New York dosing Stocks - (parted ttr MerrtB Lyaea. Pierce, Fatawr ae Imm Fttsitk Ford Motor e Gea Dynamic Geo. Eloc Cs Fooda Ge Motora G Tiro Goo Pac Ply Cillotw Glidden Goodrich . Goodyear Grace W R Grt So Re Grt Writ Suf Grevhound Cull Oil H Homestake M Int Harvest Int Nickel lnl Piper J Johns-Mans Jones A M Stl. R Kaiser Alum Kennecott Kern Land L Libby McN Ll Myers LOr Glass Lockheed Air Loews Inc Lon( Bell A Lorillard M Maffnavnx Marsh Field MAM Wood Men A Co Mont Chem Mont Ward Motorola N Natl Risrult Natl Cash Hec Natl Dairv Natl Distill Natl Cs psum Natl Lead ' Nail Supply NY Central No Am Avia No Pac Ry NW Airline O Olin Otis Elrv P Plhco Pac C. A Fl Par TAT Pan Am Air Pennev J. C. Penn R Pepsi Cn!a Admiral Cora AJ ChM Dye Allied Stra Aim Chaos Alcoa . Aluminum Ll4 Am Alrtia .. An Can Am Cy mm Am Motors Am SU Mr Am TAT Am Tobcc .. .. . Am Vvec-oa Anar Copper Amvr Armour Alrheeon Top Am Bendtx Avia . . Put fcxxU Beth Stl Roeine Air Rorden Bora. Warn Rucyrua Burro Adding C real if Pac k Camp Soup Tan Par Re raw J I l alerp Trae Tela neat Ototra rertainteed (hes 0 H on m t sir Chi NW Ry I hi R Is Ry Chrysler ... i Cities Serv ( Umax Moljr duett Pea Coca Cola Collate Com Credit (iw Ediaon ("on Sdison Container ront Can font OH rran Co Crown 7,ell Curtis Wr . ft Deere A- Co Pia Match Hous, Air Dow Chem Du P da Ne C rait Air Li Fast Kodak Fl Piii-n Cas Fmer Radio F, Cello r Talrrhild Ill '. im .. M - - : PS', 7, S7, ir. - M'. JO 159 50 M'a US1. . !'. M'. 43 '. - '. JV. Si's 11', ss 1S. 44, - Sl. M1. I'D1. B'i ., M'i !, 42'. 117', 55', 50. 4(1 , I '. 1HJ M, IM SS', 1'. W 52'. '4 1 IJ'l Heavy Selling Drops Wheat CHICAGO . Hcavv selling pntered wheat on the Board of l Trade Wednesday on. reports of unusually largf yi e I d s of red wheat in some sections of Illinois and Indiana. While wheat was losing a couple of rents, and going to its lowest price in the past three weeks in, the process, July soybeans went into another dive They broke ! about t rents at one time, partly , recovering later. Wheat closed l',-2i lower, corn Vi lower, oats V-Vi lower, rye 1 tn 1. lower, soybeans l' 41, lower and lard IS to 40 cents a hundred pounds lower. Portland Grain PORTLAND Coarse grains, 15-dav shipment, bulk, coast deliv ery: Oats No i, 3d lb white 57 50 500. Barley Nn 2, 45 lb B. W. 49 SB. Corn No. 2, E. Y. shipment 9 50. Wheat bid to arrive market, basis No I bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 2.09: Soft While (ex cluding Rex1 2 09: W hite Club 2.09 Hard red winter: Ordinary 2.09; 10 per cent 2 09; 11 per rent 2 16; 12 per cent 2 22. Car receipts: Wheat t; barley 2; flour 3; corn 5: mill feed 2. Chicago Grain CHICAGO (API Wheat Juiv jn74-i, insvooi, Sep 2 io,-, ins',-', Per 2 14', 2 1JV Mar 2 IS1, 2 11 Mav 2 11 2 12',-', Com Julv 1 I 4BV'4 Sep 141 I4S',.i, Her 1 1 'l""s Msr 1 42-42', 14P, f's'l July fin'.-1 4 IW'4 Sep S-el7- 1V Der 71',- , 7(li, Msr 72', 72. July I 22', 1.21', Sep 1 21,-, 1.21s-i Der I 27' j 1 2 Msr 1 30', 1 29', Soybeans July 11171,-117 2B4',-M'i Sep 1M',-Slit 2W1',-6I Nov 231', -5.1 25H'..i, Tan 2 53-53', 2 54-53 Msr 2 571,-5 2 5(1 1 riQ Jsri. Sr Jell propslUd. rets werdi. hrih. sail ,. aesn duty sickle hf trunsdo a, bnildinas Finaerue control. Proeo kr ml llrnn easl Jari, Jr. (elf.proMlted. 