'J - 4 - S-(Sc. TIT) Statesman. Salm, Or,Tliur, June 2S, "35 11 Steel Walkout Would Gose Many Industries Quickly (Surf aba m paf . PITTSBCRGH. - The ap began as early as last January to build up reserve supplies. Custom ers were fully aware of strike Co said: "If there is a steel strike, well be able to take care of all the needs of our customers for the summer pack for at least eight weeks." Deep Wet DrilUag From the heart of the south western oil producing country, Both would be pinched by even a t mands. let akme get the steel out on time. The steel industry produced a record 117 million tons in 1955 and has been slightly ahead of that pace so far this year. short strike. Any curtailment of construction would mean imme diate unemployment for thousands of workers. proach of the ateei contract dead Kae raised bif question Wednes day: What would be the effect on other VS. industries If a ateei atriko developed Saturday mid lght? , For aame, Kke auto and home appUancet, a ihort ttrike would requira only minor adjustments, an Associated Press survey shows. Others, like the oil and building construction Industries, already are working with scant steel in ventories. They would be affected almost immediately by I a steel stoppage. Steelmen feel many customers I possibilities as well as inevitable ' increases in the price of steel. Day Saaaly Best available estimates are that a 30-to-CO day supply of steel of all kinds is on hand somewhere between the milBf and the fin ished products. But this total ton nage estimate dors not reflect the fact there is a critical shortage of some steel items now, and a A steel strike would throw a double-barreled jolt at the na tion's railroads. The immediate' effect would be a drop in freight traffic in finished steel and raw materials. The other mould be 1 though, comes word that just the j possibility of a strike already is curtailing new well starts and. deep well drilling. Oil men must; have equipment on hand when I they begin drilling. Steel producers, studying the ur-i gency of order demands, say that both the oil and construction in dustries are operating hand to i mouth on available steel supplies ! Five Stillborn Babir Born to Chinese Ladv TAIPEI. Formosa Uf-The Eng further delay in building needed freiRht cars Like Last Year Steel producers also feel that a lish language China News reported that Mrs. La Chin-Mei, 42. was delivered Tuesday of five stillborn girls at Chaochu. Southern For mosa. Mrs. Lo was reported doing well. possible surplus of others. The canning industry, for one. i says k had been preparing for the possibility of a steel stpke. I A spokesman for Continental Can strike would push them bark into the same predicament they were! in last year when the industry I was unable to meet customer de- X ft ' ft t t: j 't I q 4 ft' $ r I a f . j-.V, - villi ' i - l: I : .. ; it ll GOODYEAR'S Aon uiM jyvi wwevy s,ooot 3-T SAFETY SWEEPSTAKES See us for your entry blank now Nothing to buy 575 chances to win? folHlBft It1IV lt sTEMTCfcguMsiv i S-f.EIL(l!)210 S(y)i!i(y)gH3flMi Plus tax on 4 tirti It's not every day we can bring you a deal like this on brand new "First -choice" Goodyear the tire that car maker and motorists prefer. Check us and tee how you can put new J-T DtLuxt Supcr-Cuihioni on