C$-Sc IV) Statesman, Salem, Or, Tliur, June S, "58 V Labisli, Vista, Rotary Teams Notch B Loop Victories Labisk frtrter blanked the Bergi kfarket team s-t for the latter t Br ktt af the Mason. VuU Mar ket tallied H 1-1 fictory ever Xi Drrre-ta ud the Satan Rotary edges! the Salem Liens 4-1 ta Salon Junior RaafbaQ Class B Leafut fan sYestoeaday. The Bert's lou dropped that dub Inte fir place tie with Vista Market ia the fundings. La bisk Center'i via give that out Ct 1-1 record. Salem Rotary o Us 1-1. Si Drive Ii ia the Br dirisoa el the standings. Paa Vettlina hurled the Labisb shutout, whiffinj 14 Berg's batters and aBowinf only tin kits. They vera by Ehia Payater sad Dick Khi(. the Berg's battery. Hits by Oaa Lewery sad Warm lieliaski, plus aa erre. gave Labish two runs ia the third. Chris Hornvhuck doubted ta two snore ia the fourth and thea singled ta the fifth ia the sixth inning. 'The only J'l run came off Vance Young ia the first, oa a kit batter, a stolea bete sad Bill Newaora's tingle. Vista scored fife runs ia the third ea hits by Curtis Wslker. Dave SeRine, Vance Young. Dick Lott and Jim Clark. Lett and Se Rine each had two hits in the fields Matter Service of Xeher st West Salem, aad Nameless Mar ket laces Jacksoa Jewelers , st Barrick Ne. 1. Only two garnet are oa the schedule. a : V. gsme. Toung lannm eim pitching hit two-hitter. The winning Rotary rua came at the fifth whea Deaais Dodge busted It across after a wslk. wild pitch and infield eut. The lion had tied the score st S-3 ia the fifth whea losing pitcher Clea Vanderhoof tripled in a run. Bill Beerse't hit figured In the 1-rus fourth inning for the Lions, and Lance Haielbakeri bingle helped the Rotanant" two-run fourth alto. Each team had three hits and the victory was pitched j um Um k. u...lH.b.- i Salem Rotary i . . . n ....... it Gl" VaneWrhaoi ana) Janaaa. In tonights C League garnet ,,;r, cordon ti; Um alaaaitakar clock i, West Salem Uons pieyiand Mrk Nwtwli. Bert t SM ON S S t I Lahisa, M Ml I 1 1 Elvm IHratcr an Dtrk Klu; Dtaa W'eatilBf aaas Caw atoMM. VltU MM. til lt I S S I J i Dnva-U let lot S 1 t S Vans Ymf and ko KiaikaU: till !iina. tfika Mills Hi. Una Par atr (1 aa Chtark Saatndta. lis a s l 4 let tie 4 I i Quarterfinals Next in Meet KMr Tom JIM Wins rIn Salem Oub Play .The quarterfinals round in the aalem Women's Golf Association Miniature Tournament was reach ed. Wednesday, following a full day of action at the Salem Golf Club. The quart erfinalt are to be played next Tuesday, July 1 ia yesterday's plsy wins were tafcea by Mrs. Sid Levene, Mrs. Frank Burlingham, Mrs. George Sqales, Mrs. Sid Schechtman, Mrs. Gdorge Ross. Mrs. William H Attains, Mrs. Glens Hamilton, Mrs. 0E. Maxfield, Mrs. James Cook anil Mrs. Frank Nicholson. iteet officials announce the pair init for next week as follows: Li verse vs. Scales, Rots vi. Adams, Hsmilton vs. Msxfldd, Cbnk vs. NetUetoa. in Wednesday's special Match vfc Per tourney, Mrs. Tom Hill -wdn the championship flight with s.jninus 1 plus score. Mrs, Ken nfcth Vollmar won Class A with a 3 In us I, Mrs. Glenn Stevens wst winner with a minus par, Mrs. Charles Gray woa Class C with minus 4 and Mrs. William Ham ntpnd woa Class D with minus I. Jdji. Stevens' net 71 won for ber the regular Johnson Store priie. " Jtrs. Reynolds Allea won a prize Hit closest to pin on the No. I hble and Mrs. H. A. Simmons won another tor closest'on No. I. Priies ako went to Mrs. Tom Hill for llpgest drive oa the No. 1 bole ahd te Mrs. Morris Crothers for lMgest on No. 10. !t has been announced that the Ksband-Wife tourney slated for ' JjSy 1 hu been postponed to July It; Those entering should contact Urs. Glenn Stevenson. , -f : Mrs. Bennett ops in Meet Mrs. Elmo Bennett of the Oak Noll Women's Golf Clubfoot a a4t 17 Wednesday to become tar PIGEST RELEASING FISH CaKEL(S9 RSHaMMBN WHO JERK UNOCRWZeD OS) UNVVArT CO FISH Oe A HOOK TO TMBOW BACK atvHJSm'TMCM MTALLV. fit To PSJSVfNT NitDUS WSSTSI Of UNDaRSI7BO Off UNMMNTEO fish, pom souacza a Mm SOOV WMH.I CARBFUkty wso SN6 A HOOK FPBM ITS MOUTH. 