7 sickle her ksadlt. clisjbs kills. 's ' irook. 1 AnaOSXIWtt JO' (all lo,nns Ijwh Mower Rssl-Powat Sprirer-Sotsrr Snow Thrower. THE JARI JR. NOW 18500 FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION etoaesi. Allen, 236 N. Commercial 141 Alice Avenue Open Friday r-fight Til 9 Ptwtpo-Dodtt Phik-o Corp Phil Moma . . Phil Petrol Pillabury Prac A Gam Pm d P A L Pur Oil rfadia Corp Rayon ter inc Hepub Stl Reynolda Met . Reynoldi Tob Richfield O RoyaJ Dutch , M'a . ii 1. . an 4 4', .. M , 47 - - TV, .. TJ - M'. 41'a 11 - IS', 111 M M M1, 135 ' 45 43'. 41 39 44 II1, Ml To., 106 , Safeway Stra St Joe lad St 1. A SF Rt St Reia Paper Srhenley Ind Scott Paper Seari Rot Shell Oil Sinclair Oil Skelly Oil SovonvlMnb Sou Cal Edl Sou Pac Ry Sou Ry Speery Rand Rtd Brands Std Oil Cal Std Oil Ind Std Oil NJ Stude-Park Sunray Oil Sunshine M Switt A Co Sylvama El T Texas Co Texas Gulf Texlrnn Tide-Asso Transam Trans Wo Air Turn Cen Fox L' lrnion Carb I'mon Oil Vnion Pac Ry I'm Aircraft lrnl Air lines lTnl Corp Uni Fruit I'S Plyvond t'S Ruhher I'S Steel W Warner Pic Warn Water P West Air Br Western Air Western Elec Western l'nion Wonlworth Z 7enilh S31, 44, 2S 52i . li . 1'. 5' . W. : MV 51', i aok ' 4'.i i,l 39', i 51 'a l'. 4. S0, M'. '. 45', J1-, 13 U. M", 42', 43', ST", J5, 25'. 53', H-, :?', 31', 41', 54 51', ST, T1, J, '. 45, 51's IT. 41'. 40', IT. 13', 122', 1!. it:ij, Tl' 39', 4 . 41", 4'!', 5a IV.l J3, I 2fl'2: 5!'., 19 4.V, lftd'.. ! 49 in Kl M'i 243, 2T Portland Livestock PORTLAND i-' SDA-Cattle salable 500. market generally I steady tn weak with late Tuesday but cows now 50 below Monday; i tnicked lots mostly good 1053 lbs 21 00; lot mostly choice 1112 lbs 21.50; few head choice 885 lbs 22.25; cutter and utility steers cows mostly 7 00-8 50; utility cows! 9 50-12.00; few utility bulls 15.50 16.50. I Calves salable 100: few good choice vealers about steady 16.50-j 19 00: cull to commercial calves 7. 00-14 00. j Hogs salable 500: butchers fully steady with Monday's best time; sorted lots I'. S No 1 and 2 butchers 185-230 lbs mostly 19 25 r75; with around 50 head at 19 75; mixed No. I. 2 and 3 grades 18 75 19 00; sows 300-500 lbs 12.00 15 50. Sheep salable 500. spring lambs' mostly strong: sales to shipper ac counts 25-50 higher; choice spring slaughter lambs 18 50-19 00 with 27 head weighing 92 lbs 19.25; good and choice 17.00 - 18 00: cull to choice shorn slaughter ewes 2 00 4 50; feeder lambs slow, mostly unsold. Chicago ButterEggs CHICAGO I API Butter steady: wholesale selling prices unchanged; A A 9.1 score SS00-M.25; A 3d 00 59 25; B 90 30 73-37 13; C SS SS.00-30 00. Eggs steadier: wholesale selling prices unchanged; extra large 3300- 30 00; extra medium 31.30; standards 31 00-31 SO: checks 17.00-if) 00. r SEATTLE C SACRAMENTO J C 1 SAN FRANCISCO H C LOS ANGELES J Srrvicr Fffrctivt July 1 -fa Hostess Aboard if Free Refreshments Restful Music if Rest Room Aboard if FreeKtlowi FOR RESERVATIONS Portlind Proidnre PORTLAND if) Battcrfst Tentative, subject t immediate chau-Premium. juality, deliv ered ia Portland, 80-43 k; first quality 57-60: second quality Sl-55. Butter Wholesale, f .b. bulk cubes to wholesalers Grade AA, 91 score. 