' l : 1 l I
nooi-.Miiiiuiai, .lean iiBsis,
blood. 1.00-05; si blood, 1.03-08; '4.
Blood. 112-18; fine. 1.17-23.
Country-dressed Meats, f.a.b.
Beef-Cows, utility, 23-25 Ih;
cutters, 19-21.
Veal Top quality, lightweight,
26-28; rough heavies. 18 25.
Hogs-Best light blockers, 25-26;
lean light sows, 18-20,
Lambs Top grade springers,
38-40; good yearlings. 30-32.
Mutton Uflhtwemht ewes and
wethers 10-12 " """" ' -
Fresh Produce
Onions Calif. Yellows, med. 50
lb sk. 5oo-35: White, 5 00-25.
Potatoes Calif. Long Whites,
No. 1-A, 10 oi min, 100 lbs, mostly
7.5O-8.O0; No. 2s, mostly 6.25-75.
Hay New crop No. 2 green
nl(nll. knlat Ink Pnrllinil
iliinua, uoi, u, , ,,. . ui kiniiu,
nomiffally 35 00-36 00 Ion.
Portland Grain
PORTLAND i Coarse grains,
15-day shipmentrbTC'T?6a'sf ffeTTv-'
erv: Oats No. 2. 38 lb white 57.50
58 00 Barley No 2. 45 lb B. W.
49 50. Corn No 2. E. Y. shipment
m 50
Wheat 'bid' to arrive market,
basis No 1 bulk, delivered coast:
Soft While 2 0(t; Soft White 'ex
eluding Rexi 2 09; White Club 2.09.
nara rea winter: wainary i m,
io per cent 2 09: 11 per cent 2 16:
12 per cent 2 22.
Car rereipts: Wheat 46; barley
13; flour 6 corn IP. oats 1; mill
feed 1
BOSTON (APi- The sun isn't
BOSTON (APi- The sun isn t
. . - ... .
neoniy ati acu in say
former Boston patrolman James
H Esson He resided from the
department tn accept a position
on the Fort .audirdale police
force where he said the salary is
SOi weeklv cnmpired to Boston's
. K
. S9
37' i
. 53',
41 .
I Phelpa-Dodce
i Philco Corp 21 '
; Phil Morru ...
5 Phil Petrol . ...
, Pror Si Gam
Put Sd P & L .
Pure Oil
, Radio Corp
hayonler Inc ..
hepub Sll .
Reynolds Met
Reynolds Tob
nichfield O ....
Hoa! Dutch ...
Safeway Stri .
SI Joe l. atl
St 1. & SF Ry
Si Hieis Paoi
Sll .
'Schcnley Iod
Si'ott Paper
Stall' Roe
j Shell Oil
'Sinclair Oil .
jSkelly Oil ..
ISoconv-Moh .
:Sou C.)l Kdl .
Sun Pac lt
jSou Rv
Spcrrv R.ind
Sid Hranda .
I Sid Oil Cal ..
Sid Oil lnd .
Std Oil NJ
Sunrav Oil
. 70-.
. 81,
. 61
. fill',
57' ,
. 45 '
. 16'
. 6fi'
. 2P,
. IS'
Sunshine M
Swift i Co ...
Sylvanla El
Texan Co
Texas Gulf
. 3
4'n. jTianiam
44 :Trani Wo Air .
i Twen Cn Tox .
. 38' ,
. 53
. 39 :1.
. 25,
.. 72
.Unltfn Carb
, Union Oil
' U'inion Pac Rv
Vni Aircraft
. I'nl Air Lines
. ',
.. 49'a
i I'nl Corp
38'., Unl Fruit
', j US Plvwood
42' 3 US Rubber
17'. I u 3 Steel .
Kl4 Warner Pic 84',
iWaah Water P 37'.
Weit Atr Br 33,
. 37, Weitern Air .... . 20
50 Weitern Elte .... 52
139 Weitern Union 19
19', Woolworth 45,
. 94
24', j;
. 23", Zenith Ill',
Portland livestock
salable 150; scattered sales about
steady but general trade rather
slow; short load good around 820
lb fed steers 21.00; few canner and
cutter cows 7.00-8. 50; utility cows
9. 50-1 J. 00; short load commercial
13.50 with a few standard cows
Calves salable 25: good and
choice vealers around steady at
16.50-20.00; scattered lots cull to
commercial calves and vealers un
sold. Hogs salable 100; market fairly
active on butchers and sows at
steady prices; assorted lots No. 1
18.50-19 00; sows 300-500 lbs 12.00-
15 00.