0 hook it m ej. ost a swauow ko,cur lsadcr at the up rr HOSTS AMtf IN DUE T1MI. THEN HOLO FISM UPRWHT W CALM MA- Te. ano acMny mo it sack AMD FOFtTH 10 WOFM SW-LS. LET fish swwt ajMsy At rt acotm Archie Moore Rated at Top Laoit" Day Low Met Tournament. Cftise behind with a net M was Kre, Ha Price.'.also of Oak Knoll. Colleen Burns of McMinnvllle beaded that group of special visit ers for the day, shooting a net 41. Cate Jacks and Maxine Brooks of the McMinnvllle club tied for the runnerup spot with net 42s. The McMinnvllle group wss in vited to plsy in the meet by the Oak Knoll women, and lunch was held at the "Y" Cafe. American League Cincinnati Leading Pack . . Few Repeaters Likely As Star Game Starters NEW YORK ur t'nlesi there Is a last minute switch ia the votes to be counted, the National League lineup for the July If AU Star game at Washington will cot include a single 1955 starter. With five Cincinnati Redlegs in the lead and tnree otners in sec nd plsce. men like Red Scboen- . . ... dienst. Duke Snider, Ernie Banks, MbADOWb ENTRIES Theyll Do It Every Time " By Jimmy Hatlo r03 OMrf CUT I r cm Ct4L MC JUST ONB uano x cm Piwty wrrvi. WU.V4? THRE HOURS. AND X KLaVeNT WON A XVI HAD ALL Nl&VTT IS A P4IR Oft TREV5-GOSW 3 DOTT Ml NO &H&. ("sob) ip i Oetuy ST y UTTLI ACT X -rv-tm iie In. raJv-J Ml auTI WUTU utrl w a I r .. .-.st- fma uar i a KA.iArr v i un a uakvcdc. m SSP AXLt KCT 6CTS TW t 1 TO fWCK UMLE&S MS J . m n fvassataai w- m-m w - , . , . ji i r-aaa, u rfarm a ft ai ka -t-rv AMD A V4CKT OUT C 1 X--r-Y U 111 WlVmrr 4VifWiK FDPCTWEB MLL-J mnm iimKAl, at rttril 1 1 III mil li maJ-T lTI l 1 1 a -rL a Listening td twe weeping wkxie op the club poke? game a6 he SOPTENS UP THE BOYS 7uN ioi 1011 MMnM MATT IV Fm Wrrr KuCkwH, JWaugaari - Roy Campanella and Kddie Math ews may be on the outside looking in. The American League vote, on the other hand, will show the 1955 lineup intact, with one exception. Portland M.idow.. ThurUy. foil George Kell of Baltimore it lead Tim t pui.; 1 : . v. i... a -i i: MM), all srada C. uo yda. 1. O Nal Hobln. A. siwrman I. PPPr Grain, F Smothers 1. Sorrel Sammy. S. McDowell 4. Buddy Moody. L. Knowles I General Dink. P. Holley . 4 Stormy Van. H. tart . 1. Goldy Babe, H. Herr I. Okit Twmter. Woods I. Sayles Tim, 1. Boa Finigsn of Kansas City Although the balloting ended in , last week, votes still are being J counted in the office of Commis niision'er Ford Frick. Final returns Olympic Oar Trials Tennis Titles e.,s ( Tlo,JDecided Here Polly Riley Leads Yank Troupe in British Wins Sl"NXINGDALE. England I- PoDy Riley, a little Texaa, sank two great putts oa the 18th green Wednesday to reach, the quarter finals of the British Women's Amateur Golf Championship in a day of upsets and rhubarbs. Polly joined three ether Ameri cans Margaret iWtfG) Smith of St. Clair. Mich , Mary Ann Down ey of Baltimore and the surprising Mary Pattoa Janssea of Char lottesville. Va Missing after two rugged rounds ever the SOOiytrd Sunningdale course were the defending cham pion. Mrs. Jessie Valentine of Scotland; the American champion, Pat Lesser of Seattle; the 1954 Ameriran ehamnioa and runn roriiana up to Mr,. Valentine in the tour scored two runs, one of them pro- nament last, year Barbara Ro tested, in the seventh inning to, mat, o( Sacramento. Calif., and take Hs second straight victory, Mrs. Bunty Stephens Smith, twice over Pacific Coast League-lead- -inner and twice runner in ia tha Beavers Again Dump Seattle Wt1 Hurls Win A Slid Bow, 4-3 ing Seattle. 