54: A grade. 92 score, SI'i: B grade 90 score 57; C grade 89 score. 55. Cheese To wholesalers Oregon singles. 41-46 lb; Oregon 54b loaf. C'i-50. Kfcis To holeiaiers Candled f o b. Portland, A large. 43-44 A medium, Jt-tt1: A smalt, 27- Egis To retailers Grade AA. large. 48-49: A large. 45-46: AA medium. 42-43; A medium. 41-42; A small, 29-31. Cartons. 2-1 cents, additional. ' Kggs To consumers AA large, j 54-59; A large, 51-56: AA medium. I 47-52; A medium, 46-51; A small,' 36-41. c Live poultry No. 1 quality, ' f o b. Portland-Fryers, 14-4 I b s. 23; at farm, 21-23'i: light hens. 16 at farm: heavy hens. 17-19 at farm; old roosters, 11-12. Turkeys To producers 1 i v e weight, fryers, 27-28: young turkey bens, eviscerated, 38 Rabbits Average to growers Live white, S-4'i lbs. 2023: 5-6 Ids. 15-18; old colored pelts 4 rents less: old does. 10-12. few higher. Fresh killed fryers to retailers, 56 58, cut up, 6J-h3 W holealeprese Meats Beef carcasses Steers, choice. 500-700 lbs. 35 50-38 00; good, 34 00- 36 50: standard. 31 00-35 00; com mercial cows, 25 00-29 00; utility,1 2300-27.00; canners and cutters, 20 00-23 00. Beef cuts 'choice steers) Hind quarters, 45.tM-49.00; rounds 42 00-45.00; full loins, trimmed. 65 00 - 71 00: (orequarters, 27 00 29 00: chucks, 30 00-32 00; ribs. 45 00-48 0. Pork cuts Loins, choice, t-1 lbs, 48 00-51 00: shoulders, 16 lbs, down, 3000-34.00; spareribs, 43.00 45 00; fresh hams, 10-14 lbs, 51.00 55 00. Vral and calves) Good-choice, all weights. 30 00-36 00; commer cial. 25.00-32.00. Spring JanibjS Choice-p rime 4300-40.00; good. 4O.0O-45.00. Wool Nominal, clean basis, l blood. 1M)5: S blood 103-08; W Blood. 1 12-18; fine. 1 17-23. Csaatry-dresnesJ Meats, f.e.b. Portland: Beef Cows, utility. 23-25 lb; cutters, 19-21. Veal Top quality, lightweight, 28-30; rough heavies, 20-28. Hogs Best light blockers, 25-26; lean light sows, 18-20. Lambs Top grade springers, 38-40: good yearlings. 3033. Mutton-y.ightwright ewes and wethers. 1113. Fresh Produce Onions Calif. Yellows, med. 50 lb sk. 5 00-35: White. 5 00-25. Potatoes Calif. Lnns Whites, No. 1-A, 10 i min. 100 lbs, mostly 7.50-8 00: No. 2s. mostly 6 25-75. Hay New crop No. 2 green alfalfa, baled, f oh. Portland., nominally 35 00-36 00 ton. Markets at Glance NEW YORK (APi Storks Hif her; heavy Industries Improve. Bonds Mixed: fovermtnta Im prove Cotton Quiet; liquidation and hrrteinR CHICAGO Wheat -Wheat: hig yields In mid west Corn Easy; good crop prospect. Oat Easy with corn. Soybeans July weak; other months eav . Hogs Strong to 13 cents higher; top 117 00 Cattle Steers steady to 13 cents higher; to 123 75. Call 3-3815 520 N. High Street Solem, Oregon Stock Market Tempo Gains 5 NEW YORK - The first two-nilhoB-taar day in couple of weeks and ntoderate general ad vance gave the stork market a fairly lively air Wednesday. Volume for the day totaled 2 -OM.tna shares compared with 1, 730.000 Tuesday. The Associated Press average of Salem Quotations I As at lot VMterdayl ' i-rrnra Pronuum No. 1 BiTTia "inlesala KeUul BOGS (BortxD i Wholesale pnr ranee bo rim to I rents tm lain A Medium A SmaU eoi list Coanreo Hens Let horn Hena Colored Fryers Colored Roasters Olp Rooster of ann! . J3 Chicago Onions CHICAGO (API Opoa H(h Low Close Nov loir) i so Nov ( new i 1 S SI 1 M in Jan 2 17 J 22 2 IS :?l Feb 241) 14(1 iM J40 ti ,) J , A 'ilKfUIVf:. I WBk I 'W?4M ALLSTATE , , , , i TV. 