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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1956)
2-HSec. Ill) Statesman, SaWm, Or, Thur., Jun 28, "56 Tfl OUR NEW NDGHSOtl Allowed to t 0 , r-n A V T Y Stay in Italy By RICHARD EHRMAN NAPLES. Italy -Itly grants 1.1 1 I U' A 1. pouucn nun w niunwj iw Aladaar Szabo, Dm Hunf ariia wa ter polo tur. He immediately end ed brief hunger strike. Subs. 2X refused to lake any food Tuesday nijnt. He Mid he wanted to emphasize hi wish not to be ent back to bis Communist ruled homeland. "I dont want to die." be said. "Doat tend me back." Stabs skipped his ieam here Tuesday. He was right wing on the Hungarian water pole team which won aa International tour nament here a few days ago. The team is a favorite la Ihe coming Olympics. He was hidden ia a private resi dence under guard of detectives "while the Italian government con sidered the asylum request. ',0erJyed, "I am ever joyed." Siaho said whei he was informed asylum had been granted in I decree signed by Ferdinando Tramnroni Italian miniver of the Interior. A lop official of the interior jniiurtry, rho came here to head the inquiry into the Szabo case, told a renorter the Hungarian em bassy ia Rome "was continuing to make protp-ts." Made laqairy -But. we dont care." he added.1 "We wanted to make certfin Szaho wan't being planted on us. Tint's rh we made the investl gatiea. V'e arc convinced he is sincere In not wanting to go back to Communist dictatorship." Hi"grian team captain Bela R'V. "ho ale remaire behind, s'ent'My to se Sisbo. 1-ft Naple. this morning, reportedly for Home. An Interior ministry official said check would be made on Rajkf to be sure "that h he goes bark to Hungary, It i of his own free win." YY IA 14 MI Al Mv 1 l K k If w- CMPJMIS UVJ FROM YOUR FRIENDLY I mm m S opp ALLEN HARDWARE BARCLAY'S BROILER & DAIRY QUEEN CHAPMAN'S DRUGS CANDALARIA BEAUTY SALON ERICKSON'S ERMEL'S COLONIAL FURNITURE FRONK'S HOUSE OF CARPETS WALT CLAY'S STANDARD SERVICE n GRABENHORST BROS. J & D AUTO SERVICE MARTIN BROS. ST. CLAIR'S RICHFIELD SERVICE WESTERN SECURITY BANK MIC A IM A SULLIVAN'S BARBER SHOP TUM-A-LUM LUMBER VALLEY TV VISTA MARKET Use of Woler Cut Sharply In Las Vegas . LAS VEGAS, N. M. U-Water rationing was ordered here Tues day as continued drought reduced the city's water source to i bare trirtle. , The mayors of both o'd unit new Las Vegas each ordered rationing to begin today. They said that car washing and hosing down of pavements and walks must cease immediately. Watering of Gardens and lawns will bo restricted to one day a week. Waste of water in any form Will he Drasecuted. officials said. Manager Elmer i. -tfwropar the Public Service Co. said the rationing was ordered after city reservoirs sunk to new low levels, containing only JO days' supply at the past consumption rate. He said that the source of wa ter, Gallinas River, has all but dried This order, he said. Is the first , mandatory rationing in the town 1 since 1934. ' . I Outsize Texan Small Suit Clue for Cops CHICAGO IAPI-A size 39 suit on a size 44 frame got a Texan into trouble with the law Tuesday. Three detectives encountered Harry Owens, a 200-pounder, squirming uncomfortably in the too-tight suit at a street corner on the Near North Side. Owens looked 1 like a size 44, - at least, they thought., "Looks a bit small, stranger," observed Detective William Han hardt. Detectives Curtail "Got it from an uncle and it's the first time had it on. I'll change H in the car," replied Owens, 3. "Good idea," said Hanhardt. "Mind if we tag along?" The detectives found: in Owens' Car, parked nearby, a .44 caliber revolver: 100 bullets; a tear gas gun with three shells; 11 daggers; three switch-blade knives: lock picking tools and a lock puller, items commonly used by burglars. "My hobby is shooting." said Owens, explaining the firearm. Held for Investigation . "I throw daggers and knives to amuse myself." he said, explain ing those weapons. "I studied locksmithing," he said, explaining the lock picking tools. Hanhardt asked: "And how about the tear gas guns?" "I like to watch people cry," nufriH Ourenv Withithat. the detectives took Owens Into custody, without charge, for further investigation. Owens said he had been a medical secretary in a Dallas hospital until about three weeks ago. ALUN HARDWARE . CANDALARIA STORE 141 Alice Avenue SWIM FINS 175 v490. m. mt. . .asaw mm m wmv atf MASKS 99 SNORKLES 100.. VI ASKS wi,h ,ui,,in snorkib 3.. SO. Spinning Rod Reel and Line 9 95 CASTING ROD and REEL 675 1 DOZEN ASSORTED FLIES 1.25 We Have Model 88-30S Rifles Also Model 77-22 Rifles 1 3-HP Motor Regular 129.50 99.95 1 12-HP Motor and Cart Regular 363.95, Special 275.00 CLOSING OUT ALL BEDDING PLANTS 18" Rotary Mower ESU 54.50 20" Demonstrator McCulloch Twin Special . 