4-1, Wednesday. In Wednesday's ether PCX games. Hollywood defeated San Francisco, J-l; Sacramento nip ped San Diego 4-3 as George Ris ley drove ia the winning run in the 10th inning, and Vancouver British championship. Mrs. Valentine went nut rather bitterly after losing five holes in a row and a 4 and S decision to Miss Janssen in the third round Wednesday morning. The tinv Srnttish rhamninn taut took the first game of a double-;iht dVed to lose but that she bleheader from Los Angeles. 4-1. was -boding insiee'' because Miss st attls (i) (4 eoBTi.AND'Jans," hd sept taking practice bhoa b H o A swings while she was trying to Blma.m ll t Young s I i i 3 line up her shots. Mrs. Valentine f.",' Mi? o.V.I,1.' J i .i Iisa'd lh put her off her game. Taylor r a t s t Craweii.l l i i t j Sprayed drives brought dowa orteiax s i i i cidron.c 411 I Kj,s l.vr in the alternooa round She bowed. 4 and i, to SmtthJ (.lynn.l Otian.l 4 111 Baxet.l 4 J I m a a I c.aii h. I .a till i.iuriia 4 I t j 'Angela Ward. l-year-old English 195 team in the three-day Olympic trials starting Thursday on On ondaga Lake. wi mi 111 ft rp pvnM-tpH hv tho wMknH Tha' BJ n. r- I I.maaI Jn , eight starters are selected by fan races mi cat vote with pitchers and other mem- Three court tennis champion ships were decided in the Begin- SYRACl!SE. N. X. Uf Navy't iniury iinxed Admirals and the ners' Doubles class Wednesday. Cinderella" pair of Chuck Logg Jr., and Tom Price America's two city tennis director Del Ramsdr!! Shioca.p l s l t Werie p 4 t i Curtis Cup player who wasn't con I95J Olympic rowing champions open their drive lor berths on the announced last night. i.-stpni lost idcred good enough to make a At the Knglewood Court the , Jann.p mi traveling junior team a lime over li ll U. ,,n hv hit. Shnforrfl fc-pn S t t , ypar j0 The largest field in the history 'alK, Di)nny ran,pb(.i ln , n de of the trials 71 entries and 2 mjon over Glb Gllmore ,nd Mlke oarsmen and coxswains-will bid TrW f,m, .rf ,hu. N. or the regular positions and , fjd ,or ,hf c, champjon!lhjp. ,0 four alternate places on the team . Frdav a( , a m M ,h. journeying to Melbourne. Nov. K- , PlavRround court.. Dec. I There are seven events, .. , .... u.; Arnie Sowell 1. Billy Scoot Borlrk A. Sherman . 1. Cat Clam, S. McDowell 4. Notation, B. Holler . .. I. Dr. rioaa. L Know let 4. Our Mary Lou, A. Duncan 1. Rebob. J. Boat I Lao Bly, O. Diaon - ytar-oldi and up. S (urlonfi. I. Nillo Relfh, S. McDowell I. Irrant Prince, L Knowles. 1. Terminal V..' R Hollay 4. Country Jack. I. Miller I Mr. Baza. G. Dixon . Bricks Pride, P. Hldalfo 7. foreign Maid. G. Simonli I. Stale Skrip. A. Sherman .... I. Smoky's Doll. L. Dalei 10. Won t Tell D. Heruhaw I k ..IU SM..II - Arnie , j ! ship was won Wednesday ty Gale coxswains, I n- L, l--t A I. S.. .1 U- fm.wA t. Inn tkA (toA tit this Bl ft ,UUI DIUUinil S TlHIttr AlSlUn Ul Ifir iu w mtr ikiu iii i""- i ,i l ...:t. ' I National end New York's Cssey meter run in the Olympic tryout. , n s rnir ine American. - tins we.