Sheep salable 300; spring lambs
50 higher; tjd crop Iambs steady;
choice spring slaughter lambs 90
106 lbs 19.50; good and choice
17.00-18.50; around one deck most
ly good yearlings 14.00 to shipper
accounts; cull to choice shorn
slaughter ewes 2. 00-4. 50.
' Chicago Grain
Open Cloee
July 2 05', -09 2 0.V.-O4
Sep MH'.-'a 2.07't-m
Dec 212'. S.ll'a-'a
Mar 111 112' .-13
Mav 2 12 2.10'
I July 1 ',-', 147',-',
,Sep lia HS
Dec n;'i-i, IMVi
Mav I (!', 1 40',-'.
. Data
July "'-' . M'i
Sep 7', HV,-,
i Dee 7ti, 70',
I Mar 72s,-1, 72',
: Hit
July 121', 1 20-20.1,
Sep 122',-'. UP.-',
Dec- 126'. I2S'.
Mar 1 1 27',
July 2H5-8S', !2V.V,
Sep 2IIII-(W'4 2S7i,-,
Nov J.31', 249', -'i
Jan 2 54'. 2S2',-1,
I 'Star 2 57 2M'i
.., . . . .
i.hicapo LlVestOfK
, THICAGO lAPi-'CSDAl - Hogs
t 1 SOU hiilr-hers steariv to 2S hieher:
,n-' steariv to 25 lower; 3D head lot
,N" : hulk No 2 and 3
I 16 00-18 SO; lew ISO-MO lh 15 00-16 7 5;
os 12 00-1575
( attle L'.iuiii; calves zoo: slaughter
leers, sleady to 2.1 hlghpr: heifers
ilf,dy lo a hl(,her. ,.ow, sle,dy to
as higher: bulla moatly 25 higher;
jvealer iteadv to 100 higher: itork
ieri and feeders steady: a load 10US
lh steem 22 50; good to high choice
steers IS nn-22 00; utility and standard
Sjleers 14 50-17.50; choice and utility
trlti commercial cow s 1 1 (10-1 3 OO:
cinners and culters 9 50-11 75; utility
and commercial hulls 14 50-16 J0:'cM
ter hulls 12 75-14 00; (rood and choice
veslers 17 iio-JO DO: medium to low
choice stocker od fecd'nlg steers
15 2;-lfl 75
Sheep .100; ipring Iambs; 50 to 1 on
higher; slaughter sheep sleady; hulk
Rnnr! to prime spring ismns zi no-
21 on most mil to low good grades
I It nBl,iau.aO-sxim.ilu8fel..t..)H.,i,'
'Is". .
ri . i:.,
:(Jncapo Onions
1 N
: J"
I f' h
Open High Low
1 Wl
2 20
2 43
1 old 1
1 new 1
1 II
1 IS
2 4.1
1 !)1
2 22
1 43
t an
2 IH
Northwest TV
Video Plea
WASHINdTON r - Northwest
Video Inc Thursday withdrew its
annlication to lhe ommiinications
Cnmmission for TV channel 8 at
Kalispell. Mont , leaving M,r.
TV lnc unopposed for an outlet
Radio station KBNI). Bend. Or.e .
asked permission to increase day
time power from 1 to 5 kilowatts
,loe D Carroll Ml Bunce Rd .
'nha Citv Calif 1 annlies for a
,. ..:, u-,'",, ,-..
i nuiu 3tatiuu ai arvsrtiiioi ii i nii".
. , j.,.i. i
1 kilowatt, daytime only
America used 61 million rases of
ln, ,j .-
evaporated milk in W, and 5.,
million cites '0 0".i
Stock Market
Trends V
Jglj ! NEW YORK ufWThe atock mar
4 i ket weaved uncertainly Thursday
I as the steel Industry strike threat
j hung in the balance.