'm'M COMPANIONS fT ; '"' ; ''7 HA'5 ) 670x15 She ? ' ' ,-. PlBlT" V -ky, 7 I J OtherSizesOnSalel ALLSTATE TRIPLE GUARANTEE TIRES Buy New and Save up to 41.60 en a Set of 4 30 OFF Siie 670x15 710x15 760x15 800x15 " Rig. Price 25.75 2. 2S.5I "2 31.20 " 34.50 " 30. OFF Siir ' il Re t- Price "t Sale Price 670x15 t i 30.75 ft " 710x15" 33.95 """ 23.7 760x15 : 37.25 , 26.07 800x15 40.50 " 28.35 HERE'S WHAT YOU GET WITH ALLSTATES: Skorp Spikes Nails i Rocks 55 ! stocks rose M cents to 1182 90 with th industrial cornpoacot up li st, the rails a teats aad the tiltties 4 cents. Of 1.127 issues traded, there s ere SCf adviaces and de clines. There were 33 sew highs for the year oad 11 aew Was. Investment Trusts IZiIka. Smlther fc Co. Inc I Bed i ll I II sua II 44 II 13 . 4S M u.n 14 II 43t . Ill 111 ll S7 US 10 u IM 3311 . IS . I7 . 171 . 47 . J4 1.1 11 M . t 1371 Asked U 11 43 fill 11 H 16 H 1 IS n i IS so 4a 1041 II 1 ha 13 4 11 SS 111 MM sn 4I to l S4 14 77 its t(7 KM Affiliated Fund Canadian Fund Century Shares Truat Cneaiacol Fund Delaware Fund Diver, tneeot Fnd . . Dmdend Shares I'ton A H Bal. Fund Gas Ind Group Tohaeeo Incorp. lavostors Kev Cust. Funds: P.-1 .... B-4 . K-l .. S-l . S-4 Man Bond Fund Masa. Invest. Trust . . Nstl Ser Series: Income Series . Stock Series Pref. Stock S. Natl. Die. Series Natl. Growth . Pioneer Fund .. Tel.-Elee Fund . Value Ijno Inc. Fund. Welhnfton Fund .... on 24 month Guaranteed1 Premium SILENT CUSHION I LACK WALLS Salelke 19.J5 2, 81 24.15 on 24 month Guaronteed Premium SILENT CUSHION WHITE WALLS "Save Set of V 36.92 7 40.76 44,72 1 ' 48.60 NO TRADE IN REQUIRED TVs IHeMne aea4se Sharp Iricki ST Irakea lorties gf Met! Western Securities (XUka. taattaaf Co. be.) Tneeo old and aak sroouttona n. M wkarfe sm or aaore ad ko NaltasMt Aa ot Sorwnte Dealer s Inc.. wousd trod wtta the fenerml publw t ttw time the quotations won lath ered et I pas. yesterday Bid Aiked Calil-Oreeoai Powof Jl, 3S , Cases Pl.iiad S3 CoismI Frtfht ' X'a Iron Firms U'a !'. Jantam lw Cons. , , tt 14 ! Meter Fran - . IS'a N Morrtson-Knisdsra . 4ia 43 Ore. -Port. Cement 4 IPae P L Com. 31 "s I Pop a Talbot 's Sl'j Portland Gas Aj Coa - M'i ' Port. Gen. Ilee. -- SS's ' Bank of Amric SS Bank of California 73l . Chaa Manhatua - 41 ' First Natwnal S4 First Nat CUT NY U. S. National ... . .TS's 41 7S, M as :s Dow Jones Averages NIW YORK (AP) D r -Jones rtoain( drk aersf es : Open Hifh Tw Close 30 Indu M Rails 13 imi S3 Stka 4 a 494.1S iSStf (MM lot t 117 SI M SS 117 IS Mil (7 4S MM 7 14 17313 1TS.5S 174 7 17371 About O per cent VI. spend lag units (families and single pea pie) had incomes from $S.0M to 17.500 l 1953. 