-ririi anu bw un iu ni i?? 115 11 The current standing. ,how cJ' 8old in th bl ames Hl"? ah" , " . . T V . in a.i.ir.ii. bow -me Aamirais, cinnati w..n live leaaers: secona,-" . , . MMr brought from all comer, of the baseman Johnny Temple, Short- But a scattering of experts ' d . . o. u.u ii.. t:.Ml.iimki . Kit ..t o. ih I i m h Mr,B ,or c"' lry ' amateur iFrsnk Rohinson, center fielder I Wednesday and predicted that sports' greatest prize, and the i.'o nisi in 3 .c r in niu m.w. " - - , 1 1 . , t-. . , . i. . . 114 Seipp ar.d Del Ramsdell Jr , over Dave Kwen and Rick Riffle. S-l. At Richmond the title went to N'orval Boedigheimer and Ray who were ('ean Eggelston. 6-2 over Dick Lamphere ancl Handy nerpont. Champions and runnersup are to be decided Thursday., on the West Salem, Kairmoiint and I.esli" courts. The 12 teams qualifii'd by the preliminary play on neighbor 1-oral Archrr Win . Janaen.p 0 0 b- Pdbln t t t j Touli 1 9 M 10 Totals 34 t It II a Grounded out lor Fracrhia Ith. b Ran lor Orteif In tth Seattle oio inn dott- s Portland loo 00 m- 4 E Ta.vlor RBI-Carwell 1, Glvnn. Smith. Orteit IB-Ijttrell. Young jlxon. SB Smith, Borkowakl HR Canwell. Ortels SB Ta.vlor S- kowjki; Baxea. Young and Borknw- 1 v snow mnnuay. irim-ri ivn ski i.i-rt--Seattle 1: Portland in hh. lmgsworth was first among sen- olf Sihaltok 3. Werle 2. Pracrhia o.n., Vntnn (,h ER-Rrhaiiock l-l. Werie 3-3. frac- among junior boys, John Thomp- rhia 2-0. Janien -0 Hits off-Srhal-lork t In 4 plua: Fracrhia t in 1. Janien 0 In 1 HP B--Ta.vlor bv Werle W -Werle 1.-Sthallork S-3 I' Ford. C'arturcl and Ashford. T 1 21 A 4 413. Four Salem junior trrhers won prizes in the Robin Hood TV Archery Tournament for the Portland Salem area this week, and appeared on a special KOIN- (Caat. frara preceding page) ranked No. 10 among the fly weights, st Montivideo, Uruguay. Al Toronto. Nat Fleischer, edl a t m I . ..J 4L. lor 01 mng raagaiine, saiu inr rourth ,,im. maldana, pursa Winner 01 me MOOre-rarser scrap sew. 4-year-oldi and up. lunonga. should meet Floyd Patterson of New York, second rsnked. for the world hesvyweight crown, prob ably in September. Patterson re cently defeated Tommy "Hurri cane) Jackson, Fsr Rockswsy, N.Y., who was dropped to No. S in the hesvyweight rankings. Pst terson. sn Olympic champion, had been listed high among the light heavyweights, and In recent months wu well up In the world heavyweight list Genaaa Rated High aVVaW4lMt4a lW.Altm' Maw York Sit SIS 0- I I 1 Kansas City Sit 000 000 I I 1 Sturdlvant, Morgan iti and Bar ra; Dilmar and Thompson. Baltimore 834 200 002 00 11 19 1 Cleveland 100 110 011 01-11 17 t Wight, Fornlelea (4), Brown ill, and Gaitall. H. Smith till: Carrta. Mr. Llah 11), Houtteman 131. Feller (Si NarlaakJ it), Moaat (101 and Avenll. Homa runs Baltimore, Francona. Williams. Cleveland, Roaen. Washington SM IAS 011 S I 1 Detroit 000 000 001 111 Wlealar and Courtney; Lary. Maas ill and Wilton. Homa runt Wash lngton. Runnels. Detroit, Maxwell. ropean light heavyweight cham pion, wst rsnked No. 1 challenger te Moore in that division. Gene Fullmer of . West Jordan, Utah, who has been clamoring for a title shot sgsinst middleweight cham pion Sugar Ray Robinson, wst tabbed as No. 1 challenger. Duilio Loi of Italy, who knocked out Spain's Fred Gsllsna, Euro pean featherweight chsmplon, was moved up as no. i ensuenger to lightweight champion Wallace IBud) Smith of Cincinnati. Hogan (Kid) Bassey of Nigeris was moved up into the No. 1 spot behind Sandy Saddler of New York, the featherweight champion. Carmen Basllio of Syracuse snd Teny DeMarco of Boston, both former welterweight tttienoiaers, were ranked Not. 1 and 2 behind Johnny Saxton of Brooklyn. 1. Tippy Tin, J Boat 1. Mr. Fourth, L Dalea I. Evil Lou. A. Dunt-an 4 The Shield. R. Holley 5 Ready to Go, D Henahaw I. Money Clip. A. Sherman 1. Split Dectaton. P. Hidalto I. Zeewar, M. Houghton t Burnlru, R. Lannoltl 10. Amorto, G. Simonli Fifth race. "Powder Pull Derby". nune 1700. 