I The Associated press average of
60 stocks rose 20 cents to 118310
4, ' - with the industrials up 20 cents,
7i, the rails unchanged afid the utili
JJ j ties up 10 cents.
were 409 advances and 432 de-
m jclines. There were 25 new highs
44'!, for the year and 30 new lows,
Volume totaled 1.900. 000 shares
compared with 2,1)90,000 Wednes
Stocks and Bond
(Camplle4 r The Auorlate) Pre,,)
I June 21
20 10 10 111
Rails lnd litil for,
Net chanse .' Unch Unch A.I O I
Thunday H5 0 IIS 9 94 S 84.1
i Prev. clay 95 0 PS 9 94 5 4 J
I Week aBO 15 0 HISS H4 7 B4 8
Month ago 94 8 96 0 94 84.0
Year l 98 5 P8 .1 97 5 85 S
195 hlh 98 3 07.7 9S0 65.3
15 law . 94 S 95 1 94 1 S3.1
1 955 high 99 6 119 8 100 1 86 5
1955 low 96 6 96 4 M O 84 0
JO 15 15 SO
lnd Rail! I'tll Stcki
Net chinge A i Unch A 1 A 2
Thunday 2(114 141 a 73 3 163 1 i
Prev day 2612 141 J 73 2 182 9 '
Week tin 259 1 141 9 71 9 182 2
Month aso 250 S 140 2 72 2 178 2
Year til 238 4 137.1 73 t 1721
1958 h!(h 275 2 159 I 75 1 191.5
1956 low 244 0 129 0 71 i 171 S
1955 hljrjl , 257 8 142 4 75 7 181 5 j
1953 low 203 1 114 9 67 148 8 1
Markets at Glance
Storki Mixed: ileal! lower; alum
inum, higher.
Bond, Mixed : government Im
prove. Cotton Irregular; light trad buy
ing and hedging.
Wheat Weak; general liquidation.
Torn Weak: good crop proipecta.
Oat, Steady; tome oat acreage
Soybtani Weak; told off at fin
ish. Hon Steady to 19 cent, higher:
top 110 25.
Cattle Steers iteady to IS rent,
up: top 22 50.
Dow Jooc Averages
cloiirlg atock average,:
High Low Clow
30 Indi 4H4 :U 4SS t 4M 50
20 RalK 1S7 74 1S5 S4 1S6 S4
15 Utlli 67 34 M il 7 20
SS Stocks 17( 41 174 (1 175 SO
Grain Market
Prices Fall
CHICAGO - Grains (ell back
on the Board of Trade Thursday,
mostly closing at the session's
i lows on an expansion in selling in
the last few minutes,
Wheat and soybeans were hard-
est hit by this last minute selling.
Wheat closed 2-2' lower corn
'i-l'i lower, oats i lower to V
higher, rye 1V-1' lower, soybeans
lV-3' lower and lard unchanged
to 20 cents a hundred pounds
Chicago Butter-Eggs
CHICACO (AP) Butter steady;
wholesale lellinff prices unchaneed;
AA S3 tcore SV.00-M1.29: A 92 MOO
S') 23: 8 90 75-57 2J; C S 55 O0-M 00.
Eggs fully ateady; wholesale tell
ins prir-ei unchanged to lt higher;
extra large 3S.O0-3S 90; extra medium
.11 SO: standard! 11.00-3: 90: checks
v oo-2sj.
The Chinese were burning nal-
ural gas to evaporate brine and
produce salt in 940 B. C.
Again We Are Offering ...
Vacation Package
V1 - " -
Statesman, Salem, Ore., Frl, June 29, '56 (Sec. 1)-U
Babton Reports:
Sell High, Buy Low
Key to Stock Pro fits
Copyright 1954 Publishers Financial Bureau, Incorporated
BABSON PARK, Mass. The only way I have made money la
the stock market has been by selling stocks and taking profits at .
times like this, depositing the
lhe bottom of the next decline.
.comes, I buy stocks.
Buying Into New Industriel
In this way i am not a speculator, but am like the ice man in
Blr W. BakaM
utners make
periorming anotner Kina oi service, that Is by helping new in
dustries when they are unpopular and taking profits when the
industries mature and are popular. Those who follow this second
program have the additional advantage of diversification. They
also always keep their money working, whereas, under my method, '
my money is idle about a third of the time. Buying into new in
dustries each year and selling the stocks of a few maturing com
panies requires much research. An investor who desires to follow
such a program should be prepared to pay an Investment Counselor
for selecting these new industries. Furthermore, although General
Motors, for instance, has been a "gold mine," yet there have been
scores oi other automobile companies which have gone bankrupt.