134.95 21" King-0-Lawn Mower R.,ui.ri 79.95 99.95 Open Monday ceorgeT thru Friday Nights 'til 9 n r renny savers HI Alice Avenue w mm m and DAIRY QUEEN Featuring .... 0 Snioi'sasuiirflfi's and Short Orders 0 All Hairy Queen Specialties Save h These ' Specials $1.25 Reg. $2 00 Size Revlon Hand Lotion Nutri-Caps Vitamins $A QfJ Wllh Mineral J 9 W S With Minerals Nutro-Drops X Vitamia Drop 30 CC . 1.98 We Feature a Full Line of Men's MENNEN'S TOILETRIES CHAPMAN DRUG STORE 140 Condolorio Blvd. Phone 46873 We Give iJ.." Green Stamps Free Delivery Open 9 to 97 Days a W eek IVY RIDGE By Downs A Quality AII-Wool Wilton If you have been looking for an outstanding buy in carpet, this is' it. Ivy Ridge with its rich brush stroke texture will enhance the beauty of your home. Its low price for such outstand ing quality adds up to the best buy you have ever made. Available in Silver glo, Surf Green, Cham pagne, Willow Green, Tawny Spice, Woodland Green and Nutria. fRONK'S offer three houe plans showing for how little you may own this beautiful carpet. Pnce includes. Ivy Rdge carpet, Vmch Spongex rubber, and installation with Roberts Tackless Strip. 11 IX 14 " If! 7 PLAN A ft - 54 ... H 1 (Small House) . Total Price $590.00 $19.83 Nr Mo. Hall 12 II LR 7U Entry - DR n 7 11 Hall PR 4 w I lli 01 I'L A .N t I.R 19 PLAN B (largo House) Total Price $1250.00 $40.50 Pr rnonth No Down Payment - 36 months to pay on approved credit riAN t (average nouiej fQlJS OF CAR Total Price $80-$32.96 Pr month 273S SOrCARPtTS SComl. Phone 4-0313 fT ... Georjria-Pacific Purchases 2 Big Coast Timber Lois COOS BAY on Georgia-Pacific Cora, purchased almost 23 'i mil lion board leet of timber for the appraised price of $672,254 at the June sale of the Coos Bay office of the Bureau of Land Manage ment. The timber Is In two tracts in (he Sitknm area. The Cons Bay Lumber Co.. whose sale In (lew- fia-Pacific is reported pending, has a logging operation in the him area. I Why Settle lor Less! Her li Your Opportunity to Step Up to the Incomparable DUMONT TELESET Quality Standard of the Television World CP; t . - V 21" j, 1 HOME hfiA iiilajBMfMasklsajWigHpjMHi Here Is the Buy of the Year! 1 21 Inch I 1 DlllllOIll DilllVIT With Matching "Low Boy" Step Table Ensemble or Swivel Bate. Reg. $319 95 Now Only $24995 (limited Quantity) oil MoiiT T,u,y n' "cmac" 01 rv VALLEY IV (ENTER TOU OUAIITY miVHION STOM" 142 Candalaria Blvd. -Phono 2111 or 26921 Safe Deposit for YOUR Personal Valuables Ever worry about fir er tome other disaster striking your heme or piece of business? There it no need ti worry wen for just a few cents a day-you can hive a safe deposit box to safe guard all your personal valuables against loss or damage. They're available to you at anytime. Be wise, stop in today ano select a Safe Deposit Box to fit your requirements. Many of Our Friendly Customers Have Taken Advantage of Our Great STOCK RE DUCTON Why not you? You'll find many unbeatable bargains in top quality furniture. Remember . . . when we tell you "It's Maple" we mean an "Eastern Hardwood." EVERY ITEM IN STORE REDUCED.. .UP TO 50 OFF STORE FULL OF VALUES H 1 O A afl I .O 271 S S. Commercial Member f D. I. C. Gifts for the JUNE BRIDE Imperial Milk Glass Brass and Copper Plaques Hand Hammered Copper Spoon Racks Spice Cabinets Wall Shelves lamps and Shades Bavarian China Trivets and Sconces AT REDUCED PRICES Colonial Maple Rolling 4i Pin Letter Rack I 6 95 Milk Glass Hurricane J95 Lamp. Hubnail or decorated' 8 95 7 pc. Bavarian China 5 Cake Set. Hand dec. . .. V 69.50 Deacon's Bench 54.95 129.50 Corner Desk . 105.00 32.9$ 29" Bar Stool .19.95 27.50 Step Table . 21.95 All Solid Maple A FEW SAMPLES Reg. 12.95 Table Lamps. Drum shades. Brass or Milk Glass Ree 19 95 Cricket Chairs Floral patlrm l.ishl maple 79 50 Round 42" Table Formica rrnler Ralance hardwood 159 50 Rroun l.niince Chair Trushion Low hack .14 95 Floor Lamp. Ruffled shade. Combination brass and maple. . 40 xfifl" Butterfly Table 9fi" Kxtensinn Rre. 139 95 37.95 Cobbler's Table FROM A ..... 795 397, 7995 2695 112" 29 95 Wing Back Brown Print Chair. Regular 159 95 149 50 Foam Rubber Mattress and Matching Spring. Floor sample. . Maple Arm Paveno. Tweed cover. Regular 179 95 199 95 Armless Hid A Bed Simmons Green Tweed . 50" fi drawer Dresser and Mirror Diamondizcd finish. Solid maple .. 5fi" 9drawer Dresser and Mirror. Solid maple. Piamondized. 259.95 Tin Tweed Sofa 95 99" 129" 14995 139 154M .199.95 01 COLONLL FURNITURE 174) So. Coanmial IN THE CANDALARIA SHOPPING DISTRICT WE GIVE 'K GREEN STAMPS Plenty of Fret Parking Space Open Mon. & Fri. Evenings to 9 p.m. Charge Accounts Monthly Payments