4-yar-olda and up. urlonga. 1 MhA Wrtne K. Walah IS' 1. Ampullar. D. Roblnton 127 1. TIo, R. Sandera 117 4. Lost Cherrtea, C. Deaa - 117 J. Omieron. C. Campbell J" I. Bunbeg. S. Pleraon 117 ii. zewss.. scnoenaienst Bankt and wui uPs ine smomn rm... ... of v s olympj(. r(jwng : hood tmirts nwH Frjday at jjg ; HIOIIICWS III IMC IlllieiU Willi VTl """T'l w.ivw iwwm Hf " . ipe 114 r.nnis, . snioer ana uon Mueller in saiuroay iiinnwm m mrmv ! the outfield and Del Crandall rial Coliseum. w ! ..:- l. . " v INcaicning Decausi tampaneua was One proourtney samirer was arpd ..r,w. infu(ijne Yale and n.m a u..k s.. T.' , , Dm" Cromw"' 1948 hMd. coach Cornell, rated by the experts as ; felt downed Carl and Gene Shaw Mickey Mantle of the Yanks still of the United States Olympic team on , p,r with tnf SWeepswingers 1 . and j0hn liidkin, and Ron was the top vote getter with 118.-1 and who this spring has been su- . k uinn than fiK-mnie lani-aiU in a. .a t r i n . lis 03 for center field on the Ameri- i pervising training of armed force. , w'"r " " .vicitiiiiirn ciiiraieo njtrry Merreu ' can tide. Next wt, catcher Yogi ' athletes . ,4 I f ((hlKhk Ramid'' fi,4 !! Berra of the Yanks with 111.522. rr.rawell See. WI. , T.njfc Urat Heat ; j,m ( ogbi.rn and Dick Alexander nj Shortstop Harvey Kuenn of Detroit Tked.bt Courtney's chances ! u. , rW ifu 1 ' .! ."'" " S1 had 103 386 i A,KM MU' " cnanc"' Washington and Stanford in the, Wayne Afeiigar after defeating i t.romwe reDiiea urmiv: ft.ct ka..t Ari n .t n n m pt l- ir j i - - . I don t think he wiU win, 1 Val( j, pitted igaln,t wisconsiniAllni Fine and Butch Gardner know he will. lan(j the extremely light, makeshift play Darnell and Met .gar for first While aware that Courtney has Detrjoit Boat Club eight in the oth-'piatr ,t l,e?iP on Thursday, never beaten Sowell in an outdoor er heat. I race. Cromwell continued: The first two in each heat will SPOKES BEAT LIB BY son was third in the latter group and Kathv Dawson was third imong junior girls. All received placques There is a chance that Killings worth may be picked to compete in the national meet at Lake- 1.1BBV, Mont, if Spokane of wood. N J , in August, since he the Northwest League beat the nutted such a hieh score in the dinger for play to pick the Salem I Libbv town team 9-3 in an ex- area tourney. The Admirals have to beat off , City Beginners' champion for 1956. hibition game Wednesday night as the challenge of six other eight-1 in preliminary plav at Fair- Ronnie Jackson usually the Ind- The first preakness was run May ian second baseman, allowed only 27. 1873 at Pimlico race track Hi eight hits. i Baltimore 119 ll 114 .Olympic Meet Slated on TV 1 14 W.lh race, claim. (ISO0I, purie tfiOO, t-year-olde and up. furlongs. I. Stan Clara. . lannottl Ill 1 Rollins Hope, H. Herr lit S F.iforta Girl. R. Hnlley . 114 4. Ailonaon. B. B. Hopkins I. Icarus, J. Boag I. Big Sale. L. Knowles 7, El Pat, D. Hemhaw I. Slick Pigeon. W. Phillips I. Hot Bug. F. Smothers IS. Simon-Peal, O. Dixon Seventh rapt, claim. (IS00). purae MOO, FSiM, 1-year-olda and up. lurlongi. 