It ia necessary both to get into the right industry, and also to buy
the stock of the, right company within that industry.
Wisconsin University's Program ' '
Although swapping maturing industries for new Industrie! Is
exceedingly profitable when done intelligently, very few individuals
or even institutions have tho ability and courage to act on this
principle. One college, however, has had a most interesting expert- '
ence in this connection. I refer to Wisconsin University, which, on
its typical Board of conservative college Trustees, had also some
bright chemists and engineers. These younger men so failed, in
getting the conservative Board to adopt a more courageous invest- '
ment policy that they formed a separate Trust, The Wisconsin
Alumni HMrj FniinHatinn Thav ant tn0thp imii, wm lukA -
contributed eight dollars or so apiece, making a total of $589 to
start with on January 1, 192S. They increased this small sum by '
the purchase end sale of "Growth Stocks" so that, at the present
time, this $583, with accumulated dividends and profits, amounts '
(o over $17,000,000 with a market value on December 31. 19S3. 1
$36,000,000. Approximately $6.000jOOO received from Patents and j
Royalties they gave back to the University for new buildings and
increased salaries.
I might also give the names of individual clients which my
organization has helped slong these same lines. I could also cite a
member of my family who during fifty years increased $600 to
over $1,000,000 by putting the dividends ana profits back Into newer
industries when they were unpopular and selling these when they
became popular. Meanwhile the fund was kept well diversified
with only a comparatively small amount in each industry, so risk
was pretty well eliminated. All this required, however, consider
-Li. 1- 1 A . J L-Li V
auie work as inc enure iudu was lurnca utpt pruuautr once w
ten years. In this case, no attention was given to general market '
conditions or to the investment cycle.
The Report ot a Psychiatrist
Let me close with a story which one of my valuable associates,
John D. Rlordan, tells. It concerns I friend who had a nervous
breakdown on account of his overactivity in the stock market One
dav when the natient was lvim on the couch end telling ot his
enrlv lit, the osvehlatrist said.
all this trouble. The first thing
mother rocking you in the cradle
You interpreted this to mean 'Buy
Mrs. Shannon
Promoted by
Phone Office
Mrs. Betty F. Shannon Is the
new assistant chief operator tor
day by Manager Elmer A. Berg -
Mrs. Shannon of 402 S. Capitol
St., has worked for the company
in Salem nine years, most recent-
: ly as supervising operator.
1 She replaces Miss M s r J o r I e
1 ;" will sovs yovr papers eoch
y vacation and deliver them
II in .'. .
Just clip this coupon and bring it in:
.Pv?mv ' Off sotilalfsman
will be gone from.
i (Signed)
J Addrf m
I( you are going anvwhrre
the coupon below and send ll in or call 48811 (ask for "cir
culation' and we will mail your Capital Jiurnal to ou.
Just pay in the office when n
to me while I'm
: I will pav in the office on rm
money in banks, and waiting until
When the market crash finally
tne North, wno gathers ice in wintry weather and
stores it up for people to use during the summer.
This lime principle, in reverse, applies to thotwj
who can fruit and vegetables in summer when
they are about to spoil. We all perform I real
service and art entitled to be rewarded. Wt
have the courage to sell stocks or buy fruit when
others lack the courage to do so. People who
go with the crowd make conditions worse. Thosaj
who go contrary to the crowd are in a position
later to make conditions better when there is
much unemployment, no new building, and when
commodities art selling below cost.
money in the stock market by
"I understand what cot vou into-
you seem to remember is your
nd singing 'Bye lo, Bye lo, Baby.'
low Buy low,!'.." -
Farm Mutual Men to
Attend Convention
State Farm Mutual Automobile
Insurance Co. has sent word to
Salem that Lynn Woods, J. Earl
Cook, A. A. Holscher and Silas
M. Olson are scheduled to attend
compiny mw.tng, fn Los An-
! They are among the top-ranked
, 25 percent of State Farm sales-
i m"-
Hendrickson who has accepted
in appointment at Albany as eve-
i ning chief operator.
day you art away on your
to you when you return
while I'm
away and
that has mail facilities, fill
u rctui n
mail my
on my vacation.