18 MONTH FREE GUARANTEE INSTALLATION I FREE Wheel Balancing Get 25 more tire mil eage. Weights 1.40 per wheel if needed. airt efMh I tseterleh aad r.Maia. Scraphf Curbs (MflMkoiW Carers Stodit anH Bon3 (Cea ailed Vy TW A ass rials d Pes ONB ATISUCrS as Rail M In4 I'nrh MS MS MS Ml MI 71 MS MS HI W M Vtil Foe Vnch Dl MS M4 MS M4 Ml MS MS 4 ns MS MS MI Ml S37 1M1 MS Net than D1 Wed- a I Pre, day So I Week of Ml Month a . I Year ar . - . SSI 1M Hif h . S 1 ISM Low ltoS Hlftl . Ml MM Low M I Ml Ml STOCK AVISAGIS SI IS M I'll! Strks A 4 A 731 IMS ni mo 71 1111 711 1711 73 1711 Ind Rails All A3 Mil 1411 3M 1410 137 4 I4SS ISO S 1410 237 3 130 rsi mi 344 1 (MS Net rfta Wd. Prv dae . Week aaa Month Year afo I'M Hifh IM Low . 1SA3 Hi(h ISM Low 71 I 111 1 71 I 171 1 1 1 141 4 73 7 111 I lull 114 07 J IttJ Chicago livestock CHICAGO (API (USD A I Sal able nor laoo: strong t a higher on butchers: sows 33 to SO higher; bulk No. 1 to 3 S00-77B lb. butchers Ula-14 71. several lots No 1 and 1 tPS-KS tb. 10 73-17 00: moat No. 1 and 1 17(1-308 lb. 13 73-10 13: few 10 1M lb. IS.OS-10 SO; sows 11.M-I3 73. CatU 10.O0O; calve TOO: stesdy to IS higher; bulk high choir and prim stews HaO-13 7; load of prim 111 lb. .7S; bulk choir steer M M-ll.tS: good to low choir 110-SO 13: rbatr and prim heifer 1 7VH 30; good to sow choice 17.00- SAVE til gav , a. , Statpsmm, Salem, Or, Thur June 23. 5fl (Sec Tenth Victim Dies After Jet Crash MLWeTtoUS -The tenth victim el the fiery trash of a jet plane into a residential district here June t died Wednesday night. The latest victim iu Jennifer Kieffer, IS. daughter of Mr. and Mrs Vincent Kieffer. She suf fered burns over 71 per cent af her body. Six died in the crash wreckage adjacent to Wold Chamberlain Field Three playmate criticalty burned with Jennifer and her brother. Jeffrey, 7. have since died. Jeffrey Is (till la critical condition. 1 30: utility and commercial row 10 7313 30; cannera and cutter ton II 00; bull 14 00-IOM: fond and choir vealers ISM-lfl.M: ruU to commercial lOMVUM: rommoa 110 lb. feeding steers 14. S3. Sheep IM: aprtnf lambs Mb I higher: slaughter sheep steady; bulk (nod t prune aprtnf lambs 10 00 13 M: cull to low good lamb 14 M; shorn slaughter w tOMM, 3.06 to 4.21 on Allstate Sturdy SAFETY TUBES Reg. 7.05 $95 to 8.20 9 Tough corrugated crown like valve in case of ture; lets air out .slowly to give you more time safer atop. N. Capitol Punctuation Puzzler Sfopr urummurians ! TACOMA - How it ycoj stack trp ia the Bagiisfc eearV i mem wna Arnenca s lo eauca tors? Delegates to the National Coa ference of Teacher Educatioa and rWessional Stitdardl vert asked to punctuate a intcKt. They didnt fare too weft. This is H: That that is is that that if Bot uBstMthattlutlaiaBot that that Is nor it that that is that that it aot The anawer, axrwclinj (a thtj teacher and without consult In a single newsman: ; That, that It, it; that that .at not. Is not: but that, that ts not, is not that that is: aor it that, that is, that that is not New wasn't that that case (that i.i Canada'( province) at Ontoris touches lakes Sirperktr. Buna, Erie) and Ontario. Cap Pistols ' nd Ammunition for the kiddie eccenv piniod by parents with each new Hrer purchased. c.. nunc for Phone 3-9191 BU-BhaSKafaBil--i