1 Tannice, L. Dalea I. Frances Q.. W. Phillipa 1. Princess Aleah. H Herr 4 Homelv Hollv. G. Dlnon i. Black Alamode, D Hemhaw I. Roman Rice, S McDowell 7. Main Gal. R lannottl I. His Afie, P. Hidalgo I Capltola. L. Knowlei 10. Hapy Laae, J. Breckona . Portland television station KPTV will carry the finals of the United States Olympic Trials Saturday afternoon, from Los Angeles Coli seum. The two-hour live sports Tom is just now growing up Qualify for the Friday afternoon ()() Hp (,ivMl as a runner. vnv, ne aDsoiuieiy '"'-' win uu m. flew those last 40 yards at Bakers-j meet in a repechage 'second rnp U'otnl I ill r field and made a lot of good'fhance heat Friday morning with ! " ""(, sprinters look like they w ere me nrsi two aiso qiiamying tor standing still." Cromwell referred to Courtney's 4S.8 in the 400 meters in the Na na program win go on tne air st I tional AAlr, a new meet record. Il'io.m. and will he carried hnlh I ft II- Sl. Al-Vtl a a. i,iaua fna- : nc i an uic itw am a iinicup iui the semi-finals. The first two in ,r-x r.i.A.u r - for lotting each temi-final will qualilv for hl,mspl( bp ol" at 5rrnn te Saturday afternoon finals. Iceland outfielder Gene Wood- Fa.arlt,. Plrk.H Wa finfd ,m W,nM&-V color and black-and-white, The first three competitors plac ing in each event will represent the United States in the Olympic Games at Melbourne, Australia in late November and December. Top American athletes, representing colleges, AAU teams and the Armed Forces will compete in Los Angeles Friday and Saturday .in PCL Line Scores purie National League Vi.hth rare, claim. liBOOl ssno S.vear-olda and up 1 mile 1 Chief to-ea. r niaaigo m I. Mlomond. G. Dixon 111 J Rooter Prince. S McDowell 121 4, Wne Word. D Hcnshaw 1IS 5 Mr Sprague r, Simonli IIS I. Pnny Buater. J Breckona 121 Ninth rare, claim 111.0001. pure SfillO, -year-olda and up. 6 lurlonas (IS Innings) Sacramenlo 00.1 ono 000 1 4 I 1 Ban Diego 000 too 110 0- 3 t 1 , Harriet, Beardan Hi. Otenbaugh (101 and Batch; Mesa. Gettet Hi, Nerrara 110. Hoik Ins (10i and St. Claire, Aatroth (101. San Francisco 100 000 SOS I 1 I Hollywood ono aoo ou I i i Surkont, Ahemathy Ki. R. G. Smith III and Sullivan; Naranjo and HaU. 1 rtrst sm! tot Angelas 108 000 0 t 0 Vancouver 1(10 0.10 4 1 0 Thorp. Adams (Si. Fodg III and Tappe, Hannah (1); Baamon and Romano. ClnclnnaU (Kin (XII 090-10 11 1 Plttaburgh 001 000 100 111 Lawrence. Freeman ill and Bailev. Friend. Arroyo III, J. O'Brien ii and KravlU. Horn Runs Plttaburgn. Kraviti. Vllwaukee 010 000 200 005 7 0 Philadelphia 010 010 001 01 ISO RDahn. BurdetU III and Rice: Had dix, Meyer i7l. Owenn iti, Nesray mi and Semlnick. Home Rune Mil waukee lxigan. Aaron Philadelphia Jonea, Seminick. Lopata. 0004 ISO S T null 012 New York 000,000 000 0 Poholiky and Smith; Antonelll. Mr- Pa II i4i RlnziK hi. ijnieiieio in Conatable ifli and Sarnl. Horn Buna St Louit. Bojer m. smiin Chicago 000 000 110-17 2 Brooklyn 0(11 400 Olx 1 9 0 Ruah. Low Si and Landrlth; Crali Beaaent iti and Walker. Horn Runi Brooklyn, Furillo. V 114 110 119 US 114 1 IB ' " .1.- llO.ine iriais. Field events will be televised at various times during the Saturday program. The track events are scheduled for these approximate times: I p.m., KOO meter (inals. 1:10, 200 meter dash. 1 30, 3000 meter steeplechase. 1 45, 400 meter run.- 2 05, 110 meter high hurdles. 2 20, 200 meter dash final. 140.1 1500 meter fintl. 2:30, 400 meter final. the 800 this week. Yankees Trim Athletics 5-2 Actually only one of the seven crews expected to be Detroit will fail to make the semi-finals The Admirals. Yale and Cornel and either Washington or Wis consin, were the choices to reach . the four-crew final. ' The draw, however, still was the target of blasts bv Navv's American League President Will Harndge. With rain threatening. Woodling tried to speed up Sunday s game so they could finish the 4'i in nings required for an official con test. Cleveland had a five-run lead. So. when he got on first, he 1 rr .j4 Snu.Ae.r4lr anonn1 ean4 ta a at Coach Rusty Callow, Washington's ,. , ... ,,.i, i ,n . i.. ini. v. . thrown out easily by the catcher. Al 'Dutchi llbnckson and for-... ., (Continued from preceding page! myt stork Sanford, Wednesday . " ',. rt:-i : n II ... u ........ . ovi.vii. over cmcmnaiis cruicg-i, w n o lheJr maintaineI that ale and scored nine runs in me eigmn in- Wisconsin I j IMPORTANT NOTICE I ! Salem, Oregon OPEN TONIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m: Shop Every Department For Fabulous Grand Opening Feature Buys ! ! will have breeze in lll-Z. avainst Delnut while their crews i!' 'S Lopata's shot over the left field wln havf t0 R0 an out in tne talent , FREE STORE-SIDE stands was oil losing relieter f,r- a(j,,n (jrst heat me Johnson and was the tilth home run of the game. Willie PARKING FOR OVER 1,000 CARS Bilko Continues As Swatting King SA.N FRANCISCO m - Steve 1 Count Clno, 1 Bna 121 J. Wire Trouble, R Holley Ul J. Fondalu, G. Dixon . ... 11 4 Skeeta Beet, L. Knowles Ul 5 Pala Picture. W. Phillipa lis I Sir Lou. L. Dalea '11 7 Peaceful Pasa. S McDowell 11S I Sahrlna. P. Hidalso US I Lilly's Chief, D. Hemhaw 116 Tenth race, claim. HSOOi. purae .nm r nv.Lini.U m Meve rence his 10th victory. The Ked-!o fill) t j-year-olds and up 1 mile . Bilko of Us Angeles, the terror ofi W hart sis hit in (he rally and l)N 11 ill 1(MU I OHl l Sped Henry,' w! Phillip. . . un I Pacific Coast League pitchers, were supported by four errors, 3 l.itie Ca.tr Hidalto ... . iJ5j still tops PCL batters as he hat two by second baseman Spook Ja-j SPKINGFIKLD. Ore. P -Bill I co"nt"Aoe L. Know'ea ' TH ill j for wwk P"'- cobs, to chase Bob Friend with Dellinger, I'niversity of Oregon's i. Mane Gold', s McDowell U3, The giant right-handed first! his fifth defeat. Gut Bell. Frank ! distance runner, will' teach biolojtv I Two' CoiS.nnft'. Dix"10"" ill i bas,'man is al lhe head of tne !i,.t. Robinson and Stan Pah s each 1 and physical education at Spring- . captain Riaky, D. Hcnshaw mis perccniagewise. wun a oaiung drove in two runs in the wild in- field High next tall 10 Hindu Eclipse. E. Miller .. Ill 11. Jatl Es. C. Dixon "a 12. gam Jones. T Sumlhers 113 Mendou t Selection '. tl'oatlaued from preceding page) Other will ne the F Hydros (80 miles per hour), 48 cubic inch In boards (90 milei per hour) and stock 136 cubic Inch Hydros (80 milei per hour). In order la lure these bigger twlfties to the party, the ; WRD bratt put up cash purses of from $50 to $104 for each ' heat, and there will be at least It such heatt. Folkt along the river had best keep their back doors locked (luring that afternoon, for tuch speed at that expected of tome of the power craft nay bring 'em right on into the house KJeper Proven North wett Hat Good Onet Too Additional proof that the Northwest is certainly coming into Itt own ai a producer of topnotch auto racing drivers was pro vided last Sunday in Portland when Johnny Kieper grabbed off the 200-lap NASCAR victory. He beat tome Grade A "outsiders" In the gruelling event, including Herb Thomas who has three timet won the ttock car racing "World henes at Darlington, S. C. Kieper If Pertlander, and Bet unlike all before him hank ers te one day have a mount ia the Indianapolis "500" classic. 1 Te aa ate racer, driving in the "tndy" parallels the hope of Just about every baseball player te play for the New York i Yankees. " In the meantime. Valley Sportt promoter Ron Ail intends hav n Kieper among those present at Hollywood Bowl for the Fourth ef July ttock car rtres here. And in the time Oldsmobllt in which m woa tM Is Aa t An even; aunaay. Thuradav, Pott Time I p m 1 Sorrel Sammy. Okie Twister. General Min 1. Notation. Rebob Dr. rioaa 3. Foreign Maid. State Skrip, F.r rtnt Prince. 