i i - : 'II 0-(Sec I) Statesman, Salem, Ore., Thurs., June 28, '56 Maryland County to Attempt Teaching by Television in Public Schools i About two out of Ave of the On schedule airline pilot dies world'i people ire in the labor for every half million, houn of De force. J tog. By JACK DAVIS tur.r.nsTOWN. Md. i - bold, oew plaa to find out if teach Jn by televiiioa in public schools b feasible will be launched on a eounty-wide basis in this western Maryland area next fall. Backing the experimental but fun Male program wm oe me mourns and know-how of the country's eledronici manufactur ers and the rord rounoauoo. Tha mal slmnlr. ii this: i YiW Mnr Brown will sit in I room and give the day's lessons ta an : lumber of stucenu in .liiimni thrnufhnut (ht eountv They can be history, English or rvea matnematics. Cma Ask EiaUutlM H Johnny ia Hagerstowa, or Clear Spring, or hancock, has a wIm ha ran auk it through a two-way audio hookup. Or Miss Brown can aa buste, in Mnuns barg or Boonsbaro, o explain a . problem. ,' The- purposes of the plan are (1) ta find out Just bow far educa flea caa ge toward utjbxing tele risk. and (2) to meet the in creasing threat of teacher short age. ' -V J. . The outlay for the program could cost "weft over a million dollars," fchools Superintendent William' J.. Brisk , explained, al though be and others working out the details insisted no price tag could be placed on it. ftesesmfc Project W.R.G. Baker, rtce president of Ceneral Electric and president of the Radio . Electronics -Televis-loa Manufacturers Association (RETMA), called M "strictly a research project.".' ' i "It'i Impossible- to evaluate the end result," he said, "and it's Im practical to estimate its cost." The announcement of the proj ect was made Jointly today by Brian, Baker and John K. Weuss of the Fund for the Advancement Eugene Fire Department Probe to Halt EUGENE - State Civil Service Commission investigators announced Wednesday that they probably will end the first phase of an investigation of discord in the Eugene fire department before the end of the week. Only one or two more days of interviews are? contemplated, said the commission investigators, Melvin Cleveland and Herbert Green. They have been interview- ing firemen and city officials since last Friday. Members of the Fire Fighters Assn. contend that officers exert unjustified pressure" on employ ees trying to obtain better working conditions in the department. Voters also recently turned down a ballot proposal to give the fire men a SC-hour work week. of Education, backed by the Ford Foundation. Weiss said the fund probably would put $50,000 to 175.000 Into the project thie year. The school board has no appropriation in its current budget for the program, and at this point does not antici pate a sizable increase lor the next calendar year. Expreeaesl Desire The Washington County school system was selected from about 40 applicants .'or the test, Weiss said, because it was one ot me first to express a desire for it and because it was considered ty ical of county school systems throughout the country. When the program is launched next September, it will be used an hour a day by more than (.000 students in two high schools and six elementary schools in Hagers town. Present plans call for ex tension of the plan to the entire county school system in fwo years with all 47 schools supplied with closed-circuit equipment and 20, 000 pupils receiving televised in struction. Hish ftrhMi Course At the start, these high school courses will be taught: Ninth grade science, 10th grade mathe miir nih vrade U.S. history. and 12th grade English. The ele- ROAD PROJECT BIDS NEAR PORTLAND Wi - Bids will be received by the Bureau of Public Roads until July 11 for surfacing 4 4 miles of the North Umpqua Highway SO miles east of Rose burg. The proposed improvement ia east of Steamboat, on a stretch used principally for logging. Emblem Fine, But No Car HACKENSACK. N.J. OB Police Chief Westervelt R. Demarest is a popular cop. So Tuesday niyht the Hackensack auxiliary polire delided to present him with a token of their esteem. They gave him a police chief's license plate emblem for his car. Chief Demarest was grateful but puzzled. "v?.":.: .. He has no car. OSC Grants Show Increase CORVALLIS ( -Oreeon State College received $1179,480 In gifts, grants, scholarships and fellow ships in the last fiscal year, an increase of $382,700 over the pre vious year, President A. L. Strand announced Wednesday. Largest single individual gift was $20,000, and the biggest re search grant was $26,000. SCIENTISTS HOLD MEET NAMUR. Belgium -Scieqtists from 17 countries are meeting here this week in discussions of auto mation jftnd robot