your car now at special saving! Tubdess, Tube -Type in both Black and White Sidewalk on Sale! Terms as low as l!35 weekly'. No need to waif flit firti that JUf'mtt '56 carisiT TUBELESS WHITIWAU I H.g.lor j Tr4. I SUCKWAU I .ular I Tra4in mi m trod- SAU Till in had- IAII llll Inprk.' FtlCI" Sill roprit. MICi" -40 11 $34.10 15.0 4.40 k IS J27J i 10.0 40 JI J4.4S 4.70 k IS 29.50 Il.tJ 7.10 k 1( 39.6$ Jf.71 M0J 32.35 m7i" 7.40 II 43 45 J1.40 7.40 k J 35.45 14.40 .00 IS 4S.35 14.3) 1.00 KjS 39.45 J4.40 ""30 k IS 50.10 37.40 S.30 IS 40.90 10.70 1 4.00 k 14 76 tTi 14.41 TUBE-TYPE WMIHWAU I Ktguler I Trd-ln I IIACKWAU I K.gulcr I Tr.rf.-li. TIM no trad. fl TIM rw trod.- SAll Sill inp,K' MIC1" Sill wpritt MICI" 4.40 k 1 1 MOJO t33.0 4.40 k tS 124.90 ) 1.70 4.70 a ll 32.05 1J.S 4.70 II 26.15 1f.41 7.1 O k 1 1 35.45 34.40 7.10 kJ 28.95 11.71 7.40 k 11 3875 1.01 7.40 K I I 31.65 13.71 .00 i 1 1 42.65 3 1 .41 1.00 k 1 1 34 80 14.1 0 8.10 M 44 40 31.30 1.10 11 36 25 17.10 Eoch Plu Tax Eoch Plus Tox ond Rtcoppoblt tire MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER KIND mm H9 to 12 fi1sitk T Pay $1500 (ASH GIVEN DURING JUNE! FREE Vhsle Pops .With Evtry Gasoline Purchas WhiU They Last GET YOUR MASTER MONEY TODAY trT frvr CENTER AND COMMERCIAL MARION AND LIBERTY COURT AND CAPITOL CENTER AND LIBERTY KEIZER DISTRICT GREEN STAMPS With Every Purchase $50,000.00 Stock of Nationally Famous Shoes Must Be Sold! Thousands of pairs of fine shoes from our regular stock must go regardless of loss. Regular brands YOU know mean QUA- LITY-including Selby, Foot Flair, Joyce, Debs, Town & Coun try, Winthrop, Florsheim, Airstep, Lucky Stride, Troyling and many others will be sacrificed. Hurry-prices good only while quantity lasts! Everything Goes , . . Nothing Reserved! We Will Open at New Location With All New Merchandise. UP TO 70 SHOE SAVINGS SalerrkSrore Expansion to cst $125,000 W, Occupy fay .nrr rrod Mrver rin- i " si 148 s. L.berty. ' Wi Th lAct . . 1 ! an in nd Betty KahLVl. M K nn. "'ill xinrrim . co-owners nf .k. "rpnse said rh. L tn' V II k. l. lne new tnr. Departrnr?Iari, ram7:7 eu1' "'ine Dro. nip npw - P'Pd to tart u,.tk " ex gust ( k.. .u " ' "dl" fI Au- Pletion. 7 "e ownFrs 'or com- to th n Women's shoes, children's shoes Not all sizes, styles or colors, but a terrif ic value at this one time, door busting price Hurry!- First come, first served. Values to 12.95 YOUR CHOICt : $ 1 00 Pair GROUP 1 WOMEN'S Dress and Casual Shoes VALUES TO 10.95 WHILE THEY LAST! $00 Nof All Sim GROUP 1 ODDS AND ENDS-MEN'S Oxfords and Casuals VALUES TO 12.95 WHILE THEY LAST I $00 Not All Sii GROUP 2 WOMEN'S Dress and Casual Shoes VALUES TO 12.95 WHILE THEY LAST! Not All Size GROUP 2 MEN'S Oxfords and Casuals VALUES TO 12.95 WHILE THEY LAST! $J00 GROUP 3 WOMEN'S Dress and Casual Shoes WHILE THEY LAST! VALUES TO 14.95 $00 U ALL SIZES! GROUP 3 MEN'S Dress and Casual Shoes WHILE THEY LAST! VALUES TO 16.95 $(5)00 GROUP 4 WOMEN'S Dress and Casual Shoes .WHILE THEY LAST! VALUES TO 18.95 SfolOO 7 ALL SIZES! GROUP 4 CHILDREN'S SHOES Mothtrsl Her r buy you cin't afford to miul Values to $7.95 $5)00 AJ ) Wh'U NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDSI SORRY ALL SALES FINAL OPEN MOM. & Fill. NITES 'TIL 9 r in 387 Court St. nncM m MOD. & FRl! MITCC 'Til 0 UIILJ III. 7