4, Money Clip, Brady To Go, Amor lo. I. Tlxo. Lost Cherries, Miaa Puffv Icarus. Slick Pljfenn. Hot But 7. Roman Bica, Main Gal. Happy a lass S Booster Prince. Miomond. pennv Buster Fondalu, Pals Picture. Peareful Pass. 10 Georfla Glnnv. Captain Riskv. Jetta Fs fcF.ST BETt Fondalu-nth Race. LONGSHOT Capitols 7th Bace. average of 402: he leads in home ning. Principal Dale Parnell laid runs with 31. in runs batted in,! Danny Kravitz hatted in both Dcllincer is not being named track at M, and he is tied with hirteamlBuc runs with a homer and a sac-1 roach now because he wants to mate. Gene Mauch, second base- Tide Table? TIDES rOB IAIT OREGON (Compiled by I! S. Coaat and Geodetic Survey. PorUand. Oregonl rime HetRnt Hlfh Waters June ft. 27 2 na a m. S7 3 S2 p m S 2 21 2 47 a m. M 4 M p m. i 21 3 .14 a m. 4 s 5 n? o m S S 30 4 .13 a m 4 3 S 42-p m i 7 rifice fly Infielrier Johnny O'Bri-1 retain his amateur status in hope en pitched the ninth for the Pi- o( competing in the Olympics, rates, fanning two and not allow- Dellincer was graduated Irnm ing a hit Springfield in 1952 and Irom the university this spring. Pitchrrs lodav h Time Heitht Low Waters ft 109 am. .0 5 S IS p m. 2 3 9 30 tm -0 1 in II p m. 2 1 10 14 a m. 01 AMI HK AN I K .l t: 11 13 p nw 1.0 ; Detroit al Knn.sa Citv Trwrks 10 S3 a m 0 7 ! 1 1 -2 va MrMahnn i - . i Oniv game achedulrd NATIONAL I.EACil'F Brooklyn al New York Ihman 12-11 vs. Worthlnlnn i.l-Si Cincinnati at Pillshurnh Jeffcoal (O-Oi vs. Munser il-ll. FREE ESTIMATES On Floor Coverings NORRIS-WALKER PAINT COMPANY 1710 Front Phone 4-2279 POSSIBILITY: Aumsville Wins AUMSVILLE (Special) Home runs by Gary Downer in the sec ond inning and Frank Marlatt in the nxth helped the Aumsville American Legion Junior Baicball team to a 93 district win over the Mill City Juniors Wednesday night at Mill City. Marlatt hurled the win also, giving two hitt and fanning 18 bitten. The win put Aumsville into first place in the standings, since Salem Inst at Silverton Wednesday night. Aumsville ...010 001 1205 8 4 Mill City ....000 010 0023 2 1 Marlatt and Speer; Garretson and Muir. You liaveift tasted life until you've tried Rainier Rainier jB9er SICKS' SEAOU BREWING & WAITING CO.. SCATTiE, WASH. U.S.A. a SICKS' SP0KANI MEWERY. SPOKANE, WASH. US A I Goes pointed out that it was a km Hr.t. a Is. I nmc I an1 an r. lones and Andy Seminick also sp(lfjp fM (hat snv. jrff-j nomprea or tne rn us. wno nea ., , , , .. . t, " . . ,. ,u , . . wav tne crrw s naa ncner get ac- it at 3 all in the ninth on a double by Jim Greengrass. Johnny li-i , gan and Hank Aaron homered for! Tna,' h' ? " nin 'h' the Braves. Ron Negray. the i Olympics and we re trying to find fourth Phils' pitcher, was the win-Ith .h"1 crfw tn t0 Melbourne, ner . n Ml- Cincinnati's big frame over! came a 21 Pittsburgh lead and i-j llj 'p i handed unheateh Rrooks Law- I 1 1 1 II 1? T I clK( n OPiN MONDAY AND FRIDAY 12:15 TO 9 P.M. OTHER DAYS 9:30 A.M. TO 3:30 P.M. '39.50 value! 1956 model! Dacron filled! Timberline sleeping bag s24.95 Marie for us exrlujiveiy. Sie 36"xfl0" with finest Pima nylon water-repellent cover. Ptd shiHow pUid flannel lining, double air mattress pocket, full 100" zipper Filled with 3-lbs. of finest crimped Dacron(S with special type quilting that prevents shifting or lumping. Very light weight, Mail and pfwnr orders. Fltin shipping, mil In arras outside our regular tnu k delivery route. SPORTS HEADQUARTERS -STREET FLOOR 1 n k f r aA i f -H tm