controls. It is the first international congress on automation and electronics. mentary school program will in clude sixth grade science, fifth grade arithmetic, fourth grade so cial studies, and some instruction in reading and number readiness in the first, second and third grades. During the first term, no pupil will receive television instruction in more than one course. A special workshop later this summer will prepare about 40 teachers for the televised instruc tion periods. It has not been determined yet exactly what type of television re ceivers will be used. 2 U Each Receiver If 24-inch screens are employed, about 20 pupils would be assigned to each receiver. It was doubted that anything less than 2: inch screens would be used. The size could go up to a blowup of several feet. For the one hour of instruction each day, to start, the teacher would rehearse about two hours. I The rehearsal time could be re duced or expanded, depending op the type of presentation. One cameraman probably will be sufficient, with no need for a director or other personnel, they estimated. The classes would be "moni- Bend Pageant Opens Friday BEND lift Three night river spectacles illuminated floats passing under a rainbow arch ino feet wide and SO feet high will feature Bend's annual Mirror Pond Pageant opening Friday. The night pageants are sched uled June 30, July 4 and July 7 on Mirror Pond. The July 4 pro gram features also sports events, a Western show, and a pet parade. tored" b. a part-time employe who would not necessarily have training as a teacher. The monitor would handle discipline and the two-way eitchaltge between the class and the televised instructor. John M. Bauer, president of the county board of education, feels the program will provide an in centive to good teachers. It not only will provide a challenge to them, he said, hut with a less number of teaoheis required, pay scales ran be increased. Cool Off Burning Feet N morc bumlrtiT no mort tuftrlnf wilh vry itop from lUnglnf cnIIoumi, a flu Irk rub with frosty-white grnt Ice-MInt loet the trlrkt Full of medirinel "cooleri" n smoothing? lanolin ban. Ire-Mint brtnfi natAnt cool romfort to tired bur sins; feat orW lo inftan hmrti rallouiu, Ak OUT druggist (or Ice -Mint today. Ad No. 24 1 Penney'sj Salem, Oregon OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. Fri.9:30a.m.lo9p.m: Shop Every Department For Fabulous Grand Opening Feature Buys ! ! Itching Torture PROMPTLY RELIEVED A doctor's formula soothing anti septic Zemo promptly relieves the Jtehlng, burning of Skin Rashes, Eczema, Psoriasis, Ringworm and Athlete s Foot. Zemo stops scratch ing and so aids hd-fl PfTl fl lnc of irritated skinXiViUvf To- rnflfeft fife wmfajVojL... 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FREE leaf mulcher. ini V AJ i (6 A MONTH I 1 For Your Shopping Convenience ; Grants Are Open Monday and Friday Til 9 P.M. 9 kr 1 Msttmt J& Ray Win5 SaIp! Full or Twin Size Innerspring Mattress and Box Spring Sets PLU ..FR Hollywood Headboard ,5 ii' iwin or fuW,Wn9 HaV Twn r f rAotcVA"9 J 1 tu . I J Al Twin o' F" pAaHn'ng I Sleeping is a luxury . . . but no budget is too small for one of these sets. Now is the time to replace that old worn-out bedding, now during this exciting money saving sale . . . Get two Quality Bedding Pieces-a matching Sleep Ensemble for the price you'd expect to pay for just one! Plus-An Upholstered Hollywood Headboard FREE! sbsbsbsV iXaasaai VALUE NO. 1 180 Coil Quality Innerspring Mattress and Matching Box Spring-Inner Border Covered In Durable Panel Stripe Ticking. Guaranteed S Years. Twin or Full Size Both for PLUS Hollywood Headboard '49 FREE! NO MONEY DOWN! VALUE NO. 2 220 Coil Deluxe Innerspring Mattress and Matching Box Spring-Imported Bel gium Damask Ticking-Cord Handles for Easy Turing, Fresh Air Vents Guaranteed 7 Years. win or Full Size PLUS Hollywood Headboard Both for . . . FREE! NO MONEY DOWN! VALUE NO. 3 312 Coil Ultra Deluxe Innerspring Mattress and Matching Box Spring-Extra Heavy Woven Damask Ticking, Fresh Air Ventilators, Turnina Handles. Stitched Border Plus 25 Extra Cotton Added for Supreme Comfort. Guaranteed 10 Years. Twin or Full Size PLUS Hollywood Headboard Both for 69 . FREE! NO MONEY DOWN! King Size Bedding Special "long Boy" Mattress and Box Spring Set $CQ75 Twin Size x 81" Long asfT "long Boy" Mattress and Box Spring Set $Q75 Full Site x 81" long O Queen Size Mattress and Box Spring Set $QQ75 60" Wide x 81" long .... "7 Big King Size Mattress A Box Spring Set $1 1 Q75 74" Wide x 84" long I I T Speeisl Rail Kxtenders Available . . . Adjusts Your Own Bed Rails Quickly to Aceommodate Oversize Bedding... 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